#Manon's Journey
parfumeuses · 10 months
*double-checks the year the panama canal was completed* SHIT *double-checks oceanic routes out of marseille* FUCK
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totaledbloom · 1 year
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moonlitstoriess · 3 months
Across the Universe-ch.9 (Fenrys x Reader)
Summary: Y/n has everything she needs in life. A family, friends, a safe place she calls home and most importantly a male whom she loves. What happens when it all changes when Y/n finds out about the betrayal of her lover and her so called family? Well, ending up in Terrasen and in queen Aelin's court was not what she expected but what she will need to start her new journey full of surprises.
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Is this real? Is any of it even real?
Amren....this is Amren.....well, she had a ghost body and bright light all around her but it still IS her!
The hope that fluttered in y/n's chest was unimaginable. It felt so good to finally see someone from your world. Even if you do not consider that someone as a friend anymore. But...whatever it takes to leave this place. Even if a tiny part of her was refusing the idea.
Amren's eyes widened slightly as she spoke, her voice imbued with an otherworldly resonance from the magic. "Y/n! Fucking finally!"
Y/n tried coming closer but Fenrys grabbed her waist and pulled her back to his chest. She tried moving but his strong grip wouldn't budge and when she looked at his face, it showed no emotion but a warriors gaze, daring Amren to even try something.
She sighed but looked back at Amren, who was watching the interaction with an amused look, "Amren...how? I-what is going on? I mean, I have been trying to come back but so far it's not working. How did you find me? Is the Book of Breathings with you?"
The female replied while still keeping her narrowed gaze on the male behind y/n "It's a long story and I do not have much time but yes I came here after managing to break through the book's spells. Clearly not with my physical body though. We have been searching for ways to bring you back ever since you left. Azriel has been going feral, even threatened to kill Rhysand if you aren't back saf-"
"You expect me to believe that? You all lied to m-"
"There is no time for this sappy nonsense talk, girl. We can all discuss it when all of this craziness is over and you're back. There is not enough time. Listen to me, I finally found where you are so just wait a little longer and we will get to you-"
"Amren no, you don't understand. There are gates opening, evil beings are coming back and I somehow am the one who needs to be the one to close those gates and then come home and...we have to kill those evil beings an- you probably have no idea what I am talking about but listen to me, I need the Book of Breathings. How can you send it to me?"
Amren's figure started to slowly disappear "I just managed to get to you, find your location after a whole month of searching and now you are telling me that I need to find a way to send the book to you? I don't understand-"
"Months? It has only been a week here-"
Amren was almost gone now "Time is different in each world girl. Just be patient a little more. We will find a way."
"No! Amren, the gate-"
Rowan, Aelin and Manon came running into the room, a shocked expression overtaking their features when they sew what was going on.
Amren looked at them before her figure completely disappeared and all the traces of an ancient magic left the room.
Aedion looked at her and Fenrys, who was still clutching her tightly to his chest, before saying "Well, are any of you planning to explain what the fuck this was?"
Fenrys seemingly cooled down becuse the second Aedion finished talking, he silently unwrapped his arm from around her and moved back. Why was she feeling sad because of it? Get your hormones together y/n.
She cleared her throat and spoke "The female you saw, she is from my world and apparently they have been searching for me for a whole month. She said now that she knows I am here, they will try their best to get me back but I tried telling her about the gates and that I need the Book of Breathings but she...she didn't underst- anyways there wasn't enough time and....well, yes."
They looked at Fenrys to see if she was lying or not but when he just nodded in confirmation, they stared at her with varying expressions. It was Manon who spoke first, her voice sharp "Your people are coming here?"
"Well, yes....maybe? They want to get me out of here, not to cause any troubles so..relax."
Aelin just sighed before heading towards the door, followed by the other two "This was definitely not how I planned my afternoon to go."
Once everyone had left, y/n also moved towards the door when his voice stopped her "So, Azriel is going mad for you?"
She turned around to see him staring out the window, not looking at her. But if those clenched hands were any indicator, Fenrys was clearly mad.
She scoffed "Out of everything that just happened, you only care about that?"
When Fenrys remained silent, y/n sighed softly. "Don't believe it. He's probably just struggling with guilt."
With those words hanging in the air, she left the room and headed towards the royal gardens, leaving Fenrys alone with his thoughts.
Too much. This was too much for her. She just wanted to go home. To leave all this behind. Why her? Why is she even special when all her life she was told the opposite? Why can't it all stop?!
Y/n was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't even realize where she ended up in the garden. It was a small, wooden gazebo that had roses of all colors covering its sides and roof. But what caught her attention the most was the blond queen sitting inside it, eyes closed and head tilted back, resting against the wood.
Seems like Aelin also was seeking a moment of peace. Best to turn around and leave-
"Don't go."
Y/n turned around to see the female in the same position with her eyes still closed. She hesitantly came closer and sat a little further away from the queen.
Aelin sighed before speaking "This place is where I find sanctuary when it all gets too much to handle."
Y/n nodded slightly as she looked towards the gardens, the birds chirping bringing her a sense of comfort, as she relaxed against the wooden pillar behind her.
"I understand you, you know. I understand how it feels to hide yourself, your secrets, from the world. To think of yourself as so unworthy, that you are doing a favor to your loved ones by hiding your true self from them."
Y/n's shock and confusion was evident on her face as she looked at her "What? I don- How?"
Did she know about the whole witch thing? Did Manon tell her?
Aelin just smirked slightly "You may seem unbreakable but even you sometimes let out your emotions through your facial expressions. And let's not talk about the obvious fact that you are in a different place surrounded by us, strangers. Of course you will feel out of place."
The winged female sighed as she just stared at the view in front of them "It is draining. I don't know what to feel or do anymore. I don't know anything."
At that, Aelin opened her eyes and looked at y/n "You know, everyone thought that I was dead until I got my throne back three years ago."
Y/n whipped her head back around and looked to her side, at the queen "What?!"
Aelin just laughed as she said "Yes! My parents and everyone I ever loved were murdered ten years ago by the King of Adarlan. Long story short, a man....Arobynn, he found me unconscious out in the open in the middle of the night and took me in. Turns out he was the King of Assasins which is why I spent the next seven years of my life under his watch, training to be the best assassin- which I did end up becoming. And all that time, I went under a false name, Celaena Sardothien, it was hilarious! no one ever knew my true identity because I would always dress in black and cover every part of my body, making it impossible for people to even tell my age."
Y/n couldn't believe what she was hearing. This female was not queen the whole time? What?
Aelin just continued with a sigh "But....when I was seventeen it all changed. By that point, I was tired of Arobynn. He was a paradox. He put me through the toughest fights, challenges and missions just to make me into what I am now, he would shower me with gifts, making me filthy rich at such a young age but....he wouldn't hesitate to punish me when I would 'let him down'. He lied when he said that he would let me go, he lied because he saw me as a posession. An object of which he couldn't let go. He was a paradox. A manipulator, caretaker, father, mentor, maybe even lover."
Y/n didn't know when she got closer to the queen, coming to sit right next to her as she silently said "That....I can understand it slightly....while mine wasn't showering me in gifts or training me to be an asassin he would beat me up, do unspeakable things but then he would ask for forgiveness, say its my fault, but he loves me....that he knows what's best for me."
The female beside her nodded her head, needing no explanation on what y/n just said "They may come in different forms but they are all monsters nonetheless. Arobynn indirectly killed the boy I loved and then acted devastated as I cried next to his dead, mutilated body. Then, when I tried to get my revenge, he was the one who informed the enemy and got me sent into a slave camp where I spent a whole year of my life. Dorian and Chaol? I know them because they were the ones to save me from that camp, even though we all hated each other at first. Lysandra? I know her because she was also under his control."
"That....that is horrible. I-I am so sorry I don't even know what to say....is- is he alive now?"
Aelin just gave her a small, sad smile "Don't worry, Lysandra slit his throat when he was asleep. Which was then followed by a shit ton of chaos."
Y/n smiled too, happy to know that this monster also got his deserved end.
"Did you kill yours too?"
She nodded "Yes, he wanted to clip my wings so that I never even thought of leaving him. It was also a stupid tradition. I trained myself, then opened an academy to train others so that they wouldn't go through what I did. It was quite the shock really, a female Illyrian whose wings weren't clipped, training others how to fight."
Aelin's hand on Y/n's shoulder was warm, a gesture of solidarity that spoke volumes more than words ever could. Her proud smile softened the edges of her usually fierce expression.
"You survived," Aelin said softly, her voice carrying the weight of understanding. "And you've grown stronger despite everything. That's what matters."
Y/n nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude toward Aelin. They may have come from different worlds, faced different kinds of horrors, but in that moment, their shared experience of overcoming abuse and manipulation bound them together.
Aelin squeezed her shoulder gently before withdrawing her hand. "We're stronger together," she said firmly. "And we'll make sure no one else suffers like we did."
With those words hanging in the air, Y/n felt a renewed sense of purpose. Despite the darkness of their pasts, there was hope in their shared resolve to protect others from similar fates.
When they left the gardens, they saw others on the training grounds. Fenrys and Rowan were fighting each other, half naked, while Aedion, Manon and Chaol watched from the sidelines, Aedion with his bandaged arm and Chaol with his cane by his side. Eva and Lysandra were sitting on one of the benches while the teen was pointing at the book in her hands, showing something to her. Abraxos was sleeping on the grass.
When they reached Lysandra and Eva, the latter looked up at y/n from her place on the bench “Y/n! You have to read this book! I will give it to you once I am done with it but it has the most exhilarating plot!” 
Y/n smiled as she looked at the book “Oh really? Then I can’t wait for it.”
Eva grinned and hugged the book to her chest. “Trust me, you’ll be hooked from the first chapter. The characters are so well-written, and the twists are mind-blowing.”
Lysandra chuckled, shaking her head. “Eva’s been talking about that book non-stop since she started it. It’s a wonder she hasn’t finished it already.”
Eva rolled her eyes playfully. “Well, I want to savor it. It’s not every day you come across such a gem.”
Y/n laughed. “I’ll take your word for it. I’m always on the lookout for a good read.”
Aelin smiled at the small interaction before looking at Chaol with a concerned gaze, “Something happened to Yreene?”
Lysandra sighed, “Apparently. He was sparring with Fenrys when his legs began hurting. Hopefully whatever Yrene is doing with the book, she is taking precautions.” 
Before anyone could say anything, Lysandra looked at y/n “Speaking of, care to explain why Fenrys is so riled up that he has been fighting nonstop for the past two hours? Aelin, you might want to check up on your birdie because he looks quite exhausted.” 
Once again, before y/n could even begin to reply, she heard a familiar voice behind her say “You liar.”
Aelin and y/n both turned around to see Manon staring at y/n with fire in her eyes.
Y/n and all three females behind her were just as confused as her when she asked, “What are you talking about, Manon?”
The witch just stepped closer to her as she said, “Knew you were a deceiving snake.” 
Manon’s fists were clenched, her muscles taut with readiness. “Let’s see if you can lie about this as well, y/n.”
With a sudden burst of speed, Manon lunged forward, her fist aiming straight for y/n’s face. She sidestepped the punch and retaliated with a swift jab to Manon’s ribs. The impact made Manon grunt, but she shook it off quickly, eyes blazing with determination.
Manon countered with a roundhouse kick aimed at y/n’s midsection. She blocked the kick with her forearm, the force of the blow sending a shockwave through her arm. Ignoring the pain, y/n grabbed Manon’s leg and twisted, attempting to throw her off balance. Manon, however, used the momentum to her advantage, flipping gracefully and landing on her feet.
The fight intensified as they exchanged blows with lightning speed. Manon’s fists were like hammers, each punch coming with incredible force. Y/n dodged and weaved, her movements fluid and precise. She countered with a powerful uppercut that connected with Manon’s jaw, sending her staggering back.
She closed the distance, launching a series of rapid punches aimed at Manon’s torso. Manon blocked and deflected, her reflexes sharp. She ducked under a particularly vicious swing and delivered a brutal knee strike to Y/N’s stomach.
The blow knocked the wind out of y/n, but she didn’t go down. Instead, she gritted their teeth and grabbed Manon’s arm, pulling her into a close-quarters grapple. The two struggled for dominance, muscles straining, breaths coming in ragged gasps.
In the distance, she could hear screams and shouts to stop, to just back off. Fenrys’ voice was the loudest of all. 
For some reason, y/n turned around to cast him a quick glance and was met with his beyond concerned gaze. It held a mixture of anger, shock and….fear. His breaths were ragged and his hands were shaking as he slowly made his way ove-
A punch to her stomach forced her backwards and onto the ground as she looked back at Manon who just told her “Coward.”
That was it. That was the final straw. Y/n didn’t know when or how she felt it but she did. Her transformation began with a disorienting sensation, her body shifting in ways she couldn't immediately comprehend. A strange taste filled her mouth, the metallic tang of iron, as her gums contorted and stretched, forming into sharp, unforgiving iron teeth. Simultaneously, her nails extended, hardening into gleaming, steel-like claws that seemed to elongate with every passing second.
Everything else became a blur. All the gasps, all the noise, everything but Manon, who was now smirking triumphantly at her. 
Y/n lunged for the witch, pinning her down with a snarl that displayed her fangs “You did it all to rile me up. It was an act wasn’t it? You planned it.”
Manon had the audacity to just smirk and shrug her shoulder while still pinned down “It worked though, didn’t it?”
“I will kill you.”
“Go ahead.”
She raised her hand, her iron nails glinting in the sun as she aimed for the queens throat but….she couldn’t do it. Something inside her refused to obey. 
With a sigh, she pushed back and away from Manon and got up. Y/n felt as her body shifted back to normal, her nails and teeth disappearing once again.
Silence fell over the area like a heavy blanket, each person frozen in shock. Aelin and Eva's mouths hung open in disbelief, Lysandra's hand instinctively covering hers. Aedion and Chaol stared, their expressions a mix of bewilderment directed at her and then at Manon. Rowan's smile was faint but discernible, while Fenrys stood wide-eyed and rigid, caught between amazement and apprehension.
Aelin closed her mouth and cleared her throat before asking "You- you are an Ironteeth Witch? Why didn't you tell us?"
"Because I didn't know what I was until I came here and even if I did, I consider it a curse so why should I tell you?"
She felt Manon come and stand right beside her as she said with a harsh tone "Call us a curse one more time and see what happens. You are a witch so stop denying it."
Before y/n could reply, Eva shouted "That is so amazing! A witch with wings of her own!"
Lysandra clapped "Well done you two for putting on such a brilliant show."
Y/n sighed as Manon snickered and Aedion muttered an "I am so confused" before earning a small nod in agreement from Chaol who was still questioningly staring at y/n.
Her gaze moved towards Fenrys but he wasn't looking at her anymore. He was staring at the ground with his brows furrowed and when Rowan patted him on the shoulder, he just turned around and left.
Y/n wanted to go after him but was stopped when Aelin and everyone else just came over to her, asking questions.
Fenrys thought that throughout his long life, he had seen enough shocking things that it would take a lot to ever surprise him. Well, apparently everything is different when it comes to y/n. It's like she manages to be the exception to his every thought and feeling.
She is an Ironteeth Witch? How is that even possible, isn't she from a different world? Does her world also have Ironteeth Witches?
Earlier he was angry at....well he had no idea why he was angry. For some reason, even hearing the name Azriel made him want to punch a wall. He also didn't like or trust Amren. In fact, Fenrys didn't like y/n's whole little friend group back in her world. They lied to her, ignored her when she needed a shoulder to cry on-
And why do you care, Fenrys?
Yes, why does he care, exactly? Y/n is only here temporarily. Once they solve the problem, she will go back to her home world and they will never see each other again so why does even the thought of that bother him so much?
Why does the thought of her going back to those liars that call themselves her family make him frustrated?
And worst of all, why does the thought of her going back to Azriel's arms make him want to rip out heads?
For the past hour, she couldn't find Fenrys anywhere and by the time y/n made it to her room, she was too exhausted to even think about anything but sleep. So, she collapsed on the bed and slept her exhaustion of the last few days away.
Four hours later, y/n stood in front of her mirror, assesing her look before dinner.
Thanks to Isolde, her neck was completely healed and looking as smooth as ever. This, of course, meant that she didn't need to wear a turtleneck anymore which is why she chose this simple yet still eye catching dress.
The dress she chose was a masterpiece of delicate craftsmanship, tailored to accentuate her figure in all the right places. Made from a flowing fabric that shimmered with every movement, it draped elegantly over her curves. The neckline was designed to draw attention to her healed neck, framing it gracefully while also accentuating her chest. Intricate embroidery adorned the sleeves and hem, adding a touch of detailed beauty to its otherwise understated elegance. The color, a soft shade of lavender, complemented her complexion, enhancing her natural radiance. Paired with subtle yet tasteful accessories, the dress completed a look that exuded both sophistication and effortless charm.
Not bad, y/n, not bad at all.
With a final look at herself, she opened her door to-
Fenrys was here, leaving his room as well.
Their eyes locked, holding a silent conversation of their own as they appraised each other's appearance. Fenrys stood tall, his hair styled in a casual half bun that allowed strands of golden hair to cascade over his broad shoulders. His attire was both practical and stylish—a crisp white tunic formed the foundation, complemented by a deep forest green vest that added a touch of color and structure. Dark brown pants, tucked neatly into knee-high boots, completed the ensemble, emphasizing the sturdy and agile nature of his build.
Despite the layers of clothing, Fenrys's physique was unmistakable—rippling muscles hinted at strength honed through rigorous training and battles fought. The tunic's sleeves hinted at the definition of his arms, while the vest accentuated his broad chest and shoulders. His stance exuded confidence and readiness, every movement suggesting a poised and capable warrior.
He was absolutely delicious to look at-
Mother above, y/n. Look back at his eyes. Be respectful.
She hesitantly lifted her gaze over to him but lost all her abilitiy to speak when she saw how his dark eyes were practically devouring her. Y/n cleared her throat which made him look back at her with those lust-filled and fierce eyes that made her feel all hot and bothered.
Then, as if coming back to reality, Fenrys straightened and started moving towards the stairs.
No. She had to talk to him. About what? She had no idea but-
"Are you upset with me?"
Once he heard her voice, Fenrys stopped, his back was towards her as he said "Why would I be upset with you?"
Y/n took a small step towards him. "Because you left when it was revealed that I was a....a witch. Because you refuse to look me in the face."
"And since when do you care about my feelings towards you?"
"You are right. I shouldn't but I do- you know what? This was very foolish of me, just forget this ever happened."
When y/n moved past him towards the stairs, she felt his hand grip her wrist, making her turn around to look at him.
Y/n frowned slightly, "Fenrys..."
He hesitated, then spoke in a voice laced with uncharacteristic vulnerability. "I don't trust them," he admitted quietly. "Your people, from your world. They say they want to bring you back, but what if they're not as trustworthy as you think? Didn't you say they neglected you when you needed them the most?"
Y/n sighed, understanding his concerns. "I get it. But they're my people, Fenrys. Even if things between us are complicated, I have known them for over fifty years, enough to know that they wouldn't harm m-"
"But they did. They didn't tell you when your lover was being unfaithful for two years, they didn't do shit as you got worse day by day so why should you trust them now?"
Y/n ripped her arm away from his hold as she turned to fully look at him with a narrowed gaze "What is this about Fenrys? I didn't tell you all this so that you could pity me. It was just a moment of vulnerability and you happened to be the-"
"I know because I understand you."
At her questioning gaze, Fenrys sighed before looking at the ground "Before Aelin, I.....I was.....sort of chained to another queen. Blood sworn, actually. It meant that I was her slave for as long as she pleases and that I could only ever be free of her with my honor intact if she willingly gave me her blessing and freed me from service. If not, then.....anyways what I want to say is that I know what it means to struggle and not have anyone by your side. My brother had his own demons to fight so we never could really lean on one another for support. Rowan, Lorcan and Gavriel they.....they also suffered in their own ways. Maeve made sure to traumatise each one of us differently,"
He couldn't look at her. He closed his eyes and clenched his fists.
Y/n gently put her hand on his chest "Fenrys, you don't have to force yourself to talk about it-"
"It is true, I see Rowan, Lorcan -unfortunately- and Gavriel as my brothers. We went through so much together and I am only standing here today because we made it, together. Gavriel made it too, I know it because I feel his presence sometimes. But even then, we all hid our pain from one another. I always only had myself to heal my own wounds. Both physical and mental."
"Oh my-"
"This is why I want you to be careful, y/n. I never had anyone to soothe my pain and I don't want you going through the same thing. When....when you go back to you world, just leave them. Promise me that you will leave them and find a better place for yourself."
"Fenrys I-"
He looked up from the ground, his eyes holding a hint of determination within them "Promise me, y/n."
She sighed "Yes. I promise, Fenrys."
He slowly nodded his head but made no move to leave and neither did y/n want to remove her hand from his chest.
The comfort Fenrys was feeling right now was unimaginable. He had never felt so at ease, so safe in someone's presence before. Even if the middle of a hallway isn't the most perfect place to experience this. He couldn't care less. He just showed her a part of him he never showed anyone, not even Aelin.
His vulnerability.
And for some reason, he wanted to keep telling her more, and in turn, hear more about her as well.
His gaze fell to her lips as his hands ached to touch her. Fenrys whispered, "You....you don't have a curse. Be proud of yourself and your lineage."
Y/n's came closer as she whispered back, "I....it will take time....getting used to that."
He smiled slightly, "That's fine. I will be proud of you anyway."
He saw her pupils dilate and her eyes widen but it seems like he was under some hypnotic curse because he added, "You...you are really beautiful."
Her lips parted and he saw a blush make it's way onto her adorable cheeks.
"I-thank you. You....you are very attractive as well."
Fenrys couldn't help the smirk that made its way onto his face "Yeah?"
She was a full red tomato now and he thought it was the most adorable sight ever. She replied with a shaky and barely audible voice, "Yeah."
They got closer and Fenrys was about to gently grab her waist when a cough interrupted their moment.
They both immediately detached and turned around to see Eva and Manon. The latter had a huge cheshire grin plastered on her face while the former had the look of a sad puppy.
Manon took eva's hand as they both started walking past y/n and Fenrys but not before Manon said, "See Eva, told you she wouldn't accept your love confession."
The younger girl playfully shoved aside the witch as she whisper shouted, "Shhh Manon! You just announced my crush to the entire kingdom!"
Y/n giggled as she followed them, Fenrys close behind her as she said, "Eva, don't listen to her! She likes to rile everyone up it seems."
Manon turned around with an amused gaze, "Glad you could finally understand that about me."
Y/n glared at her "I am still not done with you."
Manon just smiled and mused "I will keep my door open for you. Make the job easier."
Y/n just scoffed and she could feel Fenrys' chuckle from behind her as she turned her head sideways to look at him. "Something's funny, Fenny?"
She heard the witch chuckle and Eva audibly laugh while Fenrys' eyes widened "What kind of a nickname is that?"
Y/n just smirked and turned her head back around "Didn't like it? What about Fen? Or maybe Rys orrrrr Fenzo!"
Manon was full on cackling now and Eva was about to fall over because of laughing so hard. Fenrys just smiled while shaking his head "Gods save me."
As they reached the doors of the dining room, y/n smiled as she said, "No Gods to save you now. Perhaps you should change it to Aelin save me."
They were all laughing by the time they entered the room and saw the others, except Lorcan and Elide, sitting around. It was nice, yet so unusual to see Manon actually laugh. But, she wouldn't take it for granted, that woman is a paradox. Who knows, she may be laughing now but she may want to kill y/n the next moment.
Y/n just shook her head with a smile as she took her place next to Fenrys on the table. However that smile soon started disappearing when she felt a pair of eyes on her from somewhere in the room, making her feel uncomfortable.
It's just nerves. You are hungry. Just ignore it, the feeling will pass.
Aelin had an amused look as she took a bite out of her meal and said, "I think this may be the first time I ever saw Manon laugh in the past three years."
Manon just rolled her eyes "First and only. Not everyone is lucky enough to see it."
Yrene just said in a playful tone from beside Manon, "Everyone but Dorian right? I bet he gets to see it all the time."
Aedion smirked "Oh, yes. How are you feeling Manon dearest? Your princeling is coming soon."
Lysandra took a sip of her wine "Aelin, make sure that once Dorian is here, you send these two to the furthest part of the palace. They haven't seen each other in months, so it will be our poor ears that will bleed because of their 'union'."
Manon just scoffed and replied dryly, "I'll have you know, princeling's visits are strictly business." She shot a pointed glance at Yrene, who grinned mischievously.
Aedion chuckled, raising his eyebrows suggestively. "Business, huh? I'm sure it's a very serious matter, indeed."
Yrene raised her hands innocently. "Who am I to argue with our King?"
Aelin laughed, shaking her head. "Well, let's hope Dorian's arrival brings some distraction from all this impending doom." She glanced at Rowan, who was deep in conversation with Chaol about strategy.
Lysandra smirked. "If anyone can distract Manon from her duties, it's Dorian."
Manon rolled her eyes again but couldn't hide a small smile. 
Everyone, including Fenrys laughed at that and y/n felt a moment of pure bliss, seeing them interact so closely with one another. It reminded her of the inner circle but.....for some reason that didn't make her miss home at all.
But her moment of happiness was still mixed with discomfort as that mysterious gaze kept on burning a hole through her skull. When she turned her head around, she saw a servant girl who was just refilling the pitcher with water.
Everyone around her were busy with conversation, but she still felt uneasy. What was-
Fenrys gently put his hand on hers under the table and looked at her with a concerning gaze. "Are you well?"
She nodded her head slightly but that didn't ease her growing unease that someone was watching her.
The servant girl came closer to her, filled her cup with water and said "Take it."
Y/n just smiled, slightly uncomfortable as she replied, "I'm not thirsty."
The girl just gave her a cruel smile as she said in a sharp tone, "No, take what's coming for you, Winged Fury."
Before y/n could even process what was going on, the servant lunged for her, effectively throwing y/n down as everything around them erupted into chaos.
Y/n felt like she was suffocating as the the girl kept on choking her. From her peripheral vision, she saw Fenrys doing something but....her vision started going dark. This girl was inhumanly strong.
The last thing she heard before darkness enveloped her was "The Valg princes send their regards."
Taglist: @ladespedidas @mis-lil-red @going-through-shit @kaitttttttt @blackgirlmagicforever
@acotar-writing @paleidiot @snoopyspace @stained-glass-eyes0708 @saltedcoffeescotch
@wallacewillow0773638 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @crazylokonugget @bunnyredgirl
@fullmoon-94 @thecraziestcrayon @idkwahr
@sstrohma @optimisticbabydreamer @rcarbo1 @batboygirlie
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kimchiagustd · 5 months
one week post KOA reading and not surprisingly, i am still mourning... spoilers ahead but i need to let go of all these feelings.
i miss this new family i discovered, the excitement of the next chapter or the next book, the anguish, the tears, the cliffhangers, the surprises, the couples and friendships dynamics. i miss everything about tog!
my brain is still processing aaaallllll the events of 7000 pages and a lot of things are settling when i could not process everything while still reading the books…
but to me, this saga is a masterpiece for so many reasons. as a woman, there are so many things validating in these books, i don’t even know where to begin with.
the sorority in tog is still mind blowing to me, probably my favorite part of the whole saga, that we clearly don’t talk about enough. the ending with aelin walking to meet her people with her girlfriends, marching with them as equals still gives me goosebumps. aelin and lysandra friendship (bestfriends and soulmates), aelin and ansel friendship (free young spirits), aelin and manon friendship (rivals then equal queens), aelin and yrene friendship (sisters), aelin and nesryn friendship (admiration and role models), aelin and elide friendship (bonded by fate and a love for the same kingdom) are so precious to me... i could write entire essays about them. i adore how all the female characters just fell in love with aelin, saw her vision of a better world and just followed her to the end. and then, the thirteen, do i even need te explain myself? i think a part of me will forever mourn them. the heartbreak i felt after their death is unspeakable. i never read a book with such flawed and beautiful characters. asterin (her hunter and her whichling), sorrel, vesta, imogen, ghislaine, faline, fallon, edda, briar, thea, kaya and linnea have my whole heart.
marion and josefin are branded in my very soul. their characters had so few pages but gods, how their sacrifice still resonate in me...
then the different journeys of all the characters… chaol has a special place in my heart, despite everything, despite all these things being said about him. he had so many flaws, did so many mistakes, but what a journey, what a fight against depression and disability, what an end… he was so lost and tormented throughout thousands of pages, even while being passionately in love with celeana (not aelin!), and is so appeased at the end, married and soon to be a dad… i rarely felt so proud of someone, fictional character or not. i am convinced chaol is one of the best written characters of the saga.
i read a lot of mean things about aedion too and that just broke my heart because the man redefined loyalty all by himself. he lost everything he was taught to believe in, whored himself with the enemy for his people while believing he lost his entire family and kingdom, lost every men and women in koa as a general (his very essence as a person!) and still held the line for hundreds of pages like rowan told him to do so. I. JUST. DON'T. GET. WHY. he is so hated for some fights with lysandra (that i don't excused!) in a horrific context, in the middle a many battles and thousands of casualties. just reread aedion's arc during koa : the only thing he experienced for hundreds of pages is failure, death, grief, terror and guilt, believing he failed terrasen again. LEAVE. MY. MAN. ALONE. plus, aedion is a bisexual icon, and he slayed the whole books, period.
same thing with lorcan. oh my lorcan… i won’t even begin with him but gods, what awful things i read about him… i don't know why but i fell really hard for this character, despite knowing very few things about him. he was far from being perfect, we agree on that. but what a redemption arc. him being finally at peace at the end, after 500 years of wars, (self-)hatred and being used and fooled by a valg bitch queen, made me tear up as mush as sam's death (shocking, i know but i don't make the rules).
i think, surprisingly regarding our society, people were harsher with the male characters than the female ones. aelin, manon, lysandr and elide lied and did mistakes too, yet somehow, people forgave them immediately. i think we should reflect on that.
a few words about baby dorian too... i think his end was my biggest and bitter disappointment at the end of the whole saga. i can't even tell how his ending wreaked me. he is the one character not at peace at the end of this whole journey. his city is utterly ruined, he is alone in his big castle (the very place where he lost the first woman he sincerely loved and the very place where he was enslaved) with the thought he killed the man he hated his whole life but somehow wasn't the bad guy, his friends are all married or happily in love, even manon won back the witches and her lost kingdom... but dorian is lonelier than ever and that does not sit right with me. he was such a hopeful and loving young man at the beginning of the saga but is broken at the end... i NEED a sequel, he deserves one, more than anyone.
and rowan, oh rowan... i think "love" is not strong enough to define aelin and rowan relationship. the way they overcame depression together long before falling in love with each other is one of the most beautiful thing of this saga. they just saw each other. i love how rowan accepted aelin 1000000%, flaws, scars, fire and all. i love how he never overstepped. like many people, i read acotar before tog and thought no one could surpassed rhysand but how wrong i was... to me, rowan is the best for so many reasons. he never took decisions for aelin, always respected her every moves, respected her pace, never lied to her. i am emotional writing this because him saying "aelin is my heart... my fireheart"... *sob* aelin loves rowan with every bones and cells in her body but rowan's love for aelin? i don't know, there's something about it, i can't find the right words... i don't think i'll ever find an other rowan in an other book. rowan was intensity, hatred, heartbreak, depression, longing, guilt, pain, redemption, learning, harshness, softness, falling in love, crossing an ocean for the woman he loved, giving her an armada when he had nothing, tattooing wyrdkeys in her back to bring her back to him, waiting, loving, loving, loving again and again and again. rowan is suddenly the sweetest and most beautiful name i've ever heard. rowan is love and so much more. rowan is aelin's heart and soul and the key to this new world because aelin without rowan is fear and too far gone. rowan is everything. and what i am about to write seems crazy but i think because there's so much things happening in tog, so much characters loving each other, so many couples we rooted for, we took for granted rowan's love and actions and he somehow became a secondary character - crazy, right? i think we loved passionately his character (especially in hof and qos) but somehow forgot on the way how utterly incredible and unique he is. him saying in qos aelin must build a theater in terrasen after the war and then him offering it to her as a mate / wedding gift at the end of koa? i mean, our boy is a man of his word and i love him so much for it. WE TOOK ROWAN FOR GRANTED AND DID NOT GIVE HIM ENOUGH CREDIT.
anyway, i could write so many more things about so many characters and scenes that broke me in these books (my same is sam cortland and i am not afraid) but you got the idea.
tog is the best saga i've ever read and i am not the same person anymore after reading it. i'll take time to heal. but how grateful i am i have a good run with all these characters...
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throneofsapphics · 1 year
I am in need of more Manon x reader with some ✨angst✨ and ✨spice✨
(You’re writing is amazing. Don’t forget to take care of yourself and sleep well ❤️)
running from the truth 
Summary: The words were poison on Manon’s tongue, but she said them anyway. “I should not have, but I don’t regret it.” Your eyes fluttered shut, and she watched another tear drip down your cheek. When your eyes opened, she saw the reputation you carried - not the female she grew to love. 
Word Count: ~2k 
Warnings: angst, infidelity, a sprinkle of smut, not proofread, minors dni!
A/N: thank you you're so sweet, take care of yourself!! reader is fae and has magic 
“I can’t stand you right now,” you nearly-yelled, hands gripping your hair. 
“Then why are you still here?” She raised one brow. You forced yourself to stay calm, not to swallow harshly or give any indication of your nerves. 
“You’re right.” You gave a half-grin, aware you probably looked crazed. You turned on your heel, ready to pack your things and head to your room, when you caught a strange scent. A male scent, one of arousal mixed with Manons. This time, you couldn’t control how your fists clenched and your jaw tightened. “I thought you had more respect for me than that.” You hissed and walked as fast as you could, slamming the door behind you and throwing a shield up, ensuring she couldn’t get through without another magic wielder. 
But, it wasn’t necessary. Manon left your shared rooms and you could’ve sworn you heard “I cannot deal with this now.” 
You dropped to your knees, ignoring the harsh impact of the floor, your nails digging into your hair. The sheets were rumpled, her scent from the night before lingering on the sheets. 
Manon’s hand crept between your thighs as you pressed your back against her, one hand coming around to fist her hair. You shook your head - knocking the thoughts away. 
The ‘exclusive’ conversation happened a mere two months ago. You’d been together much longer than that, but finally agreed for it to be just the two of you. You ran through the day in your mind, you had gotten into a fight this morning - over a female friend of yours. And just that, just a friend you’d never had any inclination of being with, but Manon thought she was too flirty. So gods-damned jealous and you were kicking yourself for staying around in the first place. Your body moved on auto-pilot as you packed as much as you could fit into one bag, but you didn’t have many things anyway so you grabbed what was most important to you - she could throw away the rest for all you cared. 
Where the hell would you go? Your lease ran out on your apartment a month ago, hence Manon’s insistence you should move into the castle with her. She told you she loved you a week ago, and you said it back. Maybe it was time to go home for a while, to go back to Terrasen. In your animal form, you could make it there in a week or less comfortably. You shifted, and a falcon shot skyward through the window, not bothering to close it. 
You didn’t bother sending word you’d be coming, chances are the message wouldn’t arrive before you. Besides, you knew you were always welcome in Orynth. Words from the Queen herself, one of your closest friends. And closest protestors as you moved down to the Witch Kingdom - insisting she needed more female presence around the castle. 
Despair followed you for the first day of your trip, the urge to turn back and go beg her for answers crossed your mind every other minute. Only your pride and sense of worth kept you soaring through the skies. The week's journey turned to five days and you flew, fueled on pure spite and only stopping as long as necessary. Relief hit you when you passed the Anascul mountains. Pine and snow filling the air and flooding all of your senses. Home, you were home. 
You shifted at the edge of the plains of Theralis, stumbling over to a nearby pond, checking you didn’t look too bedraggled.  A mile or so out, you soared towards the ground and shifted, smoothly picking up your steps. You decided making the approach on foot would be better, less likely to spook any of the guards. 
By pure chance, and maybe dumb luck, Rowan, your cousin, was outside of the walls, walking with who looked like a new captain for the guard. Or maybe an unlucky soldier. Either way, he scented your approach and quickly whirled your way. You saw his mouth move, him giving a short nod, and the other male scattering as he shifted. Shortly after, he appeared back before you. You knew the scent of your grief and anger was strong. 
“Is Aelin going to torch someone?” He said as a way of greeting, and you let out a weak laugh. 
“I’ll do my best to prevent it.” He cursed under his breath, but kept pace with you as you made your way through the city walls. At least he’s not already lecturing you on why you should’ve never left, like Aelin will be within the next hour. 
Aelin’s incensed anger at your hurt was enough that you kept yourself from telling them anything, beyond it was over between the two of you and you left. As much anger as you held for her now, you didn’t want any harm to come to her. Her and Rowan badgered you for three days before realizing you wouldn’t budge. 
“Stubbornness is a family trait then.” Aelin huffed, aggressively shoving a chocolate in her mouth. 
“If you haven’t learned that yet, I’ve vastly overestimated your intelligence.” You dodged the flaming arrow shot your way, extinguished by Rowan - followed with an exasperated sigh. 
You rolled in your bed that night, sheets tangling around you before you threw them off, muffling a yell of frustration in your pillow. A male? Cheating on you with a fucking male. Gods you wanted to throttle her, to scream at her, to have some way to let everything out. But, you couldn’t exactly fly back to the Witch Kingdom and track her down - that would require swallowing any pride you had left. 
Hours later, you fell asleep as the dawn rays just began to peek through. 
Your back arched on the bed, hands fisting the sheets. Iron nails held your thighs apart, digging in to bring that perfect edge of pain to combine with the pleasure - her tongue flicking against your clit, stopping to nip and suck at your thighs, murmur all sorts of filthy things to you, drive you to the edge over and -
You woke with a start and a gasp as someone pounded on the door. 
“Have a nice dream?” For fucks sake, Fenrys was back from his trip.   
“Y/n.” Aelin screamed, storming into your rooms. 
“What the fuck is-” You started to grumble, rolling out of your bed,
“Abraxos was just spotted on the Plain.” Your body thumped on the ground as you let out a groan. Her feet came into your line of sight, along with an outstretched hand. You grabbed it and let the Queen drag you to your feet. 
“Only ten days,” Aelin mused. “If she’s not on her knees begging, I’ll turn her to ash.” 
“Not necessary,” you quickly said as she stalked off to your closet. Clothes flew for you, and you caught them - quickly changing into what she picked out. A simple top and pants, simple but ones that showed off your figure in a very flattering light. 
“Really, Aelin?” You groaned and she grinned at you. Not a friendly grin, but one that promised trouble. 
“I’m going with you.” Aelin announced. 
“I’m going with her.” Fenrys’s voice breezed through the door. 
“Nobody’s coming with me,” you said firmly. “I can handle the witch.” 
Aelin grumbled some unintelligible words. 
“She’s only pissy because she hasn’t burnt anything in a while.” The door flew open and a flame shot towards Fenrys and a resounding yelp boomed through the doorway. 
A grin crossed your face, disappearing as soon as you remembered exactly who you were going to meet. A few deep breaths later, you stalked out into your sitting room. A low whistle came from Fenrys and you shot him a warning glance. He held his hands up in a show of innocence, drawing an eye roll and smile from you. 
You could bar Aelin and Fenrys from coming with you, but you had a feeling that a white-tailed hawk would be perched somewhere nearby. Fae bullshit, but you can’t blame them - you’re the same way. 
You were waiting, arms crossed as you stood in the doorway of the Aerie, Abraxos landing not far from you. You smiled as he let out a happy noise of greeting, but your expression fell flat as you looked at his rider. You were always good at hiding your emotions, for the most part, but your scent would betray everything. 
“Running in the middle of the night?” She purred, stalking towards you. You held your ground, not daring to reach for any weapons.
“I left in the middle of the day, but you wouldn’t know that - warming someone else's bed now?” 
Manon snarled at you, and you bared your teeth back. “I. Would. Never.” She retorted through gritted teeth. 
“That doesn’t explain your scent ten days ago.” 
“What the hell are you talking about?” You could see iron nails ready to shoot out, and you relaxed your arms - going in reaching distance of your daggers.
“We got in a fight and you slept with someone else.” You deadpanned, but began to doubt yourself. 
“That’s what you meant. ‘I thought you had more respect for me than that.’” Those beautiful burnt gold eyes narrowed, her head tilting. 
“How sweet of you to memorize my words.” Her fist clenched, but no iron shot out towards you. Antagonizing her is one of your favorite hobbies. But - right now it was in a mean spirit, not the warm-hearted banter back and forth between the two of you, you pissing Manon off, and her showing you ‘your place.’ 
Manon’s hand gripped the back of your hair, pulling you back against her chest as one hand snuck around your front, running circles around your clit as you screamed her name. 
“I happened to be in a meeting, thinking of you.” You’ve always been good at reading people, at sniffing out a lie - but Manon was an expert. You waited, giving her time to sweat and see if she would give a telltale sign. Her left temple twitched slightly, and you shook your head. 
You sat under her desk, her thighs clamping around your head as one hand held you tight to her - the other shuffling through the papers on her desk. The only sign of her arousal being the low moans and slight quivering of her thighs. 
“If you’re going to chase me down to my home,” you knew that word would hurt - two weeks ago you would’ve called the Witch Kingdom your home, “at least tell the truth.” 
Her nostrils flared. “I … I was angry. I should not have done that.” 
Gods, you almost wish you would’ve just accepted her lie now. The confirmation was almost worse. Manon’s eyes tracked the tear dripping down your cheek, on instinct her hand reached out to flick it away but you flinched and took a large step back. Her arm slowly lowered back to her side, and her eyes softened for a brief second before they hardened. You were looking at the Manon you met, the cold-hearted and stoic witch, not the one you fell in love with. The switch was instantaneous and you changed your mind, that hurt worse than the lie. 
The words were poison on Manon’s tongue, but she said them anyway. “I should not have, but I don’t regret it.” Your eyes fluttered shut, and she watched another tear drip down your cheek. When your eyes opened, she saw the reputation you carried - not the female she grew to love. 
You turned on your heel and left the aerie and she tracked your figure down the steps, all the way to the curve where you disappeared before turning back to Abraxos. Who had a disappointed look on his face. 
“Not you,” she snarled and he huffed. Manon didn’t bother trying to see anyone else, only soaring off into the skies. It was just an hour past dawn, she could get a good headstart and hopefully outrun any Fae bastards or fire-breathing Queen’s. On second thought, she should’ve checked for anything nearby. Too late now, there’s no chance y/n will come back and she can respect her for that. 
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shadowqueenjude · 3 months
Coming out with my truth 🙋‍♀️
So I read the Throne of Glass series before I read the ACOTAR series, and you know my favorite character is Lorcan (Chaol is a close second). And when Azriel was first introduced, I thought he seemed similar to Lorcan in many ways:
1. Being preoccupied with the same woman for 500 years
In Lorcan’s case, it was a little different. We don’t know when exactly Maeve took Lorcan in, but he reads as a teenager. Imagine being a poor kid on the streets, having these death powers you’re terrified of. Then this beautiful, rich queen takes you in and tells you you’re worthy and gives you a home and a life and a purpose. It’s only natural to develop an idyllic relationship and even a crush on them, especially when they’re actively manipulating you and abusing you using the blood bond. Unfortunately, poor Lorcan had no idea what the fuck love even was, so he thought it was love. Then he met Elide, his mate, and realized it was not.
In Azriel’s case, it seems like he’s convinced he’s unlovable and therefore he has latched onto Mor because he knows he has no chance with her (as she prefers women) but she’ll also never go away (or so he thinks). There are no stakes in going after someone like that, and so he continues to do it. When he finally stops going after Mor, he latches onto Elain instead, another unavailable woman. Because no matter how much he rants and complains about the cauldron, Elain is still Lucien’s mate and will never be able to give herself fully to him. I must confess I was genuinely shocked that Moriel at some point was endgame, but I am not at all surprised she retconned it because it would’ve been extremely icky.
2. Their mates are exceptionally well loved by everyone who meets them and they both have a cunty “mean girl” bestie who would literally die for them. Elide’s “mean girl” bestie is Manon, of course. Gwyn’s “mean girl” bestie is my bbg Nesta.
3. Both of them have strange shadowy “death powers” that are so rare and unheard of that no one really knows what they’re about.
4. Both of their mates have experienced some kind of SA.
Now, many characters have, but the reason it’s so important for these two characters particularly is how much it has affected them compared to other characters. Elide and Gwyn’s arcs, in many ways, revolve around their experience. Gwyn’s journey from being raped and rescued and brought to Night where she mainly lived in the library, afraid to come out because of what happened to her. Then later learning the mental and physical techniques of the Valkyries to eventually overcome it to an extent (but she still returned to the library at the end of ACOSF which shows she hasn’t fully recovered).
Elide’s SA in the Morath dungeons leading to her having difficulty believing in the goodness of men. In her POV saying that the only way she’d ever feel desire is with someone who she trusted so deeply all the horrors went away. Her finding that in Lorcan. Her journey from being a scared woman with some wits to being the bad bitch who lifted Lorcan’s axe to kill the ilken and came up with the plan to destroy Erawan.
Also a bonus: Azriel and Lorcan are the subbest men SJM has ever written😂
Things that we saw with Elorcan that I think we’ll see with Gwynriel:
In Kingdom of Ash, there is a scene where Elide watches Lorcan torture someone and she does not balk from it. I believe Gwyn will have a similar moment with Azriel.
With Elide, we saw her make the first move on Lorcan. Just like that, I think Gwyn will be pursuing Azriel.
We eventually saw Elide take up a leadership position as Lady of Perranth. I believe we’ll see something similar when Gwyn becomes the High Priestess of Prythian.
That was long. Anyway if you read this far thank you!
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esotericas-sims · 1 month
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Chapter Four
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Some weeks later, I awoke in the early hours of the morning to a faint rustling of fabric, and the murmur of voices in the hall. My father's I knew by heart, and Ioanna's I was beginning to recognize the feel of. Murmurs of "stay with your sister" and "Rome" and "revolution" were all I caught through the walls of the nursery.
I slipped out of bed, and waited at the door for my father's footsteps to recede - hurried, harried - before entering the hall. I tailed him silently, watching always for someone who might spot a child out and about, and make noise in protest. There was nobody.
Once my father made it through the doors, he began to run. He was dressed in commoner's clothes, simple and brown. A carriage was waiting for him.
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Once he was inside, he slammed a fist against the wall, and shouted, "Go!" At the driver. "Go now!"
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By a trick of marvelous fortune, the driver was a dear friend of mine. He said nothing when he saw me climb carefully onto the back of the carriage, just whipped the horses and set off. The wind whipped at my hair as we rode, and the early-morning chill drove me to huddle against the wood, clutching onto a rail to prevent myself from falling off.
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We came, after nearly a full twenty-four hours of ceaseless travel, to a house. I gathered we were no longer in France. Different flags flew here, and the air was warmer, even at night. Italy, then? Rome, as Ioanna had spoken of?
The house was nothing against Versailles, of course, but it was a beautiful thing, covered in statues and frescoes and green growing things. I followed my father up to the gates. The driver had been a great help - throughout the journey, my father had yet to notice my presence. Or so I thought.
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"Manon," He said, scowling as I approached. "What in the name of God do you think you're doing here?"
"I'm coming with you," I declared, head held high. "I want to know what you're doing."
"You shouldn't have left! You're not supposed to be anywhere outside of Versailles right now, Manon. It's dangerous out here, especially for people like us."
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"What do you mean, people like us?" I asked, arms crossed over my chest. I had yet to understand the honest truth of the revolution brewing around us, or to understand that we were the enemies of the revolutionaries, not their friends. I saw only a just cause, and wanted to align myself with it. Justice was paramount in my mind, back then.
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"Nobility, Manon. We are not common people, which means that the common people despise us. Your mother..." He loved to place the blame on her. It was a clumsy attempt to turn us against her, though completely ineffective. All my sisters mourned the divorce, and longed for her company. My father cleared his throat, and glanced up at the house. A man stood there, fully dressed despite the late hour, and was staring down at the both of us.
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"I can not have this conversation now. Go back to the carriage, wait with the driver," He said, meeting eyes with the man now standing on the house's balcony. "I must go. We will discuss your punishment when we get home, Manon."
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He set off without another word, not even checking to see if I'd made it back into the carriage. I watched the two of them disappear into the bright warmth of the house, and was alone.
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Barred, by iron and by my father's word, from pursuing my curiosity. I wanted desperately to know what they were meeting about, why my father had come all this way on foot. Why not just send a courier with a letter?
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I didn't know, and the not-knowing burrowed at me. Being aware of your own ignorance but being unable to solve it is one of the greatest pains a person can feel.
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SJM ask game
I saw this ask game started by @milswrites and I absolutely love it!
1) What’s your favourite SJM book?
It is a tie between ACOMAF, QOS, and CC1. Those are my top 3 and they rotate on a daily basis on which is my favorite.
2) Which is your favourite series (tog, acotar or cc)
TOG is def my favorite of the three. The story is so beautifully bookended, each book can stand by itself, the characters are amazing and they go through so much growth. I love ACOTAR because I love the relationships that are built there and the world building is so interesting. I also read ACOTAR at a very dark point in my life and reading about Feyre digging herself out of the darkness helped me do the same. I love Ruhn Dannan. Daynight is life. Enough said.
3) Who is your favourite character? (And why?)
I have to have a favorite character from each series. For ACOTAR, gwyn has whittled her way into my heart as my favorite character. Her bravery, her selflessness, her determination. We see her interact with characters who are previously shown to be extremely unaproachable and she treats them like normal people. She is healing and is in the process of building a life that is worth living. I cannot wait to read more of her journey in the next book. For TOG, my favorite characters are Aelin, Manon, and Lysandra. Aelin is forced to be so strong from such a young age, and the shit that she is put through just makes my heart ache. KOA broke my heart so many times because she felt so broken and I feel like we never got a true conclusion to it. Manon is such a prime example of Nature vs Nurture. She was Nurtured to be a heartless killer, but once she started seeing the world for what it was and seeing the injustices her people were committing, she and the 13 stood up for what was right and went up against their sister Ironteeth in battle in order to fight for a better world. Lysandra has been a favorite of mine since the first time I read her on the page. She was taken advantage of and was forced into a role outside of her command. The way she takes her own life in her hands, she puts the needs of others before her own, and was a friend to Aelin when she truly needed one will solidify her as one of my favorites. It is no surprise that Lydia is my favorite CC character. I loved her in CC2, but she CARRIED CC3. She is like the perfect mix of Rhys and Aelin and her ancestors would be proud of her and what she has done.
4) Do you have a favourite quote from one of the books?
I have a million favorite quotes. One of the ones I wouldn't mind getting a tattoo of is "Don't let the Hard days win" it is simple but so impactful and some days I need the reminder. I cannot stop crying when I read Lehabah's last conversation with Bryce. Also, I definately Bawl everytime Aelin hallucinates about her parents and her mom says, "Why do you cry, Fireheart?"
5) Favourite ship?
In no particular order: Gwynriel, Feysand, DayNight, Rowaelin, Lysaedion, Nestaq.
6) E/riel or Gwynriel? Or neither?
I think my username speaks for itself
7) Who’s the most underrated SJM character?
NESRYN MF EMPRESSES FALIQ. I love her. I know she isn't on my list of favorites but she is 100% a favorite. Her and Sartaq are just *Chef's Kiss*
8) Which character do you wish to learn more about?
Oooooh. Azriel, Gwyn, Jessiba, Lydia, VAUGHN, Lucien.
9) Are there any characters you don’t like?
Besides the bad guys? I don't care for Ithan but its not that I don't like him. He just reads like a washed up frat boy but I was impressed with his growth in CC3. It's not like I HATE him, he just isn't a favorite of mine.
10) Favourite bat boy?
It should come as ZERO surprise that Azriel is my favorite bat boy. However, if I had to choose ANY of the SJM Males to be my mate, it would be Dorian :) I would die fighting Manon for him but worth it lol
11) Favourite court?/ Which one would you most like to live in?
I most definately fit into the Night Court. Anyone who knows me knows I am a night owl and I would sleep all day and be awake at night if I could. If Eris was high lord, my second choice would be Autumn.
12) Favourite SJM villain?
I think we can all agree that Maeve is the most flushed out villian that SJM has written to date. I love to hate her.
13) If you could change one thing in any of the books what would it be?
I would get rid of all the "crumbs" for E/riel and I would make Mor more open about her sexuality with the IC from the beginning. I am fixing both in FM2M.
14) Favourite SJM theory?
Gwynriel are mates. There is way too much canonical evidence to prove otherwise.
15) Favourite Archeron sister?
16) A character you feel is over-hated/ underrated
Aedion. Leave my boy alone. Was he a dumbass? Yes. HOWEVER, think about his trauma and the BS Lysandra and Aelin pulled on him. He has had the weight of his kingdom on his shoulders for 10 years. He has been playing the game longer than he can remember, was taken advantage of by older men in the army as he worked his way up the ranks. His father's identity needed to be kept a secret to the detriment of his mother and he resents Gavriel for it. They were going to turn him into the same absentee father that he hated, and they threw his trauma in his face. He would have just been a breeding stud and would never be able to recognize his own children. It was a stab right to his heart and he was betrayed by the two people who meant the most to him in the world. Give the boy some grace.
17) Aelin, Bryce, or Feyre?
I think Aelin is the most fleshed out and goes through the most character growth. However, Bryce and Feyre have my heart. I will not choose.
18) If you wrote an acotar book what would you call it?
A Court of Scars and Shadows. Thanks @thebelladonnamoon for coming up with the perfect ACOTAR 6 title.
20) Who is your favourite acotar blogger?
Here on Tumblr, I love @acourtofthought @gwynrieldefenseatty but there are so many that I love :) And, as always, @yazthebookish
21)What fics would you recommend to people who love the series?
OH GOD. Off the top of my head for ACOTAR: ACoFD by @the-lonelybarricade (or ANYTHING by her and @separatist-apologist) ACOSAS by @thebelladonnamoon, Call Me Home by @propagandaprincess, There You Are by @sweethvilliandarlinggod
You can see my bookmarked favorite fics here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Captain_of_the_Gwynriel_Ship
TOG Favorite fics: High Infidelity by @heirofflowers, Bad Intentions by @starseternalnighttriumphant, Illicit Affairs is my ALL TIME FAVORITE by @rowanaelinn, remanents by @the_dormouse, and The Inclining of Stars by @Slytherindemigod18
CC Favorites: I havent read too many, but you can always count on Verzavar Haz by @hlizr50 to break down your soul.
Questions for writers
22) Easiest character to write for?
Probably Feyre or Gwyn. I just feel like I can get in their heads the easiest.
23) Hardest character to write for?
Rhys (so far). It is why he hasn't had a POV yet in FM2M but there will be one in a couple chapters.
24) What’s a character you’d like to write for but haven’t yet? Ooh. Some of the TOG characters. I haven't ventured outside of ACOTAR yet but one day maybe.
25) What’s a court you’d like to write about more?
Autumn wink wink. And Hybern (I know it isn't a court but still).
26) What’s a character you won’t write for and why?
I don't know if there is a character I won't write for. I think it just depends. Probably Elorcan as a couple because as much as I like them, I couldn't really write them.
27) If you could only write for one character ever again, who would you pick?
Gwyn. Easy.
28) Whats your favourite trope to write about when it comes to Azriel?
Oh gods where to start. Friends to lovers, priestess/sinner, trainer/trainee, Acceptance and Longing, Soulmates, Forced Proximity. I could go on.
29) What do you think is the best/favourite acotar fic you’ve written?
I mean definitely FM2M, but I loved writing Up Against the Wall and coming up with the idea for The Great Escape.
30) Who are your favourite friendships to write about?
Right now, the valkyrie and Mor and Feyre, Cassian and Feyre, and Lucien and Feyre.
31) For first time readers to your blog, which three fics would you recommend they read?
Obviously FM2M, you can read some of my other one shots or short fics or check out some of my favorite fics above!
This was super fun and a way to distract me from such a boring work day haha
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yazthebookish · 1 year
There's a difference between wanting Gwyn to be a more multi-layered character (which doesn't necessarily mean she has to be evil or deeply flawed e.g., Yrene, Elide, etc) whose journey is to overcome her obstacles and show what a resilient character she is like all SJM heroines.
Villainize her in the name of "adding complexity and different layers to a character" but her main role would be a plot device used to keep apart two lovebirds, rather than it be a journey of her overcoming her "so-called flaws and darker side" becauee she's just that—a plot device. It doesn't benefit her character at all no matter how you look at it.
So tell me which one genuinely benefits her own arc if people are so eager for her to face challenges and master whatever power she has and to make her as flawed as possible?
Doesn't this whole "luring argument" stem from the fact that she was in Azriel's bonus chapter? Azriel having a positive interactions with her? The slight romantic coding at the end of the chapter?
Although I'm not a fan of the Lightsinger theory because where the canon stands they're nothing but monsters (who knows if she'll elaborate more on those creatures or not)—but the arguments I read from the few Gwynriels who support this theory (a different version from the villain one), they provide much more compelling arguments and theories because the outcome is how to overcome that power, how to be in control, how to not let it define you, and all of that benefits Gwyn's journey alone, no one else.
This series is a romance and I read it for the romance but I also love those healing journeys Sarah writes for these characters regardless of their background and history. I'm by no means an expert in Sarah's writing style or storytelling, but as an avid reader of her books I have faith that she will do all these characters justice, including Gwyn. I always depend on Sarah on writing the most beautiful healing journeys for them alongside a sizzling romance.
And people don't get this... readers can still love Gwyn even if she had a monstrous or darker side. Lidia "The Hind" has so much blood in her hands. Manon has so much blood in her hands. Aelin has so much blood in her hands. Nesta was literally Death. Yet all these characters we managed to love because the author made us love them regardless of their bloody and dark past. They still have love interests who loved them and accepted their past.
Azriel did fucked up shit, would you really think he of all people would judge and resent Gwyn if she had a darker or monstrous side? Would it deter him? He did worse than what we already know.
Sometimes the discussions around Gwyn just strip her of everything we know about her from the canon text because it becomes easier to taint her intentions and actions.
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infiniteetcetera · 18 days
[Broken up as girls vs boys bc if it wasn’t it’d just be like all the girls and Dorian]
1) DORIAN HAVILLIARD👑: NO ONE IS SURPRISED BUTTTT truly love him so much, no notes at all✨Hot, sweet, kind, respectful?? Amazing character journey??? Served “I’ll bleed whatever color you tell me” AND “you cannot pick and choose what parts of her to love”??? Impossible not to love him
2) Rowan👑: Another angel who just wants to love, respect, and protect his wife✨ his sense of humor is so underrated and he’s just overall a generally good/fun guy
3) Fenrys: I’m actually SO sad we don’t get more of him because he steals every scene he’s in. He’s so charming and fun despite everything he’s been through and his friendship with Aelin has my heart. Also love a sassy man🔥😩
4) Chaol: Hot take perhaps but I love him and his character arc so much. One of the most realistic SJM characters overall and more than any other he just has such a kind heart and genuinely wants to do the right thing and protect those he cares about. Also underrated hottie, smooth AF when he wants to be THERE I said it🔥
5) Azriel: We have so little of him but I love him so much already😭 will probably be higher after his book, I just already love how he’s such a perfect balance of mysterious/hot and gentle/kind. he’s also SOOOO funny??? like one of the funniest ACOTAR characters by FAR
6) Rhysand: Maybe controversial because I feel like most people either love him like #1 style or hate him completely but I think Rhys is SOOO complex and one of SJM’s most interesting characters. He’s been through more than almost any other character and I think if he was perfect after that he wouldn’t be realistic, so even despite his flaws I love him and want the best for this silly sassy fairy boy✨
7) Lorcan: I have my moments with this guy but I do love him😩 he can be a little bit too broody at times but he has others to remind him to cut the nonsense so✨he definitely gets extra points for changing his name to Lord Lorcan Lochan (even though I know Fenrys and Aelin never let him live that down) and just generally loving his wife
8) Lucien: I LOVE my sassy fire boy😩🔥 Book 1 Lucien would be higher but he’s gone missing since then🤧 still love him though and hope we get to see more of his charisma in future books because he’s so fun and deserves a happy ending
9) Sartaq: SOOOO underrated and for why??? Him and Nesryn are SO adorable and he’s just so cool??? Super smart, funny, kind and just a great leader??? literally told the girl he likes “marry me and be my queen or i’ll quit and just be your man” like???? only so low because we get so little of him but TOD is actually one of SJMs best books too
10) Aidas: would have felt rude to put ZERO crescent city boys on this list and this spot wouldddd be Ruhn but he was an absolute dumpster fire in CC3 with Lidia so he’s lost his place🫡✨ but AIDAS I literally kept waiting for more of him the whole series because he’s so cools and suave (and a cat boy😩🔥) and brought this interesting morally grey twang to CC that it was missing. wish they expanded more on him but I love ALL his scenes
1) AELIN ASHRYVER WHITETHORN GALATHYNIUS & MANON BLACKBEACK: no you can literally not make me chose they’re both PERFECT. perfect character arcs, perfect stories, perfect vibes, no notes at all✨🔥❤️ two of the most fun MC’s i’ve ever read and super interesting story arcs. Aelin went through so much and I genuinely FELT her journey and Manon was such a fun heartbreaking insane character to follow too I love them both endlessly
2) Elide: okay I LIVE for this girl and I don’t know why she’s so underrated??? like she’s so smart and cool??? survived this whole series with like -100 health and all odds against her and pulls all the baddies because she’s just that good??? is 50% of the reason they win the war??? so funny and generally STANDS ON BUSINESS, like she got the ick from Lorcan and actually made this man GROVELLLL and I love her for it
3) Yrene: ANOTHER underrated queen, i’m obsessed with her😩 there are so few fantasy characters out there like her and I LOVE that in this series of chaos and violence it’s a healer who saves the day and Yrene is so lovely and fun and smart but also stands on business and gets things done and I LOVE her
4) Nesta: I LOVE her and her character arc, she is another one of SJM’s most real/realistic characters and my heart genuinely aches for her, she deserves all the happiness in the world and the only reason she isn’t higher is bc of her choice in men (free her)🤧✨
5) Lidia: This woman literally SAVED the CC series. I would have DNF’d HOSAB if it weren’t for her and her parts were the only bearable ones (besides Nes and Az) in CC3. such an awesome character and her story is so heartbreaking and done so well for just being in one book really?? she’s incredible, I love her, of course she’s related to the queen and king themselves🔥✨
6) Lysandra: an absolute QUEEN and so underrated even though she saves the day countless times and is just so loyal and kind??? her friendships with Aelin and Evangeline are everything. she literally gave her all to fight for a world that had done nothing but hurt her and she’s so brave and beautiful for that, wish we had more of her🤧❤️
7) Asterin: when I tell you I WEPT at her death like a young lad I just JENDKEND for a side character she’s so phenomenal and has SUCH an impact on the entire storyline. her backstory is heartbreaking and yet she’s so full of light and happiness and love for her sisters. BRING MY BODY TO THE CABIN???? LIKE??? gets me everytime and I would SO read a story about her and her hunter boy or her and manon growing up or just her existing again 💔
8) Feyre: I know this feels low BUT i do love her so much, she genuinely starts this all and saved everyone’s ass, her character arc just feels a little incomplete to me and I wish SJM didn’t kick her to the curb because there’s a lot left to be done with her. truly though, I love Feyre and wish the best for her and hope we get to see more from her in the future✨
9) Elain: we’ve gotten so little of her but IDC I love a flower girl❤️🤧 truly though, she’s so intriguing to me and I can’t wait to read more about her (could DEFINITELY be higher after her book) she’s already so kind and fierce and also HILARIOUS, like I have laughed out loud at so many of her scenes😩 her gifts to Azriel being the best gags??? her LOLing when Nesta calls her a bitch??? I know she’s funny AF and we just need to see more of it
10) Emerie & Gwyn: I couldn’t decide again I love them both✨❤️ but really there two are not just what Nesta needed but what I NEEDED to get through ACOSF. their friendships with Nesta have my heart and they’re both so complex and fun even with so little page time??? I can’t wait to read more of them, I feel like both their stories have SOOOOO many possibilities and I am pumped AF for more
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shadowhandss60 · 1 year
I saw your plea for fanfic ideas and immediately hit the ask button.
I beg of you please give us manorian and the thirteen but like happy. This fandom deprives me of happy thirteen content.
Tried for happy and cute while trying to remain true to the characters 🙂
(I liked this, now I wanna do more happy moments with Manorian and the Thirteen)
"Neat trick." Asterin said, lying back on her bedroll. She had an arm tucked behind her head as she stared at Dorian.
He was sitting upright, one arm propped on his bent knee while the other swirled in the air, passing various elements around the fire he had created before them.
"I think it would be more interesting were he to set something or someone on fire," Vesta called from the opposite side, staring a little too long at the king before her.
"Yeah, you.” Sorrel grumbled from her place to the left of Asterin, facedown on her bedroll.
A few of the thirteen laughed at that and Vesta flashed a vulgar gesture towards Sorrel, which the third could not see but returned all the same.
Dorian chuckled under his breath, eyes unfocused as he searched for something, or someone, beyond the circle.
Asterin had noted Manon and Dorian's inclination to save space beside one another when it came time for rest early on in their journey, though she never mentioned it to either of them.
He sent a flame careening around the group and Asterin tracked the glow in the rest of the thirteen’s eyes as they followed it.
The king’s gaze shifted back to the forest before his sapphire eyes landed on the fire again.
"How does it work?" Briar, of all people, called out beside Vesta.
She had been sitting crossed-legged with her arms folded, scowling at the king for darkness knew how long. It was a good sign, considering she usually outright glared at outsiders.
"I just will it." Dorian shrugged. "Sounds foolish when I say it, but it's really my only explanation. I tend to think of some of the elements as seasons at times; it helps me focus when I'm training."
The ball of ice circling the group began to grow until it burst into a whisp of fine flakes that scattered in the breeze, though none hit them.
Imogen raised her hand from her bedroll to try and caress them but said nothing, turning her head to face the king from her place beside Sorrel.
"Ice and snow for winter."
"Your personal favorite," Vesta noted gesturing with the blade she had begun sharpening.
Dorian shrugged. "Yes, you could say that."
A few others sat up, not awoken as none had been sleeping, all waiting for their Wingleader to return, but rather intrigued.
Asterin then heard a sound like a waterfall and looked up to see the dome surrounding the camp where water seemed to trickle down around them, reaching far enough to cover their group of wyverns.
"Water for spring." Dorian continued.
The rain began to stream heavier down the sides of the dome, then as he brought his hand down to stop the downpour, the fire before them roared.
The shield surrounding the camp seemed to thicken as if to keep the blazing light hidden from any watchful eyes.
"Fire for summer."
Asterin looked to him then, his eyes blazing gold when reflected in the firelight.
There was a pause as the flames ceased and Dorian must have been reaching out with his magic as both he, Asterin, and the rest of the thirteen turned their heads to the sound of approaching footsteps.
Manon Blackbeak made her way through the foliage, her hair near luminous in the moon and firelight. Asterin could hear Dorian swallow.
She fought the urge to roll her eyes as Manon's gaze met the king next to her.
"And for Autumn, princeling?" Her cousin's voice rang out as she made her way forward, her mask of annoyance unwavering, though Asterin knew her enough to note the curiosity brimming under the surface.
Asterin turned to Dorian and he kept his eyes focused on Manon, cocking his head slightly, and the wind around them began to roar.
The fire and those on their bedrolls remained untouched, but Asterin could hear the whistle in her ears as if she were soaring through the skies on the back of Narene.
She glanced back to Manon as she strode towards the fire and saw her cousin's hair a whipping mass around her face as she scowled.
Thea snorted and Vesta chuckled under her breath, catching a glare from Manon that had her quieting.
"Wind." The king smirked, resting back on his hands as he surveyed Manon, now standing above him in the space he had unconsciously left for her.
There was a smile playing on his lips that nearly made Asterin grin in return.
She was wary of him when they first met; they all were, but his respect for Manon was evident in how he spoke to her.
Though he challenged her, it was never in a way that made her second's hackles rise. If anything, she found it a grand source of entertainment.
Faline and Fallon had questioned as to why Manon had not killed him yet.
With the way he sometimes spoke so freely with her, it was a wonder he wasn't asking for it, but the demon-twins likely didn't mean it as a genuine question because they could all see the spark of lust and intrigue in Manon's gaze whenever he had a smartass remark or outright questioned her.
Like she wasn't a battle-forged weapon he should fear.
They had all seen him with the collar, seen the monsters that lay underneath the skin, wearing beautiful faces as masks to hide a thirst for violence that even repulsed them.
They knew that he had likely seen nightmares far worse than what surrounded him in this circle, so Asterin found it fitting that he would be the one to pique the Wing Leader's interest.
None had ever spoken to her like that, not even Asterin until recently; she couldn't help but smile at the softness Manon tried to hide when she saw the king.
It reminded her of that cabin, of her hunter, of a life she may not lead but one that Manon may yet experience.
Manon reached down and shoved Dorian's shoulder harder than was necessary as she tugged her bedroll from her shoulder.
"Very cute." She deadpanned.
Kaya grinned from across the fire beside Vesta, and Manon's head shot up as if she could sense it.
"Something funny?"
The witch's grin broadened, but she shook her head, the king speaking in her sted.
"Sarcasm suits you," Dorian said beside her. "Even with that delivery."
Manon stiffened, but she could see her cousin fighting a smile from her place beside her.
"Oh?" She continued to spread the stiff roll of leather. "And what delivery may that be, princeling."
It seemed as though everyone was sitting up now; they had all grown accustomed to the teasing and flirting amongst the two monarchs.
Asterin sometimes grew tired of it as Manon's cousin, but she couldn't deny that the sight of Manon frustrated, in more ways than one, wasn't entertaining.
"Like you'd like to kill me in my sleep tonight."
A few snickers rang around the fire, "Keep talking and I just might."
The king shrugged and laid down again, one arm bent behind his head. Manon sat, still facing the fire.
"I'd like to see you try."
Manon faced him then and though Asterin couldn't see her, she could feel the violence dripping from her posture, mixed with-
"Gross." Sorrel called out beside her.
Manon snapped her head towards her third. “What?" She hissed.
"Oh, you know what…I can't wait until you two can get some privacy and leave us out of this." Thea called.
A few of the other witches began chuckling, and even Asterin couldn't hide her snort of laughter.
Manon's eyes seemed to blaze as she stared down her cousin.
Asterin didn't try to hide her smile. "Don't blame me. You're the one that brought us this particular brand of entertainment."
There were full-on laughs around the fire now and it looked as though Manon was five seconds away from shoving someone into the flames.
"Entertainment, am I?" Dorian purred from the other side of Manon and she sucked in a sharp hiss of breath.
"Yes, and a glorified guard. That is all."
Dorian's eyes glimmered with mischief, but all he said was, "Hmmm." As he again faced the sky, twirled a small vortex of ice, and sent it around the fire.
Suddenly, a small thud from the opposite side of where their Wyverns were, brought them all bolt upright; Manon and the rest of the thirteen stood while Dorian crouched, hands flexed and looking as though they were dipped in ice.
They settled when they saw Abraxos staring from the other side of the shield Dorian had out, looking as annoyed as she had ever seen.
“You can leave but I have to open it to get back in.” Dorian grinned sheepishly towards the wyvern, as if he could understand such things. "Sorry."
Manon scoffed and walked towards her mount.
"You're insufferable." She called out as she strode towards him but her hand stroked his face affectionately, scratching at a scar behind his left eye that had him nearly kicking like a dog.
The beast opened his maw, and a heap of wet, saliva-covered, yellow flowers rolled off his tongue like some kind of offering and Manon jumped to the side.
She was cut off by Thea and Kaya bursting into laughter, followed by Vesta and even the green-eyed demon twins.
If looks could kill, they would have all fallen prey to the glare thrown at them by her cousin.
Still, as Dorian, Sorrel, and Asterin joined in the fray of laughter, Manon's glare subsided into the slightest grin that had the rest of the witches grinning or continuing in their laughter.
A short grunt sounded from Abraxos and Manon turned to face him again as he closed his eyes and seemed to be nuzzled by an invisible force, his chin lifting as if Manon were still scratching at him though her hands were at her side.
They all turned to Dorian, where he now lay on his bedroll, eyes wholly trained on Manon as if 13 deadly witches did not surround him.
He merely smiled and she continued to stare back long enough that Vesta cleared her throat
"Darkness save us. Could you too not grope eachother in front of us."
Manon snarled at that, "No one was groping, watch it."
Vesta snorted and laid back again, settling with her feet stretching towards the fire, raising her hand and flicking it in the air.
"I don't know what he does with those weird ghost hands of his."
"No, but you'd like too-" Imogen sing-songed but was cut off with a grunt, likely from an elbow to the ribs.
Manon scowled, giving Abraxos one last pat on his snout before he sauntered back to nuzzle Asterin's mount, nudging a soaked flower towards her.
She smiles at the gesture and turned back to her cousin, noting the slight flush on her cheeks but deciding not to comment.
"Whoever isn't sleeping in the next 10 minutes is training the princeling tomorrow."
Edda spoke at that, "So, say I'm awake in eleven, I get to spar with him?"
Dorian groaned and rolled towards Manon, speaking in a loud whisper. “Gods help me, make it 30 minutes, please. She’ll be out in 20, and you won’t like me missing teeth.”
Asterin could hear the smile in Manon's voice but her tone was final for all.
Asterin woke at dawn; the sounds around them were muted due to the shield Dorian could somehow keep as he slept though he had his magic reaching beyond, should someone approach.
She sat up on her bedroll, careful not to rouse the others.
Stretching, she smiled to herself as she saw Manon and the king facing each other, though Manon rarely slept on her side, their fingers nearly brushing as they seemed to reach towards each other like reflections in a mirror.
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kpoploverfrevr · 21 days
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"DREAM ACADEMY" Contestants Allegedly Shdes KATSEYE For Being "Mean"
In 2023, HYBE and Geffen Records collaborated to debut a global girl group. The survival show Dream Academy documented the journey to form the final group, KATSEYE, taking 20 trainees selected from thousands of applicants and narrowing them down just to six.
A little less than a month after their official debut, a reality program showing more of their process of creating KATSEYE was added to Netflix;s catalog. Pop Star Academy shows parts of the process that have never been seen before, including the time before the show before.
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However, with Pop Star Academy giving more BTS of the show's formation. Many of the trainees have been accused of mistreating Manon based on their treatment of her after she was added.
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flowerflamestars · 5 months
Now that the multiverse theory is real, I want your take on the whole "Nesta and Manon would kiss if they met" take.
Also, noticed how everyone outside of the Inner Circle, even people from other dimensions, instantly like Nesta. I think my girl was meant for more
Honestly, I hate the multiverse nonsense with a deep, deep passion, but I will forever engage with the showing off this nice fine hill I'll die goddamn mad on: Manon, witch queen goddamn supreme, would rather be fucking dead then beg some mortal man to MARRY HER.
Are you kidding SJM? Joking? Deranged????
(listen. The ship makes sense as a symptom- it's a straight journey from dead mortal true love > suicidal grief + life ruined > hey lets fuck the beautiful lady who might literally eat me, don't worry if I like her too much, she's basically indestructible. But for Manon? I'll accept that she fucks men but literally everything else happening makes zero goddamn sense.)
But back to the topic: I think they WOULD kiss (bi Nesta can be pried out of my cold dead hands), but I do not think they'd stay together. They're too alike! It's not a balanced relationship.
But you know what, it would be like. Soulmate level ride or die forever friendship. Manon and Nesta. Elide and Elain. (Are these friends or alternative versions of the same characters). Nesta is literally IN CANON called a witch (as an insult. For reasons. Because faeries hate...maybe not real witches? For sexism. Mostly).
And I would much rather see Nesta tromping around rebuilding a witchy kingdom than trapped as an abused baby factory. Much!! It would appeal to her skill set and she could have an appropriately mean best friend. They speak the same emotional language. They've been through some shit. They want a better world and maybe also to be free, forever. It's ideal.
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sircesimblr · 9 months
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Manon: Pardon me?!
Stam: What kind of a suit is that?!
Klaus-Ove: Me? Mine?
Manon: Why, yes!
Orbin: Mine, probably.
Stam: Orbin! You're positively reeking of mothballs! Don't - ugh, don't even think of coming near Rachel in that thing. You'll ruin your... why! am I even saying this?
Orbin: Sorry. It's my father's wedding suit. He wore it on the happiest day of his life. I don't own a suit myself so I figured it "suits", haha, to borrow it, for a special day like this. Don't I look, like, "flashy"?
Manon and Stam: "Flashy"?
Manon: Oh, my eyes are hurting me, Mr. Larsen. I cannot look at you. Flashy? Those colours are thunder flashes to the soul. You may be artistic, little pup, but this isn't exactly a display of good taste and modesty!
Klaus-Ove: And why not?
Manon and Stam: Why not?!
Klaus-Ove: People, look at the big picture. Squint your eyes. I am just a simplified representation of this breathtaking nature all around us: the green and mustard grasses, the grey skies and waters, my seven ginger strands of hair, hahaha. I could've gone a little more with the greys, I admit. But imagine Rachel next to me. She's got her hair up. She wears a long dress, like, teal, or soft flaxen... white? Would she not be the only one, anybody would be looking at, next to me? Exactly. And nothing would make me happier. Mr. Stam "let me show some more of my chest so everyone will notice how hot I am" Hardenes!
Stam: I.. I... Oh, shut it.
Klaus-Ove: Hahaha, just teasing, man. You don't care about looks, I know, it's okay, you probably lost a button when you changed. I'll help you look for it later.
Manon: Oh, this is terrible. Absolutely terrible. My apologies, dear Rachel, this was a true misreckoning on my part. Please, please, erase their formal appearance from your mind when this is over... They were such fine, charming gentlemen before... Do - I urge you - do take them to a taylor's first, before you'll debut with either of them in society! Now, gentlemen, let's not prolong this and take our leave. A final bow, a kiss, to our esteemed lady!
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And with that, Miss Rachel Murray, I feel my little adventure, my story about love, is coming to an end.
It wasn't an easy task, but I'm honoured to feel a little of what it must have been for you. My big little nibbles, presenting their solemnest of hearts to only you, dearest and loveliest you. By now they're all behaving like loosened hosiery, pardon me, but you've seen them. Their ways and wishes, words and dreams, and in between the lines, who they truly are.
Dearest Rachel, I wish you the very best of luck. Meeting my gentlemen, and the many more that seek your friendship and affection. Have fun, dear girl, on your journey. I bow to you too. And please, let me, or let my Watcher know some day, how it all turned out for you. It's not only love, it is life.
So, good-day, Watchers, Authors and Readers! Thank you so very much for spending your time with us. And now: back to our own worlds.
(behind the scenes:)
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The gentlemen: Thanks, Miss de La Haye. A bow and a kiss for you too. Here. Here!
Manon: Stop it. Stop it.
The gentlemen: Well done! Good job. Rachel will be over the moon. We'll take it from here! But we'll forever and always be your big little nibbles too.
Manon: My heart. My goodness. Give me a minute to breathe, to recuperate, before our Watcher just magically poofs us back to where we came from. Please excuse me, lovelies. This is not the easiest thing to say good-bye to...
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My big little nibbles. This desolate, lovely island. My heart, my heart, connecting with these gentle souls, like it does with each and every one of my children... it's, it's - how did I ever get to experience this? How do I go back to Praaven remembering this? Knowing these kind of men exist, knowing this kind of love exists, ready to be given to one special woman... Not me...
How do I live on, with all this inside of me?
What... And what... if she makes me... forget? What if my Watcher makes me forget this ever happened, when she sends me back?!
Heavens, no! To forget what became so dear... I don't want to, no... she can't - is that hell? Will she truly send me through hell, to get back?! All of us?!
My goodness, my goodness!! May the heavens help me!!
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Stam: Guys, something is wrong with our hostess. She's having a ... meltdown? Miss! Miss de La Haye, are you alright?!
Orbin: Miss de La Haye? Are you in pain?
Klaus-Ove: Miss de La Haye!
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nikethestatue · 2 months
You noticed how elriels use the 2017 interview and the 2021 interview to confirm that SJM DID say she was planning to write about Elain, but every time we say that, we are told, “it won’t be that obvious”. I think people fail to realize that yes, SJM is obvious. They should be more concerned if SJM isn’t saying anything about Gwyn (which she isn’t). She has said more about Azriel for the love of God. I wasn’t in the fandom years ago, but I know one thing for certain, she let it be known that Nesta’s book was next early on.
If I were the Gwynriels, I would be shaking in my boots right now. SJM keeps reiterating her giving Elain her own story/journey because it’s next. She hasn’t even confirmed a book for Gwyn. And when the book comes out, can they really be surprised? SJM has been letting it be known since 2017. She even doubled down in 21’. 🤣
Yeah, it's always 'it won't be that obvious and SJM changed her mind about Elain', but it's never the same about an obscure 2016 FB Q&A about Elain and Lucien going through things and healing. THAT, apparently, is 'confirmation of Elucien'. SJM repeatedly stating that she knows what the 2 books would be about and that both sisters are getting a book is a 'red herring'. But when SJM openly stated that 'next book will be about Nesta and Cassian' and lo and behold the book was about Nesta and Cassian, that wasn't ....obvious?
Also, why would there ever be a book of Gwyn? Like it's so bizarre to me that they've convinced themselves of that. WHAT secondary characters ever got their own book? Manon? Elide? Lidia? Ressina? Lysandra? Danika? Hypaxia? Mor? Amren? Especially before the FMCs got their chance?
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shadowdaddies · 10 months
Can u do Asterin x reader where reader is Elide’s friend. Manon fell for elide and well…Asterin has eyes for her friend 👀
anon I like how your mind works. I love Malide so this was fun to write💜
Getting Lost
Asterin x Reader
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The carriage driver refused to take you very far past the outskirts of Briarcliff, stopping the horses as he leaped from the coach. As soon as you crossed into the Witch Kingdom, the man tossed your bags out of the trunk, shooing you out of the carriage seat as he left you in the dust. 
You sighed, realizing you should have known it was too good to be true that someone was willing to take you all the way to Crochan castle. The late Summer sun was beating down on you as you clumsily grabbed your bags, beginning the rest of the dreadful journey on foot. 
It was clear how many hours had passed by the setting sun and the ache in your feet. There was nothing and no one around for miles, and you were soon to be alone in the dark. Stopping for a seat on your luggage to rest your sore feet, you read over the letter from your friend, Elide for encouragement. 
You hadn’t seen Elide since she had been taken to Morath by her uncle, believing that you would never be able to see her again. You wept with joy when you received the unexpected letter from her, informing you that her uncle was dead and that she was married to the Crochan Queen, Manon Blackbeak. Leaping at the invitation to visit her, you sent her a letter notifying her that you were on your way and left the next morning. 
Panic filled your bones as you considered a horrifying option. What if Elide never received your letter? What if you were doomed to wander through the Witch Kingdom, with no hope of anyone finding you? Tears threatened to fall at the thought, lower lip wobbling when your thoughts were interrupted by a thunderclap. 
Of course, you thought. Just my luck that it’s going to rain. But when you looked up, you didn’t see rainclouds - you saw something much more terrifying. It wasn’t a thunderclap you had heard, but the flap of a wyvern’s wings as it flew straight towards you. After a frantic search, you realized that there was nowhere to hide from the beast. You were left to accept your fate.
As the beast neared, you stood your ground, hopeful for any confidence that might help you as you calculated your scarily low odds of taking on the creature. But instead of swooping for attack, the wyvern’s wings beat upwards, slowing its descent to land a distance in front of you. It was at that moment when you finally took in the sight of it - a shockingly beautiful, light blue wyvern - with a rider. You struggled to see through the dirt that hung in the air from the wyvern’s landing, only seeing the outline of a tall blonde woman as she dismounted the beast.
She moved towards you, her features coming into focus and taking your breath away. She was stunning, with blonde hair and golden eyes, a beautiful smile lighting up her face as she called your name. You realized that she must be a witch, knees almost buckling with instant relief as you recognized her as your savior. 
“We’ve been looking for you everywhere. Elide will be so glad I found you - she’s been worried sick.” The striking blonde grabbed your bags for you, turning back towards the wyvern. “Come on, then,” she called over her shoulder. “I’m Asterin, by the way.” Asterin, you whispered to yourself - the sound of her name on your tongue made your heart flutter, and you knew this woman would be your ruin in the best way.
After a nauseating flight back to the grand castle, Asterin took your bags, letting you know they’d be in your room. Elide ran out, almost knocking you over with a hug, tears staining cheeks as the two of you embraced, a weight lifted off your shoulders as you saw your friend finally free. Feeling eyes on you, you glanced over Elide’s shoulder to see another stunning woman, similar to Asterin but with white hair - watching you with a small smile. 
Elide pulled back from your hug. “Right, this is Manon,” she said, pulling the witch queen by her hand as she snuggled into her side. You couldn’t help the smile that took over your features, immensely happy for Elide. “It’s so nice to meet you, Manon.”
The couple walked you up to your room, letting you know that a bath was drawn for you and food would be brought to you, as it was late at night by now, and you were desperate for rest after your journey. Bidding them goodnight, you opened the door to your room to see Asterin unpacking your clothes into the dresser. “Oh, you don’t need to do that!” you said in an apologetic tone. 
Asterin had been so kind to you, and you were admittedly flustered by the beautiful witch’s presence, much less her going through your underwear. She turned to smile at you, her bright expression taking your breath away once again. “It’s my pleasure. I’m excited to meet Elide’s friend who I’ve heard so much about. You seem like an incredible person,” Asterin spoke softly, almost shy sounding as she gazed at you with those hypnotizing golden eyes. 
You were enraptured by her presence, unable to think about anything except that smile and how you’d do anything to see it again. Asterin noticed your focus on her lips, the moment becoming heated as you inched closer to each other. Without realizing what you were doing, you brought up your thumb to trace her bottom lip. She sucked in a breath, drawing your attention back to her eyes, wide as she searched your face. 
Whatever Asterin saw in your expression must have encouraged her - brought her own hand up to your chin, surprisingly gentle as she tilted your lips to brush softly against hers. You leaned in further, deepening the kiss for a moment before she pulled away. That devastating smile graced her features once more before she leaned in, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips once more. “Good night,” Asterin whispered as she moved towards the door. 
Asterin turned around, hand on the doorknob as she bit her lip. “I look forward to getting to know you more,” she said before slipping out the door. You collapsed onto the bed, a laugh bubbling up as you grew giddy with excitement. What luck to get lost in the Witch Kingdom.
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