#Mama Strife
rabbit-rays · 6 months
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of course she sees you for what you are and loves you anyways. she's your mom.
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caeca-iustitia · 2 months
Just so people know...
I have a verse planned for Claudia where Cloud dies in the Reactor and Claudia takes his place in AVALANCHE (minus Jenova Cell shenanigans)...
And during the Forgotten City segement- as I was planning the general timeline and facts out- I said:
"Then she takes her greatsword- Fenris- and baseball bats the Jenova fragment masquerading as Sephiroth away from Aerith..."
She full on goes:
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Honestly kinda tempted to give her a metal bat instead because the image of this 5'3 woman with a baseball bat taking on Ultimate Weapon with it and WINNING is too funny to pass up lol
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a-vctlan · 2 months
cloud strife. cloud strife? cloud strife.
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just-absolutely-super · 8 months
crying in the club because Cloud was trying to save his mama only to watch her become trapped in a burning house and dying :')))
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
I'm going to kill <3
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[ HOTD - Greif-striken Aegon ]
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Summary: At the Queen Dowager's request, you take on the role of Jaehaera’s primary caregiver but bear the burden of catching the King’s eye.
Warnings: canon Aegon + dubcon / noncon + mentions of death + slight angst + hurt/comfort + smut
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Grief-stricken Aegon is surprised to see you playing with his daughter in the garden, temporarily distracted from his anger by a curiosity about you. Jaehaera sits on your lap as you play with her, keeping her happy and your focus solely on her. Although the King doesn’t recognize you, he hesitates before approaching you, his anger turning into interest when you smile at him. You had been warned by his mother to be cautious of him, given the grief in the castle after the loss of the young prince. Despite your reservations, you decide to be kind and give Aegon the benefit of the doubt as you respectfully acknowledge him and then return your attention to Jaehera.
Grief-stricken Aegon leaves you with his daughter, slipping back into a quiet rage as the sight of her reminds him of Jaehaerys. You cradle the young girl close as her father stalks down the stone halls. Sighing in relief, you watch his silver locks disappear around a corner, completely relaxing when Jaehrra smiles. In a month, she had grown attached to you, mistakenly calling you 'mama' once or twice, but you always managed to correct her. Although your heart fluttered at her recognition, you knew very well that her birth mother, Queen Helena, needed no more strife and that prying ears would quickly spread the rumor of her quick attachment to you. When it happened a third time, you corrected Jaehaera as always, cheeks warm with gratitude. However, your decision remained firm. Unfortunately, you were not quick enough to hush her with a gentle reprimand, and Sir Larys overheard the young princess's adoration for you as he passed by the library where you read to her before supper. He wasted little time using the new revelation to his advantage. He tells the King of Jaehera's love for you, explaining it as a harmless but vaguely dangerous trust shift. Aegon feeds into his observation with contained interest.
Grief-stricken Aegon, overcome with sorrow, sends for you the following evening, calling you to the council room after a long day of war planning. You come at his command after putting Jahera to bed and bidding the Queen goodnight. You take your time to reach him, rightfully afraid of the man you've heard raging about the castle in a constant state of vengeance. You're particularly fearful of your growing desire to feel his pain somehow. Jaehaera is the sweet and well-mannered maiden child, much like her mother, and you can only begin to imagine how lovely her brother had been. You know well that pitying their father shouldn't be your prominent state of mind, but having a tender heart makes it devastatingly hard not to. So, you heed his call, entering the council room and standing at the doors with your head held preemptively low. You greet him quietly, withholding the tremor in your tone as you try to steel yourself against his scrutinizing stare.
Grief-stricken Aegon was far from displeased by the sight of you. Since he briefly saw you in the Keep's courtyard, hed been considering many details and assets you possessed. You appeared pious, gentle, and careful in how you presented yourself. You held the traits he knew his mother had explicitly sought: modesty and fairness. Aegon assumed you were a young lady, yet how you carried yourself made him believe you had surpassed his sister's maturity. He took note of the seven-pointed star necklace you kept clasped around your neck; the gold jewelry glinted on your bare skin, bringing out the light colors of the dresses you wore. You never bared green, a minuscule detail that pleased him. The influence of his family hadn’t reached you, and it was an odd relief. You had no allegiance to an agenda, were content with your role, and were not invested in the schemes around him. In his eyes, you were perfect, pure, and identical to the maiden herself.
Greif-stricken Aegon doesn’t confess his sins to you, though. You were never bringing to light the thoughts he’s had about you. The very sound of your voice started his descent into obsession. Hearing you sing soothing lullabies to Jaehaera, seeing you cradle her close, watching you praise her most minor achievements drove his mind to places it’d refrained from going after the death of his son. Motherly. You are sound of mind and careful with the last of his children. You embodied what his dear sister's wife couldn’t: motherhood. It drove Aegon mad in the dead night, his chambers filled with the sound of his moans as he fisted his cock to the very thought of you.
Greif-stricken Aegon refrains from forcing himself on you the first night you visit him, choosing to pry into your life with direct questions and bittersweet compliments for most of the exchange. You’re relieved to experience his generally pleasant side, amused by the scathing jokes he tells between conversations, and pleased to make him smile with your witty remarks. Your walls of caution break down little by little as he invites your company, letting you recount stories of impractical adventures with his daughter and surprisingly invested in hearing them. You ramble a bit, unsure how to feel about his direct attention and nervous to speak so casually to the King himself. Aegon reassures you that your talkative nature is anything but frustrating, reaching out to lift your chin and graze the warm skin of your cheeks with his fingertips. Your dormant blush brightens when he smiles at you, leaning in to kiss your parted lips tenderly before you can stop him. You had no intention of kissing him back, utterly shocked he'd even be so bold with you, to begin with, but he refused to let you shy away from him. One kiss spiraled into several, every one messier than the last, and your head spinning as the lingering bitterness of wine on his tongue soaked into yours. Aegon pressed for more when you pulled away to breathe. It was all too much, and you rushed to excuse yourself and leave him for the night. He didn't stop you, loving the sight of fear and excitement consuming your tender exterior at his will.
Greif-stricken Aegon calls on you often after that evening. He is no longer satisfied with pleasing himself alone. Aegon is reckless with his dependence on you, not caring that you put up a fight every time, trying to reason with him as he buries his cock in your fluttering walls. You scratch, cry, and beg. Doing and saying anything for the slightest chance of mercy, but Aegon spares you none. He forces pleasure into your veins, slaving away in your cunt night after night and committed to coating your untouched womb with his seed. You feel trapped in the cycle he starts, fulfilling your duties by day and spreading your legs for him at night. It tore you to pieces that your body ached for him constantly, the very shape of cock engraved into you, the space between your thighs undeniably drenched hours before he had you entrapped in his embrace. It’s distracting. He is distracting, and it's no help that he begins to spend more time with his daughter to spend even more with you. Aegon’s hands constantly wander where they shouldn’t, tracing your curves over the binds of your dress as you tend to Jaehaera, and it takes all of your will not to run from him. He feeds on your unease, your breaths slower, eyes fixed in the distance, and the apple of your cheeks turning red. He tells you to settle down, focus on your duties, and disregard his lingering presence, and by the gods grace, you can do just that. It’s a relief that his mother, grandsire, or anyone of consequence steals him away. You say nothing to keep him at your side, missing the feeling of his hands, the sound of his voice, and the air of control he envelopes you in, but joyous to be free of him. You can focus. You can calm the heat in your core.
Greif-striken Aegon takes no issue with keeping you in his bed for hours on end, marveling at the sight of you falling apart on his cock, begging for more of it as your legs shake from another high. You’ve given up on running, on reasoning, on being moderately intelligent, enduring the deep thrusts and mind-numbing pace he sets in thinly veiled excitement. There’s no point of hiding uit any longer, no viable way of convincing him you don’t want him to take you. Its your obligation to please him, to be that perfect little mistress, to give his lonely daughter a new playmate is it not? So, you resort to embracing his attention - as unforgiving and possessive as it may be.
Grief-stricken Aegon doesn’t ask your permission to release inside of you, forcing his seed as deep as possible, holding you down in a vice grip anytime you attempt to writhe away. It’s warm, thick, and filling. You’ve only tried to bathe once after hours of him bedding you, and he was furious. From then on, Aegon denied you the choice of washing the evidence of his claim on you away and commanding you to let his seed leak from between your thighs for a minimum of a fortnight. Appalled and rightfully defiant to the idea, you first threatened to confess to his mother about your shared deeds, but Aegon taunted you. He knew you’d rather suffer his stipulation than endure the wrath of Queen Alicent’s modesty. “Tell her and see what becomes of you..” he seethes into your ear, hand tangled in your fallen hair to keep you bent over the edge of his bed, snapping his hips harder against you when a half-hearted cry falls from your lips. You won't tell her. You can't even begin to think of unburdening yourself without acknowledging the joy you took in being used for his pleasure. Even now, as your essence dripped down your inner thighs, coating his cock with every unforgiving movement he made, you simply gave in to sin. His sin.
Grief-stricken Aegon is unsurprised when he notices signs that you are carrying his child. You become emotionally and physically sensitive. You continue caring for Jaehera while trying to hide your changing demeanor, keeping it a secret. However, Aegon cannot help but stay close to you and treats you as if you're made from glass with little regard for those who notice him showing you favor, which draws the interest of his council members—especially his ever-vigilant mother. Days pass before the maester leaves tea for you. On the night Queen Alicent visits your chambers, she expresses disappointment and scolds you for being careless. You hesitate to follow the Dowager Queen's advice, refusing to drink the remedy left for you and crying the entire night after she takes her leave.
Greif-stricken Aegon hears of your pregnancy the day after, ever so gleeful to endure his mother's berating and nowhere near ashamed of what he's done to you. He tells you it won't be the last time you carry his child, sitting you on his lap in the privacy of his chambers as the day comes to an end, and you haven't the emotional strength to keep fighting him. What's done is done, and you have no heart for ridding yourself of his so-called ‘gift.’ It's sick and twisted, but you've fallen into the headspace he's wanted for so long. A willing servant, one dedicated to her role in his domain of power, and one who will bear as many children as he desires.
What more could a lovely, loyal girl like you ask for?
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A/N: Why is it so hard to write smut for this man?! It's usually so easy, but now I'm struggling. It's unfair because I have a lot of great ideas…
Credits to the creator 💚 He owns 85% of the space in my gallery app. I'm obsessed, and it shows…
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sandumilfshou · 5 months
zack, being a protective mama bear: and why do you suddenly want to be my tiny twink best friend's mentor?
sephiroth, who has just time traveled back into his younger body: because i am a normal human being and can be trusted with a psychically vulnerable and mentally submissive cloud strife :) :) :)
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 2 months
Descriptions (because i NEED to explain things haha-):
Of Bridges Built & Burned: Based off this clowning between me and @moodyseal
TD;LR- Commodus and Apollo get to both scream about their relationship (because it's usually only Commodus who does that), Commodus goes off to sulk/stew over it while Apollo completes his trials, then post-ToA they meet again and have a Much Needed Talk
...and *sobs* go separate ways... *ugly sobbing* DON'T MIND ME-
you know you love the ship when you write them breaking up in the most heart-wrenching scenario possible.
but shh...i have another idea to do with this but that's for another time😈
The Art of War: I've been DYING to do SOMETHING with Apollo (Favorite Son™) and Ares (Failure Son™) and I have 3 whole scenes in different points of time now!!!
First is when Apollo's young and new on Olympus. He's been shoved onto Ares for the time being because in Ancient Greece, boys were raised by their fathers and girls by their mothers, and when the father was unavailable, it was the eldest brother's job to watch his younger brothers.
Second scene is during/post Ares's kidnapping by the giants! Some Apollo angst, Zeus being the best dad ever (not), and Ares not having a good time.
Third and finally, is a little conversation post-ToA between them :3
The Sun's Rise: At last! Out of the vault! The moment we've been waiting for! Starring our boy Apollo, Prometheus being Prometheus, and a guest star you all should know by now :3
@hyac1nthus i know you'd want to see this >:3
Koios ToA: What the hell was Koios doing during ToA? This fic will play like a snapshot of what our favorite titan was up too. Questions will be asked, answers will be found, and oh boy Phoebe and Koios are gonna have a bit o' long-overdue marital strife.
Drunk Twins: literally what is says on the label. the twins get drunk and the Hunt has to call in the mama wolf for backup lmao
The Conspiracy of Rachel Elizabeth Dare: based on this post by @hogoflight and expanded upon here by me! Rachel Dare is a conundrum to her friends, and they put their detective hats on to solve the case!
ToA BuzzFeed Unsolved: The Queer Capers of Lester Papadopoulos and Meg McCaffrey: BUZZFEED TIME! We need ToA buzzfeed fics so here I am making one :3
Apollo V Orion fight (with a side-dish of Jupiter & Commodus): Exactly what it says on the label lmao I had three oneshot ideas and then I went "COMBINE THEM!!" so here is a oneshot with three different things in it making a cohesive story :3
A Radiant Light: Did I make up an entire backstory for one background character? Yes. Is that character Phoebe the Hunter? Also yes.
how to get your daughter to divorce your brother and marry your nephew: a guide by demeter: funny fic about Demeter trying to get Meg, Nico, and Will to help her convince Persephone to divorce Hades and marry Apollo. Based off one of my headcanons haha
👀 lookin' forward to a lot of these, hehe!
Tag list: @txny-dragon @solahflare @fuzzystudios @apollosothertwin @peishathebookity @reuben-7991 @allylyrac @the-summersun
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holdmytesseract · 6 months
Drabble/Blurb request: Baby Fever: The Bare Necessities (The Jungle Book)
"Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries and your strife
I mean the bare necessities
That's why a bear can rest at ease
With just the bare necessities of life"
Little Dancing Queen
Loki & Ella
Warnings: nothing. This is pure tooth rotting fluff.
Word Count: blurb
a/n: Friend... Thank you SO much for this request. Gods, the blurb I wrote is SO sweet, I love it! I hope you do, too! 🤗💖
Last day of the Campfire Sleepover! 🏕
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"Okay, princess, what are we going to do while mama is out in the city with your grandmother?" Loki - currently for a little vacation with his family on Asgard, asked his baby daughter, while softly tightening his hold on her. Not that she fell off his stomach.
Ella was sitting - like so often on her daddy's upper body; currently playing with a pair of toy bricks. Her uncle Thor's old toy bricks, to be exactly.
Her wide, blue eyes stared at her father's face; nothing but a sweet coo leaving her tiny lips, before she started to suckle on one of the toy bricks.
Not the answer Loki hoped for.
He sighed, "No idea, princess, huh?" and fiddled with the straps of the cute dungarees she wore; getting them back in the right place. "Dadada," Ella squeaked; almost hitting Loki in the face with the toy brick.
"No, little lady, I was asking you and- Woah, be careful with that brick!" He tickled Ella's tummy in return; causing her to giggle.
For Loki, it was one of the most beautiful sounds in all the nine realms... Hearing his daughter laugh.
"Cheeky girl," Loki laughed and took her tiny hand in his; blowing a raspberry on her palm - which made her giggle even more.
Loki's eyes were trained on Ella. Oh, how much he loved her. She was the best thing that ever happened to him - besides you. "Oh my sweet, precious princess, I-" Loki cut off his own sentence as a sudden idea hit him.
"Ohh, I know what we are going to do. Come on, sweet girl."
Without wasting another minute, the god stood up with Ella in his arms and walked straight to the main door of your shared chambers.
Making his way down the big, rich hallways of the palace, Loki had a destination in mind... The ballrooms.
On his little walk, he passed by a lot of servants, maids and guard; the palace bustling with life. Everybody greeted him kindly and was absolutely enchanted by the little girl in his arms. Of course, they were. Everyone who met Ella was immediately enthralled. She had that effect on people; was able to have everyone wrapped around her finger in no time.
"Alright, baby girl..." Loki spoke to his princess, while opening the huge golden doors with his free hand. "I'll show you one of the ballrooms, princess. It's almost a shame that I never showed you this before. Not in all those months you've been born." He stepped inside the big, spacious room and snapped his fingers; closing the doors behind them.
Ella looked around with wide eyes; seemingly fascinated with her surroundings. Gold everywhere; bright, warm light, music instruments on their left. It was stunning.
"Now..." The god said and squatted down to let Ella stand on her own two small legs. "What do we do in a ballroom?" Loki asked and snapped his fingers; making the instruments play some classical music. Ella's eyes widened even more and she smiled; starting to bob up and down - like a toddler does. She understood.
Loki smiled brightly, "Exactly, princess! Dancing!" and watched her for a short moment; just relishing in her utter cuteness. But then he put his hands on his hips and shook his head. "But I feel like that's not the right music, what do you think, sweetie?"
Ella stopped in her movements and looked up at her dad; one finger stuck in her mouth. "Dada!" She squealed. "I take that as a yes," Loki approved and snapped his fingers again.
Now they were playing a familiar song. One which Ella heard a trillion times before. One that her mama showed her - and Loki. 'The Bare Necessities' from the Disney movie 'The Jungle Book'.
The little girl squealed up happily again and started to bob up and down once more - but definitely with more enthusiasm and energy. Her tiny raven curls bobbed with her movements.
Loki laughed out loud, totally enamoured by his daughter.
His laugh quickly died down, though, when Ella lost her balance and almost toppled over. Almost. Loki was quick to react and caught her in his arms. "I've got you, princess. Nothing happened. You're fine." Ella's eyes were wide from the small shock, but she quickly recovered as Loki took her tiny hands in his and started to move her to the music.
She giggled; everything forgotten and started to move with her dad.
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Baby Fever Crew: @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jaidenhawke @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @multifandom-worlds @jennyggggrrr @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @herdetectivetheorist @hisredheadedgoddess28 @chennqingg @princess-ofthe-pages @km-ffluv @simping-for-marvel @huntedmusicgardenn @lokiforever @stupidthoughtsinwriting @loz-3 @jaguarthecat @icytrickster17 @eleniblue @yourfriendlyslytherinhc @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic @kimanne723 @lou12346789 @smolvenger @lokisrealpurpous @isaidoop @lokisgoodgirl @aagn360 @cakesandtom @alexakeyloveloki @glitchquake @anukulee @lady-rose-moon @ainsley30 @lovingchoices14 @lokischambermaid @irishhappiness @mandywholock1980 @totsnotlynn @loki-laufeyson223
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caeca-iustitia · 2 months
Just so people understand my Claudia for a second:
This woman got pregnant at 16, did dangerous mercenary work whilst heavily pregnant, gave birth to her son on her own in the middle of the forest, completed her contract and then spent 14 years raising Cloud alone with no help and no family.
She then, at least by my headcanons, survives being stabbed by Sephiroth, threatening to kill him should he lay a hand on her son.
She then escapes the clutches of ShinRa when they try using her body for experiments by wiping out an entire platoon of mako-enhanced SOLDIERs and the scientists before escaping to Kalm to go back to mercenary work until Meteorfall.
She is a badass.
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darkdemeter · 2 months
War and Strife x Fem child reader Platonic! Takes place during Genesis! A sweet, curious, and kind child managed to find herself in Hell, probably bc of a random Serpent Hole back on Earth, and is now under Vulgrim’s care due to curiosity himself…until War and Strife spot her talking with him. It’s now part of the Horsemen’s mission to get her back home to Earth, after Strife “adopts” her and convinces War that she’s their priority now, for the Balance.
◤✘DARKSIDERS COLUMN | (Platonic!) Strife and War x Female Child!Reader
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NOTES: ↳ Yes Genesis content! 👏Let's go! WARNINGS! ↳ Just sort of general fluffy content — Reader is a small bean — Vulgrim has to fix some serpent holes, be wary of falling through some of those when you're out and about — I think that's it
✎ 1.9k ────────────────
How fragile mortality is. So sweet and pure, innocence surreal. You wander through this unknown place with a target on your back, a beacon for the darkness to find you amidst its clawing grasp of shadows. But thankfully, one with astonished confusion finds you before any other hellish dweller. Your eyes peer up and up, meeting the greenish pupils of the ghoul that floats amidst the gravity of his ethereal form. His claws tap together in thought, face morphed into a puzzled sneer with a sound rattling in his throat like a grotesque snort. 
Ever mindful of your manners, being the good and well behaved girl your parents brought you up to be, you softly clear your throat. “Hello.”
Vulgrim’s eyes somehow manage to soften in the slightest of wrinkles. How did you get here?
He arcs his body to lower himself, nearing to your eye level but still raised some height above. His nose moves back into a revealing snarl when you attempt to reach a hand out to grab hold of one of his horns, eyes sparkling with a grand cosmos of curious wonderment. Vulgrim, amongst his own similar feeling, finds your reaction most interesting. Your perception of him unhindered by the reaction of fear or caution.
When an echoing shriek bellows from the spired graveyard over yonder, you gasp shortly, and Vulgrim is a witness to this fearful emotion. He watches, properly posed in his towered clutch as your head and eyes move across the surroundings before you shrink away with a small whine, feet pattering in hard succession until you hide behind the floating shades of his belted tunic. 
“Come, child,” he says, “stay right here with me.”
Humans are a species emphasised about their fragile yet cunning adaptability. And while Vulgrim has taken to studying them here and there, not once had it ever struck him that a child’s soul could harbour so much light. So much pure and raw energy that it almost blinds him whenever he looks at you. 
You nod up at him. Your hands clutch hold of the darkened purples of fabric, your fistful grip is harsh much like how you would to your mother’s tunic whenever the roar of thunder scared you. 
Vulgrim can only suspect that you somehow arrived here through the work of his serpent holes. There are a few scattered around earth, though not many, but you must have stumbled upon one. 
“Man, if Vulgrim sends us off on another fetch quest, I’m going to happily plug a bullet through his ugly ass—” Strife tapers off in his rant. 
Both him and War tug the reins of their steeds to bring them to halt. Horses voicing their huffed whinnies, the steadfast beasts comply. 
“Is that…?”
“A child,” War finishes his brother’s question. He could hardly believe his own eyes, having to share a glance with Strife to confirm what it is they see in the distance. With a harsh nudge of their heels, they hurry off towards Vulgrim who glides idly around a rocky cluster, almost pacing back and forth. 
Meanwhile, you are seated atop the rock with your head tracking the spirited demon’s movement. 
“My mama makes the best-est swoup in the village. Do you like swoup? It’s yummy. I always eat it when I feel a hurt in… my belly.”
“Vulgrim,” Strife barks out, “What the hell did you do?”
At the call of his name, the lanky merchant scowls with a hoarse, soured sigh. “Horsemen, it is not I who did this. She somehow found her way here, most likely through the use of a serpent hole.”
The Horsemen dismount, boots clubbing the dirt mercilessly. In your excitement, you leap off the rock. Vulgrim and the two nephilim brothers flinch forward at the sight of your stumble but you brush yourself off. 
Sturdy, they note in their examination. You move swiftly that it catches War and Strife unawares despite their eyes keeping a sharpened focus on you. 
“Horsies!” you chortle loudly, beaming brightly with a smile, arms outstretched. Both continue to stare at you like you’re a newborn faun stumbling on its legs for the first time.
It’s Strife who kneels down to your level. The shift of his armor clatters together and your eyes meet the flare of gold brimming from his eye sockets. 
“You like ‘em, huh?” He means of their loyal horses. He sees your smile turn higher into a grin, nodding eagerly. He smiles beneath the placid face of his visor and merely shuffles aside, his hand beckons Mayham to trot forward. 
The heavy push of Mayham’s nose nestles into his rider’s palm and he directs your own hand to rest there. You giggle as the horse sniffs and huffs large winds of breath that blow your hair back and cause your lashes to flutter wildly. Your hand smears a gentle caress against Mayham’s nose, his lips mouthing the soft surface of your palms, tickling you. 
War finally breaks himself away from it, instead turning his attention to Vulgrim, bearing upon the merchant a fearsome glare. “Just how exactly did she end up here, in Hell of all places?”
Vulgrim shrugs. “I cannot say for certain, Horseman. All I know is that she found her way to me. And perhaps by a play of fate, with the less than favorable fiends she could have encountered instead.”
Strife and War bristle at that. They find the implication that any of hell’s creatures could have found you disheartening. They can only assume that it is what Vulgrim suggests: fate. And greatly fortunate for you. 
Strife remains close at your side, not yet ready to return to the level of his feet, far too entranced at the abrupt pause in his breath whenever his eyes flicker away from you. This instinctive drive to protect you from all harm falls on him like a blanket weighing him down in water. 
“So you have been spying on the humans.” War’s skeptical tone is not appreciated by Vulgrim, followed by the bevelled snarl and recoiling of his lipless mouth that bears his jagged fangs. 
“Studying them. They are fascinating, and I only meant to observe them from afar. However, it would appear that not all my serpent holes on Earth are very… secure.”
“War…” Strife says, voice sunken low in his determined drawl. He finally stands but his head lags behind, momentarily watchful of you before he raises it to meet War’s gaze. “We can’t just leave her here.”
“Strife, we cannot forsake our mission. It is our duty to—”
Strife tries but he’s unable to bite down a growl, the golden dance of his eyes thinning angrily. “You keep going on about the Balance, fine! But right now, she is part of that balance. She is our priority to see her home safely.”
If there has ever been a reason to pull the trigger, Strife now sees it. To protect you. If any threat so much as taunted him with laying a finger on you, he would lose himself to the identity of that killer he tries so hard to escape from. 
“If anyone finds out that she’s here, they’ll come for her. And I’m not going to let any of these mongrel pieces of shit get that chance.”
War’s mind is taken under by the case his brother makes. The consequences to follow if such a scenario were to occur, then balance would only tip further into universal chaos. 
Still, what of their task? 
Both are torn from the heat of their argument when you coo, Mayham pushing his head a little further against you to muzzle into your front. Strife lays a hand firmly on the metal plating guarding the horse’s neck. “Easy there, pal. She isn’t as tough as me.” 
His voice has turned cool, less frantic than it had been before, fired into a flare of emotion just teetering on the edge of lost control. Mayham snorts and complies with his rider’s command, easing his weight and instead embraces the form of your body leaning into his large, armoured head. Your arms wrap around his elongated snout. His breath jostles your breath, his nasal pants match in time with each little heartbeat in your chest. 
Ruin’s nose bows down and with a sharp, deep snort he sniffs at you. The thick skull of his head then pushes into your ribs with a loud whicker, ears prickling about as if to beg for your attention as well. 
“Strife, it will be too dangerous to take her with us,” reasons War, though his brother can easily tell he isn’t so convinced by his own words. 
“It’s too dangerous not to take her with us.”
Vulgrim motions with a dismissive cast of his hand, spatting a puff of air, “Pah! If none of you will take her back, then I suppose she must be left under my charge until otherwise.”
War doesn’t give a second thought to his next threat. “Touch her and I shall cleave you into two, demon.”
“Seconded,” growls Strife with a slivered glare. 
“Very well.” Vulgrim’s claws scratch at his chin thoughtfully, defeated. “Then you will take her back to Earth and reunite her with the other humans.”
Strife and War glance down to find you happily coddling their steeds. “There’s lots of apples at my home. Would you like apples, horsies? Will you be my fwiends?”
“And Lucifer?” War asks the demon trader. Meanwhile, Strife bends down and his hands swoop around you and pull you into his arms. You let out a cheerful cry at the sudden pull of gravity that hoists you up. 
“Vulgrim can work on it while we’re taking her back home.” 
Turning you to face him, Strife gets a good look at you now, a bubbly and excitable soul despite your circumstances. Your head tilts curiously as you take your time observing him, small hands reaching out to run over the cover of his mask and your eyes filled with that distinct fascination and curiosity humans are known for. 
With a huff, War passes off the artefact to Vulgrim who clasps his greedy hands over it like a cage, gruffly chuckling a darkened note. “Yes, yes. Now go, get her out of here!”
You cannot see the small smile Strife has, but it's there. “We will take you back home, little one. You excited to go for a ride?” 
You gasp with a widening grin. “Yes pwease!”
With that, Strife and War turn back to mount their horses. Vulgrim’s face drops, going blank as you softly whine over Strife’s shoulder, waving your arm madly and your fingers curling into your palm as you wave. “Bye! Bye-bye!”
Strife is careful as can be, for the first time in a while exercising greater caution in handling you into the saddle of Mayham. You eagerly grab hold of the chained reins and the saddle horn, legs swinging back and forth before Strife sits behind you. 
“Where do we even begin?” War asks, looking at Strife who returns his stare. The question poses a bit of a challenge. Just which village are you from, who are your guardians and can they actually get you home as they promised?
“Little one,” War calls and you turn your big, blinking eyes to him. “Where is your village?”
“Uhh… erm…” Your voice has grown small, an uncomfortable sense of uncertainty laced within it. 
Strife takes a moment, thinking hard. It’s not until your head moves back and your eyes look up at him that he answers almost wistfully while he holds you securely. 
“I guess we’ll figure that out on the ride there.”
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rottenpumpkin13 · 7 months
I know you mostly write about the First Class Idiots and their misadventures. Imagine this. AGSZC are captured by some super villian guy who wants to use them for his own gain. They were captured while on vacation in Nibelheim, to visit Mama Strife and try her delicious cooking. A local guide girl gets wind of it and runs into another young woman who got a distress call from her boyfriend who was captured. Together, they have to fight their way to save the First Class Idiots. The girls' names? Tifa and Aerith! :D
*A day after the whole incident, they're all back at Shinra being interrogated by the Turks*
Tseng: Let me see if I got this right—You, Aerith, snuck out and traveled across continents all the way to Nibelheim to save Zack. There you ran into Miss Lockhart, and together you....found? Professor Hojo's secret lab? And he was keeping the boys hostage?
Aerith: Crazy, huh?
Tseng: How did you girls get past the monsters in the area? It's my understanding that they were Hojo's creations and that even Sephiroth had trouble with them.
Tifa: Really? I guess they let their guard down since we're not military or anything.
Tseng: I'm serious. Sephiroth was injured.
Aerith: But the monsters weren't that difficult to beat.
Tseng: He's still unconscious as we speak. How did you do what he couldn't??
Aerith: Maybe I'm built different.
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On My Mama Pt. 3
It was the day after your move and you were still pissed at the meddling duo. You were going over ways to hit back harder in your head, whilst trying to pay attention to your classes. You'd barely made it through your school day, anger heating your gut as you tried to stay focused.
"Nina move your big head!" Gina hissed, as Nina stood in front of you and Gina. She was yammering on about some party that was being thrown and how she'd scored you all an invite.
Gina had been a major help to you, before Nina walked up and disturbed the conversation. You'd asked her about Riri and Shuri's past women, wanting to know who they were. However as she spoke of them all, there was only one that stood out. Bria, a South African beauty that had a smile that reached her eyes.
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You'd gotten the story of how Riri and Shuri competed for women, yet she was the only one they had shared. They had a small situationship that fizzled out because Bria wasn't into the duo's childishness. She wanted something serious, whereas the other two were into playing games. It was known that Riri wasn't as bad off as Shuri however she still didn't want to be in anything serious.
The end of the situationship caused strife as Bria was Shuri's friend before anything and when the trio parted ways Bria cut Shuri off like she was nothing and moved on. It was a known fact that after Bria, Shuri's partying got worse yet no one was brave enough to say that to the girl's face.
As Nina kept on talking, you moved your head to look past her to where Bria stood talking to someone. She was gorgeous, had a very attractive body and was very well known around on social media. She was perfect for what you had in mind.
You walked away ignoring whatever question Nina threw at you, and approached Bria with long strides in your stilettos. Your mind was conjuring up thoughts of just what you planned on doing.
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You stopped right in front of her and glared at the person she was talking to until they stopped speaking and cleared their throat uncomfortably. You kept staring at them with your dark shades until they made an excuse to scurry away.
"That was quite rude." Bria says, staring at you with curiosity.
"Maybe so." You agreed. "I'm Y/n."
"Bria." The girl says, eyeing you. She was trying to be discreet, you could tell.
"I won't beat around the bush or feed you any bullshit." You start, licking your lips before smiling devilishly. "I have two very annoying roommates of which you are intimately familiar with. What do you say to us getting as familiar?"
"I... uh...." She looked shocked as she processed what you'd said to her.
"Well while you think that over, why don't we get to know each other?" You quickly grabbed her hand and led her towards your car.
After a week of casually hanging out you realized you and Bria had quite a bit in common. She was easy to talk to and you couldn't help how much you opened up to her. She had this vibe around her that made you feel at ease, and talking to her was therapeutic.
After talking to Bria and explaining why you were angry with Shuri on the whole mother front, she was flabbergasted to say the least. Once you got to how they'd forced you into being their roommate she was quick to agree to help you get under their skin.
You cracked open a bottle of expensive wine, prepped some cheese and crackers and were wrapped up in conversation with Bria. She was funny and blunt. She told you about her experience with the meddlesome duo, how she'd really liked them but quickly realized they didn't feel the same. The more you two talked the more you found you liked hanging with her.
You stood from your bed and turned on your record player. You played Jhene Aiko's álbum 'Souled Out' your favorite album of all time.
"Wanna help me make the popcorn?" You asked, as she lounged on your bed. You'd invited her over for a sleepover. After a few public hugs and lunches, it was all over campus that the two of you were friends. You planned on showing Shuri and Riri just how friendly you were with Bria.
"Sure." Bria shrugged, as you headed for the kitchen. The apartment was empty as Shuri and Riri were at their lab according to their schedule on their board.
As you made the popcorn, you drizzled caramel, chocolate and sea salt over it. While Bria grabbed strawberries, washing them and dipping them in the leftover chocolate.
She grabbed the can of whipped cream and started to put it on the top part of the strawberries where she'd cut off the stem part. After she finished she hopped on the counter and sprayed whipped cream in her mouth and smiled as she swallowed.
"Want some?" She asked. You nodded before walking towards her, standing in between her legs.
You giggled as she put the whipped cream to your mouth. As you swallowed, your eyes locked with hers and you kissed her, your tongue caressing hers as her hands encased your body. Your lips moved together like peaceful waves in harmony.
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As the two of you kissed, your head raced with thoughts of just what you were doing. But you couldn't will yourself to pull away. The front door opening and footsteps had you jumping slightly. You stared at Bria with an uncertain gaze.
"Bria?" Shuri gasped, stopping mid step, causing Riri to bump into her.
"Hey..." Bria said, looking from Shuri to Riri.
"W...what's goin on?" Shuri stuttered. She'd seen pictures of the two of you all over her Instagram but she and Riri thought you were friends according to the school gossip.
"Y/n, invited me over for a sleepover." Bria smiles at you. You felt weird. This was the exact scenario you'd wanted yet you felt strange about it. You couldn't even say anything as you were still stuck on the kiss.
"We'll get out of your hair." Bria says, handing you the plate with the strawberries as she grasped the bowl of popcorn. You moved your eyes watching her as she hopped down and headed for your bedroom and you followed silently.
The rest of the night went by with you on autopilot, Bria was talking and you simply listened as your music played. After a while you decided to smoke to help let go and relax. Bria agreed, and you rolled up before lighting the blunt.
"You're so beautiful." You say, as you blew smoke from your nose.
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"No, you're beautiful." Bria asserts, as she took a long drag before shotgunning the smoke into your mouth. You inhaled the smoke, holding it before letting it go. She learned until her lips brushed your ear. "Are we still on?"
"Yes." Is all you say before she puts the blunt out and to the side. She grasps your neck with her hand and kisses you, and your eyes flutter close.
Her soft lips and hands move over your body, pulling angelic moans from your mouth as she plays your body like the rarest harp. Her fingers strumming your most sensitive spot, over and over.
She has you coming until you're completely exhausted and your limbs are weighed down by the promise of a good rest. The last thing you remember is wanting her to cuddle you and the thought getting lost as you fall into the deep abyss.
The next morning you wake up to a text from Bria thanking you for the previous night. You feel oddly hurt at the fact she'd left without saying anything to you and the thought angers you. You've never cared enough about anyone you've slept with in the past so to have her be so nonchalant when you were usually that way was hard to swallow.
You moved through your morning routine and got dressed before leaving your room to see Riri at the kitchen island, eating a bowl of cereal.
"Good morning." She mumbled. It was obvious she was angry and while that should have made you happy, it didn't.
"Morning." You returned before grabbing your oats to make a creamy oats porridge with maple sugar, cinnamon and almond milk.
"Quite a performance you put on last night." Riri raised a brow.
"If you thought that was a performance I pity whoever you've fucked." You rolled your eyes, as you made your breakfast.
"I wasn't speaking on the sex. Though you should know Bria's skills are thanks to Shuri and I. We taught her everything she knows." Riri gloated.
"Congratulations, do you want a cookie?" You scoffed, as you stirred the oats in the pot.
"I see hurricane Bria worked you over." Riri shakes her head. "I should probably warn you she's quite the manipulator. But I figure you'll learn that all on your own. You're stubborn."
"I'm just having fun." You lie. Unsure of why you felt the need to. You weren't sure what you wanted however you knew Bria wasn't interested in anything with you. She was simply into getting Shuri and Riri back, however you didn't mind her friendship. She seemed genuine.
"If you say so." Riri shrugged, as she finished her bowl of cereal. "What do you plan on doing today?"
"Why is that your business?" You give her a look, as you bowl your oats porridge and start eating.
"So nothing. Got it." Riri grinned. "What do you say to a little roommate bonding?"
"No thanks."
"Come on, you can't be this boring. All that attitude isn't all you've got as a personality. Come shoot hoops with me." Riri begged, you fixed her with a displeased frown as you continued to eat.
"I heard you were into sports that you played basketball, softball and ran track for years." Riri's eyes brightened as she brought up your past. "That doesn't just go away."
'Yeah, well it did." You stop eating, and place your bowl in the fridge no longer hungry and head for your room not wanting to think on anything she'd said.
"Hey..." Her hand clasps around your wrist gently. You tense, not wanting to be touched.
"I know what happened and I'm sorry for your loss. I'm not trying to play games with you. I just want to be your friend, you could use one." Riri's voice seems sincere, and for the slightest moment your resolve wavers.
"Fine but we're running I'm not interested in playing ball I haven't played since..." You regret having to even say anything but as quickly as it's said, she immediately agrees.
Despite the nagging feelings of wanting to tell her to fuck herself, you bite the bullet and get ready for the run. You wear a pretty lilac seamless bralette and short set with a white cropped jacket that fits you just right and pair it with your white hoka running shoes.
Riri forces you to eat a granola bar and banana by naming the number of things that can happen if you don't before your run. You both agree on a nearby park that has a long path for walkers, joggers and runners.
The walk there is interesting, with you refusing to speak and Riri filling the conversation for the both of you. She's goofy, and playful a side you've never seen because she'd always be flirting or trying to get you to go out with her.
She goes on and on about things she's into, like basketball, running, technology. You find that she has many shared interests with you, including music, food and fashion. She'd be a stem, if she'd label herself though she prefers no labels as she hates social norms and rules.
As she talks you feel more and more comfortable around her. It's like on the one hand you had all these preconceived notions of what she was like and on the other hand you were now realizing what she really was like. You still hated that she was whatever she was with Shuri but you could separate the two.
The run was electrifying, you felt so good, so empowered and so free. There was nothing on your mind as the two of you ran in silence. You hated to admit you'd missed this, the feeling running gave you. It had been so long since you'd ran, you couldn't think about the last time you ran.
It'd been so long, it was a regular occurrence for you and your father to run together in the mornings before school. He was your biggest cheerleader, he took care of you whilst your mother focused on her career. She was always self centered and narcissistic, at times you wondered idly why he put up with her for so long.
She was incredibly selfish, it wasn't a shock that she cheated on him. It was more shocking that it was with a woman, she was such a hypocrite. She'd berated you about liking women, even went as far as slapping you across the face when you'd came out to her. Then to know she not only cheated with a woman but the woman you'd been obsessing over for years.
She was a shit mother, always had been yet you loved her anyway. Always forgave her because it was what your father wanted, while he made certain she treated you right. Up until the night everything changed, you'd respected her, loved her, did everything a dutiful daughter could do.
The moment you'd found how devastated your father was when he'd found out callously how she'd fucked another woman your age and just what became of him being in that state... You hated her, you hated her so much you couldn't stand the sight of her. She disgusted you.
The moment the adrenaline caught up with you, your chest tightened and your eyes went blurry and you keeled over with a heart wrenching cry. You chest heaving with breaths, as you got lost in the memories of the day you'd lost your father, the last run that you'd shared.
"Y/n..." Riri called, catching up with you. "Hey, hey, hey... Breathe. Come on, you can do it, just breathe..."
You tried several unsuccessful attempts at getting yourself together, your eyes watering as you struggled to stop the panic attack. You barely registered her hands, gripping you as she led you to an empty bench along the path.
"You're fine, You're going to be ok." Riri assured, kneeling in front of you with her hands on your knees. "Just breathe. In and out."
You listened.
Taking deep breaths, trying to control yourself.
It took a few minutes before you could gather yourself. The whole time, Riri spoke words of encouragement and affirmations. She had a calming effect that just seemed to wash over you.
"You good?" She asked, her eyes full of understanding.
"Y-Yeah..." You stuttered.
"I take it you also ran with your dad?" Riri asked, her tone was soft like she was trying to handle me with care.
"Yeah." You whispered, as tears ran down your cheeks. You swiped at your face, hating that she was seeing you be so weak. You hated showing that side of yourself to anyone. As the only person to ever acknowledge and help you when you were feeling down was gone.
"You know, I lost my father too." Riri admitted, and you stared at her with wide eyes. No one had told you that. "It was a long time ago..."
"I'm sorry." It was the first genuine thing you'd ever said to her that wasn't mean or shady. You felt bad at how you'd treated her seeing as how she was being nice to you.
"I know exactly how you feel right now, I've been there. It wasn't easy moving away from feeling so tormented and hurt and angry but I poured my all into being everything he'd of wanted me to be." Riri has a faraway look in her eyes, as she shakes her head. "He died because of me. I'd wanted to have a family picnic, he'd just come in from working all night and had forgotten about it. My best friend Natalie was coming back to Chi town to visit, and I hadn't seen her in months since she'd moved away. So I begged and pleaded until he gave in and brought me to that park. We'd only been there for a few minutes, he was walking Natalie over to my mother and I at our table when they were struck by stray bullets..."
"Ri...." You gasped as her eyes got glassy. She'd witnessed something truly horrific and traumatizing. "It's not your fault. Whoever shot that gun is at fault, not you."
"I've made peace with it. I used to blame myself for the longest, but then I worked through my grief and guilt. The hardest thing I ever did was forgive who'd done it, it wasn't easy. But it freed me from all the hatred and anger burning inside me." Riri swallowed, taking a deep breath. "This may be hard to hear but you need to hear it. Hating people isn't going to change what happened, you need to forgive. Not for them, but for you. You're only hurting yourself by giving these people the power to control your emotions, to fuel them. You are so bright, so smart, so creative. I've learned a lot about you albeit not very legally but I know enough to know that you are a good person with a big heart that tries to pretend like you don't care about anyone when we both know it isn't true. You deserve to be free of whatever anger, hurt, and despair that is harming you."
You stared at her, not wanting to accept what she was saying. Just because she was willing to forgive such a heinous act; didn't mean you had to do the same.
"I know someone exactly where you are. Exactly where I was... and I'm going to tell you the same thing I told them." Riri said, sternly. "You are only hurting yourself, by being so angry. You may feel as though you want to make the whole world pay but that isn't going to change anything. It won't make you feel any better. You have to forgive. Forgive and give yourself the time to grieve without your anger leading you."
"Look, I appreciate you sharing your story with me... but I'm not you. You don't know me. I don't need saving, nor do I need any motivational speeches about overcoming my emotions. If you want to be friends, save that shit for someone who needs it." You said, your tone sharp. You meant every word.
"Understood." Riri nodded to herself, standing. You stood as well wanting to shower, eat something and bury yourself in your sheets for the rest of the day.
When the two of you returned back to the apartment, you were shocked to see Shuri. She was so drunk she was stumbling, singing some tune while giggling to herself. You frowned as you watched the girl with new eyes.
"Riri!" Shuri exclaimed, as she smiled widely at her friend. "You missed a great opportunity today, that lab girl that's always flirting practically begged me to let her eat my--"
"Okay... Let's get you to bed..." Riri sighed, looking at her watch to see it was just after one in the afternoon. She hated when Shuri got like this. Drinking, smoking and fucking randoms. She wanted nothing more than for Shuri to heal, to let go of the hurt and stop leaning on these habits of hers.
"Oh... Y/n...." Shuri giggled, as Riri grabbed her around the waist to help her to her room. "Fuck, I wish you didn't hate me... You're so good, and pretty and I f-fucked up by f-fucking your mom and--"
"Shuri!" Riri scolded, wanting to slap the taller girl. Drunk apologizing was not it, and by the look on your face it hadn't scored Shuri any points. She could see the hatred in your eyes, as you looked Shuri over before heading into your room and slamming the door.
"See... She h-hates me..." Shuri laughed.
"I hate when you're like this..." Riri grumbled, leading Shuri to her bedroom.
After a little hiatus, I'm back! Thanks to everyone that supported my blog while I was away. I really appreciate you all. I was working on my stories that I plan on self publishing in RL because I'm a sapphic girl with sapphic reading desires.
Anyway, let me know what you thought of this part. I rushed in Bria's character because BOY do I have plans....
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rocketbirdie · 1 month
How does Tifa feel about Cloud's changes? (Zack's too I guess but she only met Zack on the worst day of her life so...) Her and Cloud weren't exactly close before things went tits up but she did know him a bit better than most of Nebelheim barring his mom. I think it would be way more complicated than canon. He went from an almost pitiful antisocial to a scary one. Canon Cloud became a little intimidating, more just awkward and a bit cold, but not scary like this one. And yet, he seems to have found someone he cares more about than she's EVER seen before. (Again, barring mama Strife.)
His quiet awkwardness was kind of charming back when they were kids, but that's the innocence of childhood for ya... Nowadays his silence is disturbing. She still nurses an old crush on Cloud, still sees him as the boy next door, still wants him to be okay. She's less scared of Cloud himself, and more afraid of Zack's influence on Cloud.
Tifa's only memories of Zack are some of the worst memories of her life, and Cloud's scary behavior and poor health only serve to strengthen that association. Without the badly needed context of the hell they've endured, to her, it just looks like Zack took him under the wing when he "joined SOLDIER"... and that Cloud's condition is a direct result of Zack's "relationship" with him.
But Tifa keeps that all to herself of course. She'll get Cloud out of this somehow. She can protect him, she just needs a little more time to think, she tells herself...
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sweetbunpura · 4 days
There is a reason Celine is so no holds barred when sparring.
In times of peace, samurai swords were usually only worn as a sign of status as well as to show that the samurai was always on guard. Samurai were forbidden from drawing their swords under pain of death over a wide spectrum of conditions, they couldn't simply draw their blade for no reason. You were not permitted to draw your sword in government buildings and a variety of public spaces, and even when you could, you had to issue a long series of warnings before actually drawing your sword. Any violation of these rules could have dire consequences. Even if you pulled your sword at the right place for the right reasons, you and your family may face the same fate if you failed to kill your opponent. This means that if you were going to draw your sword, you had better have a very good reason for doing so.
Thus, in keeping with spirit of the warriors of her mama's homeland, Celine refuses to draw her live sword in combat unless absolutely necessary (though, she would absolutely beat someone with her practice bokken if she needs to). Which also means, that when she's sparring, she treats it like a life or death situation. She pulls off the gloves, no retreat, no surrender.
And by extension, she expects the same from her brothers.
She remembers the stories her mama told them when she and papa attended NRC. Overblots and fights, ordeals filled with peril and strife. In this place, danger could be waiting around every corner. Though, she does not see magic as a curse as Jehan does. Nor does she see magic as a wonder as Tadashi does. Celine sees magic for what it is, a tool, an instrument that could help or hinder in a given situation. Much like her sword.
The world is not a kind place. (Especially to those the world seems "different")
As such, she wants her brothers to be ready to fight tooth and nail with everything they have at their disposal, just she wants to be. Improve their skills, sharpen their claws, so that when the day comes when they face an opponent fully intent on killing them, they'll be as ready as they can be. Afterall, true Pomefiore students seek not to only better themselves, but those around them, with whatever methods they can.
Yuu: I've taught you well!
Tadashi and Jehan, on the floor:
Rollo, watching from the safety of the sidelines:
Gonna have to drill it into Tadashi and Jehan to be better, but in magic and in combat.
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More celebration shenanigans 💕
Jake + fluff numbers 2, 7, & 8!
Love you baby 🐿️!
Xoxo Mama May
Ooh, Jake fluff shenanigans? Ask and you shall receive, Mama May! I hope you enjoy this combination between “You’re beautiful, you know that, right?”, Person A stealing person B’s sweater/clothes and Having a tender moment in the early morning. This is so fluffy and sweet, I think it's going to give me cavities! Enjoy!
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Oh, Sweet Baby of Mine
You hate waking up in the mornings, especially on days when you'd slept terribly the night before. You'd been up every couple of hours all night, walking up and down the hallway cradling your bump while avoiding those spots where the hardwood floor creaked and groaned. It wasn't indigestion or the baby completing a Cirque du Soleil routine against your bladder. Those were normal, and most of the time, the baby slept as long as your husband’s hand was over the bump now that they were older. Truthfully, you’ve been on edge for a while. You’re 35 weeks pregnant, and nothing feels right anymore. Your skin is stretched paper-thin across your bump, so thin you can trace the bludgeoning bumps of little hands and feet as they prod at the external stimuli. You can’t see your feet anymore, your ankles are swollen, and everything hurts.
And you’re exhausted all the time. Of course, it takes you ten minutes to settle into a position where you and the baby are comfortable, and Jake can slide an arm around your non-existent waist. You’d think your exhaustion would be enough to send you to sleep. Not true. Not true at all. You’d spent fifteen minutes staring at the wall before your eyes fluttered closed, only to wake up a few hours later. That cycle had repeated until around 4 in the morning when you’d finally slept, only to be woken up by Jake’s alarm two and a half hours later. When he’d crawled out of your bed and pressed a kiss to your head, you’d craned your head in his direction and hissed like a feral cat. 
“M’sorry, darlin’. I just wanted to let you know that I’m heading out for my run and will bring breakfast for you and our kiddo when I return. I love you!” He’d sounded so amused as he’d walked away, his pert ass on display in the sinfully tight shorts he insisted on wearing to run in each morning. It was a habit he kept even on weekend mornings when his wife was warm and waiting in his bed, and an early source of strife in your marriage. Your resulting response was a growl you know turned into a snore as you fell back asleep. Did you forget to mention the snoring? With Baby Seresin all up in your business, breathing while standing up was hard. Forget while you were on your side.
When you wake up this time, you feel better, if only because long fingers are on your feet, massaging all the knots from your swollen ankles.
“Jake?” Your voice is soft, sleep still clouding every sense as you melt into the mattress.
 “Yeah, darlin’. I’m back. I brought breakfast for you and the kiddo and your favorite herbal tea blend. And coffee for Daddy.” His voice never fails to make you smile, even when you’re a million years pregnant and feeling like a whale. 
You brace yourself on his forearm and carefully lever yourself up. Jake is, as expected, golden and gorgeous, and sweaty. It makes you long for the days you weren’t carrying a watermelon-sized child around in your body. The early days of your marriage and even the early days of your pregnancy had resulted in many a romp with your sweaty husband in the sheets, shower, and kitchen counter when he returned from his run. Now, you can’t even think of it. The baby is in the way, and as much as you love them, they get in the way of all your Mommy and Daddy time. 
It’s also not often that you’re in the mood anymore. You’re too pregnant, round, exhausted, and bloated to even think about it very often. It makes you huff as you scrounge around in the dresser for a sweater of Jake’s you can steal. Yours are all too uncomfortable, and Jake’s are perfectly soft and loose. You drag out his Longhorns hoodie and pull it on over your lace cami and shorts.
“You’re beautiful, you know that, right?” His voice is reverent as he pulls you into his arms, carefully sliding his hands under the orange fabric so he can draw your belly up just until it takes the pressure off of your frame.
Your sigh as you melt into his skin is indecent. You can feel the ever-present ache in your shoulders and back ease as he takes the baby’s weight. You tip your head back to kiss Jake’s jaw, nuzzling further into his arms. He releases his hold on your stomach after about five minutes, pressing a kiss into the top of your head before taking your hand in his. 
“Breakfast, darlin’?” He’s got this admiring, possessive look in his eyes, one you adore and only see more as your belly grows.
“Yeah, Jake. Momma and Baby are both hungry. What’d you bring us?” He’s got eagle eyes on you as you carefully waddle your way down the stairs.
“I bought those bagel sandwiches that bubba was craving a few days ago. On yours, I have chicken sausage, egg, and cheese. To go with it, I got those spicy Jalapeno home fries with that cheesy chipotle sauce you drown everything in. And your tea, of course.”
Your tongue waters at the thought of getting breakfast in your mouth. So much so that you don’t even wait to sit at the table before you unwrap your sandwich and take a colossal bite. Jake’s eating at a much more measured pace standing next to you. It’s a few minutes before you slow down. Jake’s grinning fondly at you when you turn to him. 
“Darlin’, you’ve got a little something smeared on your cheek.” You scrunch your nose before dragging the napkin holder towards yourself and dragging a napkin over your entire face.
“Did I get it?” Your voice is a little sheepish as you hand him another napkin.
His voice is tender as he drags you close, tipping your face up and swabbing at your cheeks before slanting his mouth over yours. You can feel the cool metal of his ring against your cheek as you kiss him back with everything you have.
“God, Mr. Seresin. What was that for?” You’re a little breathless when he finally lets you go.
“For making me the happiest man in the world. I love you, Mrs. Seresin.” You kiss him one more time before cuddling into his arms and continuing to eat your breakfast. You love Jake with all your heart, and you love these early mornings with him even more, no matter how terribly you’ve slept or how early they have to be. You’re looking forward to these sleepy breakfasts even once your baby is born.
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