#Mario Donatone
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gbhbl · 11 months ago
Horror Movie Review: Phenomena (1985)
Jennifer arrives at a boarding school, where someone is kidnapping and murdering girls. After her roommate Sophie is killed, Jennifer uses her telepathic connection to insects to find the killer.
Phenomena is a 1985 Italian giallo-horror film directed and co-written by Dario Argento. After missing a bus in the Swiss countryside, a 14-year-old Danish tourist, Vera Brandt, tries looking for help. She comes across a cottage and is attacked and beheaded by a stranger. Eight months later, her case is being inspected by forensic entomologist John McGregor and Inspector Rudolf Geiger of the…
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dare-g · 7 months ago
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Hajji Washington (1983)
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emilianobertelli · 1 year ago
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perfettamentechic · 2 years ago
14 aprile … ricordiamo …
14 aprile … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2020: Mario Donatone, all’anagrafe Mario Giacinto Donatone, attore italiano.  (n. 1933) 2019: Bibi Andersson, Berit Elisabeth Andersson, attrice svedese. (n. 1935) 2018: Isabella Biagini, all’anagrafe Concetta Biagini, attrice cinematografica, showgirl e imitatrice italiana. (n. 1943) 2014: Leila Durante, o anche Ducci, attrice italiana. Figlia dell’attore e poeta romano Checco Durante e…
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teatroarciliuto · 5 years ago
Teatro Arciliuto | Sabato 21 settembre 2019 nel Salotto Musicale Clorinda feat. Mario Donatone
Teatro Arciliuto | Sabato 21 settembre 2019 nel Salotto Musicale Clorinda feat. Mario Donatone
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(@TeatroArciliuto) (@Arciliutopress) (@atuttosocial) (@promosocialit)
Sabato 21 settembre 2019, a partire dalle ore 20:30, nel Salotto Musicale del Teatro Arciliuto, in concerto Clorinda feat. Mario Donatone per dare vita ad un concerto all’insegna dello JAZZ – SWING con Clorinda, voce, Mario Donatone, pianoforte, Davide Bertolone, basso, Ermanno Marcangeli, batteria. (more…)
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persinsala · 8 years ago
John Wick - Capitolo 2
John Wick – Capitolo 2
Un film d’azioni tonitruante nella messinscena e prevedibile nello svolgimento narrativo, privo di qualunque motivo d’interesse. (more…)
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giallofever2 · 5 years ago
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Assassinio sul Tevere
Also Known As (AKA)
Spain (long title) Nico en El asesino del Tíber
Spain El asesino del Tíber
USA Assassination on the Tiber
West Germany Der Superbulle jagt den Ripper
Russia Убийство на Тибре
Release Dates
Italy 12 October 1979
West Germany 4 February 1983
Directed by Bruno Corbucci
Music by Carlo Rustichelli
technical specifications
Runtime 1 hr 36 min (96 min)
Tomas Milian: Nico Giraldi
Marina Lante della Rovere/Marina Ripa di Meana: Eleonora Ruffini
Roberta Manfredi: Angela Santi
Bombolo: Venticello
Maurizio Gueli: Bonardi
Marino Masè: Nardelli
Enzo Liberti: Er Pinna
Angelo Pellegrino: Canuti
Enrico Luzi: ingegner Moretti
Alberto Farnese: Manfredo Ruffini
Massimo Vanni: brigadiere Gargiulo
Sergio Sinceri: Amedeo Secchi
John P. Dulaney: Ballarin
Renato Mori: commissario Galbiati
Marcello Martana: vicecommissario Trentini
Mario Donatone: Sabatucci
Leo Gavero: deputato Laurenzi
Ennio Antonelli: custode dell'obitorio
Marco Tulli: brigadiere
Maurizio Gueli: Giuliano Bonardi
Andrea Aureli: giudice presidente della corte #assassiniosultevere #tomasmilian #bombolo #robertamanfredi #marinalantedellarovere #marinaripadimeana #brunocorbucci #poliziotteschi #poliziottesco #poliziottescoallitaliana #spaghetticrime #italianpoliziottesco #giallofilm #giallo #giallomovies #horrornights #giallohorror #italianmovie #darioargento #italiangiallo #giallofest #70shorror #italiancinema #cinemaitaliano #italianhorror #giallofever #gialloallitaliana #gialli #gialloitaliano #giallodrama
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downloadarmy · 3 years ago
Christmas Holidays
Christmas holidays on the snow of Cortina D’Ampezzo. Mario, a guy from Rome who has not much money, falls in love with the American Samantha, the girlfriend of hypochondriac Roberto. Billo, a singer and a playboy, meets Ivana: she’s married with a rich man, Donatone, but in the past she had a flirt with Billo, who wants to reignite the flame.
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docrotten · 4 years ago
Phenomena (1985) – Episode 168 – Decades of Horror 1980s
"We call them the eight squadrons of death. First, comes the common fly. Lays its eggs in the rotting corpse and thus the cycle begins.” Leave it to Donald Pleasence to deliver a line like that. Join your faithful Grue-Crew - Bill Mulligan, Chad Hunt, Crystal Cleveland, and Jeff Mohr -  as they survive another trip inside the mind of Dario Argento by way of Phenomena (1985).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 168 – Phenomena (1985)
A young girl, with an amazing ability to communicate with insects, is transferred to an exclusive Swiss boarding school, where her unusual capability might help solve a string of murders.
Director: Dario Argento
Writers: Dario Argento, Franco Ferrini
Jennifer Connelly as Jennifer Corvino
Daria Nicolodi as Frau Brückner
Dalila Di Lazzaro as Headmistress
Patrick Bauchau as Inspector Rudolf Geiger
Donald Pleasence as Professor John McGregor
Tanga as Inga
Fiore Argento as Vera Brandt
Federica Mastroianni as Sophie
Gaspare Capparoni as Karl
Fiorenza Tessari as Gisela Sulzer
Mario Donatone as Morris Shapiro
Michele Soavi as Kurt, Geiger's assistant
Davide Marotta as Frau Brückner's son
Take Dario Argento’s third film in the 1980s, the second film in Jennifer Connelly’s career, add Daria Nicolodi and Donald Pleasence and what do you get? The answer is Phenomena, not the best but certainly not the worst of Argento’s films. Phenomena features a chimpanzee as a key character and Bill reveals his well-founded fear of chimpanzees. On the other hand, Jeff really dug the image of the chimpanzee wielding a shiny straight razor and bearing its teeth with glee. Chad says he rented the videocassette of Phenomena for no other reason than it included music by Iron Maiden and Motörhead. On the other hand, Crystal thought the music by Motörhead and Iron Maiden doesn’t fit and pulled her out of the film. All hands agree that Phenomena is definitely worth a watch.
We learned of Daria Nicolodi's passing after the recording of this episode and before it was scheduled to be published. During the episode, Bill Mulligan emphatically proclaims his love for her as an actor and a writer. We will most assuredly have much more to say about her in the future.
As of this writing, Phenomena is available to stream on Shudder and Amazon Prime, and as physical media on a Blu-ray from Synapse Films.   
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Crystal, will be Pumpkinhead (1988), directed by Stan Winston and starring Lance Henrickson.
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans:  leave them a message or leave a comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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ercoleammiraglia · 5 years ago
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Addio Mario 🙏🏻🎭 #ilPadrino (Parte III) https://www.spettacolo.eu/morto-attore-mario-donatone (presso Teatro) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_BHc9GnqrP/?igshid=1a6iqnvbze2dd
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koufax73 · 5 years ago
Barbara Eramo, "Emisferi": recensione e streaming
Barbara Eramo, “Emisferi”: recensione e streaming
Barbara Eramo è una cantante e autrice tarantina. La sua carriera musicale inizia in Puglia col gruppo Mimesis e come vocalist nei concerti di Mimmo Cavallo; una volta trasferitasi a Roma durante una jam session in un club romano conosce il pianista cantante Mario Donatone. Grazie a lui Barbara entra a far parte di un quartetto vocale di musica Spiritual e Gospel, il Quartetto Spiritual di Roma.…
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infosannio · 6 years ago
Roma, Teatro Trastevere: evento musicale fuori stagione "Mario Donatone & World Spirit Orchestra in Black History"
Roma, Teatro Trastevere: evento musicale fuori stagione “Mario Donatone & World Spirit Orchestra in Black History”
L’Associazione Culturale Teatro Trastevere è lieta di presentare e promuovere un Eccezionale ed Unico Evento Musicale.
Dal 25 al 30 dicembre Ore 21:00
26 e 30 repliche anche pomeridiane alle 17:00
Ingresso 15 euro
Mario Donatone –…
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peppenardelliblr · 8 years ago
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Con Salvatore Misticone e Mario Donatone
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perfettamentechic · 4 years ago
14 aprile … ricordiamo …
14 aprile … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic #felicementechic #lynda
2020: Mario Donatone, all’anagrafe Mario Giacinto Donatone, attore italiano. Nato a Tripoli, in Libia, visse quasi sempre in Italia. Pur se ancora non accreditato, iniziò la sua carriera d’attore nel 1951. Numerose le partecipazioni a serie televisive. Malato da tempo, è morto all’età di 86 anni. (n. 1933) 2019: Bibi Andersson, Berit Elisabeth Andersson, attrice svedese. Venne scoperta dal…
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sudeventishow · 8 years ago
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Marco Capuano,Ciro Valletta con l'attore Mario Donatone protagonista del film il padrino e tanti altri film di grande successo (presso Magic Fly Discoteca)
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persinsala · 8 years ago
Serata di beneficenza al Sistina: Il Cassetto dei Ricordi
Serata di beneficenza al Sistina: Il Cassetto dei Ricordi
Lunedì 22 maggio al Teatro Sistina va in scena Il Cassetto dei Ricordi, spettacolo giunto alla sua quinta edizione e organizzato dall’associazione di volontariato Gabriele Viti. (more…)
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