#Major Label Debut (Fast)
knchins · 2 years
Forget Me Too - Draken
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Summary:  As the lead singer of one of the most famous rock bands in all of Japan, not much can get under your skin like your arch-rival bassist Ken Ryuguji. Your world is set to implode when the two of you are locked in a room together.
Pairing: Draken x Reader
Reader Type: Fem/AFAB (she/her)
Rating: E+
Word Count: 4.5k
Kinktober Prompt: Hate Fucking + Dubcon
Collab: Backstage Pass
Warnings: Dubcon, some brief noncon thoughts, sexual harassment/misogyny (mentioned), alcohol consumption, Draken is a major asshole, reader is shorter than 185cm, locked in, name-calling, rough kissing, hate sex, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, choking/throat holding, rough sex, unsafe sex, creampie, noncon picture taking, no aftercare, angst/hurt (no comfort).
Kinktober Masterlist
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“It was announced today that two bands with the biggest rivalry in all of Japan are going on tour together! Tickets are expected to sell out fast so be sure to set your alarms! Stay tuned for the latest hits after a few messages from our sponsors!” 
You turned off the radio, not wanting to hear any more about the upcoming joint tour with your band and the band known as Toman. A sigh left your lips as you scribbled down song lyrics, trying to work on a new single to debut at the first show. You still couldn’t believe that your manager had agreed to do this. 
The two bands had risen to fame around the same time. Fighting for the spotlight had brewed bad blood between the two of you, and honestly, it was hard to pinpoint when exactly the rivalry started. The worst was between you, the lead singer for your band, and Draken the bass player for Toman. He knew exactly how to get under your skin while he seemed unfazed by almost everything you threw at him. It drove you absolutely insane how easy it was for him to make you mad but not vice versa. 
Some days you felt like a puppet and he was pulling your strings just to enjoy the show. It only made your disdain for him grow. 
Now you’d have to do press parties and fan expos with him. The manager of each band felt that it would be great for ticket and merch sales. As long as you all could play nice enough to survive the entire three-month world tour. 
Tonight the record label would be hosting a party and both bands were being forced to attend. Your stylist had already picked out your outfit for the evening and you eyed it in the corner, wondering if it would be enough to outshine whatever the boys of Toman were wearing. Thankfully being the only woman in both bands meant you had an advantage.
A few select fans that had won radio contests throughout the week would be in attendance as well. While you adored your fans, you also hoped that it wasn’t only Toman fans that had won. Toman fans were generally vile towards you, though your fans could be just as nasty to them. It was one thing that would drive ticket sales as they’d try to out-buy the other. 
You balled up the piece of paper you’d been scribbling words onto and threw it in the trash as you stood up, writers block could be such a bitch sometimes. 
At ten o’clock that night, you walked into the club that was hosting the party for the record label to celebrate the announcement of the big tour that was sure to make everyone richer. Your record and merch sales were already at an all-time high. You should be happy, but life on top wasn’t as fun when you had to share the limelight. 
The dress you wore accentuated your best features, clung to just the right parts of you, paired with the perfect hairstyle, and makeup you looked like a delicacy ready to be devoured. All eyes were on you, even members of Toman couldn’t help but catch a glance. All except for one infuriating bass player that looked indifferent to your immense beauty. 
Don’t let him get to you, you thought to yourself as you kept your head held high. You let one of the label executives kiss the back of your hand. You feigned interest, giggling at their dumb innuendo. You knew you were the only one that would have to do this stupid routine. The men in the room didn’t have to pretend to be flattered by the disgusting advances of old men. 
Your manager, who had quickly become one of your best and closest friends handed you a flute of champagne. She could already tell your nerves were being tested as she took attention away from you long enough for you to slip away with your drink. 
When you thought no one was looking, you downed the glass of alcohol in a few quick gulps. This was probably the worst part of stardom. While you were known for your bratty remarks and for being hard to work with, the reality was that you were just particular with how things were done and didn’t like sub-par work. You had made a lot of enemies in the music industry, not just from other bands but also from other labels that you had snubbed early in your career because you felt they weren’t good enough. 
They weren’t good enough. You had to claw your way to the top one grueling step at a time. The sexual harassment from people higher on the food chain, getting taken advantage of as a young girl just starting out and not knowing any better, and learning to play nice and be coy in all situations, was all incredibly hard work. You bled, sweat, and cried thousands of tears just to have your debut album be outshined by them. 
Jealous was unbecoming, something someone had told you at one point during your career. Who wouldn’t feel jealous? Did Manjiro Sano have to listen to jokes about him sucking off an executive's dick to get his name out there? Did Ken Ryuguji ever get told he fucked his way to the top and didn’t deserve the fame and notoriety? Did they have to deal with even an ounce of what you did on a daily basis? 
Now you felt like crying hot angry tears as you gave the glass to the passing waiter, who handed you a newly filled one in exchange. You drank this one more slowly as you noticed the fans coming in. Your eyes caught Draken’s, something smug hidden in the darkness of his irises. You hoped he couldn’t tell that you were upset, that was the last thing you needed, for him to call you a crybaby during his next interview with a big-name music magazine. 
A pair of teen girls ran up to you, looking both shy and excited to meet their idol. If only they knew what you had to go through to get here. Would they still want to be you? You smiled for a selfie, noting the bands on their wrists that marked that they were under 21 so that they wouldn’t be served alcohol. So young, so naive, so free. 
A few more fans moved between meeting Toman’s band members and your own. While being the front person for the band made you more popular, all of Toman’s members seem to have nearly equal notoriety. Although the favorites tended to be Mikey and Draken, many were happy to meet even Baji, Kazutora, or Mitsuya. It was one thing you didn’t really envy about them. You enjoyed being the fan favorite of your band by a vast majority. After all, you had worked the hardest to get to this point. The other four simply were along for the ride. 
The night drifted on and your thoughts about how much you hated doing this time of soiree drifted away as the number of drinks you had increased. You began to relax more even dancing a little with the two teen girls from before to a song that played over the carefully placed speakers. You felt eyes on you as you swayed your hips, giggling with them as they let out excited squeals just from being so close to their favorite celebrity. 
A few men joined in on the fun, much to your chagrin. You put yourself between them and the young girls, not wanting them to have a sour note on their memory because some pervert couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. A hand reached for your ass as your back was turned, only for a tattooed hand to grab the wrist it was attached to and wrench it back. 
The would-be assaulter shouted back in surprise, “You’re hurtin’ me, man! Let go!” You noticed the eyes of the girls in front of you grow into saucers as you turned to see the very tall, very large, Ken Ryuguji (better known as Draken) right behind you. He wasn’t looking at you, though you could see that the hand had been outstretched towards you and he had prevented the random fan from touching you. 
Security quickly came and took him away after Draken signaled for them to escort him out. “You should really be more careful,” Draken replied with a sneer. “Guess you really can’t handle your alcohol.” 
“Fuck you,” You responded, hands on your hips as you tried to look threatening. Next to him, you looked like an angry kitten. “I can handle it just fine!” 
Your manager, who wasn’t far away, let out a loud sigh. This was bound to happen at some point during the night, though she was glad it was happening towards the end. You and Draken mixed like oil and water, one was always ready to light a fire under the other with no one to put it out. 
She managed to get between the two of you as insults were hurled back and forth. Toman’s manager, Chifuyu, also stepped in. “Draken, let’s go get a drink.” Chifuyu said, trying to redirect his attention like one might a toddler. 
“I was just trying to help you!” Draken snapped back at you. 
“You just want to fuck me!” You replied angrily, looking over your manager’s shoulder at him still. 
Draken rolled his eyes, “please, why would anyone want to fuck you?” 
“I have plenty of guys that want to sleep with me!” You shot back, attempting to bypass your manager to get into his face. Your manager gently pushed you back as security helped keep the two of you apart. It wasn’t as if it would come to physical blows but the tension was enough to put everyone on edge. 
“Can you believe what he just said to me?” You asked her loudly, wanting someone to back you up for just once. However, you had no such luck. 
“He’s an asshole,” your manager agreed as she led you away from the dance floor and to a quiet corner of the club so you could cool off. She got you a drink and handed it to you, hoping it would distract you long enough to get your mind off of what was just said. 
Draken was moved to an opposite corner. Mikey walked up with a smug look on his face. “You two just need to fuck it out already.” 
Draken’s dark eyes narrowed into a glare. “Fuck off, Mikey. I don’t want to fuck her.” 
“Want to bet?” Mikey asked with a cheeky grin. “Fifty thousand yen says you two have sex before the tour is over.” 
“Make it a hundred thousand,” Draken replied, holding his hand out so they could shake on it. Mikey grabbed his hand firmly and they moved their hands up and down. After they let go, Mikey signaled for two drinks to be brought to them. 
Two glasses of bourbon were poured and brought over to them. “This is going to be an interesting twelve weeks,” Mikey said, still clearly amused as he watched you on the other side of the room drinking another glass of champagne. A plan was already formulating in his head, cogs turnings as to how he could get the two together and make himself a hundred thousand yen richer. 
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A week later, you finished your first set on the joint tour. The show had been sold out and reports of your merchandise on hand selling out had made it backstage already. Your throat was sore in the most familiar of ways as you still felt like you were in heaven from having such an amazing turnout. 
Despite a few boos from Toman’s fans, the crowd was great. They sang along at all the right parts, cheered, and held up homemade signs. You even brought a few lucky fans on stage to dance with you, driving the crowd wild with envy. 
You had managed to avoid the boys of the band all night. You had found that most of them were tolerable. Kazutora and Mitsuya were the nicest and so if you had to be near anyone you chose to be near one of them. Baji was okay but he very obviously wanted to sleep with you. He reminded you a lot of the perverted executives that always wanted you to do sexual favors for fame. That was enough to turn you off from him. 
Mikey was a bit of an enigma. He was nice, however, you had a sneaking feeling he just wanted to hook up with your manager as they had spent a lot of time together the past few days. What you didn’t know is that Mikey had been scheming since the night of the party when he made that bet with his best friend. Tonight was the night was going to put his plan into action. 
After thanking a few of the roadies who congratulated you on a good show, you went into your personal dressing room. Once you set your bottle of water down on the vanity counter, you heard the door slam behind you and the sound of the lock clicking could be heard. 
Behind the door Draken had been waiting to jump-scare you, thinking it was just a harmless prank Mikey had thought of only to realize that he was sorely mistaken. Mikey tried to contain his laughter as he broke the key off in the lock. It had been easy to bribe security into getting it, and breaking the key inside the knob was an easy way to make sure it couldn’t be easily unlocked by someone else. 
You were in complete shock as to what was happening, Draken was inside your dressing room, banging on the door and yelling at Mikey to open it. Not only that but Mikey was trying to explain to him between giggles that he couldn’t open the door because the key had mysteriously broken. 
“What are you even doing in here?!” You finally asked in a defensive tone, moving quickly to try and open the door yourself to make sure they weren’t trying to trick you. Sure enough, the door wouldn’t budge and the lock on the inside wouldn’t turn. 
“It was a stupid prank, I was going to scare you,” Draken replied, just as defensive as he banged his fist on the door again. “Mikey! I’m going to kick your scrawny ass!” 
“I’m going to get someone to unlock the door, just hold tight,” Mikey said, clearly not in a hurry to get someone. A smirk was plastered on his face as he went to find your manager. 
“Why were you trying to scare me? That’s so juvenile.” You said pointedly as you crossed your arms over your chest. 
Draken looked down at you, his aggravation with the situation was expressed perfectly on his handsome features. “Whatever, brat. You would have screamed like the little banshee that you are.” 
You huffed, “I can’t believe you! You’re the absolute worst!” 
“You’re so fucking spoiled.” He replied, “you expect everyone to treat you like a princess and get mad when someone doesn’t.” 
Your eyes narrowed as you poked your index finger into his chest, “You have no idea what I’ve been through to get to where I am today. I deserve to be spoiled. I deserve to be treated like a princess. What I don’t deserve is all the shit you constantly throw at me! What’s your point? I don’t care that you hate me, Draken. Hate me all you want, but I’ve never done a goddamn thing to you!” 
“God, do you ever shut up?” Draken asked with a bored look now on his face. “Or do you just like hearing the sound of your own voice?” 
“Make me shut up then, you big oaf!” You responded hotly, not thinking of the consequences of your own words. It wasn’t like Draken would ever actually hurt you, right? He wasn’t that type of guy despite being tall and built. 
A dark looked crossed his face before he swiftly bent down and captured your lips with his own, his hand on the back of your head to prevent you from pulling away as he kissed you hard. Your eyes widened in surprise as you stood still for a moment before giving in to the rush of adrenaline and kissing him back. 
A simple kiss evolved into tongues in mouths and bites on lips with roaming hands and the discarding of clothes. You found yourself in a whirlwind of lust and arousal as he practically shoved you into the vanity. Draken spun you around, bending you over, and you noticed for the first time you were topless with your bra askew so one breast was exposed. He was also shirtless, belt unbuckled, and had fresh bite marks on his chest because that was the best you could reach. 
He pushed up your skirt and tore off your soaked panties, plunging two fingers calloused from years of playing bass guitar into your soppy pussy. You bit the inside of your cheek as your glared at her reflection in the mirror, not wanting him to know he was winning this weird game of chicken you two had started. 
“You really get off on this shit, don’t you?” Draken sneered as he moved his fingers quickly, curling them slightly to feel every inch of your insides as if he were committing them to memory. “I always knew you were a little slut.” 
“I’m not!” You bit back, your anger rising through the tingles of pleasure that were racing up your spine with each press of his finger against that sweet spot inside of you. “Don’t flatter yourself, Ryuguji.” You could taste blood as you bit down on your tongue to keep from moaning as he added a third finger. 
The sounds of your pussy squelching from his fingers only caused a cruel smile to curl onto his lips. “That sound dry to you, bitch?” He asked. “Such a fucking liar, I bet you’re going to cream as soon as I put my cock in.” 
“Who said I want your tiny dick?!” You replied and he just allowed the pad of his middle finger to brush against that small spot in the back of your cunt that made your toes curl in your shoes. You caught your eyes before they could roll back into your lids, your walls clenching around his fingers as he hit it over and over just to drive you further into insanity. “Protest all you want,” He said, “Your pussy says otherwise.” 
The tightness in your stomach was becoming too intense to bear, but you did your best to keep your orgasm at bay. The last thing you wanted to do was to give him the satisfaction of making you cum. “You couldn’t make me cum even if you tried.” Your voice had an edge of desperation in it that did not go unnoticed. It only piqued Draken’s interest even more. 
You had driven him mad for months. The short little dresses and skirts you’d wear, the way you’d shamelessly flirt with other men in front of him, and how you obviously tried your best to get his attention and make him jealous. Mikey always said he had a crush but fuck if Draken knew what that felt like. He hadn’t had a crush since Mikey’s sister when they were kids. 
He had no idea how he truly felt about you, but what he did know was how hot you were when you were screaming at him. How much he wanted to shut you up by putting his dick in your mouth, though he was somewhat fearful that you’d bite it off if he even tried. No, he didn’t know what catching feelings meant, but he knew that his cock was throbbing to be inside your twitching hole and fill you with his cum until you begged for mercy. 
Draken pulled his fingers out, observing how they glisten in the light from your slick. There was a small sound of protest as he leaned over you and grabbed your chin to force you to look at yourself in the mirror. His hard cock was pressing on your vulva through his pants and you fought the urge to rub against him to feel something, anything. “Keep your pretty eyes here and I’ll let you cum on my cock, princess.” He hissed into your ear before nipping at the cartilage. 
You could hear the jingling of his loose belt buckle and the soft thud of his jeans as they hit the floor. “When did I say I want your dirty thing inside of me?” You protested yet again, despite rocking backward when you felt the tip of his head touch your folds. Your movement made his head push through your lips and against your entrance, and the dark chuckle that erupted from him made you clench around nothing. 
He didn’t even need to belittle you, your actions were doing that all on their own. The hand holding your chin moved to grab onto the front of your throat instead so he could continue to hold you in place as he rammed his pulsating member into you. You choked on his name as it came out of your mouth. 
“Ken!” Draken didn’t let anyone call him that except Mikey but goddamn when it squeaked passed your lips he nearly lost his mind. His hips snapped into your ass, balls hitting underneath, then he nearly pulled all the way out before slamming in again. The thickness stretched you out painfully as you tried to adjust as quickly as possible. It was hard to think about relaxing your lower half when your number one enemy was balls deep inside of you. 
Your eyes caught your reflection as Draken guided you into a standing position using the hand still wrapped lightly around your throat. Using his free hand he grabbed your thigh and guided it up so your knee would rest on the vanity, allowing him to push in even deeper. “
“You should keep screaming my name like that, sweetheart,” Draken said in a condescending voice. It annoyed you enough to snap you out of your stupor as glared into the eyes of his reflection. 
“Fuck you.” You spat, trying to deny how good his pistoning thrusts were making you feel. Draken only laughed as he squeezed your throat just enough to slow the blood flow to your brain, making your thoughts hazy. He perfectly timed the release of his grip so that oxygen and endorphins flooded your head. 
It was hard to be mad when you were on cloud nine. 
He began a rhythm of squeezing and releasing your throat, enjoying the way your walls tightened around him considerably every time his grip tightened. Despite being the first time the two of you had ever had sex, he seemed to know exactly what buttons to press and you loathed the way the tabloids were right about how well he could wield his dick. 
You were too focused on your breathing to throw more insults at him. The head of his dick rubbing your g-spot with each roll of his hips. The lewd sound of skin slapping together and wet sloshes of arousal filled the small room. 
Draken somehow managed to increase his pace again and you wondered how much he worked out to be able to keep up such fast movements. His hand moved from your throat, giving it a break so he could rub your puffy clit. The new stimulation had your thighs quaking and the only thing keeping you up was his other arm that was now wrapped firmly around your waist. 
A loud moan ripped from you now that you were free to take in as much air as you needed. Draken grunted, his balls tightening with the need to release. His fingers increased his pace, abusing your clit even more as something in you snapped and you felt your eyes roll and jaw drop as you shook with the thrill of an intense orgasm. 
“That’s it,” He cooed, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he released you to flop down onto the vanity counter in an exhausted heap. His hands moved to your hips to hold them in place as he pounded into you wildly, not caring if it was too much for your already abused pussy to handle. “You take me so fucking well-” His voice cut off with a moan of his own as he released his seed into your still-spasming hole, filling you with so much cum that it spilled out along the base of his cock. 
You lay there in a daze, thoughts trying to form but dissipating with every twitch of the penis inside of you. Draken eventually pulled out, already missing the wet warmth of being inside of you. He watched his semen drip from you onto the old carpet that lined the room, pulling out his phone from his discarded pants and snapping a picture before you could get your wits about you. 
“You fucking asshole.” You mutter, hearing the click of a camera. “You better delete that.” 
He just ignored you as he read texts from Mikey asking if they were done yet. He rolled his eyes, still wanting to punch him. You managed to pull down your skirt and fix your bra as security approached the door finally. 
“Miss? We’ll get this door unlocked soon, just hang tight.” One man said and Draken snorted at someone treating you so politely after you turned into such a little slut for him. You wanted to slap him. As you climbed down from the high of your orgasm, your repulsion for him grew once more. You found your top and put it back on, noticing that Draken had quickly gotten redressed as well before the door could be opened. 
A moment later there was a soft clicking of the lock and Mikey opened the door with a shit-eating grin. “You owe me a hundred thousand yen, Kenchin.” He said in a chipper voice. 
“What is he talking about?” You dared to ask, not liking the sound of that. 
“We made a bet that he would fuck you,” Mikey replied and you felt all the color drain from your face. 
A bet? That’s all that this was? A stupid little bet? Your felt tears line your lower lashes, threatening to spill down your cheeks and run your already ruined makeup. Draken glanced at you and knew he had fucked up just by the expression hosted on your delicate features. 
“You are the worst!” You said, your voice dripping with venom before you stormed out of the room to be alone. 
A frown etched its way across Draken’s lips as he watched you go. This was going to be a long twelve weeks. 
Okay, the simulation just went bad But you're the best I ever had Like handprints in wet cement She touched me, it's permanent
You want me to forget you? Okay, forget me, too You tell me you hate me, baby Yeah, I bet you do
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A/N: I really want to make this into a mini-series but I don't know if people would want that or not...It would be enemies to lovers which I thoroughly enjoy writing. I took a lot of inspo from MGK's Forget Me Too and Bloody Valentine.
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cherrylng · 3 months
100 Albums to understand Muse - Part 1 [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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The members of Muse started as a band in the heyday of Britpop, but their strongest influences were the US alternative scene, as well as the Grebo music scene such as Ned's Atomic Dustbin. Their musical interests broadened, especially Matthew's, as he travelled and met people in different countries, and he dabbled in tango, flamenco and even Italian folk music. Muse were, of course, greatly influenced by the greats of the rock world, including Queen, but they also greedily embraced classical music such as Chopin and Rachmaninoff. Here we introduce some of their influences and the artists they were involved with. These are 100 discs for a deeper enjoyment of Muse's world, and you'd be remiss if you didn't listen to them!
Text by Sumi Imai (I), Masataka Oguchi (K), Junya Shimofusa (J), Akiko Mima (M/board selection), Hisashi Murakami (H), Tomoo Yamaguchi (T), Shiho Yamashita (S)
AC/DC Back In Black (1980) The sixth album from Australia's greatest treasure, AC/DC. The riff of the classic ‘Back in Black’ on this album is one of the first phrases that every boy who picks up a guitar learns. A great rock basic, so to speak. Of course, the [guitar] prince is no exception [to this]. He performed a cover of the song here and there at the Australian festival Big Day Out. -J
ADAM LAMBERT For Your Entertainment (2009) Adam Lambert was born and raised in the US, and his dramatic vocals are a feature of his US TV show ‘American Idol’. His major-label debut featured songwriting contributions from Lady Gaga, Pink, Weezer's Reeves, Darkness' Justin and many other well-known names. Matthew also contributed a song called ‘Soaked’ to the album. -H
ANDRÉS SEGOVIA The Art Of Segovia (2002) Matthew once travelled to Spain to study flamenco guitar, but it was Francisco Talega of ‘Memories of the Alhambra’ fame, born in Spain, who laid the foundations for classical guitar in the 20th century. This is a collection of masterpieces by Andrés Segovia, the master who took up many of Talega's works and popularised the classical guitar. -S
AKSAK MABOUL Un Peu De L'âme Des Bandits (1980) Belgian avant-garde progressive band. The band's diverse style is characterised by the use of piano and strings in tangos, contemporary-style suites and fast-moving punk, all of which make full use of the high skills of the band members. The band's wonderfully chaotic sound, where materialism and realism collide, is too good to be described as ‘only known to those in the know’. -M
Translator's Note: I'll be putting whole albums of the selected albums listed on this article. I'm of the belief that the best way to enjoy an album is to listen to it from start to end, so that we can understand the influences far better. Also, I'm doing this because I want to mess with YouTube's algorithm and leave it very confused on what it's supposed to recommend to me in the near future.
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cheiyunn · 7 months
Kimisute main story [0部 ] Part 6
Yuuto: Furusawa-san said he’ll be a little late so we’ll need to wait a bit
Banri: Okay~ We’re already cleaned up our stuff so let's just wait in our waiting room then
Wataru: I’m kinda curious what Furusawa-san wanted to discuss…?
Banri: Isn’t it probably about our next live or something?
Rio: I don’t think you can put that out so fast but…
Banri: Well there’s a chance right! Forgive me for dreaming big–!
Wataru: Hey look at this… from the last time we checked there’ more people writing their impressions of us
Ren: Lemme see… you’re right
Yuuto: Even people who didn’t know us were saying we were good!
Banri: Hey that sounds great!
Banri: For a moment I’d thought what’d happen but after our major debut it seems like our future’s a little bright it seems!
Ryuusuke: Woah woah, seems like the little kiddos that just got in the label have started spewing some pretty big words huh?
Rintaro: You’re really that curious about them, Ryuusuke?
Rio: …!  ST//RAYRIDE…
Banri: Woah, Tennoji Ryuusuke-san and Yodogawa Rintaro-san !? Good- Good work out there..!
Rintaro: Hello there
Yuuto: Right after the fes you were taking interview questions right. As expected of sutosuto!
Wataru: Good work today. We were watching your live from the wings but we all thought the power of your live was amazing
Ryuusuke: …ha… what, all they are are goody two shoes huh
Ren: ..eh?
Ryuusuke: Wondering why Unc.Furusawa have to deal with these easygoing folks
Ryuusuke: Ya act like this and you’ll get crushed and disappear just as fast y’know?
Rio: …what does… that mean?
Rintaro: Meaning or whatnot isn’t it, take Ryuusuke’s words at face value
Furusawa: Yoo, my bad my bad! Sorry to keep ya’ll waiting!
Yuuto: Oh, Furusawa-san…!
Furusawa: ? Ryuusuke, you get here fast
Ryuusuke: You called and we came, uncle
Furusawa: Sorry to call on you despite being so busy! It's good that everyone’s together though
Wataru: Everyone’s…together..?
Furusawa: Rather than chatting in the hallway, why don’t we take it to the waiting room
[Waiting room]
Furusawa: So, since I arrived a little later than expected, I’ll make it snappy
Furusawa: I decided to put ST//RAYRIDE in charge of Argonavis’ mentoring program
Argonavis: Eh!?
Yuuto: Mentoring program… us..? With them…?
Ryuusuke: What, you got a bone to pick?
Yuuto: n-Not at all!
Banri: In specifics, what exactly are we going to be learning from them?
Furusawa: Well starting off with something like the daily in-and-outs of artists affiliated with Apollo Records and the scheduling set up
Furusawa: And also because I want to give you guys more exposure
Rio: Exposure…
Furusawa: Yup. Since the duo band between Ryuusuke and Rintaro ST//RAYRIDE are the top earners for this company
Furusawa: They’ve also got alot of eyes on them
Ryuusuke: Basically, you guys just need to be our ‘followers’ and grab attention from the media, is the kind strategy uncle here is suggesting
Wataru: Followers… huh…
Ryuusuke: I mean, since you guys are country boys that hail from Hakodate after all?
Ryuusuke: Even if we keep an eye on you, it’ll be a loss if you run back tail tucked between your legs*
Banri: Wha..! From back then he’s…!
Ren: We won’t run
Ryuusuke: Hah?
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Ren: I… no we, Argonavis won’t run away
Ryuusuke: …oh~?
Rintaro: Hm~?..
Furusawa: Told cha’, I was right to say you’d get along!
Yuuto: Nono, where are you seeing that, Furusawa-san..!
Ryuusuke: Nanahoshi Ren aintcha… well, if you say so
Ryuusuke: Show us how long you can keep up
Ryuusuke: Do your best to show us you don’t bite your tongue then
Rintaro: We’re looking forward to it
Ren: ….
* Not 100% sure on this one, apologies.
Note: It's my first time translating stst, hopefully it's clear enough..
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omegaremix · 3 months
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Record Reserve shopping list, 2018.
It’s been how many years since I set foot in any iteration of Record Reserve? “Iteration” because no other record store has moved locations more than any. Looks like Tim has finally found a permanent holding in Northport, close to the water. He’s been dealing since the beginning of the decade and filled in the blanks that other Northport stores Long Island Vinyl Exchange and Permanent Records once supplied. Last time I shopped there I was looking through the hardcore and punk 45′s and always bought a few from him. He said the store would be opened on Monday, so that did it for me. Little did I know that upon arrival, I see on the door that Record Reserve’s only off day was Monday itself. I was lucky.
Record Reserve is the narrowest of all stores on the island. Walk in and it’s no more than 12 feet wide. Shelves on both sides of the store allow a quick run-through of its’ entire selection in less than three hours. Behind the storefront window and the left hand side of the store are plenty of shelves of well-known and classic artists for attainable prices. What I did notice (for example) was how I found some titles for $6.00 when further down the store found the exact same copy for $4.00. I also found at least 10 Laura Nyro records in the store, a running joke Tim doesn’t realize he’s made for himself. I was feeling a late-Seventies / early-Eighties kick, so I found two of Peter Gabriel’s solo records and The Cars’ Shake It Up and Panorama. I also found me A Clockwork Orange’s motion picture soundtrack. That’s mine because you take no chances with cult status. I found The Stranglers’ at a low price. Constantly hearing of them and “An Evening With Hugh Cornwell“ which I could never get tired of hearing made me take it. No shame in picking up Debbie Gibson whom was a radio favorite during my Eighties Nintendo youth. At the very end of 20 or so shelves were the 45′s bin with a majority of classic hits and little punk and hardcore. That’s where I found Spent Idols and the Out Cider D.C. label.
On the right hand side of the store are the specifics; racks devoted to jazz, soul, punk, real Eighties metal, and black metal. As I rummaged through all the bins, I stopped at a few and tried to remember if I already had them in my collection. As if I was now holding back on purchasing blind because Youtube and Discogs make my decisions, I was gauging myself to see if I would purchase some titles anyway not remembering if I already had them or not (a future audit told me otherwise). It pained me to pass up Cabaret Voltaire’s The Crackdown, and I almost never see them up for grabs. A shiny copy of The Silver Apples’ debut was there for the taking, too. Both for at least $17.00 or more apiece, I couldn’t. I always feel I can order or find them elsewhere for less. Same for Bathory’s self-titled which was going for $25.00.
A very small selection of cassettes and CDs were a non-issue. Tim also sold taort cards, too. Ready to go? Not so fast. After scanning through both sides of an already-narrow store and a lone bin at the front of the counter, I noticed he had several rolling crates of records hiding under the bins. There goes another 30 minutes trying to strike record-collector gold on possible unexpected finds. Again, I had to swap out some picks for the exact same ones with lower price tags. I could also swear I found five more records of Laura Nyro’s. Almost three hours later, it was time to cash out.
I was the only customer in the entire store for that time. Ready to go. Tim told me that he was open that Monday because he expected to go through his Record Store Day shipments which didn’t come in. So why not open? I asked him about the vintage stereo equipment stacked in front of the registers and was curious what his going prices were. It’s been four years without a reciever since my gramma’s stopped working. Just browsing around, that’s all. He then told me “$60.00 cash or $65.00 credit?” “Credit, no discounts!” I said, because we need to keep these stores going. Tim laughed but he got it. My all-vinyl purchase here would be one of the least expensive. The day was still young, however. It’s 4 PM. Our resident dee-jay Maxwell (MXW) was on-the-air doing his local-music slot. He had his lady folk singer friend Takami aboard for the ride, listening in as I drove to the athletics store in preparation for re-joining the gym.
Cars, The Shake It Up
Rolling Stones, The Some Girls (cut-out)
Peter Gabriel Melt
Weather Report Heavy Weather
A Clockwork Orange motion picture soundtrack
Genesis Abacab
Laura Nyro self-titled
Stranglers, The IV
Samantha Fox I Wanna Have Some Fun
Spyro Gyra self-titled
Cars, The Candy-O
Peter Gabriel Scratch
Debbie Gibson Out Of The Blue
Spent Idols “Chinese Suicide” b/w “Gacy’s Gone” 7″
Out Cider D.C. label Raise The Flag: DC Hardcore Vol. 1 7″
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10-mile-stere0 · 5 months
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ox1-lovesick · 2 years
you're now the ceo of the biggest label in kpop. you're going to debut a new group soon, and need to pick your members fast. put your mutuals in a group together and give them positions and roles :p there are no limits to your creativity, let's create the leaders of kpop!
THIS ONE WAS SO FUN i was gonna make a group name fandom name and everything but no one else did that 💀 let's get it
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♡ @yv17 : sub vocalist, lead dancer
nora just gives dancer? i know you said you're more of a vocal but i just know you've got a natural talent for dancing??? probably one of those unintentionally funny members like sunghoon, they're just saying what comes to mind and everyone's laughing 💀 "nora being unintentionally funny for 20 minutes" things y'know
♡ @hoonfever : main rapper, lead dancer
i just know mei is good at rapping i feel it in my liver. you may not know it yet mei but i can smell it 🤕 also a really good dancer??? very powerful yet smooth dancing like you just can't take your eyes off her??? "mei outdancing your faves for 15 minutes straight"
♡ @lov3niki : main dancer
this is given tbh, kim's been dancing since she was 5??? and not those zumba classes that are taught by the middle aged aunties who work minimum wage with 5 kids like actually dancing??? i can't even imagine the skill. god tier stage presence every moment can be turned into an edit,, she always looks good no matter what she's doing, fans are obsessed
♡ @haknom : lead dancer, vocalist
i just know kayla can dance don't even try 😭 definitely a smooth kind of dancer like karina or soobin. moves so clean but is also very versatile and can do sharp choreography with ease??? doesn't get very many vocal moments but WHEN SHE DOES 🧎‍♀️🧎🧎‍♀️🧎🧎‍♀️🧎 I'm floored
♡ @tzyuki : leader, main vocalist
appointing ej as leader because i think she's the most sane of all my mutuals 💀 an eunbi type of idol and leader, complete goofball but she can be scarily strict if need be. i also just know ej's good at singing??? has a really unique voice and tone that you can recognise from light years away you always know it's her singing even if you don't stan
♡ @blurredplatform : leader, dancer
also being one of my only sane moots i think lirin would make a really good leader, definitely less authoritative than ej but she knows how to bring out the best in all the members and encourage them when need be (a soobin type of leader) <3 definitely knows everyone inside and out, probably better than they know themselves
♡ @soov : vocalist
rei is just lost. she just never knows what's going on. always in her own world, the others can be talking about comeback promotions and she wasn't even aware a comeback was in place. it's kind of sad but it's also really funny 💀 ironically funny but never funny when she tries 💀 her jokes just tend to fly over everyone's head 😭 although she's a bit clueless she's a very talented vocalist, i see rei with a very soothing voice who does well with adlibs and backing vocals 😋
♡ @hyeki : main dancer, lead rapper
the keeho of the group. alayna's humour is for the elite only 😭 everyone's either scratching their heads or embarrassed whenever she opens her mouth 💀 definitely a shuhua kind of idol, enjoys messing with the fans and occasionally fights with them purely for amusement 😭 i do think alayna is a really good dancer though, good at popping and locking as well as great fluidity 🫶
♡ @astrozuya : lead vocalist, all rounder
i pondered for years trying to give luka a position i just think he could do anything and everything??? although i do think vocals are his strong point and he would mainly get vocal lines in songs. very friendly 😋 has an endless collection of darlings like yeonjun 😭 he's just so easygoing you get along with him immediately. major seungmin or soobin vibes
♡ @deeznutsriki : lead vocalist, sub rapper
sree my favourite shahrukh fangirl 😋🫶 i see sree as a really good vocalist, very good at vibratos and runs although she could probably have any position ? another very comforting idol who gives encouraging words and always wishes fans for their religious holidays, exams seasons and such 😋🫶 literal sweetheart must be protected and everyone loves her
♡ @i6wonsz : rapper
ELFIE MY BAE HRU elfie is a rapper and i will not hear anything else. a versatile rapper too like aisha, eu, yeonjun or hongjoong. her raps always go viral and are edit audios for months on end 😭 could definitely be a singer too i see elfie as an idol who adapts easily and learns quickly even if she hasn't been trained in said area. probably the one filling in for other members if they can't perform and such
♡ @gfksn : sub vocalist
MARI 🧌 VOCALS ARE HEAVEN ON EARTH has such a sweet voice like daniel or hanni, it's smooth and relaxing you could fall asleep listening to her sing. probably gets lines in the bridge or a build up, definitely the bass of all backing vocals and adlibs her voice is so easy to layer on and makes everything sound 100193830x better
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insanityclause · 1 year
As Jonathan Majors prepares for a May 8 court appearance on domestic violence charges, his PR problems are about to get bigger.
Sources familiar with the matter tell Variety that multiple alleged abuse victims of Majors have come forward following his March arrest and are cooperating with the Manhattan district attorney’s office. The prospect of more women waiting in the wings would mark a dramatic turn in the case and comes on the heels of Majors’ publicists and management firm cutting ties with the embattled actor earlier this week.
The D.A. declined comment. A representative for Majors didn’t comment on the record.
The “Creed III” star was arrested on March 25 in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan on charges of strangulation, assault and harassment. At the time, an NYPD spokesperson said in a statement that a 30-year-old woman told police she had been assaulted by Majors, 33, and that she “sustained minor injuries to her head and neck and was removed to an area hospital in stable condition.” But Majors’ attorney Priya Chaudhry mounted an immediate and aggressive response, insisting that the actor “is provably the victim of an altercation with a woman he knows” and suggested the woman was having “an emotional crisis.” A source familiar with the chronology of events says the attorney released the statement while he was still behind bars.
Chaudhry’s husband, Andrew Bourke, is serving as Majors’ crisis publicist and doubled down on the narrative that Majors was the victim when he released a series of text messages on March 30 that were intended to be exonerating. In the text exchange, which has not been independently verified, the woman wrote to Majors, “I told them it was my fault for trying to grab your phone” and stressed that she told police “this was not an attack.” The woman allegedly wrote, “Please let me know you’re okay when you get this. They assured me that you won’t be charged. They said they had to arrest you as protocol when they saw the injuries on me and they knew we had a fight. I’m so angry that they did. And I’m sorry you’re in this position. Will make sure nothing happens about this. … I love you.”
A few hours later, the woman allegedly wrote, “I know you have the best team and there’s nothing to worry about I just want you to know that I’m doing all I can my end. I also said to tell the judge to know that the origin of the [911] call was to do with me collapsing and passing out and your worry as my partner due to our communication prior.” But for many who were in business with Majors, the text messages had the opposite effect and raised more questions than they answered, namely why the woman had lost consciousness.
“It read like a bad Lifetime movie. They basically look like the text messages of a textbook abused woman,” says one person who is working with Majors on an upcoming project.
In recent months, Majors had become one of Hollywood’s most promising stars, with a series of high-profile and lucrative roles on the horizon. Now, all eyes are on his future with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where he is poised to play the titular Kang in “Avengers: The Kang Dynasty.” Majors is still attached to star in that film, which is slated to be released on May 2, 2025, and he is poised for a $20 million payday including back-end compensation. He also was signed to star in “Avengers: Secret Wars,” which is slated to debut in 2026. Disney is monitoring the fast-moving situation and has time to move deliberately.
The mega-budget tentpole Avengers: The Kang Dynasty” is scheduled to begin production in the spring of next year. Disney is already deep in business with Majors, given that its specialty label Searchlight acquired the actor’s critically lauded drama “Magazine Dreams,” in which he plays a troubled body builder, at the Sundance Film Festival and was prepared to mount a robust best actor awards campaign later this year when it releases the film on Dec. 8. Majors already shot the second season of the Disney+ series “Loki,” which is expected to launch on the streaming platform in mid-2023.
Disney has the added wrinkle in that the alleged victim in the Manhattan incident also worked on this year’s “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania,” a film in which Majors was third-billed as Kang the Conqueror.
A Disney spokesperson declined comment.
Separately, Majors is stepping down from the board of the Gotham Film and Media Institute and his work with the Sidney Poitier Initiative, which was created to support emerging filmmakers. On Wednesday afternoon, executive director Jeffrey Sharp sent a note to the Gotham board alerting them of the move.
The industry was jolted by news that Majors’ publicists, the Lede Company and Management 360, had dropped their star client well before his first court appearance next month. As of now, WME is still representing Majors. In 2018, the agency created a so-called “client advisory committee,” which makes a recommendation on whether or not to drop a client accused of impropriety. The committee of some 20 staffers — split evenly along gender lines and from a cross section of divisions — evaluates a client’s viability amid accusations and considers such factors as if the client has been charged criminally or is facing a civil lawsuit. WME has previously dropped such clients as Brett Ratner, Bryan Singer and Armie Hammer. The committee has not met yet regarding Majors based on the limited information that is available.
Still, in the wake of the actor’s March 26 arraignment on a complaint involving misdemeanor charges for assault and aggravated harassment, additional red flags began to emerge. Broadway actor Tim Nicolai, who appeared opposite Rachel Weisz in the Public Theater production of “Plenty,” tweeted that day, “I’m already seeing a bunch of ‘why didn’t you do anything?!’ Folks, people have tried. Ultimately needed a victim to come forward. It’s both simultaneously awful to know he is still doing this and also a relief that he may never get to again. A bunch of us are close with people (and sometimes multiple people) he has directly harmed. I don’t know if they will speak on it. It is completely their decision.”
When Variety reached out to Nicolai, he responded: “I stand by what I wrote. And I support his victims I know of in however they choose to move forward.” (Nicolai says no one from Majors’ camp reached out to him in the aftermath of his tweets.)
A judge ordered Majors released on his own recognizance on March 25 with a limited order of protection. Over the ensuing weeks, the actor, a Yale School of Drama alum whose recent credits include “Devotion,”“Da Five Bloods” and an Emmy-nominated role in HBO’s “Lovecraft Country,” has been dropped from a number of jobs including Protagonist Pictures’ “The Man in My Basement.” MLB’s Texas Rangers have cut Majors from their 2023 season ad campaign that was scheduled to launch on Friday. And fashion house Valentino and Majors have also “mutually agreed” that the actor will no longer attend this year’s Met Gala.
In addition to his role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the actor also is poised to play NBA bad boy Dennis Rodman in the Lionsgate film “48 Hours in Vegas.” With that project, the studio is watching developments closely before making a decision about whether or not to proceed with Majors. Other projects that hang in the balance include Spike Lee’s “Da Understudy” for Amazon. A source at the studio says Majors is still attached to star and produce alongside Will Smith, but the project hasn’t moved forward since it was announced in early March.
“I think the truth is everyone is waiting to see what Marvel will do,” says an industry insider familiar with the situation. “It doesn’t mean everyone will do the same thing, but that’s what people are looking to.”
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heartfxrst · 1 year
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𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑦 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 -
sienna king, born in linden, tenessee, took an interest in music early on. her mother often told stories of how she was restless in the womb, only settling down when music was playing. from the moment she could talk sienna took to standing in her living room with her minnie mouse cassette player singing along with shania twain and the like. similar to most kids she tried other things - art, sports, ballet - but music was her passion, and anyone who met her knew it.
at a glance, sienna lived a picture-perfect life. although her parents never married, they seemed happy enough until seemingly out of nowhere the two split, sienna’s mom ripping their daughter away at the ripe age of ten. her mother claimed her father was unfaithful while he maintained that she was going through a quarter-life crisis, but whatever the case the rest of sienna's childhood would be spent torn between the two of them - the majority of her time spent with her mother at her new home in knoxville while summers were reserved for her father back in linden.
𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑒 -
it’s difficult for any child to be split between two parents, but sienna never let it stop her from doing what she loved. she tried out for every school musical, every talent show, and during high school, she got a gig performing at a neighborhood restaurant over the weekends. it wasn't glamorous and it cut into her free time, but she was gaining popularity among the locals in her area, and it was this little taste of her dreams coming true that drove her. it wasn’t just a passing phase, and if anyone ever doubted that they would soon be proven wrong.
she continued her gig at that hole in the wall restaurant after graduation, and eventually it seemed to pay off. shortly after graduation she was discovered by her record label and everything was up from there. her first single debuted on the country music charts, and her forward trajectory continued with her debut album. by twenty-one years old she was a recognizable figure. even if you didn’t like country music it was almost impossible to avoid hearing the name sienna king.
𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑐 𝑒𝑦𝑒 -
fame isn’t always shiny, and no amount of rehearsal can prepare a person to have their privacy ripped away. a few years into her career she moved to los angeles, only to be labeled as a sellout by fans in her hometown. it stung to be criticized for trying to do what was best for herself and it didn't stop there; any party she went to was public knowledge, and private conversations were no longer private, instead sold to tabloids for a quick buck. sienna was learning about the dark side of fame the hard way.
her fans and critics had been as invested as ever with the birth of her first public relationship. he was a fellow musician and it was a modern day cliche, starting with the two flirting on social media. things seemed to progress rather quickly and within the first year they were married with wedding pictures plastered in magazines and on instagram for the world to see. they were attractive people who had the kind of relationship most people dreamed of and it seemed to help both of their careers tremendously. no one ever stopped to wonder if things were happening too fast, too caught up in the modern love story to think twice.
𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 -
for five years sienna and her husband were the picture of wedded bliss. all of their marital problems were kept private, like mother like daughter. nobody knew about the therapy sessions that started three years in, or the fact that they had slept in separate rooms for the last two years of their marriage. on social media they were still #couplegoals.
seemingly out of nowhere it all came crashing down with a divorce announcement that came as a shock to everyone, even her own husband according to the tabloids. all at once the speculation started. 'inside sources' claimed she had been unfaithful, while others claimed it was, in fact, he who had broken their wedding vows. there were stories, rumors, and little half-truths twisted in a way that the media does so well.
while the truth was that maybe things had just happened too quickly, it didn't stop her ex-husband from painting her as a villain. her career took a massive hit and for a while it seemed she might never recover until she decided to take matters into her own hands, releasing her side of the story with her newest EP.
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 -
after months of back and forth about who would get the house it was eventually sold. for the first time in years, her parents seemed to agree on something, urging her to move back to tennessee, but the truth was that sienna had grown to love los angeles and her career was better than ever. she relocated to a new neighborhood and bought her dream home, (and a dog). her life is back on track for the first time since her marriage and she couldn't be happier. how long can it last?
𝑜𝑜𝑐 -
hello! my name is mars and i am really excited to interact with you all! i'll be adding more if i think of anything, but for now i just wanted to introduce myself a little and if you have any plot ideas or just want to chat you can find me on the discord!
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nyangwn-archived · 2 years
you're now the ceo of the biggest label in kpop. you're going to debut a new group soon, and need to pick your members fast. put your mutuals in a group together and give them positions and roles :p there are no limits to your creativity, let's create the leaders of kpop!
NGL I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️thank you for sending me this anon <3333
@yunverse leader, main singer
sei gives me STRONG strong leader vibes, like jihyo!1!1!1 and main singer because jihyo is the main vocalist of twice as well 😍 i think sei would be the one to just mediate everyone, who are just straight up chaotic and she’ll just join in on the chaos SOMETIMES but she’ll mostly just judge them and look at them like they need to be put in a psych ward 🤕🤕
@soov lead rapper
i really feel like rei would be a really good rapper ngl… kinda like rei from ive ong?2 super chaotic,,, basically in charge of all the memes and inside jokes of the group!! rei would be the type of idol who would just bomb their official tiktok acc with weird trends and get everyone else to join in on her clownery… i also feel like rei would be the type of idol who just talks to fans like they’re super close friends and comforts them whenever they need <//3 rei would probably make comfort vlives now and then, like that one jay vlive where’s he gives engenes advice, rei is SUCH a sweetheart ;(
@rejiyu main dancer, lead singer
kkura (reji) just reminds me of a quiet, kind of closed off and shy idol but once you get to know them, they’ll be EXTREMELY hyper and just as chaotic… like jungwoo from nct!! i also feel like kkura would be a really good dancer and have a really distinct voice that literally starts a majority of songs in their discography and sings the chorus as well!! i feel like kkura would also go viral on tiktok because of their stage presence and performances.,, like WHAT A SLAY HONESTLY?/&/&.’
@0i8ma lead dancer
harv really gives me the vibe that they’ll be an EXTREMELY good dancer, scouted from a dance comp ngl… i imagine harv to be kinda calm and collected and not really have bursts of energy… they’re basically funny but they don’t even know it themselves, effortlessly funny ya’know?? harv would be the type of idol that just minds their own business and stays unbothered!!! harv would slay EVERY stage and just always serves!!
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Jack Ingram, Miranda Lambert, & Jon Randall - The Marfa Tapes Country music is a genre of music that gives people one of two emotions when hearing its name and when it rears its head -- hatred or love. Some people really love it, and some people really hate it. You know what I mean, people say they “listen to everything but country.” Bonus points if they put rap / hip-hop, but the idea is the same -- people seem to brag about how they don’t like county music, and in some respects, I get it. A lot of the modern country music that you hear on the radio is very pop-friendly, generic, boring, and even incorporates a lot of hip-hop instrumentation, along with tons of tired cliches that have been tired for the past decade. Ever since Florida Georgia Line got big with “Cruise” in 2012, country music was never the same, for better or worse. I look at that in a good way, especially in retrospect, because that led to a resurgence of more “raw” styled country and folk music. Guys and gals like Tyler Childers, Colter Wall, Ian Noe, Adeem The Artist, Kacey Musgraves (she’s part of the “establishment,” too, but she always went against the grain), and many more are part of this movement that bring something new to the table, whether it’s a sense of storytelling, perspectives, ideas, or sounds. One artist in the genre that’s been a staple for the last 20 years is someone you could include in that crop of current artists that still bring something unique and interesting to the table that also break away from the cliches and the sounds that are popular. That artist is Miranda Lambert, who has been around since the early 00s, but didn’t release her label debut until 2005. She got big in 2007 with her third album, and second major label album, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, which showcased her prowess for stellar vocals, a kickass attitude that doesn’t take any shit from anyone (especially men), and songs that were written very strongly. She rose up the ranks in the scene, ultimately becoming one of the most important singers and songwriters of the genre, but one that doesn’t get enough credit. She is mainly known, too, for her marriage and eventual divorce from Blake Shelton, who you may know from making bad country music is exactly what people hate about it (or love, depending on what kind of country music you like). She released the ambitious double album, The Weight Of These Wings, back in 2016 and that served as an album to chronicle and talk about her divorce. I listened to that when it came out, because I was wanting to get more into country music, and that was a good decision. The Weight Of These Wings is a very ambitious and long album, but it was also very rewarding. Fast forward four years, and she released Wildcard, which came out right before the pandemic, unfortunately, so she never got to tour that album. I’ve listened to it in retrospect, and I really enjoy it, despite how long, ambitious, and messy it is in spots, thanks to its sound being all over the place and its tone not being set in stone. What I wanted to talk about, and this is a long way of getting to it, because I wanted a lot of background, since this is a weird album to talk about on its own, is The Marfa Tapes from 2021, featuring Lambert, Jon Randall, and Jack Ingram, who are two other songwriters from Nashville that she’s worked with. She worked with them a lot on her follow-up, 2022′s Palomino, which is a very good album. What is this album exactly? It’s not a studio album, per se, but it’s a collection of songs that the three of them wrote semi-live. This album is an acoustic, lo-fi, and sort of “live” album, because it features single takes of recording. You hear a little bit of studio banter, some background noise, and a few mistakes they make, but it works, where the album is meant to be very loose and easygoing. Personally, I love this record, and I’ve been very apprehensive to check out a lot of mainstream country, because it just hasn’t done anything for me, but this album is very different, so peoples’ mileage with it depends on how much they like Miranda Lambert and what they like from her. This is a very acoustic, lo-fi, and somewhat quiet album, because it just features a single acoustic guitar and the three musicians’ voices. That’s it. This album is bare bones, but it’s great. The harmonies are utterly gorgeous, the songwriting is very strong, and the production is very warm, inviting, and it makes you feel like you’re right there. This record is also a lot of fun, because for every emotional song, such as “Amazing Grace (West Texas),” “Ghost,” or “Breaking A Heart,” it features some very fun moments in the form of “Homegrown Tomatoes,” “Geraldene,” and “Two-Step Down To Texas,” which are all very bouncy and catchy. This album showcases a lot of very strong performances from Lambert especially, because her vocals are so good here. What works, though, are its lyrics and overall mood. I love a lot of the lyrics on this record, such as “Ghost,” “In His Arms,” “Tequila Does,” and “Homegrown Tomatoes.” Sometimes having fun can be all you need, and that song paints a great picture of just having a good time. This album features songs that were on Wildcard, including “Tequila Does,” as well as songs that were eventually on Palomino, albeit re-recorded with a fuller sound, including “In His Arms,” “Waxahachie,” and “Geraldene.” An acoustic version of “Tin Man” also appears from The Weight Of These Wings, which makes the song even more emotional and hardhitting. Overall, this album is fantastic, especially if you want something very personal, laidback, lo-fi, and warm. It’s a very warm sounding album in all the best ways. I absolutely love this record. I do admit that when Randall and Ingram, it’s not quite as good, but I do enjoy their songs, nonetheless, and I like that this isn’t just Miranda Lambert and two other musicians, so it feels more of a collaborative effort, but their voices aren’t quite as good as hers. I’d check this out, though, especially if you want to hear a very authentic and story-driven country album that’s none of that mainstream bullshit that you hear all the time. I’ve been playing it nonstop for the last few weeks, and I won’t be stopping anytime soon, I keep having a blast with it.
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lboogie1906 · 8 days
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Christopher Brian Bridges (September 11, 1977) known as Ludacris is a rapper, actor, and record executive.
Born in Champaign, Illinois, he moved to Atlanta at age nine where he first began rapping. He formed his record label, Disturbing tha Peace, then signed with Def Jam South, after he went on to become one of the first Dirty South rappers to achieve mainstream success with countless album releases. He has won three Grammy Awards and an MTV Video Music Award. Starting with a brief stint as a DJ, he independently released his first album Incognegro to local success but achieved national attention the following year when the album was repackaged and re-released as his major label debut, Back for the First Time. It contained the hit singles “Southern Hospitality”, which wasn’t on Incognegro, and “What’s Your Fantasy”. He released Word of Mouf, followed by Chicken-n-Beer and The Red Light District, all of which were certified multi-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America. He took a more serious approach with his next two albums, Release Therapy and Theater of the Mind. His next album, Battle of the Sexes, was released and featured a return to the more lighthearted tone of his previous albums. His most recent album, Ludaversal, was released on March 31, 2015.
As an actor, he is best known for his role as Tej Parker in the Fast and Furious film series, with his first appearance in the franchise. His other notable roles include Crash, Gamer, and New Year’s Eve. For his performance in the ensemble of Crash, he was co-awarded a Screen Actors Guild Award and a Critic’s Choice Award for Best Cast. He created Karma’s World, in which he served as a voice actor.
He has four daughters. He married model Eudoxie Mbouguiengue.
In January 2020, he acquired Gabonese citizenship along with his mother and two daughters. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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twnstr · 1 month
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tw for sasaeng related deaths.
✶ ──── more commonly known as just twinstar, the company was originally founded by two sisters for the purpose of elevating hidden talents to showcase to the world. after their tumultuous run in the entertainment industry, taking the world by storm in both acting and fashion, the sisters would build an agency in hopes of finding a specific kind of talent. those with dirtied hands and grit, those with the drive to prove themselves even if it stained their hands in the progress. they were looking for talent that represented the values they held at their cores, instilled into them by an unforgiving mother from a young age: WORK HARD NOW, WASH YOUR BLOODIED HANDS LATER.
taking off the ground in 2011, twinstar officially opened its doors to curious eyes as a talent agency. news outlets were quick to descend on the then meager startup, projecting loses unlike any other. the sisters were too ambitious, even with their influence in the world. word of mouth would only get them so far. and yet, with unwavering belief in sticking to their core values, twinstar would release their first star into the world within the next few years.
the first act that broke major commercial success for the growing agency was korean-american actress COURTNEY SOO, landing her breakthrough role in the blockbuster film THE WOLF OF WALL STREET alongside leonardo dicaprio in 2013. pushing both her name and the agency overseas from its base in seoul, the world tuned in to see COURTNEY grace the scene alongside the rest of the cast. and it only went uphill from there. soon nicknamed seoul’s sweetheart, her fame would only skyrocket from there.
following in her footsteps would come supermodel EDEN SOE—captivating audiences after going viral on twitter in 2014 for attending a fashion show after party hanging off the arm of one of the internet’s beaus. a classic marketing strategy done well, it wasn’t long until she was invited to walk for small brands, working her way up until she would go viral again for opening the spring/summer show for gucci in 2016.
after establishing their modeling and acting subsidiaries, in 2017 twinstar announced plans to delve into the music industry at their annual end of year celebration. with notable names in the crowd, it wasn’t long until social media began speculating the direction the agency turned entertainment hub would follow. and after fast paced auditions and rigorous training, twinstar introduced TEENSTAR to an highly anticipating audience early 2018.
teenstar’s run was one met with high scrutiny from media outlets and netizens alike, debuting a four member girl group with a fun and refreshing pop sound. paired with the newest fashion and alluring personalities, the quartet steadily began to climb charts both at home and overseas—not without constant attention and controversy, though. rivaling groups like LOONA and IZ*ONE, teenstar exceeded all expectations regardless of they were loved or hated.
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fantasia. ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏৲ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ one half of the company’s beginnings, fantasia was established by PARK HWAYEON to bring in a new age of acting talent. notorious for its high quality auditions and harsh mentors, nothing but stellar reviews have been left in the wake of each actor underneath the label. and with ushering in new faces comes the opportunity for diversifying the field, promising a wide range of talent across all genres. with its newfound success, fantasia began pocketing connections with other companies like netflix and a24, aiming to spread their influence around the world. their most famous faces include COURTNEY SOO and ALANI LOUISE SUTTON.
hwayoung model management. ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏৲ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ currently number four on forbes’ most influential model agencies list, hwayoung model management—hmm—is considered one of the top options in south korea. founded by PARK HWAYOUNG and co-managed by her spouse KANG SUBIN, whose comments are always sought by fashion press. hmm has previously previously housed the likes of JEONG NARI and EDEN SOE. the label also took part in an award-winning seven-part documentary series called FINDING STARDOM back in 2016 as a behind the scenes partnership with netflix. it was one of the most watched series of that year and received critical acclaim.
toska records. ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏৲ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ established in 2017, toska records was founded with the purpose of making waves in the music industry with all their accumulated knowledge. the twins’ father being an acclaimed producer for many first generation artists, they already had one foot in the door. although they would only debut one group, TEENSTAR took the world by storm when they first broke into the scene in 2018. four girls, one sound, and one dream. and despite their two and a half year run, TEENSTAR’s legacy still lives on through their dedicated fans. the girls would set a major standard for music production and performance, leading their generation in synchronization and stage presence.
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smartcompanynewsweb · 2 months
News24 | HELLO WEEKEND | Nightlife reimagined: Fine dining meets electrifying evenings at Zioux - Notice Global Internet - #GLOBAL https://www.merchant-business.com/news24-hello-weekend-nightlife-reimagined-fine-dining-meets-electrifying-evenings-at-zioux/?feed_id=154239&_unique_id=66af32ad8249f Hello Weekend, 3 August 2024.The latest edition of News24’s weekly digital weekend magazine is stuffed full of interviews, reviews, excerpts, and in-depth stories. Enjoy the read.A fusion of flavours and style: Sandton’s Zioux enters new Roaring Asian eraBy: Kaunda SelishoZioux has transformed into a premiere nightlife hotspot with a new “Roaring Asian” theme, featuring a revamped menu and décor that promises an elevated dining experience with diverse Asian flavours.The transformation is led by Chef Katsuhiko Miyamoto, who brings his expertise and a nurturing approach to the kitchen, ensuring a memorable and personal dining experience with dishes like sushi, tempuras, and dim sum. The restaurant enhances its nightlife appeal with a chic décor and resident DJs from Thursday to Saturday, creating an enchanting nocturnal rhythm that complements its sophisticated dining experience.Inside the V&A Waterfront’s iconic Cape Grace Hotel and Bascule Bar after major refurbishmentsBy: Andrew ThompsonI’ve not been sitting for more than 15 minutes in the speakeasy-style Bascule Bar when the door opening from the Waterfront’s most exclusive, hidden-in-plain-sight private marina swings open. “You’re open again! Lekker. We’ll be back for a whiskey soon,” a man behind me promises before disappearing into the dusk outside.  Moments later, another slips through the same entrance and shares a similar, equally audible sentiment with the crew of bartenders shaking cocktails and piercing olives and doing what bartenders do to look busy. He slides into a plush high-top and orders a double. ‘There’s a fearlessness to it now’: Elaine teases new sounds on upcoming visual albumBy: Constance GaanakgomoR&B singer and songwriter Elaine has come a long way since she debuted her Elements EP, and her single You’re The One shot her to fame, fast becoming a chart-topper. She disrupted the R&B genre as an independent artist who was not signed to any major record label at the time. It seemed her rise to fame was quick, but the singer had been putting work behind the scenes while juggling her studies. Friday marked a significant moment for the singer with the release of her single Waiting on You. She expressed that this song offers listeners a preview of what to expect from her upcoming album, which she revealed will be a visual album.The truth about regeneration: Spier launches new Farmer Angus Organic Wine RangeBy: Daléne FourieAngus McIntosh made an intriguing statement at the launch event of Spier’s organic wine range the other day. He said he’s banned the use of the word ‘sustainable’ at Spier because the word implies that existing sustainable farming methods can make enough of an impact on climate change, animal welfare, nutrient density, and food availability when, in fact, they require regeneration.  While some people will grumble at the buzzword, the truth is becoming increasingly apparent. The future of farming and our very survival is linked to a return to natural processes, understanding that everything is connected, and our need to create monocultures and enforce our practices onto the land is futile at best.Stuart Johnston | High-style Volvo: Meet the classic, drop-dead gorgeous P1800By: Stuart JohnstonMention the nameplate Volvo; most people think “sensible”, “solid” and, perhaps, somewhat stolid. It hasn’t always been the case, and thinking back to the mid-’90s, there were turbocharged 5-cylinder Volvo wagons that could raise the hair on your neck from just a tickle on the throttle pedal. But that was mainly due to the high-horse engine, not the chunky looks.By and large, though, Volvos have been seen across the decades as the sensible choice. For high style, you’d probably go Italian, French, German, and British.
Only then may you cast your net a bit wider but probably still give the archipelagos around southwestern Sweden a cursory swish.EXTRACT | ‘Memories scattered’: Atef Abu Saif’s heart-wrenching diary of the days of hell in GazaBy: Atef Abu SaifAta Abu Saif, Minister of Culture for the Palestinian Authority, arrived in Gaza for an International Heritage Day event just days before Israel’s overwhelming assault began. Israel was responding to the attack by Hamas on 7 October 2023 in which more than 1 000 people died; nearly 10 months later, Israel’s assault on Gaza continues, with nearly 40 000 people dead, more than 90 000 injured, a million or more homeless, and much of Gaza reduced to rubble. It is recognised as genocide.Saif’s diary of the first two and a half months of the Israeli assault has now been published in South Africa.ALSO READ:Chidimma AdetshinaEXPLAINER | Home Affairs details citizenship rules amid Chidimma Adetshina’s Miss SA controversy: Home Affairs Deputy Minister Njabulo Nzuza confirmed that Miss SA hopeful Chidimma Adetshina qualified for citizenship, having been born in SA to a South African mother. According to Nzuza, South African citizenship can be obtained by birth, descent, or naturalisation. As public debate about Adetshina’s participation continues, notable figures, including former Public Protector Thuli Madonsela, have voiced support for Adetshina.PODCAST | RealiTea Recap: Dee and Khutso’s rocky road in Married at First Sight Mzansi: When Married At First Sight Mzansi stars Litsoanelo “Dee” Seturumane and Khutso Mokoena said I do upon first meeting on the reality show, their relationship got off to a good start. Now, halfway through the season, the couple has hit a significant hurdle that has left them arguing for a while. The most recent episodes of the show saw Khutso resort to keeping quiet as Dee vented her frustrations with some of the comments he has been passing about her and their relationship. PHOTOS | Chinese fashion giant Shein debuts in South Africa with local designer flair: Chinese online fashion powerhouse Shein has officially launched its first store at the Mall of Africa in Johannesburg. Located directly opposite Yuppiechef and next to Versace, the store opened its doors with a stylish, intimate event attended by various content creators and members of the media. With most Shein fans being women, the store is designed to be unmistakably feminine, making it very hard to miss.“The latest edition of News24’s weekly digital weekend magazine is stuffed full of interviews, reviews, excerpts, and in-depth stories. Enjoy the read.”Source Link: https://www.news24.com/life/topstories/helloweekend/hello-weekend-nightlife-reimagined-fine-dining-meets-electrifying-evenings-at-zioux-20240802 BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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The Ultimate Guide to Free Music Distribution Platforms
In today’s digital age, independent artists have unprecedented access to tools and platforms that allow them to distribute their music globally without the backing of a major record label. One of the most crucial tools in an artist’s arsenal is a reliable music distribution platform. These platforms enable artists to share their music on various streaming services and digital stores, ensuring their work reaches a broad audience. This article explores the best free music distribution platforms available, helping artists make an informed choice.
1. Overview of Music Distribution: Music distribution involves getting your music from the recording studio to listeners. It encompasses a range of services, including uploading music to streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music, selling tracks on digital stores like iTunes and Amazon Music, and ensuring your music is available on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. In the past, distribution was controlled by record labels, but technological advancements have democratized this process, allowing independent artists to take control of their music careers.
2. Criteria for Choosing a Distribution Platform: Selecting the right music distribution platform is critical. Here are some factors to consider:
Reach and Accessibility: Ensure the platform distributes to major streaming services and digital stores.
Ease of Use: The platform should have a user-friendly interface and straightforward upload process.
Additional Features: Look for platforms offering extra services like royalty collection, analytics, and promotional tools.
Support: Reliable customer support can be invaluable, especially for newcomers.
3. Top Free Music Distribution Platforms: Let’s explore some of the top free music distribution platforms:
DistroKid: Although primarily a paid service, DistroKid offers a free tier for artists to upload their first single. Known for its fast distribution speed, DistroKid gets your music on major platforms quickly and efficiently. Features include unlimited uploads, automatic royalty splits, and detailed analytics.
Amuse: Amuse is a completely free distribution service with no hidden costs. It distributes music to all major streaming platforms and digital stores. Additionally, Amuse offers artist-friendly features like advanced royalty collection and music analytics.
Soundrop: Originally designed for cover songs and niche genres, Soundrop has expanded to offer full music distribution services. It allows artists to distribute cover songs legally, handling all the licensing requirements. Soundrop also supports revenue splits and detailed reports.
RouteNote: RouteNote provides both free and premium distribution options. The free tier offers wide distribution and keeps 85% of the revenue generated, while the premium tier gives artists 100% of the earnings for a small upfront fee. RouteNote also offers promotional tools and detailed analytics.
Level: Targeting emerging artists, Level offers free music distribution with simple, user-friendly features. It provides comprehensive support and distributes to major streaming platforms, making it ideal for new artists.
4. Case Studies:
Example 1: Independent artist Jane Doe used Amuse to distribute her debut album. With no upfront costs, she managed to get her music on Spotify, Apple Music, and other platforms. Within months, her single gained traction, leading to increased visibility and streaming revenue.
Example 2: Band XYZ opted for RouteNote’s free distribution. By leveraging RouteNote’s promotional tools, they saw significant growth in their fanbase. Their music was featured on several playlists, boosting their streams and engagement.
Example 3: Singer-songwriter John Smith chose Soundrop for his cover songs. Soundrop’s licensing support allowed him to legally distribute his covers, and the platform’s revenue split feature helped him collaborate seamlessly with other artists.
Conclusion: Choosing the right music distribution platform can significantly impact an artist’s career. Free platforms offer great features without financial burden, enabling artists to reach a global audience. By evaluating the options and considering your unique needs, you can select a platform that will help you share your music with the world effectively.
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danielsiegelalonso · 2 months
Music in the Digital Age By Daniel Siegel Alonso
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Do you remember when mixtapes were painstakingly made, and CDs were prized possessions of music fans? Fast-forward to the present day and music in the digital age is a whole new ballgame. The rise of technology has radically altered how we create, distribute, and consume music. Daniel Siegel Alonso explores this brave new world where algorithms curate playlists, concerts are live-streamed, and anyone with a smartphone can be a DJ.
The Death of the Physical Medium
Siegel Alonso states that the first considerable change in the digital age was the transition from physical to digital media. Vinyl records, cassette tapes, and CDs gave way to MP3s and now streaming services. This change wasn’t just a format change but a seismic shift in the music industry.
No more scratched discs or tangled tapes. Now, all the music you could ever want is just a click away. Services like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube have enabled millions of songs to be accessed instantly. Gone are the days of driving to the record store; now, your favorite artist's latest album can be downloaded in seconds.
Democratization of Music Creation
One of the most thrilling aspects of the digital age is how it has democratized music creation. With powerful software and affordable hardware, anyone can produce studio-quality music from their bedroom. You don’t need a major label to make a hit; you just need a laptop and a spark of inspiration.
Take Billie Eilish, for example. Along with her brother Finneas, she recorded her debut album in a small bedroom studio, garnering multiple Grammy Awards. Billie's tale isn’t unique. The digital age has empowered countless indie artists who have circumvented traditional gatekeepers to unlock their own success.
Streaming: The Double-Edged Sword
While streaming has made music more accessible than ever, Siegel Alonso points out that it’s also been a double-edged sword for artists. On one hand, platforms like Spotify and Apple Music have permitted artists to connect with a global audience without needing the support of a record label. On the other hand, the revenue from streaming is often a pittance of what artists used to make from physical sales.
Musicians are now navigating an ever-changing landscape where touring and merch sales are critical to their livelihood. While distributing music is easier than ever, earning a long-term, sustainable income is difficult. The digital age has reshaped the economics of the music industry, often forcing artists to be as savvy with their business as they are with their craft.
The Algorithm Era
In the digital age, algorithms are the new DJs. Platforms use complex algorithms to curate playlists and recommend new music to listeners. These algorithms analyze your listening habits, likes, and dislikes to serve up a personalized soundtrack for your life.
While this means you’re more likely to discover new artists you’ll love, it also raises questions about diversity in music consumption. Are we all being funneled into narrower musical echo chambers? The human touch of a knowledgeable DJ or a trusted friend’s recommendation sometimes gets lost in the shuffle.
Social Media: The New A&R
Remember when artists had to rely on talent scouts or record labels to get discovered? Now, social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube have become the new A&R departments. Viral moments can catapult unknown musicians into the limelight overnight.
Siegel Alonso takes singer-songwriter Charlie Puth’s meteoric rise as an example. His cover songs went viral on YouTube before topping charts worldwide. Social media has leveled the playing field, allowing artists to connect directly with fans and build their own followings without being beholden to industry gatekeepers.
The Live Experience Reinvented
The digital age hasn’t just changed how we listen to recorded music; it’s also reinvented the live music experience. The COVID-19 lockdown increased the popularity of virtual concerts and live streams. Platforms like Twitch, YouTube, and even Fortnite have hosted live music events, attracting millions of viewers from around the globe.
While nothing can truly replace the energy of a live concert, these virtual events offer a new way to experience live music. They’re accessible to people who might be unable to attend in person due to geographical or financial constraints. Additionally, they present a level of interactivity and engagement unique to the digital format.
The Future Sounds Bright
As we look to the future, Daniel Siegel Alonso mentions that it's clear that the digital age will continue to mold the music industry in new, innovative ways. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality, and blockchain technology promise to create new opportunities for artists and listeners alike. Imagine AI-generated music that adapts to your mood in real-time or virtual concerts where you can choose your viewpoint and interact with fellow fans.
The digital age has made music more accessible, diverse, and dynamic than ever before. It’s obliterated barriers and formed new opportunities for both artists and fans. While there are obstacles to overcome, the potential for innovation and connection is boundless.
Whether you prefer the crackle of vinyl or you're a streaming fan, there’s no denying that we’re experiencing a golden age of music. So, embrace the changes, enjoy the tunes, and let the music play on.
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madverse-music1 · 4 months
How Playlist Push Can Transform Indie Artists' Careers: Success Stories and Strategies
In the fast-paced world of digital music, independent artists often struggle to gain visibility and recognition amidst the overwhelming volume of content available on streaming platforms. Playlist Push, a service designed to connect artists with influential playlist curators, offers a powerful solution to this challenge. By securing spots on popular playlists, Playlist Push can significantly boost an indie artist's career. This article delves into how Playlist Push transforms indie artists' careers, highlighting success stories and strategies that have proven effective.
The Power of Playlist Push
Playlist Push is a marketing platform that helps artists promote their music by getting it placed on curated playlists across major streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music. The process involves submitting tracks to Playlist Push, which then matches the music with curators who manage playlists relevant to the artist's genre. This targeted approach ensures that the music reaches listeners who are likely to appreciate and support it.
Increased Visibility and Discoverability
One of the most significant advantages of using Playlist Push is the increase in visibility. Playlists are a primary tool for music discovery, with many listeners relying on curated lists to find new tracks. When an indie artist's song is featured on a popular playlist, it is exposed to a larger, often global, audience. This visibility can lead to a substantial increase in streams, followers, and overall fan engagement.
Success Stories
Several indie artists have successfully leveraged Playlist Push to elevate their careers. Here are a few notable examples:
1. Lizzy McAlpine
Lizzy McAlpine, an independent singer-songwriter, used Playlist Push to promote her debut album. By getting her tracks on multiple Spotify playlists, she saw a significant rise in her monthly listeners and overall streams. This exposure not only boosted her online presence but also led to more concert bookings and media coverage.
2. Chaz Cardigan
Chaz Cardigan, another indie artist, utilized Playlist Push to promote his singles. His track placements on influential playlists resulted in a spike in streams, catching the attention of major record labels. This increased visibility eventually led to a recording contract, proving that strategic playlist placements can open doors to industry opportunities.
3. Rence
Rence, an emerging artist known for his eclectic style, saw his career take off after using Playlist Push. By securing spots on various genre-specific playlists, Rence expanded his audience and increased his streaming numbers significantly. This success allowed him to collaborate with well-known artists and further establish his brand in the music industry.
Effective Strategies for Indie Artists
To maximize the benefits of Playlist Push, indie artists should consider the following strategies:
1. Understand Your Audience
Before submitting music to Playlist Push, artists need to have a clear understanding of their target audience. This involves knowing the genre, style, and mood of their music, and identifying the playlists that cater to similar listeners. By aligning their music with the right playlists, artists can ensure that their tracks reach listeners who are more likely to enjoy and share their work.
2. Professional Presentation
First impressions matter. Artists should ensure that their music is professionally produced and mastered before submission. Additionally, having compelling cover art and a well-written artist bio can make a significant difference. These elements help create a professional image that can appeal to playlist curators and listeners alike.
3. Consistent Releases
Consistency is key in maintaining and growing an audience. Indie artists should aim to release new music regularly, whether it's singles, EPs, or full albums. By consistently providing new content, artists can keep their audience engaged and increase their chances of being featured on playlists.
4. Leverage Social Media
Promoting playlist placements on social media can amplify their impact. Artists should share links to playlists featuring their music, engage with followers, and encourage fans to stream and share their tracks. This not only boosts streams but also helps in building a loyal fan base.
5. Analyze and Adapt
Using the analytics provided by Playlist Push and streaming platforms, artists can track the performance of their tracks. By analyzing this data, artists can gain insights into listener behavior and preferences, allowing them to refine their strategies and improve future submissions.
Long-term Benefits
The benefits of Playlist Push extend beyond immediate visibility and streams. Regular playlist placements can enhance an artist's profile on streaming platforms, improving their chances of being recommended by algorithms. This algorithmic boost can lead to sustained growth in listeners and streams over time. Additionally, increased visibility can attract the attention of industry professionals, leading to more opportunities such as collaborations, live performances, and even record deals.
Playlist Push offers a valuable platform for indie artists seeking to increase their visibility and grow their careers. By securing spots on influential playlists, artists can reach new audiences, boost their streams, and attract industry attention. Success stories like those of Lizzy McAlpine, Chaz Cardigan, and Rence demonstrate the transformative potential of strategic playlist placements. By understanding their audience, presenting their music professionally, maintaining consistent releases, leveraging social media, and analyzing performance data, indie artists can maximize the benefits of Playlist Push and achieve long-term success in the music industry.
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