#Magnolia Rosier
starmanlupinn · 9 months
all of my marauders child ocs!
elizabeth (oc) and remus: emily moon lupin
elizabeth (oc) and regulus: aurora amore black
wolfstar: calypso viva lupin-black
jegulus: magnolia noel potter-black
marylily: alexandra petunia macdonald
dorlene: lyra amara mckinnon
rosekiller: isabella gianna crouch-rosier
"oH tOrI wHy Do tHeY aLl hAvE dAuGhtErs?!"
1, because i can, and 2, i love the ideas of the marauders being girl dads/moms 😌
so fight me if you have a problem with it 😁 (kidding, i just don't like hate)
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quillsandquandaries · 9 months
Abigail Cowen – missmyowndream
Adria Arjona – elaineastolat
Angelina Jolie – Dory
Anouchka Gauthier – Idéfix
Beatrice Vendramin – Kendrix
Bernard Fouquet – uindaseivra
Boyd Holbrook – kiara
Charlie Hunnam – Magnolia
Christina Nadin – E.
Constanze Saemann – E.
Dianna Agron – Flora
Elizabeth Olsen – golpederemo
Ethan Hawke – eme
Ewan Mitchell – Coco
Florian Macek – Darkeststar
Hazel Graye – Idéfix
Hugh Dancy – eme
Jeffrey Dean Morgan – Thaddeus Aurelian
Jessica Chastain – Helena Douglas
Jacob Elordi – Leprechaun
Joe Jonas – Reacher
Joe Locke – Kendrix
Lily James – Magnolia
Lizeth Selene – Idéfix
Marissa Long – butterfly
Matthew Daddario – lovelace
Naomi Watts – lovelace
Natalie Portman – CHIKIBEIBI
Nicholas Galitzine – lovelace
Olivia Cooke – elaineastolat
Park Hae-soo – Manzana
Phoebe Tonkin – golpederemo
Richard Biedul – uindaseivra
Rufus Sewell – Skald
Sadie Sink – Dory
Asistente junior del Ministro – Sunshine
Directora de San Mungo – Helena Douglas
Jefe Departamento de destrucción de plantas peligrosas – Grinch
Jefe Comité disculpas a los muggles – Manzana
Dueño de Bar Bebida de las Hadas – golpederemo
Jefe de Laboratorio (San Mungo) – kiara
Secretaria Ministro Magia – Magnolia
Personajes canon
Albus Severus Potter – uindaseivra
Edward Remus Lupin – Skald
Frank II Longbottom – trashylleo
Hugo Granger-Weasley – eme
James Sirius Potter – eme
Lily Potter – Phoenix
Lorcan Scamander – Grinch
Lucy Weasley – Dory
Rose Granger-Weasley – CHIKIBEIBI
Scorpius Malfoy – kiara
Theodore Nott – uindaseivra
Victoire Weasley – lovelace
Apellidos canon
Bell – elaineastolat
Carrow – Coco
Chang – Manzana
Crouch – Idéfix
Fawley – Magnolia
Greengrass – missmyowndream
Greengrass – Leprechaun
Lestrange – Darkeststar
MacFusty – golpederemo
Nott – Sunshine
Parkinson – Salty
Patil – Idéfix
Rosier – Dory
Skeeter – Idéfix
Zabini – uindaseivra
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liyatv · 1 year
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小嶋陽菜: 【ROSIER】新色💜Magnolia Tulle Lace Bra Set【ランジェリー】
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dixvinsblog · 6 months
Le rosier et la vieille maison- Carmen Montet (fable)
Une porte se fermeQuand cent s’ouvrent sans peine.Le temps joue toujours en faveurDe celui qui sait attendre son heure.Il était une fois une très belle maisonAncienne bâtisse de belles pierresSur lesquelles poussaient un lierre,Des magnolias et du liseron.Un petit rosier voulut grimperLe long des murs centenairesPour y fleurir et apporterDe nouvelles roses trémières .Le magnolia , le lierreEt le…
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wepurge-rpg · 10 months
cuántos personajes tiene la admin de Homenum Revelio? | Depende de a qué admin te refieras, si a la fundadora o a los otros dos miembros del staff.
La fundadora tiene, hasta donde sé, 23 personajes (Rose H. Weasley, Albus S. Potter, Marnie Morven Weiss, Kit M. Strauss. Romola K. Westenberg, Heath T. Parkinson, Emma G. Flint, Thornton G. Remington, Billie Magnolia Rosier, Alice H. Longbottom, Nicté A. García, McAfee R. Dearing, Pansy T. Parkinson, Draco L. Malfoy, Benjamin Strauss, Cordé J. Higgs, E. Melancton Weiss, G. Knox Cattermole, Josie P. Nott, Kate D. Scrimgeour, Logan S. King, Markus D. Vorhees y V. Lukas Wood).
Después, la user de Gaïa tiene, también que yo sepa, 19 (Gaïa A. Greengrass, Lysander A. Scamander, William O. Weiss, Fabian D. Heighes, Beth S. Dangerfield, James S. Potter, Scorpius H. Malfoy, Ursa M. Rhodes, A. Calliope Hastings, Faith A. Appleton, Harry J. Potter, Jack Strauss, Neville H. Longbottom, T. Holden Steelworth, Marianne C. Macmillan, Molly A. Weasley, Sasil C. García, Gideon O. Wood y A. Moira Diggory)
Y, por último, la otra admin tiene menos que ellas dos (Astra M. Mayfair, Nik A. Owens, Mina H. Bishop, Johannes A. Proctor, Terrance A. Fawley, Delairea T. Parkinson y C. Everett Diggory.)
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hope-and-roll · 1 year
Elowen Rosier
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“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention.” ― Kahlil Gibran     
- Elowen Alwena Rosier  - Née le 6 novembre 2063  - New Origins  - Anglaise - Sang-Pur - Poudlard, Poufsouffle - Hétérosexuelle  - Mage lunaire - Rae Cambra. ~ Fille d'Harleen et Nesryn Rosier, née Hearthlake  ~ Grande soeur de Magnolia Rosier  ~ Petite-fille de Priam Rosier, Leonore Hollister, Nicolas et Alicia Hearthlake (née Shafiq)  * Meilleure amie d'Eden Eisenberg  * Petite-amie de Caulder Archer de sa fin de deuxième année à sa fin de troisième année, sont restés très potes 
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etherealcharacterz · 1 year
Cadell Abraxas
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Cadell Jordan Abraxas
♛   Né le 5 février 2067
♛   New Origins
♛   Britannique
♛   Fils de Cleo et Aislinn Abraxas, née Ruewen
♛   Frère de Callie
⇝   Pansexuel
⇝   Serdaigle
⇝   Sang-Pur
⇝   Professeur de divination
⇝   Seer, né-animagus (caméléon)
⇝   Tom Rhys Harries
☮   Petit-ami de Louis Azemar
☮   Filleul de Rhéane Petrova-Woodley et Logan Dawn
☮   Ami de Magnolia Rosier et Juno Dunckin
☮   Très proche de son caméléon de compagnie prénommé Mr. Chaplin
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officiallynuts · 7 years
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SNEAK PEEK for ‘Touched by an Angel’
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pompadourpink · 3 years
Trees and shrubs
Wood - Bois, m
Bark - Écorce, f
Branch - Branche, f
Bud - Bourgeon, m
Bulb - Bulbe, m
Flower - Fleur, f
Leaf - Feuille, f
Root - Racine, f
Stem - Tige, f
Thorn - Épine, f
Trunk - Tronc, m
Alder - Aulne, m
Apple tree - Pommier, m
Ash - Frêne, m
Aspen - Tremble, m
Baobab - Baobab, m
Beech - Hêtre, m
Birch - Bouleau, m
Bonsai - Bonsaï, m
Box tree - Buis, m
Breadfruit - Arbre à pain, m
Buckbrush - Céanothe, m
Butternut - Noyer cendré, m
Camphor tree - Camphrier, m
Cedar - Cèdre, m
Cherry tree - Cerisier, m
Chestnut tree - Châtaigner, m
Cloud tree - Arbre nuage, m
Coconut tree - Cocotier, m
Cypress - Cyprès, m
Dragon tree - Dragonnier, m
Ebony - Ébène, m
Elm - Orme, m
Eucalyptus - Eucalyptus, m
Ficus - Figuier, m
Fir tree - Sapin, m
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Gorse - Ajonc, m
Hemlock - Pruche, m
Holly - Houx, m
Hornbeam - Charme, m
Horse chestnut - Marronnier, m
Ivy - Lierre, m
Juniper - Genévrier, m
Larch - Mélèze, m
Laurel - Laurier, m
Linden - Tilleul, m
Magnolia - Magnolia, m
Mahogany - Acajou, m
Maidenhair tree - Arbre aux quarante écus, m
Maple - Érable, m
Mistletoe - Gui, m
Nimtree - Margousier, m
Oak - Chêne, m
Ochroma - Balsa, m
Olive tree - Olivier, m
Palm - Palmier, m
Pine - Pin, m
Poplar- Peuplier, m
Rhododendron - Rhododendron, m; Azalée, f
Rosebush - Rosier, m
Rubber fig - Figuier caoutchouc, m
Sequoia - Séquoia, m
Shea tree - Karité, m
Sorbus - Cormier, m
Spruce - Épicéa, m
Strawberry tree - Arbousier, m
Sycamore - Sycomore, m
Tulip tree - Tulipier, m
Walnut- Noyer, m
Willow - Saule, m
Yew - If, m
Yucca - Yucca, m
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moulin-girault · 4 years
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chaoswillfallrpg · 3 years
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DRUELLA BLACK (née ROSIER) is SIXTY-TWO YEARS OLD and a SOCIALITE amongst THE SACRED TWENTY-EIGHT in LONDON. She looks remarkably like MICHELLE PFIFER and considers herself aligned with THE DEATH EATERS. She is currently OPEN.
The scent of expensive perfume and the light girlish laugh that echoes through a ballroom as champagne glasses clink, Druella Black is a glittering jewel in the crown of the Black family tree and one of their finest additions. The daughter of former wizengamot judge HUGO ROSIER and socialite ODILIA LA TREMOILLE, Druella was raised in the lap of luxury in the South of France, every inch a fairytale princess and her mother’s most treasured possession. The La Tremoille family valued appearance above all else, known for throwing lavish balls where enchanted champagne fountains flowed. Outward projection of wealth, happiness and elegance was of utmost importance in her home and as soon as Druella was old enough to balance a book on her head she was put through rigorous training to become a valued member of the La Tremoille dynasty. An only child until she was five, Druella was very much her mother’s daughter, with slight interactions from her father that would stick in her memory as she began to raise her own children. Hugo and his wife were incredibly different people, her father more focused on family and true happiness rather than performing for the society they found themselves in. He had married for love as well as convention, though Druella had often suspected that Odilia saw their family as little treasures inside her jewellery box rather than people she should love and nurture. 
Hugo enjoyed playing with Druella, making her laugh in an unladylike manner and encouraging her to consider what she liked rather than felt she had to do. It was because of this, Odilia became the main figure in Druella’s life, particularly after her younger brother AXEL was born. The two children had very different upbringings though they were raised in the same household. Druella took tea in the parlour and took trips to Wizarding Paris with her mother to explore boutiques and be fitted for gowns and bonnets, whilst Axel predominantly stayed in Lyon, exploring their grounds and reading the books and maps in their father’s library where his thirst for knowledge was nurtured. By the time Druella began attending Beauxbatons the pair could not be more different, Axel was her wild younger brother and she was a dainty swan set to swim in the lake of pompery amongst the French upper classes. Attending school was a breeze for someone like Druella, though she was not a veela she was just as beautiful and that beauty unlocked many doors for her that would remain closed for most. She was a dainty doll that people felt compelled to take care of, but underneath her beauty was a mind always working, considering each decision and step like she was dancing a waltz that her life depended on. Friends were carefully curated and relationships grew mostly out of convenience and convention rather than fondness.
A subdued blonde, Druella enjoyed her position as the most underestimated person in the room, left to her own devices to curate her own happiness whilst their eyes were trained on her beautiful dresses and mesmerizing blue gaze. When Druella joined society post Beauxbatons she was the jewel of the season and the most sought after debutant in Paris. On the arm of her brother, she would enter rooms and listen to the silence with as much pleasure as if she were hearing a string quartet. Each weekend she would open Le Sorcier Du Dimanche and read of her triumph at balls and the speculation as to who she would finally marry. Her whole life had been cantered around that question, but Druella enjoyed the thrill of the chase and the attention she garnered. Druella Rosier knew she was the best and would only give her hand to the man who deserved it. CYGNUS BLACK was a few years younger than Druella, but from the moment he took her hand to dance it was love at first sight. An English gentleman, he pursued her quite ruthlessly with the vigor and passion veiled with British charm that the Black family were known for. The day Druella Rosier became Druella Black was the event of the decade, with enchanted bottles of champagne popping as she walked down the aisle and doves released as they kissed. Cygnus was the younger brother of the Black family, but the pair had enough money that lesser inheritance on his part was not an issue.
After a number of years living between Paris and London, drinking in lavish bars and attending parties, Druella was whisked away to Cygnus’ family home of Brideswater Manor in Hertfordshire to begin growing their family. An image conscious woman, Druella wanted her youth to be filled with beauty and splendour, though she had always had dreams of becoming a mother and raising her three daughters filled her heart with more happiness than she could have ever imagined. BELLATRIX came first, her face determined and her hair as black as night. ANDROMEDA came next, subdued just like Druella but an academic like her father, then NARCISSA, her blonde hair blonde and eyes an icy blue. Druella loved them all equally, her shimmering jewels she stroked and kissed each night before bed, but with Narcissa she shared a specifically deeper bond. As their girls grew older, Druella and Cygnus would watch them and speak about their differences, Narcissa would be their debutant, their image conscious darling whose name would be known throughout the Wizarding World for her beauty. In a house filled with strong minds, Druella sought comfort in her youngest daughter who resisted the least to a life of pretty dresses and parties any woman in The Sacred Twenty-Eight was destined and excited for. Raising three daughters is difficult for any parent, but even the most able of parents would have struggled with Bellatrix. 
Although she accepted her place in society, like Druella’s brother Axel she detested rubbing shoulders with people not like them and fought her at every turn as she pulled her hair into beautiful ribbons and attempted to make her into a lady. It was perhaps due to the similarities between Bellatrix and Druella’s brother, the two were not as close as Druella had first imagined. Nevertheless she persisted with all three of her children, taking books away from Andromeda and applying lipstick to Bellatrix’s pursed lips whilst Narcissa watched with a smug smile. Druella had a clear image in her head for the way her daughter’s lives would pan out. They’d each be happily married by twenty-five or at the very least thirty, with their own homes and later children, hosting balls and clinking crystal glasses. When Cygnus had encouraged Bellatrix to travel and Andromeda to pursue a legal career, Druella was most distressed but had agreed due to the love she had for her children, though she insisted they return home each summer and take her wishes seriously of them marrying well and continuing their lineage. THE DARK LORD was a spanner in Druella’s plans she could not have accounted for, nor the scheming and meddling of her sister-in-law WALBURGA and how much her husband would place the pursuit of power above the safety of their children. Druella saw value in the new world he was creating and pledged her allegiance alongside the rest of her family, though she did so with narrowed cerulean eyes. 
Walburga maintained that Bellatrix having such proximity to The Dark Lord was an honour for their family and would enable better prospects for all their children. Outwardly she nodded and smiled, though privately she worried and watched silently as her niece and nephew ALEXANDRA and EVAN joined her daughter, waiting for the moment Andromeda and Narcissa would be next. It was their admittance into The Dark Lord’s movement that spurred Druella on to become a better aunt to her late brother’s children. Though Druella and Axel had never been close, she had loved her brother dearly and was saddened by his passing. With their mother absent, a matter which was taken care of thankfully by Cygnus to which she wanted limited knowledge of, Druella saw herself somewhat of a pseudo mother to the pair, making a concerted effort to ensure their happiness. Used to raising difficult women, Alexandra was something of a dream to Druella, a true beauty who knew her own mind and how to work a room which Druella admired greatly. With the season approaching, Druella is choosing to ignore the scheming and drama of her family to focus on her own pursuits. Though she is aware the season will end with a bang, Druella is committed to the idea that nothing will spoil this time of the year for her and that at least one of her family, hopefully her daughters, will receive a proposal before the magnolias begin to wilt and save her the embarrassment of another year with three single children.
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → She/Her
Identification → Cis Female
Sexuality  → Up to Roleplayer
Relationship Status → Married to Cygnus Black
Previous Education → Beauxbatons Academy of Magic
Societies → Pura Sorores (co-chair)
Family → Hugo Rosier (father), Odilia Rosier (mother), Axel Rosier (deceased brother), Cygnus Black (husband), Bellatrix Black (daughter), Andromeda Black (daughter), Narcissa Black (daughter), Orion Black (brother-in-law/close friend), Walburga Black (sister-in-law/close friend) Sirius Black (estranged newphew), Regulus Black (nephew), Adele Rosier (estranged sister-in-law), Evan Rosier (nephew), Alexandra Rosier (niece)
Connections  → Lotte Flint (close friend), Cecily Greengrass (close friend), Vivienne Travers (close friend), Luella Prewett (close friend), Kratista Burke (close friend), Ismena Yaxley (close friend), Alicia Avery-Jones (acquaintance)
Future Information → N/A
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ao3feed-snape · 4 years
My Little Phoenix
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/37FpGfP
by FloralysFlowery
Words: 2605, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, Other
Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Bartemius Crouch Jr., Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Argus Filch, Ginny Weasley, Severus Snape, Dolores Umbridge, Igor Karkaroff, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Cornelius Fudge, Rufus Scrimgeour, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Rubeus Hagrid, Fleur Delacour, Bill Weasley, Fenrir Greyback, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Lavender Brown, Gabrielle Delacour, Viktor Krum, Cedric Diggory, Amos Diggory, Horace Slughorn, Pomona Sprout, Poppy Pomfrey, Irma Pince, Kreacher (Harry Potter), Dobby (Harry Potter), Valpurqa Vortimer, Magnolia Snape, Khaleesi Rosier
Relationships: Fred Weasley/Original Female Character(s), Fenrir Greyback/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Love, Friendship, Broken Families, Dark Magic, Dark Mark (Harry Potter), morsmordre - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/37FpGfP
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a-mortentia · 7 years
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✽ Zoya O. Borchenko + Hattie D. Rosier + Saskia M. Burke + R. Magnolia Golightly → You underestimate my power.
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beyondthemagicverse · 4 years
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@olivcrwood​ ( decisión del usuario )
@amcrtentics​ ( magnolia )
@alwxyswrong​ ( scorpius, andrómeda, yuna, tom )
* si se desea continuar dentro del verse únicamente tienen que avisar de ello.
Hugo Weasley ( quinto año / joshua bassett ) Cordelia Rosier ( sexto año / kiernan shipka ) Andrómeda Lightning ( séptimo año / kristine froseth ) Lorcan Scamander ( séptimo año / jack mulhern )
Alice Longbottom ( quinto año / ester expósito ) Tulip Mckibben ( sexto año / diana silvers ) Ulrich Tiedemman ( séptimo año / luke hemmings ) Tom Evcen ( séptimo año / nick robinson ) Juniper Kane ( séptimo año / laura harrier )
Nessie Thurston ( quinto año / madelyn cline ) Rose Weasley ( sexto año / danielle rose russell ) Molly Weasley II ( sexto año / ludovica martino ) Magnolia Filly ( sexto año / florence pugh ) Yuna Chang ( sexto año / jennie kim )
Albus Severus Potter ( sexto año / timothée chalamet ) Scorpius Malfoy ( sexto año / thomas doherty ) Lysander Scamander ( séptimo año / jack mulhern ) Lórien Rowle ( séptimo año / jacob elordi )
James Sirius Potter ( shawn mendes )
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PEOPLE ARE BETTER THAN RECORDS : this is the end (pt 25)
Florian Claude, 35 ans, Metz.
Chroniqueur génial et guitariste dans THIRTEEN DEAD TREES.
A choisi Maxime Le Forestier de MAXIME LE FORESTIER.
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Il y a certains disques qu'on n'a même plus besoin d'écouter car ils ont obtenu une place très particulière dans notre cœur. Ils scellent quelque chose de plus que ce qu'ils sont. Le premier album de Maxime Le Forestier fait partie de mon ADN. Parce que c'est le premier disque que mon père a acheté. Parce que grâce à cet album, mes parents ont cherché et cherché jusqu'à trouver une maison bleue adossée à la colline. L'arrière avait un rosier, mon père ressemblait à Le Forestier et le mur de la cour mimait la pochette. C'était à Marange-Silvange, où j'ai vécu de merveilleuses années. Elle était peuplée de fous, de grands lits, de musique, de cheveux longs (Doc Geo, Jean-Mi, Régis avant que la calvitie ne vous supprime ce privilège, puis tous les autres). Ces soirées où je m'endormais et que, grâce à la disposition de ma chambre (fenêtre devant au rez-de-chaussée), souvent dans la nuit ces fous cherchaient un endroit où dormir. Ma mère s'étonnait alors le lendemain de voir 5 personnes endormies un peu partout. Le tenancier de ce blog y venait aussi, assistant aux parties de catch avec mon chien avec un fond sonore oscillant entre DARK FUNERAL et DESTINY’S CHILD.
Pour en revenir au disque, je me sens souvent comme un arbre dans la ville, il y a un frère que je n'ai jamais eu et que j'aurai du avoir. Nous étions au bord de la forêt, temple de notre famille. Parachutiste a catalysé l'angoisse primaire la plus forte, pire que la mort, de mon enfance : le service militaire. Loin devant la chiasse infantile des veilles de rentrée, c'était des nuits blanches en y pensant, étant sûr de finir en steak haché comme dans The Wall et rêvant de trouver une communauté hippie comme dans Hair. J'ai trouvé en Leeloo la princesse pour qui l'on fait des tresses dont je rêvais à travers Education Sentimentale.
Bizarrement, ce disque écrivait mon histoire.
Autant vous le dire, aujourd'hui je ne peux en chanter aucun morceau ni l'entendre sans fondre en larmes immédiatement. A l'instar de peu d'autres, Tommy de THE WHO, Harvest de Neil Young qui m'a fait découvrir le lapsteel, et The Mask & The Mirror de Loreena McKennitt car ce disque résume ma mère (j'en parlerai un jour), et SONGS : OHIA The Magnolia Electric Co, premier grand retournement qui ne m'a pas été transmis, révolution copernicienne personnelle. N'y voyez donc pas un simple rapport proustien. Bien au contraire c'est surtout sa qualité musicale et les textes qui font de cet album une merveille. Et par extension il m'a amené à m'intéresser à d'autres pans de la folk, m'ouvrant la fenêtre à MALICORNE, attiré par le côté médiéval dont mon goût est né avec Education Sentimentale, TANGERINE, ALICE, puis outre Manche Mark Fry, Dando Shaft grâce aux conseils de l'avisé Blow Up Records.
Mais au final, ce que ce disque représente est bien plus fort. C'est la construction d'une relation. Car même si de fait on nait enfant de quelqu'un, il y a aussi une partie de nous qui le devient en apprenant à recevoir une part de la sensibilité de nos parents, sentiment si contagieux qu'il s'inscrit d'office aussi profondément que dans les gênes. Ne reste donc que ce que l'on transmet. Ce disque est un rapport à mon père, un fil qui nous relie et me donne envie de reproduire le schéma. Car à mon tour j’apprends aussi à être père, et je n'espère rien d'autre que de laisser à mes enfants quelque chose qui s'écoute, se regarde, se tient et se touche (tout sauf un fichier mp3) dans laquelle j'aurais mis pour eux une part de moi. Dans cette veine bataille contre l'oubli qui gagne toute partie d'avance, et malgré nos insistances à recommencer ce jeu truqué, une image leur subsistera peut être un temps. Aussi forte et pourtant sans substance que l'est la musique, dont je sens la main me serrer le cœur en évoquant ces pensées.
Ressentir est notre plus grande chance, tout objet n'a au final de valeur qu'en tant que vecteur de circonstance. Et souvent je crois que ce sont eux qui nous choisissent, tant ils paraissent comme une évidence et signent parfois une rupture dans nos vies. Cette force, l'oubli ne l'aura pas directement, car elle mourra avec nous avant qu'il ne l'emporte.
Comme il le chante :
« Mourir, mourir, mourir
Pour une nuit
Pour un après-midi
Mourir, mourir
Comme on s'endort
Faire la nique à la mort »
Quelques phrases qui servent également d'adieu à ce blog, mais surtout de remerciement. Si notre hôte parlera moins de musique c'est parce qu'il va lui consacrer encore plus d'actes. On est nombreux à y avoir trouver une voix rassurante pour nos doutes, y avoir compris que parler d'un disque c'est comme parler d'amour, on se fout de l'objectivité. C'est affectif. Et de l'affection, on est d'autant plus nombreux à en avoir pour ce cher Flo. Merci l'ami, pour tout et pour le reste.
PS : une citation complémentaire me semblait nécessaire. Tirée d'un héros que l'on partageait entre frères (Geo, l'amitié déplace les montagnes, sache-le) :
« Je donnerais ma vie pour mourir » (Francesco Dellamorte)
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tothewaterhq · 5 years
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With the Arena just around the corner, it is time to think about the sponsor funds you will enter the Arena with. Math may not be the most exciting part of a tumblr roleplay, but we promise to make it as easy for you as possible!
Below, you’ll find a template of all the tasks from these Games, and the funds you can claim from them. Please fill out this template and submit it to the main so we have a confirmation of the tasks you’ve completed. We have been keeping track of tasks, but in order to make sure that we don’t miss out on anything, we want to be sure to get the totals from you! However, if we notice you’ve marked a task that you didn’t complete… we will check. So be honest!
You may complete this at any time going forward, but you cannot receive or send sponsor gifts until you give us your updated total! Bonus tasks can be completed at any time, just let us know when you’re ready to claim those funds. We will be giving prompts in the Arena for tributes as well as outside the Arena for non-tributes in the days following the launch.
The following characters may claim the bonus $500 for an open reaching 50 notes this season (if your starter reaches 50 notes after this post goes up, you may also claim these funds):
Jules Churchill
Birch Pembrooke
Valor Rosier
Magnolia Reyes
Ember Lowell
Ares Carnahan
Dahlia Hornby
Finley Ottern
Demelza Oberon
Wilder Sartori
F U N D S  F O R M:
Task 001 // The Reaping : $250 Task 002 // What a Character! : $100 Task 003 // The Tribute Parade : $250 (tributes) OR $500 (stylists) OR $100 (others) Task 004 // Skills : $100 Task 005 // Prized Possession : $100 Task 006 // Training Prompts : up to 5 x $100 = Task 007 // Private Training : $800 Task 008 // Do It For The Vine: $100 Task 009 // The Interview : up to 5 x $100 =  (stylists = $500) (other = $100) Task 010 // Character Q&A: $100
Funding from Bonus Tasks (these tasks can be found here: let us know which ones you’re eligible for.) : (number of tasks) x 500 =
Below the cut you’ll find two examples: one tribute and one non-tribute, as they would look if every possible task had been completed:
Task 001 // The Reaping : $250 Task 002 // What a Character! : $100 Task 003 // The Tribute Parade : $250 (tributes)  Task 004 // Skills : $100 Task 005 // Prized Possession : $100 Task 006 // Training Prompts : up to 5 x $100 = $500 Task 007 // Private Training : $800 Task 008 // Do It For The Vine: $100 Task 009 // The Interview : up to 5 x $100 = $500 Task 010 // Character Q&A: $100
Funding from Bonus Tasks (these tasks can be found here: let us know which ones you’re eligible for.) : 2 x 500 = 1000
TOTAL // $3,800
Task 001 // The Reaping : $250 Task 002 // What a Character! : $100 Task 003 // The Tribute Parade : $100 (others) Task 004 // Skills : N/A Task 005 // Prized Possession : $100 Task 006 // Training Prompts : up to 5 x $100 = $500 Task 007 // Private Training : N/A Task 008 // Do It For The Vine: $100 Task 009 // The Interview :  (other=$100) Task 010 // Character Q&A: $100
Funding from Bonus Tasks (these tasks can be found here: let us know which ones you’re eligible for.) : 2 x 500 = 1000
TOTAL // $2350
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