carnivart-core · 2 years
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Magnionette - the Puppeteer Pokemon ⟦DARK⟧
‣ This Pokemon is capable of releasing a faint smelling liquid that relaxes anything that comes into contact with it until they are no longer able to move. It's this ability they use to subdue their prey
‣ Magnionette is rather childish, and known to love playing with it's food. Whenever it catches it's prey, it usually can't help wrapping itself around the limbs of it to maneuver it like a puppet. It usually gets so caught up in it's play, that it's victims actually wake up enough to escape without harm.
(more thoughts under read more)
To everyone who liked this thing when I kept posting WIPs -- hope y'all still like it with color!! This one was hard to decide colors for, and I only was able to make it pop more w a non-crowded pattern due to luck . This is... Barely close to any official PkMn art, but this is . Baby's First Fakemon Drawing -- or... well, second, but the first was me tracing an eagle and putting gems on it when I was a wee younger teenager so ,, yeah this is Baby's First REAL Fakemon . I wanted to make this a dual type but I wasn't sure what it's secondary typing Would be. PkMn like Umbreon and Meowscarada can subdue prey or vanquish predator with poisons without being poison type, so I'm not rlly backed into that corner. Maybe it could live in the sea? Though I can see it levitating too ala Carnivine or smth It's abilities would prob be smth with a chance to cause paralysis when hit wih a physical move . And like ... IDK . Levitate? That seems fair right It's name is from Magnapinna , the genus Bigfin squid belong to - and Marionette! Which is.. Self explanatory right
... I could see it having a dumbo-octopus-adjacent pre-evo too , maybe . Since lines like Shroodle prove you don't need to keep evolutions in the same species of animal at All , but I burnt my brain just designing this beast
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carnival-core · 2 years
magnionette's personality shows really nicely, it looks very curious ^_^ good creepy clownmon
Ah thank you so much!!! I'm glad even with the mouth gone it shows a fair bit of personality - glad I was able to shape the cheeks and eyes in good enough of a way that I was able to give it a mischevous flipped-crescent-moon kinda eye even without a mouth to make it more obvious ... That one worked out well for me eheh
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