#Maizula Fic
the-genius-az · 1 month
I want a Maizula Fic with more than 150,000 words.
Where Azula becomes Fire Lord at a young age because Ozai had tuberculosis (Azula contracted it later) and now he has to rule the Nation and end a war because he knows he won't survive and he doesn't want his people to die in a war to which she doesn't even go.
And all while carrying a terminal illness.
While Mai returns to the capital because she sent a letter to Azula to tell her that she needs her since she doesn't want to be in Omashu or anywhere with her parents and brother.
And then when he returns, he finds out about Azula's illness and immediately becomes her personal guard (he just wants to take care of her) and follows her everywhere.
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fishyupmywishy · 15 days
Accidental Hero AU
I want a fic of Azula getting worse.
Like she’s down right terrible. Completely evil and she knows that. She revels in being horrible. She was going to prove her mother right. That Azula truly is a monster.
Everything she does ends up becoming something that was good.
She bombed a building and killed a bunch of people?
The building was full of human traffickers that were about to kidnap a ton of kids.
She kidnapped a noble?
The noble thought she was going to torture them and immediately spills out their plans to steal tax money from the citizens.
And Azula grows more and more frustrated because everything she does ends up being something that makes the world a better place when all she wants is to watch it all burn. Like she truly believes she is irredeemable and has no interest in getting better because if she wasn’t wanted when she wasn’t evil, why should she bother being good at all?
(and if it ends with maizulee or any other sapphic Azula ship, well🤷‍♀️)
Accidental Hero Azula sounds absolutely hilarious to me
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bean-spring · 2 months
Maizulee moodboards because these girls make me go completely insane!!!!! 🧡🤍🩷
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@the-mariachi-96 asked for more moodboards so... Here are the sapphics <3
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blorboazula · 2 months
For the Drabble/word prompt:
Thank you for the prompt!
Azula's on a war path. And Katara can only facepalm and pity their opponents.
Who thought Uno with the two most competitive people in the world would end well? The only reason Zuko and Azula aren't trading punches yet is because Zuko has Drunk curled on his lap, the little menace of a kitten, and Azula has Katara on her lap (according to her, also a little menace of a kitten).
Azula treats a card game like a war, making Zuko buy more cards means she's successful in the conquest of new lands to her empire.
"You're adorably stupid," Katara whispers on ear, quite comfortable on her lap, she's not sure how Azula manages to keep her card in hand and an arm around Katara, holding her safe there.
"I'm a genius."
"This is a luck game!" Zuko exclaimed.
"Shut up, loser," she throws a +4 on the table, for the humiliation of the brother.
Katara laughs, she'll give Azula a good, long reward later that night.
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drpoisonoaky · 3 months
I made something a little different out of nowhere.
I always write Zuko, Ty Lee and Mai as people who care or cared about Azula but i wanted to try something new.
Unconditional love (2601 words) by drpoisonoaky Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Azula/Katara (Avatar) Characters: Azula (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), Ozai (Avatar), Ursa (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar) Additional Tags: Azula needs a hug, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, nobody really loved or cared about her, Complicated Relationships, Angst with a Happy Ending, i think so, it's kinda sad thought, Past Azula/Ty Lee (Avatar), Past Aang/Katara (Avatar), Minor Mai/Zuko (Avatar), I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping Series: Part 18 of Kazula short stories Summary: Everyone talks about unconditional love or the simple fact of being loved. Azula never knew what that was. or A little story about how Azula has been betrayed her whole life and how Katara helps her to love and be loved.
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worldendercharles · 2 months
"when mai looks down at azula, collapsed on the floor, she has ursa’s eyes; perhaps that was always the problem with loving the girl who she could play firelord’s wedding with."
or: there is nothing mai and azula can do to escape from each-other.
(a study of maizula in 50 sentences)
☆ bisexual mai
☆ unhealthy relationships
☆ period-typical homophobia & sexism
☆ canon compliant
☆ codependency
☆ lovers to enemies but it's a little more complicated
☆ minor maiko
Its the maizula toxic yuri you've always needed!
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glaucuspacificus · 7 months
there’s this current avatar azula AU (utterpok by ao3 user maizula) that i’m reading rn and it feels very different to what you just described when it comes to the treatment of aang and the air nomads when writers make another character the avatar.
usually what i’ve tended to notice for azula avatar AUs is that aang is usually killed off before the fic begins or is treated as a side character who doesn’t have much relevance aside from teaching azula air bending. his character arc isn’t really there and usually his love interest is given to azula in these fics.
the fic i was on about seems to take a whole new approach to avatar aus that i’ve never seen before within this fandom by keeping aang alive and also allowing him to have the narrative relevance his character rightfully demands to take up. sokka, katara and aang actually seem to take up more reading time than azula herself so far which is again, really interesting because it’s an avatar azula fic. she should be doing that right? nope, not there at least.
oh and i have to praise the amazing world building this author has created for this fic because it’s not something i’ve ever seen in an this character is the avatar au. it has the base aesthetics of atla but the author has overhauled the entire world to properly represent the asian and inuit cultures atla seems to take inspiration off. if you’re into world building and lore in general, this is a fresh recommendation from this little anon dude.
Sorry, anon for taking so long to reply but it took me ages to find the time to read Utterpok - I think it might have been in my marked for later even before your message! I have to say that I am enjoying it very much.
Its extremely clear that the author cares so much about every character which is a breath of fresh air. Something I'm trying to work on is writing from different perspectives and taking the time to properly round out every character I write and this fic is a masterclass in that.
It's fantastic that there is so much added worldbuilding. I know that ATLA is a kids show but as an adult now, the worldbuilding and added complexity in the world gives a more mature feel which is very appealing.
I have never seen another character as the Avatar AU that has done Aang justice before so this is a great recommendation, anon. Thank you!
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azulasmommykink · 2 months
Whispered Secrets in the Dark: Chapter III - Corridor Encounter
do block this blog if you don't like A/B/O & incest fics so I don't show up in the tag for you
pairing: Azula x Ursa – but Azula x Mai in this chapter | rating: explicit | A/B/O; alpha!Azula x omega!Ursa
general content warnings: omegaverse (feat. g!p), explicit sexual content, parent-child incest, consensual underage sex.
Azula is not in the habit of questioning reality, but she wakes up and stares up at the ceiling like it’ll tell her if last night actually happened.
Did Mother give her an Agni-dammned handjob?
She woke up with a raging hard-on, something normal at this point, and the memories of lingering scent, lingering touches, of a person that shouldn’t be there. It’s not her first sexual experience, Azula’s not quite a virgin – well, she is in the more “traditional” sense, fooling around with Ty Lee but never going all the way with the non-bender omega. She went farther with may, but as a proudful alpha, she’ll never admit those… tendencies out loud.
She’ll also not rub one first thing in the morning, those early craving are soothed on their own, no need of her assistance. She’s all soft again by the time she’s on her morning training clothes, which’s great, there’s no need of a princess to walk around with a visible erection. 
Filled with hormones or not, Azula’s above such carnal, dirty little things.
Dressed in her usual trousers and chest wrappings, and covered with one of her many silk robes, the princess makes her way to her favorite training courtyard. Or she tries. First, she smells the strong, musky scent of another alpha. With a sharpness of steel that tells her exactly who it is. Then a hand, followed by flowing clothes, grabs her arms. She has been jumped times enough to know it's better to be pliant and let herself be pinned to the wall. It’s not like she likes it or anything.
“Do you not have better things to do than jumping on unsuspecting alphas?” It’s mostly a snarl. “The sun has barely risen.”
“Perhaps I do,” where Mother’s voice is soothing, Mai’s breathtakingly sensual. “Like fucking you against this wall.”
“I have a schedule, I’m sure you don’t fit in its current slot.”
“I can make it quick.”
“I thought you had better stamina.”
“I can make yours quite short.”
“We established I last longer than you.”
“I’d like to test it.”
“Would you now?” Mai responds by undoing her robe’s knot. “Do you think Zuko would be happy that you’re about to suck off her little sister?”
“Don’t talk about yourself in third person, it’s weird. And we’re not even engaged, she won’t mind it at all. Also, who said I’ll suck you off? I said fuck you against the wall.”
“I have more important things to do than be your fuck buddy,” like finding Mother and questioning her what the fuck last night was about. 
“Sure,” Mai’s well-kept claws leave pink trails down Azula’s stomach, it makes her hiss and immediately rise to a half-mast. Mai knows her a little too well. “Then why are you hard?”
“Barely hard,” Mai moves her hands up again, they’re the adequate size to perfectly cup her breasts, Azula might or might not be sensitive to someone fondling with those. “This is not fair.”
There's a small lift of the corner of her mouth, it’s a smirk in Mai’s body language: “Such a whore.”
“I’m a young alpha, and you’re groping me, that’s all.”
“Groping you?” Her left hand moves south, gripping firmly her now fully hard cock. “This is groping.”
“Just get on your knees and suck my cock.”
“I intended to fuck you,” her fingers hook on Azula’s waistband. “I guess sucking you off will have to be enough.”
“And I’m the horny one.”
Mai doesn’t answer, pushing down her trousers to her knees without saying another word. Her cock’s heavy enough to be weighted down when she’s up on her feet, but not so terribly weighted down, it almost points straight forward. 
Mai’s long, slender fingers wrap around her girth, fingertips overlay each other. Azula appreciates the length of her fingers (specially when they’re inside of her, she’s proud but not proud enough to not allow herself to be touched in all pleasurable ways. That’s definitely why she let Mother touch her…) Azula relaxes against the wall, also braces herself for what she knows will be an intense session of Mai trying to suck her soul out via her cock.
Mai, the stoic, expressionless alpha (more of a role model of Fire Nation alphas than she has any right to be), kneels in front of her with golden eyes full of lust. She looks quite pretty when on her knees, not so subtly smelling in Azula’s scent like it’s fresh air after years suffocating underground. Her nose traces from the hilt of her shaft to the tip and down again, she licks and sucks on unfairly sensitive balls. She licks slowly up, she takes some sweet time licking the extremely sensitive cockhead. 
It’s fascinating. Azula thinks, to watch how Mai takes all of length into her throat.
She covers her mouth to muffle her moans, her other hand tightens in a fist – Mai bit her cock almost hard enough to draw blood the one time Azula tried to hold her head without permission. Azula’s self-control is commendable, even more so when you consider what she’s going through, and she keeps her hips as still as possible as Mai performs one of her cocksucking shows.
And the nonbender alpha looks up at her, keeping Azula imprisoned in their eye contact, something that only adds to the pleasantly experience of getting a head in a public space.
(Azula knows she’ll think about Mother in that position, on her knees and looking so pretty it hurts, taking her in like she was made for it. )
“Such a good cocksucker.”
Mai rolls her eyes, but sucks her harder and she can smell the fellow alpha’s arousal scent. It’s a shame the princess won’t be able to do anything about it, since she’s running late already with this small encounter. Mai sneaks her hands up her tights and then gropes her butt, pulling her closer, pushing her cock even deeper. Azula doesn’t try to hold back much as the alpha works the muscles of her throat around the thick shaft invading her throat.
The continuous intense sucking sends Azula over the edge quicker than she’ll admit.
Nai swallows every drop of cum, she always does. She eases Azula out of her throat, licks to make sure it’s all clean and nice. She gets up, smelling like an alpha needing of release soon. However, at least she understands that making Azula ever more late to her training isn’t good.
The princess reaches to one of Mai’s flowing sleeves: “Meet me later.”
“Will you let me fuck you?”
“Maybe I will. We will see.”
Azula knows she will, at least when they do that, she can fully ignore other thoughts, not that Mai needs to know that.
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zuko-always-lies · 2 months
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lady-tortilla-chip · 2 years
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Mai isn’t stupid. As often as Zuko’s advisors might like to insinuate when she speaks up during meetings or servants might whisper out of petty jealousy or in mocking — she’s not.
Her shoes click as she walks and the sound functions like a warning, for anyone smart enough to realize gossiping in front of the subject of conversation is dangerous. And yet, the promise of her wrath doesn’t dissuade anyone.
While traversing the halls she’s learned to ignore the murmurings of passing servants whispering to each other. She’s tried glaring and promising retribution when a dirty look didn’t suffice but the rumors persist even through the firing and hiring of new people.
No matter how hard she tries though, she can’t seem to help catching on her own name when it comes up, or Zuko’s. Or Aang’s.
Mai has heard it all and yet it still startles her when they murmur, “The poor Firelady, certainly she can’t have any idea what’s happening!”
Mai isn’t stupid nor pitiful. Though plenty of the staff seems to think so.
It’s why she comes here.
Rest of the fic here! @maiweek Day 4: Forbidden/Boiling Rock. ENJOY LOVES
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praetorqueenreyna · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Azula/Mai (Avatar), Mai/Zuko (Avatar) Characters: Mai (Avatar), Azula (Avatar) Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Aged-Up Character(s), Infidelity, Mai Week, Mai Week 2022 Summary:
Mai loves Zuko. Unfortunately, she’s always loved Azula more.
[For Mai Week Day 4. Prompt: Forbidden]
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the-genius-az · 1 month
I would like Mai and Ty Lee to meet the Mai and Ty Lee comics and Live action.
It would be funny how they just love Azula even though she's an idiot sometimes, and look how Mai and Ty Lee (Comics) are scared and hate her and shit and a half, while with Mai and Ty Lee (Live Action) they just say that she's a baby and she's fucking traumatized.
Mai and Ty Lee (Comics): She scares me, she's like the devil. 😭
Mai and Ty Lee: ???
Mai and Ty Lee (Live action): She's a baby, she just needs love and care. 🥺
Mai and Ty Lee: ???
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ilikepjo24 · 1 year
Just uploaded chapter 2!
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 1 year
Imma be honest I have no idea what to write...
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blorboazula · 2 months
for the word prompt: beach!
thanks for turning anon available btw 😭😭
Thanks for the prompt! (I noticed I should leave anon on if I ask for prompts)
Katara likes warmth, she likes the sun, she likes it all very much, thank you. So she makes visiting Ember Island a yearly tradition, for no reason other than because she likes tropical summers. Yes, yes, nothing else. No surprisingly charming Firebender involved in her desire to come here.
It's a full moon night, there's a pleasant breeze across the small, private beach. It's quiet, the sea is quite calm in the strip of land that belong to the Firelords. The moon's so bright she can see everything. It's not as bright as the plumes of blue flames that keep bringing Katara's attention back to the Firebender.
Should the sight be this glorious?
Without Ozai there to ruin everything, it's so, so easy to fall in love with Azula. Smart, strong, brave and loyal, aren't those honorable traits? It helps that she's beautiful under the moonlight, glowing blue and with her eyes closed.
Katara loves warm, bright things. Like the sun, like dragonfire, like Azula.
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worldendercharles · 2 months
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kintsungi was once practiced, in the old fire nation; now, imperfect things are only discarded.
~or: azula in fifty sentences (+ one extra)
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