#Mari Manji
gunsatthaphan · 4 months
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: May 2024 ~ 
🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride Month!!! 🏳️‍🌈
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post! 
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 You Made My Day (starring Tar A. and Bom T. from I Will Knock You) - May 3rd (Thailand)
🌟 Inverse Identity / Upside Down - Mary 3rd (China)
🌟 Wandee Goodday - May 4th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Dear Miss Becky - May 6th (Philippines)
🌟 Deep Night Special Episode - May 9th (Thailand)
🌟 A Balloon's Landing - May 10th (Taiwan)
🌟 City of Stars: Special Episode - May 10th (Thailand, cinema release)
🌟 The Time of Fever (Unintentional Love Story spinoff) - May 15th (South Korea)
🌟 Blossom Campus - May 16th (South Korea)
🌟 OMG! Vampire - May 19th (Thailand)
🌟 Pray in Love - May 20th (Taiwan)
🌟 Manji Reverse - May 24th (Japan)
🌟 My Biker 2 - May 28th (Thailand)
🌟 Knock Knock Boys - May 30th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Anti Reset Special - May 31st (Thailand)
Monthly Likes / Dislikes
❣️ My Stand-In - I've been liking this a lot and it's probably my favorite bl from this year so far. I was mostly skeptical of the reincarnation trope as I usually don't like that but I like where it's going. The storytelling is excellent, it's comprehensible and sends such good messages, it's subtle, not as in-your-face as other shows, they're not rehashing the same things and every character is believable and well-shaped, down to the smallest side role. The characters are flawed but so well-written that it's just a joy to witness them develop. That being said I wanna give a big shoutout to whoever was in charge of casting because the lineup is really top-tier lol. Every character is on-point thanks to their respective actor; Up is doing so well and also Poom is a very pleasant surprise. I love how expressive he is and him and Up work extremely well as a team imo. Also Mek as Tong is a good choice. Almost forgot what a truly good production looked like lmao. I'm in awe.
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Some Secrets in High School (mini series) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Street Fight (movie) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 See Your Love - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 Century of Love - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Allure of the Siren - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Takara's Treasure - Coming July 1st (Japan)
🎥 Air Moment (starring Earth T. & others) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 The Paradise of Thorns - Coming August 2024 (Thailand)
🎥 Your Sky (starring Thomas & Kong, winners of the DMD reality program Friendship the Reality) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 I Hear the Sunspot (remake) - Date TBA (Japan)
🎥 My Idol - Coming August 2024 (South Korea)
🎥 Khemjira - Date TBA (Thailand)
Other news from the BL world
❗️ In a week-to-week-release, Be On Cloud announced the cast of the upcoming BL 4 Minutes: Bible Wichapas, Jes Pipat, Bas Asavapatr, Job Yosatorn, Fuaiz Thanawat, Mio Athens, Jet Jetsadakorn & Jjay Patiphan. A release date, as well as further information has not been disclosed.
❗️After the announcement of OhmFluke being the lead actors in the upcoming Korean BL Surfing, their respective managements released a statement saying the news were false and that there was never any contact between the companies nor a request for permission to issue the news.
❗️The annual KAZZ awards were held on May 14th. The following BL actors/productions won:
Net Siraphop - Actor of the Year
Bed Friend - Series of the Year
Pit Babe - Kazz Magazine Favorite Award
❗️ The 20th Komchadluek Awards were held on May 28th. The following BL actors/productions won:
Zee P. - Most Popular Actor
Nunew C. - Best International Singer
Fourth N. - Best Rising Star
JimmySea - Best Couple
❗️ Actor JJ Radchapon has been announced as Net's new partner in the upcoming BL Love Upon a Time. His original partner James S. previously dropped out of the project to focus on his music career. Shooting will begin soon.
❗️ Actors Kaownah Kittipat and Max Nattapol have been announced as the BL side couple in the upcoming period GL drama Mom Pet Sawan.
❗️ Actor Tang Chinadis has announced his departure from the upcoming BL Jack & Joker. He withdrew from the project following accusations of physical abuse from his ex-girlfriend Prigkhing S. (formerly with GMMTV)
❗️ After accusations of domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend, the charges against GMMTV actor Pawin Thanik have been dropped. The company released a statement saying both parties requested a mediation, after which they came to a settlement where both cases were dismissed. Pawin had previously been placed on work probation and withdrew from the BL We Are amongst other projects.
Upcoming series & movies for June
👉🏻 My Love Mix-Up - June 6th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Love Sea - June 9th (Thailand)
👉🏻 SunsetxVibes - June 15th (Thailand)
👉🏻 The Rebound - June 26th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Blue Boys Part 2 - June TBA (South Korea)
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astarab1aze · 4 months
➥ Flame of Ambition
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⸻Technical Information. // Face, Voice, etc.
01. Faceclaim. Tatsuomi [ Gokurakugai ] & Gilgamesh [ Fate Series ] & Chikage Kazama [ Hakuoki ] 04. Voice Claim. Zeno Robinson
⸻Profile Information. // Name, Age, etc.
01. Name. Loux Garo [ Loux Deviliers ] 02. Alias. Lulu, Firefox   [ Flametongue ] 03. Sex. Male 04. Gender. Male 05. Age. 27-28   [ Dependent; Immortal regardless ] 06. Birth Date. Sol 1st   [ Feywild ] 07. Blood Type. Sub-type SO+ 08. Race. Shapeshifter, Kírâti by nationality ; Kírâti-Yuureian by ethnicity. 09. Marital Status. Single   [ Multiship ] 10. Orientation. Bisexual   [ Demiromantic / no preference ] 11. Residence. He is inherently nomadic, not only preferring but needing to travel in his search for the Sanguine Star; He does, eventually, return to and settle down in Kírât, even after achieving godhood. 
⸻Physical Information. // Body, Equipment, Family, etc.
17. Physical Description. Loux has a mop of disheveled champagne blond hair that was once a darker shade, having lightened in the latter half of his youth. Though a bit messy and somewhat course, it’s softer than it seems. His eyes, hidden by his hair a lot of the time, are stormy gray with a ring of gold around the pupil, and unwaveringly calculating, seeing much but disclosing little. He’s of average height, standing at an even 5'10", and boasts a toned, lean build. Golden, sun-kissed skin tone dusted with barely-there freckling. He can usually be seen wearing some form of traditional Kírâti or Yuureian clothing in a plain black & white color scheme, though he has been known to wear J'verdien, Manji, and Askarri garb as well. He has no piercings, instead runic tattoos in red ink throughout his body. He is also completely covered in scars from the chest down, caused by a nasty and very unfair fight between himself and 6 strangers at Khuthd's Rest in Kírât.
13. Equipment. On his person, he keeps the following: His leatherbound grimoire, the Limitless Chest, several infinite pockets, his enchanted athame Brie, various alchemical ingredients and reagents, tungskin draughts, various magical tools, a bundle of canaemery, a smoking pipe, various tomes and diagrams. 14. Occupation. Loux is effectively a fence, stealing, purchasing or otherwise peddling stolen, contraband, and handmade magical items to fund his search for the sanguine star alongside Sortia & Vayn; He dabbles in mercenary work when it suits him as well. 15. Job Performance. Untrustworthy, but whatcha got to lose? 16. Parents. Lionell Garo & Chihana Shikawa - tragically killed in their work as Kírât sorciers, assigned the infamous Bloody Mary Case involving the horrific and long-lasting torture of a young pregnant woman; They were eaten alive by blackwyrms. 17. Siblings. Leonie (31F) and Lucienne (33F), who still live in Kírât.
⸻Personality Information. // Likes, Strengths, etc.
18. Likes. Flirting, partying, stealing, messing with people, haggling, fruity beverages, napping, bloodwine, dragon's breath, talking shit, dancing, high art, ignoring Vayn, pissing off Sortia, scarbuncle cheese, starting fires, Green Fairy Peaches, adventuring, doing magic tricks for kids in passing, sandpies, etc. 19. Dislikes. The idea of commitment, people who have no independence, authority, humans, most other shapeshifters, undead, all of Myrrdin, Wildlings, politics, dimensional travel, bitter things, self-righteous types, cottonmouth cakes, Sortia, most weres, religion, silsaph, etc.
20. Positive Traits. Dutiful. Helpful. Thoughtful. Protective. Straightforward. Playful. Patient. Affectionate. Sweet. Charming. Thorough. Fun. Ambitious. Decent bedside manner. A hero when you need him to be. Firm. Persistent. 21. Negative Traits. Distrustful. Selfish. Arrogant. Noncommittal. Emotionally guarded. Manipulative. Cruel. Merciless. Reckless. Impulsive. Murderous. The opposite of law-abiding. Territorial. Self-abandoning. 22. Goals. What he wants most is more naive than either Vayn or Sortia : To bring his parents back to life using the Sanguine Star - necromancy alone will never suffice. 23. Desires. Comfort, shelter, protection, and recognition. Understanding. For jumbled thoughts and pain to be forgiven, for grief to be eased and put to rest. To be given the room to be his truest self and accepted no matter how ugly that really is. 24. Alignment. Chaotic Neutral
25. Personality. Loux is a scummy guy with a heart of gold buried deep underneath all the muck. He remembers and cherishes key details of the people that come in and out of his life, ever present in the moment. He cares a great deal for others than himself, but is lazy and noncommittal enough to justify doing merely the bare minimum and little more to help them - call it a halfbaked defense mechanism. He wears a crooked smile and some cheek to soften his every blow, guarding his truth closely and even using it as a point of manipulation to get what he wants. Misery loves company, so why not have a little fun with it? He likes fun more than angst, always and ever seeking out grand events, sex, alcohol, and trouble, the whole nine yards to drown it out, find even a hint of joy. He’s measured and calculating despite appearances, observant, and can generally read people fairly well. He’s flexible and accepting of most things, loose and perhaps overly friendly, tending to ‘go with the flow’. Any percieved sleights against him are met with exacting retribution, be it by force, magic, or otherwise, calm and collected. He generally decides how he’ll deal with a person from beginning to end early on.
⸻Sorcery Information. // Element, Talent, etc.
26. Element. Fire & Bestial - masterful manipulation, however he possesses the creation root and is therefore capable of manipulating and sourcing all forms of magic. 27. Shapeshifting. Innate fox-shifter - natural-born shapeshifters will transform into the same species as their parents once their ability manifests, but are capable of taking multiple forms depending on skill level. 28. Utility. Alchemy, curses, hexes, wards, dispel, telekinesis, alteration, portals, conjuration, storage, exorcism, repair - masterful. 29. Specialization. Multishifting, Fire as a whole, Alchemy, and Hypnosis - masterful use of all. 30. Graduate School. For all intents and purposes, Loux is a self-taught mage. 31. Classification. He is considered both extremely dangerous and highly useful; He has a long list of crimes he's wanted for, but people need help more than they need to put him away. 
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⸻Background Information. // Past to Present.
Loux was born in the Kírâti Citadel to respected sorciers employed by the Kirati caliphate - the youngest of three. He was very young when they were killed and eaten by blackwyrms in pursuit of Wildling poachers, having precious few memories of them, and so was simultaneously the least and most affected by their deaths. Spending most of his youth on the streets of Kírât, rejected by the family who'd taken his sisters in, he fell in with the wrong crowds, delving deeper and deeper into the uncomfortable underbelly of the city. A boy would see suffering that was simply just so, blind eyes turned from the dying, murders, innocents caught at the wrong place and wrong time, torture, betrayal, theft, and more - and embrace them.
The truth is, he cannot cope without a family. He always knew what he needed most, how unattainable it truly was, but when rumors of a fallen Sanguine Star began to circulate among the dregs, he pulled himself up by his bootstraps and got to work, siezing his opportunity. Guidance, acceptance, forgiveness may all be things he can only give himself, but he can right some wrongs and put everything back where it was, undo a lifetime of bullshit, upon claiming the Star. Over the course of roughly eight years, Loux had carved a wide space for himself in the Kírâti slums - enough room to flex, throw his weight around; mastering quite the handful of sorceries and keeping his word took him far. This opened up many different avenues to him and he has a guy for anything, any time, though he has stuck more closely with information brokers. Over this eight year period, he’s made little progress on his quest, despite having seen much of the known world by now.
However, two years prior to today, Loux met Sortia through a broker, right place right time. They were both looking for the Sanguine Star, and over numerous lengthy chats at Khuthd's Rest, they came to an agreement, an understanding - they would help each other get to the Sanguine Star, but may the best mage claim its boon. It wasn’t long after this, during a particularly dark round of dueling, that their newfound synergy would be tested, hearing some whiny vampire cry and squeal in his attempt to back out of a fight. They interjected, naturally, both a bit nosy, and…discovered the vampire had more than enough reason to whine and cry. With a handful of Deadeye’s crew down for the count, Loux robbed them all blind and the trio took off.
Currently, the three are travelling Sunjatta together in search of the Sanguine Star. Ladida, been together ever since, besties for resties. The end.
If you're curious, Loux defeats Sortia upon locating the star, though it is an intense and close battle. Her defeat results, ultimately, in her death and Loux's summary ascension to godhood, joining the ranks of the Outer Gods as the Flametongue, the Avatar of Fire, god of passion, ambition, heroism in a most unlikely place, fire, love, hatred, sex, wrath, transformation, and the extremes of freedom, irreparably changing the course of Sunjatta's future.
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skwonkk · 1 year
#koguma#sorry#kujira no chouyaku#shirt#boring machine#kagoshima#budak sekolah#metal#woman#sam claflin#normal#have you?#yashiro nene#hikicore#game#tsumugi aoba#nintendo#furblr#mountains#nancy pelosi#mary robinette kowal#gorilla#never grow up#queue me up scotty#television#woods#nobody#how's your name#movement#tamilnadu#motivation#kirby right back at ya#toronto#tokyo manji gang#risa yukihira#show your cat#coriolanus snow#the flash#uma daughter of ursula#atari 2600#komaru naegi#usagi tsukino#go nagai#azaelia banks#miraculous fanart#jake hangman seresin#suzu hirose
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coghive · 1 year
‘Journey To Bethlehem’ Cast To Include MŌRIAH, Joel Smallbone & Lecrae
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Fiona Palomo (Outer Banks, Control Z) and Milo Manheim (Disney’s ZOMBIES series, Prom Pact, School Spirits) are set to star as ‘Mary’ and ‘Joseph’, along with Academy Award nominee Antonio Banderas (PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH, upcoming INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY) as ‘King Herod’ in the JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM currently in production from AFFIRM Films, a Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) company and Monarch Media. Principal photography is underway on the coast of Spain for this epic musical movie sharing the Christmas story in a fresh, inspiring, and entertaining way. Award-winning music producer Adam Anders (Glee, High School Musical, Descendants, The Passion) in his feature directorial debut wrote the script along with Peter Barsocchini (High School Musical franchise) and wrote the music with Nikki Anders (Glee, High School Musical, Descendants) and Peer Astrom (ROCK OF AGES, Glee, High School Musical, Descendants). Sony Pictures has slated the musical for a wide theatrical release this coming November 10th. Film and TV music powerhouse Adam Anders has more than 100 million albums sold, earned 4 consecutive Grammy® nominations, won 2 Golden Globes® and 2 People’s Choice® Awards, and holds the record for the most single entries on the Billboard Hot 100, eclipsing both The Beatles and Elvis Presley. “I first had the idea for the film years ago when I was looking for a musical to watch with my family at Christmastime,” says Director Adam Anders, “I want this movie to be a bright light this Christmas season — as bright as the star of Bethlehem.” Journey To Bethlehem https://youtu.be/97fogYVPT-s A young woman carrying an unimaginable responsibility. A young man torn between love and honor. A jealous king who will stop at nothing to keep his crown. This live-action Christmas musical celebration for the entire family, weaves classic Christmas melodies into new pop songs in a music-infused retelling of the timeless story of Mary and Joseph and the birth of Jesus. A unique new entry into the collection of holiday classic movies, this epic Christmas musical is unlike any before it. Filling out the cast are MŌRIAH (BECAUSE OF GRACIA), Stephanie Gil (FATIMA), 4x Grammy© award-winning Joel Smallbone (PRICELESS) from the pop duo FOR KING + COUNTRY as King Herod’s son, Antipater and multiple Grammy© award-winning Lecrae as Gabriel, Rizwan Manji (WEDDING SEASON, Schitt’s Creek) as Gaspar, Geno Seagers (Perfect Harmony, BONE TOMAHAWK) as Balthazar, and Omid Djalili (GLADIATOR, THE MUMMY) as Melchior. Produced by Alan Powell (A Week Away, VALIANT ONE), Steve Barnett (A Week Away, PRICELESS) and Executive Produced by Vicky Patel (A Week Away) for Monarch Media. Also produced by Ryan Busse (THE STRANGERS’ CASE), Stephen Meinen (POWER RANGERS, NERVE), Brandt Andersen (THE STRANGERS’ CASE, SILENCE) and Adam Anders (THE PROM, The Passion). “This joyous and fresh take on Mary and Joseph’s journey, combined with the infectious music and insanely passionate vision of Adam Anders made this an undeniable fit for AFFIRM Films and Sony Pictures to come alongside and help turn this amazing story into a Christmas classic that will resound with young children, families, teens and adults” said Rich Peluso, EVP and Head of AFFIRM Films. “We’ve been amazed at Adam’s ability to tell the widely known story of Mary, Joseph and a jealous king in a way that feels fresh and contemporary, like you’ve never heard it before.” says Alan Powell of Monarch Media. Read the full article
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torukun1 · 6 years
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rikatatsumi · 6 years
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squaredcirclesirens · 6 years
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PURE-J 6/27/18 Results
Asakusa Hanayashiki (Tokyo, Japan)
Mari Sakamoto defeated Mari Manji – Manjigatame (9:36)
KAZUKI & Rydeen Hagane defeated Aoi Kizuki & Makoto – Roll Up (14:11)
Command Bolshoi defeated Tae Honma – Pico Rock (10:59)
Hanako Nakamori & Leon vs. Manami Katsu & Yako Fujigasaki – Draw (30:00)
Images and information via – Enzuigiripuro ©
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mmary-janee · 2 years
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(This is currently unedited so please pardon my grammar)
🦋:: basically just some of the tr characters as random shit that my friends and I have done. while writing this I realized that I might need to spend a few nights in jail😯.
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♱ played the purge song at an airport and got chased by the security for an hour. They got away by hiding in a bathroom stall, when the security entered the bathroom yelling, they just started aggressively speaking a made up language with an old lady impression from inside the stall which makes the security awkwardly apologize and leave.
🦋:: Baji and chifuyu(it was Bajis idea but dragged chifuyu along and he ended up being the one coming up with the made up language part), Shion, kawata twins, Mikey and Takemichi (he dragged poor mitchi along and he was on the verge of tears the entire time), Hanma, Sanzu.
♱ it was New Years and they had bought (overpriced) fireworks from this sketchy guy. They were at a park and as soon as it hit midnight they set the fireworks up to do it’s thing but it just ended up doing straight forward into someone’s car instead of going up. The fireworks exploded and cracked the one of the cars windows and the side mirror.
🦋:: Baji, Smiley, Rindou, Hina and Emma, kakucho, Sanzu, Kokonoi,
♱ got asked by a stranger if they wanted drugs and said yes. The stranger just looked at them like ‘wtf is wrong with this kid’. Then got kicked in the shin for lying to them.
🦋:: Sanzu, Hanma
♱ accidentally ate dog food and thought it wasn’t that bad, he didn’t even realize it was dog food.
🦋:: Chifuyu, Hanma, Takemichi, Mikey, Baji, Draken
♱ 0 cooking skills what so ever. They tried making a viral mug cake that they saw online, but ended up fucking up really bad and giving themselves diarrhea and food poisoning for the rest of the week.
🦋:: Mikey, Peh, Kokonoi, Rindou, Naoto, Izana
♱ Called a suicide hotline and the person who answered the phone had a hot voice so they just hit in them the entire call instead of actually getting any help.
🦋:: Sanzu, Mikey(didn’t think he was flirting but he accidentally was), Kazutora
♱ Bullies kids on Roblox
🦋:: Mikey, Baji, Kazutora, Ran, Rindou, Sanzu, Chifuyu, Hanma, Smiley
♱ Had an astrology phase
Ran, Mitsuya, Emma, Hina, Senju, Hakkai(liked it because of mitsuya and got back handed by Taiju for believing in ‘witchcraft’), Kokonoi, Inui, Hanma(he just liked telling people that they were the negative energy), Izana
♱ Randomly bites the people they like as a form of affection
🦋:: Mikey, Baji, Sanzu, Hakkai( that one Rindou panel lmfaoo 😭)
♱ Spent the entire night giving themselves a pep talk about how they’d start doing the well in school, then had a breakdown the next morning and ditched school for a week because their hair wasn’t cooperating and the hairstyle they were going for didn’t work out.
🦋:: Baji, Mitsuya, Kokonoi
♱ “Accidentally” tripped a 10 year old down the steps in a mall then strutted down the steps and giggled at the crying kid.
🦋:: Hanma, Kisaki, Rindou, Kokonoi, Sanzu
♱ Thinks that fries are better when dipped into a milkshake.
🦋:: Emma, Mikey, Hanma, Inui, Kazutora
♱ Got dragged to church unwillingly but spent the entire time gawking at the hot youth leader. They go to church at almost every opportunity now.
🦋:: Hakkai, Yazuha, Kazutora, Baji
♱ Wants to be that cool mysterious friend but talks to damn much.
🦋:: Hakkai, Hanma, Shion
♱ Actually bit ankles as a kid and still does sometimes
🦋:: Baji, Kawata twins, Hanma, Mikey, Rindou
♱ Hates bug. They are in their top 3 fears, if the blanket feels wrong they’d get paranoid and flinches while letting out the loudest scream possible thinking it’s a bug. but it’s just the tag of the blanket rubbing against their leg. Everyone who lives with them are absolutely sick of them for always pulling that shit at the most random times at night.
🦋:: Angry, Hakkai, Takemichi, Emma, Hina
♱ Owns a blanket that they’ve had from since they were a baby and can’t sleep without it. They are on the verge of tears or breaking down whenever it gets lost.
Mikey, Baji, Angry
♱ Got a chemical burn on their face but didn’t mind because it burnt all their pimples off.
🦋:: Emma
♱ Has naturally perfect skin from just soap and water.
🦋:: Rindou, Draken, Hanma, Wakasa, Shinichiro, Mikey, Sanzu, Yazuha, Hakkai, South, Inui, Kakucho, Kazutora, Peh, Pah
♱ Has a really complex skin care routine to maintain their perfect skin.
Emma, Izana, Mitsuya, Ran,
♱ Was cleaning up after a cookout and alittle kid asked if the coal was still hot even if it was literally sending out smoke. They sarcastically answered the kid “ohh the coal over there that sending out smoke and literally red?, nahhh it’s cold” then the kid picked it up and started screaming. They didn’t even feel bad after 💀
🦋:: Kisaki, Hanma, Taiju
♱ Almost drowned in the 4ft part of the pool
🦋:: Mikey, Angry, Takemichi, Emma
♱Has garden gnomes and talks to them sometimes he even named them.
🦋:: Taiju, Mitsuya, Shinichiro, Ran, Hanma
♱ Has house plants and takes really good care of them, treats them as tho they are his/her kids. Even got them costume pots.
🦋:: Kisaki, Kakucho, Emma, Mitsuya, izana,
♱ Keeps crystals in their bra/pockets all the time
🦋::Mitsuya, Emma, Yazuha, Hina, Ran, kisaki(after he found out hina liked them)
♱ Surprisingly good at singing
🦋::Kakucho, Izana, Kazutora, Yazuha(was forced into joint the church choir), karats twins, Haitani brothers
♱ Always has their nails done
🦋:: Mitsuya, Mikey draken and baji (emma practices on them), Hakkai, emma, Yazuha, Hina, haitani brothers
♱ Asked their parents/guardian to get their ears pierced when they were 11 but they said no. So they pierced their own ear with a safety pin.
🦋:: Baji, Mitsuya, Kokonoi, Chifuyu
♱ Got a stick and poke tattoos at a sleepover when they were 11
🦋:: Hanma, Ran, Emma, Inui
♱ Goes up to random people and asked if they want to join their cult
🦋:: Hanma and kisaki
♱ Has a shrine of the person they like the most
🦋:: Emma, draken( it’s his little picture wall), Mikey, kisaki(in a creepy obsessed way), hakkai(an album in his gallery filled of mitsuya pics.)
✧˖*°࿐ ✧˖*°࿐ ✧˖*°࿐ ✧˖*°࿐
🫶🏽:: I felt kinda bad for not posting in a while, but I hope u guys liked these. Idk how to feel about them lol💀. Likes and reposts are always appreciated <3
ℒℴ𝓋ℯ ℳ𝒶𝓇𝓎-𝒥𝒶𝓃ℯ🦋
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kanaesparadise · 3 years
Mari: WHERE THE HELL IS MY HAIRPIN!? *She looking at the Mikey and Baji*
Mikey: Don't look at me like that! I have my own hairpin!
Baji: I don't wanna die, thx.
Kazutora: Oh, I'm sorry babe. I took it for my hair.
Mari: I can pin your hair, come come!
Chifuyu: That's not fair, if I stole her hairpin just for once, she would try to kill me!
Mari: Of course I'm not fair! You're not my future husband.
Kazutora: W-Wha? *Blushing so hard*
Baji: Whoa, he's absolutely dead in future!
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fantomcomics · 2 years
What’s Out This Week? 7/27
How is July practically over already???
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Yuri Espoir GN Vol 1 -  Mai Naoi
After finding out she is to be forced into an marriage of convenience as soon as she graduates high school, Kokoro sees her life ending before her eyes at her father's wishes. And so in her final year of high school, she decides to indulge in her love of other women, and create an incredible sketchbook of lesbian romance to leave behind as her legacy. As she observes the young women of her town, she learns more about their desires, their struggles, and the unpredictable whims of love.
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The Secret Garden On 81st Street GN -  Ivy Noelle Weir & Amber Padilla
The Secret Garden with a twist. Mary Lennox is a loner living in Silicon Valley. With her parents always working, video game and tech become her main source of entertainment and "friends." When her parents pass away in a tragic accident, she moves to New York City to live with her uncle who she barely knows, and to her surprise, keeps a gadget-free home. Looking for comfort in this strange, new reality, Mary discovers an abandoned rooftop garden and an even bigger secret - her cousin who suffers from anxiety. With the help of her new friends, Colin and Dickon, Mary works to restore the garden to its former glory while also learning to grieve, build real friendships, and grow.
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Space Story GN -  Fiona Ostby
It started on earth, where two women meet at the space academy and fall in love. Told in three interwoven stories with beautiful art, Space Story is an interstellar tale of a family separated when the planet becomes uninhabitable by humans. Safe travel to the space station at first seemed a matter of time, then restricted, then... improbable. Yet despite the sadness, anxiety, and frustration in the void of space, hope kindles silently deep inside, whispering of a future and new beginnings on the horizon. By debut author Fiona Ostby, Space Story weaves a poignant, moving story of discovering love and finding strength and courage-even in the darkest moments.
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Tokyo Revengers Omnibus GN Vol 1 -  Ken Wakui
Watching the news, Hanagaki Takemichi learns his junior-high girlfriend Tachibana Hinata has died. A sudden shove sends him 12 years into the past to face the Tokyo Manji Gang that once made his life hell, which is also responsible for Hinata's death in the present. To save Hinata and change the future, Takemichi must rise to the top of Kanto's most sinister delinquent gang! But things aren't so simple when he befriends the gang's leader, Mikey. What turned Mikey from a petulant child to the leader of the most infamous gang in Tokyo?
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Welcome Back, Alice GN Vol 1 -  Shuzo Oshimi
Welcome Back, Alice is the latest work by Shuzo Oshimi, the highly acclaimed author of Blood on the Tracks, Happiness, and The Flowers of Evil. In this story of adolescent awakening, perversion, and love, Oshimi takes a bold approach and sets out to explore the boundaries of gender, sexuality, and identity. Yohei, Kei and Yui are childhood friends and things get complicated when Yohei witnesses Kei and Yui in an intimate moment. But when unexpectedly Kei moves away and returns a few years later to reunite in high school, he shows up looking and dressed like a girl. Suddenly, Yohei is thrown into a maelstrom as he struggles between his infatuation with Yui and his lust for Kei.
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The Liminal Zone GN - Junji Ito
"What destiny awaits them after the screaming? After abruptly departing from a train in a small town, a couple encounters a "weeping woman"-a professional mourner-sobbing inconsolably at a funeral. Mako changes afterward-she can't stop crying! In another tale, having decided to die together, a couple enters Aokigahara, the infamous suicide forest. What is the shocking torrent they discover there?
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The Macabre Motel #1 -  Frank Martin, Alper Gecgel & Ryan Lee
Writer/creator Frank Martin welcomes you to The Macabre Motel, a Twilight Zone-inspired weird horror story that will leave you feeling deeply unsettled long after the final page! Anxious about meeting his girlfriend's family, Steve decides to rest his eyes at the only motel around. But once inside, the bizarre cast of characters leaves him shaken, terrified and questioning his very sanity! Are you ready to enter... The Macabre Motel?
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Maw TP -  Jude Ellison S. Doyle, A.L. Kaplan & Ariela Kristantina
Marion Angela Weber hopes to gain some perspective and empowerment at a feminist retreat with her sister Wendy on the remote island of Angitia - some perspective that isn't at the bottom of a bottle for once. But after an assault on her first night on the island, everything goes horribly wrong. The violent encounter awakens something monstrous in Marion, triggering warped mutations in her body, and bringing forth a hunger she can't bring herself to name...
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Mechanix #1 -  Ben Slabak & Edorado Natalini
In the not too distant future, a young girl by the name of Keiko and her grandfather operate Junpei's Temporal Roadside Response, servicing and repairing broken-down time machines all the while searching for Keiko's parents who are lost somewhere in time.
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Kenzie’s Kingdom GN -  Shea Fontana & Agnes Garbowska
Kenzie hates that her family moved to a castle to start a Medieval-themed resort, but all that changes when a time-traveling squire needs Kenzie's help to get back home to the past! From the best-selling creative team behind DC Superhero Girls, this is a perfect read for fans of Phoebe and her Unicorn, The Baby-Sitter's Club, or Witches of Brooklyn.
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Book Of Shadows #1 -  Cullen Bunn, Vicente Cifuentes & Rafael Albuquerque
Shadowman. Punk Mambo. Eternal Warrior. Doctor Mirage. The supernatural protectors of the Valiant Universe unite for the very first time to stand against a terrifying ancient threat. No one is safe as Exarch Fane has his cold hands on the Book of Shadows.
Whatcha scooping up this week, Fantomites? 
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tsuriaa · 2 years
Summary: A young hacker is assigned to monitor an unknown group chat from the app she created, but where's the fun with just observing?
Ahh, too much work~!!
Was your first thought as you continued focusing your gaze on the computer directly in front of you, your eyebags clearly visible through your yellow and grey striped glasses that were sloppily placed. Aside from the messily discarded chip wrappers and empty cans of Dr. Pepper on the floor, your favorite snacks — Honey Buddha chips and Dr. Pepper — were the only things placed next to you to keep you company.
Sighing frustratingly, you opened the lid of your Dr. Pepper drink while still maintaining your gaze on the large device in front of you. You then took a sip of Dr. Pepper while comfortably leaning yourself against the soft yet firm cushion of your chair with a contented smile.
After doing so, you quickly went back to your work and began typing away on your computer when a tall dark silhouette entered your residence, carrying two large grocery bags in their arms. Before they slowly made their way towards your workstation, with a tired expression decorated on their face.
"Zero seven, I just came back from the groceries and you better took care of-'' A man with light brown hair grumbled, after taking off his jacket and hanging it in a coat tree near the exit of your home.
''-And goddamn it, why am I even surprised" Upon witnessing the state you were in, Vanderwood could only assume that you forgot about the task he asked you to handle. Making the brunette male let out an exasperated sigh, a painful reminder that you were not someone that everyone could rely on to complete your daily tasks.
"Hm? Ah, Mary Vanderwood 3rd! You're here~!" Once you heard a familiar voice, you turned your head sideways to face the figure until your face brightened when you realized it was your dear friend. Before you spun your black chair to fully face the familiar figure.
"Of course, I have to be here — by the way, there's a new mission that the Boss would like to assign you to."
"Wait really? But there's still a lot of work to do-"
"It should be sent to your email by now if you want to find more information about the mission. But I'll give you a brief explanation, so recently, one of our coworkers noticed a suspicious activity going on in an unknown group chat on one of the messaging apps you created." Vanderwood cut you off with a glare, you then completely shut your mouth so as to not irritate the brunette male any further while also processing the information you heard from the brunette man.
While doing so, he made contact with your shoulder and began tightening his grip on it, to the point where it gradually hurt — as if warning you about the consequences if you hadn't accomplished the mission. Which you could obviously tell from the tone he held in his sentence.
"Ok, ok, fine! Geez.." You harshly pried his hand off your shoulder, realizing how tightened his grip on you had become, before rubbing the said shoulder that had been aching in pain from the brunette male's tight grip.
"I'll leave you alone now but you better not think about texting those RFA groups"
"Ohh~?? Is our Mary Vanderwood 3rd jealous? Don't worry! For 707, the defender of justice — you're still my number one-"
"Ew no, do whatever you want just don't come near me"
"Whatever, I'll go cook something up real quick and you better get started on that mission by the time I'm done" Vanderwood quickly dismissed you with an exasperated sigh as he made his way towards your kitchen, whilst still carrying the grocery bags in his arms.
"Alright, bet" A sudden wave of motivation took over you as you stretched your knuckles, making a cracking sound emitted from your knuckles, you used your mouse to visit your gmail account. Like Vanderwood mentioned, an email from your boss popped up as soon as you clicked on the gmail website.
From : Boss
To : Choi [Name]
Subject : Tokyo Manji gang group chat
Greetings once more, [Name]! As you've heard from Vanderwood, I'm sure you're aware that we're supervising every chatroom in your messaging app, right? But, in any case, there has been suspicious activity spotted in one of the apps you created, specifically a group chat called "Tokyo Manji Gang," which was flagged as suspicious by one of your coworkers.
We've already looked into the issue to see if it's serious, but based on our observations, I believe this is something only you can do. Consider this as an emergency mission that requires more of your assistance than the other tasks I've assigned to you. I also need you to secretly hack into their group chat and observe their behaviors without being detected. By the time they're done with their business — make sure to keep track of the topic they're conversing about and report back to me on what they're planning. I believe that is all you need to know for the mission and have a nice day.
Damn, so I'm really gonna do this huh? Welp, at least I won't get scolded anymore if I forget to submit a file lolol
You reasoned as you tried to cheer yourself up with a proud grin on your [skin color] face. You admit that you were a little disappointed when a new mission arrived, adding the stress of not being able to finish a single work. It also didn't help the fact that Vanderwood literally just threatened you, stating that if you didn't submit all the files before their due date — it means you're done for.
I'm totally gonna get my ass beat later
Wanting to get the mission done, you then brushed off your negative thoughts as you exited your email account to begin working on the mission before visiting the messaging app — aka your most well-known work on the internet. Regrettably, your other works were not as well-received as the messaging app. Oh, well.
As you clicked on the messaging app — using your newly made account of course, as you were going under the guise of a 'normal high school boy,' when in reality — it was simply a photo of you wearing black bucket-style clothing with your wig on. You had your binders on, which caused your chest to appear flat in your profile picture. Not going to lie, you looked fucking good as a guy.
Anyways, you then proceeded to go to the search bar, in hopes that you'd find a certain group chat. And lo behold, the said group chat popped up with a.. hold up is that a tan dude being strangled set as their pfp???
You thought as tears started welling up in the corners of your [eye color] eyes, trembling and struggling to keep your laughter in check, especially when Vanderwood's gaze was literally burning holes in the back of your head. But you knew damn well that if your back wasn't facing him right now, you wouldn't be able to keep it in and get your ass killed, as you could tell he was wearing his favorite apron with large "No bitches?" text written on the top with Megamind's photo pasted below on the apron.
Huh? A notification? From the Tokyo manji gang gc?
After you successfully hold the laughter in, your puffed up expression was replaced with confusion written all over your face. Normally, you wouldn't be surprise to see some notifications but the time was literally 3:30 AM. Shouldn't they be asleep right now?
Guess the mission starts early then
With slight caution in your movements, you hesitantly move your mouse towards the 'Tokyo manji gang' group chat and clicked on their profile picture before disabling your arrival to not notify the members of the group chat of your arrival.
Tokyo manji gang
Manjiro Sano entered the chatroom
Manjiro Sano
hey kenchinn
what u doing rn?
Ken Ryuguji
pretending to be dead ofc
Haruki Hayashida entered the chatroom
Haruki Hayashida
ayo that's a thing??
wait let me call my man peh-yan to try it out together
Ken Ryuguji
pah-chin no
Haruki Hayashida left the chatroom
Nahoya Kawata entered the chatroom
Nahoya Kawata
Takashi Mitsuya entered the chatroom
Takashi Mitsuya
Can yall just go to fucking sleep?
It's literally 3AM in the morning and I am not paid enough to deal with your bullshits early in the goddamn morning
Manjiro Sano
wow rude much 🚶✨
Ken Ryuguji
if you woke me up early in the fucking morning just to tell me you wanted dorayakis with flags, istg i will beat your ass harder than how kazutora hit your brother with a chain cutter 😇‼️
Takashi Mitsuya
well that went personal real quickly
Manjiro Sano
not that >:(
although i wouldn't mind
Ken Ryuguji
Don't even think about it
Manjiro Sano
Yes sir
but anyways
notice how the gc's a little boring?
Takashi Mitsuya
ok and?
you were spamming memes nonstop idk what're you talking about
and literally sent the discord link from kisaki hate club for like, a million times
Manjiro Sano
yeah idk what you talking about
Ken Ryuguji
are you shitting me rn ⁉️
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Nahoya Kawata
yeah but it doesn’t compare how much takemichi's shitting tears right?
Manjiro Sano
kindly gtfo kawata 🙄
Nahoya Kawata
whatever, I'm going back to sleep
hope yall have nightmares tho 🥰‼️
Ken Ryuguji
you too
if you don't need anything else, i'll go sleep rn goodbye mikey
Ken Ryuguji left the chatroom
Nahoya Kawata left the chatroom
Takashi Mitsuya
Seeing as how my beauty sleep calls out to me
guess i gotta go sleep too
Takashi Mitsuya left the chatroom
Manjiro Sano
but yall haven't hear me out yet-
andd they're gone
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woww what friends i have 🙄‼️
might as well go to sleep now then
Manjiro Sano left the chatroom
707.defenderofjustice set the nickname for Manjiro Sano to brotherless 😍👍
707.defenderofjustice set the nickname for Ken Ryuguji to drakegg 🥚
707.defenderofjustice set the nickname for Haruki Hayashida to winnie the pah-chin 🍯
707.defenderofjustice set the nickname for Nahoya Kawata to jeff the killer kinnie
707.defenderofjustice set the nickname for Takashi Mitsuya to ladies man
707.defenderofjustice set the nickname for Takemichi Hanagaki to punching bag 🥊
707.defenderofjustice set the nickname for Hakkai Shiba to mitsuya's #1 simp
707.defenderofjustice set the nickname for Keisuke Baji to mama's boy
707.defenderofjustice set the nickname for Chifuyu Matsuno to punching bag's bf 😚
707.defenderofjustice set the nickname for Yasuhiro Muto to choco mucho 🍫
707.defenderofjustice set the nickname for Ryohei Hayashi to pah-chin's kid
707.defenderofjustice set the nickname for Souya Kawata to qtie<33
707.defenderofjustice set the nickname for Haruchiyo Sanzu to high asf
707.defenderofjustice set the nickname for Kisaki Tetta to Kisaki x Truck best ship 🚛
707.defenderofjustice set the nickname for Hanma Shuji to masochist 👍‼️
707.defenderofjustice deleted the conversation
707.defenderofjustice left the chatroom
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closetofanxiety · 5 years
Wrestlequest: Tokyo
Hey everyone! I’m back from Japan. What a trip! I will post a bunch of stuff about it in a bit (still unpacking, jet lagged, etc), but as a baseline, here are the shows I attended while I was there, courtesy of Cagematch. I thought 10 shows was a lot, but I met a bunch of fans from overseas who were going to 20+. If it wasn’t clear before, it should be now: I am a fake wrestling fan. I might as well wear be wearing a Dolph Ziggler t-shirt and have a Twitter screen name like “WokenCloset316.” 
Anyway, here’s the list:
December 28, 2019
“D-Ou Grand Prix 2020: The Final!”
Korakuen Hall
Taped for Abema TV 
Attendance: 2,019 
Chihiro Hashimoto and Yuki Ino defeat Keigo Nakamura and Keisuke Ishii
One Count Rule Gauntlet Match: Antonio Honda, Danshoku Dino, Hiroshi Yamato, Kazuki Hirata, Mad Paulie, Masahiro Takanashi, Mizuki Watase, Toru Owashi, Yoshihiko, vs. Makoto Oishi (Makoto Oishi wins)
Saki Akai defeats Sakura Hirota
Three-Way Tag Match: Nautilus (Naomi Yoshimura and Yuki Ueno) defeat ALL OUT (Akito and Shunma Katsumata) and DAMNATION (Nobuhiro Shimatani and Soma Takao)
Shinya Aoki defeats Super Sasadango Machine
Tag Match: Kazusada Higuchi and Yukio Sakaguchi defeat Bull James and Yukio Naya
Four Way Match: Konosuke Takeshita defeats Chris Brookes, Daisuke Sasaki, and HARASHIMA
D-Ou Grand Prix Final Match: Masato Tanaka defeats Tetsuya Endo 
December 30, 2019
Gatoh Move
“GTMV #26″
Ichigaya Chocolate Square
Attendance: 77
Hagane Shinnou defeats Lulu Pencil
Chris Brookes defeats Mitsuru Konno
Six Man Tag Match: Antonio Honda, Baliyan Akki, and Mei Suruga defeat Masahiro Takanashi, Rin Rin, and TAMURA
December 30, 2019
Big Japan Wrestling: The World Is Not Enough Round 2
Korakuen Hall
Taped for Samurai TV
Attendance: 1,150
Six Man Tag Match: Kazuki Hashimoto, Shinobu, and Yuya Aoki defeat Koju Takeda, Kota Sekifuda, and Tatsuhiko Yoshino
Tag Team Match: Kazumi Kikuta and Ryuichi Kawakami defeat Kankuro Hoshino and Masaya Takahashi
Daisuke Sekimoto defeats Kosuke Sato
Six Man Tag Match: Daichi Hashimoto, Hideyoshi Kamitani, and Takuya Nomura defeat Freddie Krueger, Leatherface, and Raijin Yaguchi
Six Man Tag Match: Masashi Takeda, Takumi Tsukamoto, and Toshiyuki Sakuda defeat Koji Kanemoto, Shinjiro Otani, and Tatsuhito Takaiwa
Six Man Tag Match: Akira Hyodo, Yuji Hino, and Yuji Okabayashi defeat Hideki Suzuki, Takuho Kato, and Yasufumi Nakanoue
Six Man Tag Match: Strong Hearts (El Lindaman, Shigehiro Irie, and T-Hawk) defeat Abdullah Kobayashi, Yuko Miyamoto, and Masato Tanaka 
January 1, 2020
YMZ Pro Wrestling
“The 7th Sunrise”
Basement Mon Star
Attendance: 120
Tag Team Match: Manami Katsu and Mari Manji defeat Eito and Kaji Tomato
Tag Team Match: ASUKA and Hagane Shinnou vs. Daiki Shimomura and Tsubasa Kuragaki (Time Limit Draw)
No English Allowed Match: Cherry defeats Kakeru Sekiguchi 
Six Man Tag Match: Kuishinbo Kamen, Syuri, and Yuko Miyamoto defeat Daiki Shimomura, Hikaru Sato, and Kaori Yoneyama (w/Matsuzawa-san)
January 2, 2020
All Japan Pro Wrestling
“New Year Wars 2020, Day 1″
Korakuen Hall
Streamed live on AJPW.tv
Attendance: 1,445
Six Man Tag Match: Akira Francesco, Danny Jones, and Rising HAYATO defeat Atsuki Aoyagi, Dan Tamura, and Yusuke Okada
Six Man Tag Match: Fuminori Abe, Jake Lee, and Naoya Namura defeat Black Menso-re, Jun Akiyama, and Takao Omori
Six Man Tag Match: Masanobu Fuchi, TAJIRI, and The Great Sasuke defeat Abdullah Kobayashi, Frank Atsushi, and the Great Kojika 
New Year Battle Royal: Danny Jones defeats Akira Francesco, Atsuki Aoyagi, Black Menso-re, Chikara, Dan Tamura, Fuminori Abe, Jake Lee, Naoya Nomura, Osamu Nishimura, Rising HAYATO, Takao Omori, and Yusuke Okada
Eight Man Tag Match: Izanagi, Lucas Steel, Shigehiro Irie, and UTAMARO defeat Hokuto Omori, Kento Miyahara, Yoshitatsu, and Yuma Aoyagi
AJPW World Junior Heavyweight Tournament Semifinal Match: Hikaru Sato defeats Kagetora
AJPW World Junior Heavyweight Tournament Semifinal Match: Susumu Yokosuka defeats Koji Iwamoto
AJPW World Tag Team Title Match: Violent Giants (Shuji Ishikawa and Suwama) defeat Ryouji Sai and Zeus by KO - Title Change! 
January 2, 2020
World Wonder Ring Stardom
“New Year’s Stars, Night 1″
Shin-kiba 1st Ring
Attendance: 408
Tag Team Match: Queen’s Quest (Hina and Leo Onozaki) defeat Rina and Ruaka
Three Way Match: Leyla Hirsch (debut) defeats Itsuki Hoshino and Saya Iida
Six Man Tag Match: Queen’s Quest (Bea Priestly, Momo Watanabe, and Utami Hayashishita) defeat Oedo Tai (Natsuko Tora and Natsu Sumire) and Zoey Skye
Tag Team Match: Andras Miyagi and Giulia defeat Oedo Tai (Jamie Hayter and Martina)
Tag Team Match: Kagetsu and AZM defeat STARS (Starlight Kid and Mayu Iwatani)
Eight Man Tag Match: Tokyo Cyber Squad (Death Yama-san, Konami, Jungle Kyona, and Hana Kimura) defeat Saya Kamiani and STARS (Arisa Hoshiki, Saki Kashima, and Tam Nakano)
January 3, 2020
Pro Wrestling FREEDOMS
“Happy New Freedom 2020″
Shin-kiba 1st Ring
Attendance: 215
King of FREEDOM World Title #1 Contender One-Day Tournament Match: Kenji Fukimoto defeats Masashi Takeda
King of FREEDOM World Title #1 Contender One-Day Tournament Match: Takashi Sasaki defeats Rina Yamashita
King of FREEDOM World Title #1 Contender One-Day Tournament Match: Yuko Miyamoto defeats Kamui
King of FREEDOM World Title #1 Contender One-Day Tournament Match: Chikara defeats Takumi Tsukamoto
Two On One Handicap Elimination Match: Naoki Kamata and Tomoya Hirata defeat GENTARO
King of FREEDOM World Title #1 Contender One-Day Tournament Semifinal Match: Takashi Sasaki defeats Kenji Fukimoto
King of FREEDOM World Title #1 Contender One-Day Tournament Semifinal Match: Yuko Miyamoto defeats Chikara
Tag Team Match: Mammoth Sasaki and Violento Jack defeat Toru Sugiura and Yuya Susumu
King of FREEDOM World Title #1 Contender One-Day Tournament Final Match: Yuko Miyamoto defeats Takashi Sasaki 
January 3, 2020
World Wonder Ring Stardom
“New Year’s Stars, Night 2″
Shin-kiba 1st Ring
Attendance: 453
Three Way Match: Starlight Kid defeats Natsu Sumire and Ruaka
Three Way Tag Match: Itsuki Hoshino and Saya Kamitani defeat Leyla Hirsch and Rina and Queen’s Quest (Hina and Leo Onozaki)
Tag Team Match: Andras Miyagi and Giulia defeat Natsuko Tora and Zoey Skye
Six Man Tag Match: Tokyo Cyber Squad (Death Yama-san, Konami, and Jungle Kyona) defeat Bea Priestley and Oedo Tai (Jamie Hayter and Martina)
Six Man Tag Match: Queen’s Quest (AZM, Momo Watanabe, and Utami Hayashishita) defeat STARS (Arisa Hoshiki, Saya Iida, and Tam Nakano)
Oedo Tai Reunion (Hana Kimura and Kagetsu) defeat STARS (Mayu Iwatani and Saki Kashima) - Saki Kashima betrays Mayu and joins Oedo Tai
January 5, 2020
Tokyo Joshi Pro
“New Year Dish”
Itabashi Green Hall
Streamed live on DDT Universe
Attendance: 223
Tag Team Match: BAKURETSU Sisters (Nodoka Tenma and Yuki Aino) defeat Mizuki and Sena Shori
Akemi Daredasore defeats Pom Harajuku 
Three Way Match: Shoko Nakajima defeats Mahiro Kiryu and Yuki Kamifuku
Six Man Tag Match: Miyu Yamashita, Raku, and Suzume defeat Haruna Neko, Hikari Noa, and Natsumi Maki
Six Man Tag Match: Miu Watanabe, Rika Tatsumi, and Yuka Sakazaki defeat Mina Shirakawa, Mirai Miumi, and Yuna Manase
International Princess Title Match: Thunder Rosa defeats Maki Itoh - Title Change!  
January 5, 2020
New Japan Pro Wrestling: 
“Wrestle Kingdom 14, Night 2″
Tokyo Dome
Streamed live on NJPW World
Attendance: 30,063
Dark Match: NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Title Gauntlet Match: Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, EVIL, and Singo Takagi) defeat Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Chase Owens, and Yujiro Takahashi), CHAOS (Robbie Eagles, Tomohiro Ishii, and YOSHI-HASHI), Suzuki-gun (El Desperado, Taichi, and Yoshinobu Kanemaru) and Ryusuke Taguchi, Togi Makabe, and Toru Yano - Title Change!
Tag Team Match: Hiromu Takahashi and Ryu Lee defeat Jushin Thunder Liger and Naoki Sano (w/Yoshiaki Fujiwara) - Liger’s final match
IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match - Roppongi 3K (Sho and Yoh) w/Rocky Romero defeat Bullet Club (El Phantasmo and Taiji Ishimori) - Title Change!
RevPro Undisputed British Heavyweight Title Match - Zack Sabre Jr. defeats SANADA
IWGP US Heavyweight Title Match: Jon Moxley defeats Juice Robinson (w/David Finlay)
NEVER Openweight Title Match: Hirooki Goto defeats KENTA - Title Change!
Jay White (w/Gedo) defeats Kota Ibushi
Chris Jericho defeats Hiroshi Tanahashi
IWGP Heavyweight/IWGP Intercontinental Title Match: Tetsuya Naito defeats Kazuchika Okada - Title Change! (also Title Retention!)
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puroresuspirit · 5 years
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~OZ Academy Women's Pro Wrestling in Kawaguchi~, 10/14/2019 [Mon] Saitama - SKIP City Multipurpose Hall 203 in Attendance
1. Rina Shingaki (2AW) vs Mari Manji (PURE-J) Winner: Rina Shingaki (9:23) tapped out Mari Manji to the SBT Lock.
2. Aja Kong vs Suzu Suzuki (Ice Ribbon) Winner: Aja Kong (7:32) pinned Suzu Suzuki.
3. Leon (PURE-J) & Hiragi Kurumi (Ice Ribbon) vs MISSION K4 (AKINO & Kaho Kobayashi (Freelance)) Winners: Leon & Kurumi (19:13) Leon pinned Kaho Kobayashi with a Clutch de Gao.
4. 3WAY Match: Hiroyo Matsumoto (Freelance) vs Yuu (Freelance) vs Tsubasa Kuragaki (Freelance) Winner: Hiroyo Matsumoto (12:10) pinned Yuu with a Reverse Splash.
5. Ozaki-gun (Mayumi Ozaki & Saori Anou (AWG)) vs Kakeru Sekiguchi (AWG) & Sonoko Kato Winners: Ozaki-gun (20:03) Saori Anou pinned Sonoko Kato with a Pottering.
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clemsfilmdiary · 6 years
The Best of January 2019
Best Discovery (tied): Raw Deal, At Eternity's Gate
          Runners Up: Storytelling, Carmen from Kawachi, I Love a Man in Uniform, Passion Fish
Best Rewatch: The Age of Innocence
          Runners Up: Welcome to the Dollhouse, The Conversation, Yellow Submarine, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Alice in Wonderland
Best Male Performance: Gene Hackman in The Conversation
          Runners Up: Tom McCamus in I Love a Man in Uniform, Willem Dafoe in At Eternity's Gate, Jonathan Pryce in Carrington and Brazil, Jack Nicholson, Will Sampson and Sydney Lassick in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Daniel Day-Lewis in The Age of Innocence, Donald Sutherland in Alien Thunder, Paul Dano in L.I.E.
Best Female Performance: Michelle Pfeiffer in The Age of Innocence
          Runners Up: Heather Matarazzo in Welcome to the Dollhouse, Louise Fletcher in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Julia Roberts in The Pelican Brief , Emma Thompson in Sense and Sensibility and Carrington, Yumiko Nogawa in Carmen from Kawachi, Kyōko Kishida in Manji, Mary McDonnell and Alfre Woodard in Passion Fish
Best Ensemble Cast: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
          Runners Up: Passion Fish, Manji, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Brazil, Carrington, Sense and Sensibility, Carmen from Kawachi, The Age of Innocence, Storytelling
Most Enjoyable Ham: Carol Channing in Skidoo
          Runners Up: Al Pacino and Jeffrey Tambor in ...and justice for all., Bob Hoskins in Brazil, Jamie Foxx in Any Given Sunday, Danny Glover in A Rage in Harlem
Best Score: The Conversation (David Shire)
          Runners Up: At Eternity's Gate (Tatiana Lisovkaia), Raw Deal (Paul Sawtell), Manji (Tadashi Yamauchi), Passion Fish (Mason Daring), Blow Out (Pino Donaggio), The Age of Innocence (Elmer Bernstein), Alien Thunder (Georges Delerue), The Fabulous Baker Boys (Dave Grusin), Alice in Wonderland (Oliver Wallace)
Best Mise-en-scène: Alice in Wonderland
          Runners Up: The Age of Innocence, Brazil, Raw Deal, At Eternity's Gate, The Conversation, Blow Out, Tokyo Drifter, Yellow Submarine, The Three Caballeros, Carmen from Kawachi, The Man Without a Map
Best Hunk: Gene Hackman in The Conversation
          Runners Up: George Montgomery in The Brasher Doubloon, Dennis O'Keefe in Raw Deal
          Honorable Mention: Shintarō Katsu in The Man Without a Map
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graemepark · 2 years
In this week’s Long Live House Radio Show 24JUN22...
Girls Of The Internet
Patrick Adams presents Phreek
Purple Disco Machine
Edwyn Collins
Soul Central
Mary J. Blige
Ultra Naté
Basement Jaxx
Diana Ross and more.
For an extended and uninterrupted mix of the first hour of this show with extra tracks from Louie Vega, Patrick Adams & Cloud Two feat. Anané, Medlar, Avicii & Sebastien Drums, Harry Romero & Inaya Day, Joe Ventura, Groove Armada and more which are not included here, check out Long Live House Extra every Monday which is exclusively available via Mixcloud Select.
Title (Mix), Artist
Get Wet (Extended Vocal & Bonus Dub), C-Bank feat. Eleanore Mills
Desalniettemin, Yannick Roberts
Planetarium, Rocco Universal
El Ventarrón (Lorenzo Soria LSD Remix), Grupo La Droga vs Lorenzo Soria
Sound Asleep, Girls Of The Internet
Breath Control, Daddy Squad
Walk Away To The Beat, Davie
Fue Una Lagrima (The Phenomenal Handclap Band Remix), Elia & Elizabeth v The Phenomenal Handclap Band
Feel The Love In My Soul, Delgado
Weekend, Patrick Adams presents Phreek
At Night (Alan Braxe Remix), Shakedown
Emotion, Purple Disco Machine
A Girl Like You, Edwyn Collins
The Destroyer, Soul Central
Going Back To My Roots, Odyssey
Boogie 2nite (Dr Packer Remix), Seamus Haji
Doctor Love (Late Nite Tuff Guy Hypnotizin' Groove), First Choice
Doctor Love, The Discoboxers feat. Mary J. Blige
Chillin' (Con Carne Por Favor Mix by We In Music vs The Buffalo Bunch), Modjo
Free (Ibitaly Mix), Ultra Naté
Superlovin', Mark Funk & Danny Cruz
Red Alert (Club Mix), Basement Jaxx
Pump Up The Jam (Jo Manji's Beach Mix 2016), Jo Manji vs Technotronic
Upside Down (The Checkup Club Remix), Diana Ross
Ultra Flava (David Penn Remix), Heller & Farley Project
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flreality · 3 years
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