#Mama Deeks
renegadesstuff · 2 months
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Like mother like son 🥺❤️
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chicgeekgirl89 · 1 year
I mean, let’s be honest. The best thing about this ending is that Arkady and Roberta are canon. That’s what happened. That’s what I saw. Don’t you dare tell me otherwise. 
@mashmaiden what was our ship name for them?!
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glenncoco4 · 2 years
My sister’s making a dessert and brought out a casserole dish and I said, “A casserole?,” cuz it made me think of Kensi and Mama B in 7x10 and now I’m really sad for probably the first time since hearing the news. 🥺💔
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ejzah · 2 years
But, I will be a touch disappointed if any newbies get to be in the crossover and Densi is not.
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writeandsurvive · 11 months
Author's note: I liked this idea at first and I still do, but I'm not I did a good job at writing it. Sorry if it's not great.
Summary: You always respected rule 12, until you couldn't anymore
Warnings: angst and comfort, 'normal' ncis stuff, mostly based on ep 20x14 'old wounds', ex/booty call, jealousy, Alden being a dick to the team, happy!Gibbs in Alaska
Damaged Goods ~ Alden Parker
You've always respected Gibbs' rules, they actually became a code for you to live by. And Rule 12 - never date a coworker - was in your top 3, because you saw how bad it could turn. You saw Gibbs and Jenny having this strange connection, Tony and Ziva invading each other's lives but never being able to be together until very recently (let's be honest, it can only work because they left the agency), and lately Nick and Ellie. Lots of struggles and heartbreak. The only exception being your friends from LA, Kensi and Deeks. Every rule needs its exception, and since they had this spot, you knew it wouldn't work for you.
And surprisingly, you did pretty well all those years. Never dated someone from the office, nor even a federal agent. You never even had a crush on someone from NCIS.
But that was before.
Before him.
Alden Parker.
At first, you told yourself it was just some kind of attraction because let's be honest, this man is incredibly gorgeous. Knowing you'd never act on it - and Alden didn't seem to feel the same anyways - you decided to call your booty call a little more often; someone you actually dated a while back, with whom it didn't really work but the sex was amazing. You're a human with needs after all.
The team knew Joel, except for the two new additions, Alden and Jess. So when J dropped you off at work after a night at his place and kissed you goodbye under Alden's eyes, he immediately assumed it was your boyfriend, which you didn't see the point of denying.
Seeing Joel more regularly worked for a while, until it didn't. Spending more and more time with Alden, discovering about him and all those things he loves, seeing him take care of his plants like a dad, bringing pastries almost everyday, showing love and support to the team,... You weren't just attracted to him, you were developing feelings for him.
When a case involved his ex-wife Vivian, you realized how bad you had it. You felt jealous about how he still cared for her, thinking he may still be in love with this woman. And you were just envious of Vivian for being married to this man for ten years. How could she let him go, you'll never understand.
Despite the way you felt towards her, you offered support to Alden when she got shot. Showing up at the hospital with food as she was still in surgery, you told him he could count on you if he needed anything. It took you by surprise when he reached for a hug as a thank you, you didn't have time to appreciate it, his body against yours, his arms around you, his smell right up in your nose. It was all over too soon.
For weeks after this event, he never talked about Vivian again, so you convinced yourself she got back to her life and nothing was going on between them. You were relieved and happy.
Meanwhile, you kept seeing Joel, and he asked you to be his date at a family wedding. You had no reasons to refuse. But working for NCIS being what it is, you had to change and prepare yourself at the office. Jess and Kasie helped you with hair and make up, and allowed you to leave only when they were satisfied with their work. Walking back to the bullpen, you immediately spotted Joel talking with the boys. He looked very handsome in his fancy suit, but your eyes quickly fell on Alden who was already staring at you. You shyly smiled but he turned his face. When you finally reached them, Nick whistled at you. "Looking hot, mama!" You giggled and thanked him.
"Wouldn't say it that way, but Torres is right!" Tim agreed.
"Why thank you very much, Timmy."
You looked back at Alden's desk but it was empty. He had disappeared. Shaking off the deception - you'd have loved to know what he thought - you focused on Joel, who grabbed your hand and made you spin. "You're gonna outstage the bride." He then gently kissed your lips and that was when you saw Alden again from the corner of your eyes, upstairs, near the MTAC entrance. Fucking Houdini. His face was unreadable.
When you came back to the office on Monday, things with Alden had changed. He got distant with you, teaming you up with everyone but him, not getting interested in your free time anymore, and barely answering when you got interested in him and his life.
You couldn't help but get hurt at his behavior. And your defense mechanism was to hurt back, so you ignored him even more. If you told him three sentences a day, it was a miracle and it was strictly about work. Moreover, you were back to calling him 'Parker' or 'Sir', after switching to 'Alden' months prior. Maybe you were being petty, but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
What hurt the most was when Parker invited the team for game night at his place, and you only heard about it by Kasie. "What do you mean you're not invited?"
"I mean I didn't get an invite, a question, a text, a call, or a damn pigeon."
"I'm sure he counted you in anyways. We're a small group, he knew it'd reach you."
"Doesn't matter, I'm not going."
Somehow, by the end of that day, Alden stopped you in the hallways. "Hey, are you coming tonight or not?"
You stared at him for a second before laughing sarcastically, "Kasie scares you that much?"
"Look, I just assumed you'd spend the night with Jonas--"
"Joel." You corrected, arms crossed over your chest.
"Joel, right. But anyways, I didn't think you'd want to come, so--"
"You assumed wrong, Parker. Very wrong. But I don't want your pity invite, so I'll not be there." You started to walk away from him but he was quick to grab your arm and make you face him again.
"I'm sorry. It was wrong of me. I let my --" he sighed. "I shouldn't have assumed. And I'd really like it if you would come to game night at my place."
Alden really looked apologetic and sincere. All you wanted to do was say yes after asking him why he had been acting like this with you. No, the complete truth was that all you wanted was to close the gap and kiss the life out of his man. You wanted his hands and mouth on you, his cock inside you, his noises in your ear.
You never felt this way before, and it scared the shit out of you.
"Too late, I made plans with Jonas." This time he let you leave.
It was a big fat lie though. You spent the night alone in your apartment, drinking, and feeling sorry for yourself. And before you knew it, you were booking a plane ticket to Alaska for the following weekend. You didn't tell anyone you were going to visit Gibbs. All they knew was that you requested your Friday and Monday off to leave town. Of course, everybody assumed it meant a little getaway with Joel.
It felt amazing to see Gibbs after months, and you were so glad to see how well and peaceful he looked. He showed you his new place, took you around this little town he called home - it didn't take long -, he took you on a boat ride, and fishing. Photography being one of your hobbies, you spent lots of time snapping anything that caught your eye. At night, you'd eat his infamous steak, and have a drink on his porch, facing the lake and mountains. "So, you gonna tell me why you're here?"
"I told you, I wanted to see you. I miss you."
"I miss you too, sweetheart, but I'm no idiot. Talk."
You told him everything and much to your surprise, Gibbs laughed once you were done. "Laughing at my misery? Alaska makes you mean, Leroy."
"I'm laughing because you're the idiot."
"Wow, thanks?"
"Parker has a thing for you. It's obvious. He's ignoring you cause he's jealous of Joel. Who, by the way, is still desperately in love with you." Gibbs laughed more at the face you made. Pure confusion, you looked like you were trying to figure out string theory. "Here, have one more." He poured you another glass of bourbon, and watched you drink it in one swallow.
"Okay first things between me and Joel are pretty clear --"
"Maybe for you. Honey, all you have to do is snap your fingers and he's there, despite breaking up with you, because--and I quote 'this job doesn't leave you much time for us'"
You sighed and went for the bottle but Gibbs grabbed it first. "Not yet." He said, putting it by his feet.
"Now, about Parker. He's friends with Tobias you know, and Tobias calls me often."
"Parker asked Tobias about you, soon after he joined the team."
"What kind of things did he ask?"
"Things you like outside the office, your backstory, if you were in a relationship..."
"I don't believe you."
"Call Fornell, and you'll see."
"I check on Toby every week, we try to see each other whenever I can and he never said anything about that."
"Because he knows."
"Knows what?"
"Alden could be your Shannon, your Diane, sweetheart."
You tried to enjoy the rest of your trip, but you couldn't. Everything Gibbs told you was replaying in your mind and you tried to remember whatever you could, any interaction with Alden that wasn't work related. Were Gibbs and Fornell reading too much into this or were you completely blind? As an investigator, this made you question your abilities. If he really had a thing for you, how could you not notice? Or was he a really good actor?
You thought about Joel too, and maybe a part of you knew that but selfishly, you never questioned it too much. It was nice to have someone to call whenever you needed, whether it was for sexual relief or just have someone there to hold your hand, which he always did.
On the plane back home, you decided to have a very thorough and honest conversation with Joel. You didn't want to lose him as you really care about the man, but it was for the best.
But you came back to a weird vibe at work. As you got into the office on Tuesday morning, everyone was already here except Alden - admittedly you felt relieved as it gave you more time to prepare yourself to see again - and the team got you up to speed. "We had a case yesterday, a murder that looks like drugs related and Parker stormed off. He's been MIA since." Jess informed you.
"I went to his house last night but he wasn't there. Called, texted and nothing."
"That's not very Parker like," you conceded, puzzled by what they were telling you.
They gave you more details about the case, and theories they had thus far - wasn't much - and Alden finally walked in. "That's a W. For Wills, Clayton Wills." He quickly took his coat off and threw it in his chair. You sat back at your desk, and started to do research on this Clayton guy. Nick asked about pastries and Alden immediately lost it on him.
"Do I have to do everything around here while you just beg for pastries and sit on your ass at your damn desk?!" He angrily shouted, standing face to face with Nick. Who was this guy?
"Agent Parker!" You all heard from upstairs, where Leon Vance was standing. Alden sighed and walked to the director.
Everyone agreed that something was very wrong.
During the day, the team made progress on the case, but Alden wasn't calming down. He kept snapping about everyone, making it sound like the team was just a bunch of useless investigators. He wasn't with you though, as he was utterly ignoring you. You honestly felt invisible. If you said something, Alden would answer to someone else, like it wasn't you who talked.
This was a side of him you never saw before and you didn't like it very much. By the end of the day, you were all in the evidence garage, when a man in a wheelchair arrived, asking for Alden. "You're Jeremy Brighton?" Tim asked him with a smile. "My wife and I love your book and your podcast! - Tim McGee," he extended his hand.
You all proceeded to introduce yourselves, but when it got to you, Jeremy already knew your name. No time to ask for some explanation as Alden walked out of the elevator and a moment later, you knew why this case was personal to him; Wills' case was the one that got Jeremy in a wheelchair. It explained a lot, but it didn't minimize Alden's behavior with the team. Especially since he kept snapping, until Vance actually benched him on Wednesday.
You never meant to eavesdrop on Alden and Jeremy's conversation in Autopsy, but they arrived, not knowing you were the supply closet. The door was slightly opened, you could hear everything they were saying and it was obviously too late to let them know you were there.
"It was my bullet that hit your spin, Jer! And that guilt is eating me alive." His voice broke and you felt shivers in your entire body. You wanted to get out and hugged him forever.
They kept arguing back and forth. Jeremy telling his best friend it's not easy to live with Alden's guilt on top of everything, and Alden saying that his hobbies are just a way to fill the void. That man was broken, the guilt had been slowly killing him for years.
"Since we're spilling the beans, are we going to talk about her?" Your ears tickled.
"Not a chance." Alden was stern.
"She's as pretty as you told me, more even." You could hear Jeremy's smile. "Don't tell Josie I said that though."
Alden's small laugh was a bit covered by the body drawer being closed. "I will if you don't shut up."
"I may have made a mistake -- I guessed her name before she told me." Oh yeah, they were clearly talking about you. You smiled despite yourself.
"What the fuck? Jer! She's not stupid, she's gonna question that!"
"Well you could tell her you've been pining over her since you joined."
"I haven't --"
Jeremy laughed. "'Jer, she was so pretty today.' 'Jer, she figured out the case all of her own, she's so smart.' 'Jer, she has a boyfriend. Of course she has one, how could a woman like her stay single?' 'Jer, I can't stop thinking about her, I need a lobotomy.' Should I go on?"
"I think I need a new best friend." You heard the automatic doors opening and closing and then silence.
So... It was all true? Alden has had a thing for you for over a year? He's been pining over you? While you had a thing for him too? You wanted to smile and cry at the same time. Cry for the lost time and the pain of the past months, and also for Alden's pain and guilt. Smile because the man you loved had feelings for you. Your stomach was jumping inside of you. You had to sit for a moment to process and figure out what you were going to do.
Obviously, having the conversation during this case wasn't an option, so the goal was to get it closed as fast as possible. Which the team did once you found out evidence against Wills. But of course, Alden was sent home by Vance instead of joining on the op to catch him.
However, Alden refused to let it go. After calling Tim to 'check', he went rogue; left Jeremy in his apartment, grabbed his gun and went to get Wills himself.
Seeing Alden holding Wills at gun point, his pretty face bleeding, and the pain and the guilt written all over his face, was your breaking point. You put your gun away, and slowly walked over to him, not caring about the team being there. You stared at his face, saw the tears in his eyes. But he wouldn't look at you, he kept staring at Wills who was on his knees. You let your hand run over his arm, until it reached his hands. "Let it go, Alden." You whispered, pressing on his hands so he would stop aiming at the scumbag. "Look at me." He shook his head no, but dropped his aim. The team proceeded on handcuffing Wills, but you didn't pay any attention to that. You grabbed the gun from his hands and handed it to Nick, slightly nodded at him. A silent understanding that they could go.
It was just you and Alden, in that dark forest. Thanks to some spotlights several feet away, you could see his face clearly as you stood in front of him. He looked down, still avoiding your eyes. You put your hands on each side of his face, softly stroked his beard for a moment before forcing him to look up. "We got him. You are okay and most importantly, Jeremy is okay. He seems to be a very happy man." At this moment, he locked eyes with him, slowly figuring out that you knew the entire truth. "It wasn't your fault."
How, he wanted to ask. It got caught up in his throat when you wrapped his arms around his neck, and held him tight. His shaky arms wrapped around your middle, and his face buried itself in your neck. "Not your fault." You repeated, playing with the small hair in the back of his head. He cried in your arms.
You drive him home with his car, holding his hand the entire ride. The music filled the silence, you didn't want to pressure him to talk. Once at his house, Jeremy was still there and immediately asked what happened. Alden just apologized, grabbed a beer and disappeared into his greenhouse. "Do you know a ride home?" You offered to his friend. "I'll come back here and stay if he lets me."
"He will, he needs you. He's--"
"I'm in love with him, Jeremy." You spurred out, not realizing the words leaving your mouth before it was too late.
Jeremy smiled. "I figured, but I'm glad to hear it. He's been self sabotaging his life and relationships since the accident, and he probably won't be easy 24/7, but please, stick with him. He's worth it."
"I've been told I'm pretty stubborn ever since I was born."
"Hopefully, you're more stubborn than he is."
"Are you done talking about me?" You heard from the greenhouse. You should've been embarrassed by the fact Alden probably heard your confession to Jeremy, but you were planning on telling him at some point, so you didn't. Plus, you were confident by the fact that he had feelings for you too.
"I'm leaving, pal. Looks like you're in good hands. I better see you at Eli's game this weekend."
With Jeremy gone, you joined Alden. He was drinking his beer while checking on his plants and flowers. "How do you know?" He asked, without looking at you.
"I heard you and Jeremy talking. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spy or anything, I was there and you didn't see me--"
"I ruin everything I touch. Don't listen to Jer, you should leave before it's too late."
You knew that no words would convince him at this moment, so instead of talking, you grabbed his face and crashed your lips on his. It was the most meaningful first kiss you ever had. You tried to tell him how much you loved him with that kiss, and Alden returned with the same intensity. He held you by the back of your neck, trying to get you as close as possible to him.
You only separated when the need to breathe was too important. "Let's get this wound clean up."
As well as all of his other wounds.
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aladaylessecondblog · 2 months
funny visual: Mama Dagoth entrusting one of the sandals she was wearing when they burned her remains (one refused to burn) to Haj-deek
this is the Sixth House la chancla that all the boys caught upside the head at some point or another
"If my boy won't see sense, beat it into him!"
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wanna-be-bold · 1 year
I haven't written Densi in forever but this episode inspired me to write something short. Spoilers(ish) for 14x18 and my wish for post-14x21
"Good morning Mrs. Deeks." Kensi smiled at hearing her husband's voice, snuggling into his side even more and smiling when she felt him squirm at her cold feet hitting his legs. 
"Good morning Mr. Deeks." She felt him kiss the top of her head and pushed herself up, letting her eyes roam over his naked chest. She was about to push herself off of him and get up when he grabbed her waist, pulling her back to him. 
"Wait a second. Where are you going?" 
"You know I need breakfast. Especially after working up such an appetite last night." 
"We did work up an appetite didn't we?" They smiled at each other, Kensi leaning down to press a kiss to his lips. 
"We did. Which is why mama needs breakfast." 
"How about I order us room service and we work up even more of an appetite while we wait?" She tilted her head, her hair falling over her shoulders giving Deeks a full view of her own naked chest. 
"Fine. But you owe me pancakes and hashbrowns." 
With that he grabbed his phone and placed an order quickly before he pulled her back on top of him.
"This was a really great idea baby." Deeks looked up from his spot on the bed, watching as Kensi came out of the bathroom after drying her hair. 
"Oh yeah?" She crawled into bed, turning one leg under her as she sat next to him. 
"Oh yeah. I'm really glad we were able to come back here." 
"Me too. Can you believe it's been 8 years since I invited you to come up here with me?" 
"Mmm… Can you believe it's been 8 years since we went 'all in'?" 
"Sometimes it feels like yesterday."
"Sometimes?" Her smile was bright as she teased him but she should have known he would get all serious and sentimental on her. 
"Yeah. And then other times, when I think about everything we've been through together, it feels like a million years ago." She felt her eyes get watery then as she thought about everything that has happened in the last 8 years. The number of times they each almost died, especially Syria and Mexico. Their wedding. Their struggle to have kids. Their decision to adopt and then to adopt Rosa to finally become parents. 
Filled with emotion, the only words she could squeeze past the lump in her throat were a quiet "Thank you."
"For what?" Deeks smiled, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. 
"For always being there, even when I tried to push you away. For being by my side through everything. Just, just for being you Deeks." Her words made tears spring to his eyes and he pushed himself up more to look straight in her eyes. 
"I love you so much." 
"I love you too." 
There, in the same cabin on a mountain in Mammoth as they shared their first night together after going all in, Deeks pulled her into a kiss before quickly getting lost in each other. 
It was just over a month ago that they made the promise to each other that they would spend more time together with just the two of them and a week since they decided to hang up their badges for good. It was only a couple days after that that Deeks had surprised her with a trip to Mammoth, proving to her that he could be a romantic when he wanted to bed. And it was just over 12 hours ago that they got the news that their family would be expanding as a phone call confirmed that Pilar was officially able to be adopted, both of them not waiting for the person on the other line to finish talking before saying they wanted to adopt her. 
The thought of being by unemployed parents to two teenage girls should have terrified them but instead they were thrilled. 
Things may not have happened the way they thought but they wouldn't change it for the world. 
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ncisladaily · 5 months
NCIS: Los Angeles star Daniela Ruah steps behind the camera for the April 15 episode of Hawai’i, but before that airs, fans will get the chance to see her onscreen once again as Kensi Blye—as also glimpsed in TV Insider’s exclusive featurette for the milestone—in the franchise’s 1,000th episode, airing on the mothership.
“We actually shot that while I was in Hawai’i, beginning our shoot for my episode,” Ruah tells TV Insider. “I got the call, and they were like, ‘Would you mind shooting this? Can we just quickly shoot this while you’re there?’ And of course, I would never say no to being in the 1,000th episode of NCIS. So yeah, we just found a car that was the same as Kensi’s car and I sat in it. We had to revisit pictures of Kensi’s car to make sure it matched enough, and we just sort of shot it as simply as we could because [it was] a Zoom call, obviously, but I was just happy to be a part of it. To be able to be in the episode was fantastic. I love those guys.”
It’s impossible not to try to figure out where Kensi and Deeks (Eric Christian Olsen)—who learned their family would be expanding in the LA series finale with news she was pregnant—would be currently at the time this cameo takes place. Would they be figuring out balancing home and work lives, with both a teenager and baby in the house?
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“That’s why we also kept it simple and put me in the car,” Ruah laughs. “That way she could be arriving at work or she could be dropping off the baby with Mama D.”
Ruah has been part of the NCIS franchise since before LA even premiered; she appeared in the two-part backdoor pilot on the mothership. And with the NCISverse ever expanding (two more series are already coming) and her LA costar LL COOL J currently a special guest star on Hawai’i, would she rather do cameos like the 1,000th going forward or return to Kensi in another capacity, like on a new show?
“I think I’ll cross any of those bridges when they come,” she admits. “I don’t have an answer for you right now, to be honest with you. I think it all depends. It just depends on a lot of stuff.” She would also “have to see what the plan is and if it makes sense.”
Ruah does know that she wants to direct an NCIS again (after stepping behind the camera for her show, the mothership, and Hawai’i). “I’m always open to a fun challenge. I would love to direct on any of the NCISes,” she says. “I had an absolute incredible time in Hawai’i, an amazing time on NCIS, and it’s a comfort zone for me. I like to be challenged, and I like to feel comfortable. And this is a place where I am deeply, deeply comfortable and challenged at the same time.”
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hellsurvivr · 1 year
@mythosisms /// Deeks & Elysia ( Bridgerton )
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         IF THERE WAS ONE THING,    he wished he could do. was wrap his hands around his aunt's throat, and throttle her for what she had done. the way she had announced that he was looking for a wife. meaning that all mama's right now, were looking at him like he was a piece of meat. after all he was a duke, who was unmarried and had been ever since he took the title two years ago, and had one hell of a reputation as a rake. most people saying, that rakes made the best husbands. and it's with that greed, that everyone wanted him. wanted to throw their daughters in his face. (    despite what he wanted!    )  and all of it was thanks to his aunt. another reason he was currently stood, smiling a fake smile at the woman before him. one who had no brain cells, he could see it from a mile away. and yet had to remain as the gentleman he was. with a swift and deadly smirk, he's able to distract the woman long enough to excuse himself. a lie slipping off his face about finding his aunt.    and finally, it grants hims some space. to finally breathe.
                he moves quickly through the room easily    ━   able to avoid the mama's with practiced ease.   till he's across the room and hidden in the shadows. well out of the way of people's curious glances, and also perfectly hidden from the woman in front of him. the one who was playing nice, but looked about ready to kill. a message that the male seemed to get. before scurrying away.   (    rather quickly in reality!    ) 
          ❛   need a drink.   ❜   he smirks, holding out one of the flutes of champagne he had grasped along the way. a cocky smirk lifting on his hand for he knew, she had probably not been allowed much that night. Elias at least wanting his two sisters to behave. which was easy for Elektra who could play the room. harder for the one, who was untameable.     (   in more ways than one!   )    he sips at his own drink as he idly lets his dark eyes wander around the room. landing on the man elysia had just chased away.     ❛   not too interested in his mansion in the highlands i take it. not too many ways to sneak out enough to have you saying no.   ❜    after all, he was well aware of Elysia's escapades. had seen her many nights when he was leaving the gentlemans club. and also knew it was a constant stress of Elias. which was amusing given the male in question, was distracted. deeks own dark eyes trailing back to Elysia, giving her his full attention.
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densispromise · 2 years
Really? What am I the only who noticed all the signs tonight and for the past month?! 😱
First- Kensi was eating toast with jam for breakfast.
Second- She was drinking tea rather than coffee! She hasn't drank tea in over 6 years!
Third- She told Mama Deeks that she's 'tired and hungry like all the time' (like in 'Game of Drones' and in 'Of Value') And of course the fact that in eps 1 and 2 she was very hungry and she even mentioned 'I could eat, yeah I could eat'
Fourth- that she's told Mama Deeks that she's 'not technically a parent yet'
Fifth- At exactly 56-57 minutes in, Kensi clearly puts her hand in front of her stomach as she brings her shopping bag onto their patio!
Sixth- This is the biggest one yet... She did NOT have a beer, only Deeks did! 😱
Also from The Body Stitchers, Kensi was clearly nauseated and sick by working that case. She even told Roundtree 'it's the sickest thing I've ever seen'
So, tell me I'm wrong.
From Of Value, was very emotional and even tearful in the audi with Fatima.
Or was I seeing things, hmm?
And of course the fact that in eps 1 and 2 she was very hungry and she even mentioned 'I could eat, yeah I could eat'
So am I crazy then, huh?
Now I dare anyone to tell me that I'm crazy, we are in Season 14 by the way! I'm just saying, things seem to be adding up. 🙏
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typingtess · 2 years
NCIS: LOS ANGELES – "The Other Shoe" – Act Four
Rountree and Whiting watch Price and the gang leader.  Kensi sent the photo of the officer to Rountree and Whiting.  Whiting recognizes him as Price's partner.  She also sees a cut on his neck that matches where she defended herself.  
As Price leaves the meeting with the gang leader, Whiting goes into the parking lot to confront the gang leader.  Once he is in custody, Whiting shows she has her gun after all – making Rountree super suspicious.  He turns over her gun to Rountree.
Mama Deeks was at a retreat.  Rosa is being taken to a Bertie's house.  Kensi wants her to be 17, not have to deal with anything more in her life.  Rosa wants Kensi to call to make sure she's safe.
Turner's time of death was two-hours before Whiting got the text for the meet.  Someone set Whiting up.
Rountree and Whiting talk to the gang leader.  He isn't worried about snitching on Price.  There is a guy name Odin who has eyes everywhere.  Gang guy is there for payments and underground fighting.  Odin is getting ready to pull his gang out of LA – soon.
Updating Sam, Deeks, Fatima and the Admiral in Ops, they realize that the issue with Rountree is making Odin nervous.  The DEA is involved.  Rountree gets the gang guy to get Sam into a fight.  Kensi and Deeks are on Overwatch.  Fatima will be part of the fight crowd.  Rountree and Whiting are taking the roach coach to watch.
The Admiral reminds Sam that this is a real deal fight.  Rumor has it fighters have been killed.  Sam isn't there to play hero, he's there to get NCIS on the inside.
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renegadesstuff · 2 months
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chicgeekgirl89 · 1 year
Mama Deeks invited herself to this wedding and nothing will convince me otherwise.
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glenncoco4 · 1 year
My gawd I just got the image of Arty messing with Mama B’s trash and her coming out topless or something and it backfiring 😂😂
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ejzah · 4 months
Suggested by @mashmaiden to continue the Houseguest Drabble Series. It’s quite long.
Deeks: This is getting ridiculous.
Kensi, in a soothing tone: I know, baby, but it won’t be that much longer.
Deeks, not soothed at all: Really? Cause it already feels like it’s been forever. Look, you know I love Anna and Callen, and at any other time, I’d probably love to have them here, but I we have no room, it’s been two days, and the twins are starting to babble in Russian.
Kensi, putting a hand on his arm: Sweetie, calm down. I don’t think babies can learn another language in 48 hours.
Deeks: Callen is very determined. *he takes a deep breath and rub s his hands over his face* I’m sorry. I’m just tired and need some caffeine. Donut and Croissant were feeling extra social last night.
Kensi, grimacing: I know. I heard you get up a lot. Let’s go see if there’s any coffee left.
They find Callen, Anna, and Rosa in the kitchen.
Anna: Good morning. Thank you again for letting us stay another night.
Kensi: You’re welcome. I hope the twins didn’t wake you up too much.
Anna: I brought ear plugs.
Callen, pouring them each a coffee: And you know I don’t sleep much.
Deeks, nodding: So…any updates.
Callen: Arkady’s not answering my texts.
Deeks, in exasperation: Alright, that’s it.
Kensi: What are you doing?
Deeks, halfway out of the kitchen: Taking care of this once and for all. *then on reconsideration, he grabs a bottle of alcohol on the way out*
Deeks: Arkady! Open the door.
The door pops open a crack and a sliver of Arkady’s face appears.
Arkady: Deeks, what are you doing here?
Deeks, shouldering his way in: Here, I brought you a housewarming gift.
Arkady, quirking an eyebrow at the wine: This is not my house.
Deeks: Exactly. Where are Yuliana and my mom?
Arkady: They are in back. I believe they mentioned something about lunch. Though I have not been considered in a plans.
Deeks, heading for the back door: Wonderful.
He finds Roberta and Yuliana happily chatting and relaxing on lawn chairs.
Yuliana, instantly wary when she sees him: Berta, who is this?
Roberta, sitting forward: It’s my my son, Martin. Marty, what’s going on? Is something wrong?
Deeks, holding up a hand: No, mama. Nothing’s wrong. Well, assuming you consider seven people sharing one bathroom not wrong. Did you notice the homeowners of this home are missing in action?
Roberta, shrugging: Hey, I didn’t make them leave.
Deeks: No, you just made them extremely uncomfortable with your fighting and death threats via sewing needle.
Arkady, from behind Deeks: Yes, they fight like—like shrews. Or yapping dogs, nipping at the defenseless.
Yuliana, stands up and instantly begins berating him in Russian.
Arkady, to Deeks after retorting in Russian: See, this is reason we did not marry.
Roberta, hand on her hip: Excuse me, what did you call me?
Deeks, whistling sharply: Alright, that is enough! In two sentences or less, explain your top grievance with this man. *he gestures to Arkady and then Yuliana* You go first.
Yuliana, haughtily: Arkady told me he had been tasked with a very important job for US government two weeks before our wedding. I never saw him again. And he took my engagement ring with him.
Deeks: Not a good look, man.
Yuliana, warming up now: He also lies! All the times with the lies and the stories. He told me—
Deeks, interrupting: On any other day, I would love to pull up a chair and listen, but right now I’m on a tight schedule. So, if you wouldn’t mind. Mom?
Robert: Well, I suppose it’s not that bad, but last week he never showed up for our weekly dinner at my house. *she glares at Arkady and he cowers a little* I’m also not a big fan of some of the things I heard about you from your ex. I’ve dated jerks before, Ari.
Deeks, nodding: Ok, so now we have the grievances. What type of reparations do you think are necessary for you both to get over this Russian scoundrel and vacate the premises?
Yuliana glances at Roberta and they shrug a couple of times before nodding.
Yuliana: A sincere apology would suffice. Otherwise, I will never leave.
Arkady: Apologize? For what? I have done nothing! Ok, perhaps I tell a few lies. But these are nothing.
Deeks, leaning close to him: Arkady, you either apologize to these ladies with the best of your con-man abilities or I will have you arrested for trespassing on private property.
Arkady: You are not agent anymore.
Deeks: You forget I’m friends with your son-in-law, Sam Hanna, and several other law enforcement agents who would happily put you behind bars.
Arkady: You would not dare. *Deeks raises an eyebrow and Arkady puts on a contrite expression* Yuliana, my former love, I am deeply sorry for abandoning you on our wedding day. I don’t deserve your love. Roberta, my dear, my feisty woman—
Deeks: Speed it up.
Arkady: Roberta, I promise to never treat you so poorly again. Will you forgive me?
Roberta: What do you think, Yuliana? Should we forgive this pathetic man?
Yuliana: It was satisfying to see him grovel. Why not? Roberta, do you have plans?
Deeks, as they wander off, making plans to go shopping: Oh, thank god. Maybe I can finally get some sleep.
Arkady: But first you just drive me home since I ride here with your mother.
Deeks, talking to himself: A jury would accept a plea of insanity.
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stardreamer28 · 1 year
spoilers or maybe not lol:
its no secret i hated the wedding lol but the fact we got nallen at the end and chris’ son guesting and nate back made up for it lol. and the 50 ideas we now all have of them on a mission together hehehe.  as much as charlie looked like chris in s1, this kid chip is the spitting image. looks & sounds just like him lol. i kinda called the densi baby but i’m happy for them. though my heart still wanted deeks’ friend ray back (which we were promised years ago) and nadir to see callen ‘cause they had such an impactful episode & it would've made total sense to reconnect. i originally thought since the guy delivering the letter was arabic it’d be from nadir but i’m glad it was from hetty. and understand the possible reasons linda couldn’t be there even though we all wanted to see her. and as they said it was typical hetty & nell to have that side mission hehehe and loved seeing nate back as i apparently missed his appearence last year? oh and i looove arkady flirting with mama deeks!!
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