#Mailing lists are great. No ads. Longform posts with personality and unique user-designed layouts
solradguy · 2 years
Lmao I'm thinking of maybe applying for a physical art show next year to sell prints n shit and I realized I should probably have at least one "major" social media site account for normal people to follow and keep up with me. But, man, Twitter's crumbling. I'd rather drink boiling battery acid than use Facebook again. Instagram just rolled out its own version of Elon Musk's $8 bully-me badge so my posts would get buried more than they already did when I used that site, but IG's owned by Facebook anyway so what's it even matter.
At this point I'm just like... Jesus. A mailing list??? Do people still subscribe to mailing lists in 2023??? I love mailing lists but I'm possessed by the spirit of someone's gen x dad so lmfao
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