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theladytumbledown · 7 months ago
It's the early 90's you're a kid and you have just walked into the mall into a world of wonder and just stumbled upon the WB store.
I saw a very nostolgic photo of the disney store in the 90's which made me think of the Warner Brothers store very commonly known as the WB store. It had 2 gynourmous statues of Bugs Bunny and Daffy duck that stood outside the store. Once entering the store i would run to the back of the store anad enter the vast world of space through Marvin the Martians rocket ship were you would meet and converse with dozens of other kids looking to blast off into imaginary space land! It was a lawless wasteland. You're mother would shop around the store as you ran inside the space ship and met bunches of kids doing the same. There was yelling, fighting, buttons being MASHED, lights SOO MANY PRETTY LIGHTS strobing. Every button you hit had a loud cartoon/comic effect noise and sometime loud exploision noises. Malls are deffinitely NOT as fun as they used to be! especially for kids! but i am thankful i did experience the period of time of GAUDY crazy mall culture. I am thankfull for the person in the 90s who took all the pictures of my local mall and plastered them up on the internet. It truly was a blast from the past! The nostalgia that HIT me. some of their images below.
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lifeindubai · 2 years ago
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savykr · 5 years ago
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"If you spend fifteen minutes in a shopping mall, you will pass more people than our ancestors saw during their entire lifetimes." ~ Rolf Dobelli #PlacesOfInterest, #PlacesOfInterestInIndia, #indiaincredible, #IncredibleIndia, #ClickIndia, #mall, #mallculture, #instamood, #instagood, #instagallery, #instadaily, #instalike, #igers, #instagramhub, #ig_india, #india_gram, #ig_cameras_united, #India (at Ambience Mall, Vasant Kunj) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9UI1aJpR_D/?igshid=15hhqweqgo0pk
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silverhakai · 6 years ago
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Attempting to calm my mind down. #FridayAfternoon #AfterWork #UrbanJungle #MallCulture #GanitoKamiSaMakati #Whatevs #KasiKaninaPaAkoBadtrip #StandardDisclaimersApply (at Greenbelt 3 Makati) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzh7PkfBtTf/?igshid=cvc6286jci6s
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taleadoodledoo-blog · 8 years ago
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On day 3 of the 7 day diary workshop organised by Tale-a-doodle-doo for 8-12 year olds, kids visited Cafe Coffee Day and Pantaloons Kids at South Avenue Mall...and wrote down their experiences in their diaries... The diaries created during the workshop will be published in the upcoming tabloid being brought out by our sister organisation Storytellers et al #storytellers #storytelling #diarywriting #diary #workshop #children #pantaloonskids #summer #cafecoffeeday #mallculture #malls #jabalpur #jabalpurdiaries #startup #entrepreneurship (at South Avenue Mall)
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edwardloo · 7 years ago
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#MOA #maligayangpasko #christmas #mallculture #manila #philippines
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houseofthought · 8 years ago
Studies in motion: dance off #motiondesign #motioncapture #filmmaking #animation #dance #colour #pop #danceoff #visualculture #saluspace #studiesinmotion #ritual #choreography #dancers #malaysia #mallculture
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lifeindubai · 2 years ago
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savykr · 5 years ago
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"We used to build civilizations. Now we build shopping malls." ~ Bill Bryson #PlacesOfInterest, #PlacesOfInterestInIndia, #indiaincredible, #IncredibleIndia, #ClickIndia, #SoulTraveler, #mall, #mallculture, #instamood, #instagood, #instagallery, #instadaily, #instalike, #igers, #instagramhub, #ig_india, #india_gram, #ig_cameras_united, #_soi, #colors, #coloursofindia (at North Country Mall Mohali) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9LrVMmJsm9/?igshid=14nnx5r3zmfgw
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taleadoodledoo-blog · 8 years ago
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On day 3 of the 7 day diary workshop organised by Tale-a-doodle-doo for 8-12 year olds, kids visited Cafe Coffee Day and Pantaloons Kids at South Avenue Mall...and wrote down their experiences in their diaries... The diaries created during the workshop will be published in the upcoming tabloid being brought out by our sister organisation Storytellers et al #storytellers #storytelling #diarywriting #diary #workshop #children #pantaloonskids #summer #cafecoffeeday #mallculture #malls #jabalpur #jabalpurdiaries #startup #entrepreneurship (at South Avenue Mall)
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ionutdragu · 7 years ago
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Tangoul te schimba pentru totdeauna. Astazi, alaturi de Anca Ionescu si Mariano Castro (pe care il vom revedea pe scena Salii Radio cat de curand), cu o invitatie deschisa la Tango pentru urmatoarea perioada in Mall Cultural. Dansezi? #prieteniidela10 #prieteniidelazece #marianocastro #ancaionescu #tango #mallcultural #romaniaactualitati #radioromaniaactualitati #radioromania (at Radio România Actualităţi)
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biancarocksout · 8 years ago
(s)Mall Girls Club in full effect - Galleria Edition w/ @rossboss #mallgirlsclub @smallgirlspr #mallculture #andotherstories @andotherstories (at Glendale Galleria)
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aggiepoo · 8 years ago
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Day 3 - 12.26.2016 - Exploring the glitzy #bangkok #mallculture #centralworld #thailand (at Central World | เซ็นทรัลเวิร์ด)
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