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scans of Yamaguchi Maho’s first photobook “Present”
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queerkahei · 6 years
Even if you don’t know/ care anything about Ngt48 or Jpop in general please help and sign this petition. This is about more than just entertainment. A girl was assaulted and then made to apologize for being a victim. It will at least show the management that they can’t ignore this situation and that fans won’t except it and hopefully pressure them into doing what should have been done in the first place. I’ll add links explaining what happened in case people don’t know what’s going on.
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galaxy--supernova · 5 years
As someone who never followed NGT48 before Maho spoke out and someone who can’t go to her final handshake or graduation concert, the most I can do for this brave woman is keep her in my thoughts and vow that whatever she does in the future, I’ll find some way to support her.
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akb48love · 6 years
There needs to be justice for Mahohon. 
It infuriates me that she had to go through that ordeal and ngt48 management are just trying to suppress her and sweep this all under the rug.
link for context (as not much info has been posted on tumblr)
EDIT: ngt management has now officially thrown maho to the wolves by denying the assault and saying that she’s a fraud. Someone needs to fire NGT48 management right now.
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uchiha-shisuis · 6 years
Hi guys, I know I’m rarely active here and most of you probably don’t remember following me at all, but please sign this petition:
It’s to fire a man named Imamura for bad management of a japanese idol group named NGT48. One of the members, Yamaguchi Maho, was assaulted by two men a month ago, and even though they were arrested and she was told that everything would be alright, they’re currently walking around freely and nothing has changed for Maho. One of her own members leaked her private information (her address and schedule) to these men so they knew when to be at her house. She kept silent for an entire month before speaking up because she was afraid this would happen to the other members as well. So please, please sign this petition.
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punkish48 · 6 years
Mahohon's case Update
Results from 3rd party Committees Investigations
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Based on various reports , Yamaguchi Maho already consider to graduate from NGT48 but management want her to stay in the group. She is fine to leave but afraid other members will encounter same thing.
Mahohon was requested to apologized at NGT48 Theater during their Anniversary on Jan 10 for causing trouble by Matsumura Takumi (AKS Official). If Maho doesn't apologize , they will make her team apologize on her behalf instead.
She tweeted:
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She also said that Matsumura Takumi made a promise that he will fire all the members who had private connections (with fans).
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AKS denied all the tweets.
Yagami kumi (Former SKE48 1st Generation member) about Maho's case:
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sichengtaskforce · 6 years
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dj-daiki · 6 years
#call me dumb and everything but i still believe in imamura and ngt even if its a small hope#of course im not diregarding mahohon statement at all and not that she is lying#the incident will forever left a scar on everyone on the group reputation to the point that they prob flop?#but the good times happen you know...and in sure it will come back#lets pray that incident get solved quickly since it have been dragging way too long#and for members to be finallu completely honest about it#im sure they all feel guilty about it whether they were involved or not#im sure some of them prob feel like running way or quitting from the group because theyre being accused#im sure ngt will never be the same#nor mahohon who is really fighting all by herself#again call me dumb but tbh i really dont want mahohon to quit the group#i want her to stand confident that she fought the evil#rather than quitting for good#even if it takes years i really want to see her and team g together again#im prob being unreasonable lol but i really do love ngt...#i saw like 5 ppl quitting the fandom and it hurts so much#as expected you cant really replace 1 million good things with 1 horrible things#like theres no comparison#slight hope that mahohon renapon riko mofu all come back for good#and the involved members get punished fairly#like for real i really despite you even if we dont know if its for real its you i mean it could be my oshi#just some midnight rant and hope after seeing toga post a picture with imamura 😂😂#im prob the only person in the world who was slight hope and trust in imamura lol
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scans of Yamaguchi Maho’s first photobook “Present”
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cutebeam · 6 years
Please spread the word about yamaguchi maho. She was attacked. The men were not prosecuted. Her management covered it up since it was other members boyfriends. She was forced to apologize for speaking about it. We need justice.
warning: loooong answer
I have been following Mahohon’s case since the very beginning and this is outrageous.
tldr: ngt48 member was doxxed by another member(s), was attacked in her apartament corridor by two men who are probably sex friends of member(s) who doxxed her for voicing out her disapproval as team’s vice capitan for member(s) dating their fans. management tried to make it look like she misunderstood the situation to “do the damage control” but failed miserably. they MADE HER APOLOGIZE TO THE PUBLIC when attackers and member(s) got no punishment.
For everyone who is not familiar with this case, Yamaguchi Maho is 23 years old member of NGT48′s Team G. She was attecked in her apartament building by two men that covered her mouth and pushed her down on a ground. If it wasn’t for the probability that someone was in the elevator that rang next to them, it could’ve ended much worse. 
Police was alarmed on that accident but they let both of the guys off without forwarding the case. Maho was promised by Imamura, the manager of NGT theatre that AKS (the company), NGT management, Niigata’s government and police will work the case out but nothing happened.
Maho revealed the info on this accident during her SHOWROOM stream (platform similar to VApp) and you can read the translation of the stream here. The stream was cut halfway and since removed and it’s highly likely done by either NGT management or AKS. 
She then proceeded to continue her story on twitter, and her translated tweets are here, here, here and here. Basically she was doxxed by another member (or members) who told her attackers her address, phone number and her parents address. After the attack she stayed in her fellow member and best friend’s house, since she was too afraid to come back to the NGT dorm. 
For more than a day there was no official statement either from NGT management or AKS considering the matter and the first time we got an feedback was Maho herself who was made to apologize during the groups 3rd anniversary concert. I saw video on twitter, but it had since been deleted. Anyhow, she is visibly uncomfortable and shaking. Also she lost about 4kgs due to stress in last two weeks, she’s clearly not in a good health. There are reports from local fans that one (or both) of the attackers were sitting in the front row during THAT concert. 
After all of this, NGT management and AKS decided to sweep this under the rug with failed cover-up “scandal articles”. In their official statement issued after Maho’s apology, they stated the attackers were Maho’s psychofans who “just wanted to talk to her”. They promised new safety measurements and confirmed member(s) involvement in the case by admitting that “member(s) told the attackers the time Yamaguchi will come back home”. It also has been decided that attackers are now banned from all NGT events. 
It is worth mentioning that local fans have already figured out who one of the attacker is. He had been banned from both AKB48 and Keyakizaka46 activities after basically stalking members (namely Keyaki Shida Manaka and Imaizumi Yui in 2017, he had been baned from AKB before) and had moved to Niigata after NGT48 formation. He also has a history appearing in front of member’s dorms screaming their names, you can watch a snipped here. To make things worse... well, you can read his tweets and he somehow managed to take control of the apartament’s cameras (notably the camera near the doors, that’s how he got a security code and the camera in the elevator to know on what floor members live).
On the upside note, many current and graduated 48g members have twitted in support of Yamaguchi (most importantly: Kitahara Rie, Sashihara Rino, Kashiwagi Yuki, Mukaichi Mion, Ota Aika, Otaki Yuria and more). Sashihara promised to use her name to spread awareness on this issue in the media. 
Note: Both Yamaguchi and management as a whole don’t say names. It is a PURE SPECULATION that members involved are Tano Ayaka, Nishigata Marina and freshly dropped kenkyuusei Hagiri Runa. 
I hope i made the case clear for everyone... please spread this around tumblr because no one wants to talk about it and i already planned to make a post about this. Let’s try to make it as well-known as possible, since without pressure from outside, this won’t be solved and if this situation continues, it will put more girls in danger.
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It’s been a good while since the last time I updated, and though I have collected a good bunch of stuff I want to translate, I wanted to begin this year by compiling together translations related to Yamaguchi Maho’s situation. Originally, I thought I’d translate the messages from Kitarie and Yukirin but the fandom has acted fast, providing great translations of the tweets. There are most likely other people keeping tabs at members’ and ex-members’ reactions - if so, I’d happily take a look at those lists and reblog them here.
Mahohon deserves justice, and the lukewarm apology provided by the management after the poor girl was forced to apologize on stage was an infuriating disappointment. Imamura should drag his sorry ass out there and explain himself but guess that ain’t gonna happen, as the management is signaling ‘that is that’ with all this.
Mahohon’s original tweets can be found translated here and her showroom translation can be found here. Management’s official statement can be read for example here. Also, here’s Mahohon’s apology translated because everybody should watch it, the girl struggles so much to get the sentences out of her mouth. Esp the part about her being sorry for the people “who have taken care of her”.... yeah. Plain awful.
Anyway, the reaction tweets that have been translated so far (that I am aware of):
Kitahara Rie and a version from a different translator
Kashiwagi Yuki
Sashihara Rino (showing the kind of leadership the whole management is lacking right now) & Sashi #2
Yokoyama Yui (her reaction was really weak and I agree with the fans chiding her under her original tweet, she should’ve worded herself differently. People miss Takamina right now for a reason.)
Oota Aika
Ito Raira & Raira #2
Mukaichi Mion
Otaki Yuria
Iriyama Anna
+ at least Iwasa Misaki tweeted about the incident, I’m yet to find an existing translation and may translate this one myself later
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mimicjapan · 5 years
[Sad news] Yuki Kuchiki "The good part of NGT is a pleasure when everyone is happy and a voice when one is sad"
“This is a good part of NGT,” said Tochigi, “I am delighted when everyone is happy, and when I say sorrow when one is happy, all the fans support me together,” she said. The fans also applauded.
※ Excerpt from the link below. The following is the source http://bit.ly/2VYNfaG
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2: 2019/04/21 (Sun) 16: 29: 35.85 ID: ID: yv + DioYS0
Do not lie! ! ! !
3: 2019/04/21 (Sun) 16: 29: 56.05 ID: ID: OT / yjGpw0
When one of you bullies someone, everyone is happy and when one of you is sad, you sing out words on SNS?
5: 2019/04/21 (Sun) 16: 30: 29.59 ID: ID: OHxAAK2l0
Is that what you say now?
8: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 16:30: 51. 63 ID: ID: vftghWbK0
You don't know what's happening now?
9: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 16:30: 51. 66 ID: ID: bbP3 GFJ 90
White comment _Q
10: 2019/04/21 (Sun) 16: 30: 57.92 ID: ID: / 0 + OCufM0
18: 2019/04/21 (Sun) 16: 32: 42.34 ID: ID: FztH / tk50
When one person makes a sad call to speak → to a handshake event ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー? ? ?
20: 2019/04/21 (Sun) 16: 32: 54.60 ID: ID: Boj6Jc000
Is it a gag?
25: 2019/04/21 (Sun) 16: 34: 24.27 ID: ID: 7y6GHs YZ0
This is exactly what the tooth floats serif
28: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 16: 34: 51. 96 ID: ID: 6PZNq0Zm0
"Making" is good
35: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 16: 35: 45. 01 ID: ID: fSPGbIM70
Kei Yamaguchi is not a member of the group. It will be
40: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 16: 36: 31. 88 ID: ID: nGeBsRdf0
I say it's getting too fast, or it's funny to say that it's a problem with Koitsu Tegoshi
50: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 16: 37: 46. 44 ID: ID: y 5 u 94 i 510
I want to say something that everyone knows is a lie
62: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 16: 40: 39. 01 ID: ID: jbDyZzEY0
The good part of NGT is the joy when one person rejoices, and the voice when one person makes a sad x The good place of NGT is a joy when one person rolls, everyone takes joy when one is sad ○
118: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 16: 46: 23. 97 ID: ID: fO1 Vrv CX 0
>> 62 Tochigi "Thank you for correcting your remarks"
72: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 16: 41: 44. 63 ID: ID: bwhxcNwT0
Mahohon is still sad?
73: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 16: 42: 01. 63 ID: ID: w 3 y FM / M 00
There is no remorse
81: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 16: 43: 60. 60 ID: ID: L42tJK1w0
Wow, ...
82: 2019/04/21 (Sun) 16: 43: 02.64 ID: ID: wHQWz1i20
All groups with 48 are black
125: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 16: 47: 21. 16 ID: ID: 5 EABPa VQ 0
I can not understand what I want to fade out without a hitch because I can not do anything with the current situation
142: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 16: 49: 20.50 ID: ID: MFFCEq K10
>> 125 This is a comment about rolling hit
143: 2019/04/21 (Sun) 16: 49: 22. 41 ID: ID: GgUmzLWf0
Applause fans too ... If I'm a fan I will draw if it is said that this white thing now
345: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 17: 12: 28. 48 ID: ID: GakAc / GO 0
>> 143 "What do you want to say?
161: 2019/04/21 (Sun) 16: 51: 27.01 ID: ID: TQ5FurQk0
Well, you say this, because you're an adult
214: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 16: 56: 08. 39 ID: ID: 65 LZ + 2 RU 0
>> 161 It can be said that it is better for ordinary adults
297: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 17: 05: 51. 35 ID: ID: MXX9 j NRP0
If it's not disgusting, are you talking about a crazy level script?
304: 2019 04/21 (Sun) 17: 07: 31. 60 ID: ID: CEcqOsdm0
>> Do not run 297 script? AKB, AKS is over
via http://bit.ly/2Dpkahs
http://bit.ly/2VWJhiN #MimicJapan
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mochibuni · 6 years
Justice for Mahohon
Here is a complete twitter thread about what is happening to Maho: https://twitter.com/smolkenta/status/1082992133328592901
PLEASE NOTE one of the tweets in the thread links to Maho discussing her assault in detail.
To summarize, Maho Yamaguchi (aka Mahohon) is a Japanese idol part of NGT48. Last month she was assaulted by two men trying to prevent her from entering her home. According to Maho, the men confessed to the police that at least two or more of Maho's colleagues in NGT48 gave them her address and suggested that they attack her. NGT's managers asked Maho to let them take care of it, but it's been a month-- her assailants are now free and the managers have been trying to keep Maho from speaking out.
Maho used Showroom, which is basically a streaming service that many idols use to connect with their fans, to talk about what happened and her stream was taken down. She then went to twitter and tweeted several tweets about the incident, the shame she feels over the situation, and her fears that her other colleagues in NGT will also be hurt like her as their private information is also being leaked.
At this time the managers for NGT have remained silent, as well as the parent company for the 48g franchise AKS. It's assumed that AKS is trying to divert attention away from Maho as conveniently some tabloids today ran new stories about scandles from other 48g members . Many Showroom accounts and social media accounts from girls part of 48g have been suspended today. However Maho's tweets and outrage from fans has been picked up by news outlets in Japan. Personally I want to support Maho and others like her in sharing their stories and not being silenced.
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survivorsupport · 6 years
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maitai68 · 6 years
NGT48 J-Pop Star Mahohon Forced to Apologize After She Makes Details About Her Assault Public
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seinafukufuku · 6 years
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Twitter - Fukuoka Seina - 24 April 2018
おはようございます✨ Good morning✨ グアムがもう恋しいーー I’m missing Guam now — — 安定のおかっぱちゃんと The steady Okappa-Chan and 大人っぽいあゆたろうちゃんと Adult-like Ayutarou-chan and 肌が白すぎるあやかにちゃんー The super pale-skinned Ayakani-chan まほほんと撮り忘れちゃったから I forgot to take photos with Mahohon so 今度撮ってもらおうっと\(^o^)/ I’ll take it next time \ (^o^) / #NGT48
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