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harcourtholmesii · 1 month ago
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An attempt was made! I haven't really kept up with art in a while and I haven't done an awful lot of sketching for some time, but I'm pretty happy with this.
I had to edit it in Photos a little as it was a bit blurry and not quite catching details, so I'm hoping that it sill looks decent.
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writeyouin · 1 year ago
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners - Chapter 6
Chapter 6 - Misery Loves Company
A/N – Okay, so for anyone who loves Stand-up comedy as much as I do, I highly recommend you watch Daniel Sloss’ tour, Dark. That’s his first tour, and it was where he coined the term Wanker-Anchor, which is used in this story.
Warnings – None.
Rating – M
TAG-LIST: @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @sseleniaa @randomgurl2326 @22carolina08 @astrxwitch @yu-87 @clover-1767 @lil-bexie @thesimpybitch @reverse-soe @koirb @usernameunavailable2 @lavenderkita @kannakanan @mcueveryday @amarokofficial @mbruben-stein @tyrythewolf @lasagna-501 @bizzardvark @firefirefeline @kaylanotkk @missme-07 @memontica @angelsdemonsmonsters @tj4shy @midoria-kinnie @meesachan @fusehoundshipper @velvettenoctus @crescent-z @just-trash-yeah-thats-it @rosiescannibalwife @skylerbutterfly @hamthepan @latersgaters-steven @kryptidkova @sleepyhead-number27 @cherry-4200 @harcourtholmesii @alastorandluciferspouse @holyspacething @kedelman24 @becsmarvel @vash-yuu
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“Whoa,” Charlie said upon seeing you.
She had seen your Demonic form before, but it was a rarity and it usually meant that you weren’t doing well mentally.
“Are you okay?” She asked, sucking in air through her teeth, her voice pitching high, indicating that she already knew the answer but didn’t want to point out the obvious in case it upset you further.
“I’m fine,” You answered shortly.
“Really? Because you uh, well,” Charlie twisted her hands back and forth, “You uh, you look a little- I mean, hey, I think you’re beautiful inside and out but when you’re like this it usually means- It’s normally-”
“You’re fucked up,” Vaggie finished for her, getting straight to the point.
“I’m fine,” You insisted, using the words everyone used when they were decidedly not fine. “Where’s Angel Dust?”
“In his room,” Vaggie explained.
“What happened? He was doing so well.”
Charlie’s eyes welled up with tears and she threw her arms around you, sobbing out an explanation, “It was my fault. I asked him about his contract, and he told me not to worry, but I did worry, and then I wanted to make sure he’d be okay when me and Vaggie go to visit Heaven, but he said he didn’t need a babysitter, and then I got Husk involved and Husk told me not to fuck with things I don’t understand, and then Valentino came-”
“Wait, Valentino came here?!” You pulled Charlie off you so you could look her in the eyes.
“Well, not exactly, but he sent his crew here and told Angel they had to film and I said no, and-”
You left Charlie and ran to Angel’s room. Both Charlie and Vaggie followed you as you pelted through the corridors. No wonder Angel had relapsed. That piece of shit Valentino had used Angel’s contract against him. As part of the deal they had made, Angel had to do any work Valentino demanded of him, and that fucking scumbag had dared to invade the one place where Angel felt safe.
Knowing Charlie, she would have pointed out that Valentino couldn’t use her property and would have to wait for Angel at the studio, but that wouldn’t matter. Valentino would play by the rules; it wasn’t really about filming at the Hotel, it was all a matter of proving that Angel belonged to him and that there was no safe place he could hide away.
Besides, even if Valentino hadn’t gotten his way at the Hotel, he would take it out on Angel the next time he was in the studio. It was a lose-lose situation, something that Hell was always too eager to provide.
When you got to Angel’s room, you paused to compose yourself. It wouldn’t help if you sounded too desperate or concerned; Angel didn’t respond well to that. It would make him blame himself for making you worry, and then he would spiral further.
You knocked on the door, “Hey Angel, it’s us. Can we come in please?”
“Go away,” Angel’s heavy accent came through the door, marking him more as Anthony than Angel Dust, though you didn’t say anything about that; there were very few people who knew his real name, and he didn’t like to be reminded of it.
For better or worse, he was Angel Dust; that was who he needed to be to survive.
You glanced at Charlie and Vaggie, then tilted your head, indicating that they should leave. Charlie hesitated until Vaggie placed a hand on her shoulder, then after an affirming nod from you, she let Vaggie lead her away.
“Come on Angel,” You said when they were gone. “It’s just me. Let me in.”
“Piss off.”
You sighed, then sat outside the door, and began talking. You didn’t have a grand speech planned, only what was on your mind, and if Angel wasn’t going to let you in, then it became a matter of letting him know that he wasn’t alone and that you wouldn’t abandon him, though you would respect his space.
“I get it. Valentino fucked with you. He love-bombed you, and that didn’t fucking work because you’re stronger than he is and you’re not going to fall for his shitty manipulation tactics. Now, he’s sending his goons here. It’s all just another one of his games, Angel. Don’t let him win.”
There was no response. You stayed quiet for a minute then were struck with a thought; misery loves company.
“Hey, I also kind of feel like shit today, you know? I kept thinking about Hell and… a lot of things. I told Charlie’s dad how I died. That was fucked up.”
Again, there was no response, but you thought you heard Angel shuffle closer to the door. Until that evening, nobody had heard anything about your mortal life, and now you were talking about it for the second time.
“I was murdered for a snuff film. I still have nightmares about it.”
There was a bluntness to your tone. Although it hurt to state the memory aloud again, albeit in less detail, you decided not to put too much thought into it. If your death could help someone, well, there had to be some good in bringing it up.
You stared at the peeling red wallpaper across from you, just so you had something to focus on. “I’m terrified that one day, I’m gonna walk down the street and see the guys that killed me. Like, what do you even do in that situation? Call them out? They’re in Hell, that’s punishment enough, right? Will they find it funny to see me again? Find new ways to hurt me?”
I honestly don’t know what I want in this scenario. I don’t want them to die, ‘cos then they’ll be here, but if they live, they’ll do this to other people. Kidnap them, sell them to the highest bidder, film it for the black market. I dunno… I’ve been here for a year, and I keep thinking about that.”
The door opened and you fell back, looking up at Angel’s concerned face.
“That’s the most fucked up shit I’ve ever heard.”
He lifted you up, setting you right with two arms, while the other two brushed you off.
“So… this is you?” He asked, taking in your rag-doll appearance.
You laughed and imitated his voice, your Demonic abilities kicking in to mimic him perfectly, “I can be anything you want, bay-by.”
“That’s the hottest you’ve ever sounded.”
“Yeah, yeah,” You waved him off blasély. “Just let me in, okay? I can help.”
“So, uh, with the voice, and the-” Angel gestured at your new look, moving his hands in a circular motion, “Can you uh- Be other people?”
“I don’t know,” You said slowly, looking at your hands, “Never tried.”
You concentrated for a moment, trying to transform back to your original self. Usually, it was effortless. Yet, as you stared at the stitches that bound you together, you found it difficult to do more than revert to your original skin colour. Seeing that beneath the stitches was somehow worse, so you stopped trying to change, accepting that for now, you were a ragdoll.
You shrugged your shoulders, “Fuck it. I am what I am, and that’s all that I am.”
You caught sight of Angel’s precious pet pig. Scooping him up into your arms and cuddling him, you cooed in a baby voice, “Besides, you still love me, don’t you Fat Nuggets, yeeeees, precious baby.”
Sitting down on Angel’s bed, you looked up at your friend, deciding that it was better not to let the difficult conversation wait and fester.
“Soooo…” You scratched Fat Nuggets behind the ear, “Charlie told me that you relapsed. Wanna talk about it?”
Angel sighed and flopped back onto the bed so he was lying next to you, his legs planted on the floor.
He dragged two hands over his face, the other two lay despondently over his stomach.
“I- It was just such a shitty day, and Val sent those pricks here, not that they could fill any holes. Wrong kind of pricks, you know?” He half laughed, but it died when he realised the joke wasn’t funny in such a shitty situation.
Still, you smiled at him. When Angel was sad, he didn’t always need someone to sympathise with him. He needed to see that you weren’t going to change and start treating him differently. Sometimes that meant just listening, but other times it meant making the meanest jokes you could think of and laughing at how horrible everything was.
You were his Wanker-anchor, chaining him to reality by being a dick; Husk was the best at it, but seeing as he was nowhere to be found, Angel had you instead.
“Here,” Angel held up a small sealed bag, with his stash in it. So, he hadn’t relapsed after all. He’d just come very close.
“No thanks,” You joked, “I’m full from all the crack I had at breakfast.”
Angel got up and punched your arm, “You’re such an asshole.”
“Takes one to know one,” You took his stash, tucking it away in your pocket, then you stood up, leaving Fat Nuggets on the bed, and you offered Angel your hand. “Come on.”
“You need a distraction. So, I challenge you, Angel Dust, teach me how to dance.”
“You’re fucking kiddin’, right?”
You shook your head. “You can dance, I can’t and I’m bored. So, come on, give me some lessons. It’ll be good to get moving.”
“When you fail, can I call you a retard?”
“Fuck no. You can’t say retard anymore, what the fuck is wrong with you. You can insult the shit outta me, but keep your terms acceptable, okay?”
Honestly, Angel had thought he was up to date on what insults and trash talk were deemed acceptable, but evidently, he was wrong.
“Alright, I’ll teach you to dance, but you gotta keep me updated on all the latest slang, and what’s changed up there,” He glanced up as if he could see Earth.
“I’ve been dead a year, bud. A lot can change in that time,” You said, thinking about all the ways you were probably outdated.
Angel grabbed his phone and turned up the tunes, “Sounds like a coward’s excuse to get outta teaching.”
And so it was that you and Angel started to dance. It was nothing like his work, or when he was forced to pimp himself out in clubs as a form of ‘networking.’ Instead, it was stupid, fun, and uncoordinated with you as his partner. Christ, he had never danced with someone so terrible. You let him lead, and together, the two of you laughed at each other’s expense and forgot all about the shitty things that had happened that day.
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Up in his Radio Station, Alastor grinned sinisterly. He had heard you quite clearly as he went about his business in the Hotel. You were murdered? How delightful. Victims were so easy to manipulate. Furthermore, you were a ragdoll. Oh, how wonderfully he could exploit that power.
All it would take was an invitation of friendship, a desperate situation, and an offer of assistance. When Alastor had sent Husk away on an errand earlier, he hadn’t imagined it would turn out so wonderfully.
Now, there was a new piece on the chessboard, and Alastor was determined to capture you as his pawn.
Your soul would be his.
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inkymoonbunny · 11 months ago
Astarion x Tav Fic Recs
These are just some of my favorites! <3 Mix of during game and AUs
Epistles of Saints & Sinners @elegantduelliste - Soulmate Marks AU during game. Astarion recognizes Tav’s soulmate mark, it matches his own, but he's not going to tell her that; he can't have a soulmate, it's just one more thing Cazador has stolen from him. Tav is just as drawn to Astarion, but her own history has left her guarded and wary of being vulnerable. Elle’s writing of the push and pull of their relationship is breathtaking and heart-wrenching. Matching a bard Tav, Elle's prose takes on a lyrical quality and her use of imagery is unparalleled. 
The House of Astarion by Throckmorton420 - Labyrinth AU post-Elderbrain. Ascended Astarion lost interest in conquering Faerun once he came across the Labyrinth, it's much more his style anyway. Stealing Tav’s violin, he offers her a deal: solve his Labyrinth and he'll return her violin and grant her a wish. Realizing this is her opportunity to reconnect to the Weave, Tav agrees. Did I mention goostarion? Because there's goostarion! This fic is filled with mischief, whimsy, and so much heart. 
Fools' Work @semper-draca - Pre-Tadpole AU. Cazador has sent his spawn after a mysterious box and luckily for Astarion, his latest target happens to have a lead. It should be easy to seduce her and steal the prize! Too bad she’s not as naive as Astarion believes. This mercenary Tav is perceptive and delightfully unhinged that makes her a great matchup for a scheming Astarion. 
When the Dawn Breaks… @harcourtholmesii - set during game. Before Astarion was turned, he ignored his family’s disapproval of a Drow lover. Two hundred years later, Lavender has found the lover she grieved and believed dead. Astarion brushes away her questions but still sweeps her off her feet. He can’t believe his luck in finding a target that presumably knows him, one easy to lure back when he so desperately needs to keep in good graces with his master. 
Until You @bloodinwine - Post-Elderbrain with modern world AU flavor. Effy thought Astarion needed a friend more than a lover, so now here they are as roommates and definitely not hopelessly in love pining after one another. Effy struggles to fight her way free of self-destructive tendencies and be the person Astarion needs her to be. This Tav is a loveable hot mess! I have never wanted to take a character by the shoulders and shake them so badly, thank you June for spinning Effy into the world. 
Lacunae @karinamay - Series set during game. Tav was once Astarion’s target, but she slipped away. Upon meeting after the Nautiloid crash, she remembers but Astarion does not. This is the one that inspired me to start writing again. It’s sweet and heartbreaking and deliciously spicy!
Pour One Out @aevallare - Modern AU/1000 years post-Elderbrain. A spinoff from the much loved and fandom favorite Kindred featuring an anxious Auri that doesn't remember her past life and a tailor Astarion that's in awe of finding his love again. This is an Astarion that's had centuries to heal from his ordeal with Cazador, one that's been able to flourish in freedom. Astarion gets his chance to be a hero for Auri this time around. Aevallare's characterization of Astarion is absolutely unmatched.
All these fics are ongoing so you must be patient, but DO give them a read and the authors some love/kudos/comments!
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ao3feed-gav900 · 5 months ago
HankCon Bingo
https://ift.tt/dignejM by HarcourtHolmesII Words: 2809, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson Relationships: Hank Anderson/Connor, Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed Additional Tags: trigger warnings per chapter, Hankcon Bingo, Bingo board, Safe For Work, not safe for work, Check Each Chapter for Rating, please do not post to another site
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okyverlo · 1 month ago
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When your genocidal warmongering colonialist imperialistic buff butch milf wolf mom wants you to join your home country’s military industrial complex but you’re too busy being artdeco steampunk fenty beauty mogul diplomat goddess with a buff latino-adjacent boytoy who has a situationship with a sad eastern European 90’s heroin-chic machine messiah Czech hunter twink boyfriend
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ao3feed-piltovers-finest · 23 days ago
Inextricably Bound
by HarcourtHolmesII
When a mysterious force throws them into a land unknown, seven strangers must come together to find a way back home. A war is brewing between their kingdoms and maybe they can stop it, but they must put aside their differences and work together to return in time.
In the meanwhile, dark forces stir to disrupt them from their course. A certain dark mage and a warrior queen watch the noblewoman's every step. A figure in the past of two sisters threatens to destroy the peace between them. An insidious scientist with a heartfelt agenda seeks to restore what has been lost to him, no matter the cost.
And a certain, dark urge seeps into the heart and mind of one particular member of the group, promising him a path to peace and enlightenment in return for his humanity.
A Baldur's Gate x Arcane crossover that I randomly thought up ^^' Only very loosely based on both the game and the show, but taking elements from both to create an original story for these characters.
Words: 2227, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021), Baldur's Gate (Video Games), Dungeons & Dragons (Roleplaying Game)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Characters: Vi (League of Legends), Jayce (League of Legends), Viktor (League of Legends), Caitlyn (League of Legends), Ekko (League of Legends), Jinx (League of Legends), Mel Medarda
Relationships: Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends), Jayce/Viktor (League of Legends), Ekko/Jinx (League of Legends), Minor Jayce Talis/Mel Medarda (League of Legends), Lest/Mel Medarda, Silco (Arcane: League of Legends)/Vander (League of Legends)
Additional Tags: Crossover, Dungeons & Dragons References, Baldur's Gate Crossover, No Actual Baldur's Gate Characters, sorry - Freeform, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Gore, Explicit Sexual Content, Smut, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, trigger warnings per chapter, please do not post to another site
Read on A03. from AO3 works tagged ‘Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)’
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kokorodachidanii · 3 years ago
Casino Miniboss OTPs
Tipsy Troop: Rum and Whiskey each get a Blaze Brother to themselves, Martini is too busy trying to keep the Booze Bros in line to care about men
Chips Bettigan and Pirouletta may or may not be already married (domo arigatou, HarcourtHolmesII)
Stickler’s totally crushing on Mr Wheezy
Pip and Dot are apparently already canon (they’ll always be siblings to me tho 😅)
Hopus Pocus and Chauncey “Psycarrot” Chantenay are rivals who kiss sometimes
Phear Lap x T-Bone. Gay Skeletons. Enough said.
As for Mangosteen and Mr Chimes... I honestly don’t see ’em with anyone else 😅😅😅
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wheres-my-sanity · 4 years ago
We were just children pt.1
Summary:  What happens if you meet your childhood best friend after 15 years again? On the other end in a nightmarish fog that only seeks to kill its inhabitants. Old wounds get reopened and scars show. But there always a change of forgiveness. You just have to take it.
Pairing: Felix Richter x Élodie Rakoto
A/N: I wanted to write this since I read Élodies lore for the first time, but never had the time or motivation to do it. In this first chapter I will heavily focus on Élodies arrival. Felix will only be mentioned. The second chapter will be focused on their reunion. Also I want to thank harcourtholmesii again. I hope you enjoy my story.
„Come Felix, it’s going to be fun!” “Élodie, I really think we should turn back.” “Oh, don’t be such a coward, it’s just abandoned tunnel. See, I go first, just trust me.” “O-Ok I’m coming.” “See, as long as we are together nothing can happen.”
Élodie woke up, tears in her eyes. The moon wash shinning on her sweaty skin. She stood up from her bed and walked out on the balcony. Another nightmare. They had become more frequently than usual. She looked down at the messy streets of Paris. Why now? Her life was going ok. A few weeks ago, the doctors came to the conclusion that Élodie had fully recovered from the loss of her parents. She had found this apartment, which, granted wasn’t really big, but it was enough. Élodie didn’t want to sit in some house, no, she wanted to explore and discover. While she had told the doctors that she just loved being outside, the only thing she really wanted was to continue the search. Her parents were somewhere out there, she just knew it.
Élodie let herself fall on her couch and thought about what she had missed. She had been at every graveyard of the city, on every dark and dusty corner, but hadn’t found anything out about the whereabouts of her parents. Where had she not looked? What did she not see? The catacombs. Unlikely, but possible. Tomorrow she would inform herself about how to get into the underground. In a week she could maybe find a guide. She would find her parents, no matter the costs.
Élodie awoke with a groaning head. Of course, the catacombs were a bust, what did she expect? Élodie expected to be either in police station or the clinic. Neither of both was the case. She was at some kind of wreck yard, as the hundreds of crushed car-piles told her. She also could make out the distant shape of a giant lodge. The whole area seemed to be surrounded by a stone wall with a metal fence on it. The place seemed forsaken. Élodie stood, wondering how the hell she got here. On her left she could some kind of giant generator. The wires of the thing seemed to reach over the whole place.
“Hello, is anybody here?” No answer. As Élodie wanted to ask again, she could suddenly feel strong hands covering her mouth and a male voice say: “If you don’t shut up, he’s gonna hear us!” As Élodie turned around she could see the face of big man with a nose that looked like it has been broken more then once. Suddenly Élodies heart began to beat loud and fast. Apparently, the man seemed to feel the same. He gestured to come with him. Since Élodie had no idea where she was and the man seemed really worried, she decided to follow him. The man leaded her to a pile of tires where he hid behind. Élodie raised an eyebrow, but questioned not any further. Seconds after she hid too, a giant man, at least 2 meters high, walked by. He wore a black worker attire and long shoes, but the two most notable things on him were in his hand and on his face. A giant kitchen knife and a white emotionless mask, both covered in blood.
After a minute Élodie could feel her heart beating slower and they could see the man with the mask walk away. Just when she started to feel relieved, she could her a scream that made her flinch. The man with the broken nose cursed and then said: “Wait, here, until me or another man named Dwight return. The names David by the way.” With that he took his leave. 5 minutes later, Élodie heard another scream, this time a different one. A few seconds after she could see something huge moving on the sky. A paint breathing made her look down again. Another man approached. He had a pair of glasses and a key in his hand. And he was bleeding. A lot.
“D-Dwight?” Élodie asked nervously? The man nodded. “Where’s David?” Dwight shook his head and pointed at something behind her. Élodie turned around to see a hatch, she could have sworn wasn’t there before. The man slowly walked over to it and opened it. He waved at her, before he said: “Come.” With that he straight up jumped into it and disappeared. Before Élodie could even blink she could feel her heard beating again. She looked back only to see the man with the knife approach. Without even thinking Élodie jumped into the hatch, only to see darkness again.
When Élodie could see anything again, she could make out Dwight next to her. Magically he seemed to have stopped bleeding. They were in some kind of forest it appeared. All of the sudden Dwight rose up and began walking in a direction. Élodie sprinted after him. She chose the most obvious question first: “Who the hell was that?” Dwight seemed to be exhausted but still answered: “His name is Michael Myers, but we just call him the shape. Could you please wait with any other question until we reach the campfire?” While Élodie wanted to know where she was and how she got here, she decided to be quiet. Since this man saved her life the least, she could do was to leave him alone for a bit. After 10 minutes of walking, they reached a clearing. In the middle was, what she guessed to be the campfire that Dwight had mentioned. Around it sat around 25 people. “Hey Guys we have a new one again.” Élodie looked up to see the semi-interested looks of all of the people. “May I present to you Meg, Claudette, Jake, Nea, Laurie, Ace, Bill, Feng, Quentin, David, Kate, Adam, Jeff, Ash, Nancy, Steve, Yui, Zarina, Cheryl and… “FELIX?” Élodie shouted. “Élodie?”.
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harcourtholmesii · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Baldur's Gate (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Astarion (Baldur's Gate)/Original Female Character(s), Astarion/Tav (Baldur's Gate), Karlach/Tav (Baldur's Gate), Halsin/Tav (Baldur's Gate), Lae'zel/Shadowheart (Baldur's Gate) Characters: Original Female Character(s), Tav (Baldur's Gate), Astarion (Baldur's Gate), Karlach (Baldur's Gate), Gale (Baldur's Gate), Lae'zel (Baldur's Gate), Shadowheart (Baldur's Gate), Wyll (Baldur's Gate), Halsin (Baldur's Gate) Additional Tags: There Are Two Tavs (Technically), Canon-Typical Violence, Betrayal, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Manipulation, Blood and Gore, Fluff and Smut, Physical Abuse, Sexual Content, Sexual Tension, Torture, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Trauma, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Just... Warnings For Astarion's Questline In Particular Summary:
The day that the Nautiloid invades Baldur's Gate, Astarion is abducted by the alien vessel and infected with a parasite that will transform him into a monster. Aboard the ship, he watches, trapped, as he is abandoned with the other poor, captured souls. When the ship lurches and dragon fire shakes his prison, a prisoner beside him, one he had the grace to meet before his abduction, is freed when the flames destroy the locks to her pod.
Dark eyes meet his, as furious and betrayed as they were when last he saw them, on the grounds of his master's mansion of Baldur's Gate. They know him, but he does not know them. He watches her hand hover above the console that could set him free, and notes how her lips pull taut in a frustrated sneer. Tears begin to peak at the corners of her eyes.
He did not have the heart to care, but he did have the talent to play it like he did.
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writeyouin · 10 months ago
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners - Chapter 7
Chapter 7 - A Day With Alastor
A/N – Well, it took a while but I finally felt up to writing a bit. There’s still a lot of sadness at home right now, but I’ll try to keep writing.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
TAG LIST: @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @sseleniaa @randomgurl2326 @22carolina08 @astrxwitch @yu-87 @clover-1767 @lil-bexie @thesimpybitch @reverse-soe @koirb @usernameunavailable2 @lavenderkita @kannakanan @mcueveryday @amarokofficial @mbruben-stein @tyrythewolf @lasagna-501 @bizzardvark @firefirefeline @kaylanotkk @missme-07 @memontica @angelsdemonsmonsters @tj4shy @midoria-kinnie @meesachan @fusehoundshipper @velvettenoctus @crescent-z @just-trash-yeah-thats-it @rosiescannibalwife @skylerbutterfly @hamthepan @latersgaters-steven @kryptidkova @sleepyhead-number27 @cherry-4200 @harcourtholmesii @alastorandluciferspouse @holyspacething @kedelman24 @becsmarvel @vash-yuu @k-n0-x @radio-leigh @tamaki-simp @wolfdaddyalphasworld @http-dilflvr @cosmic-lavender
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You woke up in Angel’s bed. The previous night, you two had laughed, danced, ordered pizza and stayed tucked away in the safe haven of his bedroom. In that time, Angel had been reminded of how much his life had improved recently, and how precious his new friends were, and you had allowed yourself to relax, once again reverting to your previous human appearance. Yet, after revealing how you had died twice in a night, the change to look human felt more like a choice rather than the repression of painful emotions; you still had no love for your Demonic appearance, but you felt it wouldn’t be so terrible if it was seen among friends, or if you wanted a break from the low thrum of energy it took to keep your human façade in place.
You groaned tiredly as you pushed yourself up, never having been a morning person, and upon looking through the slats of the shaded window, you saw that it was very early indeed.
Angel had already left, and you made a mental note to call him in the evening when you knew he would be done with work. Despite the fun respite the two of you had shared, Angel would undoubtedly have a terrible day as Valentino’s plaything.
Stretching, you got up and headed downstairs for breakfast, surprised when you didn’t see anyone at the breakfast bar. Technically, the breakfast bar was just the regular bar, but since Husk typically spent his mornings sleeping in, everyone had adopted it as the breakfast bar and so there were always boxes of cereal on it until noon.
Thinking about it, you realised that since Charlie and Vaggie weren’t there to greet you, Angel Dust had likely talked them through the previous night and reassured them that everything was going to be okay. It had undoubtedly been a tearful reunion for Charlie. Angel Dust would have laughed and played it off like it was nothing, though he would have secretly been touched that Charlie cared enough to cry over someone like him, and Vaggie would have been left to care for Charlie and steer her in the direction of her daily duties.
Absently, you reached for a box and began pouring yourself a bowl of Glutton-O’s. There was a thunk in the bowl as a dead cockroach pinned to a cheap ring of plastic fell into it. You hummed at Nifty’s idea of a breakfast prize, though you didn’t scoff at it. Instead, you opted to wear it, just in case the psychotic little maid was around. If she was, you would make her happy, and if she wasn’t, you could always throw it away when you were far from the Hotel.
Despite claiming the prize, you opted not to eat the tainted cereal, getting up to leave instead.
“Ah, (Y/N), good morning,” Alastor greeted you energetically as if he had only just spotted you when in reality he had been waiting patiently for you to awaken and head downstairs.
“Morning Alastor,” You replied warmly, used to his sudden appearances.
“I didn’t know you were back in our wonderful home. Tell me, was it trouble in Paradise with Lucifer?” His head lurched to the side and his grin became more malicious as he mentioned his rival’s name, though he was back to his default expression a moment later when you replied.
“Christ on a stick, Al. You make it sound like we’re a couple or something.” You shook your head, chuckling, “No, everything’s fine between me and Charlie’s dad. I just came over to visit last night. I’ll be going soon though.”
“Going? Oh my. Well, I can’t let you go without first ensuring you’ve had an enchanting day out. How would you feel about joining me on my morning constitutional?”
You smiled and got up, straightening your crumpled clothes. “Sure, I could do with a walk.”
“Wonderful!” Alastor stamped his cane to the floor, and your outfit transformed into one more fitting for a trip to Cannibal Town.
“Oh,” You hummed, glancing down at the new outfit. You weren’t offended; Alastor liked his travelling companions to look their best and to be honest, you had needed a fresh change of clothes. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, my dear,” He replied brightly.
Then, Alastor offered you his arm, a rare gesture seeing as he didn’t liked to be touched, and after escorting you out of the hotel, the two of you separated, walking side by side.
You had been to Cannibal Town only twice in the past. The first time was because that was where you arrived upon your death. The second time, you were running from the carnage caused by some loan sharks wherein you had been caught in the crossfire. At the time, you had been dressed so poorly that the inhabitants of the elegant town had chased you to the border, trying to take a bite out of you.
Since then, you hadn’t been back. However, seeing as Alastor was escorting you and since you were now dressed to match the high standards Cannibal Town held, you felt safe in going there.
All those who passed by you and Alastor stopped to bow or tip their hats in due reverence to the Overlord.
“So…” You started, “Is this your territory?”
Alastor threw back his head and laughed, “Ha-ha-ha, my territory? No, no. This wonderful patch of Hell belongs to my good friend, Rosie. Now there’s a fine Lady, if you’ve ever met one.” He hummed happily, “Indeed, they don’t make them like her anymore. I’d introduce the two of you, but I have it on good authority that she is currently away attending business.”
With that, Alastor led you to some of the finer boutiques of the Town. He snapped his fingers and the attendees rushed to his side, crowding him, and pushing you out somewhat. You shrugged your shoulders and began looking around at the many wonderful clothes surrounding you.
You had seen old films wherein boutiques like this once existed, with attendants and fine boxes tied with perfectly curled ribbons. Until now, they had seemed to be a thing of the past, but one good thing about Hell was that the past was all around you, and should you want a taste of something more modern, you could always catch up with a bit of Vox-tech, ensuring the best of both worlds.
You heard the sharp static screech that meant Alastor was offended and turned to find him gesturing at you.
The salespeople who previously crowded him were suddenly surrounding you.
“Alastor, what’s going on?” You asked uncertainly.
“Well, my darling,” He grinned devilishly, “Call this my treat. It’s rare that I have someone travel with me so willingly and I do find it ever so nice to have a passion project these days. So, these fine people are ready to bow to your every whim. Clothes, pearls, a bottle of the finest Champagne, you name it and they will bring it to you. In fact-” Alastor clapped his hands lightly and suddenly a tiny imp rushed to his side, struggling under the weight of the ice bucket he held above his head.
Alastor waited as another hired imp hurried over to pour two flutes of Brut Imperial Moet & Chandon Champagne, handing one glass to Alastor and forcing the other into your hand.
Alastor took a sip and smacked his lips together, eliciting a satisfied sigh, “Ah, 1911, a fine vintage. So, a new wardrobe then?”
“Oh, Alastor, I- I couldn’t,” You said sheepishly as a Cannibal Tailor began taking your measurements, holding a tape measure against your leg.
You tried to walk back to Alastor but were restrained when the tailor hooked the tape around your waist.
“Nonsense, I insist.” Alastor chuckled.
“No, really. I didn’t come here to get anything from you.”
“Exactly! You don’t want anything from me, and that’s precisely why you shall have everything. I do ever so enjoy gifting my friends, especially those humble enough to try and deny me my eccentricities.”
You tried to argue further, but it quickly became an exercise in futility. No matter what happened, you would not be able to convince Alastor to change his mind. So, you gave in, and in doing so, you ended up having one of the best days of your afterlife.
That day, you felt like you were a part of a movie montage. You were rushed about into changing rooms to try on several outfits tailored to you, your face was peppered with makeup, attendants were constantly by your side, gushing over you and offering mimosas or whatever else your heart desired (though, you avoided the finger sandwiches filled with actual human fingers, or any other food, seeing as you were afraid of what might be in it.)
Overall, you knew that this kind of attention would be too much if you were constantly plied with it, but for a short while, it was fun, and you were happy to let yourself be spoiled.
Finally, Alastor decided he had given you enough and offered to take you out for afternoon tea, which you happily agreed to as long as there were some non-cannibal options.
Alastor rested a hand over his heart as if offended, “Oh, you non-cannibals don’t know the kind of flavours you are missing, but if you insist, I promise to take you to one of the tamer venues in town.”
He waved the attendants away, leaving your new belongings to a Demon who would have them transported directly into your room.
When the two of you sat down outside of the Insani-Tea tea house that overlooked the pavilion in the central plaza, Alastor sighed contentedly. He picked up his cup and swirled it around airily, taking a look at the scenery as he changed the topic from the previous ones about the hotel, “This has been quite a lovely day if I do say so myself.”
You smiled happily, resting your hands around your tea cup and relishing the gentle warmth, “It has. Thank you, Alastor. I needed a nice day like this.”
“Hm? So, life with our all-powerful Satan hasn’t been all you imagined.”
You chuckled as Alastor caught your eye, “Well, it was all Charlie’s idea, and you know what she’s like when she gets a thought into her head.”
“Indeed. A very determined young lady.”
“That’s one way of putting it.”
“You’re not happy, then?”
You took a moment to contemplate the question, “Honestly? I think I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in a very long time. It’s… hard sometimes to be in such a new place when I felt so at home in the hotel, but I think that Charlie might be on the right track when it comes to Lucifer.
Granted, her methods are… Well, she’s a real ballbuster when it comes to her ideals on friendship and the like, but I think that if her father could see what she’s trying to do and make a connection with people like us then he would see that Hell isn’t just one big punishment and that he and his family did manage to build something sort of good here.”
At the mention of Sinners as a Collective, Alastor’s grin became darker and more sinister in nature, as if he didn’t approve of your placement of him and the other Sinners on the same level, though, distracted as you were, you missed his disapproval and sense of superiority. He however didn’t miss the way your smile softened when you mentioned Lucifer’s success.
It wasn’t love. Of that, Alastor was certain, but if he nudged you in the right direction, you could probably fall for that blonde idiot, and if that happened, and if Lucifer somehow also found feelings for you, Alastor could use you to manipulate Lucifer.
Like all of Alastor’s plans, this would take time and a lot of work, but the reward would be great. With time, he would be the new ruler of Hell, and that was a day he sorely looked forward to.
“Well, I’m glad to hear that our darling Charlie was right in her hunch,” He said genially. “You should continue to work with Lucifer. I’m sure it would be beneficial for everyone.”
 “We’ll see,” You agreed, taking a sip of your tea.
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Lucifer paced back and forth in the Pride Parlor where you usually spent your afternoons. Where were you? You had been missing all day.
He folded his arms tightly against his chest as he paced. Had he upset you the night before? What was he thinking? Of course he had! You had told him how you died, and now… Now, what? Had you run away? Should he call Charlie?
Lucifer didn’t know what to do. He didn’t own you, and while you had claimed him as your friend, he had never reciprocated in kind.
The sound of the door opening caught Lucifer’s attention and he looked up hopefully, but it was only Spick closely followed by Span, each of the snakes holding feather dusters and getting to work cleaning the room. Lucifer watched as Span dusted the fireplace mantle, his eyes travelling upward to a portrait of him and Lilith together; it was one of the earlier pieces he had commissioned from an awful Sinner, Salvador Dali; the artist’s punishment for selling his soul to an Overlord had been that whenever he was commissioned, he wasn’t allowed to paint his beloved surrealism art and could instead only paint portraits.
In the painting, Lucifer was staring intently at Lilith, admiring her for everything she was or ever would be since her potential was limitless to him. She however was looking straight ahead, a demure smile upon her face.
When Lucifer thought of you, he couldn’t help also thinking of Lilith. Granted, you and he were only friends, but Lilith had also disappeared and now she had been missing for seven lonely years. Lucifer would hate to think that he had driven the only other person to live with him since then away too.
Anxiously, he twisted his wedding ring from side to side, feeling more miserable than ever.
“Hey boys,” Your cheery voice greeted as you entered the parlour.
Lucifer spun around to find you eagerly smushing Spick and Span’s faces like they were puppies or something equally as pettable.
“(Y/N)… You’re back,” He murmured quietly.
Mistaking his quietness for indifference towards you, you wilted somewhat, “Yeah, but I can uh- I can leave again if that’s what you want.”
“What I want?” Lucifer repeated listlessly. He held up his hand as if he was going to touch you, but let it drop again, “I’m… I’m going to my workshop.”
You nodded, your brows furrowing at the strange exchange, “Okay, I’ll- I’ll be in my room.”
Lucifer passed by you to leave the parlour first, then he seemed to change his mind, if only for a moment.
“It’s good to have you back,” He said softly before heading out.
You smiled to yourself, relieved. “It’s good to be back.”
You thought that Lucifer hadn’t heard you, yet as he walked to his workshop, a small smile reached his lips; it had been a long time since he’d considered anyone new to be a friend.
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neomineom · 11 months ago
Hey! Just wanted to say that I a a huge fan of your MasterGrinder artworks, and I've probably said it before but I am saying it again, they are all so lovely! They have inspired me to write several different stories, and I've just published the first chapter to one story tonight! This is the link, but only if you want to read it, of course! https://archiveofourown.org/works/55174846/chapters/139924744 I know that it is not a scene depicted by your works, and if you would rather not be associated with a darker story, that is perfectly fine! But I was hoping to credit you for the inspiration you have provided me with those beautiful pieces of art! If you do not want me to credit you, just let me know! Anyways, I hope you're having a lovely day, week and year so far and I just want to say again, I love your art! Your Sokol is so cute and Dallas is so handsome! I love them both! :)
Ahhh! Thank you so much! Yes! Of course, I remember your kind replies! having mutuals in the same ship is a huge motivation to keep making fanart of them♡
I really enjoyed your fic and want to read more! And sorry, I am terrible at describing my thoughts but note: your fic made me rob a few banks recently.
And thanks for the willingness to credit me but since the causes in the fic aren't originally mine, I don't bother how you depict them! there's just happy Neom, reading a new fav ship's fic.
Talk about the originality of headcanon, who would say that Dallas isn't the first member that a newcomer will meet? especially since Sokol meets the Butcher before arriving in America, possibly he smuggled some parts of BFD and needs a ride to the safehouse privately. and In Crime.Net, we can hear Bain's description of Sokol that he reminds him of younger Dallas AND he might be the one who leads the Payday gang in the future. it's a clear clue that Dallas is the person that Sokol would look up to! (this made me ship them a bit too much because turning admiration into affection is one of my favorite dynamics heehee<3)
I hope you have a nice day and week and year too, as you made mine u_u
+I'm sorry for all who don't receive my answers…. actually, I drew things to answer but it always turned out not in a good condition than my usual posts. also I deleted scribbles for this ask because it looked ugly ;_;
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okyverlo · 3 years ago
Yeah, I’ve been putting this off, because I hate the movie.
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Hello my Dears and Darlings; shall we rant?
The Leipzig/Halle Airport battle.
There is a lot that I just don’t like or get with this confrontation. Just so much that doesn’t make sense to me.
Scott’s presence for example.
Maybe it’s because I’m not an American who was raised on the whole ‘Captain America is always right’ malarkey, but I just do not get how Scott could drop everything -especially Cassie- without asking questions.
I mean, sure, it’d probably be super flattering to receive a call for help from such a prominent social figure, but I don’t see how Scott, after all he’s gone through, would accept that so blindly.
Also, I don’t care that Scott has an electrical engineering degree; there is no way he would actually know what all wires he was pulling out in the suit did. He might have an idea, sure, but given how protective over the suits Tony is, there is no way Scott found schematics of the suits or anything like that, and we know from the second Iron Man movie that the suits are near impossible to copy well.
Scott might have had an idea of what he was doing, but he didn’t know. And with Tony is mid-air with random wires being pulled, it could have just as easily been Iron Man with the broken spine.
Another thing that baffles me is Natasha’s actions.
First of all; why the hell did she invite T’Challa? For what was supposed to be talking the rogues down?
No, no, no, no. T’Challa was full on murder kitten and wasn’t backing down for anything at that point. He wasn’t even hiding just how down for murder he was. Natasha either knew exactly what she was risking by bringing T’Challa into the airport and didn’t care OR she truly thought that T’Challa was going to be docile and obedient and she is bad at reading people.
*Looks back at previous rants, and at future rants*
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Continuing on-
I also just don’t get her reasoning for letting Steve and Bucky go.
“They weren’t going to stop.”
Then ... you stop them? Do your job and detain them, to make sure that they won’t be able to hurt anyone else. You had them at literal widow bite-point.
You could have stopped them.
But I guess ‘Captain America is always right.’
Though, on the topic of utter bull, let’s get on to everyone’s favourite self-warning, Wanda!
We see her powers are once more fully under her control, not a flicker of inability when throwing a bunch of cars at Tony, or hauling Natasha into a shipping container.
Like, bitch, yes Clint was pulling his punches. Because he didn’t want to seriously fight a friend/chosen sister, especially when Natasha wasn’t trying to death fight him either.
Like, I am mad at all of Team Cap, but Wanda especially.
Because this entire movie once more reinforces the idea that she can do whatever the hell she wants because she has powers.
And, you know, that’s terrifying.
Because we -yet again- never see her apologising for anything.
Sure, she shows regret here and there, but not one single apology.
But then, following the star spangled man, I shouldn't be surprised.
Because despite what Steve says, Tony didn’t go to the airport looking for a fight.
Tony has had the airport evacuated yes, but he arrives and immediately starts to talk.
If Tony had wanted to, the suit easily has enough armament to have killed Team Cap from a distance before they even knew he was there.
But Tony revealed his presence, approached and tried to talk. Tony even forces himself to calm down when he starts to raise his voice, because this is supposed to be a discussion, not a debate nor a duel.
And yes, Tony did have Spider-Man in reserve if things started looking heated, but Peter’s job was just to disarm Cap and web him. Peter as Spider-Man is known for non-lethal take-downs, and Tony was obviously hoping that Peter would never be needed in the confrontation. It is not Tony’s fault that Peter decided to join the fight that breaks out.
Because Steve did prepare for a fight.
The shrunken Ant Man on Hawkeye’s arrow was not spur of the moment battle choice; Scott had been planted there, waiting for Clint to shoot him to infiltrate the Iron Man armour.
Also the fact that Team Cap didn’t know the airport had been emptied but they were walking through blatantly in their uniforms?
Not only prepared for a fight, but I wouldn’t be surprised at the hope that the sight of said uniforms would cause people to draw back and leave them alone to do whatever it was they were planning.
... This movie is really what made Steve no longer a good guy for me.
Steve’s character has been on a decline for a number of films, but this one just set it in stone.
And it is because of two very specific things.
The first is the lie.
Steve, by actively choosing not to inform Tony of even the suspicion that Maria and Howard Stark had been murdered, is lying by omission.
As the saying goes, a lie by omission is still a lie.
And further, Steve kept it a secret.
“Sometimes my teammates don't tell me things.”
Steve said that knowing that Tony’s parents had been murdered, and actively didn’t tell Tony.
He scowled and glared and blamed Tony for keeping secrets, while keeping a big one of his own.
And the bunker scene shows he never planned to share it either.
He only told Tony when the evidence was already right there and Tony didn’t believe the final attempted lie.
The second is the letter.
Every line in that letter just infuriates me. Let’s break it down.
I’m glad you’re back at the compound. I don’t like the idea of you rattling around in a mansion by yourself.
The compound hadn’t been Tony’s home though. Tony had not lived there; he stepped back when the Avengers moved in, and Tony did not move with them.
And perhaps Steve didn’t know it when writing the letter, but Tony’s really the only one there right now. Rhodey’s there for physio certainly, and we can assume is staying there for ease of healing, but the compound is still all but empty.
We all need family. The Avengers are yours, maybe more so than mine.
If by family you mean turncoats and backstabbers, I’m not surprised you think that Tony’s more deserving of that family.
But Tony’s pretty much the only Avenger left by this point; bar Rhodey and Vision, the rest of them are with Steve as far as we know
I’ve been on my own since I was 18. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army.
... Wow, so Bucky means nothing huh? Steve was 25 when he went through project rebirth, so Bucky was never there right? And he never for a moment enjoyed being beloved by the people, and having a strong, beautiful woman be sweet on him, and having the respect of many powerful people yeah?
My faith's in people, I guess. Individuals. And I'm happy to say that, for the most part, they haven't let me down. Which is why I can't let them down either. 
Except you have. You let down a lot of people when you decided that the law shouldn’t apply to you.
Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn't. 
But why should familiarity be more important that safety?
I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you, but I can see now that I was really sparing myself, and I'm sorry. 
Maybe it’s just me, but this doesn’t feel like Steve’s saying sorry for hurting Tony, or sorry for not telling. To me, it feels like Steve is saying sorry for not realising he was only sparing himself, because it’s followed by-
Hopefully one day you can understand. 
Steve is putting the responsibility of all this on Tony’s shoulders, saying Tony has to understand, that Steve has done enough and now it’s Tony’s turn to work.
I wish we agreed on the Accords, I really do. 
Yeah, you wish that Tony agreed with you saying the Accords were wrong.
I know you're doing what you believe in, and that's all any of us can do. That's all any of us should... 
An incomplete statement; Tony was doing what he believed to be right.
That is an important distinction from doing what someone believes in.
Because there are people who genuinely believe in warfare, and they shouldn’t be doing what they believe in.
So no matter what, I promise you, if you need us - if you need me - I'll be there.
After what you’ve done, how can you think your presence would be a comfort?
No, just no.
That letter is not an apology.
And so, yeah, MCU’s Steve is no longer a good guy to me.
It reminds me of that old saying.
With friends like these, who needs enemies?
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Honestly, sometimes Tony’s enemies seem the kinder option.
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harcourtholmesii · 2 years ago
Down by the river was where it had really started. The moment that really set something off that had been no intention of Hyzenthlay's. Before that point, their relationship had been one of guarded dependence, sought out only for their own survival. But after that moment, down by the river, many more followed that changed something significant between the two of them. Hyzenthlay wasn't entirely sure what to make of it, but it was new. Exciting perhaps, and terrifying... She couldn't help that she found it curious and perhaps even a little nice. And all it took was another empty promise.
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harcourtholmesii · 19 days ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jayce/Viktor (League of Legends) Characters: Jayce (League of Legends), Viktor (League of Legends) Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Social Anxiety, Not Actually Unrequited Love, References to Drugs, References to Manipulation, References to Classism, Jayce is in love with Viktor (League of Legends), Jayce is Trying His Best (League of Legends), Jayce Needs a Hug (League of Legends), please do not post to another site Summary:
Jayce returns from days away from the lab.
His want to throw himself back into his work is halted by Viktor's sleeping form.
It is one of Jayce's cherished memories.
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harcourtholmesii · 29 days ago
The knife was brought right up to his eye, and Viktor felt his fear building. He couldn’t breathe.
‘Hey!’ A voice cut through the alleyway, warped by a metallic gas mask. All eyes turned down to the entrance Viktor had been herded through, a single figure framed by the rusted iron walls. They stepped through the green-grey mist and closed in, their breathing rumbling through the small, filter gaps in the mask.
An enforcer! And so low down in Zaun’s neighborhoods!
As Silco's son, Viktor has a target painted in blood on his back. He is always under threat and, without the power to protect himself, is under constant guard and scrutiny. Sneaking away for a sense of freedom was not uncommon, but Viktor was not expecting to be attacked by a rival gang still within his father's own territory. As he struggles and they tease his skin with flame and steel, a stranger comes to his aid.
A most unusual enforcer; officer Talis of Piltover.
Trigger Warnings for this Chapter: - References to Classism - Us and Them Mentality - References to Blood and Violence - Reference to Injury
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harcourtholmesii · 1 month ago
But the Hexcore continued to spin. Runes crossed and switched, intrinsic patterns of an alien language lighting up the walls and floor and their own skin. Away from the immediate burn of colourful light, Jayce could see the runes carved into Viktor’s own skin, still dripping blood and warm despite the chill in the air.
Viktor’s eyes were wide, but they widened still when they lowered to where their hands connected. Jayce followed his gaze, his breath caught in his throat at the sight.
His hand was gone up to the wrist.
Viktor risks it all to cure his body.
And it is Jayce Talis that finds him connected to the Hexcore.
Trigger Warnings for this Chapter: - Sense Deprivation - Cosmic Horror (To An Extent)
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