#Mal'ghan Zaelra
calywitsune · 4 years
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Stinky man
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airanke · 6 years
21 for Amita and Mal'ghan ohohooo
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@whiteincite Mal’ghan knows what she liiiiiiikes~
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calywitsune · 4 years
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{ In response to Air’s post on twitter }
The moment that brought Shen to stand up to Mal’ghan 
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calywitsune · 5 years
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Mal’ghan realizing his new girlfriend’s daughter is his FWB Amita from awhile ago
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calywitsune · 6 years
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Haven’t drawn this silver fox for awhile
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calywitsune · 7 years
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some kisses for the holidays
@gregnas-the-grouch ;; @rosendark ;; @sleepysmeargle ;; @darerarara ;; @airanke
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calywitsune · 6 years
WoW Human AU
has like 6 cats and plenty of snakes and shit hanging around
fosters way too many animals
works at exotic animal sanctuary
The Hot Redhead™
still smol still fun sized friend
was supposed to be jumped into a gang but he was too sweet
please stop hurting urself boy
baggy clothes and tired eyes aesthetic
just wants a milkshake
The Quiet One™
theater kid
victim of war trying to get back into the world
pink pink pINK PINK
showin all dat skin and she knows she hot
can definitely break your neck if she wants
but she usually won’t
lookin for a good time
Bad Boy Soft Boy aesthetic
works at mechanic shop
all about them hot rods
and hot bods
still an Ass Man
the hot tutor you want to bang
‘how’s the weather up there’ tall still
lorge man gentle everything else
volunteers literally everywhere
‘Stop praying for my grandpa he’s too strong’
has the mean dogs but they’re puppies to him
always camping
how does an old man have a body of a 25 year old
running from old gang
leather biker aesthetic
can break your neck and probably will
really just wants to be loved but is rightfully scared
mysterious ethereal cryptid
when she smiles I half feel my heart melt half fear for my life
anime glasses sheen
where does she come from
war hero but hates it
doesnt really hate the general fact but hates being reminded of the event
too hot to approach
needs healing
taking classes again at local college
Lost family in bombing
Saved from ending his life after the fact and is now recovering as a civilian
Hot Dad
includes Dad Puns
Can speak fluent gibberish
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calywitsune · 7 years
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Some tol and smol friend hugs and old hunters
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calywitsune · 7 years
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Sketch duuump– click for captions
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calywitsune · 6 years
Kaisra: Lots of mumbling grumbling and smooshing her face into person of affection.
Balsam: Isn’t good at showing it, in fact he usually shrinks off when jealous to avoid it.
Viscaria: Just. Just plants a big ol kiss on her S.O. Ver possessive.
Zuvashi: Casual touches to give a message of possessiveness. If this doesn’t go through he gets more obvious.
Shen’ahjen: Clingy, grabs gf’s booty, nuzzles neck. Very obviously “she is mine and I am hers”.
Mal’ghan: Will fite. Will confront.
Guenallia: Silently watches and fumes at herself for not doing anything.
Erelae: Eye contact with person. Stone. Cold. Eye Contact. The kind that makes you break into a cold sweat.
Thanallian: Will be polite about it in public, then jump S.O. at home with a heated make out to establish relationship.
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airanke · 7 years
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More shippy-ships!! Mal’ghan who is @whiteincite‘s, and Alba’vida, who is mine (and Amita’s mother. Which is why she’s making that comment. Mal’ghan made the mistake of thinking she was a shy ol’ lady but Alba shows him that Amita had to get her flirting from somewhere, and it wasn’t from her father).
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calywitsune · 7 years
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young Mal’ghan and his late mate
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calywitsune · 7 years
12 14 22! :D
12. How many siblings do they have? Did they grow up in a large family?
ZU’S GOT THE BIGGEST FAMILY…. no clue why everyone keeps having kiddies but they do!! He’s got many siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. There’s probably an equal amount of biological and honorary family in there, or mated in family members ;o;
Shen, Vi and Azi are only children
Mal most likely had siblings but given the kind of life they lived, they didn’t make it far or they went their separate ways trying to find a place to live and not just survive.
22. Is your OC cannibalistic? Has your OC ever committed cannibalism? What is their opinion on it?
Mal’ghan was cannibalistic before the Darkspears, but he neither liked nor disliked the act. The tribe never ate their own, but would kill and eat other hostile trolls on occasion. The only thing he didn’t like about it was getting a nasty troll who didn’t take care of their body, ugh.
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calywitsune · 7 years
28-35 for the Troll asks!! You can mix and match as you please :D
28. Has your OC been present for Thrall’s reign as War chief? How do they feel about Garrosh Hellscream? 
Viscaria was not present, she was in Pandaria during the time Thrall was warchief, and before then she had been in slavery since five years old. During Garrosh’s terror she was out doing her own thing after recovering enough to rejoin the world.
29. Have they ever experienced a culture shock when the Darkspear joined the horde? Are they more welcoming of other cultures? Are there any particular customs of other races they find strange?
Mal’ghan experienced culture shock when he joined he dark spear! He was a part of a small exclusive tribe as a young man, but they were on the way to destruction and opted to be assimilated into the Darkspear. Now, his ‘tribe’ was very aggressive and defensive, and very much so “everyone for themselves” because of the harsh areas they lived in, so coming into an area where Trolls were more capable of banding together and cooperating, being a community and whatnot made him feel ridiculously out of place. But he did have a wife and son he wanted to keep safe so he tried to adjust.
30. How did they feel about Vol'jin’s reaction to Garrosh? Did they view it as a rash decision, or did they think Vol'jin was justified?
Shen’ahjen was absolutely on Vol’jin’s side. I mean, Garrosh did try to MURDER THE TROLL RACIAL LEADER BECAUSE HE WAS AGAINST ALL THE NEEDLESS VIOLENCE. Besides, I feel like Shen was always had an off feeling about that orc, past experiences with aggressive men made him very good at picking up on bad vibes…
31. What is your OCs opinion of the Horde? What do they think of their current warchief? How did they react to the news of Vol’jin’s death?
Azitish appreciates how the Horde is very accepting of the outcast races. And the fact that they’ve stayed strong after so much shit makes him think that it’s a good faction to be in. Mal’ghan is less appreciative of the diverse races, he can’t help but only see the bad qualities in them all and thinks the Horde should be more strict about who they let in.
All the trolls were shocked at hearing their warchief was killed by some damn fel poisoning of all things, they are fully convinced there was a way to save him. Vi is less shocked considering she never really had much connection to the Darkspear. Mal’ghan was furious at the other leaders for letting him die so easily, blaming them all in different ways for his death.
No one really trusted the idea that Sylvanus would prove to be a good warchief considering how she treated the Horde up to the current point in time, but they call her by her official title as a sign of respect. Mal’ghan still calls her Banshee Queen instead, still an official title said with respect, but he isn’t so keen on calling her warchief yet.
32. How strong of a fighter is your OC? Are they honorable in a fight? Do they live up to the cunning and cruel troll stereotype? What weapons do they use?
Zuvashi is skilled as a shaman and partially as a druid thanks to his mother. He mostly specializes in the elements but is a practiced healer as well for emergencies. He doesn’t use the full extent of his elemental abilities because he is aware they are much more powerful than he thinks he can handle at the moment. Whether it has something to do with his lineage or the fact he can delve into druidism AND shamanism, we just dont know. He has lost control once, when his tusks were broke and he went into a silent rage. Huge storm….
 Physically? Fit but he isn’t super duper strong for the size he is, but since he is a giant he’s still stronger than almost everyone he meets.
33. Has your OC ever ‘Berserked’ before? Is it common for them to berserk in a fight?
Viscaria has….lost it more times than she can recount. As a slave she was abused and tortured until she berserked, and then thrown into a fighting pit for entertainment. Eventually it got to the point where she blacked out every time she lost it and each time it happened, she got more and more violent. Now, she cannot use her racial trait because she cannot control it anymore. If she does snap, people have to subdue her (aka knock her tf out)
34. Does your OC have a mate? Have they ever performed a mating ritual?
As of the current point in the story with Legion, none of the younger trolls have official mates! However, they all have the equivalent of girl/boyfriends. Zuvashi has Suveilia (human woman), Viscaria has Otaktay (troll), and Shen’ahjen has Tereaiah (orc/belf girl). 
Mal’ghan and Azitish both have had official mates but later lost their wives (they believe their family is cursed to lose the women). Neither have taken up other mates (in Azi’s case he’s having a hard time letting go, for Mal he’s just an old man and that’s not his main priority anymore) Eventually I know Mal’ghan takes @airanke ‘s babe Amita as a bed partner, then later takes her mother as a mate. Azi’s still up in the air for now.
35. Does your OC believe in a ‘mate for life’? Do they practice monogamy or polygamy?
Shen’ahjen and Viscaria firmly believe in mates for life! They want their fairytale happy endings dang it.
Shen’ahjen also is in a poly relationship! Its… interesting. He and his girlfriend Tereaiah were a couple for a long while, then Tera and Shen’s split personality Tazane ended up falling in love as well. After some plot points and character development, everyone agrees it would be alright if she dated both of them. 
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calywitsune · 7 years
14. Did your OC go through an adulthood rite? How did it go for them? Did they pass or fail? 
Zu’s was probably an informal adulthood rite. The main aspect would have focused on his ability to care for his household! His siblings probably also were tested this way. This didn’t necessarily mean he had to be the one person managing the household, he just had to be able to hold his own, handle the needs of everyone else, and basically not let everything go to shit for a certain amount of time to prove he had matured and could take on responsibility. I have a feeling this is because family has always been of the highest or near highest importance for his bloodline. Perhaps since he also showed promise as not only a caretaker, but a provider, he was also put to a secondary unofficial test of hunting with a group or by himself.
Mal’ghan’s rite would have been more harsh, most likely requiring he prove he was useful in his tribe by spending one night in “exile”. If he could survive he would show he was resilient and resourceful, or just plain had the strength to fight off whatever predators/enemies they faced in the area. He passed with flying colors given he had grown up in the harsh territory. 
Azitish would have been required to go through the same rite when he came of age, but Mal saw his son was not the type of person who would survive in the current environment; he was a soft-hearted squishy boi, but the tribe had little use for nurturers and healers, because if someone were injured they either died quickly or it wasn’t bad enough to warrant a healer. There was almost never an in-between (and if there ever was, majority rule usually led to said injured person being left to die. Didn’t want to waste resources on someone if there was no guarantee of survival). When the chance came to assimilate into the Darkspears, Mal’ghan took it and brought his family along with him.
37. How does your OC handle being in heat? Are they more tolerable of it than other trolls? How long would you say the cycle is? Do you as the creator/mune believe your troll goes through heat?
I know that due to an injury to her uterus, Vi has some issues that make reproduction and anything relating to it difficult or painful…
She did not have to deal with it a lot before she was out of slavery im thinking, because she was not in an ideal place to mate and her body picked up on that (that and she was kept secluded most of the time so there was…no one to mate WITH really). After being freed she probably ran into some trouble the first time she went into heat with her injured organs, a healer was def called. After that she recovered enough to where it wasn’t excruciating to go through a cycle and now either pleases herself or asked Otaktay to help her hehe. It’s very VERY unlikely she’ll get pregnant so yeah. It probably lasts about a week at most every few months
The boys don’t go into heat but they are able to pick up when females are in their cycle ofc
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calywitsune · 7 years
👰 Mal'ghan 👫 Balsam 👿 Viscaria 💔THANALLIAN
👰 …someone my muse would consider marrying.
I do wanna say he’d consider marrying Amita but I don’t think that’s the case. Amita isn’t the type to settle down easily (or at all?) so she wouldn’t really fit his view of a wife, and he doesn’t have any other women in his life atm so idk //weeps
👫 …someone who has a crush on my muse.
There aren’t too many people Balsam’s age in the troupe so I dunno? Maybe Sheridan gets a squish on him at some point or another but that probably won’t last long.
👿 …someone my muse used to like, but doesn’t anymore.
There was a human slave Viscaria remembers from her slave days that she met when she was a child, when Thanallian was still taking care of her. She was relatively pleasant to Thanallian so Vi figured she was a nice lady, and it never registered that she saw the human toss a strange look her way when Than wasn’t paying attention. Turns out, unlike most of the slaves who had disregarded faction alignment for the most part once being captured, this woman vehemently clung to her belief that she was above all Horde races. That in itself wouldn’t have mattered, but when Vi was taken away from Thanallian the woman treated her openly with disgust and hatred. She would go out of her way to insult or even evoke rage from Viscaria when she was alone and unable to retaliate in her own chains.
💔 …someone who broke my muse’s heart.
Viscaria broke Thanallian’s heart but none of it was her fault. He was simply heartbroken when he saw the girl he who had pretty much become his new daughter be abused, tortured and conditioned to fight to a state where she was basically another arena beast for entertainment. He certainly couldn’t prevent the slavers from doing anything to her lest he be killed, and when the damage was done Viscaria was kept mostly to herself and away from the other slaves so Thanallian couldn’t care for her like he used to anymore.
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