#Malamhin Hilda
blaithnne · 11 months
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Malamhin my love for Day 6 of Huevember <3
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blaithnne · 11 months
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Another Malamhin bc it’s pink and I had to, but hey I made her a little older, Day 11 of Huevember!
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blaithnne · 2 years
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Baby Malamhin it’s been so long!!
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blaithnne · 2 years
7, 8, 12, 16 for malamhin?
Meet Malamhin here!
7. Do they prefer crowds or being alone?
Being alone. Her anxiety is very strong, she finds crowds of people overwhelming, loud, and unpredictable. When she’s alone not only is it quite, but she’s in full control of what happens. Even if something unpredictable happens she’s in control of how she handles it. If she ever does have to be in a crowd of people she tries to make sure she’s with a friend or family member who won’t leave her, that way she has a line of defence. She combats her anxiety with planning basically
8. What’s something that will always make them smile?
This is gonna seem obvious but, Hilda. She looks up to her and finds her antics charming. Even just walking nearby and overhearing her talk about whatever big adventure she’s got planned makes her happy, she’s an observer and often gets just as much out of a ‘conversation’ from listening in than she does from actively participating (navigating conversations is scary and stressful!).
For a nonnn Hilda related answer…I think waking up early in the morning! It makes her feel confident about the day and just, more in control of how it goes and it sets her off on a good foot yk?
12. Have they ever had their heartbroken?
I don’t think so maybe lmao? Malamhin very young, and Hilda’s the first crush she’s ever had so she won’t have had any opportunities to be heartbroken yet - she’s young after all. I’ve never really built an active ongoing story around her so I still don’t know whether or not I’d have Hilda reciprocate her feelings, so there’s a chance that heartbreak could be an inevitability for her but, who’s to say honestly lmao!
If she was ever to get into a relationship Post-MK (so around 13 years old) I don’t really think it would be heartbreak levels when it ended, yk? I think she’d either end it herself (maybe she’d only get into it as a way to try and move on from Hilda and then realises she’s not being fair to whatever girlfriend she’s kinda chosen at random to have a crush on and date), or if it was ended by the other person she’d be…sad but not heartbroken, yk how breakups are when you’re 13 lmao
16. Are they the ‘mum’ friend or the ‘suck it up’ friend?
DEFINITELY the mum friend - she’s pretty good at comforting people, since she’s kinda been there done that with a lot of anxieties and has had to learn a lot of coping mechanisms herself. Also the fact that she carries a backpack of supplies with her everywhere she goes is very dad friend lmao so she gets to be BOTH ain’t that exciting
Thanks so much for asking about Mally, it’s been ages since I’ve really thought about her! Questions are all from this ask game!
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blaithnne · 2 years
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Meet Malamhin (Mala-vin)! She lives a few houses down from Hilda, and just so happens to have a massive crush on her…whether or not it’s reciprocated is….yet to be found out.
Mal is shy, and a bit of a loner, and whilst high stakes adventures aren’t so much her thing, she still enjoys exploring Trolberg, just at a slightly more leisurely pace than Hilda. Her anxieties have a tendency to make her overthink and over prepare for things, so she frequently carries around a backpack filled with whatever she thinks she might need, which often comes in handy!
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