#Mamoru x female reader
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[ Mamoru x Fem!Reader ]
•Legend of the Forgotten Moon Princess•
[Part III] Mamoru and Y/n
a/n: in this chapter y/n and mamoru spend sometime together getting to know each-other a bit more...]
so complete of season one follows the manga the next part of the story will be season ii cause i really like that season.. but for the final battle im doing the show version with a twist at the end.... so im taking out the manga version of the reincarnation and having the tv show version instead since that one is more impactful and i like it more.
[ Finding Sailor Jupiter ]
[Y/n] was at the Crown Game Center, with Usagi, Ami, and Makoto. The new transfer student in Class 6, [Y/n] watches Makoto play the Sailor V, game.
"You sure you’ve never played this game before?” Usagi asks, Makoto.
”it’s the same as fighting in real life.” Makoto says, to her.
”you let the bad guy chase you so you can catch him off guard, then you hit him with your ultimate attack!” She says, as she plays the game.
”Ultimate attack!” Usagi says, in awe.
”Hi Usagi! Y/n! You’re here early today.” Ami says, as she walks towards them.
”Oh! Hi, Ami!” Both Y/n and, Usagi say. Looking towards her.
”Have you met the new girl yet? She just transferred into, Class 6 today.” Usagi says, to her.
“I’m Makoto Kino,” she says, looking over at Ami.
”I’m Ami Mizuno. I go to Juban, too. It’s so nice to meet you.” She says, to Makoto.
"Nice to meet you too." Makoto says, looking at the game. Then Motoki came over, "Hey Usagi! So are all the girls you're friends with cute." He says, and he looks and sees Makoto who turns her head and, looks at him. A blush spread across her cheeks,
"Its...you." She says, quietly looking at him. Then the sound of game over interrupted them, she turned back towards the screen.
"Oh! Nothing I thought you were someone else.." She says, looking back at them game.
[TIme-Skip] to bridal shop cause this bitch lazy..
"Well this is the bridal shop he was talking about." Ami says, as the girls look at it.
"It's also the same one Naru went to." Usagi says, looking at it.
"Where's Mako?" She says, looking around and sees her looking up at the shop, with a blush spread across her face. She sees a dress and, looks at it.
"So gorgeous. I wish I could wear a dress like that." Mako says, to herself.
As two girls pass by, "See thats the bridal shop." One girl says, pointing to it.
"You mean that's the shop thats cursed?" the girl beside her asks.
"That's right! Sometimes people see it! That ghost bride." [Y/n] says, looking at the shop.
"The mannequin on the balcony wanders around at night, trying to seduce the male-passers by Everybody! says so." She says, to them.
"And if you buy a dress from the shop, you become cursed by the ghost bride. and spend your life in misery." She says, looking at the shop.
"Whaa? Well, when I do get engaged, I'm not going to go there for a dress." Mako thinks, to herself. The girls, make their way towards Rei's.
Rei looks at Makoto and, feeling a powerful presence from her. All the girls catch Rei up, on the bridal shop.
"A cursed bridal shop? The ghost of a bride? Yes, it is suspicious." Rei says, to her friends.
"That groom who went missing...I wonder if he was seduced by that ghost bride?" Ami says, to herself.
"If he was, he's got no-one to blame but himself for being lured in by a ghost." Rei says, her arms folded. Makoto then turn back towards the girls,
"This is all too complex for me. I'm going home." Makoto says, to the girls then leaves. And, as she does Luna, jumps up onto Rei's, shoulder.
"Luna.." Rei says, looking towards Makoto...
"Yes.." Luna says, as she looks up at Rei.
"The day we're all assembled might be sooner than we think." Rei says, watching as Makoto walks away..
[Y/n] was fast asleep, in her bed when all of a sudden Tuxedo Mask, appears at her window. She gasps and, watches as he runs away. She rushes out of bed and, follows him. Atlas notices and, notifies everyone.
"Ami-Chan, Rei-Chan, Usagi-Chan, Wake up! Tuxedo Mask is leading Y/n-Chan away!" Atlas shouts, into the watch..[Y/n] arrives at the Bridal Shop from before, and gasps seeing Makoto. Everyone else, arrives and transforms. Seeing the ghost bride,
'Lunar Prism Power! Make-Up!' She shouts, as she transforms into Sailor Luna. And, everyone else into their own respective guardian.
"Stealing the sacred form of the blushing bride and whispering of love! We wont stand for it!" Sailor Moon, shouts at the ghost bride.
"I'm the Sailor Guardian, Sailor Luna. Who fights for the stars and, the moon above."
"I'm the pretty guardian sailor moon who fights for love, and for justice.."
"And, I'm the Sailor Guardian Sailor Mercury."
"And I'm, the Sailor Guardian Sailor Mars.."
"And we'll punish you"
They say..
"You were controlling and tricking people?" Makoto says, looking at the ghost bride.
"You mean you were serious damn it.." She says, as a symbol appears on her forehead.
"I'll let you know about a woman's pure feelings with raw strength." She says, picking up the ghost bride, then she suddenly transforms into Sailor Jupiter.
"Flower Hurricane!" She shouts, as a flower hurricane appears. "Jupiter, the planet I guard, bring a storm!! And down your thunder!" She shouts, at Nephrite.
"Jupiter Thunder-bolt!" She shouts, as a thunderbolt strikes Nephrite killing him...Makoto falls to the ground, and all the girls run towards her to see if she's okay and, she was. And, Luna tells her that she's Sailor Jupiter..
- sorry for it being terrible and short i was using the manga'
[ time skip ] y/n's off doing her own thing she has work to do..
[Y/n] sighed, as she looked at the papers scattered on her desk. [Y/n] wrote down stuff, from her textbook down onto the paper. She looks down and, groans. She barely got any sleep last night, since she was up all night just, working on this and, was tired really tired.
She sighs and, decides to take a break. She makes some coffee and, decides to go out for a walk. Not knowing about what was happening outside, after walking for about ten minutes, she began to feel dizzy.
'My head is all fuzzy and, my strength is going... ugh what's going on?' She says and, she begins to fall to the ground.
'Must be the work of the enemy..' She thinks, as she falls to the ground.
Mamoru rounds the corner and, sees [Y/n] lying on the ground unconscious. He runs towards her, quickly checking for a pulse. He brings his hand to her cheek, "Hey! Snap out of it." He says, to her. And, she stirs awake looking him in the eyes, but seeing Tuxedo Mask.
"Tuxedo Mask!" She says, in amazement looking at him.
"What are you doing here?" She asks, as her cheeks turn red.
"My bad judgement and actions brought us to this point." He says, to her and, she looks at him in shock.
"Tuxedo Mask! So this whole situation was your.... You did it are you actually?" She asks, worried.
"No, I'm not! I didn't mean for this to happen! I wanted to find the Legendary Silver Crystal no matter the cost. But I didn't have any information to work on!" He says, looking at her.
"And I don't have powers like you do!" He says, to her. And she gasps,
"You must transform into Sailor Luna! I can't do anything about this situation myself at this point." He says, and, she gasps once more.
"Y-You know I'm Sailor Luna.. Just who in the world are you?" She asks, looking him in the eyes.
"You're the only one who can come to the rescue." He says, to her. And she looks him, in the eyes. Those familiar eyes, that would seem that she sees everymorning.
[Y/n] stands up and, places her hands on her brooch.
'Lunar Prism Power Make-Up!'
[Y/n] then makes, her way to where everyone else, was...She gasps, seeing so many people, lying on the ground she didn't know if they were dead or just unconscious. Even though she's seen stuff from the enemy, nothing to this extent. She was scared nervous, what if she couldn't bring anyone back...
But then she felt a pair of arms wrap around her, "Snap out of it Sailor Luna! I know you can do it." Tuxedo Mask, said to her as tears ran down her cheeks. Then a stick appeared and, it was in the shape of a star. She takes it in her hands, "Please! Take everybody.. and give them back their lives! Please!" She shouts, holding the stick..
And, after she did and, everyone was waking up. She suddenly felt sleepy and, went limp. "Sailor Luna?" He says, grabbing hold of her, before she hit the ground.
"You used too much power?" He says, looking down at her. A smile, spread across his face as he looks at her. He tucks, a strand of hair behind her ear.
"But well done.. Sailor Luna." He says, to her as he picks her up bridal style.
'What is this?'
"This familiar warmth..'
"It's as if this warmth is giving me back my energy'
As he places her on the his bed, he looks at her. She seemed so at peace, even though using up so much power and energy during that fight.
[Y/n] woke up, in an unfamiliar place. She looked around, she was lying in someone else's bed. 'Where.. am I?" she says, as she looks around. She looks down and, sees a pocket watch. She looks at it and, sees that it has the phases of the moon on it.
"So you're awake?" Mamoru says, as he looks over at [Y/n] who looks, over at him. Then she looks at the suit he was wearing,
"Why are you Tuxedo Mask...?" She asks, looking at him.
"It's for my memory. That's why I have to get my hands on the Legendary Silver Crystal." He says, to her and, she looks at him.
"Your memory?" She asks, looking into his eyes.
"I lost my parents, on my sixth birthday. There was a car accident and, I lost both of my parents. And, I forgot who I was." He says and, [Y/n] gasps tears running down her cheeks.
"And, I started having the same dream over and over. Find the Legendary Silver Crystal.. Just that phase. time and time again in my dreams." He says and, she looks at him.
"And before I knew it... I was stealing through the city at night like some strange sleep-walker! Wearing a tuxedo like some phantom thief." He says,
"The only clue to my past, are the word find the legendary silver crystal." He says,
"What about you?" He asks and, she blushes looking down.
"Um... Well it isn't so quite defined Atlas told me to find it alongside Sailor Moon, and protect it, so.." She says, blushing.
"I see." He says and, she looks at him curiosly.
[Y/n] brought the mask closer to his face, placing it over his eyes. She should've known, that all to familiar voice that she heard, every morning. Those all to familiar eyes she'd, get lost in. Even though she only lives a few doors down the hall. This moment in time between them felt like, they've met this way before but in different circumstances. But at this moment, if time were to stop she wouldn't mind at all.
She looked down nervously, her heart racing. "A-Atlas is waiting for me. I... have to go home." She says, turning to leave but stops, when Mamoru place his hand, on her shoulder. Her heart pounding against her chest, "N/n." He says, and she turns around to look at him.
A blush spread across her face, "N/n. Your bag." He says, and she nervously takes it from him. Covering her face with it, as her face turned bright red. She walks towards the door, and leaves.
'...He called me "N/n" That's who he said.' She says, thinking to herself as she walks down the hallway to her apartment, her heart racing as she thinks of him.
'Maybe I could call him "Since he's Mamoru, maybe I can call him Mamo-Chan.' She thinks, stopping outside her door. She reaches, into her pocket. And pulls out Mamoru's broken pocket watch,
'I brought it with me... his broken pocket watch.' she stares at it, bringing it to her lips and kissing it. This all too familiar warmth returning once more, but stronger than ever before. [Y/n] has never fallen in love before, but this moment was completely different, she feels like she already knows him.
He's opened up to her, he trusts her enough to tell her why he's going after the Legendary Silver Crystal. That moment, between them just moments ago. Felt as if they were in a fairy tale, as if they were two lovers. Finding out each-other's secret identities, a fairy tale she wanted to be in.
She never thought she'd fall in love so quickly, but it doesn't feel wrong. Not one bit, for to her it feels like she's falling in love with him all over again. As if she knew him from as past life. She looked up, hearing that voice once more.
'You're my one and only love.'
She walked into her apartment and, sighed as she thought of Mamoru. She brought her hand up to her face, her face bright red. A smile spread across her face, as she looked at the broken pocket watch. She held it close to her chest, holding it over her heart.
'Is this what being in love is like?'
{ Chapter Four } Princess Serenity and Princess Y/n Sneak Peek
And how Mamoru noticed, how shaken and scared she was. When they tried to talk to her, [Y/n]'s face turns red, as she feels Mamoru's hand on hers. "Are you okay?" He asks, and she looks down, then at him. Her heart racing, pounding against her chest. "Yeah, I'm fine Mamo. Just seeing them, after all those years startled me." She says, looking up at him, smiling.
They close the gap between them, their lips touching. [Y/n]'s hand places her hands, on Mamoru's chest. This kiss between them, felt magical familiar as if, out of a fairy tale. Mamoru places his hands, on her waist. She didn't want, this moment between them to stop.
He weakly brings his hands up, looking at [Y/n] who looked down at him worried, tears in her eyes. 'I remember now, I came back to be with you again. I found you, Y/n." He says, his hand going limp.
"My...Star." He says, and [Y/n] looks down at him in shock, tears streaming down her cheeks. [Y/n] shakes her head, and screams in anguish. As she wraps her arms around Mamoru, tears streaming down her cheeks.
#fanfic#x reader#angst#headcanons#fluff#romance#Sailor Moon#Mamoru x female reader#sailor moon fandom#sailor moon fanfic#x reader sailor moon#Mamoru x Y/n#Fanfic#legend of the Forgotten moon princess
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female reader x arataki itto
words: 1081
warnings: panty stealing, college au, nsfw, not proofread, mentions of peer pressure, theft, itto likes to cum in ur undies ;0
notes: i adore itto sm like what the fuck!! -also on ao3
the unbreakable arataki itto finally gave into peer pressure.
"dude, c'mon, it won't hurt you, you already have the key!" one of the foolish boys in his "gang," or rather a clique, exclaimed.
the truth is, though, that itto has been truly whipped for you, since day one. the day you busted him for skipping class to play yu-gi-oh with a new student.
both him and the "newbie" sat in the middle of the main hallway, the entire "gang" of his surrounding itto. as a respected member of the student council, your job was to prevent such tomfoolery from happening. they eventually started spinning beyblades and pulling out other trading-card decks.
the click of your heels struck fear into anyone, your neat and kempt appearance intimidating the average student. "what exactly is going on here?" you had inquired, the dense half-oni still giddily playing with beyblades.
with a frown, you had scolded the foolish mob, eventually dispersing, including his own relatively harmless gang of frat-boys and morons going back to their classes respectively. everyone had listened to your stern instruction- except for him.
after dragging him back to your office where you had resided for a couple of classes per week, he nodded along to your lecture, which went one ear and out the other. he stared at your bust through your neat, white blouse. of course, this wouldn't be the first time he got himself into reckless trouble, sometimes he even got himself into trouble just to see you. though he may have been a fool, he did not have any malicious intent, deeming him much less worrying than other students.
the boldest move of his was the stunt he pulled most recently, stealing the extra copy of your dorm key while you filed another incident report. he allegedly defaced the men's bathroom, ultimately turning himself in for something he had not done, just to repeat said drill- stare at your breasts, look at your skirt.
as you leaned down to put away another one of his incident reports, he quietly slid the key into the pocket while having a staring contest with your undergarments for what felt like a few minutes. he nodded along, as per usual, and you let him go. itto proudly boasted about stealing the spare to his boys after he got back.
mamoru suggested the idea- to steal a pretty looking pair of panties from your drawer while you were gone. although dangerous, itto considered "risk" his middle name. ever so foolishly, he tip-toed all the way up to your dorm.
with a nod, he unlocked the door, and his boys were off. the plan went like this: steal a pretty pair of your underwear, come on it, leave. he still hadn't devised a "plan-B" or what he would do with the cum-stained undies though.
what really mattered right now was how he was going to pick only one pair. they all looked so pretty, he couldn't help but imagine how they would cling to your waist, and especially how nicely they would look tucked against your puffy little pussy lips as he pounded your cunt.
he picked a nice soft cotton pair, with a cute little bow in the front. his cock was already visibly hard through his sweats, heat rising to his face and pooling in his gut when he realized what exactly he was doing. it was arousing, nonetheless, to masturbate in your room, stealing a nice pretty pair of your own panties for his pleasure.
wasting no time, he slid his dominant hand down his pants, the other hand stroking the soft material of the underwear. he pulled his cock out, a couple touches away from dripping with copious amounts of precum.
itto sat down on your floor, back leaned against the dresser as he admired the pretty fabric. switching the pair to his other hand, he rubbed the cotton along his thick shaft, dick drooling with precum, ruining the cleanliness of your underwear. the oni sighed with content, eyes half lidded as he ran the panties up and down on his cock.
he fumbled with the little bow in the front, fingers coming back up to his tip to play with it a little and tease his precum dripping slit. itto licked his lips and threw his head back a little, moaning softly. he spread his legs father apart, jerking it with two hands, your poor little panties being abused by a big oni.
he was defiling your undergarments. why not leave them there for you to see? he could just take them as a trophy, like a souvenir. itto started to pant like a dog, bucking his hips and fucking his load into the soft cotton fabric, shaking the dresser along with his thrusts.
the sight of those pretty little panties wrapped around his big, hungry cock could get him off more than you could imagine. the cute, tiny bow rubbed up against a thick vein, the friction between the cloth and his dick getting him closer to a filthy high.
itto chewed his lip as he humped the panties clasped around his hands ever so desperately, he couldn't wait to ruin your pussy too. he's gotta get with you, itto has to see all the pretty sets of undies on your waist, fucking them with his dick just couldn't be enough. if he were to be so bold, he might even steal some stockings or another pair of cute little panties. a lacy pair, or a cute pink thong.
intense heat pooled deep into his gut, dick twitching as he fucked his hands balls deep. he ground his hips as much as he could into the pretty fabric of your panties, breathy, helpless moans spilling from his raw lips while he came. thick and sticky, his fat load all over your underwear and his hands.
itto wiped his hands on the fabric, the poor, abused pair being taken home with him expertly. he washed his hands and left, trophy sealed tightly in a nice plastic baggie and locked the door, not a trace to be seen. only such a devious thief could steal your panties.
the souvenir remains in his room, used nearly every day and then washed. it lives a not-so-miserable life of being rubbed up against itto's fat, needy cock. he'll never tell you it was him, though. it was him who took and mercilessly bullied your favorite pair of underwear.
sometimes, he even kisses it...
#arataki itto x reader#arataki itto x you#arataki itto genshin#genshin arataki itto#arataki itto#itto#itto genshin#genshin itto#itto x you#itto x reader#genshin#genshin impact#mc itto#ns/fw
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Drama llama! (Mamoru) (Soft NSFW)
Fandom: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder (Voltage Love 365)
Pairing: Mamoru Kishi x Reader
Warning: mentions of sex, but not smut
Note: this is for @hifftn and her Voltage trope bingo challenge. If you want to get into it, just DM her. :D
This is for jumping to conclusions causing Drama.... tried drama... turned out to be humor... yeah
Heavy, ragged pants escaped from Mamoru’s lips. He had made vigorous love to you, and his body was paying dearly for it. Heart pounding, he couldn’t get enough breath, he was feeling old. But all the mattered was the satisfied look on your face.
Collapsing beside your sweaty body he watched as you drifted off to sleep. He gently patted your head, “Such a kid, can’t even go for a second round.” This was the first time in a long time that the both of you had gotten a break. It had been nearly a month since you both had a chance to sit back and relax. And you both chose to fuck. Not necessarily a bad way to spend an evening. But, as he laid there, he thought how much you probably needed a vacation.
He had been saving up vacation days, simply because he never needed them. He didn’t work hard enough to need a vacation. But as he watched your sleeping form, he decided that he was going to cash them in.
Slipping from the warm bed, he unplugged his phone and went into the other room. Grabbing his tablet from the side of the couch he sat heavily upon its plush cushion, the tablet cradled on his lap. Cursing as the bright screen turned on and temporarily blinded him.
For a moment he wondered if this was even worth it.
Another tab opened and he researched where to go. Somewhere relaxing, somewhere where there was sun, maybe the beach. He could already imagine you in a skimpy bikini. Something only for his eyes.
His hand already found his phone and was already dialing. “Uh, hi. I would like to book a vacation.” his voice was hushed so that he wouldn’t disturb you.
You opened your eyes slowly, a pleasant ache throbbed between your legs. Your muscles clenched involuntarily. This was the first time in what seemed like forever that you had time with Mamoru. And damnit, you were ready to go again after your little snooze. A shiver ran up your spine as you pulled the blanket higher against your naked body. Blindly you felt behind you for your husband. “Mamo?”
Your fingers searched for his warmth, his body… anything. Finally your foggy mind cleared and you rolled over. Your husband was nowhere to be seen. Panic quickly raced through your body. Shooting up into a sitting position, you called his name, maybe he was in the bathroom?
Listening for a reply, you heard your husband’s muffled voice. He must be in the family room. You pulled your bathrobe over your body and tiptoed to the room.
“Yeah, I’m married.” you heard him talking, “Is that okay?” you could feel your blood boil, “You’d do that for me?” Mamoru’s back was to you as he spoke to some person in a hushed tone.
How dare he! “Who are you talking to!” you hissed, storming the room, Mamoru covered the phone and turned to you. A look of shock, he had hoped that you didn’t hear about the vacation.
“Uh, it’s Tomo from Sompo Insurance.” he replied, lying through his teeth, if he would have told you he was talking to a travel agent the surprise would have been ruined.
“Tomo from Sompo Insurance? At three in the morning?” you asked, incredulously. Storming to Mamoru you yanked the phone from his hand “Who is this?” you growled into the speaker, fully expecting to hear a sultry female voice on the other end.
“Uh, it’s Tomo… from Sompo Insurance.” Mamoru replied, sighing. He hated when you jumped to conclusions. Made it nearly impossible to surprise you.
“What are you wearing, Tomo from Sompo Insurance?” you asked, using an air quote around the “Tomo from Sompo Insurance”.
“Uhh… khakis?” came the very male, masculine voice. If you were not half asleep and half mad at Mamoru, you would have paused.
“She sounds hideous” you shot to Mamoru.
“Well, she’s a guy…” Mamoru sighed, taking a cigarette from a side table and lit it.He managed to dodge the airborne phone that was aimed at his head in time.
“You’re sleeping on the couch tonight!” you growled, slamming the door.
Mamoru groaned and rubbed his face, “Sorry. As you were saying? You can upgrade us to first class?”
Mamoru was fine with sleeping on the couch, he knew he had the ace up his sleeve. Besides, you were cute when you were angry. Damn, you were sometimes even cuter when you were angry.
Eisuke was next to be called, and that didn’t take long. Eisuke complied with minimal complaints. Everything was falling into place, and you were none the wiser.
He managed to keep everybody out of the loop, though he knew Eisuke would eventually blab and when they came back, Mamoru knew he’d be teased relentlessly. Probably to the point he’d need another break.
Three days later Mamoru was waking you at four in the morning. Urgently, he shook your shoulders awake. “___, C’mon wake up.”
You groaned, swatting him away, “Go away!” you growled, “Go sleep on the couch.” Mamoru chuckled, you were so damn cute.
Not waiting for you to respond again he gathered your squirming body to his, “I gave you a chance.”
“MAMORU! YOU PUT ME DOWN RIGHT THIS--MMPH” you were silenced by his mouth covering yours. His beard tickled your face.
Finally after twenty seconds your body relaxed against his own, “Huh, thought you’d have a little more fight left in you.” he mused, “Though, it makes it easier to get you into the car.”
He got you into the car, blankets and all, he was surprised that you weren’t shrieking in his ear, probably because you were still asleep. “Where are we going?” you mumbled after some time, “I was sleeping you know.”
“I know,” he kissed your head sweetly, “But I am not telling you.” with a pout on your lips, he shut the door on your face and didn’t look back. Instead he slid into the driver seat and took off to your unknown destination.
Eventually you dozed off, after all it was nearly six in the morning.
Your eyes snapped open when the car was in park. The hum of the private jet was something you were not used to. “Mamoru, what is going on?”
Mamoru chuckled, “Well, Eisuke had a hand in this.” he rubbed the back of his head, his tell. “I bought plane tickets but Eisuke insisted that we take one of his jets.”
“I’m still lost.” you rubbed your face, trying to rub the sleep from your eyes.
“That call, at three in the morning, we’re going on vacation for a week.” Mamoru finally couldn’t hold it back anymore, he delighted in the realization that dawned on your face.
“Mamoru! What? Why” you struggled to bring words to your sleepy mind, “I dont-- I what?”
He kissed you sweetly on the lips, “Surprise, we’re going on vacation” he reiterated, knowing that you were still wrapping your head around the idea. His hands came around you as he pulled you from the car, holding you steady, “I have a change of clothes for you in the jet.”
“Mamo... why?” you asked, still dumbfounded.
“We’ve both been working hard. I just thought we needed a break for a little while.”
He helped you into the jet and waited for you to come out. He knew you’d come out crying, begging for forgiveness. He just had to sit and wait patiently.
Inside the bathroom, you couldn’t help smiling ear from ear. You shouldn’t have yelled at him. Inside the spare clothes was your favorite oversized sweatshirt, of Mamoru’s old sweatshirts that you had stolen and claimed for yourself. A smirk graced your lips, this was one way to make up for it.
Mamoru was beginning to nod off when he felt your body against his, “I’m sorry Mamo” you whispered against his ear, your breath fanning over the side of his face. “Please forgive me?” His fingers grasped your body and eagerly roamed over your figure.He already could tell that you were wearing one of his sweatshirts, and no pants on. It didn’t take long for his fingers to find the hem of the sweatshirt.
Grazing over naked skin, he paused and a lopsided grin bloomed over his features.
No panties. And he was almost sure you weren’t wearing a bra underneath.
“Oh such a naughty girl.” he mused, “I think this is a good beginning to an apology.”
You kissed him, nibbling on his lip, “Let me make it up to you.” you kissed around his face, eventually sucking the soft skin of his lobe into your mouth for a little nibble. He liked where this was going. He knew he wouldn’t be in the dog house for long.
“We have seventeen hours to make it up.”
You smirked, “Challenge accepted. Who needs a vacation when I have you.”
#voltage inc#voltage fanfic#Voltage Trope#Voltage trope fanfic bingo#hifftn#kissed by the baddest bidder#mamoru kishi#mamoru kishi humor#Misunderstanding causing drama
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Latest Update: November 7, 2023
Quick Note 1: Most of the x Reader stories were written with a female reader in mind. Some of them may get away with being gender neutral-ish, but just to be safe, F! Reader for these stories.
Quick Note 2: Links that lead to AO3 are colored in red.
Quick Note 3: Links that lead to a different masterlist are colored in blue
💌 || Fulfilled Requests ✨ || Latest Fic 🔄 || Pending Fic 🔞 || NSFW, leads to NSFW blog. Minors DNI
~ Fanfics ~
DC Comics - Bat Family
Sanctuary (Priest! Jason Todd x Reader); Bonus Lines/Prompts
- - - Series: Robin and the Whore - - -
Robins (sans Damian Wayne) x Prostitute Reader
Red Hood
Red Robin
DC Comics - Booster Gold & Blue Beetle
- - - Series: Black and Blue with Gold All Over - - -
Michael Jon Carter/Booster Gold x OC x Ted Kord/Blue Beetle
OC: Ariane Meritt/Black Shadow
Final Fantasy XIV
Whisper in My Dreams (Ardbert Hylfyst x F WoL Reader); 🔞
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Breakdown (Felix Hugo Fraldarius centric); Possibly Triggering
Duel of Promises (Felix Hugo Fraldarius x OC); OC: Lacey Alford
The Morning After (FE3H Boys x Reader)
Fire Force
Rescue and Meeting (Akitaru Obi x OC); OC: Toba Amagawa
Affection (Kei Tsukishima x Reader)
I Don’t Hate You (Kei Tsukishima x Reader)
Long Sighs (Hajime Iwaizumi x Reader x Tōru Oikawa)
The Morning After (Hetalia x Reader)
Kingdom Hearts
Her Resolve (Sora x Kairi)
Where We Left Off (Lea x OC x Isa); OC: Kali
- - - Series: The Baker and the Scientist - - -
Ienzo/Zexion x OC
OC: Athalia
Arrival and Homecoming
Books, Pastries, and Wagers
My Hero Academia
One Piece
Boyfriend Zoro Headcanons
Stray Kids (K-Pop)
Pirate AU Felix; ✨
~ Original Fics ~
A Silent Cry; Possibly Triggering
Hanahaki Disease
~ Random Headcanons ~
Final Fantasy XV: Ignis’s Coffee Breath
Kingdom Hearts: Ienzo/Zexion and Cooking
Kingdom Hearts: Post Kingdom Hearts III
Fire Emblem Three Houses: Sylvain and Sleight-of-Hand Magic
DC Comics - Bat Family: Robins and Their Favorite Gargoyle
~ Friendly Voice Actor Reminder ~
Akira Ishida
Daiki Yamashita
Keiji Fujiwara
Kōki Uchiyama
Lucien Dodge
Mamoru Miyano
Miyu Irino
Nobuhiko Okamoto
Yūichi Nakamura
~ Art Resources ~
Part 1?
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