#Man-Eating Haunter of the Pits
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 2 months ago
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on the six and a half inch Man-Eating Haunter of the Pits action figure, plus the figure in clamshell packaging, part of Conan Series 2 "The Hour of the Dragon," released by McFarlane Toys in April 2005.
PIC #1: 📸: FranMoff (via Flickr), uploaded April 2020 (taken on March 2020).
BRAND: Conan
GENRE: Horror & Fantasy
PRODUCT TYPE: Action Figure
SERIES: Conan Series 2
Sources: www.flickr.com/photos/franmoff/49721618058, eBay, various, etc...
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goldenworldsabound · 5 years ago
12, 13, 14 & 15 for anyone you'd like?
Thank you! I have to go with Kabu now fhasdjkhfs
What’s your favorite way to be touched by your F/O? Were either of you touch starved before your relationship developed?
Oh umm I feel like because we both have Poke’mon neither of us was very touch starved! And people too, we’ve both got people we hugged casually and stuff like that you know.
casual hugs imply the existence of ranked hugs- (...ignore me making fun of my own word choice)
As for favorite ways...mm...I feel like I’ve seen the headcanon around and I DEF support it that Kabu can be a bit old fashioned. So there’s lots of hand kisses and things like that which I adore...and when he cups my cheek in his hand as he’s leaning in to kiss me that’s also ///// good
What’s you and your F/O’s morning routine? What about bedtime routine?
Kabu wakes up at 5 am and goes jogging with some of his ‘mons FHEWJKFWHEJ he comes back, he showers, he gets back in bed to snuggle me while I wake up (around 7 or sometimes even 8 fsjfkafkd). He’s already eaten but he might still cook me breakfast and also eat second breakfast. He exercises a lot so he eats more than you might think for an old man.
Bedtime is reading in bed!!! He usually goes up to bed first and I trail in after him. And then it’s a little bit of snuggle time before sleep...this is pretty early in the evening, since he wakes up at 6 and all.
Have you and your F/O ever pranked each other? If so, was your funniest prank? Did a prank war happen?
Hm I don’t think we’re too into pranks! I can imagine our Poke’mon might prank the two of us (my Haunter certainly does, the problem child) but nothing too over the top. Mostly putting us into romantic or awkward positions depending on Haunter’s mood/how successful the plan is. Like that time Haunter stole my towel while I was showering and hid it so that I had to get Kabu to help me get another one. Kabu liked that. I did not. Or where he set up an elaborate set of traps so that the end conclusion was Kabu fell on the bed and I fell on top of him. That was a good one. Or it would have been if I wasn’t so annoyed at Haunter JKFEWHK
Do you know your F/O’s likes and dislikes? Do they match up with any of yours?
It takes a while to figure them out! He has what I would call Resting Bitch Face. He’s not even grumpy most of the time. He just looks like that. But anyway, we align on a lot of things! Like any good Poke’mon protagonist, we LOVE POKE’MON and love taking care of Poke’mon, and we hate anyone who hurts them! We also both really like winning (and dislike losing). We’re very competitive. We have to be careful with that one. Consequently, we prefer cooperative games, like participating in double battles against others, more than things that pit us against each other. Course, we still do battle each other as training and to see who wins, ya know?
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fovcomicfigure · 5 years ago
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^+^ Conan Series 2 MAN EATING HAUNTER of the Pits Action Figure McFarlane 2004 https://ift.tt/2Wgta2m
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ashroseevans · 7 years ago
Pokemon Ultra Sun 2 - 3
I stretched and yawned as I lounged on my throne in the Pokémon League. There hadn’t been a single challenger all day and honestly, this was more boring then battles I knew I could win without even trying. I had nearly fallen asleep with my legs propped over one of the armrests and my head leaning back against the other when I heard a voice.
“Should the Island Champion really be lounging around like that when there's a challenger here ready to take her on?” The voice sounded strangely familiar, like a deeper tone of a voice I knew.
I jumped, not expecting it. My knee hit my forehead and then my head went back and hit the arm rest. Pain lanced from both sides of my head and I had to take a second to fight off dizziness and regain my composure. It took longer than expected and when I finally did, I had maneuvered myself into a sitting position to look at my challenger.
He looked older than a lot of the people who came to challenge me, aside from Lusamine, Guzma and Kukui. There was something strangely familiar about him, too. He was tall and lanky. I didn’t think he weighed more than a buck fifty… wet. His hair was a pale almost white blonde and fell over one side of his face, obscuring it. He wore mostly black and red tattered clothes. The hood he had pulled over his head was reminiscent of Hau’s Decidueye’s hood except black. There were slashes through the black denim of his pants. I couldn’t make out his face but something about him reminded me of someone. I just couldn’t place who he was.
Since he saw me lounging, I felt that I shouldn’t bother keeping up the pretenses of professionalism as I spoke. “If you had to sit around all day waiting for challengers like me, you’d understand just how boring it can be.”
“Then how about I help cure that boredom,” said the man. “And take your title as Champion.”
“We’ll just have to see if you can beat me,” I said and pulled off my first pokéball from my belt, tossing it up and catching it. “I haven’t stayed the champion for ten years for no reason.”
“Then show me those skills you talk so highly of,” the man said and tossed out a pokéball onto the field.
Crobat appeared on the field and I threw the ball out that I was holding. Charizard appeared before me, hovering over the ground, ready to listen to my instructions and take on this mysterious challenger. We stood there for several breaths, evaluating the Pokémon sent out and the best way to take them down. Just when I opened my mouth to shout a move, the challenger beat me to it.
“Crobat use Cross Poison!” he shouted.
“Charizard get out of the way and then use Dragon Pulse!”
Charizard dodged opened its mouth, directing a the beam of its Dragon Pulse at the batlike Pokémon. It was a solid hit, but not enough to cause the Pokémon to faint.
“You got this, Crobat,” the challenger said. “Use Steel Wing!”
I didn’t get a chance to tell Charizard to get out of the way as the Crobat flew at my Pokémon. Its wings slashed into Charizard, knocking it back a bit. Thankfully my Pokémon stayed standing. I reached into my bag, thinking that I could use a potion, but when I got a good look at the Crobat, I noticed that I think Charizard could handle the one more attack it would take to bring it down. I smirked.
“Charizard use Inferno!!” I shouted and watched as my Pokémon’s fire engulfed the challenger.
The arena lit up with the fire and when it died down, the Crobat was on the ground, knocked out. The challenger tsked and pulled the Pokémon’s ball out and recalled Crobat before throwing out another one. My heart nearly stopped when a Blastoise pop out of the pokéball.
“So you’re from Kanto, too?” I said.
“Guess again. I’ve just spent some time there,” the challenger replied. “Blastoise use Surf!”
My breath caught in my throat. That second of useless banter cost me one of my most powerful Pokémon. I could only stand there and watch as the field move surf engulfed the arena and my Charizard. I cried out, hoping that it would be able to get out of the way fast enough, but I wasn’t quick enough. When the water spilled away, Charizard was laying out the ground, it’s tail fire dull. I cursed and recalled it, holding the ball close to my heart.
“I’m sorry, Charizard,” I said. “I’ll make it up to you afterwards, I promise.”
I clipped Charizards ball to my belt and plucked off the next one. I didn’t have any grass type Pokémon to counter the Blastiose, but I did have a Pokémon that would act as a good buffer. Tossing the pokéball out into the field, I watched satisfactorily as my Sylveon threw back it’s head, looking ready to battle.
Without hesitating a second, I shouted out to my Pokémon. “Sylveon use Moonblast!”
I grinned in satisfaction as the move hit the Blastoise square in center mass. Once again it wasn’t enough to knock the Pokémon out, but it was enough to knock it back a few feet.
“Now use Draining Kiss!”
“Blastoise dodge and then use Ice Beam!”
The Blastoise dodged my Sylveon before bowing over and aiming the cannons on its back. Seconds later, ice shot out of it, hitting Sylveon. Steam and frost covered the field and the challenger and I waited several seconds as it disappeared to see what happened. When it finally dissipated, my Sylveon was frozen solid and I cursed. I quickly dug into my bag to get a Freeze Heal.
“Use Outrage!” The challenger shouted just as I used the Freeze Heal on Sylveon.
I cursed as it was hit. “Use Draining Kiss!” I shouted again.
The move landed this time and the Blastoise fainted while my Sylveon looked more healthy. The battle went back and forth from then on. The challenger sent out Porygon-Z which just barely managed to knock out my Sylveon. When Sylveon was down, the next Pokémon I sent out was Lycanroc which finished off Porygon-Z.
When the Challenger sent out a Lucario which was revealed as a Zoroark by my Lycanroc I started to realize who I was facing. There was only one person that I knew that had a Zoroark, but I didn’t want to jump to conclusions. Zorua were common enough when caught by the trainers school. But I couldn’t shake the familiarness of the Pokémon. I couldn’t knockout Zoroark with Lycanroc so I had sent out Haunter.
I felt terrible, but the only way that I could knock out the Zoroark was to use Haunter’s Destiny Bond. When Haunter fainted, so did the Zoroark. Which left both the challenger and me down to two Pokémon. I gripped my second to last pokéball, the one that held my first Pokémon, the one that saved me on Route 1 all those years ago, and threw it onto the field.
Torracat appeared, ready to take on the next Pokémon, which happened to be a real Lucario. It was a hard fought battle, but alas, my Torracat lost. A pit in my stomach formed as I realized that there was a very real possibility that this mysterious trainer would knock me off my throne. I guessed that it wouldn’t be too bad. I would be able to focus on my Pokémon breeding and I would have the time to take down Team Sun and then maybe go find Gladion.
Just when I started to give up, I noticed that the challengers Lucario was looking worn out. Frowning deeply, I picked up my Ultra Ball. My ace in the hole. The Pokémon that I kept with me ever since I became champion. The one that missed Gladion as much as I did. I threw it out into the field.
“Silvally, I choose you!” I said. “Use Multi-Attack!”
The second Silvally appeared onto the field, it rushed at the Lucario and used the fire-type Multi-Attack as I typically kept the Fire Memory with it. Lucario fainted and I let out a relieved sigh. Maybe I could win this after all.
“I have to give you props for getting this far against me,” the challenger said. “Considering I’ve gotten a lot stronger since the last time we met.”
“Last time…?” I said. “We know each other?”
“I’d have thought you’d have figured it out by now,” replied the challenger and tossed out a pokéball onto the field.
Another Silvally appeared, this one with green plumage so I knew that it was holding the Grass Memory. But that wasn’t what shocked me the most. It was the fact that this challenger had a Silvally as well. There were only three that I knew of. I had one and Gladion had the other two. But… he could have given a Silvally to someone else. He gave one to me, after all.
Instead of dwelling on it, I narrowed my eyes at my challenger. “Who are you?”
“I think you should know by now,” he said. “Silvally use Crush Claw!”
“Use Heal Block!” I cried. The opposing Silvally’s Crush Claw reflected off of my Silvally’s block. “Now use Flamethrower!”
Fire exploded form my Silvally’s mouth and hit the opposing Silvally who couldn’t get out of the way in time. It almost went down and looked worse for wear. I felt bad for the Pokémon but I had to win this battle. I had to.
“Use Crunch!” the challenger said.
The opposing Silvally managed to get up and rushed at my Silvally. It sank its teeth into my Pokémon neck. I felt a pang in my heart as my Silvally cried out in pain and I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth.
“Use Flamethrower again!” I cried.
My heart was pounding. I thought the attack was going to miss. But amazingly, my Silvally managed to get out of the vice grip of the challengers and use Flamethrower again. The fire hit it right in the face. Smoke filled the air and when it dissipated, the opposing Silvally lay on the ground, knocked out.
I let out a heavy sigh of relief and ran to my Silvally. I pulled out some pokébeans and held them up for it to eat. “You did great,” I said.
I turned and watched as the challenger walked over to his fainted Pokémon and hold up a pokéball. He crouched and touched the ball to the Pokémon forehead. His Silvally returned to it and when it was gone he held the ball up.
“You did well. I guess we still need more training,” he said and stood up turning to me.
I looked at him, rubbing Silvally’s neck. “You going to tell me who you are?”
“Didn’t think you needed confirmation,” he said before he lowered his hood. “It’s been a while… _____.”
My breath caught in my throat as I looked at the boy that I knew. He grew up, became a man, but he still looked mostly the same. All of his baby fat was gone, though. But his eyes were the same and the way he held himself.
“Gladion…” I breathed.
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 2 years ago
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NOTE: So, I used to obsessively collect action figures way back in my high school daze, and this was always one of my favorites. I unearthed it just the other day.
PIC(S) INFO: Part 2 of 2 -- Spotlight on promo shots of the "Man-Eating Haunter (of the Pits)," 6.5" action figure from "Conan: The Hour of the Dragon" Series 2, released by McFarlane Toys in April 2005, and inspired by the Hyborian legends as originally written by writer-creator Robert E. Howard.
FIGURE OVERVIEW: "With the help of Zenobia the slave girl, Conan attempts to escape from the dungeons of the King of Nemedia but not before he must battle the Haunter of the pits.
Conan is cornered and attacked by a great hulking monster of enormous size and strength. He quickly recognizes that the grisly ogre is a man-eating ape from the mountain forests near the Sea of Vilayet. These killer apes were the most feared beasts of the Hyborian Age.
Armed with a dagger that was given to him by Zenobia, Conan knows he must battle this hulking creature and that only one shall survive."
-- MCFARLANE TOYS, c. 2005, box/item/character description
Source: www.pinterest.com/pin/conan-series-2-hour-of-the-dragon-april-2005-maneating-haunter-of-the-pits--315392780133427667.
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 2 years ago
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PIC INFO: Part 1 of 2 -- Spotlight on promotional images for the Man-eating Haunter of the Pits 6.5" action figure, part of "Conan the Barbarian: The Hour of the Dragon" Series 2, released by McFarlane Toys in 2005, inspired by the Hyborian legends as originally written by writer-creator Robert E. Howard.
"Now, the thing emerges from the cell... he sees it more plainly now! Its giant, man-like body -- its shaggy, silvery-gray coat -- and Conan knows at last the meaning of those crushed and broken bones in the dungeon! The Haunter of the Pits is a grisly man-eating ape from the shores of the Sea of Vilayet! From past experience, Conan knows that it scents his presence -- and that it can see far better than he in the dark."
-- "GIANT-SIZE CONAN" Vol. 1 #2 (story by Robert E. Howard, adapted by Roy Thomas)
Sources: https://mcfarlane.com/toys/man-eating-haunter-of-the-pits, Flickr, & eBay.
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 2 years ago
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on inked pages 23 and 24 from "Giant-Size Conan the Barbarian" Vol. 1 #2. December, 1974. Marvel Comics. Artwork by Gil Kane & Tom Sutton.
"From afar, he sees a great bulky shape limned briefly in a grey doorway... The doorway to the very cell from which he has just come! Tarascus, then unlocked his door -- so that some murdering monstrosity could find him... Now, the thing emerges from the cell... he sees it more plainly now! Its giant, man-like body -- its shaggy, silvery-gray coat -- and Conan knows at last the meaning of those crushed and broken bones in the dungeon! The Haunter of the Pits is a grisly man-eating ape from the shores of the Sea of Vilayet! From past experience, Conan knows that it scents his presence -- and that it can see far better than he in the dark."
-- "GIANT-SIZE CONAN THE BARBARIAN1" Vol. 1 #2 (Dec. 1974)
Story/script by Roy Thomas, adapted from the works of Robert E. Howard.
Resolution at 1347x2000 & 584x900.
Source: Comic Art Fans (courtesy of Andrew Clarke, a "premium gallery owner").
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 2 years ago
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 974x1445 -- Spotlight on cover art to "Giant-Size Conan the Barbarian" Vol. 1 #2. December, 1974. Marvel Comics. Artwork by John Buscema & John Romita, Sr.
"From afar, he sees a great bulky shape limned briefly in a grey doorway... The doorway to the very cell from which he has just come! Tarascus, then unlocked his door -- so that some murdering monstrosity could find him... Now, the thing emerges from the cell... he sees it more plainly now! Its giant, man-like body -- its shaggy, silvery-gray coat -- and Conan knows at last the meaning of those crushed and broken bones in the dungeon!"
-- "GIANT-SIZE CONAN THE BARBARIAN1" Vol. 1 #2 (Dec. 1974)
Story/script by Roy Thomas, adapted from the works of Robert E. Howard
Artwork by Gil Kane & Tom Sutton
Source: www.hipcomic.com/listing/giant-size-conan-the-barbarian-2-40-new-haunter-of-the-pit-1974/9112822.
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