#Magor 2nd
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Major 2nd S2 Episode 5 Part 7
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God our Creator is Love.
and Love is illuminated in the sacred truth of the Scriptures:
“You embraced it not as the fabrication of men but as the word of God. And the word continues to be an energizing force in you who believe.”
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 2nd chapter of the Letter of First Thessalonians:
My dear brothers and sisters, it’s obvious that our ministry among you has proven to be fruitful. And though we had already suffered greatly in Philippi, where we were shamefully mistreated, we were emboldened by faith in our God to fearlessly preach his wonderful gospel to you in spite of incredible opposition.
Our coming alongside you to encourage you was not out of some delusion, or impure motive, or an intention to mislead you, but we have been approved by God to be those who preach the gospel. So our motivation to preach is not pleasing people but pleasing God, who thoroughly examines our hearts. God is our witness that when we came to encourage you, we never once used cunning compliments as a pretext for greed, nor did we crave the praises of men, whether you or others. Even though we could have imposed upon you our demands as apostles of Christ, instead we showed you kindness and were gentle among you. We cared for you in the same way a nursing mother cares for her own children. With a mother’s love and affectionate attachment to you, we were very happy to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our lives—because you had become so dear to us.
Beloved brothers and sisters, surely you remember how hard we labored among you. We worked night and day so that we would not become a burden to you while we preached the wonderful gospel of God. With God as our witness you saw how we lived among you—in holiness, in godly relationships, and without fault. And you know how affectionately we treated each one of you, like a loving father cares for his own children. We comforted and encouraged you and challenged you to adopt a lifestyle worthy of God, who invites you into his kingdom and glory.
This is why we continually thank God for your lives, because you received our message wholeheartedly. You embraced it not as the fabrication of men but as the word of God. And the word continues to be an energizing force in you who believe.
My dear brothers and sisters, the same thing happened to you as happened to God’s churches in Christ Jesus that are in Judea. For you received the same kind of mistreatment from your fellow countrymen as they did from theirs, the Jews who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets and ran us out of town. They are offending God and hostile to everyone else by hindering us from speaking to the unbelievers so that they might be saved. By so doing they are constantly filling up to the brim the measure of their guilt, and punishment has come upon them at last!
Beloved friends, we may have been torn away from you physically for a season, but never in our hearts. For we have had intense longings and have endeavored to come and see in your faces the reflection of this great love. We miss you badly, and I personally wanted to come to you, trying again and again, but our adversary, Satan, blocked our way. For what will be our confident hope, our exhilarating joy, or our wonderful trophy that we will boast in before our Lord Jesus at his appearing? It is you! Yes, you are our glorious pride and joy!
The Letter of First Thessalonians, Chapter 2 (The Passion Translation)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 20th chapter of the book of Jeremiah where Jeremiah was wrongfully punished for sharing the words that burned inside that declared God’s Judgment of sin and lies:
When the priest Pashhur (son of Immer, chief officer of the temple guard) heard what Jeremiah was prophesying, he had the prophet beaten and put in the stocks at the upper Benjamin gate near the temple, a place where everyone in the city could see this painful and embarrassing spectacle. The next morning, Pashhur released him from the stocks, hoping Jeremiah had learned his lesson. Instead, this is what he heard from the prophet:
Jeremiah: The Eternal no longer knows you by the name Pashhur. He has renamed you Magor-missabib, which means “terror on every side.” And these are the words the Eternal has spoken of you: “Certainly I am going to make you a symbol of terror���to yourself and to all your loved ones. You will see those close to you die in battle against the enemy. I will give all of Judah over to the king of Babylon, who will make them either casualties of war or prisoners of war. I will also give the wealth of Jerusalem over as plunder to this enemy. The resources and treasures of this city and Judah’s kings will be taken and carted off to Babylon. And you Pashhur, along with your entire household, will be taken to Babylon and become exiles. You and your friends who have heard your lies will never see home again; you will all die in exile in Babylon and be buried there.”
O Eternal, You deceived me into being Your prophet,
and I went along and allowed it to happen!
Your strength is too much for me,
and so You win; I speak Your words.
Just look at what I have become: a laughingstock;
all day long people mock me.
The only words coming out of my mouth
are loud cries of “Violence and destruction!”
It is the Eternal’s words—Your words—
that bring me insults and jokes all day long.
But when I tell myself, I’ll never mention Your name
or speak for You again, it’s no use.
The word of God burns in my heart; it is like fire in my bones.
I try to hold it all in, but I cannot.
I hear the crowds whispering behind my back and mocking my prophecies:
“‘Terror is everywhere we turn,’ he says. Let’s report him for breaking some law.”
Even my trusted friends are waiting for me to make a mistake:
“Maybe he will be deceived,
and then we’ll win, take control, and have our revenge on him.”
But I am not alone. The Eternal is here with me.
He stands beside me, as a dreaded warrior.
That is why my tormentors will fail so miserably. They cannot win.
Their humiliation and permanent dishonor will be remembered for all time.
Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, You test the righteous;
You see my deepest thoughts; You know my heart.
Let me see Your vengeance exacted against these people.
for I am trusting my cause, my future to You.
Sing to the Eternal God!
Praise the Eternal now for what He will soon do.
For a troubled soul is snatched from the hands of the wicked.
Cursed be the day I was born—
cursed, not blessed is the day my mother gave birth to me.
Cursed be the man who told my overjoyed father,
“You have a son.”
May he be as cursed as the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah,
which the Eternal decimated without a care.
Let him hear cries for help in the morning.
Let him recoil at the shouts of war at noon,
For he did not kill me before I was born
so my mother’s womb would become my grave—
my mother’s womb forever enlarged.
Why was I ever born? To watch such tragedy?
To feel such sorrow? To live my days in utter shame?
The Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 20 (The Voice)
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Thursday, September 2 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons about being children of our heavenly Father:
"Because you are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" (Gal. 4:6). Note here the Spirit does not cry out using “esoteric” or abstruse names for God, nor does the Spirit refer to one of God's many titles based on the divine attributes, but instead uses a term of intimacy and profound trust. After all, the word "abba" (אַבָּא) is not so much a name for God as it is a claim about who you are -- it is a confession that you belong to the Lord as his beloved child... It has been noted that throughout his ministry Yeshua referred to the LORD simply as his "Father" though he used the intensive address "Abba, Father" (Ἀββᾶ, ὁ πατήρ) just before his arrest and crucifixion, that is, during his intercession at Gethsamane (גַּת שְׁמָנִים), near the olive oil press on the Mount of Olives where the anointing oil for the Temple (שֶׁמֶן הַמִּשְׁחָה) was made, and therefore he called upon “Abba, Father” while in deep suffering and tribulation of heart (Mark 14:36). “Take this cup away from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will..." The mixed dialect of Hebrew and Greek here (i.e., Ἀββᾶ, ὁ πατήρ) may indicate identification with both the Jewish people and the Gentiles who would be united in his passion, as it says, shalom shalom la'rachok vela'karov: "Peace, peace, to him who is far off and to him who is near," says the LORD; "and I will heal him" (Isa. 57:19, Eph. 2:15). Knowing God as your "father" is a matter of the heart, an inner cry or groan coming from the miracle of spiritual rebirth. "The Spirit himself bears witness to our spirit that we are God's children" (Rom. 8:16). [Hebrew for Christians]
and another about grace and being connected to the True Vine:
Yeshua said: "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). We cannot create the new birth by means of moral reformation, since the divine life is a miracle from above and not the result of human agency or aspiration (John 1:13; John 3:6). If we "live in" Yeshua we will bear fruit - our spiritual connection or "union" with him is sufficient for every good work, but only fruit that derives from the life of Messiah will abide (1 John 2:17). Good works are a necessary consequence of regeneration in Messiah, but by themselves they are insufficient and something more is needed (Matt. 7:21-23). Therefore the Scriptures point to the salvation of God and his grace as the efficient cause for the miracle of newness of life: "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us..." (Titus 3:5); "for by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves (τοῦτο οὐκ ἐξ ὑμῶν), it is the gift of God" (Eph. 2:8); "so if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace" (Rom. 11:6).
Grace and human effort are mutually exclusive when it comes to life from above: "It is the Spirit that gives life (τὸ πνεῦμά ἐστιν τὸ ζῳοποιοῦν); the flesh (i.e., human nature) is no help at all" (John 6:63). There is a new “center” of identity within the heart: "I is no longer I who live..." (Gal. 2:19-20). We do not appeal to God for mercy based on our best efforts, but like father Abraham we believe that God brings life to the dead. In short we believe that "salvation is of the LORD" (יְשׁוּעָתָה לַיהוָה), that is, that God justifies the ungodly and performs the inner work of salvation on our behalf and for our healing (see Rom. 4:1-5:2). As C.S. Lewis once said in this connection: “The Christian is in a different position from other people who are trying to be good. They hope, by being good, to please God if there is one; or -- if they think there is not -- at least they hope to deserve approval from good men. But the Christian thinks any good he does comes from the Christ-life inside him. He does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us; just as the roof of a greenhouse does not attract the sun because it is bright, but becomes bright because the sun shines on it” (Mere Christianity). However we must not confuse cause and effect. The work of God is to believe in Yeshua (John 6:29) and we then learn to "work out" what God has "worked in" to our hearts by faith, as it says, "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure" (Phil. 2:12-13). God who has performed a good work in you will "confirm you to the end blameless in the Day of our Messiah Yeshua" (1 Cor. 1:8; Jude 1:24-25). [Hebrew for Christians]
9.1.21 • Facebook
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
September 2, 2021
My Every Prayer
“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy.” (Philippians 1:3-4)
The letter to the Philippian church stands as perhaps the most personal of the epistles, with Paul’s love for the believers being obvious. He expressed his love with heartfelt prayer for them every time he thought of them.
These prayers are constant in the sense that the Philippian believers were never far from his thoughts. Often Paul resorted to prayer for their personal needs and their relationship to God. His prayers are described by at least two Greek words of interest to us. First, he tells that he “thanked [his] God” (Greek eucharisteo) each time they came to mind. To another church he similarly wrote, “I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 1:4). The word implies a sincere statement of genuine gratitude for their fellowship in being with him in serving God and partnership in the ministry.
Likewise, he used the word “supplication” (Greek deesei), an expression of gratefulness for his needs having been supplied. Paul’s needs were often provided for by those to whom he ministered, and he was profoundly grateful. The Christian minister is enjoined to remember his followers with “joy.” Paul remembered them in thankfulness to God for them and to them for their response.
We should strive to arrive at a balance between our ministry goals in evangelism and ongoing care for believers’ Christian growth and steadfast doctrinal purity. What is the state of our harmony among church members, as well as our prayers for them? JDM
A tweet by illumiNations:
@IlluminationsBT: Meet one of our illumiNations partners - United Bible Societies. Learn more at: unitedbiblesocieties.org
Come back tomorrow to see our upcoming post to learn more about what they're working on in Asia!
9.2.21 • 12:01pm • Twitter
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What’s Up With Your Weekend, 1/13/17-1/15/17:
Vic//jun Album Release Party: After 1 year of creating, recording, mixing, and mastering, Umbrellas is finally here. See performances by Tony Sharp, Kennedy Wrose, GSB4MAYOR, Issa Jackson, Lowlifeilli, Ant Magor, Voiice, and Cam Ofgenx! All proceeds go towards Sol Collective's building purchase and community efforts. Sol Collective. 6-11PM. All Ages. $10.
Soirée Cinéma: Grosse Fatigue: Join the Alliance Française for their first film of the New Year! January’s Soirée Cinéma will feature the 1994 comedy "Grosse Fatigue" (Dead Tired). The film will be presented in French with English subtitles, with a discussion following the film. Please bring snacks to share. Reservations are not required, but come early to ensure a seat! This is a free event for members and their guests, but donations are highly appreciated to support the Ciné-Club and continue building our video library collection. Alliance Française de Sacramento. 7-9:30PM.
The Whale by Samuel D. Hunter: Fresh off winning an Elly Award for best production of a new script, California Stage opens the 26th season with the award winning play The Whale, Samuel D. Hunter’s incisive look at love, relationships and religious intolerance stars Joel Mario Rickert and is directed by Shawn O’Neal. The Whale is the recipient of the 2013 Lucille Lortel Award, Best Play, the 2013 Drama Desk Award for Significant Contribution to Theatre and the 2013 GLAAD Media Award, Outstanding Theatre. Three Penny Theater. 8PM. $15/20.
Tony Glaser - the make up show: Due to circumstances beyond their control, Shine Cafe had to close over the holiday weekend and cancel a show... now they want to make it up! Tony Glaser, a dance/funk/rock band from San Francisco, performs live. Shine Cafe. 8PM. All Ages. $7 Cash Only.
Beers for Bars: Overkast Presents: Beers For Bars, a Hip-hop night at Ruhstaller Taproom. Host Mars Parker will invite Caliscope, Hobo Johnson, The Philharmonik and That Kid Raja to the stage to lay down their beats. Ruhstaller Taproom. 9-11:30PM. $5 Door Cover.
Midtown Bizarre January: Find the best of handmade goods at this charming Micro Maker's Bizarre! January's lineup showcases Brown Pigeon, Burly Beverages, Conscious Creamery, Chulatribe, Green Giraffe Ceramics, Leelathreads, Odd Petals, Sudz By Studz, Sugar Mountain Apothecary, & Tufarock and will offer a myriad of awesome handmade goods for you and your favorite folks! Identity Coffees. 12-6PM.
Summit for Artistic Infrastructure and Safety: If you want to help Artists, if you are an Artist, if you are a concerned citizen, please bring your ideas and revenue strategies to this summit hosted by the Capitol Indie Collective. We want to achieve real community solutions that support projects like INDIEhäus and retrofit existing projects so that they are SAFE and provide a dignified space to Artists so they can continue to make our lives culturally rich. CLARA Midtown. 1-3PM. Free but eventbrite registration recommended.
Sacramento Ballet’s Free 2nd Saturday Open Rehearsal: Go behind the scenes and explore creativity as our dancers invent new concepts and innovative movement for the upcoming 22nd Annual Beer and Ballet performance. These 30 minute open rehearsals events are a great introduction to the Sacramento Ballet, a way to get to know your Sacramento professional ballet dancers and learn more about their day-to-day profession. CLARA Midtown. 4-4:30PM & 4:30-5PM. Free and open to the public.
Opening Reception for “We Buy White Albums” by Rutherford Chang: Rutherford Chang’s exhibit will turn the gallery into a functioning record store stocking only numbered copies of the Beatles’ 1968 self-titled double-LP, popularly referred to as the White Album. But rather than selling albums, the anti-store will solicit additional albums for Chang’s collection of already over 1,600 copies. Chang’s interest in collecting the White Album lies in how every copy has aged uniquely. Verge Center for the Arts. 6-9PM.
Second Saturday Art Benefit: Uptown Studios will showcase wonderful works by Women's Wisdom featuring local artists and artwork available for purchase. Uptown Studios. 6-9PM. Free.
Bars & Beats: Poetry + Producer Showcase: A Sol Life presentation highlighting performance poets and producers through a new experience which bridges the two mediums together. This gathering will include established as well as rising poets and producers which will allow you to digest the two powerful forms of art in a new and memorable way. All proceeds will go towards Sol Collective and their campaign to purchase their building for future generations. Sol Collective. 7-11PM. $10.
The Music of David Bowie: A Rock Symphony: To mark the first anniversary of his passing, the Sacramento Philharmonic & Opera presents a symphonic salute to the one and only, David Bowie. Come dressed as your best Bowie for the Costume Contest taking place at 7:15pm and win fabulous prizes! Community Center Theater. 8PM. $15 and up.
Jem & Scout! Cities You Wish You Were From! Zen Again!: Jem & Scout headline this live music show with Cities You Wish You Were From, a new guitar/drums duo with Eli Jenkins of Eli & The Sound Cult and WasteMoney, and Zen Again, a female-fronted indie/alternative music. Old Ironsides. 9PM-12AM. 21+. $5.
Panel: Colonialism from “Highest Heavan” to Darker History: The stunning objects of the exhibition "Highest Heaven: Spanish and Portuguese Colonial Art from the Roberta and Richard Huber Collection" offer the chance to examine the history of colonialism that exists beneath the surface of these precious works. Crocker Art Museum. 2-5PM. Space is limited so early registration recommended. $10 Members, $5 Students/youth, $15 Nonmembers.
Sacramento Kings Family Night: The Sunrise Elementary PFO Invites You To Family Night with the Sacramento Kings as they take on the Oklahoma City Thunder. Golden 1 Center. 6-11PM. $45 and up.
Mahlae & Delta’s Big Birthday Show: Celebrate Mahlae Balenciaga & Delta Work's Birthdays with a Drag Show hosted by Taryn Thru-Uv starring Camile Tow (Brandon C Blackmon), Sasha Glam Devaroe, Susie Bellucci-Swallows, and beats by DJ Marc Pacheco. Sidetrax. 8:30-11PM. No Cover.
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BBS + Victubia AU [The magic]
Okay I really love the comic Victubia and had to make a masterpost of my contribution to the BBS fandom and Victubia fandom! All of this is entirely based on what I saw fitting. I tried to stay true to the personalities of everyone as well as staying true to the lore of Victubia. You can find info on the magic and the universe on the Victubia tumblr or wiki!
Also, there will be one for Misfits/GBG later. I just have no character sheets done.
[The magic of BBS]
Being born into a small family of shapeshifters and his father being of magi of fire, Evan can shapeshift into an owl with fire as his element. He tried spirit magic while in school and tried to focus on Red Spirit magic, but he lost focus in trying. He went to VU, Victubia University, and completed the art program.
Jonathan is a water magi with metal traits, this means he can create ice slightly easier. He has the ability to form a magical bond, but he hasn’t found any animal to form a bond with. In VMA, Victubia Magi Academy, he focused on Blue Spirit magic. (Note: I was going to make his magical bond be formed with Evan, but you can do that for fanfics!)
Tyler was born between a fire magi and an earth magi, which gives him the ability to create lava with his earth magic and easily use it with his fire magic. Because of this, he calls himself a “lava magi” instead. Along with this, he spent some time in VMA to learn more about Red Spirit magic which he often uses against the ones he has a disadvantage with in battles.
Daithi was born in Tragard before moving to Victubia Capital where he went to VMA as a wood magi. He tried in Green Spirits magic to focus on being more healing than attacking as well as learning how to form magical bonds. (Not actually the thing, but I was going to have him form a magical bond with his dog, Joe.) He works as a part-time gardener.
Brian is born in Orkan and later moved to Tragard for a year before he went to Victubia Capital for the magic school. He’s a fire and metal magi; this gives him the ability to liquefy metal and form it however he pleases. After VMA, he decided to continue his studied to VU where he focused on the Mechanics, Engineering, and Electronics Program. Brian ended up building a tiny robot named Arnold, but it doesn’t do much yet. (It’s a mini Terminator)
Craig was also born in Okran, briefly meeting Brian there before the man left, sometime after that he moved to Victubia Capital to attend VMA. He’s a wind magi and in his last year as a VU student in the Art Program, specifically studying music. He’s also focusing on Pink Spirit magic.
Marcel is a lightning magi with Purple Spirit magic. Despite how tiring it is to use, Marcel wanted to focus on Purple Spirit magic. He also took up Red Spirit magic and Blue Spirit magic in case it was overbearing.
407/SCOTTY -
Scotty is a non-magi, but to make up for this he uses a select amount of traditional spells. He’s reliant on Brock and Marcel for magority of it. When needed, he carries around a pistol on his person. Scotty prefers guns over magic.
Anthony is an earth magi. He studied magic bonds to form a bond with his pet panda, which is now named Jigglesworth via Ryan. Sometime during VMA, he tried spirit magic and found out it wasn’t his thing.
The 2nd non-magi of the group is Brock. He’s the source of Scotty’s traditional spells and the only one other than Craig who payed attention to history. He carries around a book at all times in case the boys need it. Somehow, they ended up being dependent on him for any history lesson.
Ryan is a metal and lightning magi. He can combine his magic to turn his metal into magnets. He focuses on support spirit magic, but his preferred choice is Green Spirit magic. In VMA, he shared a dorm with Luke.
Luke is a fire magi with a wind trait, this makes his fire have move a faster movement than normal. His main Spirit magic is Red Spirit magic, but he spread it out to be more damaging. This is to make up for Ryan’s defensive/supportive style.
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