teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 217 17 POINTS [IMAGE] You are an undercover agent for the GISH Bureau of Instigation! Go to a public place looking for someone doing a kind deed. When you spot someone, blow your whistle and identify yourself as a member of the GISH Bureau of Instigation and issue them a citation thanking them for spreading positivity in a public setting (a Section G-2019 violation).
by Manuela
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 216 39 POINTS [IMAGE] You’re a _____, Harry! It’s Harry Potter’s birthday today (July 31). Let’s envision what other jobs Harry Potter might’ve ended up doing if Hagrid had failed to make it to the hut-on-the-rock and Harry hadn’t made it to Hogwarts. Post your image to social media with hashtag #GISH and #MuggleJobsForWizards.
by Manuela “You’re an illegal parking attendant, Harry.”
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 213 53 POINTS [IMAGE] @dog_rates on Twitter & @weratedogs on Instagram rates dogs on their inherent dog attributes, but you know there’s a dog at your local shelter that deserves a 13/10 would take home forever rating. Go to your local shelter and identify the dog that has been there the longest or is most in need of a home. Take appealing photos or videos of your canine candidate and create the best, most shareable post you can of this good doggo, including information on how and where to adopt them. Post your creation tagging @WeRateDogs/@dog_rates, using #RateGISHDogs, and DM them your post as well, then submit a screenshot of your post. Bonus points if @WeRateDogs posts your dog before the end of the Hunt (send us THAT screenshot as proof instead if that’s so.) Double bonus points if you can prove the dog was adopted as a direct result.
by Manuela
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 157 37 POINTS [IMAGE] A hand-made kite that looks just like the face of that famous person you look up to, high in the sky.
by Manuela
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 135 51 POINTS [IMG/VID] The aliens have been in Area 51 for decades. Why do they stay? Because of all the amenities, of course. Show us the leisurely life of aliens at Area 51: the best Retirement Community in the Universe! We want to see elderly aliens playing shuffleboard, mahjong, and bingo, getting alien spa treatments, doing tai chi and pilates… You get the idea. Post your submission to social media tagged #GISH, #Area51 & #SocialSecurityCheXFiles
by Manuela
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 133 22 POINTS [IMAGE] Everyone talks about “viral videos.” We think we know what those are. Share a GISH video of a biological (not technological) virus and get it to go “viral” with at least 1,000 likes. It must include GISH.com in the video and text in the video to count. Post a screenshot of your post with at least 1,000 Likes on it. #ViralVirus by Manuela link : https://twitter.com/jenmishxx/status/1155804985348804608?s=21&fbclid=IwAR3raBMxJWzbebIfudygMe2PTtSkKxP1wMSdThXZ1cNuwuC-YSO36PyP6Fo
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
ITEM 102 31 POINTS [VIDEO] Reach out to a senior in your family or community and ask them about a commercially made snack or dish from their childhood that brings them fond memories—something that just doesn’t exist anymore. Try to recreate it based on their description, then share your creation with them and record their assessment.
by Manuela
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 93 41 POINTS [IMAGE] A Mom-and-Pop shop that sells Moms and Pops. (New and used.) Show a young child making a purchase.
by Manuela
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 56 73 POINTS [IMAGE] A lot of people use their cell phones while in the bathroom, which is really gross. We understand that it can get boring in there, though. Help people break society’s screen addiction with our new solution: Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter toilet paper! Re-create a verified social media account on a roll of toilet paper- images and all. Scroll away—but don’t read the comments. (They’re crap.) Install it in a public bathroom as a public service.
by Manuela
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 52 27 POINTS [IMAGE]Create MAILWHES, The Most Amazing, Intimidating Letterbox The World Has Ever Seen: a mailbox so amazing, so intimidating, so horrifying that your mail carrier will never dare leave you another piece of junk mail again. There must be teeth around the mail slot or opening.
by Manuela
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 51 27 POINTS [IMAGE] Conspiracy theorists need to get with the times! Update the tinfoil hat to reflect technological innovations.
by Manuela  
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 44 94 POINTS [IMAGE]Recreate a Civil War-era photograph with Captain America, Iron Man, and/or their respective sides using the Woodburytype photography technique. As always, no Photoshop allowed unless specified. This one does not allow it.
by Manuela
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 13 36 POINTS [IMAGE] The machines are taking over, and now they’re even infiltrating the dating sector. Your blind date tonight at a 4-star restaurant is a humanoid robot. by Manuela
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teamcasnotcass · 5 years
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ITEM 98 95 POINTS [IMAGE] (GRID). The hot new trading card battle game is GISHémon! Create a trading card for each of your team mates with their photo and stats (location, Gisher type, powers, etc.) as the powerful kindness monsters they are. We must see each teammate’s unobscured face for it to count. Photo editing is okay.
by Sara and all TeamCasNotCass teammates.
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