makoredeyes · 3 months
Just spent the last month or so working on this. Nothing in these photos impress the scale of this thing but it’s like 10” tall it took me days just to get the base colors on. And as you can see then I went just a apeshit putting more and more color because WHEEEEEE directional lighting! Statue blank was a birthday gift but while I know where it came from not gonna share this time bc the dude was a pain in the ass to my poor husband for a solid month. Bummer bc the print was beautiful 😩
Anyway have yourselves a Saint in technicolor.
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makoredeyes · 5 months
I got asked to do some warsat emoji for a server but first I had to get THIS out of my system.
Nuts and bolts added courtesy of Val’s suggestion ❤️
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makoredeyes · 6 months
Had no one thought of this yet? :3
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First time drawing Saint with any degree of seriousness. First time drawing a DeLorean too tbh. Will probably post just the car on its own later because I busted my ass on that puppy (and it’s freaking awesome)
((Another repost rescue of previously search-blocked art))
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makoredeyes · 6 months
“What’s your name?”
“You gave me a name. What’s yours?”
“I haven’t thought about it.”
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The first few entries of The Liar are so painful, and Fel sitting there with his head on his knees just kills me… but then he picks up and fucking trolls Felspring into orbit bless him. I always got the feeling he didn’t like her naming him and that the matching name was revenge. And whaddaya know, she doesn’t like it either. Cx
I started this one quite a while ago and it’s been sitting here demanding attention that I really wanted to give it, but I guess Felwinter’s apathy sank into the page a bit because it took over a month? Idk. Finally done tho 💜
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makoredeyes · 2 months
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Pick(axe) Your Battles >.>
Ya'll this started from a joke. Starting to see that Warlock chest piece from the Warlord's Ruin dungeon getting to be kind of popular as a reference item for Felwinter (which is correct and good the man deserves to be draped in furs) but you always see that kind of goofy climbing or ice pick that comes attached vanish. But no, I say let the man keep it he'd use it, but maybe not always for it's intended use HEH.
I definitely see Felwinter as the resourceful type that will have his standard kit that he keeps with him, sure, but will 10000% pick up a crow bar (or an ice pick, or an old steering wheel, or a fucking brick...) and fight with it if that's what's hand, and he'll freaking win with it, too.
The Nova Bomb is just insult to injury :3
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makoredeyes · 3 months
Lie in Peace
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Think I’ve put an easy 50 hours or more into this this was the most beastly test of my extremely poor patience but damn it I did it.
The flowers are chrysanthemums, edelweiss, and a single black dahlia EDIT: someone asked about the flowers so here are the meanings, in short. (I didn't get very subtle with them lol) White Chrysanthemums: death and mourning, Truth Edelweiss: courage and devotion Black Dahlias: betrayal, deception. Lies
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makoredeyes · 2 months
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More and more I’m enjoying depicting Timur abusing that Warlock Float and I’m not sorry. Solid ground does not suit him.
Gave myself a night off from all my usual routines, responsibilities, and goals to just sit and doodle, and this is what happened. Despite everything, joy remains.
Timur’s design, as always, borrowed from the unmatchable Sylenth-L
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makoredeyes · 4 months
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Damien’s not having it
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makoredeyes · 6 months
Reposting these too because I love them all and think they deserve more attention 💜 None of these are the original but I liked the design so much I couldn’t settle for just one when I had so many possible variations in mind.
(Not apologizing for the SIVA I think y’all know I like the pain by now. Splash damage is one of the risks of hanging around me. ❤️‍🔥)
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Also have a small test run of stickers being done of all 5 designs. If they don’t suck I might put a small batch up for sale if folks are interested keep an eye out. ❤️
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makoredeyes · 2 months
Felwinter but he slipped and fell down the mountain and ended up upside down with his helmet horns impaled in the snow incapable of getting out
You have the weirdest knack for getting me to speed-draw the dumbest stuff and I love it
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makoredeyes · 3 months
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The Feralwinter joke has come up in various conversation with readers etc several times lately and I realized that these don't show up in my art tag because I'd posted them before I fixed my tag visibility settings so I thought I'd just dump them all here at once. All this from a conversation with a number of folks on bluesky that somehow derailed into if I'm remembering right something like Rasputin abandoning Felwinter in a cardboard box for being too wild/unhousebroken XD ...in case any of you still had the silly impression I was sane X)
Edit: LMAOO I JUST now noticed I put the wrong year on my signature on one of them. XD This was right around January hahaha whupps.
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makoredeyes · 4 months
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Oopsies someone got carried away with the brawling
Little something I did for @vallaragna to embroider and try out an idea she has. Don’t think we’ll see this one in particular on stream too often but follow @vrcrafts for her other (very commonly Destiny) super cool embroideries and fiber art and streams. I’m usually chilling in chat trying not to get into too much trouble. We have a good time.
*(Stream later today, in fact :3 )
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makoredeyes · 6 months
Dave Attenborough voice: “and here we see a young Warlock attempting to woo a potential mate. He’d best be careful though. This one’s a loner, and will be quite tough to impress…”
Or; The universal experience of keeping up with Arc Users (TM)
*been a bit so mentioning again Timur’s handsome mug borrowed with explicit permission from the character design created by the incredible @/Sylenth-l here on tumblr and Twitter
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makoredeyes · 5 months
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For reasons I refuse to explain I might have said the words “leash Lord Felwinter” and then I blacked out.
(Somewhat shamefully) borrowing Sylenth’s character design for Felwinter again. 😅 (I’m sorry, but they’re canon in my head now and unfortunately I like taking characters and bullying them OML)
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makoredeyes · 16 days
Fooling around with some experimental designs that might turn into a tattoo someday.
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makoredeyes · 6 months
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