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gregor-samsung · 2 years ago
“ Quando Maometto II s'impadronì di Costantinopoli, la città non era più da diversi decenni la grande metropoli del passato; già prima del 1453 numerosi abitanti l'avevano abbandonata, e ancorché non si possa stabilire esattamente l'ammontare della popolazione nel momento della conquista, essa era molto probabilmente inferiore ai 100.000 abitanti. Questi, beninteso, erano greci nella quasi totalità, anche se esisteva già un piccolo nucleo di musulmani, la cui presenza risaliva almeno alla seconda metà del XIV secolo. Subito dopo aver conquistato la città, Maometto II deportò la maggior parte della restante popolazione greca, e per sostituirla fece venire dei turchi dall'Asia minore, ma anche dei non musulmani già sottomessi all'autorità ottomana, che risiedevano in Anatolia nelle province balcaniche. Questo primo popolamento effettuato dai turchi ha lasciato tracce nella capitale, in quanto i nuovi arrivati si sono raggruppati secondo il luogo d'origine e hanno spesso dato questo nome ai quartieri che occupavano, come per esempio i quartieri di Aksaray, di Balat, di Karaman, di Çarşamba, popolati da genti provenienti dalle città omonime. Tra le minoranze che furono installate a Istanbul negli anni che seguirono la conquista, citiamo i greci delle isole e del Peloponneso, gli armeni d'Asia minore, gli ebrei di Salonicco. Praticamente questi trasferimenti di popolazione sono attuati in modo autoritario e si potrebbe quasi parlare di deportazione. In ogni caso i nuovi arrivati si videro attribuire le case abbandonate dai greci e alcune facilitazioni per esercitare nella capitale la loro attività artigianale o commerciale: Maometto II voleva restituire a Costantinopoli vita e animazione e fare della città il primo centro del mondo musulmano, soppiantando il Cairo, ancora nelle mani dei mamelucchi. Egli proseguì nel suo intento e le conquiste che fece nei Balcani facilitarono l'impresa. Non è tuttavia certo che la popolazione di Istanbul, alla fine del XV secolo, superasse le 200.000-250.000 unità. “
Robert Mantran, La vita quotidiana a Costantinopoli ai tempi di Solimano iI Magnifico e dei suoi successori (XVI-XVII secolo), traduzione di Maria Luisa Mazzini, BUR (Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli), Milano, 1985¹; pp. 75-76.
[Edizione originale: La Vie quotidienne à Constantinople au temps de Soliman le Magnifique et de ses successeurs (XV ͤ  et XVII ͤ  siècles), Paris, Hachette, coll. « La vie quotidienne », 1965 ]
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purkinje-effect · 7 months ago
This anon again. Currently just trying to so a one shot NSFT fif right mow(but also working on his background and stuff as well. He's an Fallout and also Elder Scrolls OC as well if that helps).
But now I also feel weird about it too because one I am cis and too I feel like i'ma accidentally be fetishy. 😭😭😭😭 but like I wanna do NSFT stuff for him. *also note and not to sound like a Who*re but he be HOT!*
It's not inherently fetishistic to think trans people are hot, anon. Trans people can be hot, not just in spite of their physiology, but because of it. As you're telling me yourself, both cis and trans people can think trans people are attractive. ;)
People outside minorities are totally able to create fiction and art that reflects those minorities.
If you're talking writing smut for this guy, I think the one tip I can offer--besides just do it! Be self indulgent and appreciate your OC to his fullest ;)--is to try to familiarize yourself with some of the more common ways trans people tend to refer to themselves sexually. Research by reading some transmasc NSFW fics and take in the vocabulary. (Yes... "research." I swear it'll be of benefit.) In addition to the variation of physiology that a transmasc individual can have, there's also a lot of variation to self-perception and comfort levels in terms of what a guy might be comfortable with doing sexually, under what contexts, and he might refer to his anatomy in more personal ways.
Listening to transmasc voices on humanistic trans rep isn't just talking with transmasc folks: it's taking in their art/fics and seeing how it incorporates trans identity. Sometimes it's subtle and deeply metaphorical. Sometimes it's blaring. But it's frequently interwoven in trans folks' works.
You have my encouragement and endorsement, anon. Get that guy laid. <3
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nxposure · 2 months ago
I fully relate. I had a similar experience with a Manhattan Transfer album I bought for a quid from a charity shop just because I was intrigued.
If memory serves, it was god-awful although On A Little Street In Singapore remains stuck in my head to this day... ✨
I have a lot of time for the smooth bubblegum jazz pop of the mighty ManTran!
Shout out to 'Chanson D'amour'!
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ellenvonellen · 2 years ago
När allt kommer omkring är jag vad du vill
När en inte kommer sig för att äta och sådant Finns det en poäng i att ta hand om sig själv?
Jag kunde begrava mig levande i mantran av äckel För att jag var så djävulskt dum så löjligt lyckligt lottad En form av autoerotisk kvävning
För det finns visst ett sätt att bedra alla i sin närhet En behöver bara låta dem fylla i med vad de föredrar så är du plötsligt ett kaleidoskop av skenbilder
Jag höll tummarna ett tag att jag skulle dö av svält i ett i-land Som för att ge mitt stöd till skönhetsindustrin
Äter mina mål vid diskhon numera, som en karikatyr av en singel
Sjukt ändå, att ljuga så mycket för en som tänder på ärligheten
Gud ändå Om det bara var till att släppa allt det där och äta middag, som vanligt folk
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necaattin58blog · 2 years ago
ROBERT MANTRAN, Atatürk için diyor ki!..
“ Atatürkçülük içi boş bir sözcük olmayıp bugün de Türklerin pek çoğunun düşünce yapısında varlığını sürdüren bir düşünce biçimidir. Kuşkusuz bunun dışında kalanlar vardır ama Atatürkçülüğün  bu ülkeye neler getirdiğini göz önüne almadan Türkiye’den bahsetmek olanaksızdır. “
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mantrans-llc-blog · 5 years ago
(Mantrans LLC)
Here is the Best Explanation of what is the difference between Three Main Drives FWD RWD AWD in the format of Podcast.With the experts of Industry  mantrans
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transtrucks · 2 years ago
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radiolewes · 4 years ago
Vapour Trails #110 18th February 2021 Of Rosie, Albert & Pennyroyal
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intersexfairy · 3 years ago
Hey, heads up that the OP of this post: https://intersexfairy.tumblr.com/post/664491562660691968
Reblogs from cock-dealer, mantrans, and other transmisogynistic & anti-Black white trans masc folks. If you need receipts, I've got them.
thank you for letting me know ! ive deleted the post and blocked them. for anyone reading, their url is the/troubles/of/being/trans, without the / ofc.
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scryfall · 3 years ago
I will now now describe the highly secret mantrams narrated by Shiva. His weapons are the noose, the bow, the discus, the club, the dart and Pattisha. Having used these weapons inspired with mantrams in a battle a king conquers his enemies. The mantram for purifying the mantrans should be first written on a lotus petal. Om is the Brahma Vijam. Hrim is the Vishnu Vijam. These three Vijams should be assigned to the head of Shiva thrice in order.
Om, Hrim, Hrim.
Having taken up the dart in his hand he should whirl it in the sky. By seeing it all the evil stars and serpents are destroyed. Having held the smoky coloured bow by the hand a man should meditate on it in the sky. By it the wicked serpents, the evil stars, clouds and Rakshasas are destroyed. This mantram protects the three worlds, what to speak of the land of mortals?
Om, jum, Sam, Hum, Phat. Eight sticks of Catechu wood, inspired with mantrams, should be placed on the ground. That will prevent the falling of thunder-bolt. The eight sticks should be inspired with great mantram described [Page 57] by Garuda. The ground should be dug twenty one times in the night. This will ward off the dangers proceeding from lightning, mouse, and thunder-bolt.
The mantram is:—Hara, Kshara, amala, Vashat, added with Vindu Sadasiva.
Om, Hram, salutation unto Sadashiva.
He should then assign pinda (balls of rice) effulgent like Darimi flowers with the fore-finger. By seeing it the evil clouds, lightning and other enemies viz. the Rakshasas, goblins and female ghosts fly away into the ten quarters.’
Om, Hrim, salutation unto Ganesha. Om, Hrim, salutation unto the chakra of Sthambhana.
Om, em, salutation unto the Damaras of the three worlds.
This pinda is called Bhairava which counteracts the effect of poison and the evil effects of the hostile planets. It protects the field and grinds the goblins and Rakshasas.
Om, Namas. Having meditated on the thunder-bolt of his hand he should ward off the evil influence of wicked clouds and with Vajra Mudra all the ghosts, the enemies with poison. Om, Kshum, Namas. He should meditate on his left hand. It destroys all venomous creatures.
Om, Hram, Namas. The very recitation of this mantram destroys the evil clouds and stars. Having meditated on death he should consume the universe with the destroying weapon.
Om, Kshma, Namas.
Meditating on Bhairava one should remove the evil influences of stars, goblins and poison.
Om lasat, jhvaksha Svaha. This mantram destroys the enemies of the field vis, the evil stars, goblins, poison and birds.
Om Ksham Namas. The figure of a cistern should be drawn with blood and then the names of planets should be written there.
[Page 58] Om, Mara, Mara, Maraya, Maraya Svaha. Om, Hum, Phat, Svaha.
The dart should be inspired mentally with eight hundred mantrams. It destroys all the enemies.
With higher energies the lower ones should be suppressed. Then the mantrams should be practised in Puraka and should be again well inspired in Kumbhaka. They should then be received with Pranava. When the mantrams are thus properly received and used they yield fruts like servants.
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gregor-samsung · 5 years ago
Quando Maometto II s'impadronì di Costantinopoli, la città non era più da diversi decenni la grande metropoli del passato; già prima del 1453 numerosi abitanti l'avevano abbandonata, e ancorché non si possa stabilire esattamente l'ammontare della popolazione nel momento della conquista, essa era molto probabilmente inferiore ai 100.000 abitanti. Questi, beninteso, erano greci nella quasi totalità, anche se esisteva già un piccolo nucleo di musulmani, la cui presenza risaliva almeno alla seconda metà del XIV secolo. Subito dopo aver conquistato la città, Maometto II deportò la maggior parte della restante popolazione greca, e per sostituirla fece venire dei turchi dall'Asia minore, ma anche dei non musulmani già sottomessi all'autorità ottomana, che risiedevano in Anatolia nelle province balcaniche. Questo primo popolamento effettuato dai turchi ha lasciato tracce nella capitale, in quanto i nuovi arrivati si sono raggruppati secondo il luogo d'origine e hanno spesso dato questo nome ai quartieri che occupavano, come per esempio i quartieri di Aksaray, di Balat, di Karaman, di Çarşamba, popolati da genti provenienti dalle città omonime. Tra le minoranze che furono installate a Istanbul negli anni che seguirono la conquista, citiamo i greci delle isole e del Peloponneso, gli armeni d'Asia minore, gli ebrei di Salonicco. Praticamente questi trasferimenti di popolazione sono attuati in modo autoritario e si potrebbe quasi parlare di deportazione. In ogni caso i nuovi arrivati si videro attribuire le case abbandonate dai greci e alcune facilitazioni per esercitare nella capitale la loro attività artigianale o commerciale: Maometto II voleva restituire a Costantinopoli vita e animazione e fare della città il primo centro del mondo musulmano, soppiantando il Cairo, ancora nelle mani dei mamelucchi. Egli proseguì nel suo intento e le conquiste che fece nei Balcani facilitarono l'impresa. Non è tuttavia certo che la popolazione di Istanbul, alla fine del XV secolo, superasse le 200.000-250.000 unità.
Robert Mantran, La vita quotidiana a Costantinopoli ai tempi di Solimano il Magnifico e dei suoi successori (XVI-XVII secolo), traduzione di Maria Luisa Mazzini, BUR (Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli), Milano, 1985¹; pp. 75-76.
[Ed.ne or.le: La Vie quotidienne à Constantinople au temps de Soliman le Magnifique et de ses successeurs (XV ͤ  et XVII ͤ  siècles), Paris, Hachette, coll. « La vie quotidienne », 1965 ]
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81possession · 5 years ago
är jag galen eller expanderar jag mitt medvetande?
är jag manisk eller euforisk eller kaffe-speedad? ger min oregelbundna medicinering dessa snabbt skiftande tankar? vad är skillnaden på galenskap och upplyst?
är det s.k paradigmskiftet en illusion eller något vi kollektivt kan uppnå, tillsammans?
jag blir matad med så mycket information och nya uppenbarelser just nu... new age , mantran, energifrekvenser, änglar, law of attraction, olika livsåskådning - hur kristna varnar för satan och demoner, onda entiteter som tar över dom vekas sinnen i samband med djup meditation... min verklighet fallerar stegvis. och iom detta känner jag mig väldigt ensam (det kanske också är en borderline-grej, vad vet jag) och okapabel att få bolla filosofiska idéer med någon öppensinnad / spirituell människa som kan tänka utanför ”ramarna” ... de säger att vi skapar vår egen verklighet - men jag känner mig otroligt ensam i detta. har svårt att hitta ett svenskt forum för dessa extensiella frågeställningar. ~ jag ville bara skriva av mig lite, för jag har svårigheter att sortera tankarna i ’rätt fack’ för tillfället. ...stå ut med mig
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animeraider · 2 years ago
Quite a week for new music, and it's an eclectic one, just in time for Halloween! Music from Marshal Crenshaw, me, Copperstone, Arthur Brown, Goat, Simple Minds, a-ha, Manhattan Transfer, B'z, Taylor Swift and (for real) QUEEN! Enjoy!
Here is a listing of this week's artists by twitter handle unless otherwise marked:
nickcampbelldestroys (Instagram) with @theokatzman @animeraider (me!) @PONYtoronto @Bz_Official arielengelmusic (Instagram) @mcrenshaw @copperstoneband @_GuidedByVoices @GodofHellFire5 with The Sinclairs (not sure what their socials are) @TankandDaBangas @kinggizzard Goat (No idea what their socials are, if they exist at all) @drugdealerband with @katebsongs @rivalsons @theheadstones @cassmccombs with @mvbones1980 @TheDelines @drycleaningband @simplemindscom featuring Russel Mael of @sparksofficial @Bibio @aha_com @mantran with WDR Funkhausorchester (aka The Cologne Philharmonic) @richaucoin @MOULEOFFICIAL @_avantasia featuring Jørn Lande of Masterplan and Michael Kiske of Helloween @taylorswift13 @QueenWillRock
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borobudurnews · 2 years ago
Tradisi Tumpeng Jangka Di Kawasan Gunung Andong Magelang
Tradisi Tumpeng Jangka Di Kawasan Gunung Andong Magelang
BNews–MAGELANG-– Suasana berbeda tampak di kaki Gunung Andong Kabupaten Magelang Rabu pagi kemarin (28/9/2022). Tepatnya di Dusun Mantran Wetan, Desa Girirejo, Kecamatan Ngablak. Pasalnya terdapat sebuah tradisi bersih desa yang bernama “Tumpeng Jangka”. Acara yang digelar oleh warga setempat tersebut untuk membangkitkan semangat mereka untuk terus menjalani kehidupan sebagai petani. “Dengan…
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mantrans-llc-blog · 6 years ago
5 Best Tips to Improve The Life of Transmission
Most people find replacing the transmission easier than replacing it without knowing the fact that maintaining transmission is cheaper than its repair or replacement. If you ask any expert for the advice, they will suggest you maintain it properly in order to avoid its repair or replacement. Let’s explore a few best tips to improve the life of transmission of your car with the experts of Mantrans.
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Must Check The Transmission Fluid
Do you think checking the transmission fluid is on regular basis is an easy job? The answer is “NO”. However, it is helpful in taking care of auto’s transmission. It also provides you with the opportunity to identify any particular issues, due to the absence of fluid. Even sometimes leaks can create problems so if you find any leakage, don’t take it lightly. Otherwise, it may become an expensive repair which is not good for your transmissions health.
Go For Transmission Service After Every 30,000 Miles
Checking fluid of transmission is not enough for its maintenance, you should also get it serviced after every 30,000 miles. Basically, in transmission service, the professionals change the old fluid with a new one, replace the filter, removed and cleaned the pan. The change of transmission fluid is one of the most effective maintenance processes you can choose to improve the performance of your car and its transmission.
Keep It In Gear
You must know what gear you are driving in. Constantly driving 45 mph in first-gear may create a problem for your transmission over time. Similarly, when driving an automatic, make sure that you are in the mentioned “drive” mode before taking out. Those drivers who own a car with manual transmission know every detail. But the problem arises when they allow others to drive their car who don’t actually know how to drive a stick. You need to ensure before you allow someone else drives, otherwise driven improperly can damage gears to a great extent.
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Shift Only After You Stop
If you are changing from first to reverse or vice versa ensure that you have reached a complete stop before changing in and out of gear. Because if you shift these gears consistently while moving, it may weaken the gears of the transmission.
Let It Get Cool
Let your vehicle get cool before dropping it in gear and driving. This approach is applicable to both warm-weather and cold-weather driving. Let your vehicle get cool for five minutes before taking off. Especially when there is extreme cold during winter. So, during that time when their extreme cold, allow your vehicle to warm up before shifting gears. And do not forget to take prevention and safety while driving in bad weather during winters.
Final Words
So these are the few tips from the experts of Mantrans that can help you improve the life of the transmission. If you follow these tips, you don’t need to get your transmission repair or replace.
Have a safe driving!
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444names · 2 years ago
middle primitive elvish words
Abda Adne Aftse Agdā Agyentā Aing Akrudge Alinge Ambā Aoross Arroom Atch Ater Atol Axed Añkarāu Bakrush Bash Beaginiq Beap Beaps Bedā Besprege Beun Bill Blartal Blingālæ Booker Brikā Brining Bristā Bány Bártār Béryā Capeect Carā Causibē Caut Cauyā Chagā Clese Clonyā Clownwē Comy Cona Conen Cought Counde Cous Cout Crek Cresū Cronga Croung Cycleady Cycless Dath Deard Deaun Dedā Dencesū̆ Deni Deuyā Dirl Dooteakt Doutelep Dowegta Eaver Entmā Epind Erina Eter Evound Exch Exchad Fala Falatmā Fallisrā Fasse Fateʒ Feechads Feeping Fent Fick Fielē Finga Fisrotse Flesāba Fliters Floure Floved Foom Form Forown Fortā Forē Froone Frumbā Gallow Galt Garf Gatektā Gater Gath Giveit Glit Glow Glump Goblay Goodō Goundi Gracke Grendē Grou Grān Gulukā Hador Hailver Hallinie Hances Hangettā Harƀǝ Hass Headle Hiellove Hier Hing Houl Hourin Houtive Idroorm Illissē Inctiful Ingall Juick Kalais Kalnā Kalwil Kaly Kamba Kandē Kard Karā Katnā Keluna Khadown Khagra Khar Khip Khoun Khro Khyō Khyōlen Khīth Khīthral Kinkā Knouradv Kructi Kukā Kunch Kwaiā Kwast Kweld Kwen Kwena Kwing Kyanter Laktā Lapiver Larta Lartice Lastorm Latheavy Lathot Latnarnē Letakwē Liankwes Lightā Limast Limearth Ling Lippoiy Lipwrild Liver Loder Lonrō Loomy Loweb Līwē Malgultā Malku Mantle Mantran Marē Masta Mastice Mateed Maul Maʒnā Meatel Melugni Meng Mewy Ming Mirs Mitsmon Moosiryā Mork Mort Mossē̆ Mouruick Mrey Nark Natme Ndagō Ndan Nderē Ndulmāgā Neñmanyā Ngalku Niming Niout Niter Nope Nopy Nous Numbeata Numpre Nī̆l Nūrō Odper Oilab Olbā Onench Oññold Oññolwā Paidder Palkulne Pard Pards Parled Parp Parpe Parrindā Patiukō Pent Peopend Peour Phithā Pice Pick Pider Pindǣr Pingā Pinā Pirste Plisgent Poider Polde Poldeal Poronda Prenā Prepat Pres Presno Prinē Proap Prod Quier Rageiā Ragā Rasettā Raukmē Rave Reect Rektal Repitun Retsē Rimp Rimā Ring Rockeekā Ronse Roper Rose Ructive Rumeat Rǭdatelt Saiā Shigh Shiondu Shipperē Sibda Sicaur Siry Skamba Skark Skelus Skersady Skil Skining Skyu Skāta Slamme Slard Slat Sleat Sled Sleterce Slight Slimpan Smal Smelun Smew Smit Smothing Snoplave Snoung Soglos Soiddy Spindō Spinyati Spitā Sple Spreards Ssiryā Stait Staiwē Staktang Stalmā Stalā Steap Steat Ster Stivedē Stiver Stood Stor Stot Strey Substā Suerl Suglā Sukast Suldankā Swalecip Swedē Swelu Syad Syal Syanni Tabiry Tadtaiō Taled Taly Talā Tand Tantmā Tarkā Teamtā Tecrout Tedē Teld Tena Thandē Tharring Thauklat Thightyē Thinē Those Thwaʒrā Thēr Tirnē Toner Tonred Toompled Torter Toth Tranyā Trative Trep Trieta Tuier Tuile Tundi Tunt Tuntel Turuil Turēna Twār Téle Tūrō̆ Ubjecki Ulmā Undā Undūnere Unta Vait Vale Valgouga Vicedē Vight Viony Vistre Waing Waltwing Wancedā Wanwanyē Warced Wark Warripid Warta Warʒǝ Watsē Waver Waʒna Weepe Wesnomp Wher Whol Wift Wifulta Will Wilpiel Winight Winē Wisse Wissā Witi Woom Wril Yeatch Yeatelit Yellindā Yoken Yona Yout Ñgobla Ñgolear Ñgoode Īdēlā Ōmingold Ūmarty Ṃbányā
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