#Maid of light
etherealbiocide · 2 months
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STUCK ... STUCK? PIECES 🎆✨️⚙️❤️💚💙🖤
Some digital pieces I've done for the MSPFA story 'Stuck...Stuck?', made by me, @digitalminstrel  , @seeingstarzz and @henryscircus ! :)
The first piece is OVERTHINKING, a piece done with pixel brushes starring God tiered Wren and regular Kipp, inspired by the lyrics from Overthinking - Mabel.
The second piece is SBURBICIDE, another pixel brush piece that was honestly meant to be a shitpost since it was inspired by the "come with us to equestria" image 😭 but it looked cool and was plot accurate so I decided to finalise it! :) it stars Stan and Adam.
The third piece is ANTICHRIST, which is just a cool bust of Adam tbh and doesn't have any lore worth noting at all.
If you're interested in Homestuck/Sburb fan comics, then feel free to give Stuck...Stuck? A read! :) it isn't super long at the moment, but it can be read here! ---> https://mspfa.com/?s=57315&p=1
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Adventurine: The Maid of Light
Maid: The active creation class
One who creates aspect or creates through aspect
One who creates aspect for themselves
Alternatively, one who fixes aspect
Abstract: Knowledge, Awareness, Attention, Relevance, Fortune, Luck
Literal: Actual Light (Brightness), Vision, Eyes, the Sun, Stars
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Light, the aspect of facts and fortune. If there's a chance of something happening, even at the smallest odds, the Light-bound will grasp onto that possibility. Take for example a gambler in a game of blackjack, the odds are against him and his chances of winning are slim. Yet, despite everything, the gambler walks away with more money than he came in with.
It's a facet that's less emphasized, not even the Extended Zodiac mentions the aspect's fortuitous traits. But within Homestuck's narrative, luck is shown to be one of the most important parts of being a Light-bound.
Let's discuss, starting with...
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Aranea! A fellow Light-bound healer. As a Sylph of Light, not only can she heal others of physical aliments (e.i. Terezi's blindness), but she can also heal fate itself, creating fortune for an otherwise doomed timeline...
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...or so she claims. Aranea became so absorbed with her hubris does she fail to be careful, being so reliant on her luck to steer her towards her goal that her megalomania ended in a rather, dark end. She falls into an abyss (literally is up for interpretation) and is absorbed in irrelevancy. [s]GAME OVER is the last time we see her play any significant role. Something that echoes a eerily familiar scene
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Our next fellow Light-bound is our darling Rose Lalonde.
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Though most perceive her character as the one who Knows it All, Rose Lalonde's role within the entirety of the narrative is to guide others towards a path with the most fortuitous outcomes, but rather than controlling them, she can guide others to take the action's necessary to put them on the best possible path for them to take. An advisor of sorts.
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However, this doesn't necessarily mean victory. Her powers not only assist a single person, but they also assist the timeline as a whole. Whatever she needs to do to reach best possible fate for her friends, she will do it. Even if it means releasing a star and dying within its flares.
Which brings up an interesting parallel between her and Aventurine: both were willing to sacrifice themselves if it meant tearing down the walls that held a microcosm of their reality.
For Rose, the game was meant to be unwinnable. Thus she retaliates by breaking the game in any ways she could before concluding that blowing up the green sun is the best path of action .
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For Aventurine, it's almost the same thing. But instead of desperately trying to burn down all of reality however, he wants to tear at the threads that make up the facade that is Penacony, and The Family along with it; to bring attention to the murders that they're covering up.
He wants to prove that death in this dreamscape is possible, and that Penacony is not all what it seems.
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It's also worth noting that seeking evidence, even at the risk of putting himself in grave danger with powers higher than him, is also a characteristic of being a Light-bound.
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These endeavors both result in their "deaths". In a sense, both have also ascended: Rose became a god and Aventurine has got a newfound reason to live.
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Black Hole, Green Sun.
But I digress
Let's turn towards the last light-bound: Vriska Serket!
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Both he and this Thief of Light have been known throughout their respective fandoms as gamblers. They even appear to wield dice as their weapons!
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Aventurine and Vriska both have been show to be able to manipulate any outcomes to break in their favor. However, where luck comes to Aventurine naturally, Vriska has to take it.
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Both also have been plagued streaks of luck that are a detriment to their lives. One of the first things the read learns about Vriska in her proper introduction is the fact that she has a habit that accumulates bad luck
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For Aventurine though, well...
Aventurine's life is defined by his gratuitous fortune, ever since he's birth he's been blessed with it. Hailing from a desert land in which I can assume has little to shelter its inhabitants from the harsh heat, the moment Aventurine was born however, rain had come upon them. Perhaps the first time in a long time.
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Being blessed by their deity, it's natural that one can assume that his good luck would lead him towards great things later in life. Perhaps he could've used it to bring his clan some fortune to improve their quality of life.
And he does! Somewhat. Only once: His sister's necklace was stolen by a couple of Katicans and through his luck, little Kakavasha was able to win a game and bring the necklace back
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That should've be the beginning of a wide lucky streak for Aventurine, good thing after good thing happening throughout his life is what fate should have in store for him, right?
To him, to be lucky isn't always a good thing, especially if you have a lot of it.
Let's talk about his class, the Maid.
The story of a Maid begins with them having an overwhelming amount of their aspect, so much so that it seems to permeate every facet of their life. It engulfs them to the point that it snuffs out the Maid's true sens of self. In other words, they're a servant to their aspect.
Maid of Time Aradia Megido was so engulfed by death and destruction that by the time the reader is introduced to her, she's already dead. Even before that, voices of the dead speak into her mind and constantly tell her what to do.
Maid of Space Porrim and Maid of Life Jane have similar troubles with their aspect as they're forced to be in a predetermined position that they're placed in seemingly the moment they were born. For Porrim, it was to assist the troll's progenitor, the Mother Grub. For Jane, it was her position as Heiress to a baking company her grandmother created.
For Aventurine, it's his blessing that makes him extremely lucky, yet it pushes him into isolation.
When his clan was slaughtered, he was the sole survivor of their massacre. When he was thrown into a brawl with other slaves, he was the sole survivor of that fight.
When he killed his master, he manages to not only keep his life but also to rise far above the ranks from his status as a slave. A high-stakes gamble that he should've lost. Curious that he's stationed on a planet that used to be a prison.
When his luck is noticed, he becomes a servant to whoever is above him. As long as his luck benefits others, he can keep his life. He creates luck, not just for others, but for his own survival too. He’s quite literally made of it. He even gives you buffs during his boss fight if you manage to roll higher than him, and that still plays to his schemes. We’ll talk about that later however.
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Aventurine is trapped in a cycle of survival. His luck is what keeps him alive but at what price? Aventurine doesn't see a reason to live nor does he actively seek to die, he just keeps gambling and gambling, winning and winning. A slave to his fortune.
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So what can he do? Is he bound to forever run in cycles while his blessing tugs him around like a leash?
A Maid's role is to not only create, but to repair as well. To overcome their aspect and make it theirs to wield.
Let's start off on the surface: there's a murder mystery in Penacony and the Family is diverting attention away from it, to the extent that it never seemed like the victims died. Besides, there is no death in Penacony.
Aventurine seeks to rectify that. Bring light towards the truth of not only the murders, but Penacony as a whole.
But let’s look a little deeper, after all it’s not attention that he has a problem with, it’s his fortune. How does one find a way to overcome good luck? To overcome a blessing?
To set down the path where the best possible outcome is to fail.
The climax of the 2.1 Trailblaze quest has the Trailblazer and the Astral Express Crew face off against Aventurine under the guise of getting the Trailblazer to destroy all of Penacony, when in reality:
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It’s bait. It’s all a farce to get himself killed. And with his luck, he was able to provoke Archeron to draw her blade and make him the third death in Penacony. The reason why he activates your ultimate if you roll a higher number than him in is boss fight? It can be said that he’s a fair man, but it could also mean that he’ll be brought closer to being defeated the higher you roll.
By being killed, it’ll be hard to deny that death does happen within the dreamscape and everyone is unable to look away and is now forced to come to terms with that fact.
Aventurine managed to break the cycle, he had lost because he made it so. Overcoming the curse that was his luck by making defeat the most fortuitous path he could take.
…So, what now? There’s not much to his story left now that he’s dead.
Well… not quite. Aventurine isn’t actually dead.
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This is where things start to turn speculative, but bear with me here.
As alluded to before, Aventurine’s finale mirrors the ends of both Aranea and Rose. One falls into nothingness and obscurity while the other rises anew. Who’s to say that this is just Star Rail’s version of a legendary nap? Right after he conquers his good luck streak that adds in the unveiling of the truth of Penacony, a fitting parallel to completing SBURB’s land quest, Aventurine enacts the ultimate sacrifice and ascends.
Though ascension in Homestuck is a flashy and a celebrated matter, Aventurine’s is more of a realization.
His entire life was wrought with death, him just being lucky to have his be continuously delayed. Fate has toyed with him and thus sees that no matter what he does, he just keeps living. So within the nothingness, he asks the emanator of nothingness this question:
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To which, she replies:
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Both she and Aventurine know that there is more to life than just simply being alive. She has more to live for and so does Aventurine.
Acheron alludes to his reawakening, telling him that he has much more to do.
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However, it is only when our Maid of Light is finally given some light himself does he make the resolve to stride forward:
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Aventurine is a Maid of Light that has been through so many hardships that ironically were given through his deity’s blessing: his luck. Yet, it’s that same blessing that kept him toiling through his life until his finale, where he finally found the strength to use it for his own downfall. With his arc seemingly finished and currently in limbo, there are still many things that Kakvasha needs to do. He’s not done living.
And this time, he won’t be shackled by the light that bounded him for so long. No more weighted dice.
And if we ever see him again (he has to. At the time of writing this, he’s set to release in 3 days), maybe there will be something new about him.
Maybe one day we’ll get a Nihility Aventurine down the line too.
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aortaobservatory · 5 months
Classes of Light - AO Classpecting
Chosen Keywords: Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning
TEZ Keywords: Knowledge-seekers, students, problem-solvers, precision, scholars, researchers, resourceful, driven, (fussy, pedantic, insensitive)
CANON: Those bound to the aspect of Light are the universe's knowledge-seekers. They are, above all, driven to learn and understand. They are great alchemists, able to take multiple sources of information and synthesize them into something useful. They are scholars and researchers, absolutely dedicated to knowledge for knowledge's sake. They are the ultimate students, and although that might conjure up the image of people sitting around peacefully waiting for knowledge to be brought to them, that couldn't be further from the truth. The Light-bound will go after knowledge with a fierce intensity that others may find distasteful. They aren't overly concerned with laws or norms, either. They often take rules as simple suggestions, instead searching for loopholes or work-arounds. At their best, the Light-bound are resourceful and driven. At their worst they can be fussy, pedantic, and insensitive.
All of the analysis written below is my own writing, analysis, and thoughts as based on the sources I consulted. The statements are my own analysis, but they may function as a "fill in the blank" statement for you to create your own interpretation of the classpect as you please by replacing the aspect word with any of the provided keywords above.
Sources consulted: (dahniwitchoflight), (rosespecting), (godtier-haven), (TEZ), (MSPA Wiki)
LINK: (Classpecting Analysis Masterpost)
TAGS: [Mage], [Seer], [Witch], [Heir]
TAGS: [Knight], [Page], [Thief], [Rogue]
TAGS: [Sylph], [Maid], [Prince], [Bard]
Mage (Active): Know - Too Much Experience with Light
A Mage of Light is almost constantly experiencing knowledge and evaluation from the people around them and their surroundings, which gives them a unique understanding of how insight and the meaning of something can help a situation... or hurt a situation.
A Mage of Light is flooded with Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning), uniquely experiencing both the good and the bad of it. As a result, they gain a unique understanding of what Light is and does, often resenting it or becoming jaded and frustrated with it, but never rejecting it. Their challenge is to become open to new insight or different perspectives than their own.
Heir of Void (Inverse): As the Mage of Light knows Light in a flood of both good and bad, they end up embodying Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have an indirect relationship with Void; because they know and experience Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they fully embody and thus must change Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Mage of Light does not undergo the Heir of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Heir class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Seer (Passive): Know - Too Little Experience with Light
A Seer of Light is surrounded by secrecy and many potential unknowns, and lacks knowledge and insight in their life, and as a result are driven to learn everything they can about meaningful evaluation in order to understand what they previously lacked.
A Seer of Light studies Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning), craving knowledge of it from their previous lack of it. They seek knowledge of Light with a fierce intensity in order to gain more understanding of it, acknowledging the potential consequences of doing so and dealing with them later. Their challenge is to learn how to translate their insight and knowledge into action and decision, as well as learn how to manage their engagement with Light so as to not overwhelm themself or others.
Witch of Void (Inverse): As the Seer of Light attempts to gain experience with Light from their previous lack of it, they end up changing Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have a direct relationship with Void; because they change and thus half embody Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities), they gain experience with and thus know Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Seer of Light does not undergo the Witch of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Witch class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Witch (Active): Change - Too Little Embodiment of Light
A) A Witch of Light embodies knowledge and the insight it gives them, in order to change their own and others evaluation of what something means.
B) A Witch of Light embodies the evaluation of what something means, in order to change their own and others knowledge and the insight it gives them.
Witches are self-assured and conclusive individualists. They pick and choose which parts and pieces of Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning) fit into their own already determined desires, making Light embody themself and changing it to suit their own wants and needs. Their challenge is to achieve a stable balance in themself without losing themself to Light or their own changing whims.
Seer of Void (Inverse): As the Witch of Light changes the pieces of Light within themself, they end up experiencing Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have an indirect relationship with Void; because they change and half embody Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they gain experience with and thus know Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Witch of Light does not undergo the Seer of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Seer class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Heir (Passive): Change - Too Much Embodiment of Light
An Heir of Light embodies the ability of evaluation, meaning they are knowledgable; however, only by changing themself can they change the insight they gain and the meaning of it.
An Heir of Light inherits and embodies Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning), allowing Light to change themself or itself. They have huge amounts of Light related strengths, allowing themself to be surrounded by Light or naturally gravitating towards it. Their challenge is to not get stuck on Light, to know when to move on and change themself to keep themself balanced.
Mage of Void (Inverse): As the Heir of Light embodies Light within themself, they end up knowing Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have a direct relationship with Void; because they fully embody and thus must change Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they know and experience Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Heir of Light does not undergo the Mage of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Mage class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Knight (Active): Utilize - Too Much Skill with Light
A Knight of Light would be very skilled in using the knowledge they possess and the insight it gives them, to protect and defend the evaluation of others and the meaning given to them.
A Knight of Light is extremely adept with their Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning), their driving effort to protect it and others through it. They are loyal to Light's cause and naturally gifted with it, using it as a tool to achieve whatever they set themself to. Their challenge is to learn how to be less harsh on themself, to accept and learn from failure, and to accept the assistance of others when they need it.
Rogue of Void (Inverse): As the Knight of Light utilizes Light from their loyalty to it, they end up valuing Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have an indirect relationship with Void; because they utilize and are skilled with Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they value and thus give/allocate Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Knight of Light does not undergo the Rogue of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Rogue class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Page (Passive): Utilize - Too Little Skill with Light
A Page of Light is a beginner when it comes to learning and evaluating the knowledge they gain, but they repeatedly strive to master it using the insight they've acquired and the meaning they've ascribed to it.
A Page of Light starts unskilled in Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning), learning how it works and how to use it to its full potential over time. In their many attempts to master Light, they teach others the value of Light, becoming an unintentional source of inspiration. Their challenge is to keep at it, learn from failure, and eventually master Light, being able to confidently provide Light to others.
Thief of Void (Inverse): As the Page of Light attempts to gain skill with Light from their previous lack of it, they end up allocating Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have a direct relationship with Void; because they take/allocate and thus do not value Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities), they gain skill with and thus utilize Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Page of Light does not undergo the Thief of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Thief class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Thief (Active): Allocate - Too Little Value towards Light
A Thief of Light lacks knowledge and evaluation in their life, resulting in a fierce desire to possess such things for themself and leading to them not understanding the value of the insights they gain and what that means, as they take knowledge and the evaluations of others from others and hoard it all to themself for their own benefit.
A Thief of Light takes Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning), either craving it fiercely from their lack of it in their lives or simply because they like it, stealing and hoarding it all for themself and their own personal benefit. Despite their outward confidence with Light, they often take it at face-value without learning of its true value, being unsatisfied with how much Light they hoard and craving more and more. Their challenge is to focus less on attaining and more on learning about the value their aspect, as well as to let others have their aspect and learning why it is important to others.
Page of Void (Inverse): As the Thief of Light allocates pieces of Light to themself, they end up gaining skill with Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have an indirect relationship with Void; because they take/allocate and do not value Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they gain skill with and thus utilize Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Thief of Light does not undergo the Page of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Page class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Rogue (Passive): Allocate - Too Much Value towards Light
A Rogue of Light would redistribute, allow others to take, and/or give knowledge and insight to others in the name of balancing the meanings born of evaluation.
A Rogue of Light gives Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning) away, either because they have a lot of it already, or are able to get it so easily they don't know what to do with so much of it. They often know the true value of Light, and are able to see where there is too much or too little of Light and redistribute it in a balanced way around themself. Their challenge is to not let Light run dry within themself, and to learn how to healthily balance Light in themself.
Knight of Void (Inverse): As the Rogue of Light values Light within themself, they end up utilizing Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have a direct relationship with Void; because they value and thus give/allocate Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they utilize and are skilled with Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Rogue of Light does not undergo the Knight of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Knight class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Sylph (Active): Enhance - Too Much Reliance on Light
A Sylph of Light is a pure source of insight and the meaning behind it, and driven by knowledge and evaluation, attempt to restore/purify the meaning behind others insights.
A Sylph of Light starts off relying on themself for Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning), attempting to heal, restore, and enhance Light in others. They are a pure source of Light for others, and though this can cause frustration and irritation in themself and others, they can see ways for Light to help and heal the struggling of others. Their challenge is to learn how to listen to the needs of others instead of assuming they know best, and to balance themself by learning that it's okay to rely on others for Light sometimes.
Bard of Void (Inverse): As the Sylph of Light enhances Light from their love of it, they end up fearing control of Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have an indirect relationship with Void; because they enhance and rely on Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they fear control of and thus destroy Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Sylph of Light does not undergo the Bard of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Bard class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Maid (Passive) - Too Little Reliance on Light
A Maid of Light relies on anyone or anything but themself to tell them knowledge and information as well as what it means, before learning how to rely on themself, restoring and purifying their knowledge and what it means for themself through precise evaluation and insight.
A Maid of Light starts off pushed around by others' view of Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning), but eventually allow Light to heal, restore, and enhance themself, making them into an entirely new person and purifying their aspect to themself. They start out relying on others for Light or being told by others how to interact with Light. Their challenge is to listen to themself instead of others, and to not let others opinions dilute their aspect as they restore it for themself and allow it to make them into a new person.
Prince of Void (Inverse): As the Maid of Light attempts to gain reliance on Light from their previous lack of it, they end up destroying Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have a direct relationship with Void; because they destroy and thus cannot control Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities), they gain reliance on and thus enhance Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Maid of Light does not undergo the Prince of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Prince class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Prince (Active): Destroy - Too Little Control of Light
A Prince of Light is surrounded by knowledge and the evaluative demeanor they crave, but they can't control it or have no means of reaching it, so they lash out because of their own insight and meaning, to destroy the evaluated knowledge that others have, in the name of their own insight and meaning.
A Prince of Light destroys Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning) with Light or in the name of Light, and as a result, often end up appearing as Void (Secrecy, Unknown, Potential, Possibilities) at first glance. Princes start off with disdain or hate for Light, likely because of its overwhelming presence in their lives, and because despite its abundance, they can never seem to grasp or control it for themself. Their challenge is to be able to recognize Light's presence in themself before they destroy themself beyond repair, and learn that they do not need to control or bend Light to their will.
Maid of Void (Inverse): As the Prince of Light destroys pieces of Light in themself and others, they end up gaining reliance on Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have an indirect relationship with Void; because they destroy and cannot control Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they gain reliance on and thus enhance Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Prince of Light does not undergo the Maid of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Maid class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Bard (Passive): Destroy - Too Much Control of Light
A Bard of Light is surrounded by a lot of evaluated knowledge, but fears being controlled by it or fears the control such things have over them, and as such ignores the evaluated knowledge and allows it to deteriorate via keeping it unknown and letting it wonder into possibilities; only by embracing meaningful insight can they begin to destroy the secrecy that destroyed them.
A Bard of Light allows Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning) to be destroyed via simply not reaching out for it, and ignoring its presence in their lives, leading to them appearing as Void (Secrecy, Unknown, Potential, Possibilities) at first glance. This is typically due to a fear of being controlled by Light; while they may see benefits to what it could offer them, they can also see all the downsides to it simply because of their fear of what could go wrong. Their challenge is to be able to embrace Light and not be ruled by its whims, learning to control the way it impacts themself without letting it be destroyed.
Sylph of Void (Inverse): As the Bard of Light fears control of Light within themself and others, they end up enhancing Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have a direct relationship with Void; because they fear control of and destroy Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they enhance and rely on Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Bard of Light does not undergo the Sylph of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Sylph class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
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brownievampx3 · 2 months
Istg being a maid(homestuck class) is so annoying like I'm just trying to find silly tumblr posts of my classpect not your malewife in a maid outfit.
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yourfaveisclasspected · 9 months
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Requested by anonymous!
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techtakesoff · 2 years
hey there, donk syllable. im back. i just finished scrolling through every single post you’ve ever made because my goofy soup brain missed the masterlist :’)
anyway yeah, im here to request a maid of light analysis. im trying to figure out if im a maid or witch, and i feel like you’re analyses thus far have been phenomenal. you’re cool and i really like this blog. keep it up, man :)
Whoops. Thank you, though.
The Maid of Light
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Maid - active creating class, one who creates their aspect, or creates using their aspect.
Light - control of light, and luckiness.
The Maid of Light is one who creates Light, or creates using Light.
The opposite of a Maid of Light is a Bard of Void.
This is, hands down, a very very interesting Light classpect. The Maid of Light creates Light, luckiness, and knowledge.
This comes off to me as something that the Maid of Light would always be encouraging learning, and be eager to provide knowledge and sources. They might find themselves being the Light in someone else's lives.
In the beginning, Maids find themselves being a doormat, being unable to express themselves correctly, if at all. Their opinions on matters are simply brushed over when they try and put their two cents into something. And it's infuriating.
When the Maid does come into themselves, though, and they begin to speak up and out, they find themselves having a lot to say.
The Maid of Light is the type of friend to ask you about your interests and then spend hours researching and forming opinions and even dabbling in said media just so that they can ramble right back to you about something you hold near and dear in your heart.
The Maid of Light is full of random, sometimes even useless, information. You can walk up to them and ask them about something completely random and chances are they at least vaguely know what you're talking about.
The Maid of Light is someone who is kind, compassionate, caring, and most of all, generous.
They are always seeking to do better for the world, and they share their light and knowledge with as many people as they can. Whoever will listen, the Maid of Light will infodump to.
They love it best when people listen to them and are actively paying attention.
Something that they won't tell you, though, is that they LOVE it when other people give them the same treatment they give whenever their friends are interested in a particular topic.
Absolute adoration. They love it when someone tries to at least know a little about what the Maid likes. It makes them feel nice.
Secretly, they find themselves minorly annoyed when people don't do this.
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ultra-clashpects · 4 months
Hello there! If its not too much to ask, is it possible for you to do a classpect analysis for a maid/rogue of light and rogue of space/light? Either one would be okay if you cant do both :)
I hope you have a good day/evening and stay safe and hydrated!!!
Much respect and admiration,
Blue anon
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The Maid-Rogue of Light is someone who is intelligent and craves to understand everything that they can, and they are constantly pushing those around them to also seek out knowledge and to explore all the facets of life and to seek out new understanding and new power. The Maid-Rogue of Light takes care of those that surround them as they also take care of their aspect, they maintain the power and the health, and they clean up their aspect to redistribute it to those who need it.
The Maid-Rogue of Light is a caretaker of Light and of knowledge, their one job in life is to make sure that everyone has just the right amount of Light in their lives and to make sure that everything around them is running smoothly. The Maid-Rogue of Light is willing to stop at nothing to get what they want, they are driven by their want for more power and for more information, they will never be satisfied with what they currently know, but they are more than happy to share what knowledge they have with those closest to them.
The Maid-Rogue of Light is part Maid of Light, which means that they are someone who follows in the footsteps of other people, they don’t exactly make decisions and choices for themself, rather they let other people decide what’s good and what’s bad for them and make all the decisions for the Maid. They will eventually learn how to stand up for themselves, they will begin to make their own choices and they will have their own opinions about everything that they interact with in life, they refuse to bow down to anyone, and they are their own strong person who decides what they want.
The Maid-Rogue of Light is part Rogue of Light, which means that they have trust issues and they never know who to believe or what to believe in, they are wary of everything and everyone, and they are very hard to sway from their current perception of life. They will eventually have to learn to set boundaries and to not let every single person know everything about them, that sometimes it’s good to keep secrets, and that sometimes you can’t trust everything that everyone tells you and that it’s always good to double check your sources.
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homestuck-hell · 1 year
Hauwah Teague, Maid of Light, Prospit
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Enjoys the ability to go on adventures through the books she reads
Which fuels her fanfiction writing habit
Less into romance and more into expanding concepts from said works
Land of Pencils and Edits
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toriiglorii · 11 months
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lyrics are referencing this song i was listening to while drawing
year #5 version #8 of this redraw... i like coming back to my godtier sona as a way to see the progress in both my art style and my perception of myself, i use spearkind strife specibus and am a maid of light
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tavtiers · 3 months
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A hypothetical god tier for Piper Wright from Fallout: the Maid of Light.
A Maid of Light is among those who alter knowing and perceiving. They are motivated by themselves to assist awareness. (x) The Maid of Light feels like something is holding them back and enjoys knowing things others don’t. (x) They are the Escapee Scholar, defined by freedom and awareness. (x) Their opposite is the Sylph of Void. Their inverse is the Bard of Void. They share their personality with the Seer of Breath. The Maid of Light would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Underground and Light, reigned over by Hemera (Goddess of Daylight) or Apollo (God of the Sun). They would rise to ascension on the wings of moths. (x)(x)(x)
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fraymotifsbeyond · 11 months
Thief of Void & Knight of Breath & Maid of Light
Alright then, For being the first ask, I'll do all combinations! Here goes.
So We Got a Stealer of Void, a Exploiter of Breath, and A Upkeeper of Light.
Thief of Void + Knight of Breath Ventablack Sawtooth Storm
The Void Thief "steals" a bunch of Ventablack invincible sawblades, which then the Breath Knight Manifests a whirl wind that drags the enemies and sawblades, turning in a Whirlwind Blender. Cutting anything and everyone with them none the wiser to the reason why they get shredded to shreds.
Thief of Void + Maid of Light: Light on the Shame Piece
The Maid Creates Luck to the Stealer, allowing her to steal the most profound, hidden and damaging secrets of the enemies. Then they proceed to vocalize them to everyone in range, and the Maid of Light Upkeeps that information by engraving it on everyone's conciseness. Secrets, Everlastingly Taken and Known.
Knight of Breath + Maid of Light: Gale of the Blinded Knight
The Maid generates a Light source so bright it blinds Everyone (even through defenses like sun glasses), including the Knight and The Maid, but it also gives the blind knight information to the Knight about their locations and their weak points. You know how sometimes you can see visions of stuff while closing? Yeah, the light sources gives him that, but constantly and accurately. The Knight then proceeded to use Air dashes to move fastly and attack every enemy with critical efficiency.
Thief of Void + Knight of Breath + Maid of Light: Freeform Abyss Lenses
The Maid generates a light source and the Thief Steals a bunch of invisible mirrors, concentrating the light into lasers the move towards the enemy, which then the Knight proceed to move them using wind and changing their direction, creating an unpredictable laser shower that scorches the enemies and their surrounding environment. Well, here you go. First time and in went kind of great!
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autie-stuck · 1 year
Bit of a low-hanging fruit but roast me as a Maid of Light
You’re right, you are the low hanging fruit.
You probably denied a mental illness for a long time, and when you finally did research you went “oh no”. You need therapy. This isn’t an “oh you should go to therapy” this is a you NEED therapy you have depression and you are burnt out. Take a nap, dear god please.
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en8y · 5 months
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[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has the light aspect symbol in the center; a bright yellow stylized sun. it is outlined in dark orange. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: cool medium blue, light warm blue, and off-white. the second flag has these top three colors: medium deep blue, dark navy blue, and cool medium brown. the third flag has these top three colors: neon teal, medium cool blue, and warm deep purple. each flag has these bottom six stripes: dark orange, off-white, dark orange, bright orange, yellow-orange, and bright yellow. END ID.]
lightasimaid: a gender connected to being a maid of light; this gender is connected to the light aspect, light aspect aesthetics, maid aesthetics, cleaning and organizing, femininity, and cleancore!
lightasipage: a gender connected to being a page of light; this gender is connected to the light aspect, light aspect aesthetics, page aesthetics, training aesthetics, knighthood aesthetics, and knightcore!
lightasimage: a gender connected to being a mage of light; this gender is connected to the light aspect, light aspect aesthetics, mage aesthetics, magic and magical aesthetics, and MAGiN genders!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine @honey-makes-mogai
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aortaobservatory · 5 months
Maid of [Light]:
Enhance - Too Little Reliance on Light
A player who relies on others for [Knowledge and Meaning], before learning to rely on themselves and restoring/purifying [Evaluation and Insight] in themselves
A Maid of Light relies on anyone or anything but themself to tell them knowledge and information as well as what it means, before learning how to rely on themself, restoring and purifying their knowledge and what it means for themself through precise evaluation and insight.
Maids start off pushed around by others' view of their aspect, but eventually allow their aspect to heal, restore, and enhance themselves, making them into an entirely new person and purifying their aspect to themselves. They start out relying on others for their aspect or being told by others how to interact with their aspect. Their challenge is to listen to themselves instead of others, and to not let others opinions dilute their aspect as they restore it for themselves and allow it to make them into a new person.
Inverse Classpect Analysis of Maid
Maid of Light: Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning) is passive and lacking. Too little self-reliance on aspect causes lack of enhancement of it in the self.
Inverse: Prince of Void
Void (Secrecy, Unknown, Potential, Possibilities) is actively destroyed in the Maid as they rely on Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning) to enhance it from its passive presence.
Void (Secrecy, Unknown, Potential, Possibilities) obeys the Maid, but destroys itself to make way for the Maid's reliance on Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning).
The analysis written above is my own writing, analysis, and thoughts. The statements are my own analysis, but they may function as a “fill in the blank” statement for you to create your own interpretation of the classpect as you please.
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blurrymango · 6 months
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Trisia Saxeme.
Maid of Light.
Land of Chains and Bondage.
-Wildly homophobic shawty.
-Having wildly kinky gay sex.
-She's a dom, BTW.
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yourfaveisclasspected · 10 months
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Requested by @the-overment-man!
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