#Mann v Machine
NFTS are already a dead horse topic at this point but I do think it funny that so many NFT games were obsessed with the idea of "play to earn", as in playing the game to earn money. I didn't connect the dots until just now but "play to earn" is already a thing in valve games where you can earn in game items and sell them on the player market. This works way better than earning money directly from the game studio because then you're eating into the game's profits, whereas earning money from a player economy doesn't risk a situation where the developers are giving out more money than they're earning.
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postal3liker · 2 years
tf2 fixing the bot problem is great and all but sometimes its sooo funny because bots are all i play with. wifi too laggy. gotta play practice mode all the time. me and this engineer bot who keeps running into my snipers nest are about to make out rn 
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yronnia · 8 months
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[Edit: check my reblog too, screenshots from the book kindly provided by spookydazechaos]
Agnesses Nyce and not so accurate prophecies with screenshots.
The full list below.
Some are unreadable (to me), so I inserted some X-es instead, where necessary. Interesting is, that Orient Chariot is mentioned twice, in prophecy nr. 3819 anf 4019.
Prophecy nr. 3012 is only one I cant allocate, dont tell me its about Aziraphale and Crowley, when Agness adressed Aziraphale by "angel" "thyf " and "principalitee", whats the bit about the dragons? Because they have wings?
1111- An the Great Hound sharl come
and the Two Powers sharl watch in V
Goeth Where is, Where they
Notte, and he sharl name it, True to l
and Hell sharl flee it
2213- I tell ye thyf, and I charge
ye with my wordes. Four shalle
ryde and Four shalle alfo ryde,
and Three sharl ryde the Skye
as twixt and Wonne shal ryde in
flames, and theyr shall be no stopping
themme, not fish, nor rayne nor rode, neirher
Deville nor Angel. And ye shalle be theyr also
2214- In December 1980 an Apple will arise no
man can eat. Invest thy money in Master Jobbes
thinking machine and good fortune
will tend thy days.
2315- Sumsay It cometh in Londo xxx or
New Yorke, butte they be Wronge, f xxx is
Taddes fild, Stronge inne hys powr, h xxxxke
a knight inee the fief, he divideth the xxx
4 partes, he bringeth the storme.
3001- Behinde the Eagles Neste a grate Ash hath fallen.
? 3007- Brings forth
For the devil lucks in plain sight.
Under an arc of pale moonlight.
3008- When that the angel readeth these
word of mine, in his shoppe of other mmennes
books, then the final days are certes upon us. Open
thyne eyes to understand. Open thyne eyes and rede
I do say, foolish principalitee, for thy cocoa doth
grow cold
3009- Seven, who hold the Scepther shall be killed,
xxx shall become a saint.
3011- xxThe?
and churces be laid open
opressed shall prevail, and oppose the cruen
foreginers. For a Boar of Cornwall shall give his
assistance and trample their necks under his feet
3012- A shower of blood shall rain and a ragging
famine shall afflict mankind. When dhese things
happen, the Red Dragon shall grieve, but when his
fatigue is over, he shall recover his strength. Then
shall misfortunes hasten upon the White Dragon,
and the buildings of his gardens be pulled down.
3017- I see Four Riding, bringing the Ende, and
the Angells of Hell ride with them, And Three sharl
Rise. And Four and Four Together be Four, and the
Dark Angel sharl Own Defeat, Yette the Manne
sharl claim his Own.
3477- Lette the wheel of Fate turne, let harts
en- join, there are othere Fyres than mine, when
the wynd blowethe the blos- soms, reach oute one
to anothere, for the calm cometh when Redde and
Whyte and BLacke and Pale approache to Pear is
Our Professioune.
3819- When Orients chariot
inverted be, four wheles in the
skye, a man with bruises be upon
Youre Bedde, achinge his head
for willowfine, a manne who
resterh with a pyn yette his
hart be.
3988- Whene menne of crocus come frome the
Earth and green manne frome thee Sky, yette ken
not why, and Plutos barres quitte the light- ning
castels, and sunken landes riseth, and Levia- than
runneth free, and Brazil is vert, then Three cometh
together and Four arise, upon iron horses ride, I tell
you the ende draweth nigh.
3989- He is not what he says he is
4009- Where the Hoggs back end the young
beast will take the world and Adams line will end
in fire and darkness.
4019- When Orients chariot inverted be a
man with bruises up thy bed, aching his head for
willow fine
4020- Let the wheel of fate turne, let harts
enjoin, there are other fyres than myne, when the
whirl wynd whirls, reach oute one to another.
5001- When the skies are xxxx, then ye
both must stand between the world and life and the
world of wae, where the iron bird lands no more
5004- When alle is fayed and all is done, ye
must choofe your faces wisely, for soon enouff
ye will be playing with fyre
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marlinspirkhall · 2 years
Songs which contain the secret:
Just by Radiohead
Yes by Coldplay
Hush by Deep Purple
Crucify by Tori Amos
For My Lover by Tracy Chapman
Waterloo Sunset by The Kinks
Songs which don't know they contain the secret:
Broken Hearted Melody by Sarah Vaughan
Whipping Post by The Allman Brothers
SW by Blonde Redhead
Semi-Automatic by O Mer
Lent by Autoheart
Pissing In A River by Patti Smith
Songs which are waiting for you to tell them:
Mess by Ben Folds
A Distorted Reality Is A Necessity To Be Free (demo version) by Elliott Smith
Drop The Pilot by Joan Armatrading
You've Got The Love by Florence + The Machine
Songs which are still searching for it:
42 by Coldplay
Hotel California by The Eagles
Jigsaw Falling Into Place by Radiohead
Blood Makes Noise by Suzanne Vega
Worried About Ray by The Hoosiers
Songs which wish they knew it:
Kill V. Maim by Grimes
They ache for it:
Pulaski At Night by Andrew Bird
I Think I'm Gonna Kill Myself by Elton John
Songs which once knew it, but then the secret changed:
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
Feeling Good by Nina Simone
Pavlov's Bell by Aimee Mann
Songs which are just as surprised as you are by what they find inside themselves:
I Need My Girl by The National
Turn The Page by Bob Seger
Sister Golden Hair by America
Plainclothes Man by Heatmiser
Songs which know, but will never tell you:
Tomorrow Is Today by Billy Joel
I Can't Tell You Why by The Eagles
Ooh by Scissor Sisters
Songs which will tell you, given time:
Over My Shoulder by MIKA
Beyond The Sea by Bobby Darin
Songs which don't contain the secret, but if you never listen to them, the others won't tell you:
The Bends by Radiohead
Journey Of The Sorcerer by The Eagles
Songs which make you glad you don't know it:
Lost In The Citadel by Lil Nas X
Fast As You Can by Fiona Apple
I Love You Goodbye by Thomas Dolby
Songs which were imbued with it by mistake and won't give it back:
Strawberry Swing (cover) by Frank Ocean
Night Shift by Lucy Dacus
Humpty by Mitski
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fixatedonfandom · 2 years
tf2 ship prompt
I had a funni little engiescout idea that I know i'll never write but i have to share. BTW I picture this as being a Mann v. Machine kinda thing
this is not a happy prompt
Scout dies. Do not pass go, do not collect 200$, Scout dies.
Engineer refuses to accept this- he's the Engineer, he fixes things, why can't he fix this? He's never been above playing God- and starts to dedicate his time to replicating Scout's consciousness in a robot. It takes him years, with a little reluctant help from Medic regarding the transplant of human souls, but at long last the day comes where he's finally ready to turn it on to observe his creation.
Scoutbot comes to life and all seems well for a time, though he has no memories of his time being a real person. This is rather disenheartening to the Engineer, but he can live with it- it's better than the alternative. He can help Scoutbot learn to be a human, and try to replicate the life that Scout lost. It's not the same. It'll never be the same, but it'll be as close to it as Engie will have have again.
One day, while Engie and Scoutbot are spending some time together, Scoutbot asks him a question along the lines of, "What's it mean when you look at someone, or you listen to someone, and it's like everything in the world starts to revolve around them? What's this feeling I get in my chest?".
Engie says that sounds like love, or at least some kinda infatuation. It kills him a little bit inside- see, he had a thing for Scout long before the incident that killed him. Over the years they got closer and closer, and Scout always made him feel so young, and he had this same feeling about Scout that Scoutbot was describing now. Engie had been this close to just saying fuck it and confessing when Scout was killed. That was part of why he did this terrible, wonderful thing to begin with.
"Oh, well, 'cause I get this feeling every time I look at you. I think it might be coming from the old Scout. He must've really, really, loved you," Scoutbot says. He didn't understand love quite yet, but it seemed like an important feeling to have.
Then Engie has to deal with that. Knowing Scout loved him about as much as he loved Scout, and now having this abomination against God with his voice and personality yet intrinsically lacking everything that made Engie fall for him the first time.
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open-hearth-rpg · 11 months
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Open Hearth Video Roundup - November 3, 2023
Welcome to the weekly Open Hearth Gaming video roundup!
These recorded sessions represent only a portion of the games we play every week, and anyone is welcome to join the fun! If you'd like to play in games like these, join our Playabl community and click on the "Calendar" tab to sign up for upcoming games. To browse our entire library of session videos, please visit our YouTube Playlists page.
Open Hearth Gaming Calendar
Eotenweard: Northumbria (Session 4) Alun R. runs for José Feito, Paul Rivers, Sabine V., and Will H After last session's successful Revelation and resulting cliffhanger...we see the climactic battle to free the people of Brangarw from the influence of their malevolent priest, and conspiring leaders. There are competing claims of heresy, multiple pleas for aid from the Christ God, and a surprising response from...elsewhere. Then...despite both edging closer to death Solinus saves the innocent and Cadoc levels his lance in the name of Christ; Black Jell catches a villain...and let's him go; and Fynn confronts one of the Black Dogs of Annwn. Finally, back on the road following the path their god(s) decree for them, Solinus decides he needs a greater understanding of the power he serves...
Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes (Session 12) Shane runs for Blake Ryan, Mark (he/they), and Puckett The agents approach a demon for help finding the mysterious Hotel Broadalbin, but the route he suggests is bizarre, dangerous, and oddly connected to one of the agents' pasts.
Girl By Moonlight: Divine Engines (Session 3) Lowell Francis runs for Ethan Harvey, Patrick Knowles, Sherri, and Tyler Lominack The battle against the fallen cathedral world Leviathan is successful but takes its toll on the team. They return to the ship to regroup and try to rebuild themselves as a team. But the Bastion's jump to escape pursuit leads them to a star system Tav recognizes from the future--the site of Sia's death and his original time jump.
Girl By Moonlight: Divine Engines (Session 4) Lowell Francis runs for Ethan Harvey, Patrick Knowles, Sherri, and Tyler Lominack The team launches out to explore the mysteries of Tyrfing III, requiring them to disembark from the Engines to explore this silenced colony. After facing down and nearly being destroyed by mechanical guardians, the group comes face to face with the force which destroyed this world-- a face Tav recognizes as his own.
Free from the Shadow: Samurai Fantasy (Session 3) Lowell Francis runs for Cale P, Elle, Mike Minutillo, and Sherri We see the machinations of the clans go in various directions which seems to signal disaster. But progress on the Imperial project continues. With the aid of the Imperial Herald, the protagonists head to the site of an ancient duel in orders to uncover secrets. But they find a horde of undead and a more powerful being which lies dying belowground.
Hearts of Yokai (Session 2) Lowell Francis runs for Anders, Donogh, Matthew Doughty, and Sabine V. Mirage delivers her gift with unexpected results, Path and Scale have a moment or two of miscommunication, Lord Bloom deals with the location scouts and executes a party.
Hearts of Yokai (Session 3) Lowell Francis runs for Agatha, Anders, Donogh, and Sabine V. In the aftermath of Lord Bloom's party, Squeaktune returns. There's a moment of confession from Scale to Mirage, which sends Squeaktune scurrying away. Preparations for the ball celebrating the turn to the Court of Tides are interrupted by a flying dream sword--the pursuit of which leaves Mirage bleeding in the street.
MCU Sunday
Demigods (Session 3) Rich Rogers runs for Alex, Cody Eastlick, and Steven Watkins The new Warriors Three defeat Adam Mann and seek out the power behind the Mysticator Armor!
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purple-compromise · 2 years
I came across Tiwwan fairly recently as I'm new to TF2 (just got a computer that can handle anything beyond art programs without sounding like it's about to take off on the nearest runway) personally, I'm on my 6th reread of this fic (series?) and I love it a ton. I know you're focusing on other projects but it's just so good and I will happily wait for the next update. Even if it's well into next year.
I've got a few questions. It can be answered with headcannons about TF2 in general or related to Tiwwan, totally up to you. I couldn't get them all in the normal submission without feeling bad about imploding your inbox from word count as it was so I'll do my best to separate text from here.
Do Blu and Red teams ever run into each other on their days off and in town (before red specialist knocked the three guys into next week at the bar in town) or do both teams get assigned a day to go into town to get supplies, so like RED can only go into town in the evening and Blu can only go in the mornings? If they do run into each other, do they get into full brawls (or do only certain members get into brawls with a 1 v 2 with Red specialist with Blu medic and Blu spy) or is it more similar to the relationship that red demo and Blu soldier had in the comics (doesn't matter if it's the entire Blu and Red team or if it's a select few, like Red and Blu engi, pyro and demo for example just chillin off the field at a bar or star gazing)? Or are both teams assigned to different towns of where they can get supplies from in order to avoid contact with the opposing team entirely?
How much does Blu team deviate in interests from their Red counterparts? Are they close to the same as  their counterparts or do they stray in different ways? For example, does Blu specialist like reading novels but prefer a different genre than Red specialist or does Blu specialist enjoy reading but prefer another form of arts such as drawing/painting but uses art books as references? Or with engi, where both play guitar, but maybe Red favors guitar while Blu favors banjo more? Or red scout loves westerns while Blu scout might prefer watching American football matches with soldier instead when the channel comes in?
If Red specialist takes vacation time to visit her mother and it happens to fall during work days (not sure what it says in her contract for time off if she has any or if miss pauling allows her a short leave of absence to visit her mother) do both teams get time off from fighting each other due to unbalanced teams or does Blu specialist get the base to her self while everyone else is on the field/getting intelligence/pushing (stopping) payload? does she get reprimanded if she tries to help give her team an unfair advantage from being out of range/off the field?
How frequently do both teams get stationed at different areas/maps? I know Tiwwan takes places primarily in Teufort but I wasn't sure if both teams would get shipped out to different locations (or even experience different game modes like Mann v Machine, though  it would be interesting to see Merasmus appear and having both specialists reacting to the wizard that is Merasmus).
 (bonus, does Blu specialist have any teammates that she gets along with? Any that she despises with her entire being and would personally send through respawn herself if they're an annoyance?)
I know that this is super lengthy but I do love your work! Take care of yourself!!
[Submitted by: @taytay4674788]
Gosh. I'm sorry I sat on this so long but I've read it more than once and just haven't had the time and energy to properly reply. But wow!! Just wow, thank you so, so very much!!! Your sixth read??? I'm floored and delighted! 🥺
Interesting first question! I've actually thought about and maybe discussed (though not here) what might happen if both teams were to supply at the same time. I don't know if they've been given specific days they're allowed to go, though that would absolutely make the most sense! But, if they did happen to be in town at the same time, there's no guarantee they'd recognize each other if they weren't in uniform. Plus, if they did, I think only certain members of the team would be prone to brawling... most of the team-members like Engineer, Sniper, Spy, Heavy, and Specialist (possibly even Demo) would, for the most part, view it as "I'm only paid to beat you up M-F, 7-3. I pretend I do not see you." But! It would also 100% be possible to get in a conversation with somebody you do or don't recognize from work and accidentally strike up a friendship with your double over literature or what a limited selection of food this town has. The idea of both Specialists getting to know each other outside work has come up on the blog before, I believe, under the tag "Berry Smoothie."
Another interesting question regarding the teams' similarities! According to my own interpretation of what's going on (that I don't think I've made explicitly canon at this time), both teams are made up of completely different individuals but ones with such similar, hand-picked skillsets that they do, at first glance, seem the same. But! They do have their own interests and appearances. For most of the mercs, I based their small differences in personality largely off what it presented in the "End of the Line" SFM short. For BLU Specialist, she does have some interest in literature but actually dropped out of college while studying theatre to support her sister's education, a bit like RED Specialist joining the Navy post-college to help pay her mother's medical bills.
Ooo, this is a great question and I've never thought about it! I imagine if Spesh (or any member of the team) needed emergency leave, if it's only a couple days, everyone might get time off, but if it's longer the counterpart would likely have some forced time off or time spent doing some other kind of busy work. Who knows! Maybe they'd be sent away to fulfill some other contract for a bit.
While most of TiWWaN takes place at Teufort, the team will, at some point, rotate to other locations--probably more and more frequently until we reach the fic's conclusion. This also means we'll see Marasmus around Halloween (I think Scout did allude to it at one point) and Mann vs. Machine is definitely in the future when Grey Mann finally appears.
Bonus: BLU Specialist will eventually be in a romantic relationship with the BLU Spy and they probably have at least a casual relationship already at this post in the story! She also gets along well with her team's Heavy, Engineer, and probably Demo or Soldier. BLU Specialist absolutely can't stand the medic and finds their Scout exceptionally annoying.
Thank you so much for you kindness and your interest! I enjoyed your questions and hope you have a wonderful autumn! 💜
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discet · 1 year
Random question, have you ever played TF2?
Yeah! That was pretty much the one fps I got super into for like, years (Well, Overwatch was up there briefly but man what a fall.)
My favorite was deathmatch maps where everything was really claustrophobic and once you killed someone they were out.
I ended up falling off a little while before the Mann v. Machine Update dropped, when my favorite server I hung out in closed down and I couldn't find another that consistently did deathmatch.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Tues[day] 25 October 1836
7 35/..
12 40/..
No kiss out at 8 35/.. – H[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d - Bairstow the ten[an]t  h[a]s joiners - he to do the Wat[e]r lane
mill work for fr[om] £30 to £35 - I s[ai]d H- [Husband] c[oul]d n[o]t do bet[te]r than this - H- [Husband] to go to Leeds this aft[ernoo]n –
ga[ve] orders for lock for my dress[in]g r[oo]m etc - told h[i]m my intent[io]n of mak[in]g h[i]m h[ou]se-stew[ar]d
and hav[in]g him and his fam[il]y in the h[ou]se dur[in]g my abs[en]ce – s[ai]d he need[e]d n[o]t be uneasy - I w[ou]ld n[o]t
leave him in the lurch - I s[ai]d noth[in]g of incres[in]g his sal[ar]y – b[u]t s[ai]d I w[oul]d pay the rent of his
cott[age] and allow coals and candles and soap for him and the h[ou]se - the 2 wom[e]n serv[an]ts left on board wages –
he to ha[ve] author[it]y ov[e]r all the serv[an]ts – br[eak]f[a]st at 9 40/.. - A-  [Ann] d[i]d h[e]r Fr[en]ch – aft[e]r br[eak]f[a]st h[a]d Oddy
and look[e]d ov[e]r my a[un]t’s clothes till call[e]d d[o]wn to Booth the mason ab[ou]t (bef[ore] 12) - He want[e]d
so[me]bod[y] to pull d[o]wn the old cot[tage]s at Hill top - told h[i]m to s[e]nd Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s How[ar]th and pay them hims[elf]
then w[i]th the gard[ene]r plann[in]g the new gard[e]ns till n[ea]r 1 - then w[i]th A- [Ann] at her lunch[eo]n – h[a]d Mr. Jubb bet[ween]
1 and 2 for n[ea]r 1/2 h[ou]r - out ag[ai]n at 2 - A- [Ann] rode to Mrs. Ann Lees’ – b[a]ck bef[ore] 4 – w[oul]d n[o]t go to Cliff Hill
bec[ause] saw Mrs. Dysons’ carr[ia]ge going there and d[i]d n[o]t wish to meet Miss Harr[ie]t Parkhill – w[i]th the workmen
one or the oth[e]r till ca[me] in to A- [Ann] at 4 for 1/4 h[ou]r - then w[e]nt to the meer-drift - and went int[o] it
1st ti[me] – w[e]nt to the far end of the arch[in]g – ab[ou]t 50 or 60 y[ar]ds w[hi]ch ga[ve] me a heat[in]g - hot in the mine
and my back alm[o]st broken w[i]th stoop[in]g - the arch[in]g beaut[ifull]y done (no mortar - dry wall stone) –
by Jos[e]ph Mann - he n[o]t there – on[l]y his son John – ga[ve] h[i]m a shil[lin]g for light[in]g me, carry[in]g
the candle bef[ore] me all the way in and out - then al[on]g the walk, and to the Low[e]r brea r[oa]d to the Lodge –
met Mawson n[ea]r his h[ou]se - he gi[ve]s 9d. p[e]r load as m[u]ch as a 2 horse load break[in]g rubble – b[u]t it is hard
cross st[one] - thinks the st[on]e now cart[e]d fr[om] N[or]thow[ra]m and brok[e]n for me at the Lodge worth on[l]y
7d. p[e]r one horse l[oa]d (ab[ou]t the sa[me] quant[it]y as Mawson’s loads - for all d[o]wnhill) – Matt[hew]’s
broth[e]r left Mawson in the sa[me] sort of way as he is now to leave me – n[o]t satisf[ie]d w[i]th the
wages – 1/4 h[ou]r at the Lodge - Matty told me Ja[me]s Greenw[oo]d of Godley cot[tage] w[oul]d like to be und[e]r
the gard[ene]r - I s[ai]d I d[i]d n[o]t mean to hire anyone who must ha[ve] drink[in]gs d[i]d n[o]t kno[w]
wheth[e]r the wages that w[oul]d be giv[e]n w[oul]d be en[ou]gh - Matty s[ai]d she th[ou]ght he w[oul]d be gl[a]d to
‘fall int[o] my will’ for the best of weav[in]g w[oul]d be tak[e]n away by the new sort of machin[er]y –
ho[me] at 5 40/.. - all the workmen just gone or go[in]g – Rob[er]t Mann + 4 low[erin]g and levell[in]g in front of the h[ou]se
Ingh[a]m + 2 men and a boy at the dry cross arch s[ou]th wall - Frank cart[in]g rag thoroughs
for him - the gard[ene]r and Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d and Jos[e]ph Sharpe tak[in]g th[in]gs up in the gard[e]n- Rob[er]t Schof[ie]ld build[in]g wall
for the new court coal-place roof-pillars to st[a]nd on – Ja[me]s Sharpe and Ab[raha]m Murgatroyde
at the wom[e]ns’ necess[ar]y and ash-pl[a]ce and then flagg[in]g 3 or 4 y[ar]ds length of the road in the court to the serv[an]ts hall door –
Amos and Joseph Sharpe all the day and Booth w[i]th them in the morn[in]g at the west tow[e]r – g[o]t all
the cellar rag-covers on and wall[e]d up a lit[tle] r[ou]nd ab[ou]t them - 2 hewers as us[ua]l hew[in]g for the west tow[e]r –
Mark Hepw[or]ths’ 4 carts cart[in]g fr[om] N[orth]g[a]te and he levell[in]g up aft[e]r them und[e]r the r[oa]d wall in
front of the h[ou]se - Booth at Hill top this aft[ernoo]n – pull[in]g d[o]wn the cott[age]s etc. vid[e] line 9 of today –
din[ner] at 6 1/2 - A- [Ann] wr[ote] to Miss Rawson – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs - A- [Ann] r[ea]d her Fr[en]ch – 1/2  asleep on the sofa till ab[ou]t 9
then wr[ote] all the ab[ov]e of today till 9 20/.. p.m. ver[y] fine day - then r[ea]d a few p[ages] of
the alph[abe]t of electric[it]y - then A- [Ann] and I look[in]g ov[e]r my a[un]t’s pap[e]rs till 11 35/.. p.m. at w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 47°
and ver[y] moonlight night –
 w[e]nt int[o] the meer-drift
 Ja[me]s G- [Greenwood] offers
to be und[e]r the gard[ene]r
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Sehen Sie, ich habe gesehen, wie Sie die Gesichter von Leuten in Arcade-Automaten einschlugen, weil sie auf Sie geklettert sind.
-S or V anon
(bro im so sorry for how long this one is)
(Translation, may be wrong: See, thing is, I've watched you smash people's faces into arcade machines over climbing on you.)
“Zu meiner Verteidigung. Das war nur eine Drohung. Ich habe nur jemanden in eine Maschine geschleudert, weil er versucht hat, meinem Mann zu schaden. Geistig oder körperlich. Denn wir alle wissen, dass er geistig schon genug durchgemacht hat.”
(Translation: In my defense. That was just a threat. I just threw someone into a machine because he was trying to harm my husband. Mentally or physically. Because we all know he's been through enough mentally.) (<- also may be wrong.. but
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lorenzlund · 1 year
Nichts als Tatsachen!!
(Keine falschen Tatsachen verbreiten!!)
Fakten! Fakten! Fakten!!
Jetzt neu im Münchener ‘Fokus’ als ihrem Wochenmagazin!
Die Wochenendzeitung oder Magazin
*Viel wahrscheinlicher ist es, und folgt man der genauen Wortwahl selbst hier wieder, und legt sie den eigenen Schlußfolgerungen zugrunde, handelte die Zeitung selbst hier nur wieder dann vom Cockende, dem plötzlichen, auch (eines erneuten Mannes) und dass er ein weiteres Mal am Wochenende stattfand!!
*Tatsache: von Säcken begangene Taten (Vom Menschenpaar verfügt nur der Mann über einen eigenen!)
*v-er-b-reiten: Bisexueller (b) Pfau (V) und Mann (-er) liebt sowohl Frauen wie Männer + reiten.
‘Xi telefoniert mit Selenskyj’ (’Das sündige Ding’) *Xi- Jinping
‘Landgericht stellt Angeklagtem Rupert Stadler Bewährung in Aussicht bei Geständnis!!’
*das Ding des Mannes, es sagte endlich vor Gericht ‘mal die Wahrheit. *Bi- + wahr + thing *-wahr = es war dabei nackt, von: bar (engl.) : nackt
die Geschworenenjury : das erneute ‘G’-Wort (für: ein Gay) + Whore, die aus England stammende Hure + Jury *Jury : ur ball (or eye)
“Berliner Politik vor Neustart’ Die Verdauung des- oder derjenigen, es muss davon ausgegangen werden, war dann auch hier wieder nur eine sehr schlechte oder nur ganz mäßig arbeitende. *the fart *(V)-er-Sau
“Aufklärung für den Dieselskandal. Justiz versagt!!” *die selbst auch: Sexualaufklärung, beispielsweise in Form von stattfindendem (R)unterricht. * Gasabzug an Heizungen *GUS = Zug, auch Personen ..., Es wird Klärung geben! *Klärwerk ‘Der nur im Dunkeln arbeitende Dunkelmann’, ‘Dunkelmänner in der Gesellschaft’
“Wegen Verfassungsbedenken! Parteijugend im Visier!” *Es konnte schlicht keine ausreichende Erfassung mehr auch hier stattfinden, weil die Ortung immer öfter auch in dem Fall versagte. Sie gehörte dem Staat selber an und jenen ‘Organen’, welche auch er hat.
“Nawalny darf jetzt erstmals sogar in seiner Zelle geschlagen werden!!”
‘Der Ball, *Nawalny sitzt seit 2011 bereits im Gefängnis ein”. (hier ist es sogar eines aus Moskau, d.h. es ist ein russisches, es gehört Russland)
*-walny : (against) Balls + nie!! Na-tur, the Pa oder Familien-dad, Tag der offenen Türen, dt., ital. Schlager, schlagen, gegen etw., Schlager macht glücklich! Future : Mach die Tür zu’! Fridays for Future!! Die Gesellschaftszukunft. Insgeheime Pläne haben oder hegen, auch eigene, für eine gänzlich neue selbst auch Gesellschaftsort-ung, der ihrer einzelnen männlichen wie weiblichen Mitglieder.
(künstliche Intelligenz : ‘Künstler + die gelegentlich vielleicht sogar bei  einem auch von ihnen vorkommende oder vorhandene Intelligenz, und sie ist dann vielleicht sogar eine höhere, oder zumindest gilt sie dem anderen dann als solche!)
*Eigene künstliche Intelligenz erwerben! Rising against the/some Machine-s! Die Maschine ist dann auch hier wieder ein Mann!
“China schickt Botschafter in die Ukraine”
(Jemand war zuvor noch Gast eines Restaurants und musste sich danach mit Magenproblemen behandeln lassen.)
“Viele Male haben Xi und Putin schon miteinander gesprochen, und auch schon zuvor, es führte nie zum gewünschten Ergebnis” *the human Butt + engl.: in (Adjective)
“China bezeichnet sich als auf Seite des Friedens stehend, es will das beständig so selber auch tun!!” *a Dschinn (Geist), the/ a human butt, berühmtes A.-Wort, Das macht viel Sinn! sins by males, von Männern begangene Sünden *Police (engl.) Polizei (dt.), ‘Hey Joe!’ (Reggae/Usa), ‘cold cases’ des FBI (der kaltgebliebene Sarg dann für denjenigen, jedenfalls bislang blieb auch er es immer noch!). el A. ‘Von Bären begangene Sünden’. L.A. und Berlin. ‘Berlin hat den Bären im Wappen’, the/a Po (menschl. Hintern), nie bei!
“Macron fällt po-litisch auf Xi herein” *the/a Mac + ars, lateinisch für: Hinterteil von Mann und Frau + on, -litisch: nie selber auch anticken wollen. tics (engl.). ‘Mad Max’ geht jetzt in Serie! (beim sogar auch australischen Film und dem Commonwealth)
“Todesurteil abschließend von Richter bestätigt!!” *ur Teil!! It was ... + Tod dem Ass!!! *Richter: er gilt als oder ist dichter wie andere, und so darf er dieses Urteil über den anderen auch von Staatsseite aus aussprechen oder wird es ihm erlaubt, dicht er
“Po Beißen will es im hohen Alter nochmal wissen, er tritt neu an, oder erklärt seine Wiederbereitschaft dazu!!”
‘Nationalsozialisten unter Hitler erlassen Er-(um)nächtig-ungsgesetz” *Hit an Er. le Er. Hitlerjugend. ‘Sich an laufende Gesässe halten’. ‘Gesetzestreues Verhalten (zeigen)‘
einen (plötzlichen) Hit erzielen oder haben in öffentlichen Hitparaden, beim Fernsehen und dem Radio, und die selbst auch: Panzer- oder große Militärparade mit den offen und nach vorn gezeigten und jedermann dabei präsentierten Kanonenrohren.
“Xi Jin Pings Frau er-folgreiche Schlagersängerin aus China!!”
“Kommunisten und Sozialdemokraten aus der Stadt Tübingen ( *es erging ihnen nicht so viel anders damit wie sehr vielen von auch den Juden!) müsssen/kommen ins Komm-mit-dem-Center/Centre-bist-du-(befindet-ihr-euch/ich)-auf/on-einem-davon-vielleicht-auch! Lager und wagen danach kaum noch offene auch eigene Po-sit-ion/Opposition!!’ das Vertreten von auch eigenen oder selbstständiger Positionen.
eine solche dann vielleicht erneute Po-sit-(herum)-aktion durch jemand oder auch: Popositherum..., sehr wahrscheinlich fände auch sie dann in Form erneuter sogar auch eigener Gegenreaktion statt, zum Beispiel in Form einer besonders harschen Kritik, wie dem sogar Parlament, und durch gegnerische Oppositionelle von der po-litischen Opposition!! *h-arsch
“V2 attackiert London” *männlicher Pfau, das Duo, ‘ge-mischtes Doppel (im selbst auch Tennissport), ‘gemeinsam gehen’, G-Wort (für den Gay), A.-Wort
“Ich ess’ meine Suppe aber nun einmal nicht!” (Aus dem: ‘Der Suppenkasper’)
“Zack! da fielen alle beide ... ins gemahlene Getreide” (’Max & Moritz’) 
*Ritze des Pos, das Ritz (ein sehr berühmtes früheres Tanztheater). Wer war in dem Fall also selbst auch Moritz?
Let’s go! Let Ass dance! Let’s go to the Ritz!
Das große und als gelöst geltende Kreuzworträtsel. Es kommt diesmal vielleicht dann sogar aus der erneuten Modezeitschrift. “A Word on Spanish’
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profdobbs · 1 year
Beat TF2's 'Last Laugh' event
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My list of missions (worst to best) Mann v. Machine, Sensational syrup, Miss io n, revengance status, collateral damage, croissant combat, cacophony of cants.
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declqn · 3 years
tag  drop  1
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#ɪ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     depending on where you began the story‚ it was about declan lynch    ›   open     ﹚#ɪɪ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     the possessor of an illuminated‚ specific smile no one would ever see   ›   reg     ﹚#ɪɪ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     handsome‚ neutral declan was simply another accessory in his own house    ›   aes     ﹚#ɪɪ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     it was always a good time to trot out a declanism   ›   mann     ﹚#ɪɪ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     declan just liked everything better if it was a secret    ›   des     ﹚#ɪɪ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     this was a lie‚ declan’s superpower    ›   isms     ﹚#ɪɪ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     i heard you’re the son of the devil ( that’s true )   ›   hc     ﹚#ɪɪ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     he was very good at being companionably quiet.    ›   music     ﹚#ɪɪɪ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     declan‚ with his good boring suit and niall lynch’s nose and curled dark hair    ›   img     ﹚#ɪɪɪ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     he was inoffensive in every way   ›   form     ﹚#ɪɪɪ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     he seemed like a different person in his jeans    ›   attire     ﹚#ɪɪɪ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     he was a perpetual motion machine run by the energy of others    ›   chara study     ﹚#ɪᴠ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙    a story after all‚ is a lot like a lie‚ and declan was an excellent liar     ›   ic ans     ﹚#ɪᴠ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     that’s a very declan question   ›   ooc ans     ﹚#ɪᴠ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     declan removed himself from the business of dreams    ›   plots     ﹚#ɪᴠ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     declan kept his voice just low enough to be church level    ›   ans meme     ﹚#ɪᴠ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     declan was waiting for his phone to attend to him too    ›   meme   �� ﹚#ᴠ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     declan lynch knew he was boring   ›   v. undt     ﹚#ᴠ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     a cloud like there would never be sun again crossed declan’s face    ›   arc. raven boys     ﹚#ᴠ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     declan lay there bleeding and crooked    ›   arc. dream thieves     ﹚#ᴠ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     declan’s eternal position as an outsider‚ neither a dreamer nor a dream    ›   arc. blue lily‚ lily blue     ﹚#ᴠ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     he realized how much declan had missed by growing up neither dreamer nor dreamt    ›   arc. raven king     ﹚#ᴠ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     this used to be declan’s world   ›   arc. call down the hawk     ﹚#ᴠ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     declan never gave away a truth unless it was taken from his cold‚ balled hands    ›   v. descendants     ﹚#ᴠ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     what was declan lynch but a liar?   ›   v. hp    ﹚#ᴠ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     declan looked like the kind of person you forgot you’d ever seen   ›   v. st     ﹚#ᴠɪ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     don’t be boring   ›   sh. declan / jordan     ﹚#ᴠɪ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     blond shoulder length hair & eyebrows that matched declan’s dark leather shoes   ›   sh. declan / ashley 1‚ 2‚ & 3  #ᴠɪ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     he was absurdly pleased   ›   dyn. declan / jordan     ﹚#ᴠɪ.   —   †   ৲   ﹙     ronan always assumed that his brother was lying    ›   dyn. declan / ronan     ﹚
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cptnoms · 7 years
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Love the new armor upgrade
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tcxastough · 5 years
"Well that looks particularly painful." (he's looking at her gunslinger oop)
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【🔧】— “Painful fer me, r’ painful t’ you?” She asked, flexing the fingers of her mechanical hand with a nonplussed expression. “Never rightly took ya fer th’ empathetic type, so I’m assumin’ y’ mean th’ latter. Yes, it packs quite a whallop if it needs to.”
      Just because they were working together now didn’t mean either of them needed to start caring about the other. Hell, even back when the teams were divided, they rarely cared about their own team mates. She wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the conversation starter he decided to pick.
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harcourtholmesii · 2 years
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First Row: - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; Primarily, I adore the open world and making it all your own. - Fallout 4; Much the same as above, just in a setting I can appreciate more (post-apocalyptic). - Among Us; When I am a crewmate, I am the most suspicious person in the group. When I am the murderer, I am the most innocent of beans. I enjoy the irony, I think is what I am saying. - Red Dead Redemption; Honestly, I haven't played this game in a loooong time, but I remember loving it all. The world and space, hog-tying criminals and leaving them on train tracks... Ah, the good times. - The Red Lantern; It is a game of beautiful puppy dogs and I love it. Puppy deaths are off, because I can't stand the thought of it as is, I don't need to bawl my eyes out over a Nintendo Switch game. Second Row: - Assassins' Creed II; What I felt was missing in the first game was massively improved upon and explored in this one. Not to mention, a very charismatic main cast and a gorgeous setting in Renaissance Italy. - Dungeons & Dragons (Fifth Edition); Whilst you didn't specify video games, I had to put this TTRPG here, simply because it rules my every waking moment. - Dead By Daylight; The community is a love/hate box of mad cats, and the game is a cruel mistress, but I am addicted to it! I love it far too much. Claudette and Zarina are my main survivors, and though I rarely play killer, both Trapper and Pyramid Head are my mains. - Cuphead: Don't Deal With The Devil; This game was tough, and there are still certain bosses I dread to face again, but I love it all the same. The lore is interesting, the style is beautiful and the soundtrack is such a bop. There is a reason I just have 'Don't Mess With King Dice' in my usual youtube playlist. - The Lord Of The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth II; I absolutely love this game, and I am so disappointed that I can't run it on my newer computer. I haven't played it in years, but it was my go to game 5+ years ago. Third Row: - Payday 2; My partner and I play this all the time. It is a game we both love to have, and whilst they are far better at it than I, there have been improvements made on my part. Sokol will forever be my main. - This War Of Mine; The addition of the expansion packs made this game work even better, at least for me. It is a hard game and a depressing one, but it is one I adore. For the life of me, I can't really fathom why, but every time I play it, I am immersed. - Sims 4; I only play this game to build. I have played some of the actual life simulation but it bores me pretty quick. Sims 2 was the only one of the Sims games that kept my interest in the actual gameplay. However, Sims 4 is my favourite for its style and the updating of the build/buy tools. - Infected; If no one has tried or played this TTRPG, I highly recommend it. It is a zombie game, but it is so much fun with a lot of character building options. It fuels my love of the genre so much! Fourth Row: - Team Fortress 2; Whilst I am more of a Mann vs Machine player, I do really enjoy most gamemodes for TF2. I haven't gone into many of the fan made works, though I really want to, simply because I am unfamiliar with how it works. My mains, in order of my frequency playing them, are; Medic, Sniper, Scout and Pyro. - Pokemon Sword; I'll admit, I don't have much to say about this game. I do genuinely enjoy it, but Pokemon games have never really been to my fancy. I love seeing them roam about the wild, though! - Until Dawn; The first game that I saw published by Supermassive Games, and my overall favourite. Yeah, the characters don't really behave all that realistic/aren't really relatable, but the game is fun with some really good jump-scares and storytelling. - Outlast and Outlast Whistleblower; There are a number of games on this list that deserve a viewer discretion warning. This, however, takes the cake. Probably the most violent and horrific of the horror genre on this list, both the main game and its DLC are brilliantly terrifying and with a very in-depth and well-crafted story (in my humble opinion). - Northgard; A game remarkably similar to Battle For Middle Earth II, and yet, with a lot more to it and a very harsh spike to its difficulty. Sometimes I just chill on normal mode, other times I am losing my mind as a blizzard rolls in for Winter. Goat clan all the way! I shall have all of the fluffy bois! Fifth Row: - Detroit: Become Human; This game gets a lot of well warranted critique, and understandably so, but it does not dampen my love for such an interesting concept and a wonderful cast of characters. Connor's storyline is, by far, my favourite, followed by Markus' revolution. - Telltale's The Walking Dead (Seasons 1 and 2); This game hurts me inside. It really does. I do not much appreciate how the story turned in the second season, but the first is fantastic and the second is a worthy, if harsh, follow up. As for the other two seasons and the DLC, I'm afraid I have not played them. - Minecraft; This is a game made for me to waste time. It is both stressful and stress-relieving. It might be childish, but it lets me whittle away the hours I have stewing in my own consciousness. - Telltale's The Wolf Among Us; Holy Hell, I love this game! Good guy Bigby all the way but I adore most everything about it. The style, the main character, the rest of the cast (especially Faith, Grendel and Bloody Mary), and just the story pulls me in, no matter how many times I play it. - Call Of Duty: Black Ops II (Zombies); This one is just fun. I used to play this all the time with a friend and we have been slowly getting back into it and getting better every time. If you want just straight action and a rising difficulty on horde mode, I would highly recommend!
A short list of honourable mentions below: - Warhammer End Times: Vermintide - Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Garry's Mod: Prop Hunt - GTA V - The Forest - Gartic Phone - Papa's Something-eria - Google's Internet-Is-Down Dinosaur Game
Whoo! And that should be most, if not all of it. This was a long and unnecessary answer, but I am an indecisive hooman being who felt the need to answer in detail.
Now is the time for me to return to my lair. See below:
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Until I am awoken again, thank you @ur-typical-nerd​ for the lovely ask, and sorry for the unnecessarily long rant. Have a good one!
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