#Mainly crack but also if anyone does anything with this ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€
Bartimaeus AU but it's Matilda
So I watched Matilda because I couldn't get the idea of Ms Lutyens = Miss Honey out of my mind; and I think Nathaniel deserves a happy ending with a cottagecore lesbian coded mother, but it actually works surprisingly well??
โ€ข Instead of Matilda Wordwood it's Nathaniel Underwood.
โ€ข Instead of telekinesis Nathaniel summons Bartimaeus to cause trouble.
โ€ข "Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty" -*summons a demon in his bedroom*
โ€ข Lavender would probably be Kitty.
โ€ข Nathaniel and Ms Lutyens bond over art rather than books but he still reads way above his age and is a very intelligent kid.
โ€ข "Arthur Underwood lived in a very nice neighborhood, in a very nice house, but he wasn't a very nice person"
โ€ข "Underwood was so wrapped up in his own silly life he barely realised he had a son, had he paid any attention to him at all, he'd have realised he was a rather extraordinary child"
โ€ข "The happiest part of the story is that Nathaniel and Ms Lutyens each got what they had always wanted; a loving family."
โ€ข "Nathaniel discovered to his great surprise that life could be fun, and he decided to have as much of it as possible- after all he was a very smart kid"
โ€ข Instead of Magnus (Miss honey's dad) it's Martha Underwood as Ms Lutyens' mother who died.
โ€ข Simon Lovelace instead of Trunchbull, who is Ms Lutyens' Uncle or cousin/brother because they're quite similar in age.
โ€ข Lovelace is paranoid about being found out as the murderer of Mrs Underwood.
โ€ข Nathaniel uses Bartimaeus to get Ms Lutyens' home back and scare Lovelace away.
โ€ข And Arthur Underwood signing the adoption papers over to Ms Lutyens at the end because absolutely everyone needs that to heal their soul.
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mazeinthemiroh ยท 2 years
Can you write skz reaction as your s/o to when you are sleeping at their place and you ask if you can sleep naked? ๐Ÿ˜…
stray kids reaction to their s/o sleeping naked
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genre: fluff, crack, suggestive
word count: 0.5k
warnings: cursing, suggestive
pls like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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yeah so channie sleeps naked too. therefore, not only is he not that bothered by it, he actually loves the fact that you do too. mainly because... obvious reasons... but also because you guys have an understanding: it feels so much more comfortable sleeping naked than when you're wearing pyjamas that just ultimately get in the way, especially when cuddling >:(
lee know
he sort of laughs when you tell him, shrugging slightly. he doesn't mind it and is quite nonchalant about it, but that doesn't mean he necessarily gets it either. he's more worried about you catching a cold because you're still so persistent to sleep naked even in cold weather!! he will try to wrap you up in fluffy blankets and cuddle you so you don't get too cold <////3
it's not a habit he has but, hey, now it is! he'll totally join you in the bare-body-bed routine. after he's done a whole workout sesh and has had a shower, this has just become a habit for him now. you know he's down for anything anyways. he's probably the most excited to find out your little habit, especially because the skin on skin contact is a big yes for him ๐Ÿ‘€
bro is shocked when he finds you in his bed, fully naked and reading a book or smth like it's the most normal, natural thing for you to do in the world. he's so confused like?? and when you tell him you prefer sleeping naked he's so dramatic about it. 'well you could've warned me?? geez ๐Ÿ™„' like he hasn't seen you naked before?? idk this dude is weird. he will end up loving your little sleeping habit anyways so <3
he doesn't really care. will probably laugh when you confess your little secret, shrug it off and join you lol. it doesn't affect him either way, so long as you're comfortable he doesn't mind at all. he knows everyone has their different sleeping habits. he feels quite flattered that you feel comfortable enough to be like that, although it does come as a surprise to him at first.
he's like ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿคญ so blushy about it but he doesn't mind at all. honestly, in general, felix is the nicest person to live with only because he can tolerate anyone's habits because he's so freaking kind and just perfect <///3 so if you wanna be naked? be naked! he doesn't feel it's his place to tell you how to sleep and he just wants you to be comfy with him :<
this unbothered king doesn't even bat an eye. he's so unphased by it that it's actually kind of concerning. it's like he knew before you even told him. and his response is just 'ok' when he does find out. like give me some reaction bro????? but he literally doesn't care. that's until he actually stays the night at your place and realises what he's gotten himself into... then he doesn't even know what to say.
thinks he is mishearing you when you tell him you sleep fully naked. i can't wrap his head around how you are comfortable like that?? this is only because he usually wears at least something when he goes to bed. but what's more on his mind is that what happens if you share a bed with him?? hmm?? what then???? he will lose his shit and you know it.
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