#Marijuana GeorgeTown
thedoobieshop · 2 months
Best Dispensary to Buy Pre-Rolls in Washington DC
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For buying the best pre-rolls in Washington, DC, The Doobie Shop is the leading dispensary. Known for our top-quality cannabis products, we offer a curated selection of expertly rolled pre-rolls for both novice and experienced users. Each of our pre-rolls is crafted using premium flowers, ensuring a smooth, consistent, and pleasurable experience every time. Whether you're looking for relaxation, creativity, or social excitement, we have the ideal pre-roll to match your needs.
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greater-goods · 3 months
Discovering the Best Dispensaries in Washington D.C.
Washington D.C. has emerged as a hub for cannabis enthusiasts, with a thriving dispensary in dc scene that offers a diverse array of high-quality products. This guide explores the top dispensaries in the nation's capital, providing insights into their unique offerings, customer service, and the overall experience they deliver. Whether you're a local or a visitor, this comprehensive resource will help you navigate the legal cannabis landscape in D.C. and find the perfect dispensary to meet your needs.
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collapsedsquid · 4 months
A second American allegedly involved was identified as Benjamin Reuben Zalman-Polun, according to images of a U.S. passport circulated by Congolese media. He graduated from the University of Colorado and attended business administration classes at Georgetown University, court records indicate. He later started a commodity trading business and worked as a courier and Uber driver, the records show. His connection to Malanga appeared to be through a gold mining company that was set up in Mozambique in 2022, according to an official journal published by Mozambique’s government, and a report by Africa Intelligence newsletter. Zalman-Polun pleaded guilty in 2014 to drug trafficking charges in the U.S., admitting that he conspired with a friend to ship at least 20 kilograms of marijuana from a home base in Lake Tahoe, California, to customers across the United States. Prosecutors requested leniency, citing the “substantial assistance” they said he provided in their investigation.
The SBF of doing coups in the congo
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demerarawaves · 2 months
Soldiers on marijuana trafficking charge refused bail
Adisa Higgins                         Clovis Sam Two Guyana Defence Force (GDF) soldiers have been denied their pre-trial liberty and remanded to prison after they pleaded not guilty to a charge of being in possession of 154 pounds of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking, police said Tuesday. Soldiers Clovis Sam,31, of Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown and Adisa Higgins,42, of Wismar Housing…
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lignes2frappe · 1 year
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1. Enfant, Allen Ezail Iverson était surnommé ‘Bubba-Chuck’.
Il s’agirait de la contraction des prénoms de deux de ses oncles.
2. Sa mère, Ann Iverson, a été enceinte de lui alors qu’elle n’avait que 15 ans. Le père d’Allen l’ayant quitté avant même sa naissance, elle lui a donné son nom de famille.
3. Allen Iverson est passé à deux doigts de se lancer dans le football américain plutôt que dans le basketball.
Lycéen à Bethel High School, il jouait à la fois dans l’équipe de basket et dans l’équipe de foot où il évoluait notamment au poste de quaterback. En 1992, lors de son avant-dernière année, il a mené de front chacune de ces équipes aux phases finales des championnats de Virginie. Ce petit exploit lui a valu d’être nommé joueur de l’année dans les deux sports par l’Associated Press.
Tenté de poursuivre dans le foot, il trouvait que le basket était un sport trop « soft », c’est sa mère qui l’a convaincu d’opter pour la balle orange.
Bien des années après, Iverson a confié qu’il aurait pu être « un bien meilleur footballeur que basketteur ».
4. Allen Iverson a rencontré Tawanna Turner, sa future femme, sur les bancs du lycée, quand il avait 16 ans.
Dix ans et deux enfants plus tard, après s’être séparé et remis ensemble à de nombreuses reprises, le couple s’est marié en 2001.
En 2010, Tawanna a demandé le divorce. La procédure a été finalisée en 2013, quand bien même depuis ils se sont depuis plus ou moins remis ensemble.
En 2016, Allen Iverson a conclu son discours d’intronisation au Hall of Fame en la remerciant pour son amour et lui lançant vouloir vivre les vingt prochaines années avec elle.
5. À 17 ans, Allen Iverson a été condamné à 15 ans de prison.
Le 14 février 1993, Iverson et trois de ses potes s’en vont passer la soirée dans un bowling de Hampton. À la sortie, une bagarre éclate avec une bande adverse. Bien que personne n’ait été sérieusement blessé, Iverson écope de 15 ans de prison.
L’affaire fait grand bruit, tant pour la sévérité de la peine que pour sa dimension raciale (tous les potes d’Iverson étaient noirs, la bande adverse était blanche).
Jugé comme un adulte, sans preuve véritable (une vidéo la montrera plus tard quitter les lieux au moment où la bagarre éclate), Iverson finit par être gracié par le gouverneur de Virginie après quatre mois passés derrière les barreaux.
En 1995, un nouveau procès l’innocente.
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6. Il affiche la moyenne de points marqués par match la plus élevée de l’université de Georgetown.
Arrière chez les prestigieux Hoyas, il a inscrit 22,9 points de moyenne, devançant là tous les grands noms qui l’ont précédé (Patrick Ewing, Alonzo Mourning, Dikembe Mutombo…).
Là où traditionnellement la moyenne d’un universitaire croît au fur et à mesure de ses quatre saisons, Allen Iverson a établi ce record sur ses deux premières saisons. S’il était allé au bout de son cursus, il est fort à parier que cette moyenne aurait été beaucoup plus élevée, d’autant plus que dès sa première saison NBA, il scorait 23,5 points par match !
7. Drafté en première position par les Philadelphia 76ers en 1996, du haut de son mètre 83 et de ses 75 kilos, Allen Iverson est le plus petit et le plus léger premier choix de draft de l’histoire de la NBA.
8. Lors de l’intersaison 1997, il s’est fait choper avec une arme à feu et de la marijuana après avoir été arrêté pour excès de vitesses par la police de Virginie.
L’incident a alors provoqué l’ire de Pat Croce, le président des Sixers qui s’est publiquement déclaré « hors de lui » et « extrêmement déçu ».
9. À la fin des années 90, Allen Iverson a entretenu une liaison avec la rappeuse Da Brat.
Très épris l’un de l’autre (ils se sont chacun présenté leurs familles respectives, Allen l’a emmené au Japon pour la première fois…), ils ont fini par rompre à cause des infidélités à répétition de monsieur.
Ou pour reprendre les mots de la première dame de So So Def : « Les basketteurs sont des hoes ».
10. Allen Iverson s’est fait tatouer 7 de ses 14 tatouages lors de sa troisième saison NBA.
« J’ai toujours voulu des tatouages. Quand j’ai pu m’en payer, j’y suis allé à fond. »
En 2015, il a néanmoins confié regretter toute cette encre sur son corps : « Je les ai faits quand j’étais jeune. J’étais devenu accro… Mais jamais je ne referai ça ».
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11. La raison pour laquelle Allen Iverson s’est tressé les cheveux n’a rien à voir avec les gangs.
Quand à l’occasion du All-Star Game de 2001, l’arrière se fait voir pour la toute première fois avec des cornrows, la stupeur est totale. Aucun autre basketteur n’avait jamais osé cette transgression, cette coupe de cheveux étant à l’époque extrêmement connotée.
Iverson a pourtant franchi le pas… simplement pour ne pas avoir à se soucier de ses cheveux.
« J’en avais marre de me faire bousiller les cheveux quand je partais jouer à l’extérieur. À chaque fois que j’allais chez le coiffeur, je revenais rincé. Au bout d’un moment, je me suis laissé pousser les cheveux, et je me suis fait des braids. C’était plus simple comme ça. C’était la seule et unique raison. Ce n’était pas pour ressembler à un thug. »
12. Allen Iverson a popularisé la shooter sleeve.
Souffrant d’une bursite au coude lors de la saison 2000/2001 (une inflammation du coussinet entre les tendons et l’os), Allen Iverson arbore au départ cette manchette en nylon pour prévenir une aggravation de sa blessure.
Après avoir marqué 51 points pour de son premier matche avec, il ne la quittera plus, quand bien même son coude finit par guérir.
Assortie à ses uniformes, la shooter sleeve devient rapidement indissociable de son look, avant de s’imposer au fil du temps comme un accessoire de mode à part entière sur les parquets – Kobe Bryant, Carmelo Anthony ou encore Lebron James ont adopté l’accessoire, quand bien même ces derniers n’avaient aucun problème au bras.
13. Allen Iverson a enregistré un album de rap qui n’est jamais sorti.
Rebaptisé Jewelz, il sort en 2000 le morceau 40 Bars qui singe allégrement le gangsta rap alors en vogue. Sitôt le titre en rotation sur les radios de Philadelphie, la polémique enfle à tel point que David Stern, le patron de la NBA, s’empresse de déclarer qu’il trouve les paroles « grossières, insultantes et antisociales ».
Prévu pour sortir dans la foulée, l’album Misunderstood est reporté aux calendes grecques.
Il y a quelques années, Iverson a concédé qu’avec le recul toute la séquence avait été plutôt « gênante ». D’un part, pare qu’il n’était pas de plus doués pour rapper, et de l’autre, parce qu’il n’avait à l’époque pas mesuré l’étendue de son influence sur les plus jeunes.
14. Allen Iverson s’est remis (brièvement) à rapper en 2002.
Après avoir tourné un plus tôt une pub culte pour la Reebok Answer V, les deux lascars remettent le couvert pour la Reebok Answer VI, A.I. partageant cette fois le micro avec ‘Kiss.
Nostalgique, le rappeur se souvient : « Mon gars sûr Steve Stoute m’a proposé le truc. Allen était en feu, j’étais en feu… C’était logique. Il aimait le rap, j’aimais le basket… C’était le truc à faire. »
15. Ses cinq rappeurs préférés sont dans l’ordre : Jadakiss, Notorious B.I.G., Redman, 2Pac et Nas.
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16. La NBA a instauré un dress code pour contrer l’influence de son style vestimentaire.
En 2005, les hautes instances de la ligue s’inquiétait de voir de plus en plus de joueurs s’habiller en rappeurs – et de la chute concomitante des audiences télé.
Il a alors été interdits aux joueurs de porter les jours de match shorts, t-shirts et sneakers, ainsi que tout l’attirail en vogue à l’époque (do-rags, chaînes et pendentifs qui dépassent de la chemise, casques audio en dehors du bus et des vestiaires, lunettes de soleil en intérieur…).
« À l’époque, je n’ai pas compris. Moi, je m’habillais comme les mecs de mon quartier avec qui j’ai grandi. C’était naturel. »
17. Début 2001, son meilleur ami Rahsaan ‘Ra’ Langeford a été tué par balles. Les deux hommes se connaissaient depuis le collège.
18. Allen Iverson a été arrêté pour avoir supposément pointé une arme à feu sur deux hommes.
Lors de l’été 2002, sa femme Tawanna quitte le domicile suite à une dispute particulièrement violente. Tandis qu’Iverson tente de la retrouver, chemin faisant le ton monte avec deux passants. Ces derniers l’accusent de les avoir menacés avec un pistolet.
Arrêté par la police de Philadelphie, il écope de 14 chefs d’inculpation.
Il sera toutefois innocenté en justice faute de preuve, les deux plaignants se sont contredits dans leurs témoignages, puis ne sont pas venus à l’audience.
19. Allen Iverson est le plus petit joueur de l’histoire de la NBA à avoir remporté le titre de MVP de la saison régulière.
20. Malgré sa petite taille (pour un basketteur), Allen Iverson a dunké 40 fois dans sa carrière.
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21. Allen Iverson n’est avec le recul pas spécialement fier d’avoir enjambé le pauvre Tyronn Lue.
6 juin 2001. Première manche des finales face aux invincibles Los Angeles Lakers de Shaquille O’Neal et Kobe Bryant. Bien qu’invaincus jusque-là en playoff, ils s’inclinent pourtant face à un Iverson déchaîné qui leur a rentré 48 points sur leur propre terrain.
Cerise sur le gâteau, lors de la prolongation, le Sixers dribble Lue qui tombe à la renverse. Sitôt son shoot rentré, il fait mine de lui marcher dessus.
L’action est depuis restée dans les annales, reprise à foison sur le net.
A.I. n’est toutefois pas très à l’aise avec ça : « Je n’aime pas. Tyronn, c’est mon gars. Il défendait sur moi comme un chien. Je ne sais pas pourquoi j’ai fait ça. »
22. Allen Iverson s’est fait expulser d’un match pour avoir fait scander au public de Philadelphie « trou d’uc’ » à l’attention des arbitres suite à une faute litigieuse.
23. Étonnamment, de toute sa carrière, Allen Iverson ne s’est engagé qu’auprès d’une seule marque, Reebok.
Aucune marque de soda, aucun constructeur automobile, aucune marque de barres énergétiques. Rien du tout.
24. La rumeur veut que Reebok ait sorti un copié/collé des Air Force One, la I3 Pressure, dans le seul but d’empêcher Allen Iverson de porter à tout bout de champ le modèle phare de chez Nike dont il était très grand fan.
25. Avoir sa propre signature shoe constitue l’un plus grands accomplissements de sa carrière.
« Quand ado, tu es un sneakerhead comme moi, tu en rêves. Quand ça t’arrive, quand tu as ta propre paire, le feeling est indescriptible. C’est juste magique. »
Et A.I. d’ajouter : « Le jour où j’ai vu pour la première fois un ado porter mes chaussures, j’étais au volant. Je me suis arrêté sur le bas-côté, et je l’ai regardé marcher au loin jusqu’à qu’il disparaisse. »
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26. En 2012, Allen Iverson s’est déclaré en faillite.
Malgré les presque 200 millions de dollars gagnés durant sa carrière, il vivait depuis sa retraite largement au-dessus de ses moyens.
Au tribunal, il a ainsi avoué dépenser 360 000 dollars par mois, cinq fois plus que ce qu’il gagnait (10 000$ de vêtement, 10 000$ au restaurant…).
27. Il n’était pas rare qu’il dépense entre 30 000 et 40 000 dollars lors d’une soirée en strip club.
C’est en tout cas ce qu’a confié Matt Barnes qui a joué avec lui aux Sixers lors de la saison en 2005/2006
« Allen y allait vraiment à fond ! Il lançait tellement d’argent en direction des filles… Et puis c’était mes premières années dans la ligue, donc j’avais l’habitude de ramener discrètement les billets sous ma chaise avec mon pied. Soit je mettais son argent dans ma poche, soit je le relançais. Sérieusement, il claquait 30 000 ou 40 000 dollars à chaque fois que nous sortions. À un moment je lui ai dit : ‘Tu réalises ce que je pourrais faire avec cet argent ?’ »
28. Allen Iverson est interdit de casinos dans plusieurs établissements de Detroit et d’Atlantic City.
Accroc au jeu, il aurait plusieurs fois jeté ses cartes et jetons au visage des croupiers à Detroit, tandis qu’il aurait uriné dans une poubelle à Atlantic City.
29. Allen Iverson a terminé sa carrière en Turquie.
En octobre 2010, il s’est engagé avec le Besiktas d’Istanbul pour deux ans. Il est rentré aux États-Unis avant la fin de sa première saison, officiellement pour cause de blessures.
Il déclarera plus tard être parti parce qu’a contrario de la NBA, « on ne lui laissait pas toucher le panneau lors des matchs ».
Sans club pendant de longs mois, il joue ensuite quelques matchs d’exhibition en Chine en 2012 – voir cette action (presque) digne de ses grands jours.
30. Le jour de ses 55 ans, il touchera un chèque de 32 millions de dollars de la part de Reebok.
Recruté à prix d’or en 1996 par l’équipementier alors même qu’il n’avait pas encore joué le moindre match pro (50 millions de dollars sur 10 ans), Allen Iverson s’est vu ensuite offrir un contrat à vie en 2001.
Outre le salaire de 800 000 dollars annuels qui lui est garanti, l’une des clauses de ce contrat prévoit que lui soient alloués 32 millions de dollars le 7 juin 2030.
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31. Nelly serait-il meilleur au basket qu’Allen Iverson ?
Athlète de talent dans ses jeunes années, le rappeur a réussi à battre The Answer au H.O.R.S.E., une variante du un-contre-un basée sur les shoots.
« Nelly et moi sommes potes. Une nuit, nous étions au studio de Jermaine Dupri et j’avais déjà bu quelques verres. Nous sommes ensuite allés au gymnase et il m’a battu. Après ça, il est passé sur ‘106 and Park’ (une émission diffuse sur la chaîne BET) et s’en est vanté. »
« La fois suivante où nous avons joué, je me suis assuré d’arriver prêt. Je n’avais rien bu ce jour-là et je l’ai battu. Au cours du match, il me disait ‘tu devrais t’enfiler quelques verres’, ce à quoi j’ai répondu : ‘Nan, pas aujourd’hui. Tu ne vas pas te la raconter sur ce coup-là‘. »
Iverson l’a cette fois sévèrement battu.
32. Allen Iverson a beaucoup apprécié White Iverson, le morceau que Post Malone lui a dédié en 2015.
« Une chanson comme ça, c’est un honneur pour moi comme pour lui. »
33. En 2016, lors de son discours d’intronisation au Hall of Fame, Allen Iverson a remercié Mase, Jim Jones, et Cam’ron des Diplomats, Notorious B.I.G., Redman, 2Pac, Jadakiss et Michael Jackson pour avoir été « la bande originale de sa carrière ».
34. Si ce n’est pas un secret que de dire qu’Allen Iverson n’était pas très assidu aux entraînements, à en croire son coéquipier Dahntay Jones chez les Denver Nuggets en 2008/2009, il était même un sacré ramier en dehors des terrains.
« A.I. n’a pas touché un ballon de l’été. Ce n’est pas qu’il n’aimait pas le jeu, mais il était tellement doué que son talent lui suffisait. Il y a des joueurs qui sont comme ça. Ils n’ont pas besoin de travailler plus que ça. À ce stade de sa carrière, il n’avait pas besoin de faire autre chose que d’être lui-même. »
35. À la revoyure, Larry Brown a avoué qu’il n’était pas mécontent qu’il manque parfois des entraînements.
Coach des Philadelphie Sixers de 1997 à 2003, il estimait qu’il méritait bien quelques jours de repos après s’être tant donné sur le terrain.
« Il jouait chaque possession de balle comme si le sort du match en dépendait. Il était bousculé, couvert de bleus, et pourtant il ne se plaignait jamais, sauf quand je le mettais sur le banc. »
« Mon admiration pour lui était sans bornes. Ma frustration aussi car je pense qu’il aurait pu être le meilleur joueur de l’histoire si j’avais pu le prendre un peu différemment. »
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36. Allen Iverson a plusieurs fois refusé de faire l’acteur.
Il a décliné le premier rôle dans He Got Game de Spike Lee ainsi que dans le clip de The Boy Is Mine de Brandy et Monica.
« Si j’avais voulu jouer la comédie, j’aurais fait acteur. Je ne joue pas au basket parce que je veux faire l’acteur. Je ne joue pas au basket parce que je veux faire du rap. Je ne joue pas au basket parce que je veux lancer une ligne de vêtements. Je joue au basket parce que j’aime profondément jouer au basket. »
37. Allen Iverson s’est fait traiter de « bitch » par Michael Jordan.
Tout commence le 12 mars 1997 lorsque A.I. ose dribbler MJ avant de lui rentrer un panier sur la tête, une action depuis rentrée dans la légende.
Près de 15 ans après les faits, les deux hommes se croisent au stade des Charlotte Hornets, la franchise dont Jordan est propriétaire.
« Je suis allé à un match, on est allé se poser en backstage. On a bu, on s’est remémoré des souvenirs. À un moment, je lui dis : ‘Mec, je t’aime, mec’. Et lui me répond : ‘Tu ne m’aimes pas, espèce de petite bitch. Tu ne m’aurais pas crossé comme ça si tu m’aimais’. Et tout le monde dans la pièce a éclaté de rire, mec. C’était fou ».
38. Selon lui, les cinq meilleurs basketteurs de l’histoire sont dans l’ordre : Michael Jordan, Shaquille O’Neal, Kobe Bryant, Lebron James et Stephen Curry.
39. Sa moyenne de points en playoff est la deuxième plus élevée de l’histoire de la NBA.
Avec 29,7 points par match, il n’est devancé que par les 33,4 points de Michael Jordan. La performance est d’autant plus impressionnante qu’il a participé au total à 71 rencontres en phase finale.
40. Allen Iverson est l’un des trois seuls joueurs ever à afficher plus de 26 points et 6 passes décisives par match en carrière.
Avec 26,7 points et 6,2 passes sur 14 saisons, il rivalise avec Jerry West et Lebron James.
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Publié initialement le 4 janvier 2023 sur Booska-p.com.
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marijuanasorg · 5 years
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DC Rasta Sesh (DC) May 23 2019 http://marijuanas.org/events/dc-rasta-sesh-dc-may-23-2019/ #rasta #dc #sesh #rickskunk #marijuana #holistic #georgetown https://www.instagram.com/p/BxztFhbpYzu/?igshid=njtiqm70v57k
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bcketts · 5 years
INTRODUCING...ALLIE BECKETT. ( @gallagherintro​ )
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OK, I’M VERY EXCITED AND NERVOUS BC...what a weird time to bring in a new character ! i hope it works out, who knows ??? i guess i’ll be plotting with you all for a bit while allie is confined to the 5th floor with no phone lmao, but i have lots of plot ideas and muse so i can talk your ear off forever. so at least there’s that. 
if you’d like to plot on tumblr LIKE THIS POST and if u want to plot on discord, hmu at #kati7600 for a good time ( or just comment or something and i’ll hit u up )
click here for her stats page & here for her pinterest ! 
⌠ VIRGINIA GARDNER, 21, CISFEMALE, SHE+HER ⌡ welcome to gallagher academy, ALLISON “ALLIE” BECKETT! originally hailing from POINTSETT, ARKANSAS they were exposed to too much during the protest, and the academy is now in charge of their safe care. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of ( warm chamomile tea on a winter morning, a collection of polaroids stacked in shoeboxes under your bed, bare feet running through an open field, laughter until your sides hurt. ) when it’s the ( virgo ) ’s birthday on 8/28/98, on the bad nights they request their HAWAIIAN PIZZA from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re safe in witness protection. ⌿ kati, 23, est, she/her ⍀
hi i’m sorry her bio is long and in 2nd person but at least u have lots of time to read it while she’s on lockdown ??
you come into this world silent. from the moment you are born, jeremy, your twin brother, does all the screaming for you. both blonde-haired with blue eyes, things will come easy to you – but even easier for him, because red-faced and screaming, he knows how to make his mark. katherine and richard beckett are thrilled to welcome two perfectly happy and healthy babies. and as your brother screams beside you, develops colic and obstinance, you are deemed the favorite – he is deemed the problem. people underestimate how important those early years are.
it’s your first day of kindergarten and you bury yourself in your mother’s skirt, scared. jeremy runs in the room with confidence, introducing himself to the other kids and settling in the corner near the firetrucks. but you cry so much that your mother takes you home and when you finally come back a week later, all the children stare at you, like you’re going to explode at any moment. but children are resilient and within time, you make friends and you excitedly tell your mother about each new day in the car.
you go to church with your family on sunday mornings and your parents dress you up like a doll. you love the pink ribbons though, the way your parents dress you up and introduce them to all your friends. your brother is a lost cause and gets to play his gameboy on the pews but you are your parents pride and joy and you are paraded around – people love a little blonde girl and you smile widely at everyone you meet. it’s all a show though, you know that as you listen to your parents from the top of the stairs at night, yelling. they’re not happy. you clutch the railing, listening in, and you fight back the tears that threaten to stream down your face.
on your tenth birthday, your parents throw the two of you an elaborate party and you have a bouncy castle and everyone brings swimsuits for the pool. your parents can’t stop smiling. it isn’t until late that night after all the streamers have been taken out with the trash that you hear them yelling again. you listen in from the corner of the kitchen. you hear a glass shatter and you race upstairs to your brother. “i think they’re going to divorce,” you tell him. he laughs. “they’ll never do that, no matter what. we’re catholic, allie.” he flashes you a wry smile and you find yourself wondering what to believe.
your best days are spent at pointsett park. your parents often take you there after church, on sundays, and you and jeremy run around through the forests pretending to be wood nymphs with sticks in your hair. as you get older, the magic starts to fade and you feel less like a fairy princess and more like a moody teenager, but you and jeremy fill a shoebox full of things from your childhood and bury it, deep in the park, by the ugly tree. “if i were a tree, i’d be this one,” he jokes, as if all the girls at pointsett middle haven’t just sent him candy grams. “shut up,” you say, shoving him, “or put you in the ground instead of this shoebox.” he grins wryly at that. “clever.” you always were the clever one.
it’s the first day of high school and you feel like an outsider, everyone’s getting their first kisses and jumping in cars and you have to be home in time for curfew. you have friends from church, but with every glass your mother breaks, you wonder how much you really fit in with them at all. in an attempt to try something new, you go to cheerleading tryouts, but of course, you don’t make the team. at least you won’t have to beg your dad to let you wear the uniform. you trudge home and expect to be greeted by yells - you’ve come home late - but your parents are in the kitchen, berating your brother. he smells like marijuana. he gives you a lazy wink from the kitchen as you sneak upstairs.
a boy asks you on a date, a real one, your first real date ! you’re only a sophomore and wade matthews is a senior and you’re really nervous when he picks you up in his car. he tries to kiss you throughout the whole movie but you’re nervous and really, you want to watch the movie. when he pulls the car in an overhang near the mountains and kisses you, it’s rough and unwanted and he goes in with tongue. it’s hardly the enchanting first kiss you imagined and you pull back. is that what kissing’s like? really? he goes in again, saying he’s really turned on, asking if you want to have sex. you say no, but he tries to kiss you again. you push him back so hard his head hits the dashboard. “take me home,” you say. and he does. he obviously doesn’t call.
you have a few girls over for a sleepover and you’re sitting around in your pjs watching grease and passing around thermoses filled with rosé. you pass it on to the girl beside you without taking a sip. you start to raise the volume on the tv as you hear your parents fighting downstairs ( you think your mom might be sleeping with her doctor, which is all kinds of weird. )  when the thermos comes back to you, you take a swig.
you’re sitting in the basement with jeremy, head in your hands. “that’s it, i’m never drinking again.” he laughs. “allie, it’s your first hangover. you’re gonna be okay. and you’re probably going to drink again. it’s okay.” you shake your head, “this is exactly why it’s wrong, i’m so stupid.” your brother sits on the bed beside you, wraps his arm around you. “you’re allowed to be a stupid teenager, you know? fuck up a bit? mom and dad are…they’re crazy. i love ‘em, but they’re so obsessed with consequences, with image. if you don’t quit overthinking shit, you’re gonna wind up just like them.”
“COMING SOON: POINTSETT MALL” the poster is covered in icons, like a dunkin’ donuts and a macy’s. lots of people in the town talk about how excited they are, but they don’t talk about the fact that they’re tearing up pointsett park to build it, the park that holds all your best memories, all the ways you and jeremy would disappear into the woods growing up, skipping rocks in the pond and catching glimpses of magic creatures in the trees ( creatures that mostly turned out to be squirrels, ) where you buried your time capsule. you and jeremy sneak into the park late at night to dig it up, ducking under the caution tape. while you stand there digging, you get the idea: “we have to save the park!” you say, and it starts out as bake sales, town meetings, the twins who think they’re going to save a couple trees from corporate capitalism. but you make a video of the two of you, the history of playing in the park, and you talk about your dreams and memories. that’s what goes viral, and that’s what garners attention. suddenly, hundreds of people are showing up at your town hall – not because they love the park, but because they used to love their own special place, the one that’s now a walmart, a target, a gas station.
they build the strip mall. of course they do, because in the end it comes down to money. but the social media campaign that spirals, everyone sharing their own special places and what became of them, has made an impact. your project – Save Pointsett Park – is enough to get both you and your brother the interest of several prestigious schools. you have nearly the same SAT scores, even though you took two prep classes and studied for weeks and he nearly forgot about the test entirely, walked in with his shoes untied and a blunt in his shirtpocket. in the end, you both choose georgetown together, because despite your differences, you always do everything together.
you opt for a degree in global health because it combines your interests – biology and helping people, and you have dreams of working in healthcare and bringing it to parts of the world that don’t have it. you might have something of a complex, maybe something to prove. you’ve always had a diminished interest in boys, opting to put your studies first, until you meet him – richard hudson, the sort of boy you daydream about even though you stopped believing in fairy tales a long time ago. he’s the second boy to kiss you and it feels so much different than wade matthew’s sweaty car at the drive in. he’s gentle and sweet, and he makes you feel uncharacteristically special – you wish you’d had the patience to wait for a first kiss like that. jeremy only teases you a little bit when you toss your purity ring – and he never even owned one.
you’re comfortable with him in a way you’ve never been with anyone else, and his attention has you falling hard and fast. you’re obnoxiously perfect at times, all over each other and always laughing, but like most fairy tales, things end. you notice the way he looks at her, the way he talks about her, and the way his eyes linger. you’re reminded of your parents, stuck in some unhappy farce when they’d really rather be anywhere else, with anyone else. you don’t want to be like them – you don’t want to trap him like that. so, you step back where you’re supposed to, even though it hurts, and your saving grace is jeremy, who holds you through the night through your first heartbreak. you experience all your sadness together.
until you don’t. here is the first sadness you’ve ever had to process without jeremy by your side, and it happens so fast. one second, he’s alive, and the next he’s blown into nonexistence, leaving a gaping ache in your chest that doesn’t seem to sooth itself. until now, your life has always been cushy, perfect, and smooth sailing. now, you toss and turn with nightmares, a ghost of yourself, trying to understand why you’re the one who gets to survive and why you matter at all. you’ve never existed in this world without him, and you thought you’d never have to.
you don’t sleep well now. you wander the halls at night, you act a little more recklessly. after all, jeremy broke rules all the time. maybe it’s your turn. 
sweet and pampered, maybe, but she’s still from arkansas. allie is extremely capable with a firearm and has pretty keen survival skills. she’s never actually shot anything, but she’s gone to the shooting range with her dad enough times, and she has been on frequent fishing trips. her family used to go camping quite a bit.
really a terrible driver. she’s really easily distracted and cannot focus, she’s a bit of a disaster behind the wheel, but it’s almost comical – as long as you’re not in the passenger seat.
is bisexual, although she’s never had the chance to explore that. growing up in a strictly catholic household and then spending most of her college years dating a boy, she’s never really thought about. finding girls pretty and thinking about them like that is what everyone does, right?
bakes when she’s stressed or upset. she’s got treats for everyone right now.
currently plagued by night terrors and is having a lot of trouble sleeping, so find her staying up until all hours or wandering campus with some dark circles under her eyes. she’s trying to cope, but it isn’t coming easily right now. it’s pretty disorienting, and anyone who knows her will notice the difference in disposition.
has traveled a lot for mission and/or service trips. uganda is where she usually goes, she’s been spending summers volunteering at the same women’s clinic for the past three years.
pineapple pizza advocate and WILL fight you on that 
someone at gallagher she has a crush on. Basically, someone at gallagher who has really caught her eye and she’s stuck daydreaming about. The purpose of this is because she’ll be super nosy about them, trying to learn more about them, and that’s probably going to make this character nervous.
a dare/challenge??? This is so cheesy of me, but I’d love a plot where a Gallagher student has a dare or something to hook up with one of the WP kids and they make Allie into their sort of conquest. Things probably won’t go as planned for them.
brother’s ex/best friend. I might submit this to the main, but I’d love a WP character who was allie’s best friend & was dating her brother. All this grief and sadness and not knowing who to comfort who, but also getting over the loss together.
crushing??? I feel like all the WP kids are pretty paired off, but...it might be fun to have a WP character that’s had a crush on Allie all those years she’s been obsessing over her ex...you know, for pining & angst
any brother connections?? Idk, I’d love WP kids to also be connected to her brother, who was also in the club, so we can probably stem something spicy off of that too. Maybe they were his best friend, or more interestingly, maybe they fucking hated him.
someone from the past. someone at gallagher who knows her prior whether from school, volunteering, etc.she travels a lot and her parents have too, so there’s some flexibility, but maybe someone she knows or used to be close to and they grew apart, but they have the chance to rekindle things now. she probably really wants to.
a close friend. they have been at gallagher for a hot minute now, and I’d love for her to have bonded with a few of the people there. from my understanding, shit’s going to hit the fan, so a few close relationships would be spicy. people at gallagher who were actually really there for her about her brother, probably could relate to losing a loved one, and probably opened up to her. people at gallagher to worry about her safety now. 
hook up? she’s really going through it, and although hookups aren’t typical, ithink it wouldn’t be weird for her to look for a warm body or seek comfort in the first person to smile at her at gallagher...not to mention she’s rooming with her ex and his crush, so a distraction is super welcome. i would also imagine that it’s against the rules for a gallagher student to hook up with a WP kid, so. the drama !
^ on that same vein, maybe a repeated hookup.
a girl to help her realize her sexuality.
someone totally lying to her. a gallagher student practicing their skills and getting to know allie using a totally fake backstory and identity, blatantly lying to her about things. and she’s naively playing into it? and maybe your character is realizing they’re actually fond of her and like hanging out with her, but they’ve lied about legit everything lol.
someone she’s suspicious of. there’s something off about this person, and allie is determined to find out what it is about them that just doesn’t fit.
someone to help her solve her problems by denial. someone who wants to break allie out of her shell and believes that the best way to get over it is to have a good time ! someone to be a bit of a bad influence on her, basically, get her partying, introduce her to some unhealthy coping mechanisms.
someone who recognizes how sad she is? aka someone who’s been in that same position and can really tell she’s faking it every time she says she’s “fine.” this person probably has a sort of fondness for her and keeps reaching out when she pushes away because they know what it’s like. 
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thedoobieshop · 1 month
Reliable Marijuana Store in Washington, DC - The Doobie Shop
The Doobie Shop is the go-to marijuana store in Washington, DC, for those seeking reliability and quality. We have a wide selection of marijuana in Washington DC, ranging from premium flower varieties to edibles, concentrates, and more. Each of our products is sourced from trusted producers and rigorously tested to ensure that it meets the highest standards of potency and safety.
We are committed to customer satisfaction. Our staff is very knowledgeable - they are passionate about helping customers find the right product for their needs, whether it's for relaxation, pain relief, or recreational use. Our welcoming atmosphere, top-notch products, and expert guidance ensure every customer gets a positive experience.
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greater-goods · 5 months
Navigating the Green Capital: A Guide to Marijuana in Washington, D.C.
Welcome to Washington, D.C., the capital city where history, politics, and now, cannabis, converge. With the legalization of recreational marijuana, the District has become a hotbed of cannabis culture, offering residents and visitors alike a unique opportunity to explore the world of weed in the heart of the nation.
In Washington D.C Marijuana isn't just a plant; it's a movement, a symbol of progress, and a catalyst for change. From the iconic landmarks of the National Mall to the vibrant neighborhoods of Adams Morgan and Georgetown, dispensaries are popping up, providing access to a diverse array of cannabis products and experiences.
Whether you're a seasoned cannabis enthusiast or a curious newcomer, navigating the marijuana scene in Washington, D.C., can be an adventure in itself. Dispensaries throughout the city offer everything from locally grown flower to artisanal edibles and innovative concentrates, catering to every taste and preference.
But the cannabis culture in D.C. goes beyond just products; it's about community, education, and advocacy. Events, festivals, and educational seminars bring together cannabis enthusiasts from all walks of life, fostering a sense of camaraderie and solidarity in the pursuit of cannabis legalization and reform.
So, whether you're strolling through the Smithsonian museums or taking in the sights of the Cherry Blossom Festival, take some time to explore the green side of Washington, D.C. From the diverse selection of dispensaries to the vibrant cannabis community, there's always something new to discover in the capital city's budding marijuana scene.
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jax4590 · 4 years
Follow along carefully...
Everyone should take the time to read this. Slowly, and patiently, because it’s very important.
From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation. A Grand Jury had been impaneled. Governments from around the world had donated to the “Charity”.
Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared. Now you would think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out.
Look who took over this investigation in 2005, none other than James Comey. Coincidence?
Guess who was transferred into the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS? None other than, Lois Lerner. Isn’t that interesting?
But this is all just a series of strange coincidences, right?
Guess who ran the Tax Division inside the Department of Justice from 2001 to 2005? None other than the Assistant Attorney General of the United States, Rod Rosenstein.
Guess who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this time frame? Another coincidence (just an anomaly in statistics and chances), but it was Robert Mueller.
What do all four casting characters have in common? They all were briefed and/or were front-line investigators into the Clinton Foundation Investigation. Another coincidence, right?
Fast forward to 2009. James Comey leaves the Justice Department to go and cash-in at Lockheed Martin. Hillary Clinton is running the State Department, official government business, on her own personal email server. The Uranium One “issue” comes to the attention of Hillary. Like all good public servants do, supposedly looking out for America’s best interest, she decides to support the decision and approve the sale of 20% of US Uranium to no other than, the Russians. Now, you would think that this is a fairly straight up deal, except it wasn’t. America got absolutely nothing out of it.
However, prior to the sales approval, none other than Bill Clinton goes to Moscow, gets paid $500,000 for
a one hour speech; then meets with Vladimir Putin at his home for a few hours. Ok, no big deal right? Well, not so fast, the FBI had a mole inside the money laundering and bribery scheme.
Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during this time frame. He even delivered a Uranium Sample to Moscow in 2009. Who was handling that case within the Justice Department out of the US Attorney’s Office in Maryland? None other than, Rod Rosenstein.
And what happened to the informant? The Department of Justice placed a gag order on him and threatened to lock him up if he spoke out about it.
How does 20% of the most strategic asset of the United States of America end up in Russian hands when the FBI has an informant, a mole providing inside information to the FBI on the criminal enterprise?
Very soon after; the sale was approved. $145 million dollars in “donations” made their way into the Clinton Foundation from entities directly connected to the Uranium One deal. Guess who was still at the Internal Revenue Service working the Charitable Division? None other than, Lois Lerner.
Ok, that’s all just another series of coincidences, nothing to see here, right? Let’s fast forward to 2015. Due to a series of tragic events in Benghazi and after the 9 “investigations” the House, Senate and at State Department, Trey Gowdy who was running the 10th investigation as Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi discovers that Hillary ran the State Department on an unclassified, unauthorized, outlaw personal email server. He also discovered that none of
those emails had been turned over when she departed her “Public Service” as Secretary of State which was required by law. He also discovered that there was Top Secret information contained within her personally archived email.
Sparing you the State Departments cover up, the nostrums they floated, the delay tactics that were employed and the outright lies that were spewed forth
from the necks of the Kerry State Department, we shall leave it with this, they did everything humanly possible to cover for Hillary.
Now this is amazing, guess who became FBI Director in 2013? None other than James Comey, who secured 17 no bid contracts for his employer
(Lockheed Martin) with the State Department and was rewarded with a $6 million dollar thank you present
when he departed his employer? Amazing how all those no-bids just went right through at the State Department. Now he is the FBI Director in charge of the “Clinton Email Investigation” after of course his FBI Investigates the Lois Lerner “Matter” at the Internal Revenue Service and he exonerates her. Nope, couldn’t find any crimes there.
In April 2016, James Comey drafts an exoneration letter of Hillary Rodham Clinton, meanwhile the DOJ is handing out immunity deals like candy.They didn’t even convene a Grand Jury! Like a lightning bolt of statistical impossibility, like a miracle from God himself, like the true “Gangsta” Comey is, James steps out into the cameras of an awaiting press conference on July 5th of 2016, and exonerates Hillary from any wrongdoing.
Do you see the pattern?
It goes on and on, Rosenstein becomes Assistant Attorney General, Comey gets fired based upon a letter by Rosenstein, Comey leaks government information to the press, Mueller is assigned to the Russian Investigation sham by Rosenstein to provide cover for decades of malfeasance within the FBI and DOJ and the story continues.
FISA abuse, political espionage pick a crime, any crime, chances are this group and a few others did it:
All the same players.
All compromised and conflicted.
All working fervently to NOT go to jail themselves.
All connected in one way or another to the Clinton's.
They are like battery acid; they corrode and corrupt everything they touch. How many lives have these two destroyed?
As of this writing, the Clinton Foundation, in its 20+ years of operation of being the largest International Charity Fraud in the history of mankind, has never been audited by the Internal Revenue Service. Let us not forget that Comey's brother works for DLA Piper, the law firm that does the Clinton Foundation's taxes.
The person that is the common denominator to all the crimes above and still doing her evil escape legal maneuvers at the top of the 3 Letter USA Agencies? Yes, that would be Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Let’s learn a little about Mrs. Lisa H. Barsoomian’s background. Lisa H. Barsoomian, an Attorney that graduated from Georgetown Law, is a protégé of James Comey and Robert Mueller. Barsoomian, with her boss R. Craig Lawrence, represented Bill Clinton in 1998.
Lawrence also represented;
Robert Mueller three times,
James Comey five times,
Barack Obama 45 times,
Kathleen Sebelius 56 times,
Bill Clinton 40 times,
and Hillary Clinton 17 times.
Between 1998 and 2017, Barsoomian herself represented the FBI at least five times.
You may be saying to yourself, who cares about the work history of this Barsoomian woman? Apparently, someone does, because someone out there cares so much that they’ve “purged” all Barsoomian court documents for her Clinton representation in Hamburg vs. Clinton in 1998 and its appeal in 1999 from the DC District and Appeals Court dockets.
Someone out there cares so much that even the internet has been “purged” of all information pertaining to Barsoomian.
Historically, this indicates that the individual is a protected CIA operative. Additionally, Lisa Barsoomian has specialized in opposing Freedom of Information Act requests on behalf of the intelligence community. Although, Barsoomian has been involved in hundreds of cases representing the DC Office of the US Attorney, her email address is [email protected]. The NIH stands for National Institutes of Health. This is a tactic routinely used by the CIA to protect an operative by using another government organization to shield their activities. It’s a cover, so big deal right? What does one more attorney with ties to the US intelligence community really matter?
It deals with Trump and his recent tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum imports, the border wall, DACA, everything coming out of California, the Uni-party unrelenting opposition to President Trump, the Clapper leaks, the Comey leaks, Attorney General Jeff Sessions recusal and subsequent 14 month nap with occasional forays into the marijuana legalization mix and last but not least Mueller’s never-ending investigation into collusion between the Trump team and the Russians.
Why does Barsoomian, CIA operative, merit any mention? Because she is Assistant Attorney General Rod
Rosenstein’s wife.
Source - Tom Tancredo/Team America
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stitch-n-time · 5 years
Vacation update
We managed the flight all right. The plane was somewhat comfortable (which was a surprise), but that was a lucky stroke, as there was a half hour-ish delay and a rerouting that added some flight time.
The man-thing had never flown commercially before, so I made sure he had a window seat. After we got past the storms that caused the reroute, he was absolutely entranced by being so high. He had a hundred questions about the fields and why they looked like they did. He also had problems with trying to figure out what constitutes "town" vs "a couple of neighbors" while flying over the plains.
We got a free upgrade on the rental car because the first agent we talked to couldn't find the reservation. Trundled our little butts to Tocabe to try it out. I found it to be really good, but it's too sugary for the man-thing. His blood sugar was high afterward. (Then again, it's been about 50 points higher than usual since we got here - correlation between altitude and diabetes?)
We got settled into the KOA with zero problems. The little cabin is incredibly nice. A touch chilly, but so is everything here after living in Florida for over a decade. There's a little mom n pop diner across the street, right next to the grain elevator. Based on the number of vehicles, it's where the locals go. So we went. Best damned breakfast I've had in a long time. The man-thing was listening in on the conversation being held by the 4 guys holding down one of the tables. He decided that, yes, everybody from this area is kinda like me. Which I've told him a million times, but experiencing it yourself cements it.
He also decided that old farmers will always be old farmers. It's going to be the same damned conversation with the same damned arguments. Doesn't matter if it's about the coffee this morning, whether it's going to rain, how to sex marijuana plants, or whether they should just stick to wheat and corn until they get the seed regulation under control so you don't grow something with too much thc and end up with the entire crop siezed because somebody sent the wrong seed.
Yesterday we went up to Georgetown and rode the railroad. Obviously. Not sorry for the spam, or the fact that some of it is still coming through. No wifi and questionable cell service makes things slow. Then we wandered around Georgetown, and came back to camp.
The man-thing has been introduced to things like aspens and cottonwoods. Mainly because he asked why there was cotton things floating around in the air. He can't get over the difference in humidity levels. He's shocked at the layer of dust over everything. The blend of small businesses and large chain places was something he's never experienced that came as a pleasant surprise. He's amazed by the fact that I'm not suffering at all here (my joint problems flare up in humid climates) and was able to not only keep up with him on flat ground, but was up and down stairs with no problem. And, even though we went down Colfax from somewhere east of Denver all the way through to the 70 junction by Golden, he was amazed at how much cleaner everything is. There's not trash piled up, there's less graffiti, things generally run fairly smoothly, etc. It came as a shock to him.
Today we pack the cabin and head slightly further east for a few days. It will be his first time on the plains, and on the dirt roads out here. Everything so far has been mostly I-70, so he thought that most of the state is paved, like Florida. I laughed.
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nwbeerguide · 5 years
Seattle Fresh Hop at the Georgetown Stables
beer tasting
fresh hop
beer fest
It’s all about the beer.
The Pacific Northwest is the home of hoppy beer and the Yakima Valley is home to 75% of the hops grown in the United States! Seattle Fresh Hop™ is the place to celebrate it all.
Our current brewer list (stay tuned for additions):
Fremont Brewing
Hellbent Brewing Company
Jellyfish Brewing Company
Ghostfish Brewing
Bellevue Brewing
Sunriver Brewing Co.
Hop Capital Brewing
Chainline Brewing Company
Fort George Brewery
Farmstrong Brewing
Mazama Brewing
Sumerian Brewing Co.
Diamond Knot
Finnriver Farm and Cidery
Everybody's Brewing
Buoy Beer Company
Two Beers Brewing/Seattle Cider Company
Lumber House Brewery
Flycaster Brewing
Burke-Gilman Brewing Company
Best of Hands Barrelhouse
When and where?
Seattle Fresh Hop™ is celebrated on October 12, 2019 at Georgetown Stables • 980 S Nebraska Street •. Seattle, WA 98108
Two sessions, one mission.
Seattle Fresh Hop™ has two sessions: Session 1: Noon - 4pm - Fido Friendly! Session 2: 5:30pm - 9:30pm
Our mission is to give back to our community, so you can feel good knowing that drinking good beer = doing good. Seattle Fresh Hop is a benefit for Chump Change Foundation.
How it works.
Seattle Fresh Hop™ is a tasting event that uses script. Tastes are served only into official Seattle Fresh Hop™ souvenir tasting glasses which is included with your online ticket. Designated Driver tickets are sold at the door. Food will be available for purchase onsite. 
Additional Script may be purchased onsite: 1 5oz taste:       $3.25 8 5oz tastes:   $20.00
What is fresh hop anyway?
Fresh hops (also referred to as green or wet hops) are un-dried, raw hops picked from the bine and used in the brewing process usually within 24 hours. Hops are a perennial plant thus fresh hops are only available during the hop harvest season which lies around mid- August to late September in the northern hemisphere.
Trust us, it’s delicious.
Seattle Fresh Hop. You bet your ass its fresh.
Boring FAQ’s:
All guests must be 21+ with valid ID on site, even you granny!
No Outside Beverages or Alcohol allowed No Aggressive Behavior
No weapons (duh-doy)  No Standing or Dancing on the Tables, Benches, or Chairs No Behavior that is Disruptive to other guests enjoyment of the festival
Bags will be searched at entry No Children or Babies allowed Cash and Credit Accepted
No dogs during session two
 Absolutely no marijuana use on site.
Don’t be a dick. 
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lemondeabicyclette · 6 years
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Il y a deux ans, j'ai parcouru 1 400 milles (2253 km) sur la côte du Pacifique. Ce fut une expérience incroyable qui a changé ma vie mais qui était aussi souvent ennuyeuse.
À mesure que la scène changeait d'un État à l'autre, mon processus restait absolument identique: enfonce la pédale, appuie sur l'autre pédale, répète l'opération. Heureusement, j'avais acheté du cannabis dans un dispensaire médical. Les gens ont probablement compris les avantages de la consommation de cannabis pour gens actifs - depuis des milliers d'années. La récente légalisation (dans certains états des USA) a permis à certains athlètes et entraîneurs de soutenir publiquement la combinaison “activité sportive + marijuana”. Joel Benjamin, qui dirige des cours de yoga adaptés au cannabis dans son studio Yogasmith à Georgetown, a déclaré que le cannabis pouvait vous aider à pratiquer d'une manière que vous n'aviez jamais envisagée auparavant. "Cela peut certainement être un bon moyen de mélanger votre pratique. Cela ouvre votre corps tout comme cela ouvre votre esprit, cela peut être très libérateur", affirme Benjamin. "Les gens qui ont la même pratique que chaque fois qu'ils déploient leur tapis peuvent bouger d'une nouvelle manière." La majorité des entraîneurs personnels que j'ai contactés ont refusé d'être interviewés pour cette histoire, mais Ivy Karlinsky, entraîneuse personnelle chez Transform 180 Training à Belltown, s'est dite sceptique quant aux avantages de l'utilisation de cannabis pour soulever des poids. "Je ne peux pas dire que je me sentirais à l'aise dans un gymnase en formant quelqu'un qui était sous l'influence de quoi que ce soit", a déclaré Karlinsky. Elle a ajouté qu'elle ne connaissait aucun formateur à Seattle qui était réceptif à cette idée. Mais si vous déménagez à San Francisco, vous pourrez bientôt rejoindre le premier gymnase au monde à respecter le cannabis. Jim McAlpine envisage d'ouvrir Power Plant Fitness en février et a déclaré que le gymnase comportera un espace spécifique pour fumer, vapoter ou manger de l'herbe. McAlpine a également créé une gamme de produits comestibles, et il a lancé les 420 Games, une compétition amicale qui se déroule dans tout le pays. Il s'est déroulé au parc Magnuson à Seattle en juillet dernier. McAlpine a déclaré que le cannabis l'aidait à se concentrer et à se motiver tout au long de ses séances d'entraînement. "Le muscle ou le morceau le plus important du corps d'un athlète est son esprit", a-t-il déclaré.
"Le dernier kilomètre, ce ne sont pas les muscles qui vous permettent de le parcourir, mais bien votre esprit."
McAlpine a déclaré qu'être high augmentait en fait la quantité de contrôle qu'il avait pendant son entraînement. "Vous devez vous concentrer mentalement lorsque vous vous entraînez et vous avez un degré de concentration supérieur", a-t-il déclaré. Alors qui a raison, McAlpine ou Karlinsky? Mon voyage à vélo d'un mois m'a convaincu que le fait d'être haut m'aide à faire de l'exercice. Mais que disent les scientifiques? Malheureusement, à l'instar de nombreuses questions scientifiques sur le pot, la science est toujours en suspens. Un papier de 2015 dans la revue Sports Medicine a qualifié les arguments des deux côtés de purement anecdotiques, et a appelé à davantage de recherches sur le sujet. Cela peut prendre un certain temps - la programmation actuelle du cannabis établie par la DEA complique ridiculement la tâche des chercheurs d'étudier tout ce qui concerne le cannabis.
Les scientifiques ont découvert des liens intéressants entre le cannabis et l'exercice. Il existe de fortes preuves que le cannabis peut avoir des effets anti-inflammatoires, ce qui explique probablement pourquoi de nombreux athlètes (comme Arnold Schwarzenegger après avoir remporté un titre de culturiste en 1975) aiment le cannabis comme complément apaisant après l'entraînement.
Il a également été prouvé que les substances chimiques actives contenues dans le cannabis sont les mêmes que celles qui procurent aux gens le sentiment euphorique de «sensation de coureur». Le sentiment est généralement attribué aux endorphines, mais des recherches récentes montrent que les endorphines sont incapables d’affecter physiquement le cerveau. Au lieu de cela, notre cerveau crée ses propres produits chimiques similaires au THC qui réagissent avec le même système endocannabinoïde sur lequel opère weed.
Les stoners peuvent également être en meilleure santé que les gens sobres. Une étude menée en 2013 par la Harvard Medical School a montré que la consommation de cannabis était associée à un tour de taille et à des niveaux d'insuline plus bas, et une étude menée en 2015 par l'Université du Michigan a montré que le risque de diabète était réduit de 30% pour les utilisateurs de cannabis. Mais les deux études ont reconnu le besoin de plus de recherche.
Lorsque je menais mes propres recherches sur les reefers sur la côte, je fumais presque tous les jours, généralement l'après-midi, lorsque j'avais besoin d'un peu plus d'inspiration pour atteindre mon objectif de la journée. L’autoroute 101 est constamment vallonnée: elle longe la plage, passe par-dessus des caps et s’allonge sur la plage. Fumer de la marijuana m'a aidé à me détendre dans ces montées au lieu de simplement les charger. Je me concentrais pour trouver un rythme et ne pas le rompre, même si je me déplaçais à peine cinq miles à l'heure. Je commençais à chanter en rythmant chaque pédale avec un mot dénué de sens, jusqu'à ce que je roule lentement sur la crête de la colline. Je me serais senti ridicule de murmurer tout seul sur la côte, mais mon esprit était complètement consumé par ce que je faisais. Le cannabis ne m'avait pas gardé sur le canapé - il m'avait aidé à terminer le plus grand voyage physique de ma vie. Source : Lester Black, The Stranger, décembre 2016
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Perceptions of ganja in Jamaica
Summarizing the information collected during the interviews about Jamaican attitudes towards ganja it was clear that the opinions are still very divided. Even though it seems as the attitudes generally have changed for the better with people being more accepting of it today, there is still a lot of stigma attached to it. The negative opinions are mainly expressed by older generations who tend to associate it with criminality. This association can be traced back to the early 20th century when the colonial powers portrayed it as a reason for increased crime rates. One of the groups closely linked to the usage are the Rastafarians who were stereotyped as criminals (Caricom, 2018). The people interviewed also argued that females were less prone to use cannabis openly than men. These assumptions are supported by statistics. In Jamaica 796 males and 141 females were arrested for possession of marijuana during 2017 (caricom, 2018). The reason for this was believed to be societies gender roles and the expected behavior assigned to men and females. Women are generally viewed as more responsible and thought to be more aware of their reputation as “proper” and “healthy”. Females who smoke are not depicted as attractive while it is more socially accepted for men. Links were also made between socioeconomic background and choice of drug. While people belonging to the upper class were thought to consume drugs such as cocaine, cannabis was said to be a drug for economically poorer groups in society. Even though these assumptions were made without evidence or facts, statistics show that arrests and convictions for possession is more common amongst certain societal groups. It is important to note that the numbers of arrests don’t correspond with the actual usage as racial and classist prejudice regarding consumption of marijuana affect the legal system and those working within it (caricom, 2018). The more positive aspects mentioned were the unifying abilities of the drug as some see it as a form of socialising. Along with the social aspects it’s relaxing effects were also mentioned. Caribbean community (CARICOM) secretariat. (2018). Report of the CARICOM regional commission in marijuana 2018. Georgetown, Guyana: Caribbean community (CARICOM) secretariat.
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blackkudos · 6 years
Hakeem Jeffries
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Hakeem Sekou Jeffries (born August 4, 1970) is a Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives, representing New York's 8th congressional district in Brooklyn and Queens. Prior to taking office in 2013, he was a corporate lawyer for Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, then Viacom and CBS, before running for and serving in the New York State Assembly from 2007 to 2012, representing the 57th Assembly district.
Early life and education
Jeffries grew up in Crown Heights, Brooklyn and received his bachelor's in political science from Binghamton University with honors. He graduated from New York University School of Law and obtained a master's degree in public policy from Georgetown University.
Law career
He served as a clerk for Judge Harold Baer, Jr., then worked in the litigation department of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison before becoming assistant litigator for Viacom and CBS.
New York Assembly
In 2000, he challenged incumbent Democratic Assemblyman Roger Green in the primary, losing 59 percent to 41 percent. In the general election, Jeffries ran on the Independence Party line, and Green defeated him again, this time 90 percent to his 7 percent.
Two years later, after redistricting, his residence was put out of the 57th Assembly District. Jeffries claimed in the 2010 documentary film Gerrymandering that it was a retaliatory move (a charge denied by Green). He challenged Green again in the Democratic primary and lost again, by 24 points.
In 2006 Green decided to retire from the Assembly in order to run for New York's 10th congressional district against incumbent Democrat U.S. Congressman Ed Towns. Jeffries ran for the 57th district again and won the Democratic primary, defeating Bill Batson and Freddie Hamilton 64 percent to 25 percent and 11 percent. In the general election, he handily defeated Republican nominee Henry Weinstein.
Two years later, in 2008, he won re-election to a second term, defeating the Republican candidate Charles Brickhouse, with 98 percent of the vote. In 2010 he won re-election to a third term, easily defeating the Republican candidate Frank Voyticky.
During his six years in the state legislature he introduced over 70 bills. In response to a series of toy recalls, he introduced bill A02589, which would penalize retailers and wholesalers who knowingly sell to the public hazardous or dangerous toys that have been the subject of a recall. In 2010, the Stop-and-Frisk database bill was signed into law by Governor Paterson that banned police from compiling names and addresses of those stopped but are not arrested during street searches.
He also wrote and sponsored the hotly contested house bill A. 11177-A (now law) that eliminated the stop-and-frisk database used by police forces in New York City. He sponsored and passed house bill A.9834-A (now law) the Inmate-base gerrymandering law that ended counting prison populations of upstate districts as part of the public population, becoming the second state to end this practice.
Committee assignments
State House Committee on Banks
State House Committee on Codes
State House Committee on Corporations, Authorities, and Commissions
State House Committee on Correction
State House Committee on Housing
State House Committee on Judiciary
State House Subcommittee on Banking in Underserved Communities
State House Subcommittee on Mitchell-Lama
State House Subcommittee on Transitional Services
State House Subcommittee on Trust and Estates
U.S. House of Representatives
Jeffries announced he would give up his Assembly seat to run in New York's 8th congressional district in January 2012. The district, which includes the Brooklyn communities of Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Bed-Stuy, Brownsville, East New York, Canarsie, Mill Basin and Coney Island along with South Ozone Park and Howard Beach in the borough of Queens, had previously been the 10th, represented by 30-year incumbent Democrat Edolphus Towns. On the steps of Brooklyn’s Borough Hall, Jeffries said: “Washington is broken. Congress is dysfunctional. People are suffering. We deserve more."
Jeffries expected to give Towns a strong challenge in the Democratic primary—the real contest in this heavily Democratic, black-majority district. However, with Jeffries assembling "a broad coalition of support” and having more cash than the incumbent, Towns announced his retirement on April 16, leaving Jeffries to face city councilman Charles Barron in the Democratic primary.
Touted as the "Barack Obama of Brooklyn” during his run for the congressional seat, Jeffries has said he doesn’t see the Obama comparison. “Other than the fact that we were both born on August 4, it’s not clear to me that there’s much of a professional resemblance,”
On June 11, 2012, former Mayor Ed Koch, Congressman Jerrold Nadler, Councilman David Greenfield, and Assemblyman Dov Hikind gathered with several other elected officials to support Jeffries and denounce Barron. The officials described Barron as anti-Semitic and denounced his allegedly anti-Semitic statements, while also denouncing his support of Zimbabwe ruler Robert Mugabe and former Libya ruler Muammar Gaddafi. Barron responded that such attacks were a distraction from bread and butter issues.
Green Party candidate Colin Beavan called on Jeffries to "get the money out of politics", noting that as of his March 2012 filing, "he had received about $180,000, or 35 percent of his funds, from Wall Street bankers and their lawyers". Beaven added that Jeffries gets many campaign donations from charter school backers and hedge fund managers. After primary night, when asked about his two most important concerns, Jeffries replied eliminating the "crushing burden" of private religious school education costs.
After out-raising him by hundreds of thousands of dollars, Jeffries defeated Barron in the primary election on June 26, 2012, 72 to 28 percent. A New York Daily News post-election editorial noted that Barron had been “repudiated” in all parts of the Congressional district, including among neighbors on Barron’s own block in East New York, where the Councilman lost 57-50. The Daily News also analyzed Jeffries' donations in the last weeks of the campaign and found almost 50 percent came from out of state. He went on to defeat Beavan and Republican Alan Bellone in the November general election with 71 percent of the vote, but not before declining to attend a pre-primary debate with third party candidates, saying that the presence of the Green Party and Republican candidates at the debate would "confuse" voters.
On January 3, 2013, Jeffries was sworn into the 113th Congress.
Among the innovative practices Jeffries has carried over to Congress from his service in the State Assembly are: Operation Preserve, a legal housing clinic for displaced residents in the community; Summer at the Subway, now known as “Congress on Your Corner,”; outdoor evening office hours from June through August near subway stations that allows him to connect and hear constituents’ concerns first- hand; and his annual “State of the District” address, a community event in January that reviews important milestones achieved in the past year and previews the Congressman’s goals for the year ahead.
Since fall 2006 he has been a cautious supporter of Bruce Ratner's controversial Atlantic Yards project.
He has opposed the Keystone XL pipeline, but also voted against an amendment that would have restrict sales of oil transported on the pipeline to within the United States.
He is pro-Israel, saying at a rally in July 2014 "Israel should not be made to apologize for its strength.” Citing his own childhood growing up in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, Jeffries added that he knew from experience that “the only thing that neighbors respect in a tough neighborhood is strength."
Since taking federal office, Jeffries has been called “a rising star,” appointed to the House Judiciary Committee Task Force on Over Criminalization as well as appointed the Congressional Black Caucus Whip. He also plays in the infield on the Congressional Baseball Team.
As a member of Congress, he has called for a federal investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice into the circumstances surrounding the death of Eric Garner. On a visit to the Staten Island site where Garner was killed, recorded by a CNN news crew in December 2014, Jeffries encountered Gwen Carr, the victim’s mother. In April 2015, Jeffries stood with Carr to announce the introduction of the Excessive Use of Force Prevention Act of 2015 that would make the use of a chokehold illegal under federal law.
As the Congressmember with among the highest number of public housing residents, Jeffries has been attentive to their needs. He introduced P.J.’s Act in response to the death of 6 year old P.J. Avitto of East New York; who was stabbed in an elevator inside the Boulevard Houses, a NYCHA apartment complex. The legislation would increase federal funding for enhanced security in public housing developments.
Jeffries has also publicly called on the New York City Police Department Commissioner to reform its marijuana arrest policy after recent reports showed that small amount of marijuana arrests, which had increased dramatically under Mayor Michael Bloomberg Administration’s application of stop-and-frisk, were still rising in New York City under Bloomberg’s successor, Mayor Bill de Blasio. Jeffries has become a high-profile critic of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and NYPD Commissioner William Bratton, questioning whether the reduction in stop-and-frisk has been a product of mayoral administration changes or the results of a movement that brought a successful federal lawsuit, and criticizing Eric Garner’s chokehold death.
In Congress, as the Congressional Black Caucus’ Whip, he has been actively involved in maintaining the CBC historic role as “the conscience of the Congress.” In his CBC role, he has hosted Special Orders on the House floor, including regarding voting rights (after the Supreme Court decision weakening the 1965 Voting Rights Act) and in December 2014, leading CBC members in a “hands up, don’t shoot” protest to protest the killings of African-Americans by police. After the shootings in Charleston in June 2015 by a white supremacist inspired by the Confederate flag, Jeffries led the effort to have the flag removed for sale or display on National Park Service land, an amendment eventually killed by the Republican House leadership after its initial support and inclusion on voice vote. During dramatic debate on the House floor, Jeffries stood next to the Confederate battle flag, and noted he “got chills” and lamented that the “Ghosts of the Confederacy have invaded the GOP.”
With a high concentration of public housing and high unemployment in his district, Jeffries has also made an issue of HUD’s failure to adequately enforce Section 3 of its initial creating statute from 1968, which explicitly required that federally funded capital and rehabilitation projects in public housing developments had to employ residents of those developments. As Jeffries noted, “we can download the power of the federal government into neighborhoods that are struggling the most, without legislative action. The most promising area is Section 3.”
In addition to legislation mentioned above, on April 11, 2013, Jeffries introduced the Prison Ship Martyrs' Monument Preservation Act (H.R. 1501; 113th Congress) into the United States House of Representatives. Jeffries's proposed bill would direct the Secretary of the Interior to study the suitability and feasibility of designating the Prison Ship Martyrs' Monument in Fort Greene Park in the New York City borough of Brooklyn as a unit of the National Park System (NPS). Jeffries said that "as one of America's largest revolutionary war burial sites and in tribute to the patriots that lost their lives fighting for our nation's independence, this monument deserves to be considered as a unit of the National Park Service." On April 28, 2014, the Prison Ship Martyrs’s Monument Preservation Act was passed by the House.
On July 15, 2014, Jeffries, who in private practice addressed intellectual property issues, introduced the To establish the Law School Clinic Certification Program of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (H.R. 5108; 113th Congress), which would establish the Law School Clinic Certification Program of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to be available to accredited law schools for the ten-year period after enactment of the Act.
In 2015, Jeffries led the effort in Congress to pass The Slain Officer Family Support Act, which extended the tax deadline for individuals making donations to organizations supporting the families of assassinated NYPD Detectives Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. The families of the officers, who had been assassinated in their patrol car on December 20, 2014 in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Jeffries' district, had been the recipients of significant charitable fundraising. Prior to the enactment of the new law, individuals would have had to make those contributions by December 31, 2014 to qualify for a tax deduction in connection with taxes filed in 2015. With the legal change, contributions made until April 15, 2015 were deductible. President Obama signed the bill into law on April 1, 2015.
Committee assignments
Committee on Education and the Workforce
Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions
Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training
Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet
Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial and Antitrust Law
During 2007, while still in his first term in the State Assembly, Jeffries publicly endorsed and supported Barack Obama, and was among Obama’s earliest supporters in Hillary Clinton’s home state. In one interview, he noted “"When I first ran for office, some people suggested that someone with the name "Hakeem Jeffries" could never get elected and when I saw someone with the name "Barack Obama" get elected to the U.S. Senate, it certainly inspired me."
While President Barack Obama did not openly support candidates in Democratic primaries, he and President Bill Clinton together took a photograph with Jeffries weeks before his 2012 Congressional primary against Councilman Charles Barron, which was effectively used in campaign literature.
In a 2012 special election, Jeffries endorsed Walter T. Mosley, who was successful in a special election run to succeed Jeffries in State Assembly.
The following year, Jeffries backed Laurie Cumbo in the hotly contested race for Brooklyn's 35th city council seat vacated by Tish James, who won the City-wide race for Public Advocate, also with a Jeffries endorsement.
In 2013, Jeffries endorsed in the race for Brooklyn District Attorney, the seat held since 1990 by Charles‘ “Joe” Hynes, whose office was facing deep criticism for wrongful convictions and botched prosecutions. He endorsed Kenneth Thompson, whom Jeffries had met while interning at the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District in the 1990s, when Thompson was a prosecutor.
According to journalists, the Jeffries endorsement of Thompson’s campaign was critical, and was followed by endorsements of Thompson by Brooklyn’s three other Democratic members of Congress. Thompson won the Democratic primary and defeated Hynes again in the general election when the DA elected to run as a Republican in the majority Democratic borough.
In the 2013 NYC mayoral race, Jeffries endorsed City Comptroller Bill Thompson, hailing his experience in City government. Jeffies also noted he was offended by Bill de Blasio's ad featuring stop and frisk claiming himself as the only candidate who would address, modify or reform stop and frisk:
"In some ways, I'm offended by the notion that one individual, in a city of eight million people, after years and years and years of many of us, in the state legislature and the City Council, activists, marches that took place, including one on Father's Day, to get us to a point where all of the major mayoral candidates have said stop and frisk will be significantly reformed on their watch."
His support of Thompson over de Blasio came in spite of Jeffries' own support of two policing bills, for independent inspector general for the police department and to allow for bias suits in state court, which de Blasio backed but Thompson did not. Jeffries said it made sense for Thompson, because he was running to be the city's top executive, not to support them.
In 2014, he supported Rubain Dorancy as Democratic candidate for state senate, who lost to Jesse Hamilton by a wide margin.
In that state senate race, as in several others since 2012, Jeffries has endorsed opponents of candidates endorsed by current Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, which has created the perception of a rivalry between the two prominent elected officials, Both Jeffries and Adams have dismissed these perceptions, noting their shared history (they had together served as prime co-sponsors of the 2010 stop-frisk database bill in the state legislature) with Jeffries adding.: “Over the years, we’ve often disagreed about the best candidate for our community. But when the election is over, we should all work together to get things done.”
In 2015, calls were been made among prominent African-American pastors for Jeffries to step into the 2017 Democratic primary for Mayor against Bill de Blasio. Jeffries has stated that he has “no interest” and wishes to remain an effective member of Congress.
Personal life and family
He is married to Kennisandra Arciniegas-Jeffries, a social worker with 1199 SEIU's Benefit Fund. They have two boys, Jeremiah (born 2001) and Joshua (born 2004) and live in Prospect Heights. Jeffries is also the nephew of CUNY professor Leonard Jeffries, Jr.
Jeffries’ younger brother, Hasan Kwame Jeffries, is an associate professor of history at The Ohio State University in Columbus. He is the author of Bloody Lowndes: Civil Rights and Black Power in Alabama’s Black Belt.
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