#Marie cuttlefish I adore you
snailvibes · 6 months
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starshadyy · 2 months
what your favorite splatoon character says about YOU!
obligatory “this is a joke” disclaimer, please don’t take offense i’m only being silly👉👈
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callie: you are a diehard squid sisters fan. you have an intrinsic sense for design and are probably super creative. you hate it when people misinterpret her. others wouldn’t assume it, but you actually need therapy more than most others on this list…😔
marie: you’re really intimidating but probably super nice. you’re actually good at the game and are well-versed in the meta. you may not be the best at communication, but you have a strong intuition and are good at reading people
pearl: an absolute feral crackhead who needs to be kept on a leash. definitely queer. nasty majesty is your national anthem. you breathe life and energy into every situation you enter, and others appreciate you for it. you are pearlina’s strongest soldier! 🩷🩵
marina: you are a massive nerd /affectionate. you either wanna be her friend or you have a fat crush on her. you listen to splatoon ost all the time. your room is packed with stuff from the media you like, including mountains of plushies
shiver: you join her team during splatfests even when you don’t necessarily agree with the platform. you’re likely very sarcastic and always speak your mind. oh yeah, and you’re a weeb
frye: you loved her from the start and defended her honor back when everyone was clowning on her design. you’re very talented but humble about your accomplishments. you would bite someone if allowed
big man: you act laid back but are probably filled with anxiety. i get the vibe that you would own an unconventional pet of some kind [turtle, frog, ferret, etc.]. you’re for sure the mom friend. you know nothing about splatoon lore
captain 3: you are the BACKBONE of this fandom and i have nothing but respect for you. you’re probably ranked pretty high in competitive and are likely a completionist
agent 4: you grew up on splatoon 2 and were sure that they would show up in side order only to be… uh, half right? i’m so sorry sweet prince /gn. don’t you worry, your day [splatoon 4] is fast approaching…
eight: you’re very analytical and derive great joy from the story aspects of splatoon. you either write or read fanfiction and maybe cosplay too. you LIVE for the found family trope, and also probably ship them with captain 3. you have amazing taste :]
neo agent 3: you think lil buddy is the most adorable creature to walk the planet. you wish their initial outfit was actually accessible in the game. you’ve probably only played splatoon 3
cap’n cuttlefish: you’re an og who’s been around since splatoon 1 but still know next to nothing about the lore. you don’t main a weapon, and instead prefer to bounce around. you are… an inscrutable crackhead who i want to study
dj octavio: you’re willing to die on the hill that he is not a villain and only did what he did to support his people [you’re right btw]. you’re actually really chill and fun and i have a lot of respect for you. also, i’m liable to believe that you ship him with cuttlefish, don’t you? DON’T YOU?!?
commander tartar: you’re… ME??? villainous characters are always your favorites. you think octo expansion is a masterpiece [and you’re entirely right]. you’re a splatoon scholar and scour every obscure twitter post and artbook note to satiate your hunger for that sweet sweet lore. there’s something deeply wrong in your head.
mr. grizz: you play a lot of salmon run but are actually kinda bad at it [shhh i won’t tell]. you suffered through after alterna just for his backstory log and the bear ears. i’m going to go out on a limb here and say… you have daddy issues
smollusk: you LOVE the idea that marina and pearl are its adoptive moms. you’ve beaten side order with every palette. you overuse the “🥺” emoji. you miiight be a little annoying, but your heart is in the right place… probably
acht: either the chillest person you’ll ever meet or the most insane. probably both. you’re 100% queer and probably neurodivergent too. i bet you listen to will wood and / or tally hall. i wanna be your friend
harmony: you know every chirpy chips song by heart. you’re probably really sweet and i know you make banger fanart. you have an affinity for cute things and i bet your favorite pokémon type is fairy. DEFINITELY neurodivergent.
cq cumber: ???you both confuse and frighten me!!! what can i even say? you’re a cryptid! but honestly, you’re kinda iconic. i salute you, you freak of nature🫡
iso padre: I LOVE YOU. you’re accepting of all people and are just an absolute saint in general. daddy issues, but you’re coping way better than the grizz fans. also, i’m betting that you’re neurodivergent
sheldon: i didn’t think you existed, but turns out that you do? you actually listen to his rambles. splatoon 2 is your favorite game in the series. you’re able to see the value in things that others tear down and y'know what? i respect that [not saying i approve of your character choice though]
judd: wait, why him? ohh wait, i know! you probably just don’t care about splatoon’s story at all and / or love cats. there, that’s totally it, right?
lil judd: you either DON’T know his lore and just like the cute little kitten, or you DO know his lore and you’re unhinged. i’m scared of you
spyke: you’d bark for him without hesitation and DON’T pretend you wouldn’t. you clown. you absolute freak. i know what you are. /j
murch: if i had to bet, you’re probably the shy type who prefers to let others do the talking for them. you might secretly be a little freaky though, and i think you should embrace that side of yourself. you’re safe here. be free.
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flamingskull28 · 7 months
Inspired by @mistercroissant
"Ah, that's Agent 4! Agent 2 introduced me to her, why don't you go chat with her 8?" Captain offered in his kindly way, like a grandpa trying to get the their grandsquids to go make friends.
8 just nodded, which seemed enough for cuttlefish who went off to continue talking with Marie and Callie. Honestly 8 really wanted to fan girl with the squid sisters but... she'd settle for this 'Agent 4'
Walking over to where the girl leaned on a wall, 8 couldn't help but notice they looked familiar. Their hair and... admittedly beautiful looks made 8's hearts speed up and her brain rack trying to figure out where she knew them from.
4 looked at 8, her gaze was stren but held a certain softness to it. 8 felt her high heels turn to cement as the familiar Agent approved her.
"You must be Agent 8, nice to meet ya. I'm Agent 4 but just 4 will work." Her voice was casual and friendly in perfect harmony. 4's smile was light but so joy ridden that 8 couldn't help but return it.
It hit her that she needed to talk as well "N-Nice to meet you too... oh you can just call me uh.. 8." 8 recoiled internally at her own awkwardness but 4 didn't seem to mind.
"Alright, 8. I think we'll get along just fine, I've heard you saved the world or something like that. I've been dying to hear the story. I can talk about saving Callie if you want." 4 offered with a toothy grin. 8 felt intense curiosity to hear 4's story....then it hit her.
"Omc... it's you.." She blurted, hands shaking as she ripped off her bag and pulled out a crumpled up magazine. 4 looked at her like she was crazy. "You're the one from the magazine! Same hair, same beauty, everything!" 8 wasn't quite sure where this enthusiasm had risen from.
"I think you're-" 4 was cut off as 8 rushed her in a hug and her face burned into a deep yellow blush.
"Seeing that magazine and... imagining inkopils... it helped push me through. Thank you 4." 8 felt embarrassed at her outburst but her joy outweighed any other emotions ten fold.
4 hesitated before talking "I.... I'm glad I could help." Cod... she was going to have to keep up the act of being a model just for a cute girl she just met, wasn't she?
8 made a frankly adorable purr and let 4 go "You'll have to show me those poses in person!"
Unfortunately 4's gayness gave her no other option but to nod yes.
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starsunderwaterr · 2 years
Headcanons for Dating Cap’n 3! (pt. 1)
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Hey y’all! I’m sorry it took me so long to get this one out! I’ve been busy writing for some other projects and have been really busy with homework!! 
Somehow I lost the question, but an anonymous person requested more Captain 3 headcanons, so here they are! Hope you enjoy, anon! <3
Here are the little baby’s scenarios, eat it up luvs and leave no crumbs <3
All characters involved are 18+
Minors DNI
Warnings: none
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This beautiful baby has been through so much omggg
You met Three when you joined the Splatoon, specifically during Octo Expansion
You had helped Eight through her missions and tried to connect back to Three when she was traveling
You guys didn’t really talk much then, them only talking into their walkie when necessary
After Octo Expansion, you were still called in for smaller missions that required engineering/coding to be done
Even though Cap didn’t say it, they occasionally gave you the honorary smile and head nod
Being in such close proximity with them a lot resulted in you guys spending more time together
You started to pick up on their mannerisms and body language, noticing how they used it to talk more than their words
When this happened??? Cap began to love hanging out with you, but of course, never showed it
Over the course of those five years, you two became very close
Would always be near each other in some way, and there were a few times cap even hung out with you,,,for fun
Yeah, I KNOW
They began to smile a lot more around you, and Agents 1 & 2 definitely noticed, but wouldn’t pry
For the most part, you guys would use some sort of sign to communicate larger things when Three wasn’t feeling up for talking
You learned sign for them because you wanted them to be comfortable with you 🥺
When Three noticed, their heart was WARMMM bro
You guys were at Cuttlefish Cabin, relaxing as you waited for Marie to bring over a set of plans for a mission
Perfect time to practice your sign >:)
You looked over at Cap, and signed “What do you think it is this time?”
The shock Three had on their face bro omg-
It took them a second of shock and you stifling giggles for them to respond, “You learned sign?”
You smiled, your heart POUNDING “I wanted to talk with you.”
That was the moment Three began crushing on you
It wasn’t until you two were helping out Neo with her mission that Three opened up to crushing on your for years
After Cap had told Marie that she couldn’t go on, you ran right over
“I’ll bandage you up. Come on” you signed to them, helping them stand and walk back to the camp
You thought you saw a glimpse of a blush underneath Cap’n’s cap (haaaa), but you didn’t want to prod
As you finished the wrap, they stopped you with a calloused hand, meeting your eyes
In sign: “Thank you, (Y/N).” A pause. “I need to talk to you about something.”
You responded back, nodding, “Go ahead”
There was a long stop, and it looked like she was struggling to find the words… they even grunted a little in frustration, which showed how comfortable she was around you
You tried to cut in, signing to them, “It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me-“, but the captain waved you away, her face filled with blush
Another long pause, and then…
Real words…
“I like you.”
Their voice was low and quiet, scratchy even, but it was beautiful
You were in shock, and you couldn’t help but get a little teary-eyed, smiling back at the timid captain
“I like you, too, Cap..”
That really started it all tbh
You guys began dating as secretely as possible (which didn’t last long, thanks to Callie
When Three finally got comfortable with you as a lover, the relationship felt all the more special
They will seldom say it, and I mean seldom say “I love you,” but she always means it through her actions
When you come home, they poke their head out from wherever they are as a way to say hello and it’s so fucking adorable,,,,,,
Like the second they see your face, they melt and rush over to you to greet you 
In private, Cap can be very affectionate on their own terms
Plays with your fingers, compares hand sizes, and she’ll even let you wear their cap on the rare occasion, which is paramount in the honor department
Sometimes you’ll be sitting on the couch reading or watching a show and they’ll just walk past you and throw their cap onto your head like you’re a coat hanger 💀
They think it’s funny when you get thrown off by it, and if you’re quick enough, you’ll catch them smirking and stifling back giggles as they walk away
Speaking of which, you’re one of the only people who’ve heard Cap’s real laugh
The first time you got them to laugh you nearly cried from love
You were in the kitchen trying to make dinner for the two of you, Cap was leaning against the counter just watching you
You forgot one of the overhead cabinets was still open and when you turned to grab something, you WHACKED your head into it
Instantly, a burst of laughter came from Cap
It was a little hoarse, but it was surprisingly warm and airy
They checked if you were okay, but couldn’t stop giggling the whole time 🥹
You couldn’t help but tear up! They were so cute!! but also your face hurt like a bitch-
Cap can also be a sneaky little shit omg
They love scaring the fuck out of you 
You never thought that the super majestic, mature Captain of the Squidbeak Splatoon would love to do anything remotely immature, but NOOOOOO
It’s usually always at night, when you’re walking down the hallway in the dark 
So naturally, you scream, and Cap takes so much amusement in it
Their favorite part (and they’ll never admit it) is the aftermath, because they always throw you over their shoulder and run to the bed to get their soft kiss time in :3
When it comes to kissing, Three loves their feather-light kisses, but when they’re scared, desperate, or feeling more bold, they will put a bit more force and desire into the kiss
They weren’t too fond of kissing at first, just because they felt awkward, and they didn’t really know what they were doing
But even your quick pecks left their lips tingling and wanting more >;3
Now, don’t think so dirty!!!
Three loves to kiss you because they truly feel like they get closer to you... it’s helped them greatly
I mean, talk to Callie and Marie; they’ve noticed Cap’s stress practically deteriorate since you two started dating
Also omg, this is so cute-
Cap secretly loves fashion; I mean, they came to Inkopolis to go “where fashion is made” SOOOO
It’s so cute bc you’ll see them online shopping on their laptop when they’re resting against you, and they’ll oftentimes ask for your opinion on certain pairings, etc.
It’s genuinely one of the most wholesome things you’ve seen, bc their eyes revert back to the excited and inspired ones they had when they were 14 <3 <3
When you guys go on dates, they love to show off their outfits in the most discreet ways possible, and it’s so goddamn adorable
God, what would life be like without Cap’n 3?
utmost love to the little love <3 <3
Okay this is getting too long GAHDAYUM go to pawht two if you would like mouwre (so sorry guys my dookie soup dad accent decided to make a cameo!)
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toonjuiced · 2 years
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caregiver captain 3 🍏 [ x x x ] (REQUEST for @babyzapfish!)
adores you. flat out, that’s it. isn’t very verbal about that fact but shows it through their actions and a few choice physical gestures (pat on the head or shoulder, the occasional hug)
anything you could ask for, they’ll do their best to provide
you spend a lot of time sitting at the kitchen counter or following them around with your hand on their sleeve while they cook for you
honestly you spend a lot of time in general following them around attached to their clothes
is admittedly not the best at cooking, at least when you first start regressing around them, but they put a bunch of time into learning new recipes and trying out things they think you’ll enjoy
tries to set rules but is a complete pushover. if you say please more than a few times and pout a bit you can get away with anything
this especially applies to bedtime and dessert
if and when they finally manage to get you into bed, they’ll talk to you until you fall asleep. they’re on the quieter side, so hearing their voice for a long period of time always calms you down and makes you feel safe
helps you do little tasks, like settling into bed and getting up in the morning. brushing your teeth, getting you dressed, tucking you in
three likes keeping an eye on you as much as possible and will bring you to (safe!!) missions when they can, because they know you have fun getting outside
you get to spend a lot of time by proxy with callie and marie
three tries to keep them from giving you too much candy but they’re sort of like your rich, cool aunts
the squid sisters teach you their catchphrase and three finds it so cute to see you mimicking them
they’ll give you little things to do out in the field, like collecting a certain amount of small shells or inking a little bit of the turf around (they always keep a kid-safe splattershot jr. on hand for you to play with)
never lets you out of their line of sight
speaking of their sight: they have eyes like a hawk, and even faster instincts. if you’re about to trip, they 100% will catch you
good at keeping you out of harm’s way and somehow injuring themselves in the process. stubs their toe trying to keep you from falling over the coffee table, etc. little things like that
lets you rest in their captain’s hat or on their lap in squid or octopus form.. it’s very sweet
treats you often to little outings and always has sweets on hand to give to you
they notice once when you’re out in the field together that you love playing with the baby zapfish plushies, so they ask cuttlefish to make one especially for you
i mean. he can’t say no to the captain of the new squidbeak splatoon. (i think after the events of rotm you’d be a little scared of cuttlefish when small, but this helps you realize he’s not scary. you also realize he is the ideal size for playing with.)
this leads to you spending time chasing him around while he tries to get his grandkids or three (unsuccessfully) to help distract you so he can catch his breath
marie thinks this is absolutely hilarious. callie and three mostly find it cute. no one does anything to help him
lets you nap on the couch at the tentakeel outpost (marie helps especially to keep an eye on you there since she’s extra familiar with the location)
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I kind of have an idea how you feel about Octavio based on your posts about him, so how about Cuttlefish for the ask game?
Craig motherfucking Cuttlefish
God damn
Now it's obvious I'm more of an Octavio fan but that doesn't mean I don't adore this crazy old war criminal
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I have no doubt he's done absolutely god awful things in his life and I would push him down the fucking stairs but he's so bitter about his ex or whatever and such a deeply loving grandpa to Callie and Marie and I hfjshHDHSISJDBSB
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I mean for fucks sake his phone background is a photo of his granddaughters winning their first singing competition hOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE THIS OLD COOT
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inkantation-arch · 2 years
some very slight splatoon 3 spoilers following.
in the opening area of story mode, you can see the drawing that cuttlefish made of captain 3 during octo expansion, and interact with it. this is, btw, how you customize captain 3, though it defaults to how you designed them during octo expansion, if you had already.  when you interact with it, cuttlefish asks new 3 about if they know captain 3, and remarks that they’re "a real celebrity” if you say yes, and if you say no, says that since the new squidbeak splatoon is a “secret squad.... doin’ our hero-ing outside the public eye,” well, how could you know?
( also, after saying yes, he’ll ask if his portrait is accurate. say no, and you can customize captain 3. if you say his portrait of the captain is correct, he offers to do one of new 3, specifically offering to immortalize you. adorable. )
now, that does beg the question, like, what kind of celebrity is captain 3?
going with tsunaomi, the answer is obvious.  girl’s in X rank.  she’s got nowhere near the kind of fame that callie and marie have - and frankly, she’s thankful for that.  it’s the same kind of fame / celebrity that a well known speed runner would have.  people think she’s cool, they know her name and face, but typically feel no fear coming up to her to ask, hey, how do i get started in rank, and it’s also just as common for people to not know who she is.  after all, not everyone is super into watching turf war and ranked battles, and even if they watch casually, they’re not going to know every team member.  it’s a more peer-to-peer level of celebrity, which tsu likes, all things considered. 
only mildly related, but very funny: tsunaomi has been seen in public with callie and/or marie.... sort of.  tsu is good at ruining photos because she physically does not stop moving, so all paparazzi photos of her end up completely unsellable and tsu’s face completely unseen. 
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steponmepinkjun · 4 years
do you have any thoughts on the love interests as different monsters? like mermaids, werewolves, vampires, etc. I feel like there’s not enough monsterfucker arcana content, ya know? also I love your work so so much!! you’ve got a fantastic writing style and sense of humor!!
Now I say this all as a sort of... Part-time monsterfucker? Monsterfucker Jr? Idk. It doesn't always check the boxes for me. So I can't say any of these are terribly creative takes lmfao, I'm a pretty basic bitch in that category. But this is the result of banging one out in under five minutes in the grocery store parking lot, so 'ave at it, luv 😁😘
I mean let's be honest here, let's not lie, Lucio and Julian are definitely on some homoerotic Anne Rice type shit, they're Interview With A Vampire all over again and I LOVE that for them. Aesthetically, it just works, they both already love ridiculous frilly outfits, and vampire lore is already so chock full of natural angst and self-loathing and manipulation of others that it's perfect for them. Just two dumb immortal idiots trapped in love/hate till the end of time, throwing lavish parties and fucking their human partners to death. Ideal, really.
This may be controversial, but I actually love the idea of a darker—intentionally darker, more malicious—side of Nadia. Less of the "live long enough to see yourself become the villain" and more "do anything and everything to win." Something in the vein of AHS: Coven would be hot for Nadia, somewhere between Fiona Goode and Marie Laveau, you feel me? But if we're talking much more mythical, Nadia is a siren, for sure. Oooooooo or a succubus 😳 can you fucking imagine? OOF. I just live for evil Nadia. It's so dope.
Asra, Muri, and Portia all have very fae vibes to me, obviously, but let's go beyond that.
Mermaid Asra literally owns my whole pussy and both ovaries, so jot that down. When I think of Mer!Asra, firstly I think of my beloved @stealthbaguette's hot as fuck Mer!Asra fic, le oof it's spicy, but secondly I think of a little creature called the Flamboyant Cuttlefish. Fascinating creatures, really, and beautiful. I highly recommend doing a quick google. They posed a very intriguing conundrum to researchers for many years, as they are incredibly tiny, completely defenseless, and not terribly mobile, yet they use their tentacles like legs to fearlessly walk along the open ocean floor. How could such an easy meal survive, even with its astounding intelligence? It was discovered only a few years ago that just as their brilliant purple, black, and yellow coloring would suggest, they are strikingly, terrifyingly poisonous. I think Mer!Asra would be much like that. Gorgeous, tropical, brilliantly intelligent, cunning, beguiling, and deadlier than sin. Conversely, Asra would be stunning in any role like that of Facilier, the Shadow Man. But that doesn't really count since that's not a mythical creature.
I'll be honest with you, kittycat, I'm hesitant to propose any ideas for Muriel. The fandom at large has a real hard-on for policing content concerning him, and I just don't feel like walking the tightrope between saying something glaringly obvious, and trying to be creative and thus getting called problematic. No judgment to Muri stans, I just can't hack that conversation today.
Although I think Portia could easily embody all the best (and most evil heheh) traits of many mythical monsters, but there's something about her that just makes me think she and Calcifer are kindred spirits. Tell me you can't picture his little, "I am a great and powerful fire demon! Blehbleheheh" coming from Portia, you'd be lying! I love the idea of all her moxy and charisma housed in an equally small and adorable package in mythical form. But she's versatile. She's a little bit Alice Cullen, little bit lady werewolf, little bit seamonster, little bit fire demon. Y'know? Give Portia a sort of Spirited Away arc, make her a dragon, that shit would be TIGHT. I'd actually lose my mind for that. All opalescent scales and fiery red mane and tail? Yessum, that's it for me.
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theashemarie · 6 years
Demo Brew Ch. 1 | Pearlina
☆ Reblogs appreciated! ☆
↪Chapter 2: [The Squid Sisters]
↪Chapter 3: [The Song]
Read one chapter ahead on AO3!
[It starts as a simple bet--Pearl's attempt to prove to her father that she can work a minimum wage job like anyone else. It quickly becomes anything but simple. A web of secrets, a music opportunity, and a chance at love--what could go wrong?]
[The coffee shop AU has always been a favorite trope of mine, so I decided to just go for it. Plus, I love putting my own spin on these things--domesticity and small, meaningful moments are my bread and butter. So, this fic is the culmination of everything I love.
I flubbed the timeline a little in this, but that's mostly to do with the timing of the entrances of certain characters. This story still takes place in the world of Splatoon--there's just a little bit of a timing change, and Callie and Marie enjoy secrets more. As a result, I've tried to follow a bit of the inkling/octoling anatomy (mostly the inclusion of three hearts and the avoidance of any reference to bones). Just a heads up.]
Chapter 1: The Bet
Here’s the deal: Pearl got this job to make a point. Her father said, “You wouldn’t last one week in a dead-end, minimum wage job,” and Pearl, competitive and aggressive to a fault said, “WANNA BET!!” in a voice that was all capital letters and begged more than one exclamation point. So, she trotted her little ass to the nearest over-priced coffeeshop and applied, right there, on the spot. The owner, Callie, hired her immediately, because she liked her fighting spirit and wanted a cut of Pearl’s hundred thousand gold winnings if she pulled it off.
That was two months ago.
Pearl doesn’t know why she stayed. (That’s a lie. She stayed because Callie needed her. With Marie off to Calamari County to care for their aged (“Not decrepit!” Cap’n Cuttlefish declared as Marie guided him out over six weeks ago) grandfather until such a time as he stopped trying to get into the sewers (don’t ask), Callie was down half her staff. Pearl stayed because Callie gave her the sad eyes, the big ones that looked like a sunset on the ocean.) Her father upped the ante—an extra fifty thousand gold for every week she stayed—but she doesn’t need the money. Not really. Her allowance is building steadily in her account and she still lives at home, where her every need is taken care of. She doesn’t take Callie’s money because she doesn’t need it, so she’s working for free. “Volunteer work,” Callie assures her, “it looks good on your resume.”
Fresh Start is a small place, with only a handful of tables and no to-go window. There’s exactly two people who work there—Callie and Marie, co-owners and cousins, who somehow had enough money to open a coffeeshop in the middle of Inkopolis Plaza, the richest area of the city. There’s a decently sized pastry case and their sweets rotate every day of the week so you can never get the same thing two days in a row. Their savory offerings are mostly sandwiches, though Callie is looking into learning how to make flatbread pizzas. Callie handles most of the paperwork while Marie seems to enjoy working the counter, especially the fancy espresso machine. Overall, it’s a small place, a blip on most people’s morning and evening commutes, but there’s something about the familiar, friendly atmosphere and staff that keeps people coming back.
Pearl beginning to think that this is a distraction. Her father doesn’t approve of her sudden swerve into the punk scene, mostly because he doesn’t like to see his little princess wearing so much black, but she isn’t just going to drop that for some stressful job. Sure, Callie is great to work with, but the customers can be awful, especially because they’re smack in the middle of Inkopolis Plaza, where all the fifteen-year-olds obsessed with sports come after turf wars. You don’t know true brats until you’re face to face with a sweaty fifteen-year-old who has to have their latte with exactly two and a half pumps of sweetener in it, and Pearl is the queen of brats so she can say that.
So yeah, the punk gig. She still does it. Late at night, when her dad is out of town usually. She’s twenty-years-old and still sneaking out of the house. The irony isn’t lost on her.
This is all to say, Pearl is ready to jump ship as soon as she can. The second Marie steps foot back into the store, she’s peaceing out and collecting her check from the International Bank of Dad, splitting it with Callie (because she’s not about to renege on that deal), and never looking back. The world needs to hear her music, and, really, she just wants to scream into a mic at the pit of night. Is that too much to ask?
Then, predictably, things change. Marina walks in, and Pearl finds herself returning to the shop, even after Marie has given up on keeping their grandfather out of the sewer (don’t ask).
Pearl realizes that she’s in love with Marina about two days after meeting her. It isn’t a surprise. She falls in love a lot—with hips and large, gentle hands and sleep-heavy limbs and bright, alive eyes and long legs and long hair and short hair and sometimes even with a laugh. She isn’t picky. She falls in love with pieces of people all the time. The most recent one, a fling of a relationship on the road with her band, was a girl who loved human fashion; Pearl fell in love with the way she wore her old-fashioned hats, cocked to one side, tentacles cut short into a bob. She really liked the bob. She might have copied the bob.
Of course, relationships with pieces of people never work out. But, Pearl always reasons, she’s young, she’s wild, she’s got piercings, and she’s disappointing her father with her screamy music. Her bandmates don’t get along and it seems like they’re sick of her, but she doesn’t let that get her down; typical punk stuff, she’s assured herself. She’s going through a phase where she’s allowed to only love fractions of individuals. It’s not healthy, but she’s coping, more than anything, with broken hearts. She always has at least one broken heart.
Until, of course, Marina walks in, orders her coffee from Marie with a soft, accented voice, and Pearl has to try very hard to keep her eyes in her head.
“That’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” Pearl hisses to Marie, as she turns to froth up some milk for a latte. “Do you know her?”
“Her name’s Marina,” Marie answers, uninterested, in her own world. She’s always like that—like she’s far away, thinking about some other reality, some other world. Calamari County or something. Man, these country people.
“You actually know her?” Pearl demands.
Marie smiles then, a small thing, and holds up the paper cup, treating Pearl to her slanted handwriting—Marina.
“Oh,” Pearl says, and sounds just as foolish as she feels. “What’d she order?”
“Green tea latte. You can go talk to her, y’know. I won’t tell Mom.”
She’s talking about Callie, who has a strict no flirting policy after an unfortunate incident involving Marie and a dare—chain flirting for tips, which Pearl let her keep, just because she actually did it; she even flirted with the tiny horseshoe crab that owns the weapon shop. Pearl swore he was thisclose to hiding in his shell. It was especially hilarious because Pearl knows that Marie is like her—she falls for girls, sometimes boys, but mostly, Marie maintains, she loves food. Pearl can respect that.
“But, she’s so...” Pearl glances in Marina’s direction. She’s standing at the pickup counter, scrolling through her phone. She’s got on an oversized sweatshirt and tight leggings with boots that Pearl immediately wants for her own wardrobe. She also has large, expensive headphones over her ears. But, most notable is her hair. It’s so different from what she’s used to seeing in the plaza, where being fresh means having one of two haircuts. And it moves so fluidly, like a silk sheet being spread over a bed.
“She’s so...?” Marie prompts.
“She’s so... out of my league!” Pearl moans, modulating her tone so that she can’t be heard over the percolating coffee pot. It comes out as a low whine.
Marie glances back at Marina and then back to Pearl, at her dark, but designer clothes, and her pink-tinged bob, and then at her boots. “If you say so,” she says, and then turns to slide the latte across the counter. “Marina, this one’s yours.”
The first time Pearl gets up the nerve to talk to Marina, the Squid Sisters are playing over the radio, which gives her the opening she wants. Marina always has those headphones, so she has to know her stuff about music—and anybody who’s anybody knows the Squid Sisters.
The greatest mystery of Inkopolis, the Squid Sisters are the most secretive musical act that’s ever hit the mainstream idol scene. They cover their faces at performances and don’t appear on television, which really makes Pearl wonder sometimes. What if she’s passed them on the street? The smoke and mirrors make them even more of a commodity, and then they drop music without warning, as if they exist outside of the laws of record labels. Pearl is something of a fangirl, but everyone is. The Squid Sisters have it all—adoring fans, lots of gigs, and anonymity. Pearl doesn’t quite understand it; she wants to be adored, wants to crowd surf, wants to be approached on the street for autographs, but she can respect the desire to be left alone.
“Turn that off,” Callie says from the back room. She’s never been a huge Squid Sisters fan. But then, she doesn’t seem to like music much on the whole. She and Marie never sing, never dance, just keep their heads down and make coffee. Pearl has been trying to shake them out of it, but they’re both stubborn in their own way.
“No, leave it,” Marie says from where she’s spreading cream cheese on a bagel for someone. She’s got that smirk, the one that she always wears when Callie starts in on the Squid Sisters. “I like this song.”
Callie makes a loud sigh. “Of course you do.”
Fresh Start is mildly busy right now, probably because it’s near lunch, so Pearl is taking orders. Not her favorite job, but it beats making the coffee. And, this way, she can duck into the back if Marina ever shows.
It makes her uneasy, how unsteady Marina makes her feel. Usually, she’s great at this. She makes girls swoon with a bright, sharp smile, and then makes them fall for her with a well-placed hand and simple pickup line. But Marina? She’s scared to talk to her. It’s not normal, and Pearl doesn’t like.
But, also, she’s determined to see her again, at least once, before she quits and returns to her gilded castle of wealth. (There’s always an “I want to see her again” after she sees her again. It’s a never-ending cycle.)
Except, today, when Marina walks in, jangles the bell, Marie refuses to trade Pearl jobs. The Squid Sisters are singing “City of Color” over the speakers and Marie is grinning at her like a shark. “I’m perfectly comfortable right here,” she says, and turns the blender on so Pearl can’t beg further.
“Callie...!” Pearl tries, but then Marina is there, right in front of her. She has on a beanie today, so her headphones are around her neck, and Pearl can see how well-loved they are, just by how discolored the cushioning is.
“I’m up to my elbows in cookie dough! You’re on your own!” Callie yells back. Behind her, she hears Marie snort.
“Hello...?” Marina says, unaware of the power play occurring behind the counter. Pearl forces herself to smile.
“Hi!” she chirps, voice incredibly high-pitched and slightly panicked. There goes her hard-punk exterior. “H-how can I help you?”
Marina hums as she looks up at the menu. She gets something different every day, as if she’s cycling through the whole menu before picking something she really likes. Her finger comes up to tap her bottom lip, which really is unfair. Pearl has to force herself to swallow.
“Iced coffee, please. No sweetener.”
“Iced coffee!” Pearl yells, not because that’s what they do here but because she’s panicked. Marina is so... so pretty... and regal and—and—and...
Okay, so maybe Pearl is a lost cause.
“I heard her,” Marie mumbles from behind her. Above them, the song changes from “City of Color” to “Ink Me Up.” Callie appears, mysteriously free of cookie dough, and goes for the radio.
“Okay, that’s enough,” she declares.
“Oh, please leave it,” Marina calls, looking past Pearl and to Callie. When Pearl, Callie, and Marie all turn to look at her, she fidgets, pulls her hat tighter over her head. “Sorry, it’s just... The Squid Sisters changed my life.”
From anyone else, that would have sounded dramatic, but Marina says it without a single ounce of irony. She looks down at her hands, with their long turquoise tips.
“No problem,” Callie pipes, suddenly back to her happy, chipper, non-Squid Sister self.
“I’m very glad,” Marie puts in, as she appears beside Pearl with an iced coffee in her hands. “I’m very glad that the Squid Sisters helped you.”
Marina doesn’t say anything, merely takes the coffee with a small smile on her face. “How much...?” she asks.
“On the house,” Callie says, and she disappears back into the back room.
After the Great Zapfish goes missing, Callie and Marie leave to care for their grandfather. Something about his weak hearts. They leave Pearl in charge, and she promptly closes the store for half its hours, because there’s no way she can run this place by herself.
She does okay, all told. She considers asking for her father’s help, but she doesn’t want him buying her out of this problem. She needs to figure it out.
Mostly, that involves thanking people for their patience, because she not only has to handle the money, but make the coffee, clean the tables, and wash the dishes. Callie insisted on using real plates and cups unless the drinks were to-go, which left Pearl with large stacks of mugs in the sink at the end of every hour. She’s dealing with it.
Marina appears every day that week, and every time she asks after Callie and Marie. Pearl answers honestly—“I have no idea where they are or when they’re coming back!”—and Marina tries her hardest not to laugh at Pearl’s anxious, out of control energy. They even have real conversations, which is a step up from Pearl’s lovestruck sputterings of a few weeks ago.
“So, what do you do?” Pearl asks today, as she scoops ice into a cup for a frappe.
“...do...?” Marina asks, as if she’s unsure of the word, feeling the sound of it in her mouth.
“Y’know, like for a job?”
“Oh!” Marina laughs at herself, and it’s possibly the cutest thing Pearl’s ever heard. She has to try very hard not to grin stupidly. “I work in retail.” She gestures out the window, in the direction of the Galleria and its overpriced shops. “On the weekends, I’m an indie producer. I do a lot of remixes. I’m working on some Squid Sisters now.”
Pearl feels like she’s been struck by lightning. “You do what? No way! I’m in a band! I knew you were into music!”
“What’s your band called? Maybe I’ve heard of you.”
“Doubt it.” Pearl slams the blender closed and turns it on. They stare at each other for a few seconds as it does its work. “It’s punk,” she continues when it’s done. “Probably not your style.”
Marina shrugs. “Can’t know until I listen. Will you bring me a sample?”
Her eyes are so bright and excited. Pearl can’t feel two of her hearts, they’re pounding so hard. “Yeah,” she says, “I will!”
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jsheios · 6 years
Imma get some thoughts out there cus bujeezus there are a lot of them
-C.Q. Cumber is not a fucking devil yall need to chill jesus.
-Hero mode is now dead to me. I thought tidal rush was the most amazing thing but NOPE
-I absolutely love the references from multiplayer
-Agent 3 is a what you call a fucking boss battle! and a Splatattack remix??? FUCK YEAH!
-Capn cuttlefish has a picture of baby callie and Marie on his phone, aww thats cute.
-Speaking of cute, if Pearlina wasn't canon before it sure as hell is now! The chats, the ending, holy hell thank you Nintendo.
-Ive always had a headcanon that the sur names of the characters would be their Japanese names and i love that at least part of is now canon. (Marina ida)
-inklings are fucking dumb man.
-Pearl helped saved the fucking world that is amazing.
-MORE off the hook songs? f u c k y e s
-the challenges are just great. You learn how to do stuff thats not just "shoot this enemy", instead theres stealth, sub weapons only, no weapon, etc and i love that.
-8 taking selfies with the thangs is absolutely adorable.
-octo shower supreme is a fucking pain in the ass
-give us more splatoon cinematic scenes Nintendo they are ballin
-C.Q. Cumber does little things before you pick your weapon and when he’s on the wall you can shoot him down and I find that cute.
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snailvibes · 3 years
any agent 12 thoughts?? 🤔🤔👀
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• my agent 3 is really into flowers and just plants in general so she always brings Four either little potted plants she knows will be easy to care for with stuff like a note that says “love you” taped to the pot or just flowers with cheesy symbolism she can keep. Four doesn’t know what almost any of the flower symbolism is but she still loves them all so much
• they’re both video game nerds and are constantly either at the Shoal or Three’s apartment (before three eventually moves in with the cuttlefish family in my canon) playing arcade games or random games or just rambling about video game lore together, it’s their favorite kind of dates to have
• they both try and always do agent work together but both get distracted 90% of the time walking through octo canyon and talking while holding hands or taking a break that lasts too long that ends up with Four asleep cuddled against Three. That never stops them from still trying to get partnered up on missions or patrols lol
• I KNOW WE TALK ABOUT IT A LOT BUT I STILL LOVE THE IDEA OF MARIE JUST BEING FOUR’S WINGMAN BASICALLY BWAHWHAHW She always teases Four when she gets back from dates of course but I just think the idea of her purposely taking charge of squidbeak meetings and telling Four and Three to patrol together, or telling Three things Four likes and vice versa, or getting them reservations at nice restaurants or giving them date ideas is just god it’s so good I love them so much
• Three is not one for physical touch and is very nervous about the whole thing when she and Four first start dating but it doesn’t take long for her to be used to her girlfriend constantly holding her hand or leaning against her or wanting to cuddle while they’re watching tv or a movie or something and eventually it goes from her just getting used to it to loving it all as well
• Whenever three’s tentacle coloring and scar she got from the deep sea metro start glowing Four calls her nightlight and it makes Three melt on the inside
• Four steals Three’s cape a lot and uses it as a blanket sometimes. Three doesn’t mind too much because she looks adorable with it since it’s so big
• Three’s not very good at all with reading other people’s emotions but she does her best to learn the signs of Four getting anxious or more panicky when they’re out in public so she can take her somewhere else to calm down and be sure she’s ok
• The first time Four drew Three something she actually teared up and had to pretend she wasn’t just about to cry
• Four also tries to do the same in situations where Three is getting overly frustrated or angry at anything since she knows the other squid has some anger issues and a hard time controlling her own emotions. She knows Three would never snap at her but when she notices it’s happening she pulls her away from the situation and offers they do something else
• Three’s really protective of Four she’s the “hey, she asked for no pickles” in the relationship
• they both look out for each other and just love each other a lot. Four’s glad to have someone in her life that makes her feel so happy and loved in this way and is patient and understanding with her, and Three’s glad to have someone who she can trust and let her guard down around to be herself with and express her feelings around and feel loved herself
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repeatsfate · 7 years
SPLATOON. jk jk how about... Legend of Zelda series?
chii’s bad at picking faves!
you know what screw it i’ll do both–
❤ Favorite Male: dj octavio!! his boss fight in sploon 1 is great… and i admittedly still haven’t gotten around to beating story mode of sploon 2 yet but lbr it’s gonna be him and it’s gonna be GREAT.❤ Favorite Female: marie!!!! my… my sweet darling… i love her so much. for eel. team marie for life. ❤ Favorite Pairing: hmmm. i dont really ship anything in splatoon but i guess marina and one of the squid sisters would be ADORABLE. give me gay squids thanks.❤ Least Favorite Character: i mean… i like the new hat shopkeeper… but i miss annie. so her?❤ who’s most like me: i guess marina? maybe? or maybe annie. not sure.❤ most attractive: er… the squid sisters and marina, objectively? idk i never really thought about it.❤ three more characters that I like: pearl, cap’n cuttlefish, and callie!
❤ Favorite Male: if link doesn’t count, revali. or groose. or sidon. no, ravio! wait no, i also love the happy mask salesman! all of them are so great. wait no, ganondorf! ALWAYS GANONDORF.❤ Favorite Female: oh god i love all the ladies– if i had to narrow it down to 3… zelda herself, aryll, and agitha?❤ Favorite Pairing: um oh geez i do not know how to narrow this one down. i’ll just be basic af and say ravio and hilda. really, it depends on the game…❤ Least Favorite Character: tingle………. but i don’t hate him THAT much either. he’s just. tingle. oooh wait no what’s his name– malo! malo from twilight princess! that baby scares me. :c❤ who’s most like me: um…. i’m really bad at questions like this. ❤ most attractive: oh god um. okay. i really like tp and botw link…. and have you SEEN adult zeldas in general because holY SHIT????????? AND URBOSA?????????? IS SO BEAUTIFUL????????? all the ladies t b h !!!!!!!!!!❤ three more characters that I like: i really like medli, fi, and darunia!
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yardsard666 · 6 years
👪 👚 🎤 🔫 📜 gimme ur storymode opinions nami
👪: favorite npc?THIS ONES HARD IDK IF I CAN DO IT,, uhhmm out of the IDOL npcs they’re ranked: Pearl, Marina, Callie, Marie. non idol npcs its a tie between Cap’n cuttlefish and Iso padre because they both have big grandpa energy. my LEAST favorite is Tartar because i just hate tartar! tartar sucks squad!👚: favorite gear set?i can’t choose my fav headgear, Annaki Flannel Hoodie, and Annaki Arachno Boots. i’m an annaki fan i guess… it be like that🎤: favorite band?its a tie between Bottom feeders, def1sh, Ink theory, and off the hook. but god all the music is so good. honorable mention to the 3 dj octavio ft. squid sisters songs in the final boss for splat2 hero mode🔫: favorite weapon(s)?DAPPLE DUALIES !!!!! DAPPLE DUALIES MY TOOTHBRUSH GUNS!!!!! MY BEAUTIFUL BEACONS thatnooneusesexceptme!!!!! i also really like the hydra splatling (i’m not good at it), the inkbrush, and the ballpoint splatling (mostly because of the design and no other reason)📜: did you finish the story mode? what’s your thoughts on it?i finished both the hero mode in splat2 and the octo expansion. i DIDN’T finish the hero mode in splat1, but i’ve watched other people finish it multiple times.i honestly? adore all of them. the writing in the hero modes is mainly jokey puns but i think thats kind of the point, its not meant to be a big epic story, you’re just splattin’ some dudes and there’s a dark undertone if u look for it. i think the splat2 storymode is DEFINITELY an improvement, like all of splat2, but i think the writing is a lot more clever too, and the environments are a lot more fun compared to splat1. HOWEVER i think splat1′s hero mode is better at enviornmental storytelling (if i remember right its been a while since i last watched a playthrough and the last one i watched was a speedrun so forgive me..) mostly because they need to give you more information about what you’re fighting.The octo expansion was what got me hooked tho… i love how its got those Good portal vibes (especially since.. i was a little fixated on portal before getting into splat grksjgnrksjng) and i LOOOOOOOOVE the storytelling THROUGH not only the writing but just the atmosphere, i love the darker yet JUST as silly tone, i love how the player character gets a LOT of characterization (which a lot of people lowkeyincludingmyself ignore but its ok its ok don’t worry about it)  and I love the level design itself… i think the hero mode is definitely a lot more FUN to play through but the challenge in the octo expansion is great honestly. It feels like you get better at the whole game just by playing it which is great.overall the storymode is a GREAT part of the game but…. its lacking, specifically the storymodes that come WITH the game, it doesn’t feel like a satisfying STORY which is disappointing for a STORY mode, so I wouldn’t tell anyone to buy the game just based on the storymode alone, and i wouldn’t tell anyone except people who want to get into splatoon already or people who already own splatoon that they NEED to buy the octo expansion. sure its like my favorite game ever but its not worth the money if you aren’t going to be playing online too. HOWEVER! I LVOE THEM ALL A LOT SOOOO … WORM ITS GOOD SPLATOON IS A GOOD GAMEoh god THAT GOT LONG SORRY YALL but thats my take. yeehaw
0 notes
Future Plot: Project Titanomachy -Chapter 12
(( Lee, Pac-man depiction of Callie, Janine, and Camille belongs to @inklingleesquidly
Nebula, Blueshift, and depiction of Marie/ Agent 2 belongs to @myzzy and @agenttwo
Nova Sparks, Paige Marchant and their parents belong to @inkstriker-fynn and @eiden-squid
Sapphire belongs to @son-of-joy and @twelvetailedkitsune
Sylver belongs to @twelvetailedkitsune
Jacar belongs to @son-of-joy
Arsenic (cameo) belongs to @a-demo-of-a-hero
Celeste belongs to @alpinesquid
Chaodis, Telemachus, and others belong to me
Author’s note: Camille’s backstory in this story is only canon in my timeline, @inklingleesquidly has not yet confirmed an official one.))
Cemetery - Inkopolis - 11:15 AM
Lee and Callie Squidly were visiting the grave of Sapphire (the false one that Agent 7 was requested to make) with Pac-man, Camille, and Janine. Nova Sparks, Paige Marchant, and their parents, Fynn and Eiden, also visited along with Justinian and Sea Angel Splatoon, Quintin (Q) and Julia Noh, and Agent M and Agent C.
When the Squidlys paid their respect and returned home, Callie decided to meet with Sylver about the incident after work. They meet in the Cafe of Inkopolis Plaza for some hot cocoa and sea-salt ice cream cakes.
Inkopolis Cafe - Inkopolis Plaza, Inkopolis - 12:00 PM
Callie and Sylver were sitting across from each other at a table booth. Each of them had a cup of hot cocoa in their hand and a plate of sea-salt ice cream cakes in front of them. They enjoyed their meal, but Callie didn't come for that; she came to talk about Sapphire.
"You must be going through a rough time," Callie mentioned, "losing a daughter."
Sylver, at first, didn't want to talk about it, but she nods and replied. "I know.... they told me that her killer was unknown."
Callie sighed. "Camille was really quiet when we paid our respects to Sapphire. Marie's daughter and Robin's daughter were also the same."
"Everyone that knew Sapphire is quiet." Sylver looked down.
"How's your husband handling this?" Callie asked.
Agent 7 actually told Sylver and Jacar to never tell the Squidly about Camille. Therefore, she can't tell them Jacar was going to help out Neo-Squidbeak Splatoon. The same was told to Blueshift and Agent 2 in case the parents ask them about Camille in addition to Nebula.
"Jacar is asking Agent 7 to send him to search for the killer," Sylver replied.
"Yet, we don't know who killed her?" Callie was getting suspicious.
Sylver was silent for a moment and evaded the question.
"Oh sorry, it's top secret, isn't it?" Callie then gave a weak laugh.
Sylver then changed the subject. "I remember during winter that Camille and Sapphire were a lot closer together. They were both in love."
"My daughter? In love?" Callie has almost forgotten about it. "I can recall that now... It was really adorable."
"I wonder what Camille thinks now that she's gone." Sylver wondered.
".....I don't know, but what I do know is that she's hasn't been acting like her usual self since the incident." Callie cuts a piece of her sea-salt ice cream cake and eats it. "And I fear she's hiding something from me and Lee. We would usually talk about it, but we've noticed empty gaps during her time going out. We didn't know what she's doing. I just feel so worried about her safety..."
".....Don't be." Sylver eats her ice cream cake as well. "It probably just her growing up. She just needs time to handle things."
"... I guess." Callie looks out the window, remembering the old times. She smiled slightly.
When I was back home in Inkopolis, I needed something to clear my head of what I saw. Then there's was the date Chaodis offered me... I accepted the offer. Chaodis said it was going to be in 3 days.
And you're probably wondering what my friends and I were doing; the whole team was meeting at Mount Olympus after school to see if Hephaestus has found any sign of Titans. Then we just return to Inkopolis to continue our daily lives.
And when it was time for that date..... I hanged out with Nebula and Celeste in Telemachus's residence in Alexandria district, trying to tell them to convince me not to go.
.....What? I was having second thoughts.
Telemachus's Residence (Dorm) - Alexandria District, Inkopolis - 3:50 PM
"I can't believe I'm doing this!" Camille was pacing back and forth.
Nebula and Celeste were sitting on their beds, watching her pace. Poseidon's trident and Hestia's heart were on a nightstand, being unused at the moment.
"Camille, it's just a date," Nebula advised, "Just go on the date."
"Yeah, no one is stopping you," Celeste agreed, "Your parents did give the green light, right?"
"They also told me to say safe like any other normal parent should say to their kid." She rolls her eyes while still pacing back and forth. "I never had a date before."
Nebula gets up and stops Camille from pacing. "Camille, just calm down." She places her hands on her cousin's shoulders. "It's just a date, keep calm, and just do whatever friends do: Chat, eat, and do some stuff."
"Do some stuff?" Camille asked.
"You know what I mean: dance, play, sing, anything!" Nebula pats her shoulder.
Camille takes a deep breath. "I still think I shouldn't go." She walks over to a door to a large closet. "I don't have anything to wear..... And I would need to bring my..... where's Athena's spear anyway?" As she opens the door to check if it's there, there was an inkling mannequin with a dark green dress.
The dark dress had a carmine collar with a light green shawl over the right shoulder. The skirt part of the dress was long and adorned in agate and tiger's eye. There were amazonite bracelets and bronze earrings to go with the dress. In addition, there was a large hooded shawl that looked like wings. There were silk ballet shoes that were more like slip-ons than the laced shoes.
A white purse was next to the mannequin with Athena's spear and a scarf. The spear was shortened to fit in the purse.
Athena's pet spider, Arachne, is on the mannequin's shoulder. It jumps happily, wanting Camille to try it on. She even makes a tiny squeak.
Camille's jaws dropped, Nebula and Celeste ran over to see the dress.
Nebula smiles at Camille. "Well, your pet spider is encouraging you to go."
"How quick did Arachne make this!?" Celeste asked.
There was no way I was going to avoid this date. I can just turn now and not go at all, but Arachne was giving me puppy eyes. And if Athena had a ghost, I bet she'll disapprove of me rejecting a dress made by Arachne.
Once I put on the dress, jewelry, and the shoes, I was picked up by my Mom and Dad who took me to Octo-Valley. We arrived at Grandpa Cuttlefish's shack where Chaodis and Telemachus were waiting. Why Telemachus was there was because for security reasons.
Cuttlefish's shack, Octo Valley - 4:00 PM
After Camille is dropped off, Lee and Callie said their final goodbyes. Callie teased her daughter about the squid she's dating which made Camille blushed. Telemachus rolled his eyes, and Chaodis just kept on smiling.
"Stay safe, Camille," Lee reminded.
"Be back around ten, okay, dear?" Callie requested.
"I will, Mom," Callie promised.
Once Lee and Callie return to Inkopolis through a familiar kettle entrance, Telemachus quickly escorted Camille and Chaodis to Kitzeh's Kettle Pub. And there, they used the secret shortcut to Hephaestus' Forge.
Telemachus bids them good luck on the date before pulling the lever and sending the cart carrying the couple.
In the middle of the transportation, Camille felt Chaodis's hand touch hers. She then hears Antero's words ring in her head. Her face turned red when hearing Antero's voice again, so she holds Chaodis's hand and sticks her tongue at the ceiling.
Hephaestus's Forge, Mount Olympus, Greece 4:10 PM
When they arrive, they pass by Hephaestus and Arsenic at the entrance of the Forge. Arsenic was with the Blacksmith god, helping some cyclopes finish up on an elevator.
Chaodis and Camille try it out and it leads to the outside where a large little owl was waiting for them. It looked awfully familiar to Camille and realizes it was Athena's pet owl. However, there was a note stuck in the owl's right wing. Camille takes it and reads it.
“Champion of Athena and Zeus, Nyctimene is your problem now. I hope she becomes of use to you. 
        - Pan Faunus”
Chaodis chuckled. "I guess Pan was doing a solid for Athena."
"She looks just like Athena's other owl, Noctua," Camille remembered while petting the large little owl, "So you're name is ..Nick... Timmy?"
Nyctimene puffed up a but when Camille pets her and the owl nods.
"I'll just call you Nicky," Camille giggled.
Nyctimene stops puffing up and turns around, offering them a ride to Athens.
And it took less than 5 hours to get there. One way, Chaodis and I didn't really talk, but he was trying to bring up one about our hobbies. It was racing car, obviously. To be honest, there wasn't really anything to talk about.
Parthenon, Athens, Greece - 8:00 PM
Nyctimene lands in a park in Athens, dropping off Camille and Chaodis. Camille pats the owl's head twice.
"Just stay here and wait for us okay, Nicky?" Camille requested.
"Who." Nyctimene sits and takes a nap.
"Come on, there's a lot of things to do." Chaodis lends her a hand.
"No need to rush." Camille smiles a bit and holds his hand.
The party being held around reconstructing temple was in honor of Athena. Everyone wore either tunics, armor, or robes over some light clothing. Some citizens were wearing costumes representing mythological creatures.
Tents and stands were established, selling snacks and drinks, displaying artworks and crafts, and setting up games and entertainment.
Chaodis and Camille took the time to try out the games, taste the cuisines, and looks at the arts and crafts. There was even one point where they tried out a horseback riding race with Camille winning in the end.
(( Music plays at the Parthenon Entrance: https://youtu.be/q_UAWwg8D24 ))
When it was time to attend the dance, the inklings and marine life there were dancing to the songs of ancient Greece. The flutes and ocarinas sounded, the drums and sticks beated and clapped, the tambourines and cymbals chimed, and the lutes and lyres were strummed faintly.
The music filled the air with divine rejoice and peace.
Chaodis noticed how crowded the dance floor water and didn't like being in an almost tight space of the dance taking place. Camille then quickly took his hand and guided him inside the temple itself.
And once inside the empty halls of marble and granite, Camille smiled at him.
"Here, you still hear the music loud enough to dance to," Camille assured.
"Clever." Chaodis then took a bow and offer her a dance.
Camille to his hand and held him close. He did the same and began dancing with her. As they danced to the music, the atmosphere changed for them. Anteros and 3 other winged gods of love were watching the dance from behind an altar.
Camille sees them and just makes a look, telling them that she's got the point about love. Anteros just shrugs and shakes his head. Camille just blushes with an annoyed look on her face.
"Maybe we should take this dancing to a garden." Camille didn't want Anteros and his love god friends watching them.
"You know a garden here?" Chaodis asked.
"Only in a dream." Camille took him through the Parthenon's temple just as Athena showed her in her dreams.
The garden was similar to the one in Camille's dream, but what was missing was Athena's gazebo. Instead, there was a structure that acts as a sanctuary for little owls. The nocturnal avians were currently sleeping.
The garden today and the garden in my dreams were different from each other.
Camille and Chaodis continued their dance with the music becoming faint. That music ends up being replaced with a maiden playing a lyre. Camille can hear it, but could see the musician; she wonders if Athena's playing it.
(( She plays:  https://youtu.be/fPpcI9PZuuM?list=PLUlxGSeIx8osPzR4J_j8jSueqbGRsQh9M ))
Camille felt some comfort from the music and the dance. Even though she felt her heart being heavy from the death of Sapphire, she carries on with endurance.
But at the end of the lyre's tune, Chaodis stops dancing. He lets go of Camille and steps back with an uncertain look on his face.
"You didn't come here for the date, did you?" Chaodis asked.
"...Whatever do you mean?" Camille asked.
"Camille, I know you didn't just come on this date just because of the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing." Chaodis smiled a bit. One of his eyes were still a  quarter closed as usual.
Camille now felt something in her chest. It wasn't pain... but anxiety. Yet, she kept a serious and strong demeanor.
"I know that a relationship between us is not gonna happen," Camille replied, "It's just a date."
Chaodis decided to push further. "If this is about Sapphire's death, then using my date as some kind distraction is really cruel of you."
"What?" Camille glared at her.
"Don't act dumb!" Chaodis stomps with one foot. He shared a glare with her. "You're better than this! You lost someone that meant something to you, and now it's gone!"
"Oh, how would you know what it's like to lose her!" Camille snapped. "You don't even know her!"
"Well, I know her enough to understand that you two had something." Chaodis stands in front of her. "And you need to stop bottling up emotions like this."
"Me, bottling up emotions!?" Camille denied. "I don't give flying squid about how I feel about others, but I am sure angry that I couldn't save her!"
"Angers always something people feel. When I saw you with Sapphire in your arms, I saw something!" Chaodis mentioned. "You were showing a soft side no one has seen!"
"Oh, sure, I did that," Camille replied sarcastically.
"Well at least, I can be human unlike you!" Chaodis argued.
Camille clenched her fist. "What is that suppose to mean?"
Chaodis lists a few things she finds about Camille: "Single-minded, apathetic, ill-tempered, remorseless, and stubborn." Chaodis folds his arm. " I can list more, but it's coming from not just me, Telemachus, Justinian, or Agent 7."
Camille turns around, ignoring him. "Hmph.”
Chaodis then steps closer to her. "Do you even realize what's going on in our damn universe! Titans are roaming the lands, leaving destruction and disasters, and your friends and family will have to put their lives on the line to stop them. All except you!"
"Shut up." Camille clenched her fist tighter.
"And your parents don't even know what you're doing!" Chaodis yelled.
"Shut up!" Camille raised her voice.
"And you hate being an agent!" Chaodis exclaimed while stepping closer.
"I said shut up!" Camille shouted.
"And what's so different about serving the gods than going back to a plain boring life of being a race and nothing else!?" Chaodis's question gets under Camille's skin. "Some heroine you are!"
Camille has had it and delivers a hard slap to his cheek. Chaodis stepped back and place a hand on his cheek. He looked at her and noticed tears.
"I didn't ask for this..." Camille muttered.
"What?" Chaodis asked.
Camille stepped closer. "I didn't ask to be a hero, Chaodis!" She was now crying. "I never wanted the role in the first place!”
"Camille..." The hand one his cheek was now reaching to Camille. "You can't escape from everything.”
Camille stared at him. He offered a hug.
"If it makes you feel better, we can talk," Chaodis sympathized.
Camille took the hug and embraces him, continuing to cry.
And at that time, I will never forget that... then again I would just store the memory away. Still, this the first time I ever told someone about my past.
Camille and Chaodis sat a ledge, watching the view of Athens. Again, this the was same ledge where Camille sat with Athena in her dreams. Camille was holding Chaodis's hand again.
"I loved race cars since I was a baby, and my path was already set for me. But at 10, some of the kids at my school told me no girl has ever raced. Some bullies even mocked for what I wanted to be..... I'll never forget the time they stole my toy car and smashed it to pieces. My parents found out about bullying that they moved me to another school where I meet Nebby."
Chaodis is listening clearly. "Is that why you are what you are?"
"The way I was treated changed me. I proved them wrong--" Camille explained.
"No wonder why you're acting all tough and like a--" Chaodis noticed Camille starring.
Camille just looks at him with a depressing look on her face.
"... Sorry for interrupting..." Chaodis apologized.
Camille sighed and continued. "I proved those bullies wrong and worked hard to become 'The Fastest Squid Alive', and I got the last laugh." She looks down. "And from that day I became what you, Justinian, and Telemachus know me as today."
"Camille, can I tell you something?" Chaodis asked.
"What is it?" Camille replied.
(( Play this: https://youtu.be/PjCVGBwL8PY ))
"I never really had friends because of racing," Chaodis confessed while letting go of Camille's hands, "And I never had parents to support me on that path I chose. And the race club I joined mocked me for my eye disability. Yet, I kept a smile and a positive look on life. I never got aggressive and welcomed everyone in my social circle. And the best part is that I care for everyone's well-being. I get a lot in return." He looked at Camille. "After all, I gave you my trophy and offered you a rematch."
"...You know it wasn't necessary." Then Camille thought about it and smiled a bit. "But thanks."
Chaodis gets up and lends her a hand.
"There's one more thing: do you still think we can be boyfriend and girlfriend now?" He has his usual smiled.
Camille looked up at him and then at his hand. She grabs his hand and he helps her up.
"Oh, now you're just teasing me," Camille replied giving a smirk.
They then laughed.
The two squids looked into each other's eyes and as the got closer, their lip were about to touch. At the last minute, there was the sound of screaming and crowds running about. Chaodis and Camille stopped and looks at the direction of where the scream came from. They looked back and realized what they were doing.
((Song transitions to this: https://youtu.be/bDmAyIIWjws?list=PL08FEE6C0B34C86B6 ))
"...We should go see what's going on." Chaodis blushed.
"Yeah..." Camille was blushing as well.
Camille pulls Athena's spear out of her purse and runs off to see what's causing the scream. Chaodis followed behind her before going over to a well to retrieve a gold apple from below it.
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snailvibes · 4 years
hi i'm here for the headcanon dump
Thank you
Dear followers I give you: the cuttlefish family headcanon dump (dedf1sh, Callie, Marie, and Agent 4)
• for anyone new here, Marie adopted agent 4. Callie and dedf1sh are dating so they are her aunts in this family dynamic
• Marie has lost them all in the mako mart parking lot. Twice. They now have to wear the “if lost return to Marie” And “I’m Marie” shirts when going out.
• Callie picks Four up from school and gets her fast food every once in a while (it used to be everyday but Marie had to shut that down)
• Dedf1sh and Four both have trouble sleeping so sometimes they’ll both just chill on the couch at 5 am playing video games or just talking
• Four is a hugger. She likes giving hugs and receiving hugs. Every time she sees them she greets her family with a hug. Marie and Callie adore it but it took Ded some getting used to as she hadn’t had physical contact in years. However she does allow it
• Marie took them all to wahoo world once and they got banned on day 1. Ded tried to steal a bunch of candy and nearly got away with it. Callie got into a fight with the mascot. Four accidentally got into the roller coaster line and learned she is terrified of roller coasters. Marie nearly collapsed from just trying to find them all.
• Marie’s a very overprotective mom, you even look at Four wrong you are getting a taste of agent 2’s sniping skills
• they all absolutely play minecraft together and have a world together. Dedf1sh cheats and gets everyone stuff from the creative menu, Four has a HUGE farm with tons of potatoes, Bees, and cows, Callie has killed the ender dragon 3 times, and Marie builds them all houses and goes after any mob that jump scares Four or Callie
• Everyone’s music tastes varies drastically, so long car rides are just a fun mess. Because they all love each other though, they tolerate it, even if Dedf1sh and Callie added stuff like “bruh sound effect #2” into the mix
• Agent 8 and Agent 4 are best friends so the Off the Hook fam will often come over and hang out so the two can go off and do their own thing. (Four freaked out the first time it happened because she didn’t know pearl and marina are eight’s moms and she’s a huge fan lol)
• When someone’s having a bad day it’s all hands on deck.
• if it’s Marie having a bad day, Four will stay by her a bunch and make her drawings and give her hugs. Callie will try and get what’s wrong out of her cousin, and whether she does or doesn’t, she’ll help out extra around the house so Marie doesn’t have to stress. Ded will ask if there’s anything she can do to help, and if there isn’t she’ll give Marie some space or bring her shiny things because that is my headcanon of dedf1sh’s way of showing affection.
• if it’s Callie having a bad day, Four will ask if she wants to get some fries and just hang out. Marie will stay by her and just remind her that she’s here for her and she’s not alone, she doesn’t want any bad day to get bad enough to turn into the whole brainwashing thing again. Ded will hold her and cuddle with her, Callie’s the only one she feels comfortable doing that with, and they’ll talk about random things to get her mind off it. Also she’ll get her a cool rock.
• if it’s Dedf1sh having a bad day, Four will show her some of her favorite songs and they’ll listen to music together. Marie will ask Callie for advice on how she can help, which typically includes bringing some of her favorite foods over. Callie will hold her hand the entire day and shower her girlfriend with affection.
• if it’s Four having a bad day, Marie will convince her to go out and do things with her to distract her from it, and if it’s bad enough, she hugs her and lets her get it out if she needs to. Callie will offer to play some video games with her and remind her things are ok, and Dedf1sh would get her music equipment out and let Four sit on her lap and make some things with her
• final headcanon they all love each other and they’re a family your honor
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snailvibes · 3 years
Everyone is asking you things and I feel left out so I’m asking u: What are some facts about your agent three? We don’t hear about Ashley much! (Also hi snail!!)
It’s mainly just old asks I’m going through, BUT I always love getting stuff from you Nep so ty :D (also hi!! ^w^) I really should talk about Ashley more lol
• Ashley’s parents work with flowers and plants and growing up Ashley wanted to do the same and take over the business like they wanted. Even though she’s away from them now and busy with agent work she hasn’t lost that interest and eventually wants to still.
• her pet axolotl drift was found by her and her brother Nathan when they were walking home from school when they were a lot younger. He was stuck in a dumpster in an alley way and she took him home. He did have a collar and their parents called the number on it only to find the owner’s left him there on purpose so they kept him. Ashley adores him and he stayed behind with her family when she moved from inkopolis plaza. She misses him a lot, along with the rest of her family
• Ashley was a lot different before she joined the splatoon, she was a really energetic curious kid who was very vocal about a lot of things. Being part of the splatoon and then the whole kamabo incident, along with her ex turf teammates really changed that and made her take everything a lot more seriously and repress her emotions more
• I’m gonna touch up more on this in fics and drawings I plan on making but the moment she was old enough Ashley joined a turf team that was desperately looking for a new member. She was a natural with chargers which is why they let her stay, but they were all real jerks about it and are the reason she moved away from inkopolis plaza. One of the members is her ex girlfriend.
• Ashley didn’t participate in Callie vs Marie, she got in a huge argument with the two when it was announced about how she thought they should call it off and it would ruin things between the two. She feels horrible about it because she didn’t say goodbye to them before moving to the square and had no idea if she’d even see them again, especially after she was gone for months with captain cuttlefish on their mission.
• Ashley hates being called Ash because it’s a nickname that just her family would use for her and it felt very personal to her so she doesn’t feel comfortable letting anyone else call her it. She has however started letting Eight and Four use the nickname.
• she gets nightmares of being hijacked a lot and wakes up trying to claw at the scar over her eye. It used to be a lot more visible but it isn’t anymore because now that she lives with Callie, Ded, Marie, and Four, she has them to stop her from doing that when she wakes up from one.
• the cut on her ear used to be smaller and barely noticeable, just some stray ink on a mission in octo valley, but the sanitization goop on her face burned into it more
• Ashley actually likes salmon run shifts she just doesn’t do them often because she hates maws, they remind her of the octomaw she fought in octo valley and has a huge scar on her stomach and chest from it biting into her.
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