#Male Thinspiration
wilblargh · 1 year
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don't lie to yourself
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ultrasadness · 1 year
It's april 30, I started bulimia again
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d41t · 5 months
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skinny-babyy · 2 years
Mark my words:
This time i'm gonna do it!!!
No binging, i'm not going over my cal limit, exercising everyday, no sugar and NO FAT
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angel-dust-xx · 8 months
"Don't you wish you could just cut open your stomach and take everything out?"
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backonmythinshit · 6 months
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If i cant look like this then ill starve to be skinny
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anasmuse · 2 years
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191 calories ❤️
strawberry/banana yogurt - 80 calories
one large strawberry - 6 calories
one medium banana - 105 calories
tho i’ll be honest i didnt finish this and i dont like actual strawberries so i probably ate closer to 160 calories…..
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Wow, since the last time I been here, I went from 225 lbs to 182 lbs since June.
Otherwise, how is everybody else doing? Take care of yourselves and don't hurt yourself. Embrace the discipline, adhere to your self control. You all got this. ❤️
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wilblargh · 1 year
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summer fits
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anaxenxelxmachen · 1 year
I've been getting some 4n4/3D films in so here's some reviews (so far) -
To The Bone (2017) - ⭐⭐⭐/⭐⭐⭐⭐- pretty entertaining but doesn't really feel too relatable.
Honey Sickness (2011) - ⭐⭐⭐/⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - I honestly watched this without subtitles on Tubi (it's an Italian movie) so I might have rated it higher or lower if I had context, but based on aesthetics and context clues, it was still an enjoyable and relatable (to me) movie
Thinspiration (2014) ⭐/⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - lifetime movie/after school special level of corny. Definitely a watch it once and walk away not feeling much movie
Thin (2006) ⭐⭐⭐⭐/⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - a pretty interesting documentary, I personally think the director allowed the women featured to be honest about where they are in life without a moral leaning in either direction. I think it was especially really well made for the time it was filmed in
When Friendship Kills (1996) ⭐⭐/⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - this was also a lifetime movie/after school special cheese fest BUT I'm pretty sure a young Ryan Reynolds came out in it in a minor role which earns a star in and of itself but this storyline was handled a bit better than "Thinspiration"
Black Swan (2010) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - I saw it when it first came out but I rewatched it recently. It doesn't play big into actual 3D/4n4/M14 as a plotline, BUT it is featured and hello talk about triggers
Girl, Interrupted (1999) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - again not an 3D/4n4/M14 plotline BUT it is featured and again Angelina Jolie and Winona Rider are walking th!n$p0s like help me
I still am adding more and more to my watch list. Here's a couple of honorable mentions for shows
Red Band Society (in progress) - I've watched only two episodes and only one character has an 3d but it's a good show
Degrassi, Season 5 episodes 15 and 16 - I rewatch this so often I'm surprised Max hasn't popped up a "are you ok?"
Degrassi Season 2 episode 9 - nice to see male representation but I only watched this episode once. Definitely a believable storyline in my opinion
Flesh and Bone (2015)- similar to "Black Swan" - featured but not revolving around it, hella triggering for 3Ds but also a lot of other intense shit so be careful with this one
That's it for now!
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d41t · 5 months
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mycanyon · 3 months
Male Thinspiration
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mediamadness1 · 5 months
Legging Legs, Calorie-Counting, and Protein Powder: Body Image in the World of Social Media
While most people are aware of the correlation between social media usage and poor body image, many are unaware of the severity of the issue. In the age of social media, body dysmorphia is a bigger problem than ever, affecting all people regardless of gender. Muscle dysmorphia is a growing example of male body dysmorphia being exacerbated by the unattainable standards on social media. A muscular, lean body is portrayed as ‘ideal’, with posts containing this body type receiving higher engagement. While it may seem harmless, once you show interest in one fitness-related post, you are thrown into an endless rabbit hole of protein powder, ‘gains’, and calorie counting. There is an undeniable link between social media addiction, muscle dysmorphia and eating disorder related symptoms.
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Social media allows users to cherry-pick the best aspects of their lives to show their followers. With young people spending many hours on social media, this ‘idealised’ content is already being internalised as the norm. It is alarming that many adolescent girls cannot identify an edited photo, believing that the posts they see online reflect reality. This creates unattainable body standards.
The importance of virality on social media is exacerbated by the rise of short-form content apps like TikTok, where shorter watch time means faster turnover of trends. TikTok’s effect on body image is undeniable as the body itself has become a trend. While the idea of certain body types being fashionable has existed for centuries, social media has heightened this problem as we are viewing significantly more ‘ideal’ bodies. These everchanging trends skew our self-perception; every week there is a new thing to be insecure about. A recent example is the ‘legging legs’ trend which said you need a thigh gap to wear leggings. TikTok was quick to ban this trend after backlash, but it had already been viewed by millions. In the age of social media, trends may be fast-paced and fleeting, but the damage they can cause is lasting.
The issues I’ve mentioned are several of the factors on social media that can lead to poor body image. This can open the doors to more serious issues including eating disorders (EDs).
While social media does not directly cause EDs, it is notorious for creating echo chambers which could push someone further into a mental illness. Online communities promoting ED behaviours, also known as ‘pro-ana’ communities, have existed since the beginning of the internet. Social media sites like Twitter, however, have made them even more accessible to anyone as they are no longer confined to their own dedicated website. Research into pro-ana communities has found a positive correlation between the number of pro-ED followers and ED-related tweets, showing that there is a network of ED accounts that reinforces dangerous behaviours. These types of communities shouldn’t be confused with support groups – users have been reported to have calorie-restricting competitions and share ‘thinspiration’ posts. 
You may have noticed more recently that many social media sites have blocked results under ED-related search terms, replacing them with a PSA and a helpline number:
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However, it is still too easy to access pro-ED content online, simply by searching for ED-related usernames or slightly changing the spelling of a word. Once users begin to interact with this content, the algorithm will provide plenty more. Instagram floods your explore page with calorie-counting and ‘fitspo’. Pinterest sends emails containing ‘ideas’ about “how to die”, just as casually as it would recommend ‘home décor’. The algorithmic link between suicide and EDs is horrifying as EDs are often comorbid with other mental illnesses like depression. Social media sites need to do more to protect their users from exposure to this harmful content – it’s not enough to merely fix it on the surface when the issue runs so much deeper. 
However, recent developments on social media may point towards a more positive future. The rise of the body positivity movement over the past decade has begun to deconstruct the deeply ingrained ideology that any body type can be ‘ideal’. ‘Instagram vs reality’ posts have gained popularity on Instagram, where a perfectly posed and edited body is shown side-by-side with the same body in a more natural pose. 
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These posts highlight that social media is not an accurate representation of reality and that we shouldn’t compare our own bodies to those we see online. A study on this genre of posts found that participants who viewed ideal vs real images, as well as only the real images, had lower body dissatisfaction than those who only viewed the ideal images. Many body positive creators reject society’s ideals by posting content showing what their real body looks like up close or at different angles. This normalises different body types when there is so much overexposure of one ‘ideal’ body composition. 
‘Get ready with me’ posts like these can improve social media users’ body image as they provide representation for body types outside of the standard. Seeing representation of bodies that look like our own can increase our self-confidence and improve body image.
While body positivity is clearly beneficial, it is undeniable that we hold our bodies to such a high degree of importance due to the oversaturation of appearance-based posts on social media. If the same amount of thought and attention was directed towards other topics, it would give social media less power over our self-perception. There is evidence that viewing body neutral posts – such as those related to science or culture – decreases body dissatisfaction.
While social media itself is not inherently bad, the way we use it can turn its greatest affordances into dangerous tools for spreading misinformation which creates a lasting impact on impressionable minds. We as a society need to focus less on appearance and more on the things that really matter.
How does social media affect your body image? Leave a comment below!
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this-sucks101 · 3 years
Check-In #1
Now that introductions are out of the way, it's time for my to:
1. Quit being so edgy
2. Figure out a plan for today
So, I already know that my partner and I will probably be going to a restaurant that serves several "bottomless" (yuck) things. This is going to be quite difficult for me, but there are bottomless vegetable options so this will probably be what I opt for.
As of right now, I think I am going to stick to around 1500 cals/day. I feel like this is just enough under my BMR that I will lose, but won't burnout. I know myself enough to know that going straight into the deep end will only result in failure. I may even raise this number depending on how I feel in a week or two.
With that being said, I have currently (at the time of this post) consumed nothing so I need to get something in my system to avoid a potential binge. Will probably have a cup of tea and a breakfast burrito (about 210 cals).
Wish me luck at the restaurant, hopefully this wasn't all for nothing.
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smol-smultron · 4 years
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ended up making malespo versions too because why not, my need for manga thinspo knows no gender
(original drawings yet again by yamamori mika from the series hirunaka no ryuusei & tsubaki-chou lonely planet)
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