#Marina x reader
somber-sapphic · 5 months
I’ve been laid up in bed all weekend with some chest thing. I think my body is trying to get bronchitis. I just want Maya and Carina to take care of me. Any chance you could write a Marina taking care of reader for me?
Waiting For Morning
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〖Summary: Carina and Maya watch over you while you sleep.〗
〖Word Count: 795〗
〖Pairing: Marina x sick R〗
〖Notes: Hi anon! I'm sorry you're not feeling well :(. Drink lots of fluids, rest and please go to the doctor if you need to. I hope this helps you feel a little better <3〗
“Maybe we should take them in,” Maya whispered, trying very hard not to disturb you from your fitful slumber. You had finally managed to fall asleep, but it wasn’t restful in the slightest. You were still coughing even in your sleep, it was a wheezy rattling sound that took so much energy out of you. 
She had told you to keep an eye on that cold, Carina had done the same. When they had first started to fuss over you it felt so unnecessary. The common cold was something you could brush off. Until it wasn't. Something about this cold had been different, you hadn’t thought much about the clinging cough but when the fever struck you knew something was wrong. 
“No, not yet. They need to rest. We’ll keep an eye on their breathing and temperature, if it gets worse we can take them.” Carina replied, shifting ever so slightly to help you get more comfortable. She had surrendered herself as a living body pillow hours ago, abandoning the nice dinner that she had been attempting to cook. 
Maya didn’t seem convinced; her face had been pinched into a concerned expression since you had started to deteriorate and she refused to leave your side. While you clung to Carina she clung to you, worried that something would go wrong the second she took her eyes off you. 
“They’ve been getting worse!” Maya hissed, tucking strands of hair behind your ear, periodically brushing a thumb against your cheek. 
It was something she’d started to do after you’d had a nightmare and she picked up the habit after noticing how well it calmed you down. Now, whenever you were stressed, had a bad dream, or were sick she’d stroke your cheekbone and brush your hair behind your ear. The combination always worked. 
You stirred, waking to a coughing fit that just couldn’t be ignored. You curled yourself into a ball and coughed into Carina’s side, not fully aware of her surroundings. The brunette didn’t protest, she and Maya just rubbed your back and waited for the fit to pass. 
When you finally pealed your eyes open with a small sniffle you looked up into the face of the doctor who smiled back at you. For a moment you considered apologizing but you were too tired. You knew she didn’t care anyway so apologizing wouldn’t matter. 
“Hello, my love. How are you feeling?” You grunted in response and shrugged, rolling to your other side to face Maya. The blonde kissed your forehead and the tip of your nose, doing her best to make you smile. It worked, it always worked. Even when she was stressed Maya could always make you smile. 
“Time’sit?” You croaked, pulling yourself up onto your elbows. The small movement made you dizzy, and you regretted whatever urge decided that you needed to move in the first place. Your whole body hurt, your lungs aching alongside the rest of your muscles. 
“A little past two in the morning. Can you tell us how you’re feeling?” Maya asked moving closer, to help prop you up. You leaned against her and shrugged again, already letting your eyes shut for another moment.
“Not great. Why’re you guys still up?” You reached blindly for Carina, hitting her lightly until you found her hand to hold. Her hands were soft and warm in contrast to Maya’s calloused palms. The two were polar opposites, sometimes it surprised you that they managed not to kill each other at the beginning of your relationship. 
“It’s hard to sleep when someone you love is sick,” Carina said, cringing at her words. “God that was corny, wasn’t it?” Maya laughed and your lips quirked up in a smile. It was corny, but you loved it. 
“It was pretty bad.” You admitted, lowering yourself back against the pillows. This time you dragged Maya with you so that you were sandwiched more comfortably between your girlfriends. You sniffled tiredly and shivered, your discomfort reemerging. 
Carina brought the blanket up over your shoulders and Maya kissed your shoulder, both of them doing the best they could to help you feel better. 
“If you aren’t breathing better in the morning we’re going to Grey Sloan.” The brunette decided, her anxiety winning over what she knew was likely something that could clear up on its own. She was okay with being overprotective when it came to you. Maya nodded her agreement, but you had already started to fall asleep again, not noticing her reaction. 
“Get some rest for now. We’ll see how you’re doing in the morning.” The firefighter wrapped an arm around your waist, spooning you against Carina. The three of you lay like that in a warm cocoon, your girlfriends joining you in sleep only moments later. 
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upat4amwiththemoon · 6 months
I’m not sure if you’re taking requests, but if you are…Reader is the child of Maya and Carina. R is feeling a bit neglected by their moms. Missing events, pulling crazy hours at work, not really being there for Reader. R tries to confront Maya and Carina, but they don’t know what to do about crazy schedules. They work really hard to make reader feel more secure and loved by them. If you’re not taking requests, then please ignore this.
Time management
Summary: Showing up matters.
Pairing: Marina x daughter!reader
Warnings: a pinch of angst
Word count: 2075
a/n: what do you mean some of these are based on my experiences?? You can’t prove that!
masterlists | guidelines
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Y/N takes a few deep breaths as she waits for her turn in the backstage area. She’s going through her lines in her head, making sure she won’t forget anything once she steps on the small stage, even though this isn’t the opening night.
She has been part of a youth theatre group for over two years now, and this is the first time she has gotten the lead role. Her nerves are high, but so is her excitement. This is a big moment for her, she is proud of herself, and she really hopes her moms will be proud of her too.
As her costar finishes their line, Y/N rolls her shoulders back, straightens her posture, and walks out to the stage. She starts speaking her lines to the audience, not yet acknowledging the other actor on the stage, this is her character’s inner monologue.
Her eyes scan over the crowd of people as discreetly as possible. There isn’t one empty chair in the room. This play became fairly popular after getting a spot in the local newspaper. She showed the page to her moms, practically glowing with pride. Her face isn’t showing any changes, but her mind is turning blue. Her mothers aren’t here. It is the last show, and her mothers aren’t here.
Still, she continues on. And she does wonderfully. All the teens come up to the stage at the end and take a bow as they listen to the applause with wide smiles. Someone’s parent brought everyone flowers, and it makes Y/N bitter, but she smiles and thanks them, her grip tight on the bouquet.
After changing out of her costume and packing her things, Y/N walks back home. It’s only a fifteen minute walk, so she is unlocking the front door by no time.
“I’m home!” She yells out, shutting the door and throwing her keys on the table in the hallway. “Anybody here?” Kicking off her shoes, she walks deeper into the house, only to find it empty.
Y/N sighs and walks into her room. She should’ve expected this. Both of her moms have demanding jobs, they won’t be able to attend to all of her achievements..or any of them.
This is just how it is.
Y/N’s hand shakes as she holds onto a piece of paper. It’s already crumbled by her grip, but she makes sure the text in it is still readable. Her body continues moving slightly, either from nerves or the uncomfortable feeling of the hard plastic chair she is sitting on.
She lets out a quiet sigh. Her turn is coming up. Soon, she will have to get up in front of all her peers and their parents, and give a speech that she wrote. Of course, Y/N accepted this responsibility when her teacher came up to her and said they believe her to be the best person for the job. And who is Y/N to say no to that? An adult figure comes to her and gives her a compliment, basically telling her they’re proud of her. She craves that. She needs it.
A round of applause brings her back to the moment. The teacher in front of the microphone is looking at her with a smile on their face, they’re signaling it’s her turn next.
Taking a deep breath, she straightens her posture and listens to the teacher’s introduction of her. After it, she stands up and walks in front of the microphone, thanking them for this opportunity.
Her eyes glance over everyone in the room. She doesn’t see her moms, but Y/N doesn’t panic. They have to be in the back, maybe they got in late, she reminded them of this event too many times for them to not show up.
She unwraps her paper and places it on the stand. “Good morning, students and parents. I’m thankful to be up here today, especially when knowing my school days are minimal.” She smiles. “The last months of school are scary, I’m sure many of my peers agree, there’s so much uncertainty in change. What am I supposed to do after? Where do I go? Who am I?”
Y/N takes a deep breath, “I don’t know what I want to do with my future. The fear of not being or doing something great debilitates me, because wouldn’t it be a waste of a life if I never did something memorable.” Her eyes stay on the audience, only occasionally glancing down at her paper. She has memorized this speech. “My moms change lives everyday, one of them is a firefighter and the other is an OB-GYN, she literally brings new life into this world.” She giggles quietly, though her worries are growing by the minute. Her moms are nowhere to be seen.
“You’d think that with parents like that, my need to change the world would be bigger. But they’re actually the reason why they shrink every day. They tell me that life isn’t about doing something big and great that future generations will remember you for. It’s about love, friends, family, the goodness of your heart, it’s about making yourself proud.” Y/N turns the page around. “My mother Maya tells me to imagine being with little me and telling her about my life. Would she be happy? Would her eyes shine in wonder because she knows I haven’t forgotten her?”
Swallowing, her eyes cast down. She’s gripping the sides of the paper tighter now. Her moms aren’t here. “I would like to say yes. Because even though I haven’t always done the right thing, she would still hug me and tell me it’s okay, because I’m still me, no matter what. You know why?” She looks at the audience with a lopsided smile, “because even though I can’t always recognize my reflection in the mirror, my laugh is still the same horrible cackle I had as a kid.” There are some laughs in the audience, especially from her friends, who have heard her laugh before.
“So, change is scary and you’ll probably never figure out who you truly are. But that’s okay, the little kid you imagine sitting next to you knows, and they think you’re pretty great.” Y/N folds her paper and gives the audience a bright smile. “Thank you again for giving me this opportunity, I hope you all have a great day, and remember to stay true to yourself.” The audience starts clapping and Y/N walks back to her seat.
“That was awesome!” One of her friends whispers, holding her arm with so much excitement.
“My moms aren’t here.” Is the only thing Y/N whispers back.
“Oh shit,” her friend frowns, “I’m sorry.”
She shrugs and gives her a small smile. “It doesn’t matter.” With that, she turns back to the teacher who has gone back to the microphone.
It’s already two in the night and Y/N is still up. She is sitting on the couch, watching the television while she waits for her moms to come back home from work. They wouldn’t like her being awake this late, but she doesn’t care. She is angry, and sad, and she needs to yell to someone, preferably her moms.
The front door opens quietly after twenty minutes, it’s her moms trying to come in without waking up sleeping Y/N. Their steps sound slow and sluggish, but they’re still giggling together. Somehow it angers Y/N even more.
“What are you still doing up?” Maya is the first one to come to the living room, though Carina is right behind her. “Is everything okay?” She drops her bag down to the floor before sitting on the other couch.
“Where were you?”
Carina looks confused, “we were at work, mia cara.”
Y/N scoffs, “my school event was today.” She states, glaring at her mothers. “You know, the one where I held a speech that I wrote. I reminded you about it like a million times!”
“Oh, honey,” Maya sighs, “we told you we’d try to get out of work for it, but you know how our jobs are.” She looks genuinely remorseful, but none of that matters to Y/N at this moment.
“It doesn’t look like you tried hard enough. I first told you about it months ago! They couldn’t give you one day off with that much notice?”
“Do you think we wanted to miss it?”
“Well it sure looks like you didn’t care about it, or me for that matter.”
Carina tries to speak up, but Y/N doesn’t let her speak, “no! I do think you wanted to miss this, I think you’ve wanted to miss every single event I’m in. You know why?” Her brows are raised as she stands up. “I don’t remember what the last important event of mine was where you actually showed up. You’ve missed all of my plays, my school events, sports games, everything. You’re never there! Nor are you ever here. You guys never have time to talk to me, or, or help me with my homework.” Her speech is starting to get faster and tears are starting to gather in her eyes. “I doubt you even know what’s going on with my life anymore!”
Maya and Carina try to defend themselves, but nothing comes out of their mouths. Y/N is right. Even they can’t remember the last time they spent proper quality time with their daughter.
“So what’s your excuse, huh? You don’t care about me anymore? You don’t want me anymore?” She shrugs, sniffling quietly. “I’d rather know than wonder why my moms don’t make time for me anymore.”
The hurt and vulnerability in her voice breaks Maya and Carina’s heart. Their daughter should never have to doubt their love for her. “I’m so sorry, love.” Maya stands up, taking a few steps forward. “We’re both so sorry. We just- I guess we didn’t realize how much time we were spending at work.”
Carina stands up and pulls Y/N into an embrace, which she resist at first, but gives up and leans in right after. “I’m sorry, mia cara, I’m sorry. You’re my baby and I love you more than anything else in the world.” Carina whispers, tears falling down her cheeks. “You’re right, we haven’t been very good moms lately, but I promise you that will change, okay? We will do better.” She pulls away, setting her palms on both of Y/N’s cheeks to look at her face. She can’t stand seeing it with such a painful expression, especially one that she caused.
“You’re just saying that.” Y/N’s voice is more quiet now, her anger having turned to sadness.
“We’re not.” Maya states with a firm tone, setting her hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “We will start taking days off work, you’re more important. Do you think you could hold your speech for us now?”
Y/N shakes her head, looking down. “I don’t think I want to, not today at least.”
“Okay,” Maya frowns but she understands, “some other day then.”
“Yeah,” biting the inside of her cheek, Y/N wipes the wetness off of her cheeks, “do you think I could sleep in your bed this night?”
“Yes, yes, of course.” Carina wraps one of her arms around Y/N as the three of them start walking towards the master bedroom.
They change into their pajamas and do the rest of their evening routine in silence. Y/N is the first one to climb onto the bed, already getting under the covers while her mothers whisper in the bathroom. She’s already half asleep when they turn off the lights and limb onto the bed, sandwiching her.
Carina starts playing with Y/N’s hair while Maya wraps her arms around her. “We love you so so much, you know that, right?” Her voice is quiet, not wanting to disturb her.
“Usually,” Y/N’s eyes are already closed, “but sometimes I doubt it. I really love you guys too.” She whispers.
Maya tightens her hold at the words. They pain her, but she doesn’t have anyone else to blame but herself. “We’ll make sure to remind you everyday.” The two women kiss Y/N’s forehead, saying their goodnights when they notice their daughter’s tiredness.
In their heads, they both vow to make Y/N feel more loved and cared for than she ever has.
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lefarte · 1 month
Marina is so neglected in the xreader scene, could you do something for her? (F reader lets go lesbians!)
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There are multiple requests for Marina in my inbox rn ladies love Marina
tags: warning for alcohol, ok so as a general rule I only do GN reader but I made this one more feminine 4 u
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“What is that?”
Marina pressed the bottle towards you with a big grin. “It’s vodka, dummy.”
You pursed your lips. “It’s nine in the morning.”
“I like to party, moje láska…” She giggled.
You rolled your eyes and took the glass bottle out of her hands. You swished the bottle of garbage-vodka a bit to find it was already half empty, or perhaps more like two thirds of the way empty. What had put you at pause was that the rim of the bottle was coated with sweet-scented pink lip gloss. The culprit was twirling her hair like a giggling idiot and repeating “mooojeeee láskaaaaa” and “mojeeeeee holkaaaa” as if it was the funniest thing in the world.
You took a sip. “You know, I don’t know what that means.”
She just looked at your bubblegum-stained lips with a big stupid grin. “Aha….”
You pretended to ignore her teasing. “I never thought I’d see you speak your mother tongue.”
“It was satirical!” She scrunched up her nose pridefully, almost looking a bit shy. “I was being wry and… and facetious!!”
“Your wit is sharp as ever.” You nodded.
Without warning, she crawled into your lap like a little bug, and laid her head down on your thighs. You made a little ‘whoa’ noise in response.
“You don’t understand the joke…” she muttered drunkenly. “Don’t understand my jooookeess…. Boooo…”
“You’re drunk as a skunk.”
“Drunk as a skunk.” She parroted.
You took another small sip. It burned in your throat. “Explain the joke to me, then.”
She started to twiddle her thumbs, like she was embarassed. “It was this song my dad used to listen to on the radio all the time… I freaking hated it…. There was this guy, and he was like… uh… Ó, lásky mé, čas mě táhne k vám… Váš smích i pláč měl jsem rád a mám…”
You brushed her hair out of her mouth. “I’ve never heard that song. And also, you’re slurring your words so much that I can’t understand you.”
“I’m drunk as a skunk.” Her embarrassment was as gone as soon as it came, and she was grinning up at you again. “Drunk as a skunk. Ahaha!”
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Hi!! How are you fellow ace person? I came across your blog recently and um in love! Could I request some fluffy headcanons for Marina from Fear and Hunger with a male S/O? Preferably in a scenario after the ending where everyone survives the Termina festival? Thank you <33
Ps. Love your writing style! have a nice day/night :]
Hello fellow Ace Person! I am doing well! And you most certainly can request some! Also, thanks for the compliment! I do try and hold myself to a particular standard of quality.
(I wish there were more high quality Marina .Png's)
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Marina Dolmek sat on the living room sofa with her arms crossed and a scowl carved onto her face as she glared at the coffee table.
Oh how she despised those nightmares of hers.
Still… it’s to be expected after… everything that happened in Prehevil.
The things she saw in that place were going to stick with her for the rest of her life.
Everyone in her little family of mutually adopted crazies would say the same.
Even now, as she looked out the window, she could see the lights in their homes flicker.
Marina was happy.
It had been five years since Prehevil by this point.
Their group had rode the rails for days, until the train ran out of coal to keep itself fueled.
Then they got out, and walked.
And walked.
And walked.
Eventually, they came to this place.
It was small, and out of the way but still had modern amenities with it being semi close to a port city.
After learning that, it was decided.
Everyone called for what living family they had.
Getting Marcoh’s sister was perhaps the most… complicated of the retrievals…
However, it wasn’t anything they couldn’t handle.
Especially with Levi having an actual marksman rifle as opposed to some beat up, barely functioning pistol.
But, despite how much her and Marcoh’s sister hit it off talking about girly things, that was not what she enjoyed most about getting her out here.
That honor goes to her meeting you when their group got back.
She admits she doesn’t remember much about what happened.
As it turns out, using the magic of a new god called “The Tormented One” a bit too much can cause some… backlash.
Nothing too bad…
Just her feeling like her skin is being flayed off, her blood boiling, and her skull is being cracked open by massive fists.
Still, Marina was a tough girl, and she only screamed a little…
Okay, a lot.
Nonetheless, after she felt normal again, she woke up to see the person who took care of her the entire time she was… indisposed.
That person was you.
From there, she took an interest in you.
She didn’t know why.
Mayhaps the dredges of the long dead Sylvian brought the two of you together?
If so, she would have to thank her in some way.
And maybe do the same for the Tormented One, if a bit spitefully.
“Can’t sleep?” your groggy voice shook Marina out of her thoughts.
“Not really, sorry if I woke you.” Marina responded.
“Hmmh.” you grunted in response as you sat next to her, placing your head on her shoulder.
“Marina?” You muttered.
“Yes?” Marina responded.
“I love you.” You told her drowsily.
“Awww! I love you too!” Marina cooed, happy you were probably too asleep to notice the blush on her face.
You were not.
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maxslibrary · 1 year
Marina x Octoling reader (before octo expansion) where they meet and they just bond over being Octolings? Like nobody knows that Octolings aren’t Inklings so I think it’d be really cool with they could just bond about that type of stuff! Sorry i don’t know how to put my thoughts into words 😭
A different kind of Inkfish (Marina x Octoling!Reader)
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You were sitting outside of Crusty Sean's food truck, you stared at the menu as you felt eyes on you. Sweat dripped from your head as you adjusted your hat, making sure your rounded ears couldn't be seen. You were surprised you've gotten away with it for so long. Suddenly, however you saw an Inkling staring at your hair, tilting their head ever so curiously.
"Your hair.." The inkling spoke up. Oh GOD. This is it you're gonna be exposed as an octoling and be sent back it's SO OVER-
"I love how exotic it is!" The inkling smiled "How did you get your suction cups to appear on the outside like that?"
"It's uh.." you felt your throat get dry "It's a species thing."
You weren't TECHICALLY lying.
"OH COOL! Nice to see a squid with cool features! Keep being fresh!" The inkling beamed as they walked off.
You let out a sigh as you placed a drink ticket on the table. With a smile, Sean took your food ticket and got to work. Pressing your back against the food cart, you let out a breath. You could finally relax..
Just then, however you saw as a figure approached you. She had a pair of clunky headphones, cyan fingertips, and a leather jacket. But the thing you INSTANTLY took notice of was the suction cups on the outside of her locks.
You almost fell over in shock and she noticed. Then she noticed the same suction cups on your hair. There was at least a solid minute of you two just staring at each other.. at this that's what it felt like. You had heard of Marina but you never expected to meet her in person.
"Ah! I uh.." Marina scanned over your outfit and noticed a squid sisters pin "A fellow Squid Sisters fan! Fresh! We should totally sit together!" trying to subtly hint something.
You got what she was laying down and proceeded to nod.
You two grabbed your drinks and sat down, a little bit away from the inklings, enough that they wouldn't overhear anything. Marina checked around before looking at you with her emerald eyes.
"Okay so.. you're an octoling, right?" You whispered, pointing at her suction cups.
"YES!" She said with a hint of relief, she fiddled with her headphones.
There was a collective sigh between you two as you slouched your backs a bit. Marina fiddled with her straw, trying to think of what to talk about first.
"It's so nice to meet a fellow octoling!" Marina smiled at you, her fangs showing off in the daylight.
"Me too! It's been so hard just.. lying that I'm a different species of squid." You tapped your hand against your plastic cup, excitedly.
"Do you get people saying your hair looks exotic?" Marina points out.
"ALL. THE TIME." You laughed a bit.
You two exchanged some conversations about being and Octoling and the struggles of having to adjust to inkopolis. You found yourselves with a pair of empty cups, still sitting at the picnic table.
Marina looked at her phone and her eyes widened "Oh ink I gotta dash!". She rubbed the back of her neck, not wanting to stop talking to you.
You nodded "Alright!". You were a little sad that the conversation was ending but it looked like Marina had an idea.
The cyan octoling looked left and right and looked around in her pockets and grabbed a napkin. She then proceeded to get out a pen and wrote.. was that her number?
"Here! It's always nice to talk to a fellow squid sisters fan.." Marina handed you the napkin and winked.
You grabbed the napkin as you watched Marina walk away. As you got up and walked in another direction, you felt less alone in Inkopolis.
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byte-your-tongue · 22 days
omg hallo!!! i saw your deep cut x reader post and wanted to send a request if that’s ok! very specific list coming through!
could i perhaps request some headcanons of a chubby reader x one of the idols (Callie, Marie, Pearl, Marina, Shiver, Frye) or Acht, or Tao Blu?
Or perhaps all of them? /nf (i know this is a lot so this is only if you want to!!!)
Whoever you feel like writing, surprise me!
If not, totally okay! I hope this isn’t too demanding and I hope you have a good day/night :D
Splatoon Idols x Chubby Reader
(Romantic, GN Reader)
AN: thank you so much for the request!!! i hope you have a great day/night too :3 I ended up only doing the idols, sorry!! Anon requested this to be romantic, so it is! I also ended up including some general relationships hcs as well.
TW: Mentions of ED stuff and body isecurity(because i've struggled with both of those before and wanted to include them)
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She would love you no matter what you look like.
She thinks you are the cutest thing ever!!!
She is really into fashion and likes to take you shopping to pick out clothes for you. If you have trouble finding clothes that match your style in your size she will pay to get stuff tailored just for you. No price is too high for her adorable partner to look even cuter <3
If you are insecure about certain parts of your body she doesn't really get it but is willing to work with you to pick clothes that hide certain things or accentuate others.
She loves your tummy. She will kiss it and blow raspberries on it. She is a very goofy inkling and loves you lots.
She loves your thighs too. She wants to lay her head in your lap and take a nap. She really just loves cuddling with you. Expect a lot of cuddles on the couch, in bed, anywhere really. And she falls asleep super easy in your presence as well.
This girl is military trained, has the stamina of an idol, and her weapon of choice is a massive roller she swings around like it weighs nothing. She can and will pick you up. She will pick you up and kiss all over your face while giggling.
If you are ever insecure about eating too much, she will never judge you. This girlie loves food and is constantly muching on something. If you have a bad relationship with food she would be very sweet and work to repair it slowly with you.
She doesn't even notice or care. It doesn't cross her mind at all that you look any different than anyone else. She doesn't pay attention to appearances most of the time.
She loves having her partners sit on her lap, and you are no exception. Get on there. If you worry about hurting her she will just pull you onto her lap and wrap her arms around your middle, probably leaving you a blushing mess.
Marie has mastered the art of glaring, and will send a look that could kill to anyone who dares to make a comment about how you look.
Marie is naturally less active then her cousin and probably worked hard to stay thin back when she was younger, working hard to be the ideal idol she thought her fans wanted to see. So if you are ever insecure or potentially have a bad relationship with your own body/food/exercise she will understand and is very supportive of you. Marie has been there and she is always going to stand by you and support you.
Marie loves nothing more than lazy days where you both stay home and chill. Play video games, read, or just chill with her. Anything is fine as long as you two are in each others presence.
Usually doesn't want the media to be all up in her face about y'alls relationship but she does take a bit of pride in bringing you to events and such.
This girl is so in love with you. She is obsessed. She fawns over you so hard and views you as a literal goddess. It never once crosses her mind that you might be insecure in any way.
To Marina, you are the prettiest person to ever exist and to change anything about you would be sacrilegious.
But if you ever need reassurance, she will shower you with endless compliments. She will kiss every inch of your skin, praising you as she goes.
If you have a hard time with food, she's there to work with you. She has trouble with food for sensory issue reasons, so it may not be for the same reason you do, but she will try to help. She is a total nerd and knows how to balance a diet so you get enough nutrition, regardless of what your brain tells you is "healthy" to eat or not.
If you have any stretch marks she thinks they are so pretty, she will run her fingers along them and kiss them. She is enamoured by your body and every single blemish or freckle on it is something she wants to memorize.
She is known for staying up too late, but she loves cuddling with you. So all you have to do to get her to come to bed is invite her to lay with you.
And if she's tired during the day from pulling another all nighter? Let her rest her head in your soft lap and she will be in heaven.
Pearl may be tinier than you in every sense of the word, but you have never felt more secure anywhere than by her side.
Pearl is like a terrifying dog you can sick on people. She is feral and if anyone so much as says one bad things about the way you look she is destroying them mind, body, and soul. She will diss them so hard they never want to show their face ever again. And you may have to restrain her from physically attacking them as well.
Pearl loves lazy days with you where y'all just chill at home and do whatever. But she also loves going out with you as well! Pearl will gift you expensive clothes, jewelry, etc and take you out and show you off. She's so proud to have you as a partner and you are the light of her life.
If you are insecure about the way you look she will be there to support you.
She's like a little chihuahua who thinks it can do anything, and as her partner you get to stand by her side and watch her take on the whole world.
Pearl makes you feel small. No matter how big your energy is, hers is 100x bigger. She will be the "Excuse me, they asked for no pickles" for you if you need. Social anxiety fears HER.
If you have extra fat on your face she likes to squish your cheeks. She just likes touching your face and admiring it.
She is another who likes to see you in pretty outfits.
Shiver is actually really attracted to your body type. She would love you no matter how you look, but she thinks your softness and curves are the prettiest thing she's ever seen.
She's literally obsessed with the way tight clothes hug you. You are so pretty she can't take her eyes off of you.
She is 100% showing you off to the media(as long as you don't mind!) She leaves no questions about your relationship, her hand is always somewhere on you. She sees a camera pointed at you two and she pulls you to her by the waist and kisses you deeply.
She would be the kind of person who likes to hand feed her partner food, she just thinks seeing you happy as you bite into your favorite food is the best thing ever to her.
Just let her take care of everything for you. Let her take you shopping and pick out clothes for you, dressing you up in pretty little outfits and paying for everything.
If you have any stretch marks she loves running her fingers over them and feeling the different texture compared to the rest of your skin.
She gets jealous easily and can sometimes be worried you don't like her anymore. Underneath all her gracefulness and passive aggression, she really is a little bit pathetic. Give her a kiss and tell her you love her and she'll be back to the happy shark you know and love <3
If you are ever insecure, she is so ready to tell you to be nicer to herself. No one is allowed to be mean to her partner, not even you!
If anyone ever makes a comment on your looks, she is going right for the throat with passive aggressive remarks and rude statements that will shred that person's self esteem. They will need therapy when she's done.
Frye is SO buff. She works out and is in great shape. Best believe this girl can pick you up no matter how much you weigh.
She takes pride in being able to carry you around, she likes showing off how strong she is.
She loves you so much. Frye looks at you with hearts in her eyes and wiggles her long ears and blushes and giggles whenever you walk into a room.
She is so enamoured with you, she loves every single thing you do.
Frye admires you body a lot. Frye is mostly sharp lines with pointy features and lean, muscular frame. But you are so soft and curvy, she thinks you are just the cutest thing around.
She may be a bit clueless sometimes, so if you tell her you have trouble with food/eating her immediate reaction is "BUT FOOD IS SO GOOD HOW CAN YOU DO THAT???"
But once you explain to her why you feel the way you do, she will be very compassionate and sweet.
Frye WILL give you nicknames. They probably start out goofy, ut become genuine. She calls you less than common things (mostly food) like "my little cheesecake" or "my cutie crab cake". Don't question it.
She is fascinated by any stretch marks you have, and she thinks they look like a sick lightning bolt pattern. She might compare you to lightning mcqueen. Whether you find it funny or insulting is up to you, but just know she means it as a very genuine compliment. She thinks he's the epitome of cool.
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starsunderwaterr · 2 years
Sleeping with the Idols + Cap’n 3 + 8! (pt. 1)
Okay for all you dirtballs out there, this is NOT that kind of sleeping. I’m splitting this into 2 parts just because there’s 9 characters including 3 and 8 and I don’t want this post to be as long as my mental disorders
Update: I added more to these babies because my other parts are longer and I wanted it to be fair <3 enjoy loves!!
(Y/N) — your name
(N/N) — nickname
All characters involved are 18+
Minors DNI
Warnings: swearing
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girl is literally the cutest thing ever I stgggg
She has 2 settings when she naps/sleeps
Either she curls into a tight ball and cocoons herself into her corner of the bed
Or she is sprawled out all over taking up all the space
Don’t be surprised if she snags the blankets from you a lot
Or kicks them off
She requires likes when you kiss her forehead before going to sleep or nap because it makes her feel loved
Can get cuddly with you if she’s cold and really needy
Will nuzzle right up to you in tight ball form but will also shove her cold ass feet onto you and startle you awake
Is literally the queen of the burritoed girlfriend trend
Will make you hold her in a blanket burrito to fall asleep sometimes, especially if she’s had a hard day or isn’t feeling too well
Will whine if you don’t snuggle with her (for the most part it’s playful)
Like the princess she is, feed her snacks when she’s cuddled up with you
Girl has it rough enough as is, a little pampering here and there from her favorite person ever (don’t tell Marie) wouldn’t kill her
She will feed you too, because she’s just that much of a sweetheart
After feeding Callie a small cookie, she smiled, grabbing one for you
“Open, hun~” She cooed, and you obliged, rolling your eyes as you ate the sweet treat
“Such a cutie..” She mumbled to herself, making you die
Will occasionally be found in the weirdest sleeping positions ever
You found girlie with her body half off the bed once like she was doing gymnastics and she was unbothered, dreaming away
You had to pick her up and place her on the bed normally because her face was turning bright red PFFTTT—
When you did, this girl straight up wakes up and goes “I was comfortable!” “Babe, you were asphyxiating-” “Well excuse me if I want to be a gymnast when I dream”
Speaking of which, not the first time you’ve had to carry her to bed so she didn’t die
One time, she fell asleep at the recording booth over a bunch of sheet music and almost banged her head on a huge amplifier
Secretly loves when you carry her to bed bridal style and just melts into you
Wraps her arms around your neck and plays with the hairs on the nape of your neck and gives you a look with the most love ever
Overall, a needy lil baby, who’s a lil concerning, but so adorable
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Miss Marie man
She’s typically a side sleeper, so she really enjoys when your hands are on her waist or wrapped around
Doesn’t always like to cuddle but when she’s in the mood she’s very into it
Also loves to be the big spoon
She’ll literally hold you as you’re passed out on her chest, rubbing your head with one hand and will be reading a book or something with the other hand LMFAOO
Would literally do taxes with you asleep on her LMFAOO
When she’s needy, she loves to be kissed all over her face and held tightly
She will bury her face in your shirt and hug you so tight, like you’re going to disappear
It’s a side of her that not even Callie has seen, and don’t you dare tell a soul about it because she’s never this vulnerable with anyone
Typically doesn’t move much during sleep but will say some funny stuff from time to time
It’s because she’s so stressed, poor baby
One time, at a sleepover with you, her, and Callie, she went on a whole rant about why her charger should get a full course meal
You and Callie couldn’t breathe from how adamant she was about it
“*loud groan* Ugh, someone get me my charger!”
You and Callie, who were laying down in your sleeping bags, exchanged a look with each other before looking back to Marie
You had to be sure you were hearing this ish straight bc she was still asleep
“Mmpfh...give him the tuxy driver...the tuxedo driver”
You and Callie were so confused, but you didn’t realize how good it was going to get
“Make sure he has his cape!”
You both looked back at each other and began to laugh, not really understanding what was happening
Out of sheer amusement, you decided to try responding to her to see what would happen
Instant laughter from the both of you, cameras out
“This is not a laughing matter...it’s SERIOUS.” 
Okay, that’s it
You and Callie laughed so hard that you ended up waking up Marie
When she got out of her sleep daze, you both showed her, and she evaporated in shock
That Marie’s breaking point regarding stress LMFAOO
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Wowie it’s the skrunkly creature
She is exactly that when she goes to sleep
Will emerge from thin air and will stand in your doorway at 3 AM in her big ass hoodie demanding she gets in bed with you
Doesn’t care if she scares the shit out of you, she’ll just stand there menacingly until she gets what she wants #richkidcore
You were sleeping soundly, just enjoying your rest when you felt the urge to wake up, you felt like someone was there
When you finally did and sat up, you almost shit your pants
In your doorway stood Pearl, her arms crossed in her oversized hoodie and socks
Her expression was sharp, but her eyes showed you how she really felt
You jumped, holding your chest, “Pearl?! What the hell?!” You had given her the key to her apartment in case she ever needed it, but you didn’t think she would come this late
“I tried texting you and calling you to see if you were up, but you didn’t answer, so I came.” She said, matter-of-factly, making you sigh
If you could SEE you would notice that there was a small smirk on her face
You made a gesture for her to come forward, and like wildfire she ran to you, getting into bed and settling in
Instantly, she hugs you, her arms gripping the fabric of your shirt tightly
You rested your chin on her head, feeling her sigh with content into your neck as she finally relaxed
“You’re such a shrimphead, you know that?” You sighed, giggling a little near the end
Pearl only grumbled, mumbling a “shut up...” somewhere in there
Don’t you dare ask her why, she doesn’t want to explain that she’s needy and wants attention 
Let her come to you unless prompted otherwise
Rub her head, bro
She loves that shit sm but she hates to admit it
If you stop, she’ll grab your hand and put it back so you can continue
And you know damn well that she’ll give you that look too
Usually will wrap her arms around your torso super tight or will climb into your hoodie or shirt and just stay there
Will sleep like that while you do other stuff like go on your laptop or scroll through your phone
Sometimes if she wakes up, she’ll glance at what you’re scrolling and make a comment or will watch videos with you all the while she’s literally underneath your shirt in the crook of your neck
Minding your own business with your skrunkly girlfriend sleeping in your shirt, you scrolled online, watching some random art video
Out of nowhere, you hear a quiet, “I like the colors they used”
You almost shit yourself
You jumped, looking down at her as she smirked up at you like “haha, yeah, I did that, bitch”
Girl knows exactly how to give you heart attacks and your sleep paralysis demons inspiration but she’s adorable and a whole 10/10 
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bruh you ain’t sleeping with Marina, Marina’s sleeping with you—
Girl is almost always the big spoon and is unapologetic about it
She absolutely loves giving physical affection to her loved ones, so if she can hold you from behind or even have you rest on her chest boobies, she’ll be the happiest girl alive
Is the type of girlfriend to ask you how your day has been when you’re getting into bed
If the answer is not a favorable one, she’ll give you a hug and try to get you to open up about it because she genuinely cares
You got into bed, just wanting to go to sleep and get the day over with when you heard the velvety voice of your beloved, “How was your day, (N/N)?”
You glanced over at your girlfriend, feeling tears instantly swell in your eyes
Noticing, Marina’s face grew concerned, and she placed a soft hand on your blanketed thigh, “Are you okay?”
That’s all it took for you to burst into tears and be swooped up in a hug
Made sure that you got your tears out and let you rant out your woes while also giving you plenty of kisses and damn good advice 
Will 100% read you to sleep if you want
Her voice is just,,,HHHGHGHGHGHGH
It’s literally perfect and soft asf, so you’re able to drift off within minutes
Although, her favorite thing you do at bedtime is when she’s reading to you, and she thinks you’re asleep, but then she’ll hear a super sleepy, “Why did you stop? It was getting good...”
With that she will literally smother you and tell you how cute you are there is no denying it
Will always make sure that you’re warm and cozy
She definitely sleeps with a plushie and if you aren’t there, and hugs it when she sleeps because she misses holding you
When you come home from a trip or vice versa, she gets super needy and cuddly because she’s been without her bub for awhile!
Will be borderline sobbing when she can hold you again because you mean that much to her
Literally sleeps like an angel and is always looking her best when she does
You have so many pictures of her saved on you phone of her when she’s been sleeping or napping because she’s just so adorable
When you two were cuddling once, she saw that your lockscreen was a photo of her sleeping in a pile of blankets, the sun hitting her face in the perfect angle
Girl was so flustered she couldn’t speak a proper sentence
Overall, a soft angel who only wants the best for you
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
Can you do Maya and Carina protecting from her past (abusive father like Maya)? Her dad is an alcoholic and one evening she comes into the apartment of the three and tries to get to Reader and while Carina shields her and calls the police, Maya tries to handle the situation because she knows how it feels and 'fights' with him until the police comes. Reader is afraid and crying. Maya then comes back and they both try to calm her down.
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A rainy day in Seattle was coming to an end. You were glad to finally be lying on the couch with your two favorite woman around you and enjoying the togetherness. While Carina and Maya each sat at the end of the couch, you lay across them, your legs resting on the blonde´s thighs and your head dormant on the brunette´s lap as she unnoticed played with your hair.
The background noise of the running TV, the attention that Maya and Carina showed you through small gestures and the warmth that radiated from both, tempted you to close your eyes in relaxation and well-being and to just enjoy having both by your side at the same time - it didn´t happen often, especially when the three of you were on call.
Your heartbeat steadily slowed down, your breathing became more even and your legs grew heavier over time. The soft voices of the brunettes and blondes could only be heard from afar and were foggy - if it weren´t for the sudden and violent banging on the front door and the yelling of your name, you might have thought you were about to fall asleep.
Startled, you jumped up from your place between the two and your face showed anything but peace that you had felt before. Eyes wide open and looking at the door in panic, you thoughtlessly but frantically grabbed Carina´s thigh to gain security. "Bella, it´s okay. We´re here, nothing will happen to you."
But you didn´t even listen to her, your attention completely focused on the raspy and groaning voice of your father, which roared from behind the thin wood of the entrance and made the driving panic in you rise further. The strong pounding of your heart had meanwhile wandered into your throat and had formed into a lump that robbed you of the air to breathe. Sweat broke out on your shaky hands and literally clung to the Italian´s as she held them firmly in hers.
"Take her to the bedroom and call the police." Maya spoke tensely before her cool blue eyes met yours. Without thinking, you shook your head hastily, knowing what she was up to. "N-no."
"Nothing will happen to me, trust me babygirl."
As if your vocal cords had been cut, no more words came out of your opening and closing mouth. Instead, tears started running down your cheeks. A kiss on your temple from the blonde and the following firm grip on your shoulder from the other woman, were the only thing you noticed before the door of the shared bedroom closed.
Without a sign of a blink, you stared at the door, which slowly seemed to be in a tunnel and moving further away from you. Everything around you seemed to have come to a standstill, not even you had the ability to move in any way - your legs were grown like roots into the ground. Even the angry screams and the breaking of glass that began to take place behind the closed door were no longer clear but muffled to your ears, mixing with an monotonous beeping.
The memories that flickered and played out in front of your eyes were too much to bear and you dropped to your knees. Head down and your fingernails biting into your palms, you closed your eyes to focus on your wife´s urgent voice trying to reach you; defeating the imagines in your mind.
But that was nonsensical. Focusing didn´t sharpen your senses, rather the opposite; they probably even played a prank on you.
Wrapped up in your own world of pain and anger, you didn´t noticed how Carina pulled you into her lap, covered your ears and hoped that you would get through it all without creating another trauma. She feared for you from the second you seemed out of reality and getting no reaction to her supposed attempts to bring you back out of your flashbacks.
So far, she hadn´t seen you nearly as distraught as she did now.
Every blink and millisecond that you had to close your eyes, you were surrounded with a dark and cool aura that brought you back to the years when you lived at home. You relived every day in hell once again.
The door in front of you busted open with a loud creak and you winced hard; pushing yourself deeper into the brunette´s arms. Even when your blonde wife´s face appeared in front of you and her cold blue eyes met your gaze, you were still to caught up in your trance to understand that it really was her. Still clinging tightly to the Italian, you buried your face into her shoulder.
Your breathing was heavy in the brunette´s arms and you often gasped for air. Carina and Maya were both helpless. You had never shown such a violent reaction when it came to your father and they didn´t know if all the methods they found out over the years worked at all to bring you back to them.
"Get her to the freaking bathroom, she´ll pass out if we don´t get her down soon." the shorter one spoke quickly but tensely as her hand wandered to your chest - your heart bursting into the soft skin of her palm.
She pulled herself up from her place on the floor. Her arms draped under your armpits, she pulled you from and off the Italian. Your body was so weary from the various passages it was going through that, as soon as you stood on your feet, you slumped into Maya and began bitterly resisting any kind of touch.
"Please, don´t hurt me." you whispered between failed attempts to breath in a shaken voice. Only the falling corners of their mouths showed how it broke them inside. "Baby.. We won´t-" Carina stopped speaking mid-sentence, choking on the tears she was trying to hold back; knowing that you didn´t understood what she was saying anyway.
Both of them slowly pulled your body towards the bathroom and discussed the next steps before Maya took off her denim jacket and threw it on the floor before sitting down on the cold tile floor in the shower. Carefully, Carina placed you between the blondes legs as she held you tightly against her while you still tried desperately to free yourself from her grasp.
Turning the water regulator, the ice-cold water pattered down on you both.
As the blonde let out a short scream as the cold wet hit her head and bare arms, your kicking became less and your body began to sink down in hers - your crying stopped and for a moment, there was just the droplets hitting the walls of the transparent shower.
"I´m sorry." you spoke between trembling lips and she pulled you even closer, her legs circling your body. "Don´t be. Never."
"We are so proud of you."
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raventreehouse · 22 days
Guess who are back from the dead?! It's me and @starsunderwaterr
We managed to finally get you the next chapter and are hoping we'll be able to find the time to get the next chapter out a lot earlier than we managed now. I hope you guys enjoy! And if you're new please do check it out!
Oh and here's a link to our discord server if you're interested in talking about this fic more! (Not to mention meet some really cool people!)
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gogo-the-king · 2 years
Pearl + Marina smoking with their S/O
Pearl+Marina (Polyamory)
A smoke session with Pearl and Marina? A dream!!
Pearl, is partial to smoking (blunts and pipes). She needs something to do to get high and wants room in her stomach for food when you three get munchies.
Marina is partial to edibles! Loves the sweet treats with the tang of THC/CBD mixed in (Really likes gummies)
Pearl has a small collection of custom hash pipes and small bongs somewhere in the shared apartment. (Carries a pocket bong with her sometimes-)
Marina keeps a well-maintained box of edibles, gummies, and chocolates, hidden away. This Octoling is very knowledgeable(a Toker if you will-) and keeps the shared marijuana stash in a proper environment so it doesn’t mold at all.
Despite her size, Pearl is not lightweight when it comes to smoking. She’s a natural with it and when you aren’t there with them then she’s taking care of Marina/herself.
Marina makes time for all of your schedules for a smoke session every so often.
If munchies are a problem then Pearl and Marina are very much ordering food for the three of you.
Often Pearl is very touchy and needy for attention. Keep giving her hugs, holding her hands, or playing with her short locks and she’s set.
Marina is very off and on when it comes to touch. Sometimes if things aren’t playing out well then she’ll lock herself in her room and just tell you guys that she needs some alone time. Wishes are respected and then she emerges when she wants.
If she’s feeling it then Marina is loving both of you! She’s picking some rom-com or chick-flick for you all to watch!
Pearl would probably put on some hard-core action-horror movie (think Predator 1987 💀)
A whole lot of lovin for everyone! Kisses all around, hugs galore, cuddles every few seconds!!
If you are ever going through a bad high, like if you did too much too fast, took one too many edibles, or for any reason really, Pearl and Marina are there for you in an instant. You can all just snuggle in swim forms on the couch or in bed while some Lofi beats Marina decided to play and make background noise. Sleep it off!
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somber-sapphic · 8 months
Hey! I was wondering if you would be down to do the sicktember (I already know my autocorrect is going to hate this 😂) but day 27 I think. The one with Marina x reader and Carina is sick. If not I totally understand
Taking Care of Her
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〖Summary: Carina is sick and not doing a great job at being a patient.〗
〖Word Count: 1.1k〗
〖Pairing: Marina x Reader, Sick Carina〗
〖Notes: I absolutely can! Sorry it took me so long to respond to this one, I wanted to make sure I could have the req with the post. If anyone else has any sicktember prompts they want finished I'll link the post here and you can let me know :)) Apologies for the title, it's late and I cannot think of anything better.〗
“Carina, there’s no way you’re healthy enough to be here. Let me take you home, please.” You begged, hugging a clipboard to your chest as you watched your very sick girlfriend move about the on-call room. It was a slow day in the ER which left you time to chase her around instead of taking blood and treating patients. It also helped that April wanted Carina to go home as badly as you did. 
She had helped run clinic day with Maya and the rest of the crew of 19 a few days ago and had encountered the nasty flu that was going around. She’d actually been forced to deny one man a flu shot and sent him to the hospital to be evaluated by one of the ER docs. That night, she and Maya came home exhausted, making you regret not taking your day off to help them.
To make it up to them, you’d made them both a fancy bath with salts, candles, and scented candles. While they were relaxing in the bath you attempted to cook and when that failed you put in an order for the Italian place down the street. They had been incredibly thankful but Carina had practically fallen asleep in her plate of pasta, leading to an early night. 
The doctor had the next day off so you and Maya had gotten ready quietly around her and she was still asleep by the time the two of you got back that night. That was the first sign. 
There was evidence that she had gotten up, at least to eat lunch, but the fact that she would even consider sleeping the whole day worried you and your other girlfriend. The two of you let her sleep anyway, both of you hoping silently that she could fight off whatever was trying to take hold with a little extra rest. 
Of course, it didn’t. So here you were, trying to convince Carina that it was in her best interest to let you take her home instead of treating patients. There you were, blocking the exit to the on-call room prepared to shove Carina into a bed if that’s what it took. She had driven you there (a bad idea in hindsight) and you weren't sure how long it would take for Maya to get there to pick you up. 
“Y/n, I have mothers waiting for me preparing to push tiny humans out of their bodies. What they are preparing to go to is far worse than this little cold.” She insisted, bringing it back to the mothers yet again. Throughout the whole argument, she had stood firm that she needed to be fine because her patients were not. 
“Come on Car, you have to know that's a stupid point. What if you get them sick? What if you get the babies sick? Masks are great but they aren’t foolproof, what would happen then?” You challenged, raising an eyebrow at her. The woman’s face went a shade paler, something you didn't realize was possible, and she faltered slightly. 
“But, it's my job. Another doctor won't know them like I do, they won’t be able to…” She trailed off and raised a hand to her forehead, swaying suddenly. You rushed forward and wrapped an arm around her waist, quickly taking almost her complete weight as you sat her down on the bottom bunk of a bed. 
“Sweetheart, you’re sick. Let me take you home. Maya has the day off, we can watch movies and I’ll make you soup and we can get you feeling better. Please. You’re a biohazard.” You knew that last part would make her rethink her position which was exactly why you’d thrown it in. 
Carina dropped her head on your shoulder for a moment giving into the dizziness that you were sure she was feeling. 
“Please. Flu season has been bad, this will only get worse before it gets better.” As a nurse, you had been treating case after case of the flu several of them with severe enough symptoms that they needed to be admitted. You were used to rates going up during the winter but it was worse this year. 
The two of you sat in silence for a few more minutes, you rubbing Carina’s back as she carefully weighed her options. 
“Fine.” She finally said, lifting her head to look at you with glassy brown eyes. “I don't want to get the mothers sick.” You smiled, perfectly happy with that answer. You didn't care why she went home as long as she did. 
“Thank you.” 
You stepped through the door to your home and were immediately greeted by a very worried-looking EMT. 
“Hey baby, come here.” Maya breathed, reaching out her arms for the shivering brunette bundled up in yours. She broke away from you and drifted toward the firefighter, tears already beginning to form in her eyes. You sighed quietly and pinched the bridge of your nose, wishing that you knew of a way to keep her from crying. She always got weepy when she had a fever and you hated that there was so little that you could do to help. 
“I made a little blanket fort on the couch or we can go lay down in bed, what do you think?” The blonde offered, stepping immediately into the role of caretaker. She was so good at that, even you, a nurse, had trouble with it when it came to the people you loved. For some reason taking care of strangers always came easier. 
It took the two of you ten minutes to get her settled, she had refused the first three sets of PJs that were offered and wouldn’t lay down until Maya did. Once the blonde was in bed it seemed to signal to Carina that she was allowed to rest and quickly cuddled up against the firefighter. 
You flipped on the TV and handed the remote to your healthy girlfriend so that you could change out of your scrubs and into sweatpants and an oversized band t-shirt. The shirt belonged to Maya, but the two of you frequently swapped clothes, so she didn’t mind. 
“Do you need anything Car? Some tea? A snack? Anything?” You offered, expecting the answer to be no. She shook her head, just as you thought she would, and reached over the EMT to grab the hem of your shirt. 
“Will you lay down with us? Just for a little while?” She croaked, sniffling softly. Her nose was running a little but she didn't seem to notice or care. You smiled and walked around to the other side of the bed so that she could be in the middle. 
Taking care of the doctor would never be an easy feat but you and Maya were more than willing to accept the challenge. Though you both were glad that she had such a strong immune system. That certainly helped. 
〖Join My Taglist!〗@lovelyy-moonlight, @bloomingflowersthings, @lots-of-pockets, @asiangmrchk13, @scrambled-brain-eggs, @juststuckhereforever, @chairhere, @goldenempyrean, @villaneve4life
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
If you still write for Station 19 can I request a Marina x reader fic where Maya and Carina find out R has asthma while on a evening walk? Like the weather is nice and all three are off so they decide not to waste it and go for a stroll? Thanks in advance and if you don't write for S19 then disregard this 😅
Summary: Sometimes there isn’t enough air.
Pairing: Marina x female!reader
Warnings: asthma attack that borderlines a panic attack
Word count: 681
a/n: this is for everyone who has to try to hide their wheezing while going up the stairs with someone <3 this fic is literally what happened to me lololol (I have asthma!!)
masterlists | guidelines
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Maya, Carina, and Y/N are walking along a small park near their home. The sun is setting down alongside a hill, and the cool autumn air is moving the few already fallen leaves around. There aren't many clouds in the sky, making the brightest stars already visible on the evening sky.
Y/N smiles, closing her eyes as she takes a deep breath, smelling the fresh air around them. They all wanted to get out of the house, starting to feel a little like the walls were falling down on them, especially Y/N, as she doesn't have the same crazy schedules as her girlfriends.
"Want to go up the hill to see the sunset better?" Maya asks, knowing how much Y/N enjoys seeing the sky change its colors.
They all decide it's a good idea, so they start to walk towards the hill. From further away, it deosn't seem like a too big of a climb. However, as they continue walking, Y/N can properly see how steep the hill is. She can feel her breathing get heavier and quicker the moment they step foot on the base of the hill, but she doesn't say anything. It's just a hill, she feels embarrased to struggle while her girlfriends walk on with ease. At the middle of the hill, Y/N's pace begins to slow down. Her breaths in and out are short and quick paced, but she makes them as quiet as possible so Maya and Carina wouldn't hear. She continues pushing on.
Right before the top, the hill becomes even steeper. Maya and Carina are already at the top, enjoying the way the sun is painting the sky. At the last steps, Y/N's breathing turns audibly wheezy, getting her girlfriends' attention. They walk over to her, worry clear on their faces as they try to ask Y/N what's wrong, but she can't hear properly through the thumping in her ears.
She feels Carina’s hands gently pushing her to the ground. She sits down, her panicked eyes moving between Carina and Maya. “I c-“ she gasps, her lungs feeling like they’re collapsing, “I can’t breathe.”
“You have to calm down, bellezza.” Carina rubs her back, while Maya helps her take off the tight shirt she is wearing. “Take long and deep breaths for me.”
Y/N follows Carina’s instructions to the best of her abilities. It takes a while for her breathing to settle down, which scares both Maya and Carina, as they’ve never experienced something like this with Y/N.
Once Y/N’s breathing is normal, though slightly heavier, Maya grabs her still shaking hand. “What happened?”
“I have asthma.” Y/N tells with a sheepish look on her face.
Her girlfriends look shocked, and slightly alarmed they weren’t made aware of her condition. “Where’s your inhaler?” Maya is frowning.
“I don’t have one.” She mumbles, biting her lower lip. “Well I do, but I haven’t picked up my new dose yet.”
“That could’ve ended very badly, bellezza.” Carina sets her hands on Y/N’s cheeks, making her look at her. “You have to tell us these things so we know what to do when something like this happens. You also need to have an inhaler with you at all times.” Her doctor voice comes out, which Y/N usually finds very attractive, but right now she just feels like a scolded child.
“I know. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
Maya helps Y/N up, giving back her shirt that she slips on. “Tomorrow morning, we’ll go and get it right when the pharmacy opens.” She states, leaving no room for negotiation.
Y/N nods with a small smile, her gaze moving to the sky. “The sun has already set.” She pouts, feeling guilty they missed it because of her attack.
“It sets every night, we’ll catch it again.” Carina tubs her back while they start walking down the hill and back to their house, now in a much slower pace. “But lets not up that hill again.” She grins, kissing Y/N’s cheek.
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sorry to send another request in so soon but i loved the last one!! but i wanted to request marina gf headcannons this time(^O^)
marina my beloved... i hope she's in the next dlc for splatoon 3!
three times as much love [marina ida x reader; splatoon 2/3]
you guys kiss often, and whenever you do she gets all flustered!
she actually confessed to you, which was shocking since most thought she had a thing for pearl, which she did
pearl and her are still good friends however, and that includes you too!
you're mentioned from time to time by marina over the inkopolis news (she could gush about you to anyone!!)
during octo expansion, she loosely mentions you during her chatlogs with pearl and captain cuttlefish but doesn't really say anything to protect your identity
she's worried sick about you during the final fight!! when they all get back to inkopolis square she tackles you into a hug! crying and squeezing you with how worried she was! (good thing you don't have bones...)
you help her and pearl produce music, setting up splatfest and such
you guys watch movies during the weekends after work, getting all cozy and comfy together
she loves you, and you love her too.
"I'm so glad you're ok!!"
a/n: i'm sorry if these as romantic as you'd hope. i found it a little hard as i'm not really familiar with writing for pre-established/npc characters like marina. it's a real battle of keeping her in character in-game and being self indulgent. does that make sense? thank you for requesting, however!! i happily await for any requests i can get!
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lefarte · 27 days
Hello was wondering if you could do headcanons for what it would be like to cuddle with the Termina girls?
Hell yeas get comforted!! Get comfy cozy 😏
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Her ideal cuddle: just some good old fashioned spooning in bed before sleep
Both big spoon and little spoon are good for her. She’s most likely going to be taller than you (let’s be honest here) so big spoon is probably what’s going to happen.
She is a walking, talking heater. To the point where it’s difficult to cuddle in summer because she’s so warm. She will also pout and whine like crazy if she can’t cuddle.
She is very physically affectionate; she was raised in a household where she and her siblings would hug, wrestle and play roughly. It’s second nature to her. In fact she’s so affectionate that it can almost be seen as strange (poor girl not good with boundaries).
She insists upon sleeping in the same bed and won’t sleep properly if she can’t hold you like a teddy bear.
Also, she likes to play with hair and have her hair played with. If your hair is long enough she will want to brush it, run her hands through it and braid it for you. It’s one of her favorite textures in the world, nothing calms her down after a long day quite like stroking your hair and listening to your voice.
Bear hugger, will lift you off the ground with her snuggles.
Her ideal cuddle would be resting your head on her lap in the morning while she reads the paper or smokes a cig, and just running her fingers idly through your hair.
To put it lightly, she’s prickly. She’s fickle and decides when and where she wants to be touched. A lot of cuddle sessions might be cut short with excuses about having work to do.
She’s not trying to push you away. The truth is that she gets overstimulated easily. She gets shy and runs away from too much touching, and afterwards she’s in a huffy mood because she dropped the ball.
The easiest way to get cuddles is to go about it gently, and slowly, like getting a bird to land on your finger; if you sit still and be patient she will come on her own. At first it might be a side hug or a peck on the cheek. It gets easier in time.
She’s extraordinarily soft to the touch. Imagine the softest, plushest thing you’ve ever touched. Now take the relative softness of whatever you’re thinking of and double it. That is the softness of the elusive Karin Sauer. It will take years to earn the trust to touch all that.
…or, when she’s drunk, she becomes much more forward, and you’ll just find her on your lap sometimes.
Ideal cuddle is: anything where she can see your face!
If she feels like cuddling she simply will try to put you on her wheelchair to sit on her lap. Even if you’re bigger than her. No fear at all.
If you’re small enough she will try to curl you up into a little ball to rest your head in her neck and chest. And then she’d wheel around with you like you’re a little bundle of luggage or something. (You might crane your neck in this position but it’d be worth it).
In the university that she attends there are a few small indoor gardens that are almost guaranteed to be empty on weekends. Mostly tended to by Olivia herself. It makes an ideal cuddle spot, especially when it rains and you can see the water on the sunroof.
A gentle hugger at first, but you’ll know she really trusts you once she starts giving you tight bear hugs.
She’s like a cat she will sit on your lap at every opportunity and you can’t stop her.
Sits on you and reads. Like sits on you. If you’re laying face down for any reason she will climb up on top of you and sit on your back. (This is great if you have back pains). If you’re laying on your back she sits on your chest. It’s her love language I guess. She’s not very heavy so it doesn’t hurt.
She will sometimes sing-cuddle you. If she’s drunk she will cradle you like a baby and sing to you and she thinks it’s hilarious. Whether she has a good voice is debateable. I think it’s pretty but a bit warbly.
Generally she likes all cuddling. She specifically gets more snuggly before ned
Prepare for tickle fights. Even worse if she has flesh puppetry she will use it to tickle you 😭 awful awful girl
Please be so careful with her she’s a twig and she’s in constant pain if you’re too rough with her she could get actually hurt. Even if she begs you to sit on her lap or climb on top DONT DO IT.
She likes holding hands. She has a fascination with holding hands, it’s her deepest fantasy. Like she wants to hold hands ALL the time, even when you sleep.
She blushes very easily and sometimes gets so excited she starts shaking. You could give her a heart attack.
She’s so shy, at first she just gives you little forehead kisses or sniffs your hair. She feels so ashamed of herself, she knows she’s a total creep. She would never ever do it if you told her not to. She just…. Likes you so very much. So unbelievably much…
She loves to cuddle in any way but if she absolutely had to pick a favorite, she likes to lay her head on your chest and just listen to your heartbeat. It’s so sweet, so calming, she just wants to hold you forever and ever. (Bonus points if you have a large chest)
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Hi idk if your reqs are open I was wondering if you could write an x reader fluff fic with either Marina or Abella from FaH2, my lesbian ass has been craving more content with the termina women 😔
Cannot blame you. Can. not. blame. you.
Apologies for it being short, this all got jotted out in thirty to forty minutes in a burst of inspiration.
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The best way one could describe Marina in a relationship is “Spontaneous”.
She is equal parts a thinker and an improviser.
Or maybe it would be more accurate to describe her as a little ball of chaos.
She will think something through for a brief moment before simply doing it.
Could be something as small as deciding what she wants to wear or if she is about to jump headfirst into battle to fuck a monster up with magic and hex’s of cruel power.
The same thing applies to her relationship with you.
If she wants to kiss you she is going to kiss you.
If she wants to spend the morning with you in bed doing absolutely nothing she’ll do exactly that.
In many ways Marina is like a cat.
Extremely affectionate to you.
And likely to maim someone who isn’t you.
She will listen to your interests with rapt attention.
And if you manage to pry them out of her, she will be ecstatic if you do the same for her, even more so if you have questions.
To her the search for knowledge was the best way for her to show you her love.
To you, you just loved the look in her eye when you asked her a question she was glad to answer or one she didn’t know the answer to.
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Abella is a headstrong woman.
She is also someone who does her best work with her hands.
Words, especially ones which are used to charm others are not her specialty.
So the fact she managed to pull someone as wonderful as you, despite all of that, is something she is not quite sure how she did.
But Abella is also not the type to look a gift horse in the mouth.
So she does what she knows best.
She works with her hands.
If you are stressed or tense she is there to rub your shoulders or make you something to keep you energized.
Abella is the type of person who follows her heart.
And her heart led her to you.
Her heart hasn’t steered her wrong yet.
And it still hasn’t.
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poketrainerzee · 2 years
hello um can I get headcanons for marina from splatoon 2 with a brother Reader who sheds a LOT. (And yes octopuses can shed) I hope you enjoy this request 🙂
Marina x sibling!reader
I Don’t do specific genders, but reader will be masc leaning. Thank you for requesting! I learned a fun fact from this one lol
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Note: platonic (obviously), masc reader, but it can be read as any gender
Marina takes really good care of you for starters, making sure you had the best in life (even if your childhood wouldn’t have been super nice)
She made sure you were fed, dressed, and well-rested everyday
When you shedded for the first time she was calm and cleaned it up, she gave you some good tips for the next time it happened
When she realized it happened offen she was worried about you, but the doctors just told her it was normal for some people
When you both escaped to inkoplis though it became super common, sheds normally cluttering the apartment you two shared
When Marina introduced you to Pearl you got along super quickly!
When they told you about Off the Hook you were thrilled! Your sister gets to do what she’s always wanted to!
You’re their biggest fan <3
Marina takes you and Pearl out for nice dinners all the time!
If Pearl ever saw your sheds shed be chill about it (side note)
After she introduced you to 8 you two became super close
In my headcanon 8 sheds a lot too, so you guys have that in common
Marina makes sure you’re taking care of yourself, always
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