noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
“I hate you so much right now…” Jeff grumbled, tensing up at the nuzzling. God, he never realized how bad it smelled either. Or maybe since he was focusing on it his sense of smell of it was heightened. Either way he was not enjoying this.
Jack nuzzled in more.
“Aw- I thought you wuved me Jeff” Jack teasted “I wuv you sooooo much. I wanna cover you in little kisses.” 
And- as promised. Jack started to cover Jeff in kisses, kissing anywhere he could on the other mans face.
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noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
Jeff growled under his breath and stared at it. On one hand…he knew he shouldn’t. On the other, did he want to give Jack the satisfaction? No. No he didn’t. 
With a face that said ‘I’m doing this just to spite you,’ Jeff grabbed Jack’s hand and fucking licked it. Almost immediately his body wanted to gag, but he wasn’t giving in. Nope. No sir. Unfortunately for him, nothing could stop his eyes from watering, as he fought back the urge to puke.
Jack laughed a bit and wrapped his arms around Jeff “you know I love you” he purred. 
Gently, he placed a kiss on Jeff’s head and held him closer. He nuzzled into the other. Normally, he’d be carful not to get any of the ooze on Jeff, but right now he wasn’t going to bother. He just wanted to teas Jeff a little bit more. 
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noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
“LISTEN IT’S NOT MY FAULT IT LOOKS INVITING TO LICK.” How something that looks like tar looks inviting is anyone’s guess. Or he’s just making excuses now. Probably the latter.
Using his finger, Jack swipped some off his face and held it out ot Jeff “fine then. If it’s so inviting, try some again. It looks good doesn’t it? MMmm black tar- probably old blood. Try some more, Jeff.” 
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noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
“You’re the one who asked me to taste it, Jeff,” Jack said “I warned you, it probably wouldn't taste good. I warned you.” Jack wagged his finger slightly at Jeff as he spoke. 
“I have made the horrible mistake of getting Jack’s eye shit in my mouth. He needs to start washing his fucking face before we smooch.”
He doesn’t want to admit he intentionally tasted it and immediately puked like the moron he is.
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noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
If he was trying to scare Sal, then it wasn’t working. This was a guy who befriended ghosts on a regular basis when he was a kid. He was used to stuff like this.
“Maybe. Trust me, I’m not gonna spend my life haunting some woods out in the middle of nowhere. I just heard of some possible demonic activity out here and I guess you’re that demon. But you don’t seem to be a product of the demon we’ve been keeping an eye on…so…this is awkward.”
Jack rubbed the back of his neck a bit “demon is such a harsh word” he said “I prefer cryptid. I mean- I’m technically a demon, but also not one.” He dropped down from the tree and stood up. He looked down at the young man as he continued to speak.
“And I’m going to guess, you’re not a part of the cult I’m after, huh?” 
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noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
Maybe Sal was all three, going into the woods by himself. The original plan was to meet Ash, but she had to bail last minute, having gotten a tip about something going on elsewhere that was more important to look into. 
Though why not send the ghost after the bigger potential threat? Eh. Either way, he was here now, and he had a creepy forest to explore.
For a while, there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, but the farther he got into the woods, the stronger he was picking up on something demonic. Even weirder, nothing seemed particularly corrupted by the dark. Sure, demons other than old Red Eyes existed, but he never encountered any.
The sudden voice made him stop. So someone was out here…and that feeling was stronger. “I’d tell you, but everyone knows not to give your name out to creepy, disembodied voices.”
“Oh, I have a body” Jack said, letting himself swing down from the tree hanging by his tail. His face, or what could only be assumed was his face morphed into a smile, lips parting. Was this just for show? Yes. Did he want to scare the guy? Also yes.  
Jack tilted his head to the side slightly as he did. Something seemed... off.. about this person. Or.. not a person. 
“Are you a ghost” he asked “let me tell you kid, this isn’t really the kinda place you want to haunt for eternity. I’ve been here about... ten.. years. And it kinda sucks.” 
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noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
Jack sat in a tree, tail coiled around a large branch as he listened the the forest around him. Most nights, there was nothing more than a few wild creatures. Sometimes drunken teenagers, or college students would stumble their way long after the sun went down. 
But latley, there had been something off about everything. It made a chill run down his spine, and filled him with a dread that he hadn’t felt in a long, long time. One he still remembered. 
He was on high alert, his ears twitched with every sound, moving towards it.  He was going to protect this forest, and the people living just outside of it. If this was that same damn cult. 
Something then caught his attention, He wasn’t sure what. He wasn’t able to sense it like he could most things, this was... different. 
“Who’s there” he asked into the darkness. 
Any sencible person would run off terrified hearing an unknown voice call to them from the dark. Anyone who stuck around either wasn’t human, was stupid, or just looking for trouble. 
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noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
“No idea. I think there were a few others but…”
He trailed off, feeling that burning in his lungs again. Oh no, here comes more of that shit. He coughed, and wheezed, though if Jack was paying attention, he might have noticed Steve’s tongue being forced out slightly on its own from the pressure of retching so hard. But it seemed to go right back in once his lungs squeezed the substance out.
“…I wouldn’t know what happened to them.”
Jack paused for a moment, his head tilting slightly to the side. Slowlty he reached his hand up to Steve’s mouth, starting out just gently stroking his face.
“Give me a second” he said softly “I there’s something in there. If you don’t want me to check, that’s fine. But I don’t think it’s gone gone.” 
Jack wouldn't blame Steve if he refused to have anything really in his mouth right now, after having had his tongue ripped out. He was the same way with his eyes, now over 50 years later he still refuses to let anyone anywhere near his eyes, and has a small fear of fire. 
“I promise, I won’t hurt you. I just want to make sure what I noticed is.. real.” 
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noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
Steve gave Jack a playful punch. “Yeah, no. Not being a fucking cowboy. It’s not the same anyway…”
“I’ll be honest…I don’t…remember exactly all they did to me…I just know they wanted to experiment on smokers to do something with their smoke. I was…blacked out most of the time. Only have vague memories of going feral…”
Jack listened to Steve speak, and nodded a bit. Perhaps it was for the better that he didn’t remember most of it. The trauma something like that would have caused the other man. 
“Do.. you know how many of you there were” he asked “or, were you the only one they tested on?” 
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noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
“I don’t have much of a choice either way…” The burning had died down for now, thankfully, but it was only a matter of time before it started up again. “Not having a tongue is worse than whatever they did to my smoke. Like. You…have no idea…how…how much I hate not having my tongue. How…crazy it’s making me. Hell, I didn’t know I’d feel this way about it either.” It was obvious by the way he started pausing that talking about it was difficult.
He looked at Jack, hesitating a moment. “…I…I feel…really…helpless without it…and…every instinct in me is…screaming that I’m in danger…I’m trying to hold it together but I’ve been…panicking over it…”
Jack nodded. He understood the feeling. He had his eyes scooped out, among other things. He knew what it was like to feel helpless. What it was like to want to run away from everything because of it. 
“I’ll help you adjust” he assured “we’ll find ways to let you protect yourself. I know how horrible it feels to feel helpless. I know. I promise you though, I’ll do what I can to help.”
“Maybe I’ll get you a whip and lasso,” he joked, “you can be a cowboy.” 
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noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
Steve shook his head. “It’s not your fault…you got me out and that’s what matters.” It was…probably a bad sign when Steve couldn’t come up with some playfully snarky comment. 
He turned and heaved again, more stuff coming out of his mouth. It wasn’t…puke. It wasn’t coming out of his stomach. It felt like his lungs were contracting, forcing it out. It. Felt. Awful.
“They…I dunno what they did but…I think…they were trying to figure out how…how my smoke works. And…then they…did this…for some reason. Maybe they fucked up…I don’t know…it’s not like I’m even a person to them anymore so they wouldn’t care either way.”
“You’re more of a person than any of them” Jack told him “anyone who does things like what they did to you. Those people are the real monsters.” That was coming for a guy who was a monster, or at least seen as one. Yeah, he killed people. But he tried to avoid ones that were just minding their own business, not hurting anyone. 
“I am really glad I found you, Steve. I’ll find us somewhere safe to hide soon enough. Will you be okay to travel with me?” 
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noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
Steve was shaking at this point. He hated feeling so vulnerable, needing to rely on someone else. Needing to be protected. His whole life he saw himself as the protector. You mess with his siblings, you’ll regret living.
And he failed at doing that…
Now his sister was dead, God knows where Bucky was, and now look at the situation he was in…
He failed everyone, and that was hard to admit.
Steve was about to say something, but all that came out was a series of aggressive coughs. Wet sounding coughs like someone who had a cold, not the usual dry wheezing he normally made. It got so intense that he had to pull away from Jack. As soon as he did, he turned away and spat out a large blob of…solidified smoke? The same stuff he spat out before.
He clutched his chest, squeezing his eyes shut. His chest was burning and breathing was getting harder. Whenever he was upset, he tended to produce more smoke. Now that he couldn’t make smoke anymore, his body was… producing too much of this stuff…
He wretched and more of it came spewing out of his mouth, and this time nose. Everything it touched burned. Was this what a spitter felt like? “B-bastards…”
Jack watched in horror. The pain that Steve must have been feeling in that moment... the agony he must have gone through. It was a lot to take it. Why would they do this to someone? What good would come from it? It wasn’t fair. 
Gently, Jack uses his sleeve to dab away the gunk left on Steve’s face. He didn’t care if it melted through the cloth, or if it burned his skin. He wanted to being comfort to the other man. A comfort he didn’t feel in his own time of need.
“I’m sorry” Jack said “I’m sorry it took me so long to save you. I wish I’d gotten there sooner. Maybe then none of this would have happened.” 
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noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
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noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
Steve was not one to cry in front of people, and if he did, he would make up some kind of excuse as to why he wasn’t actually crying. Right now? He clung to Jack, not even bothering to fight back the tears. “…they cut out my tongue and it hasn’t grown back.”
A smoker’s tongue was basically their most important body part. It was their only real way of attacking, and without it, they were pretty helpless. Steve might have had his zombie instincts under control for the most part, but this…this was too much for him to handle. He felt vulnerable, and the zombie side of his brain kept screaming at him to just…run. Run to someplace safe away from people.
Jack clung on to Steve. His hand grabbed the back of the other’s head as he pulled him closer to his body. Every one of Jack’s limbs, including his tail, wrapped around Steve, holding him close. 
“I shouldn’t have left any of them alive” he growled “those fuckers. How dare they.”
He wanted to go back and kill every last one of them... well.. maybe leave one alive, with a message of some kind. 
“Evil- motherfuckers.” 
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noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
Steve flinched, tensing up at the gunshots. Definitely not a normal reaction. He closed his eye, his breathing getting…almost panicky. CEDA had clearly done something to the poor guy, and he probably wasn’t going to be willing to talk about it any time soon.
And still…no tongue. Normally, if he was missing his tongue, it would grow back in…maybe 30 seconds at most. 
The chase lasted a little while, but eventually Jack was able to get them off this trail and slow down. They were still in the city at that point, but he managed to get them to a park. 
“There” he said “that.. that should do it for a little while.” 
Jack sat down, and held Steve in his lap. Gently he ran a hand down the other mans face and tilted his head a bit. 
“Oh.. Steve.. what did they do to you?” 
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noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
Steve wrapped his arms around Jack’s shoulders, though his grip seemed rather weak. He coughed a bit, spitting out a ball of…something. A dark green slimy snot like something, the same color as his smoke.
Jack tightened his and picked up his pace. The glob of.. whatever that was.. only made him worry more about Steve. He gave it his all, long legs easily taking the pair down the hall. 
A few gunshots rang out as he pushed through the front door. Jack was able to take being shot easily. Sure- it would take a little while to heal. But he was still able to run, and live just fine. 
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noeyes-noproblem · 3 years
Jack picked Steve up in his arms, bridal style. He was carful moving him, not knowing what else they could have done. He already could tell that Steve wasn’t in good shape. But... at least he was still alive. Or.. not dead dead.
“Hold on, alright? I’m going to go as fast as I can to get us out of here.” 
And with that, Jack took off down the hall. Bodies scattered all over, some people still clinging to life. But, he didn’t care. He just wanted to get the other to safety. 
It had only been a few days since Steve had been captured by CEDA, but they had already heavily experimented on him. He seemed to be producing less smoke than usual, and some of his tumors had apparently been removed to reveal where his other eye should be, but the most obvious change was the tongue…or lack thereof. 
“Well…it took you long enough to find me. Just…get me out of here.” As much as Steve was trying to sound like he wasn’t bothered, it wasn’t working. There was clear distress in his voice.
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