#Maribat Holiday Bingo 2024
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Maribat Holiday Bingo
Happy Holidays to you, Maribat Fandom! This year, in honor of all the various winter holidays that people and the characters we write about may celebrate, we gift you all with a Holiday Bingo Card! Use the words, phrases, and images as prompts for different creations and see if you can get a few BINGOs before December ends! Prizes include bragging rights and a special holiday role for server members.
And don't forget about our free space, because let's be honest, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, somebody is getting akumatized over it this year (Our money is on the retail employee trying to pacify Christmas Karen while Santa Baby plays for the 37th time this shift).
Any works published on Ao3 can be added to our Maribat Holiday Bingo (Maribat_Holiday_Bingo) collection, and those on tumblr will be reblogged if they're tagged with #Maribat Holiday Bingo 2024, just make sure that all content is rated and tagged properly, and any nsfw content is under a cut.
Transcribed list of prompts below the cut:
Light Display Mittens Hot Cocoa Snow Angel Magic Joy Snowed In Eggnog Menorah Fairy Lights Body Heat Snowman Baked Goods Wayne Gala Gift Giving Mistletoe Ice Skating Annoying Songs Kitchen Mishaps New Year's Eve Frozen Fire Place Naughty List Dredal Christmas Akuma (Free Space)
#bingo card#maribat#mlb x dc#maribat server#maribat event#happy holidays#dc x mlb#maribat discord server#Maribat Holiday Bingo 2024
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Maribat Christmas Bingo!
I did not have the energy for multiple fics for the different prompts, so welcome to my monster fic that has all 25 ❤️ enjoy!
Marinette was exhausted as she zipped her way through the crowded streets of Paris. There had been twelve akumas in the past six days, and she was pretty sure it wasn't going to stop. Between Neigester, - the akuma that turned people into frozen statues, perfectly sculpted in ice - Jingle Bull, - an akuma that spawned because he accidentally sent a shelf of snow globes crashing to the floor in a busy store - and ones she couldn't even remember, Marinette was completely wiped out.
After the first two days of nonstop Akumas, she had called the Justice League and begged for help. Wonder Woman had been sympathetic, promising that as soon as their non-powered cohort were available they would be sent to Paris to assist.
But it had been four days and things were starting to feel like they were heading straight to a breaking point. And now, akuma number 12 was a freaking monstrosity of tinsel and twinkling lights. It called itself Christmas Choke and was rather gruesomely hanging people up by the throat in Christmas lights.
“Hey Bug, looks like we've got a serious case of Christmas grump over here,” Chat said, bouncing over to her. He looked every bit as exhausted as she did, his ears and tail drooping. “Don't suppose we have an update on any assistance from the JL yet?”
“Nothing,” she sighed in reply, staring at the Akuma as if she could end it just by willing it enough. When the solution didn't miraculously happen by itself, she sighed again and launched herself forward to engage with the akuma.
After ten minutes of no progress, she fell back to where Chat was trying to free civilians and almost face planted when a shadow near to him stepped forward. She managed to muffle the shriek that wanted to leave her mouth but it meant that she almost but her tongue in half.
“Sorry we're late,” the man said, a cowl covering most of his features. “Wonder Woman asked us to come and assist you with your Akuma problem. I'm Batman.”
“Wait, like Gotham’s Batman?” Chat said, perking up a little. “Dude, that's so cool! Did you bring Robin with you? Ooh, or Nightwing,” he added dreamily, eyes unfocusing as he clearly daydreamed about the original boy wonder.
“Tt, you are supposed to be a hero defending a city, will you focus on the problem at hand?” Another shadow said, and Marinette had to school her expression to avoid giving away her disgust at the guy’s outfit. This, with the red, green, and yellow, had to be Robin. He had a sword attached to his hip and a domino mask that did nothing to hide his scowl.
“Listen, Hawkmoth preys on negative emotion,” she tried to explain, shooting Chat a look that said ‘shut the hell up’. “Chat's way of handling his feelings is by being a giant goofball. It's not super healthy but it's also working so we're not going to try to change it now. It's a pleasure to meet you both, but we should work on trying to stop Christmas Choke before it gets any worse.”
The dynamic duo agreed and pretty soon they were assisting with the aftercare of a traumatised shopper. Marinette rubbed the man's back consolingly, hoping to finish soon so she could go back home - after speaking with Batman and Robin about next steps.
“Everyone was just so loud, and then that godforsaken song - that has been playing since September - came on and I just lost it,” the man sobbed, clinging to his shopping bags. “My kid just changed his mind about what he wanted for Christmas and my husband insisted we had to get it right, because it's his first Christmas with us and not in foster care! And if it's not wrapped and under the tree tonight, I'm a dead man.”
“I understand, and you're not the first person to be taken advantage of by Farfalla,” Marinette said in a soothing voice. “But hey, take a deep breath and Chat over here is going to take you straight back to your place in line. He's going to stay with you until you get what you need and then he'll see you home. Right, Kitty?”
“Absolutely! Hey, did you hear what the snowman ordered at the Mexican restaurant?” Chat asked the man as they walked over to the queue of people reforming around them.
“Okay, so we obviously need to head somewhere quieter to have a chat, care to join me on top of Notre Dame?” Marinette said wearily, pulling her yo-yo back out. She waited for them to agree before giving them a quick grin and ‘race ya!’ before zipping away.
_ _ _
The explanation and discussion for next steps took longer than Marinette would have liked. Batman had had plenty of questions - all very well thought out, and he was obviously taking it seriously - and Robin had been staring at her the entire time without saying a word. It made her twitchy and she was relieved when she was finally swinging back home.
She landed on the balcony and crept back into her room, cursing her lack of time. She was still stitching her name into the piece that Alya had commissioned from her and she needed to get it to her by that evening. Not to mention-
“The cookies!” Marinette screeched, throwing herself down the stairs to the apartment kitchen and almost sobbing when she saw the lumps of charcoal sitting on the oven trays. Two full trays of cookies, useless, and she still had to decorate and wrap them before nighttime.
Rolling up her sleeves, she got to work on a new batch. She had several problems, likely caused by her tiredness and the distraction of still having half a dozen things to do, and she wasn't sure how she was going to explain how her apron had gotten caught up in the mixing bowl.
While the cookies were baking, she raced back upstairs to get the Alya's commission and stitched the initials whilst keeping an eye on the cookies. She then whipped up the royal icing while the cookies cooled and prepared the piping bag. And after all of that, she found time to search for information on Batman and his band of vigilantes.
_ _ _
By early evening, Marinette finally felt like she was on top of things again. Nothing quite like the rush of a deadline to make her buckle down and get things done. Checking the time, she cursed again and grabbed up a bag to put everything into before racing to meet her friends for their Christmas eve plans.
Spotting her usual group, Marinette raced over to them and apologised for her tardiness. That was met with fairly goodnatured ribbing and she blushed even as she scowled at them all. Adrien smiled over at her and she gave a tentative one back. It had been about half a year since they had ended their relationship and it was finally starting to feel like they could be friends again.
Cerise was holding onto his arm and Marinette pushed down a wave of jealousy that she had no right to anymore. Cerise had been one of the reasons for their breakup, Adrien claiming that he had a lot in common with the blonde and that he felt like Marinette didn't have enough time for their relationship. Even though he wasn't wrong, it still ached that her superheroine work had caused another break up.
Once she had distributed her own gifts and any commissions, everyone headed for Phillipe’s skating rink. It was fairly busy, people bumping into each other and small children buzzing past everyone, fast enough that people were fighting to stay upright when they skated by.
Being shorter than most of her friends, Marinette quickly found herself separated from the group and battling to get through the crowds with her skates on. Even with the ice, and general chill of December, the heat of numerous bodies made her feel a little like she was suffocating.
She finally burst through a group of people and slipped along the ice precariously. Her fall was arrested by a tall boy, wearing an entire outfit in black with dark hair. She froze, looking up at him with wide eyes and tried to stutter out an apology.
“I- you- that's- sorry,” she blurted at last, steadying her feet under her. The boy had his hands on her elbows, keeping her surprisingly steady as she tried not to blush too much.
“It's fine,” he muttered, a frown marring his otherwise gorgeous features. Not that the scowl made him unattractive but she had a strong urge to see a smile on his face instead. “Are you alright?”
“Oh, yeah, just madly clumsy,” she said with a pained smile. “It's, um, busy, and my friends got lost in the crowd. Or, I guess, they lost me in the crowd. But lucky me, you stopped me from wiping out on the ice, so thank you.”
The boy gave a slight smirk at her rambling and, oh no he was cute when he smirked. He didn't let go of her elbows and she felt the heat across her face flood her neck and chest too. She realised that she had been staring at his mouth for far too long and snapped her eyes to his and- oh, they were a vibrant green that sent butterflies skittering around her stomach.
Before she could say anything else a tiny comet- uh, small child rammed into the boys legs with a thump. The little girl also had dark hair and green eyes, though she had a different shape to her face. The girl was chattering at a mile a minute making it hard for Marinette to work out everything she was saying, but she gathered it was about hot chocolate from the words ‘whipped cream’, ‘marshmallows’ and ‘mug’.
“Mar’i, you shouldn't run off like that!” A man shouted, skating up to the three of them. He was carrying a mug with a generous topping of cream and chocolate dusting. “Thanks for catching her, Dames. Oh, hi!”
“Hello,” Marinette squeaked back, glad that she had her feet under her when the boy let go of her. “I'm Marinette.”
“Nice to meet you! I'm Dick, that's my brother Damian and this little terror is my daughter Mar'i,” the man said cheerfully. Marinette mouthed the name ‘Damian’, before flushing because, God, that was embarrassing.
“I'll let you get back to your family time,” she said at last, glancing up at Damian. Her heart jumped when she found him studying her, his eyes deep and pensive. She was ready to turn around and find her friends when someone crashed into Damian from behind. She put her hands out to steady him, and she could tell she had surprised him when she succeeded.
“Demon Spawn, better pucker up,” a man that was drenched in chaotic magic crowed. He had a white streak in his hair and he was massive. He was also holding a plant with tiny white bulbs and delicate leaves. Dick exclaimed something that sounded like an admonishment but Marinette couldn't hear it properly over the rushing in her ears.
Her heart completely stopped when Damian brushed a kiss to her cheek before he pulled back quickly. His cheeks were dusted lightly with red but it was barely noticeable next to her own flaming face.
“I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable,” he said, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. “Todd - the idiot with the mistletoe - is unbearable when you don't play along with his idiocy. I have been asked to avoid causing arguments whilst in Paris so…”
“It's fine,” she blurted, pressing her cold fingers to her cheeks in an attempt to cool them. “I just wasn't expecting someone as hot as you to do that. I'm sorry he made you kiss me, I'm sure you have better options-”
“Tt, I have no complaints about his choice,” Damian said with a smirk. Crumbs, if he kept smirking at her she was going to lose her sleep deprived mind and give him a real kiss. Actually, that didn't seem like an awful idea…Damian was flirting with her, right? She couldn't be reading it wrong, because his brother was making kissy faces and ‘ooh’ing.
“Well, in the interest of avoiding any potential fights, you should probably do the tradition properly,” she said. Before she could overthink it and talk herself out of it, she grabbed his scarf and pulled him down for a kiss. It was soft and sweet, a brief touch of lips and nothing more, but she still blushes brightly before letting go and stuttering a goodbye.
_ _ _
By the time she found her friends again, they were standing around a pretty display, lights spelling Happy Holidays with a star of David, Christmas tree, and seven candles depicted. People were mostly paired up in their couples, Nino with an arm around Alya's shoulders, Rose and Juleka holding hands, Myléne sitting in Ivan's lap on a nearby bench…and Cerise was hugging Adrien, him smiling down at her.
Marinette shoved the ache away immediately, skating over to Alix, Max and Nathaniel. They greeted her enthusiastically and she let them take her mind off of boys for a few minutes. They were talking about the fireworks that were due to start any minute, arguing over whether there would be any more Akumas before Christmas day.
When the fireworks began, Marinette ruthlessly cut off any thoughts about missing watching them with Adrien. It didn't matter that last year she had had someone to hold her close - things had gotten so much harder in the past year, Farfalla had been ruthless and being the guardian had meant that she had to put aside a lot of her own projects and hopes.
When the display ended she deliberately avoided looking towards Adrien, turning blindly towards the exit. It had been nice to flirt with Damian, it had made her feel wanted. But it wasn't as if she would ever see him again, so she tried not to let herself fantasize too much.
_ _ _
Whilst they'd been skating it had started snowing. Marinette walked along the street, rubbing her hands together and wishing she had brought along her mittens. She walked past people having snowball fights, giggling as they walked by, and even one couple who were just finishing a pair of snow angels.
She was halfway home when she crashed into someone again. Apologising profusely, she glanced up at them only to freeze again. Looking down at her was Damian, his scowl melting away as he realised it was her.
“I would say we should stop running into each other like this, but I cannot say that I mind it,” he said, brushing some hair out of her face. “I'm glad I encountered you again, I was worried you had vanished into thin air.”
“You wanted to see me again?” Her voice came out in a squeak, eyes wide. He chuckled and nodded, keeping his eyes on hers. Her heart melted a little and she leaned into his warmth. “I wanted to see you again too.”
“May I walk you to your destination?” He asked, offering his arm for her to take. She did, without hesitation, and felt his heat immediately leech into her frozen fingertips. “I also wished to thank you for silencing my brothers. It is not common for them to be rendered speechless, and it was sufficient to silence them for the duration of the fireworks.”
“Hey, anytime you want someone to kiss you, I'll happily be your girl,” she joked, flushing when he raised an eyebrow at her. “I mean, obviously you don't have to- I just meant that I enjoyed- I really need to work on keeping my mouth shut.”
“I don't know, I rather like you when you are flustered,” he said slyly, pressing a kiss to the tips of her fingers.
“That's a pretty easy win, I am very easily flustered,” she grumbled, though a smile worked its way over her face when a laugh rumbled out of him. They were quickly approaching the bakery now, and Marinette was trying to think of ways to prolong their walk.
“I don't suppose you would be willing to give me your number,” he said as she slowed to a stop outside the bakery. Beaming, she stuttered out her contact details and he input them to his own phone swiftly. “I must go back to my family now, but I hope I will see you again soon.”
Joy bubbled up in her chest as she waved goodbye which only intensified when her phone buzzed a few moments later with a message from an unknown number.
_ _ _
It was much later at night that Marinette slipped out of her room and into the silent night. She made a straight line to the Eiffel Tower, hoping nobody would spot her. She didn't need to be stopped for a conversation when she needed to meet with the Bats.
She arrived after them and waved as she landed next to Robin. This was supposed to be a chance for her to meet the rest of the team of vigilantes and find out how they could work together to stop Farfalla. There appeared to be light hearted bickering between the tallest vigilante who was wearing a red helmet and Robin.
“Come on, it's just a bit of holiday fun,” Red Hood said, brandishing a piece of mistletoe. He held it over Robin's head, angling it towards Marinette and she froze. What were the chances that she would be caught under mistletoe twice in one day?
“It is not just a bit of holiday fun,” Robin hissed, scowling at him with blood darkening his cheeks. “It was amusing the first time, don't test your luck.”
“I'm going to have to ask you both to stop arguing or leave Paris,” Marinette said bluntly. “The night is a common time for Farfalla to strike and I don't want to have to fight one of you.”
“Man, I thought kissing the cute girl earlier would've loosened you up,” Hood said grumpily. “I know she ran off but that wasn't my fault.”
“Tt, I have already secured a connection with her,” Robin said tightly, glaring at Red Hood. “I ran into her whilst walking and procured her contact details before returning, only to be subjected to that monstrosity of a drink you call eggnog.”
Marinette froze, analysing the group in front of her. Robin, standing next to her, had the same dark hair and skin as Damian. Red Hood was the same height as Todd and was brandishing mistletoe. Nightwing was wearing a cheery expression, a brightness that reminded her of Damian’s brother, Dick.
“Oh no,” she whispered, cupping a hand over her mouth. She was too tired for this. She was supposed to be figuring out Farfalla’s secret identity, not the Batfamily’s. “Please tell me you aren't talking about an encounter with a girl called Marinette.”
Silence spread over the rooftop and she groaned, squatting down and gripping her hair tightly with both hands. Apparently the chances of running into a man brandishing mistletoe twice in one day greatly increased when they were the same man.
“Do you not know the importance of not sharing personal information?” She hissed, glaring up at Red Hood. She couldn't see his face but she hoped that he was feeling contrite. “I have gone three years without finding out my partner's identity, nor revealing my own to him. And after not even ten minutes of your company this evening I have discovered yours, Robin's and Nightwing’s.
“Granted, there is magic at work concealing Chat's and my identities but I did not want to know who you were!” She stood and muttered to herself, trying to think of ways they could work around this.
“I take it you know Marinette,” Nightwing said weakly, glancing at Robin apologetically.
“Well enough to recognise your story,” she conceded. She pointed a finger at Red Hood and glared again. “You are most definitely on my naughty list, Monsieur. You shall be lucky if I don't smack you around your stupid, atrocious helmet.”
“We're sorry,” Red Hood said at last, glancing towards Robin when he snorted. “Fine, I'm sorry. Clearly I got careless and I'm sorry I blew our cover.”
“It is what it is,” she said heavily, devastated by the realisation that she wouldn't be able to go on a date with Damian now. Not only would she potentially blow her cover but it would never work if he had to go back to Gotham. “I just have to ask that you leave Marinette alone. Text her to tell her you went home or something, but as she doesn't know too much about you yet there's a good chance of you not making things worse.”
“Wouldn't she just Google us?” Nightwing said curiously and Marinette nearly screamed.
“It is difficult to search for someone with such a common first name and no surname,” she said through gritted teeth. “She likely assumed Robin was from Paris and she would have had the chance to pursue a relationship, but evidently that was wrong. If you are vague enough in your message she will likely accept it and move on.”
The rest of the meeting was awkward and Marinette left after giving them as much information as she could about Farfalla. It wasn't much but they gave her a few things to think about regarding Hawkmoth and any potential connection to Farfalla.
_ _ _
On Christmas morning, Marinette bounded down from her room to sit with her parents for a quick breakfast followed by present opening. She waited excitedly for her parents to open their gifts, pleased at the excited shouts her Papa made when he opened the new apron she had made him and the pleased cooing her Maman made when she opened the new cheongsam she had made her.
Marinette gave her own squeal when she opened a parcel filled with various fabrics and threads. She adored how well her parents knew her and her creative pursuits. She had a few other gifts from friends, her Nonna and Grandpa Rolland, which left her feeling incredibly loved.
The day passed in relative peace, not even an akuma appearing. The threat was enough to keep Marinette on her toes but she was relieved when the day ended and she finally got a full night's sleep.
Boxing day she awoke early and joined her parents in setting up shop for the post Christmas and Hanukkah rush. She was in charge of decorating the dreidel and menorah sugar cookies, alongside ones that looked like bursting fireworks.
When the bakery opened she was rushed off her feet, bagging baked goods and wishing everyone happy holidays. She hardly took a breather until after the lunch crowd dispersed and there were only a handful of items still ready. She knew her Papa was already baking fresh for the afternoon rush so she took some time to straighten the front area.
She didn't fully look up when the bell above the door dinged, signalling a new customer, but called out cheerfully that she would be with them momentarily. She turned to greet whoever it was properly and felt her smile freeze on her face.
“Good afternoon,” Damian said, eyes sweeping her face. He paused when he was done, as though he could tell she was unsure. But that was ridiculous, they had only really spent twenty minutes together so she gave herself a mental shake.
“I'm surprised to see you here,” she admitted, trying to remind herself that she needed to cut the budding feelings she was growing at the root. “When you didn't message again I assumed you changed your mind.”
“I have been a little preoccupied with family matters,” he said hesitantly. “But I have been thinking of you a lot.”
“I heard you're only in Paris on holiday,” she ventured, hoping it would prompt him to end things, assuming that was why he was there. “I don't want to be a fling, Damian. I can't risk getting to know you if I'm just going to end up missing you.”
“It doesn't have to end just because I go home,” he offered in a quiet voice, stepping closer to her. She stayed where she was as he approached, heart trying to beat out of her chest. His hand had just brushed her bangs from her face when the door behind him opened again, letting in a cold gust of wind.
He glanced behind him and frowned when he couldn't see anyone. Only a raging snowstorm where there had been clear skies only minutes before. Marinette frowned as well, stepping forward to close the door again.
As she did so she found that snow was piling up too fast to be natural. She felt annoyance sweep over her. Couldn't Farfalla leave people alone? It was so much worse than Hawkmoth, whoever Farfalla was she made much more violent Akumas.
“Papa, Maman, looks like another akuma,” she called through to the kitchen, forcing the door closed and locking it. She struggled to push it until Damian joined her, pressing the door shut with both palms flat against it.
Marinette turned around to thank him and found herself still caged between his arms. His eyes looked as stormy as outside, she could clearly see a conflict in them. She swallowed, mouth dry and made to push him out of the way gently. But instead of making him move, her hands ended up resting on his chest. He moved closer, head dipping towards her-
“Marinette, are you alright?” Her Papa burst out of the kitchen, looking concerned until he saw the pair pulling hastily apart. Amusement pulled at the man's lips and he crossed his arms. “This must be Damian; it's a pleasure to meet you young man. Marinette said that you saw her safely home on Christmas Eve.”
“Papa,” she whined, blushing as she glanced up at Damian. “An akuma? Can you make sure the kitchen is sealed? I'm pretty sure the snow is getting everywhere.”
“Yes yes, the back door is already completely snowed in. You didn't leave your skylight open, did you?”
“You don't think it's that badly snowed over, do you?” She asked, suddenly alarmed. If the skylight was covered, she wouldn't be able to push Damian out of it before she transformed. “You know what, I'm going to go and check. Damian, are you okay-”
“-to go with Marinette,” her Papa said sternly, worry clear across his features. She hesitated but Damian was agreeing, taking hold of her hand and tugging her to action.
Leading him upstairs, Marinette tried not to enjoy the way his hand felt in hers. She could feel the callouses he had earned from his sword practice and vigilantism and she tried not to think too hard about them.
Arriving in her attic room, she cursed when no light came through her skylight or window. She pushed uselessly at the skylight before throwing herself onto her bed. Kwamis hidden around the room gave her sympathetic looks but didn't make themselves known.
“We shall have to sit out the akuma here, I suppose,” Damian said, staring at his phone. “I don't have any signal, I assume the storm is disrupting service. I have every faith that the Parisian heroes will restore order as quickly as possible, so what would you like to do to pass our time?”
“I wouldn't bet on things going quickly,” she muttered, having a quick internal debate over her choices. Absurdly quickly she became churlish. “I can't believe this, I would not be in this position if you had just done what you were told.”
“I'm not sure I understand,” Damian said, appearing at the end of her bed with a frown. She sighed and sat up to glare accusingly at him.
“Yes, you do. You were supposed to send me a nice message telling me that you had to go home suddenly. I was going to be very upset and heartbroken that you weren't from Paris and then try to forget you whilst knowing you were still around. Instead you showed up and got trapped in here with me which means I have to tell you that I'm Ladybug which is what I was trying to avoid!”
“...you are Ladybug?” He said after a moment, assumedly to process the verbal barrage she shot at him. She groaned and nodded, jumping slightly when the mattress dipped under his weight. He loomed over her, those beautiful green eyes pinning her in place. “I did not think you could be any more appealing, but it appears I was wrong.”
He leaned down to kiss her, pressing her into the bed with his weight. She allowed herself to enjoy it for several minutes, hands burying in his hair, before she broke away. His lips traveled along her jaw and she almost forgot what she was supposed to be doing. Almost because Tikki appeared above them, a tolerantly amused look on her face.
“I'm glad you two are having fun, but perhaps we can deal with the akuma?”
_ _ _
The fight with the akuma was relatively simple, a disgruntled employee who had blanketed the city in snow so they didn't have to deal with customers on Boxing day. Marinette cast her Miraculous Ladybug and the snow melted magically away.
She turned to Robin, pausing before pulling him aside. The rest of the Bats looked curious but Marinette was determined to have the conversation without them.
“Listen, we have to get back so my parents don't realise we got out,” she said, her voice low. He nodded, following her away from the group. In order to allow him to change before they headed back - there was no way she was going to try and explain that to her parents - she used the horse Miraculous again to get to his hotel room.
They landed back in her room, the Miraculous energy washing out of her as she detransformed, and she collapsed onto the bed again. Damian pressed a hand to her leg, a steady reassuring pressure.
“If we're going to try this, we're going to have to tell your family, aren't we,” she stated, not really a question but directed at him nonetheless.
“It would make it easier,” he admitted, leaning back against the wall. “But if you wish to keep it a secret, I will respect that.”
“Or we could just…go our separate ways,” she said, trying to ignore the way her gut clenched at the thought. Damian froze, face tight with some kind of strong emotion and Marinette wanted to touch him so badly she couldn't help brushing a hand against his cheek.
“That is not an appealing option for me,” he said after several seconds, leaning towards her hand. He looked down at her and she bit her lip, wanting to resume what they had been doing before but nervous about taking that step.
He took the decision out of her hands, smoothing her lip out from between her teeth with his thumb before pressing his own to them.
_ _ _
1 Year Later
Marinette twirled the skirt of her dress, gazing at the mirror she had placed next to the fireplace in Damian's room. He watched her from the bed, a smile crinkling the corner of his eyes. She looked over her shoulder at him, smiling broadly.
She couldn't believe how much things had changed in only a year. Farfalla had been defeated, Damian had convinced her to both join the Justice League and apply for university in Gotham (which she'd gotten into and was currently attending) and now she was getting ready to attend the Waynes’ New Year Gala.
“You look wonderful as always, Mari,” Damian said with a crooked smile. “And you will fit seamlessly into the aesthetics for the evening.”
“You always know what I'm worried about,” she said, chagrined. Moving carefully, so as not to wrinkle her skirt, she climbed up next to him on the bed and kissed him gently. He pressed back against her, fingers threading into her carefully constructed bun.
She decided she didn't mind showing up to the gala late if it meant more time spent alone with Damian.
#maribat#maribat holiday bingo 2024#mlb x dc#daminette#damianette#damian x marinette#marinette x damian#dc x mlb#ao3#ao3 fanfic#fanfic#maribat event#of course i made it daminette#you can't tell me you're surprised#you can't stop me#daminette fic#silly#fun
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My contribution for this!
Maribat Holiday Bingo
Happy Holidays to you, Maribat Fandom! This year, in honor of all the various winter holidays that people and the characters we write about may celebrate, we gift you all with a Holiday Bingo Card! Use the words, phrases, and images as prompts for different creations and see if you can get a few BINGOs before December ends! Prizes include bragging rights and a special holiday role for server members.
And don't forget about our free space, because let's be honest, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, somebody is getting akumatized over it this year (Our money is on the retail employee trying to pacify Christmas Karen while Santa Baby plays for the 37th time this shift).
Any works published on Ao3 can be added to our Maribat Holiday Bingo (Maribat_Holiday_Bingo) collection, and those on tumblr will be reblogged if they're tagged with #Maribat Holiday Bingo 2024, just make sure that all content is rated and tagged properly, and any nsfw content is under a cut.
Transcribed list of prompts below the cut:
Light Display Mittens Hot Cocoa Snow Angel Magic Joy Snowed In Eggnog Menorah Fairy Lights Body Heat Snowman Baked Goods Wayne Gala Gift Giving Mistletoe Ice Skating Annoying Songs Kitchen Mishaps New Year's Eve Frozen Fire Place Naughty List Dredal Christmas Akuma (Free Space)
#bingo card#maribat#maribat event#maribat server#happy holidays#mlb x dc#maribat discord server#dc x mlb#Maribat Holiday Bingo 2024#25 prompts#i did it#all in one#time for a rest
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