#Man. for the record this is partially my interpretation and partially some personal fanon
Do you ever think about how Starline task failed successfully™ with Surge and Kitsunami?
Despite the hours of hypnotism, training, making sure they answered all his questions correctly, there was something hollow about it all. Surge could say that she hated Sonic, but she was more into the idea of rebellion and chaos and wrecking shit for fun than the idea of replacing or killing Sonic. Kit said he would support Surge no matter what. This wasn't necessarily a lie, as he would put Surge's wins first, and yet he doesn't seem as excited or passionate about it or driven as he does at the end of his original hypnosis cycle. He gets the job done as Starline asks, he helps Surge finish the training fast, which she wants, but he's just sort of playing the support role in a sense.
I think about the scene where Kit and Surge fight Starline after watching his video footage, and Starline says that this has all happened before, yet there's this implication that Kit is fighting this time.
Starline forgot about Kit during the battle.
Do you think that all those other times they found out more about themselves in Starline's files Surge was there alone, or perhaps Kit stood aside and watched as Surge fought Starline (choosing not to intervene, opting to allow Surge to face the consequences of such a move)? Do you ever think about how despite all the resets Surge and Kit managed to have a growing bond? Do you ever think about the possibility that Surge won this time because Kit was here? Do you ever think that Kit was here because their fabricated bond began to become real?
Do you ever think about how Kit is at his happiest when Surge includes him? When everything they're fighting for his about the two of them? Both of their revenge. Both of them getting to say "fuck you" to Starline, Eggman, Sonic, and the world?
Starline couldn't get Surge and Kit to work together as a team the same way Sonic and Tails do. He couldn't get Surge to perform a job to completion and efficiently rather than just trying to have fun and win, much less get her to understand that she needed to appreciate Kit as a partner and support (that it meant nothing if they didn't finish the training together). Perhaps part of it came from how he made Kit to be fixated on Surge, while Surge was meant to be fixated on replacing Sonic, meaning that by design (by even refering to Kit as support rather than a partner) they were not going to turn out like Sonic and Tails.
And yet, even by the end of Imposter Syndrome and by issue 50, they'd changed. When they were under Starline, answering to him, and doing what he wanted, he could not make them fit his designs and he could not understand why. But when Surge and Kit chose to be together. When Kit chose to support Surge, when Surge chose to keep Kit as her ever loyal support, and when they chose to pursue a goal and work together
How ironic it is that they became more like Sonic and Tails in that moment than they ever were before
They could never be who Starline wanted them to be when he was alive, but now that he's dead they're fitting the roles he'd designed for them more than ever. Funny, isn't it? Ironic.
And I think about Kit and Surge of the present. The idea of Kit, who wants the best for Surge, who wants to be by Surge's side forever, who wants her attention and wants nothing more than to wreck shit and create a life with her outside of "good" or "evil". The idea of Surge, who has gone from seeing Kit as a mere tool in her shed to someone that's hers. At the beginning it meant nothing to her, but now it means something to her that Kit was practically made just for her. Surge, the tenrec who wants Kit by her side, who wants his help, who sees him as her partner and supporter, no one else's.
They're a package deal.
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sheikah · 4 years
dont ask me why but the m@lina ending reminded me of r0mi0ne and why they ended up together. JK being all 'tHe HeRo dIdNt DeSeRvE tHe GiRl, rOn dId bEcAuSe He SuFfErEd ToO' and sticking her with the sidekick... M@l was the sidekick Alina got stuck with because he 'deserved' her rather than a fully fleshed out reasoning and development (not that I hate HR I just hated the reasoning for why they got together and how rushed it was once she decided how it was gonna go)
First of all, your ask reminded me instantly of this post my friend sent me yesterday lmao. But to actually respond to this ask, for the record  I’m not anti Romione at all. I love Harry Potter and everything about how it ended in canon (although the epilogue is still weird) BUT I do get what you’re saying anon. In the books I honestly felt like Romione had fair buildup and I was excited about it reading the books as they were released when I was young. I don’t think it translated as well onscreen in the movies, so I see why some people are not fans of the ship and I’ve read the critiques and I understand them. But I’m someone who is fine with multiple Hermione ships. I’m fine with canon. I’m fine with Harmione or Harmony or whatever the ship name is. And yes, in fanon world I’m partial to Dramione because I’m a garbage human :P M@lina to me did kind of feel similar to Romione. Ron with Lavender = Mal with Zoya, Ron noticing Hermione finally at the Yule Ball and being mean to her = Mal noticing Alina finally at the Winter Fete and being mean to her. But I honestly think Romione was better because at least Ron and Hermione were on good terms most of the time. My interpretation of M@lina is a little different than “he deserved her” because they weren’t on good terms most of the time. I’m not anti and I’m hoping it doesn’t come off that way because I want to try and be as positive about it as possible. I accept canon and don’t want to fall into bitterness before the show adaptation even starts lmao. BUT I don’t think Mal and Alina ended up together because “he deserved her,” because I don’t think he actually deserved her. In S&B and S&S Mal was pretty shitty to Alina imo. I’m not one of those people who’s going to discourse about how he was “abusive” because I don’t agree. I think he was a teenage boy. And he reminded me of some of my younger relationships in an unpleasant way. I didn’t like that he was ambivalent towards Alina until she became more powerful, famous, and beautiful. I didn’t like that he slept with Zoya presumably to hurt Alina. I didn’t like that he was characterized as some sort of playboy prior to his relationship with Alina while she was apparently a virgin. I hate the whole idea that the girl has to be pure, but the man isn’t held to the same standards. Alina forgave Mal by default for his wandering eye, but he begrudged her her short relationship with the Darkling and even her fake relationship with Nikolai. I found the jealousy very off-putting, especially since we got Alina’s perspective and saw how much it hurt her that he was responding this way. And his getting in fights to blow off steam was, I thought, honestly pretty realistic for a hot-headed teenage boy. But again, not appealing to me. Mal cleaned up his act in a major way by R&R and I did find their relationship romantic and his willingness to sacrifice himself for her very endearing but I never did ship it. I never did really feel anything about Mal as a character at all. I think Leigh put them together because through it all, Alina’s feelings for Mal never wavered. So rather than it be about rewarding Mal for becoming a better person, it was rewarding Alina and allowing her to “get the guy” in the end. So it wasn’t the guy I wanted, but I see how the narrative and story would have had to change a lot for Darklina to be canon in a way that made sense and felt true to them both. I’m sad. I was angry. But I accept it haha. Because while I don’t get it, it IS what Alina herself wanted. Wow this was long oops! 
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