#Magnum Eco
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metropolitant · 8 months ago
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lascitasdelashoras · 6 months ago
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Umberto Eco por Martine Franck - Magnum photos
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thebibliosphere · 2 years ago
Seeing as you're talking about painting again and I'm once again looking at my own walls and wanting them to be different.... did you guys use a spray painter (paint sprayer?) to paint the house? Would you recommend the one used? Was the method okay (relatively speaking of course) for someone with low energy?
We did! The paint we use, Ecos Paint, required an airless sprayer when we first started decorating (they now allow for HVLP sprayers too), so we got ourselves a Graco Magnum 262800 X5 Stand Airless Paint Sprayer for doing large spaces.
It was pricey, but well worth the investment for us as we are redoing our entire house. They also have smaller models which are lighter and easier to move and less expensive.
The actual painting process is much easier for me than a roller or paint brush. It's light and easy to handle. The cleanup process is a little tedious for me, and I struggle to haul the bucket outside by myself, but so long as I move slow and take my time, it's fine.
I will say, it's a bit of a learning curve at first. It took us a while to realize we were standing too close to the wall sometimes and that was causing the paint to run. But now we know what we're doing we can get a full coat for an entire room done in about 20-30 minutes. Obviously if you need more coats, it will take longer, but I think we did my entire office in about 40 minutes (not including drying time between coats, but that's the time I spend resting between tasks so I don't hit the fatigue wall.)
For context, I did our bedroom closet the other week--a significantly smaller space than my office--and it took me about 4 hours total using the roller. My arms and back were killing be the end of it. If I'd been able to seal the rest of the bedroom of and use the sprayer, I would haven't absolutely done it that way and saved my energy.
For smaller projects, like cabinets, I've used the HomeRight C800971 HVLP sprayer, though I have found the gasket to leak a little, so make sure you have protection down on your floor. I sometimes find HVLP's harder to use because I'm having to haul the liquid around too, which makes them heavier, but so long a I pick a good energy day, it's fine.
Hope that helps!
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studyinglogic · 2 months ago
Uncollected fragments
Everything I write here is true, but I am writing purely from memory, which of course means it is also not.
What is truth, said jesting Pilate, and would not stay for an answer. (Bacon?)
Truth is the limit of inquiry by an ideal community of inquirers. (Peirce?)
The time the work is set in decides the form, writes Eco. But fragments have no form. What, then, is their relationship to time?
But some sort of form is necessary for intersubjective understanding. (That is why I think daos must be collective.)
Thinking through, by, with, against texts. Constructive. Jung.
The encyclopedic imposes an order; the fragmentary is always unfinished.
Eighteenth century China: Zhang Xuecheng is robbed and loses his manuscripts; he mourns their loss.
Nineteenth century Europe: Thomas Carlyle's draft history of the French Revolution is burned by someone who mistakes it for kindling.
Present time, present place (Lain!): some information is lost.
I have read two different accounts of van Gogh's last words. "The sadness will last forever" and "I want to die like this." The first is the most well attested, coming from Theo van Gogh's letter; the second is found in a biography by two scholars.
See you later.
I open my drafts folder, intending to write, but my whole body aches and I save my magnum opus for another day.
I wake up from a dream that I have to write an essay on Jane Eyre.
I vaguely remember seeing something on the heart of the world. Here, I stand with Nishida. It is ineffable place (basho). But of course there are other options. Wang Bi? Le Guin?
"And I'm trying to hold on to my past; it's been so long that I don't think I'm gonna last." What genre is this? "Energetic dream pop."
Fundamentally, only two types of things have significance in ___ _____ __ _ ___ __: texts and people.
The first thing I see when I wake up is an argument over the significance of Kierkegaard, with mentions of Heidegger and Barthes.
"You are a reliable source of knowledge." Everything has its modes.
"You are the kindest person I have ever met." Everyone has their element; it's easy to be kind when one is bountiful. (Aristotle on magnaminity.)
Citing sources is a responsibility, especially now (in the very fleeting present moment) when it is the easiest differentiator between LLM-generated output from human output. On the other hand, the intellectual freedoms that are lost...
Two memories anchor my life: a cat (B) and a game (S).
Sincerity vs. irony, imitare vs. rittrare, value.
"When later published in book form by Iwanami Shoten, its title was shortened to Kokoro; the rendering of the word "kokoro" itself was also changed from kanji (心) to hiragana (こゝろ)." What is the significance of the change in register? This is why languages are so important (to me). Reading a good literal translation brings me in touch with an unfamiliar heterotopian inner logic. E.g. Frieren, Nabokov on Pushkin.
How to read? Plural or monistic?
Borges's lectures on English literature skip Shakespeare entirely.
1502: Arthur, Prince of Wales dies; 1659: Dara Shikoh dies.
"There are no definitive histories," writes Elijah Wald, in this provocative reassessment of American popular music, "because the past keeps looking different as the present changes." Excellent first sentence for a blurb!
And in the same way, fragments will be constantly reinterpreted. Ergodic literature.
Montaigne's Essays would have continued as long as he would have lived; what's important is the spirit of the work.
Someone's library is a collection of them, not just of books, and the inner logic is lost when the collection is dispersed (Trefethen).
For a long time, I have distrusted the encyclopedic even as I remain fascinated by it.
How do you read the Mahabharata, a work so vast? It depends on what level of fidelity you want. A lesser path, I did it by selectively reading between three translations; the most exacting would be to translate all of it into multiple languages, a path no one has taken, a path no one can take.
But how much can one do from the sidelines? This life so short, the craft so long to learn. The unending pressure of objective culture (Simmel). All the texts and people I keep in my heart.
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m2024a · 9 months ago
https://notizieoggi2023.blogspot.com/2024/02/la-poesia-deve-alzare-le-proprie.html La poesia deve alzare le proprie barricate contro l'invasione dell'antiumanesimo Soltanto chi come me, o come qualcuno dei miei lettori, ama davvero la letteratura si rende conto, senza ipocrisia, che nella società odierna e per le attuali classi dirigenti la letteratura è diventata un impiccio, un residuato, qualcosa da portare in cantina a riempirsi di polvere. Oggi è, o sembra, tutto finito. Inutile ricordare agli uomini della politica e dell'economia, qualunque sia il loro colore politico, che se l'Italia non è rimasta una espressione geografica, ed è nata in quanto entità storica e statuale è stato soprattutto perché l'hanno sognata, preconizzata, amata i poeti, da Dante a Petrarca, da Foscolo a Manzoni al giovane Leopardi, da Carducci a D'Annunzio, da Ungaretti a Pasolini. Inutile ricordare che l'Italia è prima di tutto la sua lingua meravigliosa e dorata, è il suo patrimonio inesauribile d'anima, d'arte, di poesia, di musica. Sembra che sia chiaro soltanto tra i pochissimi grandi uomini rimasti in Italia, penso a Riccardo Muti. Sono venuti in odio i modelli eccellenti, erosi da un falso egualitarismo straccione, e dal dominio dei social, dove «uno vale uno» e il primo pirla può impunemente apostrofare un premio Nobel: fenomeno che condannò anche Umberto Eco, non sospettabile certo di simpatie per gli «apocalittici» nemici della modernità. La scuola, disastrata in maniera equanime da governi di sinistra e di destra sino all'abominio grillino dei banchi a rotelle, ha ridotto lo studio della letteratura a pochi autori, spesso soltanto del Novecento, ignorando i classici e il loro splendore e, di fronte ad ancora tanti bravissimi insegnanti, c'è sempre qualcuno (a volte ministri come il non rimpianto Franceschini) che preme per dare più spazio a fumettisti, saltimbanchi, cuochi, comici, rapper, trapper, cantautori, dj, influencer: seguendo pedissequamente ogni moda. Si è inventato il binomio scuola lavoro, come se l'insegnamento invece di formare prima di tutto esseri umani nella loro interezza dovesse formare pizzaioli, con tutto il rispetto per la categoria. Il lavoro della scuola era far crescere il sapere e l'anima del ragazzo, la sua comprensione di se stesso, della società, della storia, del mondo. E niente poteva farlo meglio di quell'antico ma sempre nuovo sistema di conoscenza che è la Letteratura. Niente formava di più e più in profondità che leggere poesie e romanzi, grandi strumenti di educazione al destino. Niente formava di più che il pensiero dei grandi, da Machiavelli a Galileo, da Vico a De Sanctis. Intendiamoci, non è che oggi non ci siano più quelli che scrivono poesie e romanzi. Ormai il 90 per cento degli italiani ha pubblicato un romanzo, i social diffondono a piene mani poesia, e chiamano poesia anche ogni incolpevole vagito e belato sentimentale. Ci sono in giro migliaia di sedicenti autori che scrivono tutti allo stesso modo, carino e insignificante, quasi sempre lontani da ogni scossa metafisica, da ogni senso del mistero, da ogni empito fantastico, e riducono il romanzo a qualche bella frase, a qualche trovata, o a tanto lacrimoso patetismo autobiografico. Eppure in questo mare magnum, dove nessuno distingue più niente da niente, ci sono ancora libri appassionanti e autori veri. Fiorisce la letteratura di genere, dove almeno persistono i temi eterni del male, della giustizia, della verità, e che il mercato premia (cosa che è vano vituperare): io leggo con piacere per esempio Donato Carrisi, e quando mi è capitato di conversare con Maurizio De Giovanni ho toccato con lui temi a me cari come il mito con più vivacità che con autori snobbetti e un po' premiati, magari usciti dalla celebratissima scuola Holden. Poeti veri e grandi, penso ad esempio a Milo De Angelis, esistono ancora. E ogni giorno ricevo testi di giovani che credono nella poesia e scrivono in cerca di nuove forme del vivere e di assoluto. Scrittori di alta qualità ci sono, Sandro Veronesi, Antonio Scurati, Eraldo Affinati, per esempio. E ci sono i critici, penso a Giorgio Ficara, a Alfonso Berardinelli, a Massimo Onofri, a Silvio Perrella, per altro saggisti e scrittori in proprio: ma esiste sempre di meno lo spazio editoriale e istituzionale per esercitare l'importantissimo compito della critica, vagliare la produzione letteraria, individuare i valori più forti, non transeunti, seguire gli autori, sostenere una tendenza. Oggi tutto è effimero, volatile, virtuale. Leggero: ma non si dica con criminale menzogna che è la leggerezza di Italo Calvino: tutt'al più è quella di Luciana Littizzetto. A cui preferisco le giovani tiktoker, che quando cinguettano innamorate di un titolo possono anche riservare sorprese, magari stanno rileggendo e rinverdendo un classico... Il vuoto è prima di tutto un vuoto sociale, culturale, spirituale. Ed è da connettersi al crollo dell'umanesimo, che dalla Firenze del Rinascimento sino all'esistenzialismo di Sartre e di Camus aveva innervato la cultura europea. Per molti esponenti del mondo intellettuale l'essere umano non è più al centro della società, l'essere umano intero, in carne ed ossa, con i suoi bisogni, i suoi desideri, le sue debolezze, la sua follia, la sua capacità di ribellione, di autodeterminazione del proprio futuro. Ed è caduto a picco il senso della Tradizione, che è da modaioli imbecilli vedere come passato e polvere, mentre è conoscenza attiva e critica delle radici e insieme forza propulsiva per proseguire nella costruzione di una civiltà. La letteratura è stata a lungo il midollo spinale (l'espressione è di Jacques Attali) di una Nazione. E certamente di quella Europa che per primo Victor Hugo sognò come «Stati Uniti d'Europa». Senza letteratura, senza poesia, senza il primato dello spirito si configura una società non liquida, come vuole una celebre definizione sociologica, ma smidollata, un'Europa vaso di coccio tra le Potenze del nuovo ordine mondiale, prona di fronte alle insidiose idiozie nichiliste della cosiddetta cancel culture che ha soffiato dall'America in questi anni e alla fine si è rivelata una cultura della cancellazione, o del tentativo di cancellazione, guarda caso, proprio della parte gloriosa della cultura europea, oggi indifesa, incapace di reagire, di ritrovare l'orgoglio e l'amore di se stessa. Per la prima volta nella storia dell'umanità al vertice dei valori, come potere assoluto e incontestabile, è rimasta l'economia, declinata come finanza e profitto. E per la prima volta nella storia dell'umanità tutto il resto viene considerato un ingombro, qualcosa di attardato e inutile: il sacro, l'ideale, la gratuità, il valore, l'onore, la bellezza spirituale, la ribellione: il tesoro millenario della letteratura, da Omero a Borges. Il primato totalitario del profitto non ha niente a che fare col liberalismo che conosco io, quello di Benedetto Croce, Panfilo Gentile, Salvador De Madariaga. È in realtà un feticcio, un idolo, un Vitello d'Oro senza nessun Mosè in vista pronto ad abbatterlo: una irresistibile forza disumanizzante. Il pericolo, senza un nuovo umanesimo per il XXI secolo, è che si corra verso un'era di uomini-macchina, in balia di piccoli desideri indotti dalla pubblicità (e non so ancora per quanto dai miserabili imbonitori elettronici detti influencer), un'era di esseri privi di carne, di anima, di sesso, di radici, di sogni, vacui consumatori di tempo libero, prodotti deperibili e altrettanto deperibili ideologie. Uno strumento di opposizione, di resistenza e forse di contrattacco rispetto alle forze dell'antiumanesimo è la voce legislatrice (anche se mai riconosciuta come tale) della poesia, quell'antico e attualissimo sistema di conoscenza dell'anima e dell'universo che chiamiamo letteratura. Per questo nel disegno dei dominatori tecnologici ed economici del mondo poesia e letteratura non devono valere più niente, non devono avere spazio né ascolto. O, come ho appreso interrogando Chat GPT, opere poetiche e narrative potranno essere prodotte, pulite e anestetizzate, dalla IA, «assolutamente sì». Non so se un disegno così riuscirà. Dico soltanto che se riuscirà, quando saranno abbattute le statue di Virgilio, Dante, Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Goethe, Beethoven, Voltaire, Tolstoj la civiltà europea sarà finita. A me questo disegno non piace, e sono disposto, cari lettori, ad avversarlo sino all'ultimo sangue. All'ultima pagina.
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typingtess · 2 years ago
Tiptoeing through the “A Long Time Coming” guest cast
Gary Cole as NCIS Special Agent Alden Parker Wilmer Valderrama as NCIS Special Agent Nicholas "Nick" Torres Vanessa Lachey as NCIS Special Agent Jane Tennant Yasmine Al-Bustami as NCIS Agent Lucy Tara
Everyone here has a role on the sister shows. Teams photo and selfie. Teams with a body.
Kavi Ramachandran Ladnier as NCIS Reserve Agent Shyla Dahr Back from “Flesh and Blood” in early November.
Lesley Boone as Nina Barnes Knew she was a keeper!  Boone is back from “Come Together”, the season 13 finale. Hanging with Wilmer Valderrama and ECO. Maya Stojan as Morgan Miller Played Tory Ellis, the NYPD Video Tech, in 27 episodes of Castle, Kara Lynn Palmas/Agent 33 on Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD and was Meredith Ragen in the “Decompressed” season 13 episode of NCIS.  Wouldn’t the NCIS Navy Yard staffers recognize Morgan Miller as Meredith Ragen?  #ThingsToPonderAtNight.
Had guest roles in episodes of Entourage, Criminal Minds, How to Live with Your Parents (for the Rest of Your Life), Grey’s Anatomy, The Resident and Magnum P.I. (2022).   Trailer and Hawai’i photo.
Jose Pablo Cantillo as Pierce Was Duff Gonzalez in Standoff, Hector Salazar in Sons of Anarchy, Caesar Martinez in The Walking Dead, Dave in Taken and Carlos Jimenez in Mayor of Kingstown.
Appeared in episodes of Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Law & Order: SVU, ER, CSI: Miami, Medical Investigation, Crossing Jordan, Nip/Tuck, Bones, Eyes, Monk, CSI (2008), The Closer, Lie to Me, Hawthorne, Dark Blue, Lone Star, Terriers, The Good Guys, Law &  Order: LA, The River, The Finder, The Mentalist, Rush, Constantine, Damien, Shooter, The Last Ship, The Rookie, SWAT and Magnum P.I. (2022).
Guest starred as DEA Agent Mark Sisco in last season’s “Thick as Thieves” NCIS episode.  Wouldn’t the NCIS Navy Yard staffers recognize Pierce as someone else?  #ThingsToPonderAtNight.
Stephen Mendel as Jimmy McCann Longtime working actor.  Played Det. Freddie Carson in the CTV/CBS series Night Heat in the 1980′s.
Played Col. Tretyakov in the season six “Legacy” part one JAG premiere and Fred Pettis in the season 14 “Off the Grid” episode of NCIS.  Wouldn’t the NCIS Navy Yard team members recognize Jimmy McCann as someone else?  #ThingsToPonderAtNight.
Guest starred in episodes of Hart to Hart, Hot Shots, Night Heat, Dallas, Father Dowling Mysteries, Equal Justice, Sisters, Beverly Hills 90210, Saved by the Bell, L.A. Law, Murder She Wrote, The Hunger, The X-Files, The Practice, Judging Amy, The West Wing, 24, CSI: Miami, Jack & Bobby, Sleeper Cell, Las Vegas, The Bold & The Beautiful, Criminal Minds, Sons of Anarchy, Mad Men, Allegiance, Revenge, General Hospital, Grey’s Anatomy, American Woman and You’re the Worst.
Voices characters in a number of animated series.
Written by:  R. Scott Gemmill wrote/cowrote “The Only Easy Day”, “Brimstone”, “Breach”, “LD50”, “Found”, “Borderline”, “Absolution”, “Archangel”, “Tin Soldiers”, “Impostors”, “Cyberthreat”, “Honor”, “The Watchers” and both sides of the NCIS Los: Angeles/Hawaii Five-0 “Touch of Death” episodes, “Recruit”, “Free Ride”, “Wanted”, “Ravens and The Swans”, “Impact”, “War Cries”, both ends of the “Deep Trouble” season five finale/season six premiere, “Inelegant Heart”, “Praesidium”, “Traitor”, “Active Measures” (season seven premiere), “Blame It On Rio”, “Internal Affairs”, “Matryoshka” part one,  "Talion" (season seven finale), “High Value Target”/”Belly of the Beast” (season eight premieres), “The Queen’s Gambit”, “Under Siege”, “Unleashed” (season eight finale), “Party Crashers” (season nine’s premiere), “This Is What We Do” (episode 200), “Các Tù Nhân”, “Goodbye Vietnam”, “Ninguna Salida” (the season nine finale), “Hit List”, “Asesinos”, “Till Death Do Us Part”, “Choke Point”, “The Guardian”, “Hail Mary”, “Kill Beale Vol. 1”, “Alsiyadun”, “Fortune Favors the Brave”, “The Bear” (season 12 premiere), “Angry Karen”, “Love Kills”, “Russia, Russia, Russia”, “The Noble Maidens”, “A Tale of Two Igors” (season 12 finale), "Subject 17" (season 13 premiere), "All The Little Things", “MWD”, “Work and Family” and “Game of Drones” (season 14 premiere).    
Directed by: Dennis Smith directed “Fame”, “Standoff”, “Rocket Man”, “Cyberthreat”, “Exit Strategy”, “Patriot Acts”, “Out of the Past” part one, “The Livelong Day”, Between the Lines”, “Deep Trouble” part two, “Black Budget", “Black Wind”, “Blame it On Rio”, “Defectors”, “Matryoshka” part one, “Granger, O”, “The Queen’s Gambit”, “Hot Water”, “From Havana With Love”, “Plain Sight”, the lighthearted “Monster”, “Superhuman”, “One of Us”, “Smokescreen” part one, “Decoy”, “Mother” (episode 250), “Alsiyadun”, “The Bear”, “Angry Karen”, “Signs of Change”, “Fukushu” and “Dead Stick”. Scouting locations. Call sheet. With Vanessa Lachay at the foot of the office staircase. With Wilmer Valderrama in the office.
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elsquibbonator · 1 year ago
Eco-Tainment: Alexis Rockman
So far, in my quest to review various items of environmental media, I’ve covered books, movies, TV episodes, and even video games. But one thing I haven’t covered, is paintings. And when it comes to paintings with environmental themes, it’s hard to top the works of New York-based artist Alexis Rockman. Many of Rockman’s works defy direct description; if they can be said to be anything at all, they are surreal and unmistakable. Rockman doesn’t waste time talking down to people with moral platitudes. You won’t find any hackneyed “Save The Rainforest!” messages in his work-- at least, not the kind you’re probably thinking of. Instead, his art is designed to make you think, both about humanity’s uneasy relationship to the natural world and about the things in it we take for granted.
Nowhere is this more obvious than in his magnum opus painting, Manifest Destiny. In this eight-foot-by-twenty-four-foot piece, viewers are treated to a future New York City submerged underwater thanks to global warming. Yet nature has reclaimed the city, and the waters teem with fish, seabirds, and even whales. At first glance, this seems to contradict the stated environmental message of the piece-- if the icecaps have melted, and the coasts are underwater, but nature is thriving regardless, why should we humans care what happens? 
But that is precisely Rockman’s point. Instead of just rubbing your nose in the problem, he goes for something more complex. Climate change is a long-term disaster, something that people can’t see happening in real-time, which is why it’s so hard to get them to care about it. And nature, as it has in the past, will surely adapt to a changing climate. What Rockman produces, then, is a philosophical protest that does far more than say “pollution is bad”. To do so would be short-sighted and reactive-- the very mindset that brought us to this dire state in the first place. 
In his Wonderful World series of paintings, Rockman again paints a deceptively beautiful picture of a devastated future, one where wilderness has been entirely replaced by farmland and genetically engineered crops run rampant. Again, the setting is presented in an idyllic light, which only serves to underline how nightmarish the future it portrays is. Alexis Rockman’s environmental artwork is a beautiful warning for our times, one that we can ill afford to ignore.
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In Alexis Rockman’s visions of the future, nature reclaims the ruins of humanity’s civilization, but humans themselves are not so lucky. 
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eximpedia1 · 1 month ago
Millets Export from India: A Growing Opportunity in 2023-24
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In 2023, the global community reaffirmed its commitment to millets, recognizing their potential to support biodiversity, promote small-scale farming, and enhance nutrition. As more people become aware of the health benefits of these gluten-free, protein-rich, and high-fiber grains, millets are gaining popularity worldwide. In this article, we will delve into India's millet export market, examine its production figures, and highlight the key exporters, HS codes, and global destinations for Indian millets.
Millets Production in India
India stands as the world's largest millet producer, accounting for 38.4% of global millet production. In 2023-2024, India produced over 15 million metric tonnes of millets, including Bajra (Pearl millet), Kangni (Foxtail millet), Jowar (Sorghum), Ragi (Finger millet), and Kutki (Little millet). The leading millet-producing states in India are Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Karnataka.
The Growing Global Millet Market
The global millet market is projected to surpass USD 11.53 billion in 2024 and could reach USD 14.43 billion by 2029, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.60%. In 2022, India's millet industry was valued at USD 5.05 billion, accounting for over 40% of global millet production. The increasing awareness of millets' health benefits and their demand in international markets are driving the sector's rapid growth.
India's Export Performance: 2022-2023
Millets export from India has been on the rise, reaching a milestone of USD 75.45 million in 2022-2023. During this period, India exported 169,049.11 metric tonnes of millets, signaling a strong upward trend. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, India's millet exporters have successfully expanded their reach, exporting millets to a growing number of global markets.
Types of Millets Exported from India
India exports a variety of millets, including:
Finger Millets (Ragi): Known for its high calcium content, Ragi is a staple in many South Indian diets and is gaining traction internationally.
Pearl Millets (Bajra): Rich in iron and energy, Bajra is a versatile grain that grows well in dry conditions, making it ideal for export.
Sorghum (Jowar): Jowar is a popular millet with high nutritional value, including antioxidants and dietary fiber.
Small Millets: This group includes Kangni (Foxtail millet), Kodo (Paspalum Scrobiculatum), and others, which are favored for their high protein and fiber content.
Barnyard Millets (Sanwa): Another nutritious millet variety, rich in minerals and commonly used in gluten-free diets.
Pseudo Millets: This group includes Kuttu (Buckwheat) and Chaulai (Amaranth), which are also gaining popularity as health foods.
India's Key Millet Export Markets
In the 2023-24 period, India exported 11,723 millet cargoes, marking a 21% increase from the previous year. The major markets for Indian millet exports include:
United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia
United States
These countries represent some of the largest consumers of Indian millets, reflecting their growing global demand. In particular, the UAE, Nepal, and Saudi Arabia have emerged as the top destinations for millet exports from India.
Leading Millet Exporters in India
India's millet export market is dominated by several top exporters who have established themselves as reliable suppliers of high-quality millets. Some of the leading millet exporters in India include:
Quessentials Private Limited
Sattva Millets and Food Products
Ambika Seed Co.
Magnum Foods and Snacks Private Limited
V.R. Industries Private Limited
Prabhudas Jamnadas & Co.
Raj International
Eco Export
Adinath International
These companies have significantly contributed to the growth of India's millet export market, providing traders with access to a range of millet varieties and products.
Top Millets HS Codes for Export
In international trade, millets are categorized under specific HS (Harmonized System) codes. These codes ensure that products are classified consistently across global markets. Some of the top HS codes for millets export from India include:
10082920: Millet (Bajra) Other Than Seed
10082120: Millet (Bajra) of Seed Quality
10079000: Grain Sorghum Other Than Seed
10071000: Grain Sorghum of Seed Quality
10082960: Foxtail (Setaria italica)
10082970: Kodo (Paspalum Scrobiculatum)
10081010: Buckwheat of Seed Quality
10081090: Buckwheat Other Than Seed
These standardized codes facilitate the smooth and efficient trade of millets across borders.
The Future of Millet Exports
With the global millet market set to grow at a steady pace, India's role as a major exporter is only expected to strengthen. As demand for nutritious and gluten-free grains increases, Indian millets are likely to find even more buyers across the world. The combination of rising health consciousness and India's ability to produce and supply a diverse range of millet varieties positions the country to lead in this space for years to come.
To fully capitalize on the opportunities in the millet export industry, businesses can access the latest millet export data, market trends, and insights through platforms like Eximpedia.app. Staying informed and building strong connections with reliable millet exporters in India will be crucial for traders looking to enter this profitable market.
Millets are rapidly gaining recognition worldwide as a healthy, sustainable, and versatile grain. India, as the largest producer and exporter of millets, has a pivotal role in meeting global demand. With increasing exports to countries like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Nepal, and the United States, India's millet export industry is on a strong growth trajectory. For businesses seeking to enter the millet trade, understanding production figures, HS codes, millets export data, and top exporters is essential for success in this flourishing market.
By leveraging the right data and partnering with top millet exporters, traders can tap into the immense potential of the global millet market, contributing to a healthier future while benefiting from a lucrative industry.
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magnum58 · 2 months ago
Eco-Friendly Stansted Airport Taxi - Sustainable Travel Solutions
Travel responsibly with our eco-friendly Stansted Airport Taxi service. Committed to reducing our carbon footprint, we offer a range of environmentally conscious transportation options. Our modern fleet includes hybrid and electric vehicles that provide efficient and sustainable travel solutions. Choose our green taxi service and contribute to a cleaner planet while enjoying reliable and comfortable transport to and from Stansted Airport. Book now to make a positive impact on your travel.
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rascunhos-entreaspas · 3 months ago
Todas as coisas definham pelo abraço fúnebre do tempo.
Imperadores com sua podridão moral sob o manto de reis são meras testemunhas ante a putrefação dos seus impérios; estrelas, prostradas e inúteis com seus ares de vaidade, explodem em espetáculo cerimonioso; paixão sedenta esmorece em solo profano…
Exceto a Arte.
A tirania imortal sedenta, inescapável, que serpenteia as frestas e rachaduras dos âmagos em suas muralhas de aço; perfura a mais heróica das obstinações e alimenta a sua inesgotável fome, em seu abraço sufocante drenará tua vitalidade, essência, humanidade… Dos ossos se farão pincéis, de músculos, tinta, de sangue o símbolo do sacrifício em cores vibrantes sobre a tela da existência.
De ti sobrará casca vazia que se derrama em chão sombrio de oceano - mera lembrança de tributo, oferenda silenciosa à vastidão infinita da sua onisciência, eco distante de beleza que um dia te consumira…
Eu, eu sou contemplação física, instrumento moribundo - existência digna é condenada a enxergar o que é belo e nada mais: não existe um mundo fora das minhas cores e das minhas telas, não o que vale a pena ser vivido ou admirado, mas mundo de dor; vê-lo é abrir de olhos em tempestade de areia, é o sujeitar ��s intempéries humanas, tão falhas e imundas - destino gutural da vida sem arte.
Eu, O Artista, me proponho a discorrer por essas palavras minha peregrinação rumo ao destino infalível, escalar de vulcão, missão última: me rendo em humildade a prover-te do meu magnum opus.
Digo humildade pois hei de rebaixar-me às sofríveis condições humanas, a existência estéril, pois de atribuição a arte deu-me a de retratar a mais bela das almas, a mais suave das vozes entre gritos sepulcrais, alívio sereno: a minha musa. Ah, sim, admirá-la é também destino gutural! Pois nada há de vê-la: como humana dispõe-se a formas elusivas, cores abstratas, pois bem, é impreterível juntá-la aos seus pedaços fundamentais pois a mais bela das belezas é fragmentada, espaçada, e portanto condeno-me ao anexar coerente das suas infindáveis nuances, como mosca em necrotério, para enfim cobrí-la em pincéis. Não mais humana: agora eterna e desnutrida dos rascunhos desconexos deixados pelo sofrimento em vida, irrelevantes frente os óleos da minha grandiosidade artística proverbial.
Mas dessa grandiosidade eu me despeço - ponho-a em espera à beira de vulcão para vestir-me em desprezível vestimenta de carne, insiro uma por uma minhas partes anatômicas pois hoje, hoje visitarei-a, visitarei seus ossos mundanos, conhecerei-a pelas suas partes humanas, aquelas que me escapariam.
E assim que o momento oportuno se apresenta, desembaraço os véus sombrios da noite.
A lua hoje é um absonar que me aliena da vida que acabei de deixar a fim de cumprir minha nobre imposição. Dou-lhe as costas em tom de despedida e abaixo o olhar. Meu rumar é rítmico e pedagógico, eu sou quase nada, um mero suspiro que transpassa os corações das pessoas que me esbarro. Eu ouço-os gemer e gritar em agonia: é muito mais do que provável que a beleza dessas vidas jamais serão desvendadas, e tais corações desesperam-se à visão de seu destino inefável: um amálgama de distração e rigor mortis.
Porém permaneço cego. Alheio. Meu acender de luzes é parasitariamente ligado à ela.
Cego ao mundo e guiado por seus traços inquietantes, me vejo diante da sua morada. Contornos e detalhes escapam aos meus olhos como árvore em ventania, afinal interessa-me o lar da alma muito mais do que lar de carne.
Desbravo as fechaduras em graça e precisão. Na sala, microcosmo da sua existência, desemboca os pequeníssimos fragmentos - formas coesas que se harmonizam e a constroem: a disposição levemente aleatória dos objetos na sala, o sofá, tão alheio da sua condição inata ao dispor-se descanso à mais bela das criaturas, quadros e pôsteres afogados àquela realidade; breves simbolismos e ornamentos de uma beleza apenas levemente saudada pelas mãos enluvadas da arte.
Indistinguível das sombras e parte de uma orquestra silenciosa, me conduzo ao quarto.
Meu peito engaja em percussão carnavalesca - expectativa caricata - conforme sinto o brilhar da sua aura aumentar como explosão atômica que me cega, condena todos meus sentidos à sua contemplação, nada mais importa, nada mais…
Eu sinto-a antes de sentí-la, presença fluida e mística, ó ser impossível que jaz à minha frente! Deitada e em sono profundo, eu vejo seu peito responder como um metrônomo às demandas rítmicas da sua respiração enquanto testemunho o desenrolar de poesia física. Sua pele, como mar em paisagem, previsivelmente coberta por vestes, a visão de suas pernas cuidadosamente esculpidas ecoam-me em câmaras desconhecidas e enchem-me de dor e desejo! Como detentor de verdade angelical eu me aproximo, esboço os dedos à sua pele, percorro maciez tão mais profunda que mil oceanos e suave como o nascer de nuvens, e registro em meu sangue a textura do seu corpo como profeta que proclama palavra divina. E quando não me é suficiente, percorro-a com a língua, sinto-a em minha boca, parto a contemplá-la em meus sentidos humanos, faminto, inato… Até que me afasto novamente, dou as mãos para a escuridão que me cerca, observo as finitudes dos traços e paredes da dádiva que me foi concebida pela luz cadavérica de luar; devoro-a com o saturar de meus sentidos, eu sinto a graça típica inundar-me de sensibilidade humana e, afogado, posso enfim consumí-la, liquifazê-la até que seja nada além de beleza convergida, mero instrumento imortalizado por virtuosidade exímia de conducente celeste, ó ofício extraordinário que se incumbe ao meu ser!
Do meu torpor eu escapo, menos que humano, um pseudônimo. Derrubado em silêncio eterno. Se nada era antes de me imergir em poesia sereiana, emerjo menos ainda.
Cruzo o portal do quarto, meus olhos percorrem novamente o interior da casa, agora incrédulos. Os pensamentos parecem exaustos, em busca de conceber a obstinação resoluta daqueles objetos de se manterem imóveis, inexpressivos, ainda que flutuem em gravidade de aura mais que belíssima. Meus olhos procuram a saída.
A cova do meu coração se fecha assim que saio. A lua me é um borrão escuro e meus passos convergem à rigidez estóica de deuses esquecidos. Verdades me escapam, insinuantes. Não há pessoas e nem vontades. Apenas um vórtice vacilante, um buraco.
Meu ateliê é como cálice que brinda a coisas que mal existem.
Eu olho em volta, convido à minha insalubre contemplação as telas, pincéis, tintas e minhas posses, tolices materiais apenas brevemente familiares, enquanto me esgueiro por entre meus pensamentos humanos, tenebrosos e caóticos, pois não há lugar, não há círculo dantesco que me impeça de transcender os candelabros de carne, pois eis meu nome, aquele que me foi rasgado em pele, eis a glória d'O Artista, que vigiai as portas da vida e a guerra da fronteira entre viver e existir!
Pois bem, engana-se o olhar leigo pois da arte nada há de criatividade, mas do divino, o que se resguarda em coerência, que o sintoniza, cai em agonia em viver o que é belo, força inesgotável que guia o pincel, que olha com franqueza o cerne das minhas mãos, que em devoção absoluta ruma o destino da beleza com peito em chamas! As normas e parâmetros que regem a realidade ajoelham-se em subordinação profunda ao meu pintar; meus olhos são fogo vivo e minhas mãos são fantoches à minha bela e indecifrável musa, eu a conduzo às portas da eternidade em passos de pincel, sucessivos e bruscos, com a precisão mística de predador. Aos poucos ela nasce à minha frente, sinto o pulsar de sua essência adentrar meus sentidos e eu a encaro…
Minha musa… Meu magnum opus…
A tela é um borrão escuro e minhas mãos trêmulas convergem à fluidez viva do sofrimento humano. Eu fecho os olhos - sou uma orquestra silenciosa e uma sombra que se projeta pela luz sepulcral da lua. Adentro seus aposentos e como estopim de guerra meu peito se crava em expectativa grotesca. Eu vejo seus olhos abertos responderem à minha presença como o desenrolar de tragédia e o grito espectral devorar a noite crescente, faminto, inato… E eu sinto-a, sinto-a pulsar ao meu toque das minhas mãos, sinto o entrelaçar de nossas lágrimas sobre o corpo angelical que dança sua última dança magnífica: o debater do desespero que a liberta das correntes da vida e que a eterniza em beleza sublime! Meus olhos derramam-se à sua pele, agora convertida em invólucro eterno do que transcende a existência. Imortalizo em meu sangue a visão de minha musa eternamente deitada e em sono profundo.
Abro os olhos e minha alma projeta à meia tela a dor iminente…
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arkalatharva · 3 months ago
Abhinandan Lodha's Magnum Opus: Discover HoAbL Project in Goa
Abhinandan Lodha One Goa has created the residential development industry standard for opulence and innovation with his Codename One Goa House project. Situated in the breathtaking scenery of Goa, this project presents a one-of-a-kind combination of contemporary architecture, eco-friendly design, and considerate facilities. Codename One Goa House, with its harmonious design that blends in with its natural surroundings, offers occupants a tranquil and luxury lifestyle. From exclusive villas to carefully planned plots, every unit showcases Abhinandan Lodha's dedication to quality through its premium finishes and careful craftsmanship. Codename One Goa House provides an eco-friendly investment opportunity in one of India's most sought-after locations, in addition to a prominent address, thanks to its strategic location.
Location Advantage:
Abhinandan Lodha One Goa House is at an ideal location, which is excellent news for both residents and investors. This project provides the ideal combination of seclusion and accessibility in the scenic setting of Goa, a state famous for its beautiful beaches, lively culture, and laid-back way of life. Living in close proximity to Goa's world-famous beaches, historic sites, and lively marketplaces will provide residents with a convenient and leisurely lifestyle. This location is perfect for people who want to be close to all the action in the city while yet having easy access to things like healthcare, schools, and entertainment venues. The prime location of Codename One Goa House makes it an attractive address in one of the most desirable coastal destinations in India, whether you're looking to live there or invest.
Flexibility and Customization:
Among residential plots, Codename One Goa House by Abhinandan Lodha stands out because to its exceptional adaptability and personalization options. With the precise design of each plot, owners of this magnum opus project can realize their dream houses or commercial spaces. No matter what kind of building you have in mind—a modern villa, a green retreat, or a one-of-a-kind business—the project's layout and infrastructure will be flexible enough to meet your needs. With this level of customization, purchasers may make their residences fit their lifestyle goals and tastes, creating a one-of-a-kind setting for living or doing business in the beautiful and tranquil state of Goa.
Capital Appreciation:
The real estate market in Goa is booming, and investing in Codename One Goa House by Abhinandan Lodha is a great way to take advantage of this trend. Investors looking for residential and commercial properties continue to flock to Goa, a destination known for its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant culture, and expanding infrastructure. Codename One Goa House is an excellent asset for long-term investors thanks to its prime location, luxury amenities, and eco-friendly design. Properties inside this project have great potential for long-term appreciation due to Goa's consistently growing economy and rising demand for high-quality real estate. Investing in Codename One Goa House, whether as a main house, holiday home, or rental property, offers not only a lavish lifestyle but also the chance to reap the benefits of capital appreciation in one of the most sought-after coastal destinations in India.
Development Potential:
House of Abhinandan Lodha One Goa is a promising alternative for investors in Goa's changing real estate market. Possibilities for development and personalization abound in this project thanks to its prime location and large site sizes. Real estate investors might take advantage of this opportunity to build high-end villas, boutique hotels, or restaurants that serve the refined tastes of Goa's increasing tourist population. Codename One Goa House is well-positioned to become a center for high-end living and recreation as a result of the region's improved infrastructure and increased connections brought about by urbanization. In addition to being in line with worldwide trends, the project's sustainable design principles guarantee that its developments will not only live up to but also beyond contemporary standards of eco-friendliness and opulence. Investors can discover and realize their vision in Goa's booming real estate market with Codename One Goa House, which is ideal for immediate occupancy, rental revenue, or future development projects.
Lifestyle and Recreation:
HOABL One Goa House is the pinnacle of a carefree, opulent living in the beautiful surroundings of Goa. The development provides a host of contemporary conveniences amidst verdant surroundings, and it's only a short distance from Goa's famous beaches. There are plenty of opportunities for residents to go out and about, whether it's on the vast green spaces, jogging paths, yoga decks, or in the clubhouse. The ideal setting makes it easy to reach all of Goa's must-see cultural landmarks, exciting nightlife, and delicious cuisine, so there's always something new to discover and enjoy. Codename One Goa House is a sustainable masterpiece that offers a posh way of life while seamlessly blending into the breathtaking scenery of Goa. It's the perfect haven for those who value peace and excitement in equal measure.
Codename One Goa House by Abhinandan Lodha sets the standard for luxury living in Goa, featuring meticulously designed plots and villas, extensive amenities, and a prime location near cultural and natural landmarks. Emphasizing sustainable design, it offers an eco-conscious lifestyle amidst Goa's stunning scenery. Whether as a permanent residence, vacation retreat, or investment, it's a premier choice for those seeking a prestigious address in India's beloved coastal paradise.
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pashuram · 5 months ago
Codename One Goa House Of Abhinandan Lodha Plots Magnum Opus Hoabl Project Price Location Brochure Address
Abhinandan Lodha's Magnum Opus: Discover HoAbL Project in Goa
Abhinandan Lodha One Goa has created the residential development industry standard for opulence and innovation with his Codename One Goa House project. Situated in the breathtaking scenery of Goa, this project presents a one-of-a-kind combination of contemporary architecture, eco-friendly design, and considerate facilities. Codename One Goa House, with its harmonious design that blends in with its natural surroundings, offers occupants a tranquil and luxury lifestyle. From exclusive villas to carefully planned plots, every unit showcases Abhinandan Lodha's dedication to quality through its premium finishes and careful craftsmanship. Codename One Goa House provides an eco-friendly investment opportunity in one of India's most sought-after locations, in addition to a prominent address, thanks to its strategic location.
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Location Advantage:
Abhinandan Lodha One Goa House is at an ideal location, which is excellent news for both residents and investors. This project provides the ideal combination of seclusion and accessibility in the scenic setting of Goa, a state famous for its beautiful beaches, lively culture, and laid-back way of life. Living in close proximity to Goa's world-famous beaches, historic sites, and lively marketplaces will provide residents with a convenient and leisurely lifestyle. This location is perfect for people who want to be close to all the action in the city while yet having easy access to things like healthcare, schools, and entertainment venues. The prime location of Codename One Goa House makes it an attractive address in one of the most desirable coastal destinations in India, whether you're looking to live there or invest.
Flexibility and Customization:
Among residential plots, Codename One Goa House by Abhinandan Lodha stands out because to its exceptional adaptability and personalization options. With the precise design of each plot, owners of this magnum opus project can realize their dream houses or commercial spaces. No matter what kind of building you have in mind—a modern villa, a green retreat, or a one-of-a-kind business—the project's layout and infrastructure will be flexible enough to meet your needs. With this level of customization, purchasers may make their residences fit their lifestyle goals and tastes, creating a one-of-a-kind setting for living or doing business in the beautiful and tranquil state of Goa.
Capital Appreciation:
The real estate market in Goa is booming, and investing in Codename One Goa House by Abhinandan Lodha is a great way to take advantage of this trend. Investors looking for residential and commercial properties continue to flock to Goa, a destination known for its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant culture, and expanding infrastructure. Codename One Goa House is an excellent asset for long-term investors thanks to its prime location, luxury amenities, and eco-friendly design. Properties inside this project have great potential for long-term appreciation due to Goa's consistently growing economy and rising demand for high-quality real estate. Investing in Codename One Goa House, whether as a main house, holiday home, or rental property, offers not only a lavish lifestyle but also the chance to reap the benefits of capital appreciation in one of the most sought-after coastal destinations in India.
Development Potential:
House of Abhinandan Lodha One Goa is a promising alternative for investors in Goa's changing real estate market. Possibilities for development and personalization abound in this project thanks to its prime location and large site sizes. Real estate investors might take advantage of this opportunity to build high-end villas, boutique hotels, or restaurants that serve the refined tastes of Goa's increasing tourist population. Codename One Goa House is well-positioned to become a center for high-end living and recreation as a result of the region's improved infrastructure and increased connections brought about by urbanization. In addition to being in line with worldwide trends, the project's sustainable design principles guarantee that its developments will not only live up to but also beyond contemporary standards of eco-friendliness and opulence. Investors can discover and realize their vision in Goa's booming real estate market with Codename One Goa House, which is ideal for immediate occupancy, rental revenue, or future development projects.
Lifestyle and Recreation:
HOABL One Goa House is the pinnacle of a carefree, opulent living in the beautiful surroundings of Goa. The development provides a host of contemporary conveniences amidst verdant surroundings, and it's only a short distance from Goa's famous beaches. There are plenty of opportunities for residents to go out and about, whether it's on the vast green spaces, jogging paths, yoga decks, or in the clubhouse. The ideal setting makes it easy to reach all of Goa's must-see cultural landmarks, exciting nightlife, and delicious cuisine, so there's always something new to discover and enjoy. Codename One Goa House is a sustainable masterpiece that offers a posh way of life while seamlessly blending into the breathtaking scenery of Goa. It's the perfect haven for those who value peace and excitement in equal measure.
Codename One Goa House by Abhinandan Lodha sets the standard for luxury living in Goa, featuring meticulously designed plots and villas, extensive amenities, and a prime location near cultural and natural landmarks. Emphasizing sustainable design, it offers an eco-conscious lifestyle amidst Goa's stunning scenery. Whether as a permanent residence, vacation retreat, or investment, it's a premier choice for those seeking a prestigious address in India's beloved coastal paradise.
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coastdesignbuild · 5 months ago
Crafting Concrete Dreams: Elevating Outdoor Spaces in San Diego
In the clamoring city of San Diego, where the sun kisses the shores and metropolitan scenes flourish, there's a quiet legend that shapes the actual groundwork of our outdoor spaces: concrete hardscapes. From driveways to patios, sidewalks to pool decks, these solid designs structure the foundation of our outdoor living regions, offering durability, flexibility, and immortal excellence.
The Art of Concrete Hardscape Concrete hardscape in San Diego isn't just about pouring concrete and throwing in the towel. It's an art structure, a careful specialty that requires expertise, accuracy, and a sharp eye for design. A concrete contractor in San Diego is similar to a sculptor, molding raw materials into practical magnum opuses that mix flawlessly with their environmental elements.
Transforming Spaces Envision an infertile terrace changed into a cozy retreat, complete with a stepped concrete patio perfect for summer barbecues. Or, on the other hand, picture a nondescript driveway metamorphosing into an exquisite doorway embellished with decorative concrete pavers that invite guests with style. Concrete hardscape in San Diego can transform everyday spaces into captivating outdoor sanctuaries.
Endless Possibilities One of the best delights of working with concrete is its flexibility. With a variety of varieties, examples, and surfaces to browse, the design possibilities are practically boundless. Whether you favor the exemplary look of uncovered total or the modern flair of stained concrete, a talented concrete contractor in San Diego can rejuvenate your vision with accuracy and flair.
Durability and Longevity Past its stylish appeal, concrete hardscape in San Diego offers unequaled durability and longevity. Dissimilar to customary clearing materials like asphalt or gravel, concrete can endure the unforgiving components of the California environment, staying solid and versatile long into the future. With proper maintenance, a very developed concrete hardscape can go the distance, giving persevering through magnificence and usefulness to generations.
Expert Installation Obviously, the way into a fruitful concrete hardscape project lies in the possession of the contractor. Picking the right group for the gig is fundamental to guaranteeing quality craftsmanship and superior results. A trustworthy concrete contractor in San Diego will have what it takes, insight, and meticulousness to execute your venture with accuracy and professionalism, from initial design to final installation.
Enhancing Curb Appeal Concrete hardscape in San Diego isn't just about usefulness; it's additionally about enhancing the curb appeal of your property. A very well-designed driveway or walkway can essentially help the tasteful appeal of your home, making an inviting initial feeling for guests and potential buyers the same. With decorative concrete choices, for example, stepped designs or unpredictable lines, you can raise the exterior of your home with class and style.
Environmental Sustainability In a time where environmental awareness is vital, concrete hardscape in San Diego offers eco-accommodating advantages. Concrete is an economical structure material, with a low carbon impression contrasted with choices like asphalt or wood. Also, concrete's light-intelligent properties can assist with decreasing energy consumption by limiting the requirement for artificial lighting in outdoor spaces.
In the dynamic city of San Diego, where outdoor living reigns supreme, concrete hardscape fills in as the foundation of practical and welcoming outdoor spaces. From stepped concrete patios to decorative driveways, these adaptable designs offer durability, magnificence, and endless design possibilities. With the expertise of a talented concrete contractor in San Diego, your outdoor desert garden dreams can turn into a reality, adding worth, delight, and enduring appeal to your home long into the future.
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malanimarble · 5 months ago
Best Italian Tiles in NCR: A Blend of Luxury and Durability
The allure of Italian tiles is undeniable, with their unmatched elegance, high quality, and intricate designs. These tiles have graced homes and commercial spaces with a touch of sophistication for centuries. In the bustling region of the National Capital Region (NCR) in India, the demand for Italian tiles has surged, reflecting a growing appreciation for aesthetic appeal and premium quality. Here’s a guide to the best Italian tiles in NCR, highlighting their unique features, benefits, and where to find them.
Why Choose Italian Tiles?
Timeless Elegance: Italian tiles are synonymous with style and elegance. Their timeless designs add a classic yet contemporary feel to any space.
Durability: Made from high-quality materials, these tiles are designed to last, offering both beauty and durability.
Versatility: Suitable for various applications, from floors to walls, kitchens to bathrooms, Italian tiles come in a wide range of styles, colors, and finishes.
Innovative Designs: Italian tile manufacturers are known for their innovative designs, often leading trends in the global tile industry.
Eco-Friendly Options: Many Italian tile brands focus on sustainable practices, offering eco-friendly options that do not compromise on quality or aesthetics.
Top Brands and Where to Find Them in NCR
1. Marazzi
One of the most renowned names in the Italian tile industry, Marazzi is known for its diverse range of styles and impeccable quality.
Features: High durability, eco-friendly, innovative designs
Popular Collections: Mystone, Allmarble, Treverk
Where to Buy: Available at leading tile stores in NCR such as Kajaria Tiles and Somany Ceramics.
2. Florim
Florim tiles are celebrated for their large formats and contemporary designs, making them a favorite for modern interiors.
Features: Large formats, contemporary designs, high resistance
Popular Collections: Magnum Oversize, Urban Style, Stones & More
Where to Buy: Showrooms like Nitco Tiles and Orientbell Tiles in NCR stock Florim tiles.
3. Mutina
Mutina blends art and function, producing tiles that are as much about design as they are about durability.
Features: Artistic designs, high durability, eco-friendly
Popular Collections: Azulej, Déchirer, Puzzle
Where to Buy: Premium tile showrooms such as Classic Marble Company and Simpolo Ceramics in NCR.
4. Atlas Concorde
A leader in innovation and design, Atlas Concorde offers a wide range of tiles that cater to both residential and commercial needs.
Features: Innovative designs, high performance, versatile applications
Popular Collections: Marvel Stone, Boost Pro, Heartwood
Where to Buy: Available at market leaders like RAK Ceramics and AGL Tiles in NCR.
Choosing the Right Italian Tile for Your Space
When selecting Italian tiles for your home or office in NCR, consider the following factors:
Space Functionality: Choose tiles based on the specific needs of the space. For example, high-traffic areas like hallways and kitchens may require more durable, slip-resistant tiles.
Design Aesthetics: Align the tile design with your overall interior theme. Whether you prefer a modern, minimalist look or a classic, rustic feel, there’s an Italian tile to match.
Budget: While Italian tiles are a premium option, there are various price ranges available. Set a budget and explore options within that range without compromising on quality.
Maintenance: Consider the ease of maintenance. Some tiles may require more upkeep than others, so choose accordingly based on your lifestyle and time availability.
Italian tiles offer an unparalleled blend of luxury, durability, and design innovation. In NCR, the availability of top brands like Marazzi, Florim, Mutina, and Atlas Concorde ensures that homeowners and designers have access to the best in the industry. These tiles transform spaces, adding a touch of Italian elegance that is both timeless and contemporary.
Investing in Italian tiles is not just about enhancing the visual appeal of your space; it's about choosing quality and craftsmanship that stands the test of time. Whether renovating a home or designing a new commercial space, Italian tiles in NCR are a choice that promises beauty, durability, and lasting value.
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galaxymagnum · 7 months ago
Galaxy Magnum Have you ever met a young entrepreneur in Gurgaon who is buzzing with ideas but needs the perfect space to launch their dream? That’s where Galaxy Magnum comes in. We are a passionate group committed to constructing spaces that enable individuals and enterprises to thrive, surpassing our status as a mere construction company.
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Gurgaon’s energy is infectious, and there is a constant hum of ambition and fresh ideas. Our newest commercial endeavors actively reflect this ethos. Consider our office structures outfitted with floor-to-ceiling windows illuminating work areas with natural light and stimulating innovation. Envision dynamic retail environments that emanate vitality, intentionally crafted to incite alliances and cooperation.
Magnum Towers:  Your Innovation Hub in the Sky
Soaring majestically above Sector 58, Gurgaon, Magnum Towers are more than just office space; they’re a haven for creative minds. Imagine stepping into a world of cutting-edge amenities, surrounded by a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Collaboration areas spark with ideas, while sleek, modern workspaces provide the perfect environment to bring them to life. Magnum Towers is where innovation takes center stage, and your next big breakthrough is just a brainstorm away.
Magnum Global Park: Where Sustainability Meets Success
Nestled in the heart of Sector 58 lies Magnum Global Park, a refreshing oasis amidst the urban jungle. Here, sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a way of life. Eco-friendly features integrate with lush green spaces, creating a harmonious work environment for your business and the planet. Take a break amidst the serene greenery, recharge your batteries, and foster a sense of community with colleagues from neighboring companies. At Magnum Global Park, success goes hand-in-hand with a commitment to a greener tomorrow.
Magnum City Center:  The Heartbeat of Commerce
Step into the vibrant streets of Sector 63A, Gurgaon, and discover Magnum City Center – a bustling hub where commerce thrives. Magnum City Center is where opportunity dances around every corner amidst the energy of enthusiastic crowds. Easy access to transportation, a wealth of dining options, and exciting entertainment venues create a dynamic environment that fosters collaboration and growth. Your business will survive here and flourish, becoming an integral part of this thriving commercial community.
Beyond Brick and Mortar
We’re firm believers in the power of good design. Rather than merely performing construction tasks, our team comprises artisans who bring architectural aspirations to life. Picture strolling through landscaped courtyards within our projects, a haven of peace amidst the city’s energy. Or envision families enjoying a picnic lunch in our thoughtfully designed green spaces – a breath of fresh air for everyone.
Galaxy Magnum:  Your Partner in Gurgaon’s Success Story
Gurgaon’s future is being shaped right now, and Galaxy Magnum is at the forefront of the movement. We offer more than just office space; we offer a launchpad for your dreams, a supportive community, and a commitment to a sustainable future.
Are you ready to take your place in this dynamic city? Explore our commercial projects today and discover the perfect space to propel your business to new heights. Are you ready to make a wise investment in your company’s future?
Look no further than Galaxy Magnum. Our office space is not just a building; it’s a strategic decision that offers an unbeatable location, cutting-edge amenities, and an eco-friendly mentality. If you’re serious about growing and succeeding long-term, choose our Gurgaon office for rent. Refrain from settling for less when you can have the best.
The Galaxy Magnum Difference:  Experience it for Yourself
At Galaxy Magnum, we believe in fostering a human connection. Join us for a tour, meet our team, and experience the energy of our commercial projects firsthand. We’re confident that you’ll find the perfect fit to launch your business towards remarkable success. Gurgaon’s calling – answer it with Galaxy Magnum. Building a Brighter Tomorrow, One Project at a Time
Galaxy Magnum isn’t just about transforming Gurgaon’s skyline; we’re about changing lives. We believe that reflectively crafted environments can stimulate innovation, facilitate relationships, and cultivate a feeling of inclusion. Please join us in constructing a more promising future for Gurgaon with each groundbreaking endeavor we undertake.
Source: https://glxymagnum.wordpress.com/2024/04/06/seamless-transitions-transitioning-into-your-ideal-office-for-rent-in-gurgaon/
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rose7bm · 8 months ago
What characterizes the appeal of big bottles of wine, and how do they contribute to special occasions and celebrations?
Embracing the Grandeur: The Appeal of Big Bottles
Understanding Big Bottles of Wine
When it comes to making a statement at special occasions and celebrations, nothing captures attention quite like big bottles of wine. Whether it's a magnum, Jeroboam, or even larger format, these grand bottles bring a sense of grandeur to any gathering. The allure lies not just in the quantity of wine but in the unique characteristics that contribute to the overall experience.
Showcasing Elegance and Festivity
The size of the bottle itself adds an element of elegance and festivity to the occasion. A well-chosen magnum or larger bottle becomes a centerpiece, commanding attention and setting the tone for a celebration. The visual impact of a large bottle pouring into glasses creates a sense of abundance and generosity, elevating the entire experience.
The Charm of Organic Wines in Big Bottles
The Rise of Organic Wines
In recent years, there has been a growing appreciation for organic wine—wines made from grapes cultivated without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or genetically modified organisms. This commitment to organic farming practices aligns with a broader trend towards sustainability and a desire for wines that reflect a respect for the environment.
Organic Wines in Larger Formats
The appeal of organic wines extends to big bottles, adding an extra layer of significance to special occasions. Winemakers who prioritize organic practices often extend their commitment to larger formats. Choosing a magnum or Jeroboam of organic wine not only offers a substantial quantity but also reflects a dedication to quality and eco-conscious winemaking.
Making a Statement with Cases of Wine
The Power of Quantity and Quality
For those who wish to make an even grander statement, investing in cases of wine is a strategic choice. Cases provide an assortment of bottles, allowing hosts to curate a selection that suits diverse tastes. Whether it's a mix of varietals or a collection of wines from different regions, cases of wine ensure a well-rounded and memorable experience for all attendees.
Convenience and Consistency
Cases of wine offer the convenience of having a consistent supply throughout the celebration. Hosts can avoid the interruptions of frequent bottle changes, allowing them to focus on enjoying the festivities. It's an excellent solution for large gatherings, ensuring that everyone has access to the chosen selection without the need for constant restocking.
Buying Wine in Singapore: A Hub for Selection
The Wine Enthusiast's Paradise
Singapore has become a hub for wine enthusiasts, offering a diverse selection that caters to various preferences. When it comes to buying wine in Singapore, the options are extensive, from boutique wineries to established labels. The city's vibrant wine culture makes it easy for individuals to explore and find the perfect big bottles of wine for their special occasions.
Access to Organic Wines
Singapore's wine market embraces the global shift towards sustainability, with a notable presence of organic wines. Those seeking to make a conscientious choice for their celebrations can easily find a variety of organic options when buying wine in Singapore. This accessibility allows hosts to align their choices with values of environmental stewardship without compromising on taste.
Elevating Celebrations: The Final Pour
Creating Lasting Memories
In essence, the appeal of big bottles of wine lies in their ability to create lasting memories. Whether it's the grandeur of a magnum, the variety offered by cases of wine, or the sustainability of organic options, these choices contribute to a unique and memorable celebration. The final pour from a large bottle becomes symbolic, marking the culmination of a joyous occasion shared among friends and loved ones.
Read also -What factors should one consider when choosing between Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, and how do they complement various dishes? A Toast to Grandeur and Sustainability
As you raise your glass to toast the success of a special moment, the choice of a big bottle becomes more than just a practical consideration—it becomes a celebration of grandeur, sustainability, and the art of winemaking.
So, the next time you plan a significant event, consider the impact of a magnum, Jeroboam, or even cases of wine, and let the celebration unfold with the charm and allure that only big bottles can bring.
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