#Maksim Consulting
maksimconsultant · 14 days
Register your company in Bangalore with a virtual office from Maksim Consulting. Professional services to streamline your business setup. Call us.
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thosehallowedhalls · 6 months
three princes walk into a bar
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Books: Crimes of Passion, The Royal Romance, Rules of Engagement
Pairing: M!Trystan Thorne, Liam Rys, Leo Rys
Rating: Teen
Word count: 1200+
Summary: Liam has been roped into fixing Trystan's public image. Leo? Leo is just along for the ride.
A/N: This is the seventh chapter of the Round Robin 2024 saga, hosted by @choicesprompts.
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Over the rim of his martini glass, Trystan examined the two men watching him. 
"You two trying to get into comedy or something? Three princes walk into a bar?"
"I'm a king," Liam corrected.
"I've had to deal with a lot of bullshit this week, Drakovia," Leo shot back, hunched over his own glass. "Don't test me."
"I'm just trying to understand why the two of you sought me out here, Cordonia One and Two. Aren't you," he pointed at Leo, "one of us degenerates in need of a PR miracle? And you," turning to Liam, "a little busy ruling a country?"
Leo downed his whiskey like a shot of tequila. Appalled, Trystan shook his head. "It ought to be a crime to treat a fine blend like that."
"Believe me, if you'd had the week I had," he glared at Liam, "you'd want to gulp down a good whiskey too." 
"Which brings us to why I'm here," Liam added. "I've been assigned as your partner."
"You're fucking with me. How the hell does a king get roped into playing PR consultant in a reality show?"
"Hypothetically, a king gets a desperate call from an old friend after your original partner quit."
"I see Bertrand is not above a guilt trip. Good for him. But what makes you think I want your help?"
Liam leaned closer. "Let's be honest here, Trystan. Your public image is a mess. At this point, short of solving a murder, I'm your only option."
"I'll take the murder. Got any dead bodies handy?"
"Afraid not. And no offense, but I really don't see you as a detective. You're too scatterbrained for that."
"Ouch." Trystan sipped from his martini. "Enlighten me, then, Coach. How do you plan to make an honest man out of me?"
Liam took Trystan's wrist and pushed it down. "First of all, you put that drink down. According to a cursory Google search, there are barely any pictures of you from the past three years, minimum, where you're not holding a drink."
"You're calling me an alcoholic?"
"Considering I haven't seen you in almost eight years, I have no idea. But you certainly look like one, and that’s what matters."
"Ohh, appearance makes reality. Is that a royal saying? I always thought it was a Queen Viktoria saying." 
"It's a rational person saying. The next step is making you look like you have other thoughts besides who you're going to screw next." He made a face. "Maybe Leo could take some pointers there."
"Hey, you're not my partner, I'm just along for the ride. Besides, may I remind you, I'm happily married."
"I'm aware, and I also know you're faithful to Katie. But if you keep acting like you did before you were married, the public will think it's not a big leap from getting wasted and puking on bushes to cheating on your wife."
Trystan exchanged a commiserating look with Leo. "Was he always like this?"
"Back to you," Liam continued unaffected. “You were exiled almost eight years ago, and it doesn't look like you'll be welcomed back into the fold any time soon. We both know you didn't have anything to do with Countess Juliana's death..."
Trystan drank again. "Do we?" He asked softly. 
"Right. I know you didn't have anything to do with Countess Juliana's death." He jerked a thumb in Leo's direction. "So does he."
"You're a lot of things, Drakovia," Leo agreed. "But a murderer isn't one of them."
"Too bad everyone else disagrees."
"Indeed. But you're still a prince, your actions still reflect on your country, and it's only a matter of time before King Maksim and Queen Viktoria tighten the leash."
Trystan sighed and ran a hand over his jaw. His stubble contributed to the general air of dissipation that enveloped him like a mist.
"If you want to keep your comfortable life," Liam continued. "You'll make sure to go from 'drunken waste of space'..."
"Christ, Rys. Why don't you tell me how you really feel."
"... to 'proper gentleman.'" 
"Proper gentleman? Seriously?"
"He can't help it," Leo put in. "Put a man on a throne long enough, he'll start to sound like an etiquette manual. Then again," he turned to his brother. "I'm not sure you weren't born this way."
"Carry on like this, brother dearest, and I'll make sure your partner swaps places with Olivia. She finished with Carrera early anyway, I'm sure she could fit you in."
Leo grimaced. "As I was saying, Liam makes excellent points."
"Coward." Trystan gestured to the waitress. "Bring me another one, will you, darling?"
Liam pinched the bridge of his nose. "Did anything I said in the past twenty minutes get through?"
"Maybe? I vaguely recall something about proper." He laughed when Liam dropped his head into his hands. "Relax, Your Majesty. I'll be on my best behavior all week."
"By whose standards?"
"There goes my loophole." Trystan sighed. "Look, I couldn't care less about my public image, but I'm not in any rush to face my mother's wrath. Besides, you're quite frankly pitiful right now. Saying no would make me feel like I was kicking a puppy. A sweet, annoying puppy."
Leo slapped a hand on the table. “Thank you! That's what he reminds me of! A thirty plus year old mystery, solved in a single night. Maybe you really should be a detective.”
Liam looked heavenward when Trystan and Leo laughed and clinked glasses. Praying for patience, no doubt. "Not quite what I was going for, but I'll take it."
"So what's the plan, oh wise one? We've already covered my drinking.”
“We’re going over the basics.”
“How to Be a Productive Member of Society 101?”
“Exactly. And as your partner…”
Trystan sighed. “Can we come up with a different word? I don't really do partners.”
“As your mentor…”
“Partner it is.”
“... It's my responsibility to make you look squeaky clean for the cameras.”
Leo groaned. “Liam, no. I'll grant you that he needs to improve his reputation, but squeaky clean won't do. People will start theorizing that he died and was replaced with a clone. Or a very elaborate AI video.”
“You might be right. What do you propose instead?”
“He leans into the role of loveable rogue. He works hard, he plays hard. He's aware of his privilege and doesn't take it for granted.”
Liam turned to face his brother. “That's rather good. Why the hell haven’t you been doing that?”
A shadow passed over Leo’s face, but he grinned. “Wouldn’t you like to know? But you’re not my partner, thank God. So let’s focus on our exiled prince here.”
Trystan blew out a breath. “Look, I’d like to get out of this island sooner rather than later. Can we get this over with?”
“Surprisingly, Leo makes a good point. Too big a change wouldn’t feel authentic. You still need to come across as you, just…”
“An upgraded version?”
“Exactly. So.” He pulled out a leather-bound notebook and a fountain pen. “We begin.”
Three hours later, Trystan had a headache, Liam was inching ever closer to a migraine, and Leo… Well, Leo had his face buried in another drink. But the sense of satisfaction permeated the air.
“There’s hope for you yet, Thorne,” Liam said delightedly. “Two more days or so and you’ll be ready for the cameras.”
“Oh joy.”
“But.” He planted his hands on the table and leaned forward. “If you screw this up, I’ll personally make sure that your next partner isn’t as nice as me.”
Trystan laughed. “Fear not, young Jedi. No offense, but I’m done with partners. Never again.”
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Okay "I'll wait until saturday" was a lie. "I'll post it tuesday"....... also a lie. But here we are, at probably the worst possible time and day for visibility :)
word count: 3,400 (total 9,000)
Ghost City
Chapter 2
Maksim winced as the clock in the corner of his laptop’s screen ticked over another minute. It had done that quite a few times now while he sat and watched, and he had not yet been stricken with any miraculous clarity or inspiration on what to do next.
He had gotten as far as hitchhiking to Denver. Two weeks of meandering travel and fifteen hundred kilometers seemed like a good buffer between him and his tail, and he needed to be here anyway, but he had another few weeks to kill while he waited for an appointment. It had occurred to him that he might have better luck being “on the run” if he knew exactly who he was running from and why, and he had very confidently settled down at the dining table in his musty hostel and opened his laptop and then remembered that he did not know how to do this kind of research. He didn’t handle contracts and he didn’t handle data, those had been the jobs of Avaricia and Strikeout respectively. Contacting the former was out of the question, and the latter…
As if to encourage him, the computer screen finally flicked to power-saving black, and he dragged his gaze away from it to stare instead at the phone abandoned with the other contents of his pockets on the opposite end of the table. He did not doubt for a second that Strikeout would help him. He leaned over, grabbed the phone and dragged it closer, lined it up neatly alongside the laptop and thumbed on the screen, opened up the contact list. And stared at it a little longer.
Strikeout would help him. Ze would be happy to, eager even. Which was precisely the problem.
Maksim groaned and slouched in his seat. He rubbed his eyes and then stared vacantly up at the ceiling as he tried to fight off the dread slowly tightening its grip around his ribs. He didn’t want zir help. He didn’t need it, he just needed to… ask questions. The right questions, to the right people. At length he hauled himself upright again. He woke the laptop to pull up a browser window, and the open-endedness of the unremarkable search engine landing page that greeted him was almost enough to stall him out once again. With a sharp intake of breath he muttered “соберись,” typed nyc cat warehouse murder, and hit ENTER.
Silence had settled thick over the modest office where Ilya now sat, staring across the desk at the person who was meant to find them work. They had the impression that this was an intentional little power play, a lull in conversation left to stretch until they started to squirm. But Violet underestimated how comfortably Ilya could settle into an uncomfortable silence. They slouched deeper into their chair and stretched their legs out in front of them, ankles crossed casually, and let idle curiosity carry their gaze throughout the office–from the window off to the left with the shades half-drawn, to the long fluorescent strip-lights lining the ceiling overhead, over the assortment of books and notes on the desk, the files in chunky binders on the shelves over Violet’s shoulder… lots of physical media, which was interesting. It could have easily passed for the office of a tax consultant, maybe a travel agent if there were more posters of exotic islands tossed in. Nothing about any of it broadcast a business in corporate espionage.
With a light click of their tongue, as if finally coming to an internal conclusion, Violet said, “I admit it is an impressive display,” bringing Ilya’s attention back over to settle on em. Eir own gaze was still focused on the screen atop the desk that separated the two of them, where ey had ostensibly just been going over reports, or notes, or the earlier versions of the worm Ilya had provided to prove it was their work. “Stock fell almost twenty percent overnight, internal reports suggest at least three years of research lost, there will undoubtedly be layoffs to offset the loss in revenue… I still think it’s a shame none of that data was extracted…”
“Well if you wanted it that badly you could have done the hack yourself,” Ilya fired back.
Violet finally sat back, pressing a button that lowered the screen into a slot in the desk so ey could meet Ilya’s eye. “That attitude won’t serve you well when you’re doing this for other people,” ey said, with an impassivity that made it feel less like a warning or admonishment, and more like a simple observation. “As I was saying, it’s a shame none of that data was extracted, but this is all I need to see to be confident I can place you. Although…” here ey paused, tilting eir head slightly to give Ilya a brief, assessing once-over. “I did put out some initial feelers, to see if anyone was already looking for a tech specialist… you haven’t exactly been making friends in San Mena, have you?”
That was a remarkably charitable way to characterize the way Ilya socialized. They tried for a disarming smile and felt like they landed much closer to a grimace. “Do I need friends?”
“It helps,” Violet replied. Ilya managed to bite back their impulse to challenge that assertion, but they were still fishing for a decent, less revealing response than not in my experience when Violet curtly appended “give me another week” and called up the screen again, leaving them with the distinct impression that the conversation was over. They hesitated for a beat, pulled their legs back in and sat forward, preparing to excuse themself, then stopped.
“You know if you really want NervAMP company secrets,” they said, “why don’t you just wait to find out who gets laid off and talk to them? At least some of them are going to be bitter.”
Violet tipped eir head again to see Ilya around the side of eir screen, and in the thoughtful look ey gave them Ilya was sure they could see the calculations being run behind eir eyes. The slightest hint of what Ilya chose to interpret as an approving smile lifted the corners of their lips, but all ey said was, “I’ll be in touch soon, Naspok.”
The waiting room of a back alley surgeon was rarely what one might call luxurious. Or even particularly hospitable. By now Maksim had sat in enough of them to know this was one of the better ones–it was well lit, clean, and at least a few square feet bigger than a walk-in closet. In total it was a far cry from the dingy vermin-infested storage unit he’d stumbled into the last time he’d needed maintenance, after a blow to the head had left him with the vision in his eye implant tearing and an ice pick migraine a cocktail of alcohol and narcotics hadn’t been able to curb. In retrospect it was a wonder he hadn’t walked out of there even worse, or that he walked out of there at all.
It was really just the waiting that was getting to him. This situation was far less dire, but to Maksim’s sensibilities at least, no less urgent. This was the last modification he had planned, and it had been the hardest to lock down but it was the one that would finally tie everything else together. Bioware was finicky, expensive, and hard to source without being traced and probably shot dead by some repo man because most of it still wasn’t consumer tech. Maksim had needed to find someone who could not only get their hands on it, but could be trusted to install it without shorting out some other essential part of his suite. Or his brain. Clark had come as highly recommended as he could have hoped for–sharpest eyes and steadiest hands anywhere outside the west coast, and discreet on top of it. With a price tag to match, unfortunately, but he had stopped allowing himself to think about debts pretty early on.
So he waited.
When his left leg began to bounce restlessly he willed it back into stillness, dropped his head back against the wall and tried to channel the impatient energy instead into his hands laying palm-up on his thighs. Controlled, intentional fidgeting. The short blades were sheathed cat claw-like in the artificial third digits of each finger, protracted by the minute flexing of thin tendons that had been painstakingly restrung and retrained to the purpose. It was second nature by now, a full decade on from when they had first been installed, but it still served as a good grounding exercise to focus in on the process. Slowly, deliberately, he touched the point of each blade to the soft pads of his thumbs, the only digits left unaltered (no telling when he might need a fingerprint), until another twinge of pain shot up through his left arm and he flinched, nicked the tip of his thumb and grit his teeth to swallow back a curse. It was an unnecessary confirmation of his reason for being there–an imperfection in the careful web of cybernetic control he had spent the last two months weaving over his own reflexes. It needed to be absolute. The pain, he could tolerate. The reaction, the body moving without his will or input, was a reminder he could not allow.
He fixed his eyes on the stippled off-white ceiling overhead and traced the irregular edges of water stains, knowing that if he closed his eyes now there would be memories waiting for him in the dark, blood and terror-wide eyes and the wet heat of fresh viscera, the fear, the sensation of being caged.
It was easier to think about what came after. This process had begun a week later, with a fiber optic muscle replacement knitted into his left arm, intended to correct the nerve damage Strikeout had done with a 9mm round lodged in his shoulder. The discovery that the mesh had granted him a steadier pistol aim than he’d ever had before “the incident” had eased some of the lingering trauma he carried out of it. But not enough. So he’d had the claws refitted for even finer motor control, the eye replaced with a newer model designed for minute motion tracking. A lighter muscle augment had gone into his right arm to synchronize his articulation, adrenal amps installed to increase his situational awareness and response times. The flexwires had gone into his arms on top of the muscle weaves, winding around just below the skin like careful geometric scarification and smoothing his hastened movements into precise, razor-sharp reflexes. The most invasive augmentation so far had been the spinal implant that nestled along the ridge of his back like some segmented mechanical insect, chaining the muscle augments, the adrenal amps, and the eye implant to a neural chip that could accelerate his processing of visual and auditory input, as well as dampen the full effects of the suite in everyday situations, when he didn’t need to be constantly barraged with sensory data.
There was a secondary effect, something he had been warned of back when he was first signing himself away to the Russian army in exchange for a purged arrest record and a functional left eye. The human brain was incredibly delicate, and his uniquely so. In a vanishingly small number of cases, the variant mutation manifested not only in physical quirks, but in certain advanced mental abilities. In his case, it had granted him the capacity to not only pick up the conscious thoughts and feelings of those around him, but to broadcast his own back out to a limited degree, like a short-range radio that only worked on human brain waves. Despite such genes being disseminated into the human population several generations ago, they were still not well understood, and Maksim’s superiors feared that placing too much additional processing burden on his brain via cybernetics might dampen his telepathic ability–the only thing they actually wanted. He hadn’t noticed any material difference after that first operation or in the decade that followed.
Now, he had the very real sense of a door almost fully closed, of the signals tapering off unless he really strained, and it was an indescribable relief. Whatever had happened in New York, it would not, could not, happen again.
Unfortunately that “processing burden” was affecting him in other, more immediate ways as well. He could feel his body protesting under the strain of the augments, without enough time to fully adjust to each introduction of heightened senses and tightened reflexes. And after living with an ability that had manifested when he was six years old, at 32 he could not seem to break himself of the habit of mental tampering no matter how many migraines he had to nurse in exchange. But a bit of research had presented him with a solution: an inhibitor could omit the pain response from the equation, allow him to bear the pain without distraction while his body did the work of adjusting quietly, in the background.
Then maybe he would finally feel like he was in control again.
A soft buzzing against his ribs startled him out of his musings. He lifted his head away from the wall and reached into the inner pocket of his coat to pull out his cellphone, then fumbled with the screen for a moment as he tried to check the caller ID, and only realized that he had instead blindly answered the call when he heard Strikeout’s voice filter through the tinny speaker. “Avos! Hey, I- shit I really didn’t think you were going to pick up.”
Maksim scoffed and let his head knock back against the wall. “I didn’t mean to,” he stated, and Strikeout chuckled as if it had been a joke. “This isn’t a good time,” he pressed on. “I’m waiting to meet with someone.”
“Ah…” Strikeout hesitated for a moment, the silence punctuated by some kind of indeterminate rustling on zir end. “With a loan shark?”
Maksim grit his teeth at the boldness of the assumption, even if it was frankly even odds at this point. This had been an expensive process, and his savings had only gotten him about halfway through it before he had started having to beg and borrow for the rest. “A surgeon,” he said pointedly, just because in that moment he wanted Strikeout to be wrong.
“Where are you now?”
“I’m not telling you that,” Maksim volleyed back, rolling his eyes up toward the ceiling. “But it’s far enough, you can tell Reece I understood her message clearly.”
“That’s not why I’m asking, I-” Maksim’s focus immediately disengaged from the call when a door opened at the far end of the room. The person in the doorway had a tall and willowy stature with angular features, but Maksim couldn’t immediately tell if those were variant features. They beckoned him in with a smile, and he returned it as he stood and quickly pulled on a more sociable persona.
“Hey listen, I’m glad you called but I’ll have to connect with you later,” he said brightly into the phone, then ended the call and tucked it back into his coat without waiting for Strikeout’s reaction.
“I hope you’re not nervous,” Clark said softly as he followed them into the next room.
“Not at all,” he insisted, his tone bright and conversational–a carefully modulated performance, and this was one he had had years to perfect. Another necessary form of control. “I’ve only heard good things.”
All told it was an unremarkable procedure, at least from Maksim’s perspective. Clark supervised him for a day and a half, then asked if there was anyone available to help him with basic tasks for a week or so while he recovered. He assured them that there was, and then went back to the hostel alone.
He could take care of himself. He’d been taking care of himself for a long time, and by now he’d recovered from enough surgeries to know he could do that by himself too. Still, this had been a particularly strange and disorienting one. Everything still hurt–there was a tension all through his upper body, like a chord strung from his temples down through his neck and into his shoulders had been pulled impossibly, dangerously taut. Sunlight burned the back of his eyes. So did screens. The light brace on his neck, to stop him moving enough to pop any stitches, left him feeling not unlike a dog in a cone. And yet, all of it receded to the back of his mind the instant he shifted his focus to anything else. It was easy to ignore, leaving him free to go about his day as he normally would, only to be hit by a fresh wave of soreness and exhaustion every time he settled down enough to let his mind empty. This, he assumed, was why Clark had strongly advised him not to do much for at least two weeks, not to be too active, or in any unpredictable situations, not until his mind and body had time to calibrate the new signals being sent back and forth.
He had been filling most of his time with cooking, carefully avoiding the hostel’s handful of other tenants, and trawling forums he had only barely remembered how to access thanks to Strikeout’s instructions almost a year ago. “Unindexed,” whatever that meant. He had surreptitiously put out inquiries about the warehouse run, hoping to tease out someone who seemed like they might know more than just sensationalized rumors or the same talking points that had already been in the news. It hadn’t amounted to much except the name Alabast–a low level crime syndicate in the New England area, and apparently the people who had hired his team for the job.
His phone screen lit up beside him, the vibration loud and obnoxious against the table’s surface, and he grit his teeth. He had also been ignoring a lot of calls from Strikeout. That particular pastime was rapidly becoming unsustainable, especially when ze had gradually increased zir attempted contacts from one every day or two to one every few hours. In a burst of frustration Maksim finally grabbed the phone and answered it, barking out an unfriendly “what?”
“Thank fucking god,” Strikeout breathed. “Avos are you in Denver?”
Maksim flinched. How did ze know that? “I told you, I’m not-”
Strikeout swore under zir breath. “Have you been posting about the run on Arsenal?”
The abrupt subject change left Maksim scrambling to catch up for a moment. “I thought… if I could find out-”
“From your personal computer?”
He opened his mouth. Didn’t actually say anything. The laptop sat open in front of him and he shot it a sidelong glance, feeling suddenly threatened by its presence. He had the distinct impression that if he told Strikeout the truth, it would also be the wrong answer. All he managed to offer was “это…“
Another frazzled, desperate string of curses from Strikeout, then, “you need to get out of there.”
“Out of… this building?” Maksim asked cautiously. Optimistically.
“Out of the state,” Strikeout insisted.
The deep, steadying breath Maksim tried to take caught in his lungs, as the tingling numbness of panic began to creep up through his extremities. “Why…?”
“Because if I know exactly where you are who else do you think has that information?”
Who indeed. Why did they even want him? Would Alabast hunt him this far just for a botched robbery? It wasn’t like he owed them money, no one had gotten paid. Maybe it really was a friend of one of the others, not content with simply running him out of town. Strikeout was still talking on the other end but he was barely listening. “… just give me a little time I can set up a secure line for us, if I find out anything I can-” he ended the call.
Okay. No. It was fine. He didn’t have a lot to pack. He’d spent a lot of money on the inhibitor and this hostel but he could afford a bus ticket to… somewhere. Further west than Colorado. He still had options, and he was probably in good enough condition to travel. As soon as he felt like he could breathe again.
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solusidigital21 · 1 year
Perhatikan! ini 6 Ciri Lowongan Kerja Abal-abal
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Lowongan Kerja
Pada lowongan-lowongan kerja tersebut di antaranya mencantumkan nomor WA untuk yang ingin melakukan pendaftaran. Ayo turut berbagi info ini pada teman lainnya. Di situs ini, kamu bisa menemukan lowongan berbagai kategori pekerjaan seperti sales & marketing, IT, keuangan, creative, dan lainnya. Nilainya bisa kamu tampilkan di profilmu agar semakin meyakinkan perekrut. Pencari kerja harus waspada jika perekrut meminta uang dengan janji akan mendapat gaji yang lebih besar pada kemudian hari. Anda dapat melakukan follow-up mandiri kepada perekrut dengan menanyakan kelanjutan atau hasil akhir dari rekrutmen terhadap jabatan yang Anda lamar. Jika alamatnya asli,kemungkinan besar lokernya juga asli ( tapi belum tentu benar kalau tidak sinkron ).Untuk melakukan pengecekan alamat,anda bisa mengeceknya dengan meacaknya via google atau menanyakanya di berbagai forum media sosial seperti FB atau sebagainya. Tugas yang akan dikerjakan di antaranya: bekerja di bagian Manajemen Fasilitas Kedutaan Besar, memelihara dan memperbaiki pipa, memasang pipa ledeng sesuai kebutuhan untuk mendukung berbagai sistem termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada bangunan pipa dan sistem mekanis, pengolahan dan penyimpanan air minum, pengolahan air limbah, penyiram api, kolam renang dan irigasi landscape. PT Pertamina Training & Consulting (PTC) adalah salah satu anak perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero) yang memfokuskan diri pada bidang human capital consulting dan jasa manajemen lainnya.
lowongan kerja cikarangOLX kini merupakan salah satu kantor cabang dari OLX Group yang memiliki koneksi di 106 negara yang ada di dunia ini. Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) kembali membuka rekrutmen bersama. Melansir laman FHCI, Selasa (12/4/2022), memberitahukan Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2022 dibuka untuk seluruh putra-putri terbaik Indonesia. Berikut rekomendasi situs lowongan kerja terbaik dan terpercaya di Indonesia. Biznet Networks Indonesia dengan lowongan sebagai berikut. Kamu bisa menemukan pekerjaan di kolom pencarian dan mengaktifkan fitur pemberitahuan agar kamu tidak ketinggalan informasi lowongan kerja terbaru. URBANBANDUNG - Untuk anda yang saat ini masih bingung belum memiliki pekerjaan, tidak usah khawatir karena PT Bank Negara Indonesia saat ini sedang membuka lowongan kerja. Dengan adanya kemajuan tekhnologi berupa internet, kamu tak perlu lagi khawatir akan informasi apapun, termasuk info lowongan kerja. Jadi, kamu tak perlu khawatir lagi. Sekarang, di zaman kemajuan tekhnologi, kamu tak perlu repot lagi membeli koran untuk dapat info lowongan pekerjaan. Lowongan juga terbuka untuk beragam jenjang pendidikan. Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra 8 dosen.
Kampus UPI Sumedang 3 dosen. Kampus UPI Purwakarta 3 dosen. Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam 8 dosen. Pria/wanita- Usia maksimal 28 tahun (untuk fresh graduate)- Usia maksimal 35 tahun (untuk experience di pengujian migas)- Pendidikan minimal D3 jurusan Kimia/Analis Kimia- Mampu mengoperasikan Ms. Have experience in Retail, Food & Beverage, Manufacture, Property, Financial Technology, E-commerce or Shopping Plaza would be an advantage. 1 yr. Friendly, honest, meticulous and have good communication skills. PT. Hartono Raya Motor 100 % dimiliki oleh Keluarga Boedi Hartono dan merupakan Dealer Resmi Mercedes-Benz. Perusahaan umum (perum) adalah BUMN yang seluruh modalnya dimiliki negara dan tidak terbagi atas saham, yang bertujuan untuk kemanfaatan umum berupa penyediaan barang dan/atau jasa yang bermutu tinggi dan sekaligus mengejar keuntungan berdasarkan prinsip pengelolaan perusahaan. Sebagai sesama job seeker dan fresh graduate teman Anda memiliki banyak info yang kadang memang tidak dibagi grup atau hanya dibagi pada yang tanya saja. Untuk dapat mendapatkan suatu pekerjaan diposisi tertentu, maka anda harus melamar terlebih dahulu pada posisi tersebut. Biaya yang harus dibayarkan sekitar 30 Jt untuk negara jepang. LOWONGAN KERJA BUMN 2022 PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) atau biasa dikenal PT KAI adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang menyediakan, mengatur, dan mengurus jasa angkutan kereta api di Indonesia.
Bagaimana peluang bagi yang sudah diatas 50 thn ? Di LinkedIn, kamu bisa mendapatkan berbagai informasi menarik seputar pekerjaan, berbagai peluang kerja, atau membangun networking. Peluang Usaha Menjanjikan! Ingin Sukses Raup Cuan dari Bisnis Hampers? PT Haleyora Powerindo juga bergerak di sektor usaha Penyediaan Energi Listrik (Energy Provider) melalui pembentukan Joint Venture Company (JVC) bernama PT Energi Pelabuhan Indonesia (EPI) oleh Haleyora Power dan PT Pelindo II. Dalam operasinya PT Haleyora Power memiliki bisnis internal yang dilakukan sendiri dan bisnis yang dikelola melalui anak-anak perusahaan. Biasanya orang akan punya pertimbangan sendiri untuk masuk dan bekerja di sebuah perusahaan. Perekrutan pekerja baru biasanya juga menggunakan e-mail resmi perusahaan beserta domainnya. Perusahaan resmi dan profesional tidak akan mengharuskan kamu membayar untuk pelatihan atau pun memungut biaya apapun dalam proses seleksi atau perekrutan. Jika tidak tercantum informasi pembukaan lowongan kerja, maka kemungkinan besar informasi lowongan kerja tersebut palsu. Jika tidak ada informasi lowongan kerja seperti undangan yang kamu terima, maka kemungkinan besar lowongan tersebut palsu alias bodong. Tidak hanya itu, kamu juga bisa melakukan beberapa tes, mulai dari tes kemampuan berbahasa Inggris, tes minat, hingga tes gaya komunikasi untuk mengetahui kemampuanmu. Seseorang yang pandai berbicara, terorganisir, berorientasi pada detail dan memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan banyak tugas.
Perkembangan bisnis yang kian kompetitif membuat Zoya terus melakukan inovasi dalam produk, pelayanan, serta strategi pemasaran yang digunakan dengan mengutamakan kualitas brand image. Pelamar kerja juga bisa memantau progress lamaran kerja dalam situs 9cv9 ini. Jika bisa berbahasa inggris adalah nilai plus. Hal ini memberi nilai tambah pada PLN dengan mengintegrasikan kegiatan O&M Transmisi dan Distribusi sedemikian rupa sehingga aktifitas pemeliharaan dan perbaikan aset-aset transmisi dan distribusi berjalan secara efisien, tepat waktu dan memberikan kemudahan informasi pada perusahaan penyedia jasa O&M Transmisi dan Distribusi lain-nya sehubungan dengan lokasi dan status aset transmisi dan distribusi PLN. Namun pada kesempatan ini hanya akan dibahas Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN untuk lulusan D1, D2, D3, D4, S1, dan S2. Rekrutmen calon karyawan baru dilakukan melalui dua jalur, yaitu Jalur Pro Hire dan Tenaga Kerja Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu (PKWT). Memiliki SIM - Memiliki pengalaman mengemudi - Bertanggung jawab, disiplin, jujur, rajin dan tepat waktu - Domisili di area Serpong…
Bertugas untuk bertanggung jawab atas pemaksimalan potensi tim penjualan di OLX. Lowongan KAI yang dibuka saat ini untuk posisi Mandarin Interpreter. Semua pelamar dapat mendaftarkan diri maksimal 3 posisi di BUMN yang berbeda.. Semua orang bisa mendaftar, mulai dari laki - laki, perempuan dan lulusan sma hingga S1 dengan persyaratan yang mudah dan yang pasti job yang ditawarkan semua legal dan resmi disnaker / depnaker bnp2tki. Melamar kerja dari situs resmi perusahaan juga meminimalisir kamu terjebak dalam lowongan kerja fiktif. Namun sayangnya, dengan banyaknya pesaing-pesaing yang ada mulai dari fresh graduate hingga para Pencari Kerja lain yang pindah dari pekerjaan, akan ada banyak lagi tantangan yang perlu dihadapi untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan impian dalam Jangka waktu singkat. Meski begitu, banyak lowongan dari perusahaan besar seperti Gojek hingga Deloitte yang bisa kamu temukan di sini. Beberapa informasi yang perlu kamu lengkapi seperti: pengalaman kerja, kontak yang bisa dihubungi, pendidikan, skill, pengalaman organisasi, minat dan referensi pekerjaan, ekspektasi gaji, serta tipe pekerjaan. Perempuan, lelaki, baik mereka yang baru saja lulus dari pelbagai tingkat Pendidikan, SMA,Sarjana Muda, S1, S2 , terus mencari pekerjaan yang dianggap lebih baik dari yang mereka sudah miliki atau mencari pekerjaan baru bagi mereka yang belum memiliki pekerjaan.
Pilihan industrinya juga beragam, mulai dari e-commerce, media, travel, logistik, pendidikan, kesehatan serta fintech. Sedangkan yang ketiga adalah kolom pilihan spesialisasi pekerjaan. Nantinya, ada sekitar 2.700 lowongan yang bisa dilamar. Bagi kamu yang berminat kerja di BUMN, kamu bisa memantau akun Instagram Forum Human Capital Indonesia @fhci.bumn untuk pengumuman & persyaratannya. Apabila ada pihak yang meminta biaya/ menjanjikan sesuatu/ menawarkan bantuan atas proses rekrutmen dapat melapor ke Forum Human Capital Indonesia (FHCI). Maraknya informasi lowongan kerja palsu memiliki ciri yang paling umum adalah dengan modus meminta uang sebagai biaya perjalanan. Persyaratan pelamar dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu persyaratan umum dan khusus. Info Loker Driver - Supir Khusus Sumut” - Posts | Facebook Pathbrite - Media Detail Ssst… Tips pertama menemukan lowongan kerja Jogja dengan mudah yaitu cari situs resmi yang menyediakan info loker resmi. Selain 10 situs mencari kerja di atas, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan informasi lowongan kerja dari situs resmi perusahaan. Ini bisa jadi sumber untuk negosiasi gaji bersama HRD. Jangan mudah percaya dengan iming-iming gaji besar dan permintaan penggantian biaya. Sebab, ini sudah berpotensi besar merupakan lowongan palsu.
Sebab, bursa kerja itu dinilai sangat penting dan mendesak guna menekan masih tingginya angka pengangguran dan kemiskinan di Kab. Di tengah sulitnya mencari pekerjaan saat ini, ada tawaran 2700 lowongan pekerjaan yang sangat menarik untuk Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2022 . Perusahaan sekelas OLX bisa dengan mudah memberikan pelatihan melalui materi yang telah memiliki standar. Memiliki 1 tahun pengalaman dalam membuat dan memberikan laporan berdasarkan analisis kuantitatif. Jika tertera ketentuan cara melamar kerja melalui Email / Online maka siapkan dokumen lamaran pekerjaan dalam bentuk file Pdf. Perusahaan yang tertarik merekrut kamu akan menghubungi secara resmi melalui email dan nomor telepon untuk proses wawancara. Kamu bisa memantau progress lamaran kerja kamu di situs ini dan akan mendapat notifikasi melalui email apabila lamaran berhasil dikirimkan. Untuk persyaratan lengkapnya, kata dia, bisa dilihat langsung di website Kemenaker atau brosur yang sudah disebarkan dan diumumkan di sejumlah media. Memang tidak diragukan lagi, dałam proses mencari pekerjaan merupakan hal yang paling krusial sebagai langkah awal dałam membangun jenjang karir. Pertama, ciri-ciri lowongan kerja palsu adalah sumber informasinya tidak valid. Hindari situs lowongan kerja yang banyak menyediakan iklan dengan menggunakan informasi yang kurang jelas bahkan informasi palsu. Sayangnya, beberapa iklan lowongan kerja ternyata hoax alias palsu.
Ternyata dugaan itu meleset, dibukanya 2700 lowongan di 40 BUMN membuktikan bahwa BUMN sendiri sedang berbenah untuk merubah core values dengan 6 value . Karena CV ini mencerminkan diri Anda sendiri. Banyak dari mereka yang memberikan harapan terkait lowongan kerja ini. Bagi anda yang berminat untuk mengisi lowongan kerja singapura terbaru, Kami sudah memberikan informasi job informal asisten rumah tangga dan formal perawat singapura yang ready untuk perempuan dengan gaji yang cukup tinggi. Sementara ini job yang tersedia adalah lowongan kerja informal, Untuk pabrik atau formal masih belum tersedia. Memiliki Ijazah S1 dengan IPK minimal 3,0 dan akreditasi pada saat tanggal kelulusan “B” dari BAN-PT atau lembaga akreditasi nasional/internasional lainnya yang terpercaya. Lowongan kerja sebanyak itu untuk ditempatkan pada 40 perusahaan. Pelamar posisi ini akan ditempatkan pada KJRI Surabaya. D4/S1 dengan IPK minimal 3,0 (tiga koma nol) dan akreditasi jurusan/program studi pada saat tanggal kelulusan “A” dari BAN-PT. Terdapat tiga kolom fitur. Mungkin tiga referensi lowongan kerja di atas dapat mencukupi kebutuhan informasi kamu dalam mencari kerja.
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TERPERCAYA!! 0852-5877-3400, Workshop Jualan Online Umkm di DKI Jakarta, Workshop Jualan Online Tiktok di DKI Jakarta
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0852-5877-3400, bimbel digital marketing bnsp, les digital marketing company, kelas digital marketing consultant, pelatihan digital marketing dan e-commerce, konsultan digital marketing dan social media marketing, kursus digital marketing ecommerce, workshop digital marketing facebook, bimbel digital marketing google, les digital marketing instagram, kelas digital marketing konsultan Mau jadi ahli di dunia digital marketing? Bergabunglah dengan Diva Digital Online Marketing! Kami sudah beroperasi sejak lama dan telah bekerja sama dengan banyak klien, baik untuk kelas privat maupun perusahaan. Kami siap membantu kamu menguasai berbagai aspek digital marketing dengan beragam kelas yang kami tawarkan. Berikut ini beberapa kelas yang bisa kamu pilih di Diva Digital: 1. Kelas Digital Marketing Pelajari strategi dan teknik terbaru untuk sukses di dunia pemasaran digital. Kami akan membimbingmu dari dasar hingga mahir dalam memaksimalkan potensi digital marketing. 2. Pendampingan Pengelolaan Dapatkan bimbingan langsung dalam mengelola kampanye digital marketing kamu. Tim ahli kami siap membantu merancang, menjalankan, dan mengevaluasi strategi pemasaranmu. 3. Program Anak Magang Program pelatihan khusus bagi para magang untuk memperdalam pengetahuan dan keterampilan di bidang digital marketing. Kesempatan belajar langsung dari praktisi profesional. 4. Pendampingan Kelas Industri Pelatihan intensif dengan pendekatan praktis yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri. Bawa perusahaanmu ke level berikutnya dengan pelatihan yang disesuaikan. 5. Pendampingan Scale Up Bisnis Online Bimbingan khusus untuk mengembangkan bisnis onlinemu ke skala yang lebih besar. Pelajari cara mengoptimalkan operasi dan strategi pemasaran digital untuk pertumbuhan maksimal. 6. Kelas E-commerce Kuasai strategi dan teknik untuk meningkatkan penjualan online. Kami akan membimbingmu dalam merancang toko online yang efektif dan menarik. 7. Kelas TikTok Marketing Pelajari cara efektif memanfaatkan TikTok untuk promosi bisnis. Dari pembuatan konten hingga strategi viral, kami akan membantu kamu menonjol di platform ini. 8. Kelas Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tingkatkan visibilitas website kamu di mesin pencari. Pelajari teknik SEO terbaru untuk mendapatkan peringkat tinggi dan traffic organik yang lebih banyak. 9. Jasa Pengelolaan Tim Digital Marketing Layanan khusus untuk membantu mengelola dan mengoptimalkan tim digital marketing kamu. Dengan bantuan kami, kamu bisa fokus pada pertumbuhan bisnis sambil timmu bekerja lebih efisien. Kenapa Pilih Diva Digital? Pengalaman Luas: Kami sudah lama beroperasi dan memiliki banyak pengalaman bekerja dengan berbagai jenis klien. Instruktur Profesional: Tim kami terdiri dari praktisi digital marketing berpengalaman yang siap membagikan ilmu dan pengalaman mereka. Pendekatan Praktis: Semua kelas kami dirancang dengan pendekatan praktis yang bisa langsung kamu terapkan di bisnis atau pekerjaanmu. Fleksibilitas: Kami menawarkan kelas-kelas yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhanmu, baik secara individu maupun perusahaan. Bergabunglah dengan Diva Digital sekarang juga dan raih kesuksesan di dunia digital marketing! Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi: 0852-5877-3400 (Diva Digital) bimbel jualan online tiktok DKI Jakarta, les jualan online sosial media DKI Jakarta, kelas jualan online shopee DKI Jakarta, pelatihan jualan online shop DKI Jakarta, konsultan jualan online pemula DKI Jakarta, kursus jualan online makanan ringan DKI Jakarta, workshop jualan online live DKI Jakarta, bimbel jualan online lewat instagram DKI Jakarta, les jualan online lewat fb DKI Jakarta, kelas jualan online lewat facebook DKI Jakarta
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TERPERCAYA!! 0852-5877-3400, Workshop Jualan Online Umkm di Kediri, Workshop Jualan Online Tiktok di Kediri
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0852-5877-3400, bimbel digital marketing bnsp, les digital marketing company, kelas digital marketing consultant, pelatihan digital marketing dan e-commerce, konsultan digital marketing dan social media marketing, kursus digital marketing ecommerce, workshop digital marketing facebook, bimbel digital marketing google, les digital marketing instagram, kelas digital marketing konsultan "Mau jadi ahli di dunia digital marketing? Bergabunglah dengan Diva Digital Online Marketing! Kami sudah beroperasi sejak lama dan telah bekerja sama dengan banyak klien, baik untuk kelas privat maupun perusahaan. Kami siap membantu kamu menguasai berbagai aspek digital marketing dengan beragam kelas yang kami tawarkan. Berikut ini beberapa kelas yang bisa kamu pilih di Diva Digital: 1. Kelas Digital Marketing Pelajari strategi dan teknik terbaru untuk sukses di dunia pemasaran digital. Kami akan membimbingmu dari dasar hingga mahir dalam memaksimalkan potensi digital marketing. 2. Pendampingan Pengelolaan Dapatkan bimbingan langsung dalam mengelola kampanye digital marketing kamu. Tim ahli kami siap membantu merancang, menjalankan, dan mengevaluasi strategi pemasaranmu. 3. Program Anak Magang Program pelatihan khusus bagi para magang untuk memperdalam pengetahuan dan keterampilan di bidang digital marketing. Kesempatan belajar langsung dari praktisi profesional. 4. Pendampingan Kelas Industri Pelatihan intensif dengan pendekatan praktis yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri. Bawa perusahaanmu ke level berikutnya dengan pelatihan yang disesuaikan. 5. Pendampingan Scale Up Bisnis Online Bimbingan khusus untuk mengembangkan bisnis onlinemu ke skala yang lebih besar. Pelajari cara mengoptimalkan operasi dan strategi pemasaran digital untuk pertumbuhan maksimal. 6. Kelas E-commerce Kuasai strategi dan teknik untuk meningkatkan penjualan online. Kami akan membimbingmu dalam merancang toko online yang efektif dan menarik. 7. Kelas TikTok Marketing Pelajari cara efektif memanfaatkan TikTok untuk promosi bisnis. Dari pembuatan konten hingga strategi viral, kami akan membantu kamu menonjol di platform ini. 8. Kelas Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tingkatkan visibilitas website kamu di mesin pencari. Pelajari teknik SEO terbaru untuk mendapatkan peringkat tinggi dan traffic organik yang lebih banyak. 9. Jasa Pengelolaan Tim Digital Marketing Layanan khusus untuk membantu mengelola dan mengoptimalkan tim digital marketing kamu. Dengan bantuan kami, kamu bisa fokus pada pertumbuhan bisnis sambil timmu bekerja lebih efisien. Kenapa Pilih Diva Digital? Pengalaman Luas: Kami sudah lama beroperasi dan memiliki banyak pengalaman bekerja dengan berbagai jenis klien. Instruktur Profesional: Tim kami terdiri dari praktisi digital marketing berpengalaman yang siap membagikan ilmu dan pengalaman mereka. Pendekatan Praktis: Semua kelas kami dirancang dengan pendekatan praktis yang bisa langsung kamu terapkan di bisnis atau pekerjaanmu. Fleksibilitas: Kami menawarkan kelas-kelas yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhanmu, baik secara individu maupun perusahaan. Bergabunglah dengan Diva Digital sekarang juga dan raih kesuksesan di dunia digital marketing! Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi: 0852-5877-3400 (Diva Digital)" bimbel jualan online tiktok Kediri, les jualan online sosial media Kediri, kelas jualan online shopee Kediri, pelatihan jualan online shop Kediri, konsultan jualan online pemula Kediri, kursus jualan online makanan ringan Kediri, workshop jualan online live Kediri, bimbel jualan online lewat instagram Kediri, les jualan online lewat fb Kediri, kelas jualan online lewat facebook Kediri
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TERPERCAYA!! 0852-5877-3400, Workshop Jualan Online Umkm di Sidoarjo, Workshop Jualan Online Tiktok di Sidoarjo
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0852-5877-3400, bimbel digital marketing bnsp, les digital marketing company, kelas digital marketing consultant, pelatihan digital marketing dan e-commerce, konsultan digital marketing dan social media marketing, kursus digital marketing ecommerce, workshop digital marketing facebook, bimbel digital marketing google, les digital marketing instagram, kelas digital marketing konsultan
"Mau jadi ahli di dunia digital marketing? Bergabunglah dengan Diva Digital Online Marketing! Kami sudah beroperasi sejak lama dan telah bekerja sama dengan banyak klien, baik untuk kelas privat maupun perusahaan. Kami siap membantu kamu menguasai berbagai aspek digital marketing dengan beragam kelas yang kami tawarkan. Berikut ini beberapa kelas yang bisa kamu pilih di Diva Digital: 1. Kelas Digital Marketing Pelajari strategi dan teknik terbaru untuk sukses di dunia pemasaran digital. Kami akan membimbingmu dari dasar hingga mahir dalam memaksimalkan potensi digital marketing. 2. Pendampingan Pengelolaan Dapatkan bimbingan langsung dalam mengelola kampanye digital marketing kamu. Tim ahli kami siap membantu merancang, menjalankan, dan mengevaluasi strategi pemasaranmu. 3. Program Anak Magang Program pelatihan khusus bagi para magang untuk memperdalam pengetahuan dan keterampilan di bidang digital marketing. Kesempatan belajar langsung dari praktisi profesional. 4. Pendampingan Kelas Industri Pelatihan intensif dengan pendekatan praktis yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri. Bawa perusahaanmu ke level berikutnya dengan pelatihan yang disesuaikan. 5. Pendampingan Scale Up Bisnis Online Bimbingan khusus untuk mengembangkan bisnis onlinemu ke skala yang lebih besar. Pelajari cara mengoptimalkan operasi dan strategi pemasaran digital untuk pertumbuhan maksimal. 6. Kelas E-commerce Kuasai strategi dan teknik untuk meningkatkan penjualan online. Kami akan membimbingmu dalam merancang toko online yang efektif dan menarik. 7. Kelas TikTok Marketing Pelajari cara efektif memanfaatkan TikTok untuk promosi bisnis. Dari pembuatan konten hingga strategi viral, kami akan membantu kamu menonjol di platform ini. 8. Kelas Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tingkatkan visibilitas website kamu di mesin pencari. Pelajari teknik SEO terbaru untuk mendapatkan peringkat tinggi dan traffic organik yang lebih banyak. 9. Jasa Pengelolaan Tim Digital Marketing Layanan khusus untuk membantu mengelola dan mengoptimalkan tim digital marketing kamu. Dengan bantuan kami, kamu bisa fokus pada pertumbuhan bisnis sambil timmu bekerja lebih efisien. Kenapa Pilih Diva Digital? Pengalaman Luas: Kami sudah lama beroperasi dan memiliki banyak pengalaman bekerja dengan berbagai jenis klien. Instruktur Profesional: Tim kami terdiri dari praktisi digital marketing berpengalaman yang siap membagikan ilmu dan pengalaman mereka. Pendekatan Praktis: Semua kelas kami dirancang dengan pendekatan praktis yang bisa langsung kamu terapkan di bisnis atau pekerjaanmu. Fleksibilitas: Kami menawarkan kelas-kelas yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhanmu, baik secara individu maupun perusahaan. Bergabunglah dengan Diva Digital sekarang juga dan raih kesuksesan di dunia digital marketing! Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi: 0852-5877-3400 (Diva Digital)"
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andromedaloy · 2 months
Lowongan Kerja Sales Consultant di Wuling AJM Semarang
Saat ini, Wuling AJM sedang membuka kesempatan berharga untuk Anda dengan membuat sebuah lowongan kerja baru dan akan ditempatkan di Srondol, Semarang, untuk posisi sebagai Sales Consultant. Syarat Pekerjaan Pria/Wanita berusia maksimal 34 tahun Pendidikan terakhir minimal lulusan SMA Mampu bekerja secara tim maupun individu Mampu bekerja dengan jujur dan pekerja keras Mampu menguasai platform…
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
In 1933, Welsh journalist Gareth Jones travels to Ukraine, where he experiences the horrors of a famine. Everywhere he goes he meets henchmen of the Soviet secret service who are determined to prevent news about the catastrophe from getting out. Stalin’s forced collectivisation of agriculture has resulted in misery and ruin—the policy is tantamount to mass murder. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Gareth Jones: James Norton Ada Brooks: Vanessa Kirby Walter Duranty: Peter Sarsgaard George Orwell: Joseph Mawle Lloyd George: Kenneth Cranham Matthew: Celyn Jones Maxim Litvinov: Krzysztof Pieczyński Rhea Clyman: Beata Pozniak Miss Stevenson: Fenella Woolgar Yulia: Michalina Olszańska Bonnie: Patrycja Volny Eugene Lyons: Edward Wolstenholme Leonid: Oleg Drach Sir Ernest Bennet: Martin Bishop Paul Kleb: Marcin Czarnik Major Jones: Julian Lewis Jones William Randolph Hearst: Matthew Marsh J.E. B Seely: John Edmondson Hotel receptionist: Olena Leonenko John Cushny: Barry Mulkerns Petro: Oleksandr Pozharskyi Ralph Barnes: Marcin Latałło Leonard Moore: Jacob Krichefski Katya: Ksenia Matsuk Malcolm Muggeridge: Michael O’Donnell Konstantin Umansky: Wojciech Urbański …: Martin Hugh Henley …: Cara Chase …: Sabrina John …: Piotr Szostak …: Alexander Bozhko …: Oleh Kyryliv …: Roman Skorovskyi …: Serhii Bachyk …: Anton Andriushchenko …: Alexandr Markin …: Marcin Masecki …: Jan Młynarski …: Jerzy Rogiewicz …: Hanna Turnau …: Mikhail Klymchenko …: Richard Elfyn …: Olexa Gorodenko Film Crew: Director: Agnieszka Holland Original Music Composer: Antoni Łazarkiewicz Line Producer: Pam Roberts Production Sound Mixer: Marcin Matlak Casting: Colin Jones Makeup Designer: Janusz Kaleja Set Decoration: Robert Wischhusen-Hayes Costume Design: Halyna Otenko Casting Director: Magdalena Szwarcbart Casting Associate: Toby Spigel Costume Design: Ola Staszko Art Direction: Fiona Gavin Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Filip Krzemień Co-Producer: Angus Lamont Editor: Michał Czarnecki Co-Producer: Yehor Olesov Still Photographer: Robert Pałka Set Decoration: Kinga Babczyńska Production Design: Grzegorz Piątkowski Executive Producer: Jeff Field Producer: Klaudia Śmieja-Rostworowska Associate Producer: Tomasz Karczewski Associate Producer: Marcin Piasecki Director of Photography: Tomasz Naumiuk Second Unit Director: Olga Chajdas Associate Producer: Jacek Kulczycki Co-Producer: Magdalena Zimecka Producer: Stanislaw Dziedzic Casting Director: Alla Samoilenko Location Manager: Viktor Shevchenko Special Effects Supervisor: Oleksandr Suvorov Assistant Editor: Krzysztof Korybut-Daszkiewicz Musician: Wojciech Kowalewski Production Coordinator: Shona Mackenzie Gaffer: Łukasz Głaszczka Best Boy Grip: Igor Słupecki Key Grip: Sebastian Frac Drone Cinematographer: Filip Jurzyk Producer: Andrea Chalupa Focus Puller: Zbigniew Gustowski Executive Producer: Leah Temerty Lord Associate Producer: Izabela Helbin Associate Producer: Patryk Tomiczek Line Producer: Bogna Szewczyk-Skupień Boom Operator: Rafał Lenart Sound Supervisor: Wojciech Mielimąka Set Decoration: Paulina Korwin-Kochanowska Music Consultant: Paweł Juzwuk Script Supervisor: Karolina Foltyn VFX Supervisor: Michal Konwicki VFX Supervisor: Franciszek Jankowski Special Effects Technician: Roy Murfin Drone Cinematographer: Marcin Kukla Electrician: Mateusz Dybiec Electrician: Maciej Konopczynski Electrician: Michał Marciniak Electrician: Bartlomiej Modrak Electrician: Rafal Seraj Electrician: Mariusz Sojak Electrician: Marcin Szychowski Electrician: Bartosz Szymaniak First Assistant Camera: Maksim Najdienow First Assistant Camera: Pavel Alekseyenko Steadicam Operator: Bogdan Ruslan Techno Crane Operator: January Jarnot Techno Crane Operator: Maciej Jarnot Makeup & Hair: Stanislaw Dolinski Makeup & Hair: Błażej Pintara Construction Foreman: Marcin Nosal Construction Manager: Andrey Gontar Construction Manager: Ryszard Idzik Graphic Designer: Marta Artyfikiewicz Graphic Designer: Dorota Pabel Graphic Designer: Maria Wilk Casting Assistant: Nataliya Gordey Extra...
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rivetstypes · 2 months
Using A.I. in influencer marketing for 2024
One of the most powerful strategies for brands to engage with their target audiences in a genuine way is influencer marketing, and it has become particularly strong among them in today's digital age. Influencer marketing and its scope have grown far beyond the early days, characterized by celebrities or big-figure endorsements. Popping up in the social media feeds are these influencers who have built their own significant followings and brand influence with levels of trust & engagement that traditional advertising can only wish to replicate.
Influencer marketing has come a long way, from its roots in exclusively cutting celebrity endorsements to targeted niche markets with micro-influencers and even nano-influencers. The democratization of influence means that all brands can now access thousands, or even millions (thousands hopefully), highly engaged communities who are interested in their products. The proliferation of social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube has multiplied the scale on which influencer collaborations can reach out fermenting when influencers collaborate.
Keeping up in this changing landscape means more than using influencers - it means leveraging new technology that can automate and improve marketing strategies for you. By far, the biggest supporters of this progression are none other than Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), which has taken over how brands seek out, connect with, and evaluate influencer marketing. This ability to extract a more intimate understanding of what customers enjoy - applying this knowledge directly and specifically in crafting better, smarter content that speaks on a real level with the core demographics they target is one premier way A.I. can be employed to assist marketers today.
The role of rising A.I. in your influencer marketing strategy is an equal factor. As the consumer landscape shifts in response to the ongoing drumbeat of technological developments, brands that are slow off of their feet risk getting left behind. Artificial intelligence has an enormous role in the process of running influencer campaigns, not only through optimizing both efficiency and efficacy but also by allowing marketers to make data-driven decisions that result in quantifiable return on investment (R.O.I.). With AI, marketing can be managed quickly and effectively, from influencer discovery to content optimization and performance analytics.
The next sections will continue with the various ways in which A.I. is changing influencer marketing in 2024. We look at the tools and technologies that are changing this industry as well as practical advice on how to put these solutions into play, covering topics including ethics - both natural language processing (N.L.P.) model evaluation insight from Kedian Lu of Personal A.I. Ethics Consulting L.L.C. - new developments like B.E.R.T. faces bias in word embeddings.
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Whether you are a seasoned marketer or new to influencer marketing, A.I. has the power to take your brand one step closer to long-term digital success. In our next piece, learn about how A.I. transforms influencer marketing landscapes and gain actionable insights to bring your strategies into new dive deeps.
This introduction gives us the context we need - a journey of influencer marketing over time and by doing so, free tells me in three words where A.I. is taking things next. It also sets up the reader for our deep dive into every way A.I. will change influencer marketing strategies in upcoming sections.
I. The Impact on Influencer Marketing
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) has significantly transformed how influencer marketing works, enabling brands to gain actionable data insights and further improve their overall marketing approach by utilizing automation in artificial intelligence. When speaking about AI in influencer marketing, we are talking about machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics that have been developed to help streamline processes, optimize content creation as well and ensure maximum effectiveness of brand/influencer collaboration efforts.
Definition and basic concepts
Fundamentally, A.I. in influencer marketing is about implementing sophisticated algorithms to sift through huge amounts of data for detecting trends and making predictions towards ordering decision-making processes. Marketers are then able to use this data within their ad buying processes effectively, applying learned insights from patterns explicit in consumer behavior down through influencer performance metrics and content engagement.
A.I. application in marketing
A.I. is used in many aspects of influencer marketing
Community Management: A.I. can organize and respond to tens of thousands of messages instantly across hundreds or thousands – there is no scale too big (or small) for a social media chatbot influencer. Discovery: Find influencers that share the same target audience as your brand with millions upon millions of social profiles analyzed by machine learning-powered algorithms.
Content Optimization: A.I. can determine when and what type of content (i.e. video, image, story) to post based on audience engagement data including predictive analytics which predict the types of posts or content that will best resonate with specific customer segments.
Performance Analytics: A.I. powers real-time campaign performance monitoring — engagement metrics, reach sentiment analysis, and R.O.I. with actionable insights. That enables marketers to alter strategies on the fly and ensure they get full value from their campaigns.
Adaptation: A.I. can help to adapt influencer campaigns by customizing the content and messaging as per the preference of different audience segments. This level of personalization improves interaction and forges relationships between brands and their customers.
Part 2: Advantages of A.I. in Influencer Marketing
Enhanced Influencer Discovery
Influencers in Search: AI-Powered Tools (Free Test)
With the limitless world of social media at our fingertips, it can sometimes resemble searching for a needle in a haystack when finding just the right influencer to represent your brand. This is definitely where AI-powered tools help. These utilities use very intelligent algorithms to crunch so much data and do all the heavy lifting in influencer discovery faster, making it easier and easier to identify authentic influencers.
Key Benefits:
Data-driven insights: A.I. tools analyze follower demographics, engagement rates, and content relevance to offer a comprehensive view of the potential influencer.
Efficiency: Less time on manual searches and vetting.
Precision: A.I. can help you find influencers that are not only popular but also resonate well with your target audience. Popular AI-Powered platforms.
Improved Audience Targeting
How A.I. Helps to Identify and Target Specific Audience Segments
The Focus Behind an influencer’s market fits on what influenced their followers. A.I. benefits audience targeting by using vast data to pinpoint certain segments that are more agreeable to your brand.
Demographic analysis- age, gender, location, interests.
Behavioural insights- past engagements and behaviours.
Sentiment analysis- understanding consumer feelings based on their comments and engagements.
Case study
For example, a beauty brand used AI-powered audience targeting to introduce a new skincare product. After analyzing massive amounts of social media data, the company discovered that women aged 25 to 35 are interested in their health and skin, browsing skincare topics and posting regularly on various platforms. The brand then used influencers who had the same audience, giving a 30% growth in engagement and 20% in sales in the first month.
Content optimization to Analyses and Optimize Influencer Content.
Content suitable for the audience is the cornerstone of influencer marketing success. Therefore, A.I. could help in analysing and optimizing such content:
Content Analysis:
Tools: Performance Measurement and Analytics
Real-Time Data: A.I. tools provide real-time analytics so that marketers can keep track of the performance of their campaigns as they run.
Predictive Analytics: A.I. can analyze the data fed in and then predict what could be happening in the future, thus making better planning by marketers.
Extensive tracking: A.I. analytics solutions monitor a slew of metrics such as engagement rates, reach, impressions, and conversions (R.O.I.).
Integrating A.I. into influencer marketing can not only help brands discover the right influencers but also target correct audience demographics and streamline content creation as well, measuring campaign performances more precisely. So it is soon that A.I. becomes a lifeline to outperform others in the tough competition of influencer marketing trends 2024.
3: How to Introduce A.I. into influencer marketing
Defining Targets and Goals
Clear Objectives Of Influencer Marketing Campaigns
Understanding Your Campaign Goals Prior to entering the realm of AI and influencer marketing, it is important that you define what a successful campaign looks like. A defined roadmap allows you to apply reasonable metrics to what is being done and determines alignment with your overall business strategy.
Key Steps to Setting Goals:
Define Your Purpose: Want to drive brand impressions?
Are you looking to increase traffic to your website?
Do you want to increase your sales and conversions?
Make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T. - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.
Specific - Define clearly exactly what you want to achieve.
Make it measurable: It is important that your goals can actually be measured.
Realistic: Set targets that you can meet with available resources and in the given timeframe.
Read more: How to line up your targets with business goals
Set a deadline: When do you want to achieve your goals?
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Likes, Comments, And Shares (engagement rates). Reach and impressions.
Click-through rates, conversion to sales.
Return on investment (R.O.I.)
Focus on the Goals of A.I. Tools
After setting your goals, the next step in A.I. is to line up relevant tools with these objectives. By using the most effective available A.I., you can receive deep insights that speed up your operations and make a big difference in the effectiveness of any influencer marketing campaign.
Aligning A.I. Tools:
A.I.-driven tools that give you an insight into very specific demographic and audience behavior so that your campaigns are on the same line.
Content Optimization - Select A.I. tools; they can analyze and help optimize your content for improved engagement.
Metrics: AI-based metrics platforms may be used for an analysis of performance vis-a-vis KPIs on campaigns.
Choosing the Right A.I. Tools
Choosing the best A.I. tools can be instrumental in running effective influencer marketing campaigns. Here is a list of factors to be considered:
Are there some features that the tool offers that are beneficial for your campaign goals?
Does it scale to your influencer marketing?
Ease of Use: Can the directions be easily understood? Is it difficult to train your team?
Integration: Is the tool able to work as an extension of your current marketing platforms and flow? Is there support for data syncing to other tools?
Scalability: Is the tool able to scale with you and adapt to meet your business at increasing times? You can customize text fields as per your needs.
Customer Support: However, there is reliable customer service support.
Tech Documentations & Tutorials - If you are willing to learn on your own, documentation and tutorials would be a big help.
New AI Tool Training for Team Members
Including A.I. instruments inside your influencer advertising system implies that some preparation should be undertaken to enable the group to utilize this product more efficiently.
Steps for Training:
Initial Training Sessions:
Handle end-to-end training sessions, subjecting team members to the new A.I. tools.
Use a lot of hands-on demonstrations and practice.
Ongoing Education:
Create webinars, sessions, and courses to learn a little every day or week. It will help encourage the team to keep learning about everything happening in A.I. and influencer marketing.
Support and Resources:
Documentation / F.A.Q.s and Support Forums
Make sure that there is a particular person for any of your tool enquiries or problem.
This framework provides a guidebook to incorporating A.I. solutions into current marketing operations.
Make them work within your workflows. To get the most out of A.I. integrated marketing tools, make sure they work seamlessly with what you already have.
Integration Strategies:
Evaluate Current Processes:
Examine existing marketing workflows to expose where A.I. tools can be added. Identify opportunities where A.I. could improve efficiency and effectiveness.
Streamline Data Flow:
Integrate data easily between different tools and platforms.
Leverage APIs and integrations to keep data in sync or automate processes.
Monitor and Adjust:
Continuously check the integration process to recognize if there are any issues or enhancements needed.
Streamline workflows, if necessary, to make the best use of A.I. tools.
Continuous Optimization
Monitoring and Optimization of the AI-Operated Campaigns
The key to a successful AI-driven influencer marketing campaign is ongoing optimization. Tracking performance on a routine basis and making data-driven adjustments would help in improving campaign results.
Continuous Optimisation process steps
Regular Monitoring:
Track campaign performance in real-time with AI-driven analytics tools.
Pay attention to main statistics such as engagement rates, reach, and conversions.
Data Analysis:
Interpret data to reveal trends, patterns, and insights. This information can help you take effective and data-driven actions to change your campaigns.
Iterative Improvements:
Apply to make necessary changes based on data analytics insights.
It is used to do experiments with different strategies and methods of building your data set.
Feedback Loop:
Create a feedback loop to seek input from team members and stakeholders.
Take that feedback and integrate it back in, making sure your influencer marketing strategy is continually learning & adapting.
The correct strategies can help you implement A.I. in your influencer marketing campaigns such that they allow the best use of all capabilities of A.I. tools to meet your Marketing objectives.
What Future Holds for A.I. Convergence and Influencer Marketing?
Emerging Technologies
Upcoming A.I. Technologies
Here are a few emerging technologies that promise to disrupt the influencer marketing space as A.I. evolves. It will bring about the power and possibility of marketers being able to refine their efforts like they never were before, taking them even further with this new world.
New A.I. Technologies:
1. NLP and Sentiment Analysis
Improve N.L.P. Algorithms: Better algorithms deliver a greater understanding of what influencer content communicates to the audience. Each one will help brands grasp the natural language and sentiment of social media posts that can support more authentic, resourceful partnerships.
Sentiment Analysis: This area will also benefit from more sophisticated sentiment analysis tools, providing marketers with real-time input for audience reactions so they can make course corrections on the fly.
2. AI-Generated Content:
Automated content publishing: the creation of AI-enabled tools that can write better equal to most humans, not just text but images and videos as well. It also helps simplify content creation and maintain a steady message amongst campaigns.
Personalization -A.I. will allow customization of content for specific audience segments, creating more personalized experiences and visualizations.
3. Improved Image and Video Recognition
Visual Analysis: A.I. technologies will enhance their ability to visual analysis by identifying elements like brand logos, product placements, and user-created content. It will give you more profound insights into the visual side of influencer marketing.
Augmented Reality (A.R.) and Virtual Reality (V.R.): AI-enabled AR / VR experiences will lead to richer, more engaging consumer interactions - creating unique campaign cheers!
What It Could Mean For Influencer Marketing
Such an incorporation of new technologies related to artificial intelligence will result in a number of major changes in influencer marketing.
Greater Accuracy: Reports will be more informative and cause less confusion, allowing brands to properly target their audience with the correct information in campaigns.
Increased Efficiency: The automation of content creation and sentiment analysis will create a more efficient workflow, saving time and resources that will be used to execute successful campaigns.
In turn, the custom and interactive content material will lead to better engagement rates for manufacturers, resulting in a stronger connection each brand has with its customers.
Higher R.O.I : Accurate measurement and real-time optimization of campaigns will to better use of marketing budgets, leading to higher returns across the board.
Top Predictions from Experts on How AI Will Influence the Future of Influencer Marketing
A.I. is seen as a key driver in transforming the face of influencer marketing, and experts suggest that this trend will continue into 2018, creating all-new experiences for brands to engage with influencers and their audiences. While AI tools may not claim omnipresence within networks like Instagram quite yet, they are increasingly being used by companies such as Unilever to build capabilities directly.
Key Predictions:
1. Hyper-Personalization:
The ability of A.I. to deliver hyper-personalized experiences will give Marketers power over every consumer independently. A.I. tools empower influencers to curate content specifically for their followers, increasing engagement and brand affinity.
2. Data-Driven Decision Making:
The role of DATA in influencer marketing will have its glory days! Artificial intelligence will offer more in-depth insights into audience behaviour and content performance that will enable brands to better understand what works. It should empower smarter decision-making by allowing for day-to-day continuous optimization of strategies.
3. Virtual Assistants for Influencers: Orchestrating Controlled Realism: Virtual influencers and AI-driven avatars will be deployed in more campaigns. These AI-powered, digital personas will uniquely interact with audiences and introduce new pathways for brand partnerships.
Challenges and Opportunities Anticipated
So, while the future of A.I. in influencer marketing looms large and bright, it too delivers some major challenges for marketers to navigate:
Challenges: Data Privacy-With AI collecting and analysing huge amounts of data, ensuring the privacy & security of its collection so as to protect user information will be critical. The data-centric nature of the platform will also ensure marketers are compliant with legislation and using robust privacy measures.
It is hard to keep AI-generated content authentic without it revealing algorithms or fake, and virtual influencers can also bring up concerns about ethics around product endorsement A.I may promote it. The challenge for brands will be to innovate without compromising on their morals if they want audiences to trust them.
Skill Gaps: A.I. technologies are rapidly advancing, and marketing teams may not have the expertise to keep up. Marketers will need to invest in ongoing training and education for both existing and new tools.
Opportunities: Innovation: A.I. in influencer marketing will drive innovation as it would provide brands with more ways to experiment and engage creatively.
Scalability: A.I. will make it easier to scale influencer marketing efforts - power your brand with the ability to handle larger, more complicated campaigns in a highly efficient way.
Advantage: Businesses that roll out AI-powered decision-making tools for influencers early on will be among the frontrunners in this new aspect of influencer marketing.
Recap of Key Points
In this blog post, we have discussed insights into how A.I. is drastically changing influencer marketing, starting from better discovery of influencers to more accurate audience targeting and content optimization up to performance measurement. We have covered the newest A.I. tools and platforms, fundamentals of integrating A.I. in influencer marketing, strategies for using artificial intelligence to create influence and future trends/predictions. It is always better to take consultation from billboard advertising agency like mark my ad to conduct such marketing.
Call to Action
With 2024 and beyond just starting, it is important for marketers to fully adopt A.I. tools and technologies in order not be left out. Take full advantage of the available AI-powered solutions, try and test new methods regularly, and keep testing your influencer marketing strategies to achieve the desired results.
Final Thoughts
Influencer marketing is an incredibly fast-moving industry, with new technology constantly pushing the boundaries of what makes it successful and best practices moving just as rapidly. You need to commit yourself to continuous learning and imbibing change ahead of these trends. With the help of A.I., brands can have a better shot at ensuring their influencer marketing is most effective and that they influence the audience base more efficiently to drive success in an only-getting-more-digital-and-connected world.
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isbconsultant · 4 months
Perbedaan Sistem Pajak Penghasilan di Berbagai Negara
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Pajak penghasilan adalah salah satu sumber pendapatan pemerintah yang paling penting di seluruh dunia. Setiap negara memiliki sistem pajak penghasilan yang berbeda, mencerminkan nilai, norma, dan kondisi ekonomi yang beragam. Pada artikel ini, kita akan menjelajahi perbedaan sistem pajak penghasilan di berbagai negara, membahas jenis-jenis sistem pajak, tarif pajak, serta implikasi ekonomi dan sosial dari perbedaan-perbedaan ini.
Sistem Pajak Penghasilan Progresif vs Pajak Flat
Salah satu perbedaan mendasar dalam sistem pajak penghasilan di berbagai negara adalah apakah sistemnya progresif atau flat. Pajak penghasilan progresif adalah sistem di mana tarif pajak meningkat seiring meningkatnya pendapatan individu. Semakin tinggi pendapatan seseorang, semakin tinggi pula tarif pajak yang harus mereka bayar. Pajak penghasilan progresif bertujuan untuk menciptakan keseimbangan sosial dengan mengurangi kesenjangan antara golongan kaya dan miskin. Di sisi lain, pajak penghasilan flat adalah sistem di mana tarif pajak tetap sama untuk semua tingkat pendapatan. Dalam sistem ini, setiap orang, terlepas dari jumlah pendapatan mereka, dikenakan tarif pajak yang sama. Negara-negara seperti Singapura dan beberapa negara dengan ekonomi berkembang menerapkan pajak penghasilan flat untuk mempertahankan daya saing dan menarik investasi.
Tarif Pajak Penghasilan
Tarif pajak penghasilan juga bervariasi secara signifikan di antara negara-negara. Negara-negara dengan tarif pajak tinggi cenderung memiliki pendapatan fiskal yang lebih besar, tetapi dapat mempengaruhi insentif bagi warga negara untuk berusaha lebih keras atau meningkatkan mobilitas tenaga kerja. Beberapa negara seperti Swedia dan Denmark menerapkan tarif pajak yang relatif tinggi, terutama untuk warga dengan pendapatan tinggi, dalam rangka menyediakan layanan sosial dan kesejahteraan yang luas bagi seluruh populasi mereka. Di sisi lain, negara-negara seperti Uni Emirat Arab dan Hong Kong menawarkan tarif pajak yang rendah atau bahkan tidak ada tarif pajak penghasilan sama sekali, untuk menarik investor dan bisnis ke negara mereka. Dalam menghadapi kompleksitas peraturan pajak penghasilan, ISB Consultant sebagai akuntan bersertifikasi menawarkan jasa konsultan pajak Surabaya yang dapat membantu klien mengoptimalkan kewajiban pajak dan memastikan kepatuhan perpajakan. Dengan pengalaman luas dan pemahaman mendalam tentang sistem pajak penghasilan, tim ISB Consultant siap membantu masyarakat dan bisnis meraih manfaat maksimal dari peraturan pajak yang berlaku.
Perlakuan terhadap Pendapatan Tambahan
Perlakuan terhadap jenis-jenis pendapatan tambahan juga bervariasi di berbagai negara. Beberapa negara mungkin memberikan insentif khusus atau tarif pajak yang lebih rendah untuk pendapatan dari sumber-sumber tertentu, seperti dividen, bunga bank, atau capital gain. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mendorong investasi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Contohnya, negara-negara seperti Amerika Serikat memberlakukan tarif pajak lebih rendah untuk capital gain, yang merupakan keuntungan dari penjualan aset seperti saham atau properti, dibandingkan dengan pendapatan biasa. Di sisi lain, negara-negara lain mungkin memperlakukan semua jenis pendapatan dengan cara yang sama, tanpa membedakan sumber pendapatannya.
Pajak Penghasilan dan Pekerja Asing
Beberapa negara memiliki perbedaan signifikan dalam cara mereka memperlakukan pajak penghasilan bagi pekerja asing. Negara-negara tertentu mungkin menawarkan insentif pajak khusus bagi para ekspatriat untuk menarik tenaga kerja asing yang terampil dan mengisi kekurangan tenaga kerja di sektor-sektor tertentu. Misalnya, beberapa negara di Timur Tengah memiliki kebijakan "tax-free" atau pajak penghasilan yang sangat rendah bagi pekerja asing untuk menarik para profesional dari seluruh dunia. Di sisi lain, negara-negara dengan kebijakan imigrasi ketat mungkin menerapkan pajak penghasilan yang sama untuk semua pekerja, termasuk warga negara dan pekerja asing.
Pajak Penghasilan dan Peluang Investasi
Perbedaan dalam sistem pajak penghasilan juga dapat mempengaruhi peluang investasi di suatu negara. Negara-negara dengan tarif pajak yang tinggi mungkin kurang menarik bagi investor, terutama bagi mereka yang mencari untuk mengoptimalkan laba bersih mereka. Sebaliknya, negara-negara dengan tarif pajak rendah atau kebijakan insentif pajak khusus dapat menarik investor dan membantu meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Namun, penting untuk dicatat bahwa tarif pajak yang rendah bukan satu-satunya faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan investasi. Stabilitas politik, infrastruktur, kebijakan ekonomi, dan lingkungan bisnis keseluruhan juga berperan penting dalam menentukan daya tarik suatu negara bagi investor.
Administrasi dan Kepatuhan Pajak
Selain perbedaan dalam tarif dan struktur pajak, negara-negara juga dapat memiliki perbedaan dalam administrasi dan tingkat kepatuhan pajak. Sistem perpajakan yang kompleks dan birokrasi yang rumit dapat menghambat kepatuhan pajak, menyebabkan potensi pendapatan yang hilang bagi pemerintah. Beberapa negara telah berhasil menciptakan sistem perpajakan yang efisien dan sederhana, yang meningkatkan kepatuhan warga negara dalam membayar pajak. Di sisi lain, negara-negara dengan tingkat kepatuhan pajak rendah mungkin harus melakukan upaya lebih besar untuk memperbaiki administrasi perpajakan mereka dan mengurangi tingkat penghindaran pajak. Perbedaan sistem pajak penghasilan di berbagai negara mencerminkan kompleksitas dan keragaman sistem perpajakan global. Sistem pajak progresif vs flat, tarif pajak, perlakuan terhadap jenis-jenis pendapatan tambahan, pajak bagi pekerja asing, dan implikasi ekonomi dan sosialnya, semuanya menjadi pertimbangan penting bagi setiap negara dalam menetapkan kebijakan pajak mereka. Pemahaman tentang perbedaan ini dapat membantu para pengambil keputusan kebijakan, warga negara, dan pelaku bisnis untuk memahami dampak dari sistem perpajakan yang berbeda dan membuka diskusi tentang cara meningkatkan efisiensi, keadilan, dan kepatuhan pajak secara keseluruhan. Penting untuk diingat bahwa perubahan dalam kebijakan perpajakan harus didasarkan pada analisis yang cermat dan kajian mendalam terhadap kondisi ekonomi dan sosial di suatu negara. Tujuan akhir dari perbedaan dalam sistem pajak penghasilan di berbagai negara adalah menciptakan sistem perpajakan yang adil, berkelanjutan, dan dapat mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan bagi seluruh masyarakat. Read the full article
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maksimconsultant · 14 days
Discover the essential steps to start a company in India with Maksim Consulting. Expert guidance to ensure a smooth startup registration process. Call us.
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trusttaxconsultant · 4 months
7 Kabupaten Ini Tetapkan Pajak Hiburan 75%
Pajak Barang Jasa Tertentu (PBJT) dengan tarif minimum 40% hingga maksimal 75% bagi industri hiburan, seperti karaoke, spa, dan kelab malam, telah menjadi sorotan dalam beberapa waktu terakhir. Kebijakan ini, yang diterapkan berdasarkan Undang-Undang Hubungan Keuangan antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah (UU HKPD), menciptakan gelombang keluhan dari pelaku usaha dan mendapat perhatian dari berbagai kalangan, termasuk publik figur seperti Hotman Paris dan Inul Daratista.
Latar Belakang Peningkatan Tarif Pajak
Direktur Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi Daerah Direktorat Jenderal Perimbangan Keuangan (DJPK) Kementerian Keuangan, Lidya Kurinawati, menjelaskan bahwa kebijakan ini diambil dengan pertimbangan khusus. Menurutnya, tarif minimum 40% didasarkan pada pemikiran bahwa jasa hiburan tertentu hanya dinikmati oleh sejumlah kelas tertentu di masyarakat. Meskipun hal ini menciptakan ketidakpuasan di kalangan pebisnis, pihak berwenang berpendapat bahwa langkah ini diperlukan untuk meningkatkan penerimaan pajak daerah.
Objek PBJT dan Tarif yang Berlaku
Jasa hiburan tertentu yang termasuk dalam objek PBJT dengan tarif minimum 40% dan maksimal 75% meliputi karaoke, diskotek, kelab malam, mandi uap/spa, dan bar. Sebelumnya, dalam Undang-Undang Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi Daerah (PDRD), batas maksimal tarif pajak hanya mencapai 75% tanpa menyebutkan batas minimum. Hal ini menandakan adanya perubahan signifikan dalam pendekatan peraturan pajak terhadap sektor hiburan.
Implementasi di Tingkat Daerah
Beberapa kabupaten telah memutuskan untuk menerapkan tarif maksimal 75% sebelum adanya protes dari beberapa pihak, termasuk pengacara terkenal Hotman Paris dan penyanyi Inul Daratista. Kabupaten-kabupaten tersebut antara lain: - Kabupaten Siak - Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu - Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur - Kabupaten Belitung Timur - Kabupaten Grobokan - Kabupaten Lebak - Kota Tual Menurut Lidya Kurinawati, rancangan peraturan daerah (Perda) di daerah-daerah tersebut telah mengalami kenaikan tarif hingga 75%. Dalam konferensi pers di kantor pusat Kementerian Keuangan, Lidya menyebutkan bahwa kebijakan ini sejalan dengan implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2009 (UU PDRD) yang sebelumnya telah memberikan kewenangan daerah untuk menetapkan tarif hingga 75%.
Kritik dan Keluhan dari Pelaku Usaha
Peningkatan tarif pajak ini mendapat tanggapan keras dari pelaku usaha di sektor hiburan. Beberapa pengusaha karaoke, spa, dan kelab malam mengungkapkan ketidakpuasan mereka terhadap kebijakan ini, menyebutnya sebagai beban tambahan dalam kondisi ekonomi yang sulit akibat pandemi. Hotman Paris, seorang pengacara yang dikenal sebagai advokat bisnis, turut angkat bicara melalui media sosial untuk menyuarakan ketidaksetujuannya terhadap kebijakan ini. Inul Daratista, pemilik tempat karaoke Inul Vizta dan penyanyi terkenal, juga menyuarakan keprihatinannya terhadap dampak kebijakan ini terhadap industri hiburan. Menurutnya, langkah ini dapat merugikan pelaku usaha di sektor hiburan dan bahkan berpotensi menutup sejumlah tempat hiburan yang sudah terdampak pandemi COVID-19. Dengan senang hati, kami mengajak Anda untuk mencoba layanan konsultan pajak terkemuka di Semarang melalui https://trusttaxconsultant.id/konsultan-pajak-semarang/. Dalam menghadapi tantangan naiknya pajak hiburan, tidak ada salahnya untuk memiliki mitra yang kompeten dan terpercaya. Trust Tax Consultant menyediakan bimbingan ahli untuk mengoptimalkan kewajiban pajak Anda secara efisien dan legal.
Perspektif Pemerintah dan Pertimbangan Kebijakan
Lidya Kurinawati, sebagai direktur yang terkait langsung dengan perpajakan daerah, mempertahankan kebijakan tersebut dengan menyatakan bahwa jasa hiburan khusus atau tertentu seharusnya dikenakan tarif pajak lebih tinggi. Menurutnya, jasa hiburan tersebut hanya dinikmati oleh masyarakat tertentu dan bukan oleh masyarakat umum. Oleh karena itu, tarif pajak yang lebih tinggi dianggap sebagai bentuk kontribusi dari mereka yang menikmati jasa hiburan tersebut. Pemerintah daerah yang telah menerapkan tarif pajak hiburan sebesar 75% juga mengklaim bahwa kebijakan ini bukanlah hal baru. Lidya mencatat bahwa sebelum adanya UU HKPD, sebanyak 177 daerah sudah menerapkan tarif pajak hiburan pada rentang 40-75% sesuai dengan UU PDRD yang sebelumnya berlaku.
Perbandingan dengan UU PDRD yang Lama
Sebelum adanya UU HKPD, UU PDRD tidak menyebutkan batas minimum tarif pajak hiburan, melainkan hanya menetapkan batas maksimal 75%. Perubahan ini menciptakan kejelasan lebih lanjut dalam peraturan perpajakan daerah, terutama dalam menetapkan batas minimum yang sebelumnya tidak diatur secara spesifik. Lidya menegaskan bahwa keputusan pembahasan di DPR terkait dengan peningkatan tarif pajak ini sudah mempertimbangkan praktik pemungutan di beberapa daerah yang sebelumnya telah menerapkan tarif 40% dengan dasar UU 28/2009. Oleh karena itu, kebijakan ini dianggap sebagai kelanjutan dan penegasan terhadap praktik yang sudah berlangsung.
Implementasi Tarif Menurut UU HKPD
Pada konferensi pers, Lidya menyebutkan bahwa sejumlah daerah yang menerapkan tarif sesuai UU HKPD telah menetapkan tarif berdasarkan kategori tertentu. Dari data DJPK, daerah-daerah tersebut menetapkan tarif kisaran 40-50% untuk 36 daerah, 50-60% untuk 67 daerah, 60-70% untuk 16 daerah, dan 70-75% untuk 58 daerah. Menurut Lidya, hal ini mencerminkan variasi tarif yang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik masyarakat dan tingkat konsumsi jasa hiburan di masing-masing daerah. Meskipun demikian, implementasi tarif pajak hiburan ini tetap menuai kontroversi dan kritik dari sejumlah pihak yang merasa kebijakan ini memberatkan pelaku usaha di sektor hiburan.
Pajak Hiburan dalam Perspektif Ekonomi
Dari perspektif ekonomi, kebijakan peningkatan tarif pajak hiburan ini memiliki pro dan kontra. Di satu sisi, pemerintah daerah berharap dapat meningkatkan penerimaan pajak untuk mendukung pembangunan dan layanan publik. Di sisi lain, pelaku usaha di sektor hiburan merasa beban pajak yang semakin tinggi dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bisnis mereka, terutama dalam menghadapi kondisi ekonomi yang belum pulih sepenuhnya akibat pandemi. Beberapa ekonom berpendapat bahwa peningkatan tarif pajak ini seharusnya disertai dengan langkah-langkah lain yang mendukung pertumbuhan sektor hiburan, seperti insentif pajak untuk investasi dan pengembangan infrastruktur pendukung. Dengan demikian, dampak negatif terhadap industri hiburan dapat diminimalkan, dan penerimaan pajak dapat tetap meningkat. Kesimpulan Peningkatan tarif pajak hiburan menjadi perbincangan hangat di kalangan pelaku usaha dan masyarakat pada umumnya. Meskipun dihadapkan pada kontroversi, pemerintah daerah yang telah menerapkan tarif maksimal 75% berargumen bahwa kebijakan ini merupakan langkah yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan penerimaan pajak dari sektor hiburan. Penting untuk memahami bahwa perubahan kebijakan ini juga mencerminkan dinamika perpajakan daerah yang terus beradaptasi dengan perkembangan sosial dan ekonomi. Bagaimanapun, penting bagi pemerintah untuk tetap memperhatikan dampak ekonomi dan sosial dari kebijakan ini, serta mencari solusi yang seimbang agar pertumbuhan sektor hiburan tetap berkelanjutan. Dalam konteks ini, dialog dan kolaborasi antara pemerintah dan pelaku usaha menjadi kunci untuk mencapai kesepakatan yang menguntungkan semua pihak. Read the full article
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maksimconsultinggroup · 7 months
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training-motivasi · 11 months
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- 0878-3615-2078 (Ibu Dini)
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- 0895-1481-0211 (Bapak Muchtar)
- Jl. Rawamangun Muka Raya, No. 5, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur.
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