malecarchive · 5 months
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llinstarr · 2 years
I want to see Matthew's face when he finds out his older brother is gay and dating his enemy who is also gay and in love with Matthew's best friend who is also gay and in love with Matthew's enemy💀
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okay this is calling all malec shippers and fanfiction readers because I've beEN LOOKING FOR THIS ONE REALLY GOOD FIC I READ LAST YEAR AND I CANNOT FIND IT FOR THE LOVE OF ME
it's a high school au, where magnus is Clary's friend and he joins forces with Alec to get Clary and Jace together and Alec is a book-nerd and Magnus is a chemistry nerd but still a cool kid?
It's on ao3, it's seven(?) chapters long, there's a scene with Magnus crying in a bus because it's the anniversary of his mother's death, Alec comes out to his mother in a car, Magnus climbs into Alec's room through his window, Alec gifts Magnus waterproof eyeliner and a jar full of the endings of all the books he reads, Alec's obsessed with wuthering heights and classics and it's adorable and perfect and I loved the fic so much and i caNNOT FIND IT UGHHHH
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Day 2/?? of posting my favorite fictional couples:
Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane from The Shadowhunter Chronicles (books and tv show)
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“I don’t want the world. I want you.” 
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I just started the Bane Chronicles and let me tell you, Magnus is just like this:
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My baby ain't shy.
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SURPRISE! IM NOT DEAD! I really am sorry for disappearing but things happened, life happened. If you follow me any where other than here (twitter) you probably would know that I was alive and writing, just not writing Malec for a while.
I’m not saying I’m back for good because god knows where life will take me but here’s a longgg awaited chapter for We Are All Drawn To What’s Broken and Beautiful.
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I saw the one with the dog and I automatically thought about Malec having this conversation so I made a Malec version of that meme 🤣 (I'm not sure if this has been done already)
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dqrklina · 5 years
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malecarchive · 5 months
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llinstarr · 2 years
Tid gang: we have will!
Tmi gang: we have Magnus!
Tda gang: we have the unseelie king, bitches.
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Waiting for 3b is becoming painful at this point.
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Undone || Malec
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/697829478-undone-malec-thirteen
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14520396/chapters/47144380
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Rafael and Max grinned at each other on the other side of the study door. Everything was right once again. All they needed to do now was get back to their own time and let things run its course. However, to do that they needed a spell. Rafael knocked on the door to warn the recently reunited couple of their presence. They were happy for their parents but they didn't want to hang around and hear them kissing and being all lovey-dovey.
Magnus cleared his throat. "Y-yes, come in." He announced, straightening out his lapels and rubbing his thumb over his lips. He could still taste his Shadowhunter. He smirked slightly at the dirty thoughts that threatened to surface. Any other time Magnus would be happy to voice them just to get a rise and blush out of Alec but maybe they weren't appropriate for his future children who had just entered the room. Throughout the exchange, Alec had not once let go of Magnus - as if afraid to now that he had him back. His hand rested loosely on Magnus' waist. The Warlock felt a warmth at his side and a softness take over his smile. He had Alec back.
"Sorry to interrupt." Max grinned cheekily and marched in. He hoisted himself up on the desk, whilst his brother took a more reserved approach. He stood up straight, hand clasped behind his back in the centre of the room. The likeness to Alec was painfully apparent.
"It's no bother, I assume we're used to this in the future with troublemakers such as yourselves roaming about." Magnus smirked, his own fingers seeking out his Shadowhunter as he giddily referenced their future together.
Max humphed. "Sometime it doesn't stop you." He muttered and Magnus chuckled as Alec blushed.
"How are you doing? I can't imagine all of this is easy to take in." Rafael asked, straight to the point. Like father, like son.
Alec thought for a moment and took Magnus' hand, "We're ... processing." was all he could come up with. "Not sure 'my kids came back from the future' can ever be fully normalised." He admitted. His bewilderment had just taken a back seat to fixing his relationship with Magnus.
Max giggled at the look on his father's face. "It's a good story though." He shrugged, more relaxed than he had been the whole time he'd been there.
"Despite the ... absurdity." Alec started, taking in his boys. "I'd be happy to know my future has you both in it. Thank you for all your help." Alec smiled and separated from Magnus to pull Rafael, who was closest, in a hug. The boy froze up for a moment before wrapping his arms round his father, smile widening. Max let out a noise and hopped down from the desk. He buried into Alec's other side. Alec accommodated him and hugged his kids tight. Magnus swore he felt his heart melt at the sight.
"It's been hard ... the past few days." Max admitted, hair ruffled as he pulled back from the embrace. "Seeing our family ... keeping quiet." Max sighed and Rafael put a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder. "There was so much we wanted to tell you ... to warn you about - Sebastian in particular." He pointed out bitterly, scowling at the memory of the bastard hiding in plain sight.
"It was better that you didn't." Magnus comforted.
"We don't know what will affect our future or not. We were so conflicted about telling you guys and now that you know, we're relieved but ... I'm a little anxious to know how this affects Max and I directly." Rafael admitted. "Things could be totally different when we get back - butterfly effect and all that."
The family shared contemplative looks. Magnus let out a sigh - there was a definite way to make sure nothing was affected. "Then it's settled. To protect you boys and our future, all memories of this experience will need to be erased."
"What?!" Max exclaimed in surprise. Alec also looked reluctant.
"I agree." Rafael nodded, lips turned down.
"You mean ... every trace of us?" Max asked sadly.
"I'm afraid so." Magnus confirmed and locked eyes with Alec. He got the sudden sinking feeling as another realisation crossed his mind. "And ... I'm afraid we'll have to erase the last couple of hours as well - we were all congregated here because of you boys and the situation with the hell-hounds. They will need to be erased as well or there'll be holes in our memories."
Alec's eyes went wide. "The last few hours? But ... but th-then ... we ..." Alec trailed off in distress. Magnus cupped Alec's face in his hands.
"I know darling, I know ... I don't like it but we need to let things run their course ... we need to find another way back to each other. You told me we always do remember?" Magnus smiled hopefully, thumb brushing over Alec's cheekbones.
Alec's eyes closed as he savoured his boyfriend's touch. He felt an ache at losing his Warlock once again. He knew he wouldn't remember but he'd be going back to the emptiness without Magnus' warmth filling the void. "Isn't there anything you can leave behind?" Alec whispered, turning to kiss Magnus' palm.
"Do you really want to take that chance? Risk their lives?" Magnus asked softly and turned Alec's gaze to his sons who were awkwardly trying not to intrude on their personal moment. Alec breathed in deeply and considered it. If everything went back to normal then their future was likely to stay the same - which meant he would definitely get Magnus back eventually as well as their kids. If he made efforts to get just Magnus back, it could risk his future of having Max and Rafael. There really was only one choice.
"No, you're right." Alec swallowed, meeting Magnus' eyes. His heart sped up as he once again had the privilege of staring into golden cat eyes. "Just promise me I'll get you back." Alec pleaded.
"I love you Alexander." Magnus beamed.
"I love you too." Alec smiled and kissed his Warlock again, savouring it while he could. Rafael and Max smiled at each other. Although they were disheartened that their family wouldn't remember their time together, they had a time to get back to that held so many more memories.
"Right." Magnus breathed, once he and Alec had finished consoling each other. "Let's get this show on the road."
"WHAT? FORGET?!" Jace exclaimed. Max winced at the volume. "After all that?" He huffed in frustration.
"It's the only way to make sure their future is certain. Things will follow the natural course of time this way." Magnus explained calmly.
"But you and Alec ..." Isabelle pointed out sadly. The couple shared a reassuring smile.
"We'll work it out." Alec assured. No way was he letting Magnus go again.
"I will be performing the memory spell. I'll take everything related to Max and Rafael." Magnus explained. He opened his spell book and flicked through the pages to find the right one.
"Aw man, I have to forget time travel exists? That sucks." Simon grumbled.
"Priorities Mundane." Alec sighed, rolling his eyes.
"I'm not a Mundane! I'm a vampire." Simon huffed and Isabelle chuckled as she laid a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Magnus, ignoring the drama, continued, "Naturally this will be a big spell and take a lot of magic as I also have to take memories from those in the institute undetected to tie up any loose ends about the boys' whereabouts." Magnus then turned to the blue Warlock. "Since I cannot do it myself, you will then need to take my memories Max. I will show you how to do it." Magnus smiled. Max nodded anxiously. He did not want to be responsible for that going wrong.
"We'll miss you guys." Isabelle grinned and pulled Max and Rafael in for a bear hug. "It's been a blast but I suppose I'll see you in a couple years?" She teased and the boys smiled in return. Goodbyes were given throughout the group with a grumbled apology from Jace which had clearly been prompted by Clary's stern look.
Magnus finally had everything in place for the spell and held tightly to Alec's hand, giving it one last kiss. Alec smiled softly at his lover - they'd be ok. They always found their way back to each other. Magnus spoke a few words in Latin and summoned a flurry of blue from his fingertips which reached out to the others in the room bar Max and Rafael. With his other hand clasped in Alec's, he drew a little strength from the Shadowhunter to make sure things went smoothly.
Once the transaction was completed, Magnus put the others to sleep and portal-ed them back to the institute where they'd wake up in their own beds, hopefully without questions.
"Right troublemakers. To the institute." Magnus smirked.
Max eyed the burial ground with trepidation. What if it didn't work? He looked over his shoulder to see his Papa weaving a spell together with the shards - likely inputting the calculation.
"How is he still going, shouldn't he be drained of magic by now?" Rafael murmured within Max's earshot. Max grinned - their father was all levels of powerful. He was still competent enough to do two massive memory and time-travel spells after a major magic depletion. It was starting to show though - his frame was weary.
"That's gonna be three steaks and a bottle." Max teased and Rafael snorted. Finally the spell was done, the last of the latin words leaving Magnus' mouth and making the demonic runes flash.
"Right." Magnus heaved a sigh and handed it to Max who swallowed anxiously. "Show-time young warlock." Magnus smiled fondly and ruffled his blue curls. Max swatted his hand and took a breath - he would get him and his brother home. "Now remember, be gentle when sifting through my memories but be thorough, I can't have a single clue or I'll begin to question and possibly remember. If not something else could fill the gaps and confuse me. I don't doubt I'm clever enough to recover my own memories if I'm suspicious enough." Magnus smirked and Max laughed.
"Got it." Max nodded nervously.
"You'll be fine Max, we have faith in your skill. You defeated both those hounds remember?" Rafael grinned.
"Just repeat the words 'suscipe me in domum suam' when you create the portal and think of the last place you portal-ed from - i.e. this cemetery in the future." Magnus instructed.
Max nodded in determination and leaned up to place his palms on his father's temple. He gazed into tired cat eyes and smiled at the trust behind them. He was so lucky to have the family he did. "I'll do my best."
Magnus smirked and watched as Max's white magic gently sunk into his mind and trickled through his memories of the last three days, plucking and placing, nicking and picking. After ten minutes of careful work, the young warlock pulled back and caught his father's heavy frame as he fell unconscious.
"You alright?" Rafael asked - hopefully he had enough juice to get them home.
"I'm his son aren't I?" Max smirked and portal-ed Magnus back to the loft. Rafael rolled his eyes but couldn't help the fondness that crept up within him.
"Come on, time to go. We don't know how long we've been missing." Rafael hooked his arm round his brother's shoulder and guided them to the scorched remains of the first portal that started this whole mess. Max's gaze lingered on the burnt symbols in the ground for a moment, before inhaling and opening the portal. It made a jerky movement from the shards - not as smooth as a regular portal. Max only hoped it was because of the strain of travelling through time.
"Suscipe me in domum suam." Max took a hold of Rafael's hand and watched as the purple went from gold to purple to red. The brothers shared one last look before stepping through.
Once again, Max felt like he was being pulled in so many directions. His brain was fuzzy then super sharp, his body felt heavy then light as air. He felt ill, yet all his passages cleared. Each sharp jolt got him closer and closer to his goal that he clung to:
'suscipe me in domum suam' Take me home.
Finally, with a harsh thud, he was face down in the dirt. The warlock groaned and slowly felt his senses come back to him and took in another groan to his left. Shaking off the dysteria he blinked up at the scenery and squinted as light flooded his eyes. Wasn't it just night time? Excitement flooded Max as the hope of being home bloomed.
"Did we do it?" Rafael breathed, looking a little winded. Max took in the cemetery , noticing gravestones that weren't there before, a new monument and aged stones. They were definitely in a different time.
"I think so." Max grinned and helped haul Rafael back onto his feet. Max gasped suddenly as feelings of joy and confusion pulsed from his hip. His hand clasped his parabatai rune and couldn't help beam at his brother. "I feel her. She's here - sh-she's alive." Max gave a shaky laugh. "No doubt they'll track us here any min-"
A crackle was heard and a swoosh as multiple bodies stumbled through a golden portal. The brothers watched in awe as their family raced towards them.
Max let out a yelp as Alexandra and Madzie tackled him to the ground, talking rapidly about how worried they were and how they'd not been able to track them. Rafael chuckled as his brother went to the ground but turned round in time to get an armful of his fathers. Magnus and Alec held onto him tight.
"Where the hell have you been?" Magnus almost sobbed into the young Shadowhunter's shoulder. Rafael grinned, feeling tears sting his own eyes. He wasn't sure he'd get to see his proper family again, but Max did it. His Papa did it too - even if he couldn't remember.
"Its a .... long story." Rafael breathed a sigh of relief. Eventually he pulled away from his fathers to see Alexandra and Madzie still giving his brother an earful about running after trouble on his own. Max looked sheepishly between the two girls before turning to smile at Rafael. Soon the girls turned to Rafael and gave him a big hug, telling him how brave he was for going after his idiotic brother. Max barely let out a scandalised 'hey!' before he was enveloped in a hug between his fathers. Max left the protests to hug his parents back, actually letting tears escape as he felt like he was finally home.
"Holy shit, really?!" Alexandra gaped.
"What was it like?"
"How young did I look?"
"Are you boys okay?"
"You didn't see Valentine did you?"
"Did you punch Jonathan in the face?"
"Oh my god can you all shut up." Max groaned, burying his face in his hands. Rafael gave his family an exasperated smile.
"We're perfectly fine, if a little disorientated." Rafael reassured. "It was definitely surreal. Seeing all of you during the dark war really gave us an insight into how horrible it all was, how Downworlders were still being discriminated against to a worrying degree, and how Valentine was so cruel in his ambition."
Everyone went quiet.
"Well that's the depressing way of putting it." Max grinned, breaking the tension. Magnus rolled his eyes as Alec hid his smile behind his palm. "It was really cool though, despite fearing for my life and everything. We met everyone when they were younger and got to see how you evolved. Uncle Jace you've certainly come a long way." Max smirked.
"What did I do?!" He exclaimed as the others snickered.
"I have to agree that you were a grade A asshole." Rafael laughed. Clary snorted and tried for an apologetic smile when Jace glared at her.
"Oh come on babe, you weren't exactly welcoming when we first met."
"I was plenty welcoming to you! Alec was the unwelcoming one!" Jace tried to dodge.
"You were welcoming to Clary because you wanted in her pants." Alec commented dryly.
Jace narrowed his eyes. "Pretty sure you liked the idea of getting in my pants at the time Lightwood." He retorted.
Max and Alec wrinkled their noses in disgust. "Oh god, don't remind me." Alec looked genuinely ill thinking about it and Rafael let out another huff of laughter at his family's ridiculousness.
"What did Dad do?" Alexandra asked and Jace looked betrayed.
"He accused us of working with Valentine."
Clary and Alexandra turned and looked at Jace with a murderous gaze. "OW!" He yelped when they slapped him hard. "I wouldn't do that now! Why are you blaming me?!"
"You're still an ass and you deserve it for saying such horrible things to my nephews." Clary quipped.
"They're my nephews too. I'd never knowingly insult family- don't look at me like that Alec, you know what I mean! I'd never intentionally hurt any of you. I'm sorry if I caused you any distress boys. I'm not as ... troubled as I used to be." Jace apologised sincerely. Clary looked on fondly as Max and Rafael gave him a big hug.
"We know that uncle Jace." Rafael smiled reassuringly.
"So when exactly did you travel to? Valentine's soul sword massacre? The forsaken attack? The Alicante attack? Lilith? Sebastian's death? The angel-"
"God slow down Alexandra!" Max chuckled.
"We were there during Sebastian's infiltration of the institute and Valentine's last attempt at destroying the Downworld." Rafael supplied and all the adults in the room tensed.
"Of all the times." Alec whispered, horror in his tone. "Are you sure you boys are ok?"
The brothers smiled brightly. "Of course, you were there after all."
Alec smiled back before frowning. "I wasn't ... cruel or anything was I? I was a very different person back then." Magnus curled his fingers round Alec's, sending comfort through their bond. His Shadowhunter could never be cruel, not to him.
"Actually you weren't too different. You were still the strong Shadowhunter we admire." Rafael explained to his father. "I hope to be half the man you are."
Alec felt tears well up. "The only man you need to be is yourself Rafael. I hope you aren't trying to live up to my expectations because anything you do will make me the proudest father on earth." Rafael felt his own eyes sting as he embraced his father once again. Magnus didn't know he could fall even farther for his nephilim, but seeing him show such care and devotion in the way his parents never had through most of his teenage years made the warlock warm and fuzzy.
"Dad made Rafa head of security after Sebastian was exposed." Max jumped in, grinning at his brother.
"Of course he did. Anyone would notice our son's shining potential." Magnus beamed with pride, chucking Rafael.
"Guys please."
"Aw look he's blushing." Madzie cooed.
"Shut up." Rafael grumbled, hiding his red cheeks.
"I saw you as well Madzie." Max said sheepishly. "I had no idea you were so adorable." Madzie sat there speechless as her cheeks also started to redden. The Shadowhunter's tried to hide their knowing looks as Max also turned into a tomato. Magnus was full on beaming at his son's boldness and Alec tried to whisper for him to not look so smug. 'I can't help it Alexander, he's my son after all!'
"So if this all happened, how come we can't remember?" Jace asked, breaking the tension.
"Don't be dumb Jace." Isabelle sighed and Jace gave her an offended glare.
"They would have had to erase their memories to avoid the butterfly effect." Simon intervened. "I can't believe time travel exists!"
"Yeah you were pretty bummed out when we said you had to forget." Max chuckled.
"Wait, you told us?! That you were from the future?" Alec exclaimed.
"Well ... Max kind of gave us away."
"How did we react?" Magnus asked curiously.
"Um ..." Rafael shared a reluctant glance with Max. "It was a little awkward considering you guys were kind of ... on a break." Alec's eyes widened.
"Holy crap I completely forgot that all happened at the same time." His eyes found Magnus' who only looked at him with fondness.
"Don't worry darling, it's all in the past and we haven't gotten that close to being apart since ... well except for the time you dumped me so I could get my magic back." Magnus hummed casually.
"Magnus!" Alec groaned in embarrassment.
"You boys were so dramatic." Isabelle giggled.
Jace joined in. "Oh I love Magnus and his golden eyes!"
Isabelle snickered. "He's the love of my life, my world, my soul!
"I must propose! He is too precious!"
"Oh wait, his father didn't give me his blessing!"
"Dooomed! Star-crossed lovers! I must sever all happiness for Magnus'"
"Oh wait here's Magnus who found out my sacrifice. He wants to marry me after All!"
"My love!"
"Guys!" Alec groaned as his kids howled with laughter.
"You were so romantic darling." Magnus smirked. "And if you know me, you know I love drama." Alec couldn't help the fondness that crept over him. He really would do anything for his warlock.
"God stop, I'm gonna melt from all the gooey ness in your eyes!" Isabelle sighed lovingly and Simon chuckled, hugging her to his chest.
"Leave Alexander alone. I want him to look at me like that all the time." Magnus beamed and pecked his Shadowhunter.
"He already does." Max laughed. "The pining was surreal."
"Max." Alec tried for stern but just looked exasperated.
"You guys made up and got back together once you learnt you had future kids." Max continued.
"Well of course we did. I've never once stopped loving your father so promise of a future together would only drive us back together." Magnus sighed and wrapped his arms round Alec's neck.
"Ugh people wish they could be as cute as malec." Alexandra sighed.
"What's a malec?"
"I think we got a little sidetracked." Jace sighed.
Rafael chuckled, "Well dad and papa got back together and it was very emotional and sappy. However we were concerned about it affecting this time so they agreed to erase all memories of us. Unfortunately it meant they'd also forget getting back together."
Alec's hand tightened around Magnus' subconsciously. He couldn't imagine having Magnus' warmth in his grasp only to be ripped away again. However, he was happy his boys were safe and their future with them still existed.
"So how did you guys get back together?" Alexandra asked, fully enthralled in the story. Alec turned to Magnus. "It was after Valentine was killed and everyone went out to celebrate ..."
~ Alec's eyes never strayed from the warlock as others tried to engage him in conversation or congratulate him on Valentines demise. He only had one thought on his mind after everything they'd been through. He never wanted to lose Magnus again, the fear he felt when Valentine raised the angel was bone deep. He wasn't going to waste this opportunity to tell him how important he was.
Finally, he excused himself and made his way through the crowd, patting an intoxicated Luke on the shoulder as he went by. Magnus looked so good leaning against one of the supports with his signature drink in hand. He always looked good - so elegant and poised. Alec tried to contain the swoon that crawled up his spine.
He let out a breathless "Hey."
Magnus replied in kind and Alec stumbled into a, "you look like you've got your energy back." to break the ice.
"My go to remedy after a major magic depletion; boiling hot bath, 8oz steak - medium rare - and ..." he paused for dramatic effect, admiring his glass whilst Alec helplessly admired Magnus and smiled at his quirks, "a lot of these." He finished with a huffed laugh and took a sip. Alec didn't know what to say, just revelled in the fact Magnus was talking to him again. "Mm." Magnus remembered, "any sign of demons."
Alec quickly hid his fond smile as he returned to work chat. "None. The sensor maps are completely clear of wrath demons. It's the strangest thing, it's like ... they disappeared into thin air." Alec frowned.
Magnus looked thoughtful before giving a smile. "Well, then we can take this moment. To celebrate." He raised his glass and smiled at Alec's surprised grin and clinked glasses. Alec went to take a drink but found the bottle stilling at his lips, wondering when the peace would break and they'd acknowledge the elephant in the room. He paused and decided he wanted to rip the bandaid off now - he didn't want polite civility. He wanted to ravish his boyfriend and kiss him for every minute they'd spent apart. He watched Magnus take a sip and mustered up his courage.
"Can we talk?" It came out a little unsure but straight to the point. Magnus hesitated for a second before nodding a quiet 'yeah.' Alec took the lead and walked past him to the back doors of the hunters moon, knowing there were too many advanced hearing ears ready to weigh in and gossip. As soon as he entered the fresh air he took a deep breath to steady his nerves. He had to make things right. There was a gap of silence as they both prepared to address the tension between them. Alec decided to get right to the crux of the problem and apologise for causing the rift.
"Magnus I'm sorry-"
"Don't apologise."
"No, I should of told you about the soul sword."
"It's in the past."
They paused after it had all been blurted out into the open. Alec tried to figure out how to fix this as he saw Magnus curl in on himself a little, holding his elbows. Alec could almost taste the anxiety coming from his warlock and he wanted to smooth it away.
"Magnus, ever since our ... fights, I ..." Alec started, trying to find the right words, and Magnus swallowed, looking down, "I can't- I can't think straight."
Magnus' eyes darted around as he tried to think of a reply, "Well I can't do any thing without ... thinking of you." He admitted, vulnerable in confession.
"Magnus I ..." he stepped forward, "I don't think I can live without you."
Magnus eyes darted up to meet Alec's, disbelief settling inside him along with hope as Alec shook his head hopelessly. Magnus knew he had caused them both pain and had to admit his mistakes so that they were on equal ground. "I ... I thought I had to choose between you and the downworld ..." he took a step closer to his nephilim, "but I don't." He assured and felt his lips quirk up. "A wise man once told me, 'relationships take effort'"
Alec huffed a laugh at Magnus' terrible impression of him. "Yeah. Well that was an understatement." He teased and Magnus chuckled back, the tension shattering and leaving them in this calm, yet uncertain relief. Alec gave Magnus a hopeful look.
"You know what's not an understatement?" Magnus tried to be coy. He edged closer to the Shadowhunter and Alec grinned as he reached out towards the warlock, meeting him halfway. He felt his world slot back into place with the familiar warmth of Magnus on his lips. He breathed him in, savouring the presence he sorely missed. He was determined not to lose it again.
They pulled away with a smack and smiled dopily at each other. Magnus took in a breath before looking around, "I'm all into parties ... but what do you say we get out of here?" He smiled, eager to be alone with his nephilim once more.
Alec grinned, the happiest he'd been in days, "yes."
Hi guys, sorry the ending took so long. I hope you enjoyed the story, I've had a lot of fun writing it for you, let me know what you thought about it down in the comments. Lets see how my transition from phan to malec is :D
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Yay, I’m finally back with another two chapters of my fic, We Are All Drawn to What’s Broken and Beautiful!
Do leave any feedback in the comments! I’m constantly trying to improve my writing! Thank you!
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