#Mandar Lande
mandar-lande · 1 year
Know More About Mandar Lande and Destek Infosolution
Mandar Lande is great Businessman and humble and punctual person, he is Co-Founder of Destek Infosolutions pvt ltd, It is Pune based most trusted digital marketing and web development companies.
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mandareeboo · 6 months
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Congrats, Paul! You got a great dinner ahead of you.
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kindcolors · 1 month
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Some quick icon edits of my lemuria hero/zone swap au!! Notes pasted under the cut :]
With a make-shift jetpack made from discarded Sky City parts, Buck Gordon is Heap’s signature flying ace. He soars above the slanted skyline protecting the little guy, in a city that so often overlooks those that need the most help.
Mandar the Boarbarian follows a long line of boarbarian sailors who are caught in a long territory battle with the on-shore Mander clans, where the Boars and Mandars are both adamant in their ownership of the beach, as well as the inland zone of the Wildlands. He is determined to rule both land and sea.
Duck Savage is a surgeon, philanthropist, and anything else you can name. After being raised on the upper side of Heap, Dr. Savage finds herself trying to pour funds back into the side she sees neglected. Sadly, though, the corruption goes deeper than even she can throw funds at, with her latest venture- her rehabilitation clinic- being stalled by those running the place.
Tessa Truehart’s ominous nickname “The Shadoe” manifested from the way she lurks on the corner of the village collecting her herbs, with most townsfolk swearing they saw the flash of her in the corner of their eye. She’s not as scary as she appears, wanting no more than to be a helpful apothecary to those of Night Forest despite the generational shunning of the Truehart name, though only the occasional sneaker through the forest and Goodman Tracy have seen this brighter side of her.
Dog Tracy is practically Lucien’s right-hand man, who keeps up Night Forest’s honorable laws and codes to a T. To Goodman Tracy, Lucian has no reason to lie about these rules being the pathway to both an honest life and a safe community, but his dealing with the local witch as well as increasing Malughast attacks are slowly making him sway in his beliefs.
The old Mandorian mage Solomon Crane has been said to be able to speak to the dead, a frightening enough skill that is only aided by his mysterious scepter, which lets him harness a wild and arcane magic that sends the magic-hating cranes of his zone expelling him from any sense of home. Not that he seems to mind, though; despite his ominous nature, he still seems to be on their side against the equally intimidating magic of Moth-Amon.
In the sparkling Sky City, the picturesque paradise is interrupted by a force called the K00L4KUM4, a high-tech gang of anti-establishment lemurs who push against this so-called idea of perfection. They’re led by Kit Bawker, aka the B4NT4M, aka the “Ghost who Squawks”, who refuses to believe that the Old One’s word he has been spoon fed since chickhood is the only truth in all of Lemuria.
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themakeupbrush · 1 year
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Puteri Indonesia Sulbar 2 2023Regional Costume: The Goddess of Marasa "Representation the beauty Of Manakara Land"
The term "Marasa" appears in the emblem of the tourism brand "SULBAR MARASA" in Sulawesi Barat. The word "Marasa" means "good, beautiful, magnificent, and mesmerizing" in the indigenous language of West Sulawesi. This costume exemplifies the splendor of West Sulawesi, known as "the land of Manakara." The crown on the head is in the shape of a Trident or Doe Pakka, with three sharp edges, each representing courage, keen mind, and vast knowledge. The two golden spike motifs on the shoulders signify West Sulawesi has a high ambition to become a developed province that values peace and prosperity. The sailboat motif on the shoulder is a symbol of the Mandar tribe's traditional boat, the Sandeq. Sandeg can explore the ocean, which implies it will require a lot of bravery to realize its full potential. The white hue of the costume depicts the landscape of Sulawesi Barat, such as the summit of Buntu Liarra, known as the land above the clouds, Mamasa, and the white sandy beach of Tanjung Ngalo, West Sulawesi's hidden paradise. The gold garland on the outfit represents Sulawesi Barat's potential, including gold that can be turned into fine metals in provinces like Mamuju, Mamatha, and Polman. The costume's blue gradation signifies that West Sulawesi has maritime possibilities, such as fisheries, reef farming, and seaweed farming. And Sulawesi Barat has the most promising potential tourism destination, features beaches and an enticing archipelago.
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gwengifterror · 9 months
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It's January 1st, and I am thinking about Comandanta Ramona, an officer of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, a revolutionary indigenous autonomist organization based in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas. She led the Zapatista Army into San Cristóbal de las Casas during the Zapatista uprising on January 1, 1994. Today, I honor the 30th anniversary of the uprising.
Zapatistas emerged from decades of organizing among Indigenous peoples to address the systemic issues of poverty, discrimination, and lack of representation faced by Indigenous communities in Mexico. They demanded that the government recognize their rights to land, autonomy, and self-determination and called for a new political and economic system that would benefit all Mexicans, not just the wealthy elite. As is human nature, no one is perfect. The Zapatistas honor this and take care to learn from their mistakes.
The uprising was a call to action for marginalized communities worldwide and continues to inspire movements for Indigenous rights and social change. Though their initial spark in 1994 came with physical conflict with the Mexican military, the Zapatistas have since focused their efforts on building autonomous communities that are centered around their Indigenous traditions while seeking to create what they refer to as “‘Un Mundo Donde Quepan Muchos Mundos’ (‘A World Where Many Worlds Fit’) by emphasizing the dignity of ‘others,’ belonging, and common struggle, as well as the importance of laughter, dancing, and nourishing children.”
"Zapatismo is not a new political ideology, or a rehash of old ideologies. Zapatismo is nothing, it does not exist. It only serves as a bridge, to cross from one side, to the other. So everyone fits within Zapatismo, everyone who wants to cross from one side, to the other. There are no universal recipes, lines, strategies, tactics, laws, rules, or slogans. There is only a desire – to build a better world, that is, a new world."-Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee Zapatista Army of National Liberation
There is much to learn from the Zapatista Revolution and movement, like the demand for equity and belonging and the honoring of all that is ancestral. Every January 1st, I make it a practice to become reacquainted with the seven Zapatista principles as I set my intentions for the year.
1. Obedecer y No Mandar (To Obey, Not Command)
This Zapatista principle emphasizes the importance of executing the will of the people, while holding a position of leadership. In Zapatista autonomous communities, leadership positions are short-lived. This reflects the need for leaders to obey the collective desires of the community rather than command them from a position of power.
2. Proponer y No Imponer (To Propose, Not Impose)
Humility is a key part of life for the Zapatistas and aligns with their practice of debate and self-reflection. Therefore this principle is birthed from Zapatista culture of proposing a path forward and not imposing one.
3. Representar y No Suplantar (To Represent, Not Supplant)
Deriving from the Zapatista understanding that before the colonizer arrived, Indigenous people governed themselves. This principle is guided by the importance of self-governance for the Zapatistas and is grounded in the collective trust of the community to represent what the community wants.
4. Convencer y No Vencer (To Convince, Not Conquer)
The principle to convince not conquer is important to the Zapatista practice of dialogue and assembly. For the Zapatistas convincing requires logical argument, reflection, consideration of many viewpoints, and open discussion.
5. Construir y No Destruir (To Construct, Not Destroy)
The fifth principle is rooted in an ethic of anti-destruction and an end to exploitation. This principle is a practice in creating the institutions and the world that we want. This includes the unique Zapatista view of both relationships to humans and the land.
6. Servir y No Servirse (To Serve Others, Not Serve Oneself)
A traditional value for the Indigenous people of Chiapas is humility. The Zapatista slogan, ‘Para todos todo, para nosotros nada’ (Everything for Everyone, Nothing for Ourselves), is at the core of this principle. Every Zapatista must find a balance in serving others for the collective while taking care of their individual family work.
7. Bajar y No Subir (To Work From Below, Not Seek To Rise)
In Zapatista communities ‘trabajo colectivo’ (collective work), is a way of life. This seventh principle aligns with the mentality of working at the grassroots level for the benefit of your community.
Happy New Year!
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My name is Jeremiah, so I'm nominally inclined to prophesy doom, always without honor in my native land.
Today is December 5, 2002. My intuition tells me we're in for something devastating on a national level before the end of the year which is seventeen days from now. If I'm wrong, I'm glad. I love bing wrong on twitches like this. Unfortunately, I have been right more thimes than I wanted to be. Whatever the color of the governmental alert system, my jeremiad warning system is glowing more brightly.
One of my essential forecasting tools is the cover of Newsweek magazine. Although this is only December 5, I just read the December 9 issue of Newsweek. Here's a sampling of the last few Newsweek cover stories, starting with the most current and moving backwards.
December 9th....The New Virginity....Why more Teens are choosing not to have sex....The politics of abstinence.
November 25th...The New World of Internet Games....Cars of the Future....At Home Film Making....High Tech Vacation Plans.
November 18th...Top Gun (featuring a leather jacketed and blue jeans version of Dubya giving everybody a confident thumbs up)....How Bush Beat the Odds....Harry Potter Grows Up.
November 11....Why TV is Good for Kids...Saddam's Oil Games
October 28....The Kurt Cobain Diaries....The Private Dreams of a Rock Legend.
And that my friends is Newsweak at the close of 2002.
'it's awful quiet in the jungle"
"yeah, too quiet."
Meanwhile our top gun thinks he's got a mandate.
This is not a good thing.
Kennedy stares down Khruschev in Cuba. Kennedy starts to get a mandate. Kenedy gets whacked in Dallas.
LBJ wins clear electoral mandate in campaign against Goldwater. Johnson refuses to seek a second term after mismanaging Viet Nam and turning Merica into the pitiful giant that he worried we might become if he didn't kick some ass and take some names. He fgot his own ass kicked and his name shamed.
Nixon wins clear electrical mandate over McGovern. Nixom wategates all over the place and has to leave the office in disgrace.
Reagan wins clear mandate by demolishing Mondale. He gets involved in Iran/contra fiasco as Alzheiner's comes a knock, knock, knockin and he barely beats the posse as he gets out of town just in time.
George Bush the first, gains a mandare after his "success" in Operation Desert Storm. Meanwhile our economy falls apart. We read his lips and fire his ass.
Bill Clinton wins electoral mandate by destroying Dole and then gets Whitewaterboarded and runs into a devil with a blue dress on with whom he "does not have sex with that woman"
I don't want Dubya to think he has a mandate but I think he thinks he has one.
Not good.
He's up n that rarified 65% approval rating, as high for as long as any president in my lifetime. His party swept the recent electins on the bombardier jacket coat tails of this popular war time president.
Looks like a mandate to me.
We can do anything we want claims Blutarsky.
I'm worried not only about the next few weeks but also about the next few months and what seems to be percolating under the surface.
It's quiet in the jungle, too quiet
Mandates lead to arrogance.
Call Hitler in Hell
Arrogance always loses eventually.
Hubris attracts nemesis.
Pride comes before the fall.
My name is Jeremiah.
This is what I see.
I want to be wrong.
Ww'll see, won't we?
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jayamakmursentosa · 3 months
0856 4877 7240 - Jasa Membuat Web Perumahan Sorong
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0856 4877 7240 - Jasa Membuat Web Perumahan Sorong | Jasa Buat Landing Page Commercial Polewali Mandar. Jasa Buat Landing Page Company Profile Ponorogo. Jasa Buat Landing Page Crowdfunding Pontianak. Jasa Buat Landing Page Custom Poso. Jasa Buat Landing Page Dealer Mobil Prabumulih. Jasa Buat Landing Page Dealer Motor Pringsewu. Jasa Buat Landing Page Desa Probolinggo. Jasa Buat Landing Page Donasi Pulang Pisau. Jasa Buat Landing Page E Commerce Pulau Morotai. Jasa Buat Landing Page Ecommerce Pulau Taliabu
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anugerahjaya · 3 months
0856 4877 7240 - Jasa Membuat Web Travel Tana Toraja
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0856 4877 7240 (Indosat)
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abraao-vidal-galdino · 4 months
Bom dia
Então disse o Senhor a Moisés: Eis que te tenho posto como Deus a Faraó, e Arão, teu irmão, será o teu profeta. Tu falarás tudo o que eu te mandar; e Arão, teu irmão, falará a Faraó, que deixe ir os filhos de Israel da sua terra. Eu, porém, endurecerei o coração de Faraó e multiplicarei na terra do Egito os meus sinais e as minhas maravilhas. Mas Faraó não vos ouvirá; e eu porei minha mão sobre o Egito, e tirarei os meus exércitos, o meu povo, os filhos de Israel, da terra do Egito, com grandes juízos. E os egípcios saberão que eu sou o Senhor, quando estender a minha mão sobre o Egito, e tirar os filhos de Israel do meio deles.
Êxodo 7:1-5
And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. Thou shalt speak all that I command thee: and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh, that he send the children of Israel out of his land. And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt. But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you, that I may lay my hand upon Egypt, and bring forth mine armies, and my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments. And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I stretch forth mine hand upon Egypt, and bring out the children of Israel from among them.
Exodus 7:1-5
APP Bíblia Bilingue - Disponível na Google Play
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mandar-lande · 2 years
Contact Details of Mandar Lande - phone & email
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Mandar Lande - Co-founder, Ceo also with this a great and humble person. - Destek Infosolutions pvt ltd - email id & phone Contact details is here of Mandar Lande. Destek Infosolutions, one of Pune’s leading and most trusted digital marketing and web development companies.
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berkahonline · 6 months
0856 4877 7240 - Jasa Buat Website Kursus Online Kampar
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jayamakmursentosa · 4 months
0856 4877 7240 - Jasa Membuat Landing Page Skripsi Muara Enim
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0856 4877 7240 - Jasa Membuat Landing Page Skripsi Muara Enim | Jasa Buat Landing Page Commercial Polewali Mandar. Jasa Buat Landing Page Company Profile Ponorogo. Jasa Buat Landing Page Crowdfunding Pontianak. Jasa Buat Landing Page Custom Poso. Jasa Buat Landing Page Dealer Mobil Prabumulih. Jasa Buat Landing Page Dealer Motor Pringsewu. Jasa Buat Landing Page Desa Probolinggo. Jasa Buat Landing Page Donasi Pulang Pisau. Jasa Buat Landing Page E Commerce Pulau Morotai. Jasa Buat Landing Page Ecommerce Pulau Taliabu
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anugerahjaya · 6 months
0856 4877 7240 - Jasa Buat Website Desa Gunung Mas
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0856 4877 7240 - Jasa Buat Website Desa Gunung Mas | Jasa Buat Landing Page Commercial Polewali Mandar. Jasa Buat Landing Page Company Profile Ponorogo. Jasa Buat Landing Page Crowdfunding Pontianak. Jasa Buat Landing Page Custom Poso. Jasa Buat Landing Page Dealer Mobil Prabumulih. Jasa Buat Landing Page Dealer Motor Pringsewu. Jasa Buat Landing Page Desa Probolinggo. Jasa Buat Landing Page Donasi Pulang Pisau. Jasa Buat Landing Page E Commerce Pulau Morotai. Jasa Buat Landing Page Ecommerce Pulau Taliabu
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berkahjayasentosa · 7 months
0856 4877 7240 - Jasa Buat Landing Page Company Profile Ponorogo
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0856 4877 7240 - Jasa Buat Landing Page Company Profile Ponorogo | Jasa Buat Web UMKM Denpasar. Jasa Buat Web Umroh Depok. Jasa Buat Web Undangan Pernikahan Dharmasraya. Jasa Buat Web Villa Dogiyai. Jasa Buat Web Wedding Dompu. Jasa Buat Web Wisata Donggala. Jasa Buat Web Yayasan Dumai. Jasa Buat Website Empat Lawang. Jasa Buat Website Ende. Jasa Buat Website Affiliate Enrekang
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0856 4877 7240 (Indosat)
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mandar-lande · 2 years
Mandar Lande, Anirudha & Destek founding team came up with an innovative idea of LegalNextt, one of its kind platform, which will transform the legal domain and drive the lawyers and law firms to communicate and collaborate over a single platform. The platform will comprise of city wise and state wise forums of lawyers and law firms across the country enabling the entire law community to come forth and collaborate on their ideas, problems, opportunities, legal expertise, global know-how, etc.
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sentosajaya · 7 months
0856 4877 7240 - Jasa Bikin Web Commercial Kerinci
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0856 4877 7240 - Jasa Bikin Web Commercial Kerinci | Jasa Buat Landing Page Commercial Polewali Mandar. Jasa Buat Landing Page Company Profile Ponorogo. Jasa Buat Landing Page Crowdfunding Pontianak. Jasa Buat Landing Page Custom Poso. Jasa Buat Landing Page Dealer Mobil Prabumulih. Jasa Buat Landing Page Dealer Motor Pringsewu. Jasa Buat Landing Page Desa Probolinggo. Jasa Buat Landing Page Donasi Pulang Pisau. Jasa Buat Landing Page E Commerce Pulau Morotai. Jasa Buat Landing Page Ecommerce Pulau Taliabu
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0856 4877 7240 (Indosat)
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