#Maple Rose verbil frond
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Chili dnd classes sketches
Lili Frond as a Life domain Cleric, she mostly specializes in reviving her disaster husband
Chix Verbil as a smooth talking and singing bard whose silver harp shines just as brightly as his silver tongue
Asher Verbil Frond as a cunning rogue lurking in the shadows to right the wrongs of the world around him
Maple Rose Verbil Frond as a Divine Paladin who seeks justice for her people and her kingdom
Candytuft Verbil Frond as a chaotic barbarian, you'll never guess what's in his left hand
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ryssbelle · 5 years
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When you want to be there for your sister but you hate being in the spotlight
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Family portraits over the years
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Project spoilers without context, featuring mystery character
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Asher and Maple from a long time ago
-mod shortbread
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Chili Babies
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Mod shortbread
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Maple's design for a potential project
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ryssbelle · 5 years
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The Sprelf Chili babies finally have names!! Thanks to @fowlbyname45
The oldest is Asher, once a very open and happy child became a very reserved kid who hates the spotlight after an unknown incident, despite this he is very protective of his siblings.
The Middle child is Maple Rose, an upbeat hyperactive child, a genius with many connections, despite her speaking prowess when it comes to professional speaking she is very awkward around her peers.
The baby is Candtuft the only one of them miraculously born with wings, very sheltered by his older siblings, despite that he has a high durability able to take a lot of hits which comes in handy with his clumsy absent minded nature.
The hybrid Frond children are a marvel to some of the media despite the parents doing their best to keep them from the spot light
Edit: forgot to add the draw the squad
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Wasnt able to color due to the hecticness of new years with family but heres to a whole new year of chili love and happiness! Thanks for all of you who's supported this blog, from the chili family and the mods, thank you and have a happy new year!
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Wanted for Mercy- Mini Prologue
(Its the new year so here is the mini prologue for my secret project named Wanted for Mercy!! Enjoy and happy new year!!
- Mod Art)
Of all the things she figured would happen to her while she worked on a speech for, by far one of the biggest causes she's ever tackled, she didn't expect to pinned to the edge of her balcony staring down a would be assassin.
He was fairly tall for a fairy, shorter than Asher though most fairies weren't as freakishly tall as her older brother was, his skin was a dark blue dotted with golden freckles. His teeth were sharp as she could see from the smile he bore on his face. She noticed dimples on his cheeks once covered by a bright red bandana. She continued to scan him, thanking in his worn clothes, the bandages with dried blood around his forearms and the strange gloves he wore only allowing separate movements of the fore finger and thumb, they seemed specifically tailored to his hands.
She kept all of this in her mind for later, as she knew she would escape this deadly situation, don't ask her how she knew, the point was she'd need to know everything about his appearance to identify him later to her parents and other L.E.P. officers. From his tail waving idly back and forth behind him to his platinum blonde hair tied back into a tiny ponytail. His bangs covering his eyes from her view.
Maple took in a calming breath, taking both hands from the railing to place them up to show him she meant no harm, though she imagined he felt he had the high ground in the situation. 
"Who are you?" She questioned. Eyeing the door behind him, the door to safety, the door to three fairies who, once they knew she was in danger, would take care of him swiftly. 
The demon looking creature chuckled, his voice was smooth, sounding young, maybe a bit younger than Maple herself.
"That doesn't matter to you," he says brandishing the knife in his gloves hands, he was trying to make a show of it but it was clear he wasn't very skilled. Actually everything he did was very amateur, from revealing himself on the balcony when she went out for fresh air (as fresh as cycled air could be,), to taking off his mask two seconds after presenting himself to her. Not to mention when he slipped for a second by stepping on his own tail. 
"Well why don't you tell me anyway, you're here to kill me aren't you? What's a few words between assassin and victim?" She debated. He crossed his arms, tapping the tip of the knife on his chin thinking about it for a moment.
"You make a compelling argument," he seceded. He held out the hand not holding the knife, "Names Jin, Zephyr Jin, like you said, I'm here to kill you," she took the tip of his index finger with her pointer and thumb shaking it slightly before retracting her hand, she didn't want to give him a chance to pull her close by grabbing her.
"Can I ask why you want to kill me?" She asked taking a casual lean back despite the roaring panic in her mind, but it's fine, she's got this.
"It's not that I really want to, I've got nothing against you personally, I don't really even know who you are, they just gave me a picture and an address, I'm just a guy trying to make rent," he confessed pulling her picture out of his pocket, flipping it over to show an address and a few scribbled notes she figured were his. 
"So you're working for someone who's paying you to do this?" She took the picture taking a closer look at it, he was being very open with her, maybe he was just overconfident, or maybe he actually had some skill to kill.
"Yeeeeeup!" He affirmed. "Decent amount too, enough for five whole months of rent," he chuckled to himself, she got an idea.
"What if I could give you enough money so you wouldn't have to pay rent ever again?" He perked up at this, looking at her with wide golden eyes.
"You're kidding?" He asked incredulously she pulled out her mobile opening her bank app and then flashing it in his face. If it could his jaw would have completely dropped to the floor and shattered in a comically fashion. He drew up a hand to count the zeros.
"I've never seen so many zeros in my life!" He proclaimed. Which was probably an exaggeration but she just smiled, nodding and began waving it around as you would a treat to an expectant dog. 
"This could be all yours and maybe even a little more if you can tell me why your old boss wants me dead," his eyes were locked on the screen it almost seemed like he'd start salivating. He shut his mouth and began nodding his head vigorously.
"Whatever you say boss lady!" She smirked. That was easy… possibly too easy. This guy didn't seem like someone who'd done killing jobs before, or any covert job where sneak was key. Also bearing in mind what he told her about what he was getting paid, he's the cheapest assassin she's ever met. (Not that she's met other assassins)
"So spill, who sent you and why?" She demanded holding the mobile a bit higher to meet her eye line. The demon looking boy stood straight up and for the first time looked her in the eyes. He froze for a moment just staring deeply into her blue orbs. She quite literally snapped him out of his trance.
"Um, it was a bunch of old people and a few business looking guys, they said something about you wanting to make more fairy safe spaces on the surface, and how you wanted to work with mud people who liked fairies or whatever," he scratched his chin as he racked his brain for more details, "they were very mad, saying how it's so much better down here and what not, and they don't  like his Fowl guy whoever that is and they gave me a bunch of cash to kill ya," he finished reaching his hand towards her mobile.
She slapped his hand putting the mobile in her pocket. The boy rubbed his hand, grumbling something about sensitivity, and why are people so rude. Maple put a hand on his shoulder, pushing him back into the glass door of her balcony in a moment of courage.
"Alright, so," she pulled out the mobile waggling it in his face once more, "If what you say is true and someone is trying to kill me before my speech, then I need some protection, and you need this cash so how's about we make a little deal?" 
And just like that she had gotten herself a bodyguard and began the longest week in her whole life, filled with daring chases and several near death experiences.
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Did the kekkai sensen ending with the chili gang
-Mod Art
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Family Matters
(My first fic in a while, go easy on me but also dont so I can learn stuff lol)
It was a wondrous day for them, the birth of their first son. A small frail boy with bright orange hair like his father, his skin was a golden tone as his mothers with specks of his fathers green lining his ears and cheeks. The tips of his tiny fingers, his shins to his tiny little toes were also a reflection of his father. Given the name Asher Verbil Frond, he immediately grabbed the attention of the media as the newest in the Frond family line. Most were enamored by the child, especially his eyes, the right a bright blue and the left a brilliant orange. Though not everyone was happy with this new edition, the older fairies begrudged that the newest heir to the Frond name wasn't a pure bred elf but instead a hybrid fairy born from a Sprite who wormed his way into the heart of their princess. 
It was civil and calm until the boy could walk and talk for himself. He found it nearly impossible to play outside by himself without being bombarded by constant unwanted attention. Even with the pleas from his parents they found themselves unable to keep them away. It became more hectic when a new addition to the family came with the birth of Maple Rose Verbil Frond, her skin just like her fathers, her hair a pale and curled little tufts of orange at the tips. 
The family seemed to shut themselves in with this addition not wanting the same attention brought on her that their son had to deal with. 
They couldn't have anticipated that in all the hecticness of dealing with the media and their newborn that their son would go missing. 
A full blown search for the boy swept over Haven City, nobody could turn the corner without seeing posters and pages calling for his safe return. It was several weeks before the grieving family had received any news. When they finally found him he was nonverbal, he shied away from all eyes, his once vibrant hair was now stark white.
The family once again shut themselves away, this time they got the privacy they desired, despite the longing to know what happened to the child. No one would know but the boy, and he wouldn't tell anyone, his lips were sealed, it would be a while before he could speak again.
There wasn't much news on the family, the media had finally gotten the hint that perhaps they should leave them alone. They were happy for that short time, Asher found himself adjusting to the calm life speaking to his parents spilling bits and pieces of the experience that caused his hair to change, of what happened to him during those weeks. As hard as it was. That information never made it to the public.
The final addition to the family came with their second son, Candytuft Verbil Frond, the only one of their children who was born with small but beautiful wings. They found themselves swarmed again, their golden haired green newborn attracting them like flies to sweet sweet molasses.
Asher's progress seemed to regress as he hid himself from any foreign eye, shying away from every camera pointed toward him. This fear he had turned to anger as he found his siblings victims of the same invasive crowd. Soon it was nearly impossible to find the siblings out and about and when you did you didn't see them for long, the quick and crafty children disappearing into crowds, even into thin air, (which of course wasn't uncommon as most all fairies possess such an ability) 
Despite the media's newfound respect for the families privacy, they still somehow found themselves in a bit of trouble with people who found it displeasing that the Frond family line was 'tainted'. A group of people who felt they had a job to finish.
Is done, hope you like it
-Mod Art
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(Continued from familiar,
Warning, description of blood and violence,)
There was so much red. 
It made her chest feel tight, of course it wasn't just the red that gave her that feeling but the person from whom it originated. 
The body of her brother sprawled across the stage floor, a hole in his chest made by what seemed to be a human gun. A few sparks of the little magic he had left made it's way over the  gushing injury but it had little to no affect on the wound. As usual he'd neglected to do the ritual, it was seldom that he remembered on his own constantly having to be reminded.
The hand that held the gun was that of an old gnome, he had no distinguishing features except a massive discoloration in his face, one caused by Maples own mother many, many years ago.
From when the young elvin heiress had confronted him on the allegations that he was responsible for her first borns disappearance and subsequent trauma. This altercation was also the origin of the scar that, now, runs down her right eye. 
Maple could only stand and watch as the gnome stepped forward gun still trained on the already wounded boy before him. Her hands gripped the podium almost as, if not more, tightly as her brothers had before her.
Looking onto the crowd she could see the horrified faces of the audience, of her younger brother. Her father's face held unrelenting fury, if it hadn't been for his L.E.P training he'd probably have leapt in most likely adding himself to the list of bodies currently splayed on the floor. The count currently being one.
Her eyes went back to Asher, every breath he took must have been a silent agony, as much as she wanted to she couldn't find the strength to run over and do something, anything! 
Heal him, stop his attacker, heck she'd rather be shot herself than have to watch her brother suffer any longer, but she knew she had to wait for the right moment. One of these officers had no doubt already called for backup so there was just minutes before this could all be over. 
She could see now that the gnome knew it too, that his time in the light was short. It only occurred to her now that he was saying something, and had been for a while. Holding her fading brother hostage to say whatever bigoted thing he had to say about her family and her mothers choices.
Something she'd heard 100 times from others who held the same disgusting beliefs that her mother had tainted the family line. It made her sick to her stomach just to think about.
He seemed to finish his short speech, at the end about finishing a job and putting an end to the taint. She found herself moving when she heard the click of the gun being cocked once more to fire the final life ending bullet into her brothers skull.
First priority was the weapon and making sure that when it fired (because she had no doubt it would) it wouldn't hurt the bystanders or her brother. Second was disarming the gnome and making sure that once he lost his weapon he wouldn't be able to pick it up again. 
All of these flew through her mind as she threw herself toward the gunman pushing his arm with all her strength, the firing bullet digging itself straight into the ground just shy of the wounded sprelf. She found the force of her push sent them both to the ground inadvertently solving her second priority for her as the gun went skidding forward and away from them. 
In an instant she scrambled off and away from the gnome to her brothers side, with a single touch she felt every last spark of magic in her get sucked out and into the body of her brother. Healing the gun wound and several other small ailments, steam poured from him and out from his mouth came strings of gibberish from every language as his body checked to make sure everything was in order.
She fell back in exhaustion, forcing herself to stay awake as she wasn't yet sure that the danger had passed. Forcing herself up on her elbows she craned her head back to see her father already on top of the gnome, the L.E.P guards around him struggling to pull him back and stop him from beating the creature to death. 
Her eyes made there way to the crowd, she saw her younger brother on his knees surrounded by the remaining L.E.P guard. He seemed in a panicked daze, his eyes wide, fat tears rolling down his cheeks. 
She could hear the arrival of backup and soon found herself surrounded by a few EMT's examining her. It was then that she finally succumbed to the exhaustion.
About a week or two had passed since then  they had all done some counseling to sort out the events, to hopefully dull the inevitable trauma. Asher hadn't left his room in that time, which was understandable, but also heartbreaking for the family to see. He had finally done it.. gone out there and spoke his mind, he spoke in front of a crowd. 
Lili was one of the only ones out of the four let in the room to talk to him, it wasn't a surprise. She was there for him the last time he'd experienced something so world shattering. 
Chix was on suspension for nearly beating the subject to a pulp. As one knows pulp can't speak, you can't interrogate pulp and you can't arrest it either. It was short, no one could really blame him for what he did. This was his child for Frond's sake, the justice system had failed his child once in the past for not putting the gnome behind bars the first time something had happened and it'd failed him now that he'd been shot. 
Maple spent her time with Candytuft talking him through dealing with all the emotions he must be feeling. She wished with all her might that she could take this burden of having witnessed this from him. She wished she could've done something before to prevent this event from occurring at all.
If only she hadn't asked him to speak, if only she hadn't pressured him to speak. It was all her fault, everything that happened was because she didn't stop him then when she had the chance. Of course she wanted him to be able to finally step out of his shell and into the light, but she couldn't stand that the time he decided to step out and face the world, evil decided to follow. 
It hurt her to face her you get brother and tell him everything would be alright, that they couldn't have known, that they just had to be hear for each other now, in this moment. Because she should've known, she could've changed this moment. She could've changed it to one where her baby brother didn't have to watch their older brother crumple to the ground in a sea of red. She could've changed it to one where she could look into the face of her older brother and not see one stained with the same red he lay in.
It's all just red.
She hates the color red
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(Continuation of Family Matters, )
It had been an average day, hiding from the media and any other person who looked in his direction and lamenting about the fact that today was the day he had promised his sister he'd say a few words on their family's behalf.
She had set up another speech to talk about the invasive nature of the media on celebrity personalities, or just mildly well known people it seemed. It was his job to give a short anecdote on their family's experience, more specifically his own experience as hard as it would be he had made a promise. It had been his idea to put himself out there more, to go beyond his past trauma and finally face his fears, to finally face a crowd of people. To face people without the overwhelming fear and anxiety pulling him back into the shadows.
Each step he took seem like a step to an impending disaster, his legs shook as if at any moment they would cave in, leaving him a shaking mess on the floor. It wouldn't be the first time after all. He could see the reserved area, an outdoor open stage. He could see camera crews setting up, reporters getting gussied up for their big moment. For his big moment on stage. 
It brought him back to then, the barrage of cameras and lights, the flashes as each one of the hundreds of people scrambled to take photo after photo of him, of a scared scarred little boy just wanting to go home not wanting to answer a thousand questions into the dozen mics shoved into his face. He felt himself falling back into the painful memory, the lingering pain gripping him threatening to trap him back into an endless disparaging cycle until a familiar voice called out to him.
"Asher," soft hands cupped his eyes, the flutter of this small sprites wings pushing away some of the dread he felt, "You're doing it again," 
Asher took his younger brother's hands from his eyes, taking them around his shoulders holding him lick a sack of flour. 
"Doing what?" He asked in a coy manner, Candytuft huffed into his brothers face.
"You're being emo in the middle of street, one of these days someone's just going to run you over with their car," he said his wings fluttering picking him up and over to face his brother, albeit upside down. "And that person may or may not be me!"
"Really?" Asher questioned still holding the youngers hands in his.
"Yeah really. Now come on you're gonna be late to the thingy," he fluttered his hardest pulling his taller brother along the path to backstage. Candytuft collapsed into one of the chairs provided for the speakers and stagehands getting comfortable as he adjusted the long sweater his mother forced him to wear before leaving the house. 
"It is far too cold put for you to be running around in just a t shirt," she had lectured, Of course she was right but the point still stood that he did not care for it at all.
"Hey Candy, aren't you sick? Shouldn't you be at home?" Asher reminded the young sprelf, there was that too. Early in the morning he had come down with a nasty cold, but it wasn't that bad now it had been hours and he had a sweater and everything. That should be enough for the hour and a half speech.
"Not right now, I wanted to be here for you and Maple, mom and dad never let me out of the house for this stuff and they finally said yes and then the cold and I just want to be like you guys," Candy admitted, and it was true, this was his first time actually being physically present for a speech despite his ailment. He wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon either. 
Asher sighed, he could understand the want to not be cooped up when your family was out and about, though he still couldn't help but worry about the little guy. 
"Besides," Candy continued, "Dads right over there with a dozen L.E.P.ercon guys" he gestured to the L.E.P. guards surrounding the area, it was, of course, a request from Chix that he be a part of the group supervising his daughters speech, especially the one where his camera shy son had worked up the courage to speak at.
"Its Lep-recon not lepercon," Asher corrected nudging the small sprelf on the nose.
"Whatever, you know what I'm trying to say," Candytuft huffed once again blowing air into his less than pleased brothers face. 
"Yeah, so," Asher lifted his brother up waving down their father, "then you can stay with the lepercons while me and Maple get work done," the young boy barely had time to voice his complaints when their Sprite father hovered over.
"We got a stowaway over here?" He questioned looking at his youngest son who looked less than pleased to be in this position.
"Alright buddy, sorry but you're gonna have to come with me, that's the law." Chix slung the stowaway over his shoulder, Asher could faintly hear him yell 'But what about my rights?!' Before he headed back backstage to prepare for the most stressful moment of his life. 
Maple came to place a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Hey Ash, you doing alright? You know you don't have to go through with this if you don't feel up to it, I don't mind talking a few minutes longer," she chuckled, he took a few breaths giving her a kind grateful look.
"Thanks but I want to do this, I can do this," She smiled giving him a quick hug before leaving to start. 
He could feel his palms getting sweaty as he waited for his introduction. Just be short, sweet, and to the point, he reminded himself. It was like a mini mantra. Finally the moment came that she called him forward, giving him a grand entrance. "For the first time in television history-" a bit grandiose but it helped to quell his nerves.
It took everything in him to walk out on stage without pulling his hood to his face, without immediately turning his head away from the crowd to face the curtains. With shaking hands he took to the podium, like his sister had a hundred times before him. He gripped the sides like his life depended on it. 
He let out a shaky breath as he began, what started as a quick anecdote turned into something of a vent. He spoke of what the media's persistent invasion of their privacy had done to his family, how detrimental it was to his mental state. How it had been their inability to mind their own business that made it so hard for him to stand up and speak in the first place. 
It wasn't a flawless speech but it came from his mind and his heart, it came from exactly what he felt and what he had been wanting to scream at them for so long. He wasn't given applause at the end, of course it was barely a speech, but he did see something. Recognition, they knew exactly what he wanted them to know. They were learning and they were realizing the negative effect they had in some cases.
It took a bit of effort to pry his fingers off the podium, he could see the proud look of his family members as he gave the show back to his sister. She was beaming, a proud smile ear to ear. He never felt so good in his life.
He had done what he'd been so scared to do for so long. He could feel the heat in his cheeks from all the emotion and excitement. He was proud of himself. He felt light almost. He turned his back to the crowd as he had done a hundred times before, but this time it wasn't out of fear, it was to take a step into the future. A future where he wasn't afraid to speak, where he wasn't afraid to face his demons and tell them what he thinks of them.
And also to walk backstage and take a breather. As he lifted the curtain back he heard a strange click of something. Something that shouldn't be there. Even from the crack in the fabric he could see a face, one he'd thought he'd never see again. One he'd hope he'd never see again.
A face that haunted ever nightmare.
And a loud bang.
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They fell asleep watching they fell asleep binging the fairy equivalent of the office
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ryssbelle · 5 years
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Maple Rose and Candytuft doodle dumps. They just be babies
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