#Magnetic float level switch
aqualogistics · 2 years
Do you wish to add style, appeal, and organisation to the interior design of your home? So without a doubt, instal sliding doors in your home's interior doors. Do you realise how crucial a role sliding doors play in a variety of industrial settings? Yes, sliding doors are quite important in the industrial setting. To keep dangerous aquatic species out of the marine environment, sliding doors are frequently utilised in BWTS.
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Buy Magnetic Float Level Switches in Jordan
Mastering & Innovation Est is one of the famous Electromechanical Manufacturer & Service provider. Magnetic Float Level Switches Manufacturer in Amman, Jordan
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jetspikepub · 3 months
Welcome back to the Bebop, it's part 2 of the guide.
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(artwork from MonoGraph artbook)
Previously we entered the bridge using B1 tube. Right in front of the entrance there's a fenced area which is a way down to the main hangar.
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After reaching a small stairwell we walk around to get down.
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This is where lesser ships are usually repaired and get ready to take off. The main gate is closed (because of one uncleared area), we return to the brigde to have some fun with control panel.
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The cylindrical part started to spin, giving us access to Red Tail and Swordfish II hangars in the upper and lower parts of the gravity passage.
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If you noticed before in the anime, the gravity doesn't work outside that "barrel" part of the ship, and so-called magnetic power is used instead (Jet switched it off in episode 1).
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The crew can float in the air like in zero gravity but once they touch the surface, their body "sticks" to it, and they can walk around or sit down without fear of being carried away.
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We enter B1 tube again to reach the gravity passage and Red Tail hangar.
This hangar is now at the same level as the main one, and we can walk through the middle gate (Spike and Jet tried to stop Faye there when she planned to escape with Whitney).
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And this is where Spike keeps his Swordfish II.
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Now we are ready to explore the freight passage (the one Spike used to get rid of the fridge) and the back hangar.
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This is where the last bomb was hidden. After teaching bad guys some manners Jet is ready to face Kult on the deck.
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The bossfight wasn't THAT epic but Jet showed that bastard what happens when you come without invitation.
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Here's some artwork from Mecha Zukan artbook that shows the Bebop from every angle.
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red-akara · 5 months
clean sweep
I am trying to find my way through a pack of cards.
I don’t think I’m playing the game right.
A diamond,
a set of aces,
the joker
are all floating around in my upstairs toilet.
It would be so nice to take a drink,
if I wasn’t dealing with this level of pollution.
Words don’t come easy up on the fridge.
Magnet letters spell out the forms
of past telephone calls with the light switch.
How have you been?
How can you read in this light?
How did your feet get frozen in a block of ice?
It asks like a broken record.
There’s a reason I can’t get farther than a few meters.
It’s taped to the inside of my journal.
When the last bottle of ketchup explodes,
you’ll see all the encoded messages
For now, just make sure that laundry’s done
replace the batteries as needed,
and leave the door open
just a little bit.
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mask131 · 1 year
Occult Paris (2-A)
In the spring of 1948, three sisters – Leah, Margaret and Kate Fox, living in a rural town near Rochester in the state of New-York – claimed to have communicated with the dead, thanks to a turning table. People became obsessed with this trio of mediums and their poltergeists, and this was the start of the “spiritism craze”. This passion for communicating with the spirits soon reached Europe – and nor France, nor its capital Paris escaped it. In the upper classes of the capital, or in the “avant-garde milieu”, everybody tried to invoke the souls of the deceased inside tables for a little chat. Turning tables became one of the main entertainments of the time – or rather, a “spiritual sport”. It was the “greatest phenomenon” of the century, for many. But for the Church of France, it was something quite different… To quote the Chevalier Gougenot des Mousseaux, in his “La magie au dix-neuvième siècle” (Magic in the 19th century), “Magic, magnetism, somnambulism, spiritism, hypnotism – they are all but Satanism!”. The situation was taken very seriously by the religious authorities, to the point that the abbot Mautain, vicar of the archdiocese of Paris and doctor in theology, published a text tiled “Avertissement aux Chrétiens sur les tables tournantes”, “Warning for Christians about turning tables”. In it he described his experience seeing one day a basket twist itself “like a snake” and flee by crawling in front of a Gospel. The abbot Chevrojon, vicar of Saint-Roch, rather confessed having to battle against a “possessed stool”. For all the men of God of the time, spiritism was the work of the devil. As for the scientists of the Académie des sciences, it was all just charlatanism. For these rational and rigorist scholars, these tables could only turn through magician tricks, or by the subconscious muscular impulsions of the participants. For them, it was all just collective hallucinations, or autosuggestions.
But despite all the condemnations, despite all the warnings, despite all the debunking, people never stopped being obsessed with spiritism. In 1856, the emperor Napoléon III himself received officially in the Tuileries the Scottish medium Daniel Dunglas Home. During the séance they organized, a tale, several chairs and several furniture pieces started to float, while a host of famous spirits were invoked: Hortense de Beauharnais, Napoléon Ier, Marie-Antoinette, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Blaise Pascal! But Home wanted to impress his imperial hosts too much, and this was his downfall: he was proven a fake when the Imperial Court went with him to Biarritz. There, “ghost hands” caressed the face of the empress Eugénie – but it was revealed to be the foot of the medium, wearing a glove! As it turns out, Home wasn’t a medium but a talented illusionists and hypnotists. Home was asked to leave France immediately – but despite this disgrace at the highest level of the government, secret societies and occult organizations of all sorts kept flowering and multiplying throughout France: spiritualists, theosophists, martinists, Rosicrucians, kabbalists, gnostics, neo-pagans, luciferians, Satanists… But three men in particular became extremely famous.
1) Allan Kardec
Born in Lyon in 1804, Hippolyte Léon Rivail settled at a very young age in Paris, where he opened a school (35, rue de Sèvres) where he taught based on the modern methods of the Swiss pedagogue Jean-Henry Pestalozzi, himself a fervent follower of Rousseau’s theories. Unfortunately, Rivail’s schools barely hold for a few years before closing – Rivail switched to the writing of manuals of grammar, arithmetic, chemistry and biology. It is when he was writing a chapter about the magnetism of animals that a friend of his told him about his personal “table experience”. Rivail had reached his fifties when he first took part in a séance of turning tables. He soon regularly visited these mediumnic séances – one rue de la Grange-Batelière, another rue Tiquetonne, a third rue de Rochechouart… One medium claimed that Rivail was actually the reincarnation of an old Breton druid by the name of Allan Kardec – and so the former teacher took this pseudonym as his new name. In 1857, the “new” Allan Kardec published the first and the most famous of his books, “Le Livre des Esprits”, The Book of Spirits, that he claims to have written under the command of… spirits! On the first day of April 1858, he creates in his home (8, rue des Martyrs) la Société spirite de Paris (The Spiritualist Society of Paris), and a newspaper by the name of “La Revue spirite” (The Spiritualist Review). Since his apartment becomes too small to welcome his many friends and disciples, Allan Kardec starts hosting reunions at the Palais-Royal, first in the galerie de Valois, than in the galerie Montpensier, and finally at the rue Sainte-Anne. Kardec created a true religion, whose influenced reached all of Europe – and even Brazil! He wrote many, many books: Qu’est-ce que le spiritisme? (What is spiritism?), Instruction pratique sur les manifestations spirites (Pratical instructions about spiritualist manifestations), Le Livre des médiums (The Book of mediums), L’Evangile selon le spiritism (The Spiritism Gospel), Le Ciel et l’Enfer ou La Justice Divine (Heaven and Hell, or the Divin Justice), and finally, La Genèse, les Miracles et les Prédictions selon le spiritisme (The Genesis, the Miracles and the Predictions according to spiritualism). In 1869, Allan Kardec did not die – but rather was “disembodied”, and his empty body buried in the Père-Lachaise cemetery. His grave, in the shape of a dolmen, is still one of the most famous tombstones of the entire cemetery.
2) Éliphas Lévi
Eliphas Lévi was the man who invented in the French language the word “occultisme”, “occultism”. Born Alphonse-Louis Constant in 1810, in the Odéon neighborhood, son of a shoemaker, he soon enters the seminary of Saint-Sulpice and he could have become a priest… if only he could “keep it in his pants”, if you excuse the expression. Young Constant was sent to a young girl’s house to catechize her, only for him to seduce and flirt with her – which officially put an end to his possible priestly career. His mother, who was a very pious woman, was so despaired and heartbroken by this she killed herself. Gifted for drawing, the young Constant started to live and work in artists studios, while enjoying a very lustful and un-chaste life. He notably was the lover of Flora Tristan, a socialist and feminist activist who would later become famous for being the grandmother of Paul Gauguin. Constant then became part of the staff of the collège oratorien de Juilly – and it was during this time that he wrote his first book, La Bible de la liberté (The Bible of freedom).
As soon as it was published, the book was pulled out of libraries, forbidden from being published, and both the author and edtor were summoned in the assize court of Paris for “attack against the public and religious property and moral”. Constant was locked up in the Sainte-Pélagie prison for eleven months, and when he got out he married Marie-Noémie Cadiot, an eighteen year old woman (he was over thirty!). He wrote a pamphlet called “La Voix de la famine” (The Voice of famine), and he was once again condemned to one year of prison. He however only did half of his time in prison – which allowed him to participate in the revolution of February 1848. He was now a wanted man – in fact, a revolutionary who happened to look like him was shot dead rue Saint-Martin! A few years later, in the 120 boulevard du Montparnasse, he wrote the book that truly started his legend: Dogme et rituel de la haute magie (Dogma and ritual of the high magic). To publish this book he took the pseudonym of Éliphas Lévi, which was the Hebraic translation of Alphonse-Louis. In this book, the author created the portrait of a fantastical creature that was then copy-pasted and spread through the press: Baphomet, the so-called idol worshiped by the Templar Knights. Lévi described the creature as having the head of a goat, the breast of a woman, hooves, wings, and a pentagram on the forehead – sitting cross-legged while flames burn over its head. After this first success, Lévi kept producing best-sellers: Histoire de la magie (History of magic), La Clef des grands mystères (The Key of great mysteries), La Science des esprits (The Science of spirits), Le Grand Arcane (The Great Arcana)… Admired by the occultists of his time, he regularly gave tarot readings or chiromancy readings, and he started practicing alchemical experiments. He became friend with Alexandre Dumas, wrote several songs, became a guest in several literary salons, and he even was presented to Victor Hugo throughout the daughter of Théophile Gautier, Judith Gautier. He died in 1875 and was buried in the cemetery of Ivry.
3) Papus
Born in Spain of a French father and Spanish mother, Gérard Encausse was just a child when his parents settled in Montmartre. He had a pretty normal childhood at the Rollin school (today’s Jacques-Decour highschool), where he had already created an esoteric journal and a secret society with other teenagers. Becoming a medicine student, he actually spends most of his time studying divinatory arts, the tarot, the Kabbalah, and the arts of chiromancy, numerology and hypnosis. He takes the pseudonym of “Papus”, the name of a genius doctor of Antiquity. Papus was a “bon vivant”, as we say in France, a man who enjoyed all the pleasures of life and hanged out with the bohème of Montmartre – he notably spent a lot of time in Le Chat noir cabaret. Papus was for a time part of the Theosophical Society created in the United-States by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, but he soon decided to stay independent and create his own organization. Or rather, re-crate, as he resurrected l’Ordre martiniste (The Martinist Order), inspired by the mage of the 18th century, Martinès de Pasqually. The first Martinist loge was in the 24, rue Pigalle. Papus had a clear sense of hierarchy and of mise en scène: as the leader of the Order, he goes by the title “The Unknown Philosopher”, while his right hands take titles such as “The Unknown Brother”, “The Initiated Brother”, “The Associated Brother”. During their ceremonies, the members of the Order wear a red dress, a black silk mask and Egyptian cloth-strips similar to the one wrapping up mummies, while holding a sword. In its peak, the Order had twenty thousand members spread across Europe, Russia and the United-States.
Papus worked however outside of his personal organization: he also worked to rebuild the ancient brotherhood of the Kabbalistic Rose Cross. In 1889, he participates to the first International Spiritualist Congress, that takes place in Paris, rue Cadet, while also founding the GIEE – the Groupe indépendant d’études ésotériques (The Independent Group of Esoteric Studies), which is opened by a conference at the 44, rue Turbigo, and which gathers all of the spiritualists of Paris. All the disciples participating to this opening conference notably obtain a diploma. The next yar, Papus creates with the poet Lucien Chamuel “la librairie du Merveilleux”, the book-shop of the Marvelous, 29 rue de Trévise. In the back-room, Papus and his friend work on creating their journal “L’Initiation”, that Rome itself blacklisted, their monthly publication L’Union occulte (The Occult Union), as well as their weekly “Le Voile d’Isis” (The Veil of Isis), and various almanacs. It was also in the backroom of the bookshop that you could find the seat of La Faculté libre des sciences hermétiques (The Free Faculty of Hermetic Sciences).
In 1902, Papus and Lucien Chamuel sell the book-shop of the Marvelous to open a new bookshop, this one called “librairie d’Hermétisme” (Bookshop of Hermetism), at the 3 and 5 rue de Savoie – plus an annex rue Séguier. By now, the personal office of the occult master looked like an Egyptian temple: he notably wrote there many of the 160 various texts that were attributed to him. In 1905, the tsar Nicolas II invites him to Saint-Petersburg for a spiritism séance: it was said that during this meeting, the French wizard managed to invoke the ghost of Alexandre III (which, according to the rumors, made Rasputin very jealous). In June of 1908, Papus gathers at Paris the Spiritualist Congress, gathering thirty thousand members from all of Europe – it took place in the salle des Sociétés savants, in the 8th of rue Danton. During the Great War, Papus was named chief-physician paramedic, but he did not survive the war, dying of tuberculosis before the end of the conflict. Some whispered that he might have been cursed by an envious Rasputin…
 Some additional notes, to understand the Papus article:
# Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, born in Russia, founded in New-York in 1875 the Theosophical Society, which soon spread world-wide. Her teachings were a syncretism of Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianism and esoteric thinking. In Paris, the theosophy received its first disciples in 1883. A journal, Le Lotus Bleu (The Blue Lotus) was founded. The seat of the French Theosophical Society was at the 4, square Rapp, in the seventh arrondissement.
# Jacques Martinès de Pasqually, a Portuguese Jew that converted himself to Catholicism, travelled in France in 1750 and founded there the society of the Order of the Mason Knights elected Cohen (Cohen, in Hebrew, meaning “priests”). Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, nicknamed “The Unknown Philosopher”, was his secretary. The Martinist Order, or Martinism, offered to its adepts to become “beings of God” by mixing spirituality and magic.
# The Rose Cross is a secret and mystic brotherhood created by Christian Rosenkreutz in Germany in the 17th century. Very soon, it became a phenomenon in Paris. The Rosicrucian Order preaches justice and truth.
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typecase07 · 2 months
Your iPad Experience with Typecase: The Ultimate Keyboard Solutions
In today’s digital age, our tablets are more than just devices; they are essential tools for productivity, creativity, and entertainment. For iPad users, finding the perfect accessory to enhance their device's functionality is crucial. This is where Typecase steps in, offering top-tier solutions with their iPad Air 10.9 keyboard case and iPad 11 Magic Keyboard. These products are designed to elevate your iPad experience, combining sleek design with unmatched functionality.
Unmatched Design and Durability
The iPad Air 10.9 keyboard case by Typecase is a game-changer for iPad Air users. This keyboard case is meticulously crafted to provide a perfect fit for your iPad Air 10.9, ensuring that it not only looks great but also offers robust protection. The keyboard case is made from high-quality materials that offer durability while maintaining a lightweight design, making it easy to carry around without adding unnecessary bulk to your device.
Similarly, the iPad 11 Magic Keyboard by Typecase is a testament to innovative design and superior craftsmanship. This keyboard is specifically designed for the iPad Pro 11-inch, offering a seamless and comfortable typing experience. The Magic Keyboard features a floating cantilever design, which allows you to attach your iPad magnetically and smoothly adjust it to the perfect viewing angle.
Enhanced Productivity
One of the standout features of the iPad Air 10.9 keyboard case by Typecase is its ability to transform your iPad into a mini-laptop. The keyboard is equipped with backlit keys, providing a comfortable typing experience even in low-light conditions. With its multi-touch trackpad, you can navigate your iPad with precision and ease, boosting your productivity whether you're working on documents, browsing the web, or editing photos.
The iPad 11 Magic Keyboard by Typecase takes productivity to the next level with its responsive keys and built-in trackpad. The trackpad supports multi-touch gestures, making it easier to navigate through apps and documents. This keyboard also includes a USB-C port for pass-through charging, ensuring that your iPad remains powered up while you work.
Seamless Connectivity
Both the iPad Air 10.9 keyboard case and the iPad 11 Magic Keyboard by Typecase offer seamless connectivity with your iPad. They connect via Bluetooth, ensuring a stable and reliable connection. The keyboards are easy to pair with your device, allowing you to start typing in seconds without any hassle.
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The versatility of the iPad Air 10.9 keyboard case by Typecase is unmatched. It features a 360-degree rotatable hinge, allowing you to switch between laptop, tablet, and tent modes effortlessly. This flexibility makes it ideal for various use cases, from typing and drawing to watching movies and giving presentations.
On the other hand, the iPad 11 Magic Keyboard by Typecase offers a unique floating design, which not only looks sleek but also provides a convenient and ergonomic typing angle. The magnetic attachment ensures that your iPad stays securely in place, while the adjustable hinge allows you to find the perfect viewing angle.
Final Thoughts
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atulugalmugale · 4 months
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yoyik456 · 7 months
China supplier PPROACH SWITCH INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSOR LJ12A3-4-Z/BY power plant spare parts
China supplier PPROACH SWITCH INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSOR LJ12A3-4-Z/BY power plant spare parts Sold by YOYIK. Deyang YOYIK is a professional production, development, sale of power plant dedicated spare parts and accessories processing company. Through more than 21 years of efforts, the majority of customers have been fully recognized. Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below: #DF-PPROACH SWITCH INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSOR LJ12A3-4-Z/BY-DF lvdt displacement transducer C9231125 liquid level float switch YKJD24-II-660-560-229 Gear tooth sensor ZS-04 L=75 non contact rpm sensor CS-3-L200 turbine speed sensors ecu plate CS-1-G-100-05-01 Rotary Torque Sensor NE510801-100-200-25-01-02 pt100 WZP2-6520NMF lvdt displacement sensor inductive sensor TD-1-600 Magnetic Proximity Sensors CS-1(G-100-02-01) rtd cable WZP2-2212A LVDT Displacement Sensors TD-1 steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-20-19(R) non-contact displacement sensor LVDT-450-3 Sheathed thermocouple TE-104 lvdt displacement transducer TD-6-4204 lvdt displacement sensor B151.36.09.04-002 lvdt displacement sensor inductive sensor B143.35.07 thermocouple temperature sensor WRNKB-446S/TG liquid level gauge Z1204720 liquid level switches UHZ-10C19N LVDT Displacement Sensors 3000TD-E sensor de rpm CS-1-D-060-05-01 lvdt 0-300 K156.36.06.005 Position indicator 6DR5220-0EN00-0AA0 k type thermocouple 1200 degree WRNK2-291 φ5 4mm rtd pt100 WZPM2-08-75-M18-S Pressure Switch 851580801 0.02-0.1Mpa Explosion-proof: EXEDIIT4-T6 sensor pt100 WZPK 230 sensor lvdt TDZ-1-46 thermocouple protection tube WRNKD2-04A-II 300mm pt100 WZPM-225 φ25mm RPM Sensor magnetic CS-1-D-075-02-01 thermocouple protection tube WRNKB-446S/TG platinum rhodium thermocouple wire TE-210 non contact rpm sensor CS-1 L=65 thermocouple pt100 WRNK2-231-R1/4\K PPROACH SWITCH INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSOR LJ12A3-4-Z/BY unit of thermal resistance WZPM2-08-75-M18-S speed sensor location GSH5 Gap Transmitter GJCF-15 Thermocouple Type-K WREK2-334 φ5mm sensor de lvdt TDZ-1E-02 lvdt full form ZDET-700B sensor lvdt TD-6-4204 sensor lvdt HL-3-200-15 wzp pt100 WZP2-267M PT100 M27×2 speed sensor location ZS-06 linear variable displacement transducer LVDT-500-6 cartridge heater electric GYQ industrial cartridge heater ZJ-20-19(R) Magnetic Pick-up Speed Sensor CS-1 G-100-02-01 lvdt-sensor DET.2A.4000A sensor rpm A5S05B90-05 vacuum pressure gauge MIX7B62B374 rtd WZPM2-001, DZ3.5.1-1995 lvdt sensor Magnetic Proximity Sensors CS-3-M10-L170 thermocouples extension lead wires  TKWRE2-230T φ6 rpm meter gauge WZ-1D-C led rpm meter DM-11B thermal resistance units WZP2-231 thermocouple cable WRNR2-12 turbine speed sensor CS-1(G-080-02-01) output speed sensor ZS-02 L=75 wzp pt100 WZPK-24 φ6 liquid level float switch LU83-5110 displacement inductive sensor TDZ-1E-24 Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor 10000TDZ-AG Thermalcouple WRNK2-294, Φ5, L=1000, K speed sensor ZS-01 L=65 k type thermocouple TE-106 input speed sensor ZS-04 L=80 pt100 rtd500 WZPM2-201T PPROACH SWITCH INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSOR LJ12A3-4-Z/BY DFYLSYC-2024-2-29-A
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nightmare-followup · 7 months
learning basic atomic theory and a bunch of electricity stuff for a stage lighting class. my brain does NOT hold onto it. i’ll overexplain it here for everyone’s convenience with way too much paraphrasing and strange connections. hey, maybe someone will use this later.
okay- starting on atoms: they’ve got 3 things- i think everyone knows protons neutrons and electrons. protons are “pro” as in positive- that’s what their charge is. neutrons “neu” like “neutral”- there’s no charge. electrons is the last one so they’re negative. i don’t have a fun brain trick for that- i think everyone knows those anyways so we can all figure it out.
now- atoms aren’t always specifically stable (meaning they have an equal amount of protons and electrons), but they’ll always be sorta like- searching for stability- or more like stray particles will be looking for unbalanced electrons with space in them to join so they can find a house. if you like- see static electricity on your blanket in the dark those are electrons floating around and finding atoms basically (i am no expert.) and when electrons are in an atom they all have super funky orbital paths and no path is like another- something something snowflakes and their uniqueness. and the like- furthest out plane of orbit is called the “valance shell” and the way all the electrons go through a conductor is what makes an electrical current. :) if you’ve heard “amps” as a unit of measure that’s for electrical current which is just electrons moving around!
you guys know the whole “opposites attract” bit of every fandoms favorite ship ever? that’s an electricity thing- law of charges positive and negative charges attract while same-same charges push each other away- that’s why magnets like- only have one side they stick to each other with.
anyways have you heard like “electrical potential” b4? yeah that’s just the difference between two electrical charges in two bodies. it sounds like- crazy sometimes in movies or whatever but atomically it’s just… like not that big a deal i guess?
and there’s resistance in every conductor which opposes the flow of electrons, slowing them down. it’s like how moving through water you’re slower- tho there’s still air resistance. same concept. actually to my knowledge on an atomic level it actually is the same thing so- yeah. gold is the best conductor and ppl actually used to wire with it but we use copper usually now cause gold is PRICEY and that’s how you get robbed of ur wires. they will go in your walls and steal your wires if you use gold don’t test those robbers and their tiptoeing and big sacks thrown over their shoulders.
volts measure electric potential, watts measure how much electricity is consumed. so like- check your extension cords and whatever you’re plugging into it b4 you try and run a hairdryer or a kettle on it cause that can like- overdraw energy from ur extension chord and cause fun things like fires which honestly i don’t think many wanna deal with an electrical fire.
insulators also don’t like- just stop electrical flow they OPPOSE it which- as someone who is stupid about electricity that was pretty cool to learn :)
now- we usually use 2 types of currents in our day-to-day lives. alternating currents- which like- switch directions a bunch super super fast (which is why lights kinda buzz- which you can see a lot better on cameras and most ppl can’t see that with their naked eye at all) and that’s in outlets (including outlets that lead to lights and heating equipment and stuff) then we have direct currents that only go in one direction- like batteries. which is why there’s a positive and negative side of a battery.
in any electrical system there is 3 main components: the power source, the load which converts electricity into whatever type of energy is needed, then the circuit which is just the path where the current goes along.
circuits are pretty cool cause there’s the types that are like- string lights where they light up everything in a line (that’s why if one light goes out the whole string goes out) then there are types that split up the electricity to go to multiple places at once! like- those bathroom lights with 2 lightbulbs- if one goes out they don’t both die. in fact i lived half my life with one of the lightbulbs out in the bathroom. i moved but i wouldn’t be surprised if it’s still out tbh-
now after all that: don’t fuck with electricity without knowing what you’re doing, it CAN and WILL kill you and i have not informed you of SHIT that will keep anyone safe. there are some systems in place to keep everyone’s dumbass safe like fuses that stop circuits from overloading by breaking the circuits before serious damage can be done and circuit breakers which does the same basic thing. but even with those like- you can still get urself seriously injured and killed so like- don’t mess with stuff unless you actually legit know what ur doing.
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irrelevant-pseudonym · 9 months
As a Creative Writing major, I learned that all cool fight sequences observe certain rules: Interesting Setting, Clear Stakes, Dynamic Action, and Rule of Cool.
These same principles can be applied to making Nintendo Golf less lame.
Interesting Setting
Grassy fields are OUT. Mini golf has this figured out. We need every hole to have a different, wacky layout, with unique obstacles to overcome. Since the digital world of Nintendo isn't restricted by the paltry laws of physics, we could have impossible structures to play through. We could golf our way across a moon base, where low gravity is a factor. We could golf through a glamorous pinball hotel where if you get a ball into the dumbwaiter it blasts it through the roof and closer to the hole in the hedgemaze outside. We could golf through a coral reef. A volcano. An ant colony. The possibilities are limitless; WHY are we reduced to green lawns??
2. Clear Stakes
What happens if you have the better score? You win at the end? Boring. Been done. There has to be stakes as you progress from hole to hole. Between each hole, you should have the option to spin a wheel for powerups or special golf balls. Higher/lower scores get better odds. You could get bouncy balls, peewee marbles, gumballs, magnetic balls -- varieties that would be useful in different settings, which you could switch in and out before the stroke. There should also be a wildcard ball, which has a 90% chance of giving you exactly the ball you need for the scenario, but a 10% chance of giving you a wet sponge to smack with the club for the next few turns.
3. Dynamic Action
We touched on this above, but there has to be more dynamic obstacles. Sandtraps are out. Ponds of hungry hungry hippos are in. Speedup mats, pinball bumpers, secret areas that hide powerups. We also need a point system. Completing the hole in as few strokes as possible gives you a set score, but finding point boosters or engaging bumpers/other dynamic aspects of the setting should give point bonuses, too. Players now have multiple strategies open to them. You can focus on finishing the course as cleanly as possible, or you can take an exploratory strategy and try to gain as many points as possible on the way.
4. Rule of Cool
Do I need to explain this? Has this whole rant not been enough? Give the people the sickest concepts you can conceive. Imagine a level where if you aim your ball just right, you can load it onto a rollercoaster that takes it spiraling over an open, broiling volcano and dumps it into a floating island, where it spins past snapping lava crabs and dunks into the hole at the bottom, releasing fireworks. That's what golf could be! @nintendo, it's time for Golf 2!
tl;dr why can't golf be more like mario kart
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aqualogistics · 2 years
Hanla IMS, the industry pioneer in magnetic float level switches, has been offering dependable solutions to numerous sectors for more than 30 years. We are able to provide our customers with specialised solutions that meet their unique demands thanks to our extensive experience and knowledge. We'll look at a few of the justifications in this blog post for choosing a magnetic float level switch from Hanla IMS.
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Buy Sump Pump Caged Stand in Jordan
Buy Sump Pump Caged Stand from Top Electromechanical Company of Mastering and Innovation in Jordan. Manufacturing control panels, magnetic float level switches, oil leak detection systems, etc
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idealdieselmarine · 11 months
Schwlmmer-Magnetschalter Magnetic float switches Typ:AFM-VSS/1 TH90/0-L670/14-V44A L1:570 - L2:620 also KSR KUEBLER products available
Magnetic float switches for sale as below:
Typ:AFM-VSS/1 TH90/0-L670/14-V44A
Art.Nr. 4001768
AB-Nr./Conf.No.: 728180-1
Komm. Nr.90401701
Qty 2pcs
Worldwide delivery
Also we have L1 = 75mm L2 = 320mm available qty 3pcs maker KSR Heinrich Kübler AG,
We have large stock available for all kind of marine float switch and level switches
Let us know required switch stem diameter and float range
[email protected] ( cc email)
[email protected] ( cc email)
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pointlevelind4 · 1 year
Point Level Indication
The Vital Role of Point Level Indication in Modern Industrial Processes
In the world of industrial manufacturing and processing, precise control and monitoring are paramount. To ensure efficiency, safety, and quality in various industries such as food production, chemical processing, and oil refining, the need for accurate level measurement is undeniable. This is where Point Level Indication comes into play. Point Level Indication is a critical component of process control and safety systems, providing a dependable means of monitoring and controlling liquid or solid material levels. In this article, we will explore the significance of Point Level Indication in modern industrial processes, its various applications, and the technologies that make it possible.
The Importance of Accurate Level Measurement
Accurate level measurement is a fundamental requirement in industrial processes for several reasons. It plays a crucial role in maintaining product quality, optimizing production efficiency, ensuring safety, and minimizing waste. Here are some key points highlighting why precise level measurement is indispensable:
Product Quality Assurance: In industries like food and pharmaceuticals, even a slight variation in material levels can lead to inconsistencies in the final product. Accurate level measurement ensures that ingredients are added in the right proportions, guaranteeing product consistency and quality.
Process Efficiency: Precise level measurement allows manufacturers to control material flow effectively. This optimization prevents overflows, underfills, or material shortages, leading to increased production efficiency and reduced production costs.
Safety: Maintaining appropriate levels of materials in tanks or vessels is essential to prevent potential disasters, such as overflows or spills. Point Level Indication systems provide real-time alerts to operators when levels reach critical points, mitigating safety risks.
Resource Conservation: Accurate level measurement minimizes material wastage. By ensuring that materials are used efficiently, industries can reduce resource consumption and minimize their environmental footprint.
Regulatory Compliance: Many industries must adhere to strict regulations regarding material handling and storage. Accurate level measurement is crucial for meeting these compliance standards and avoiding legal repercussions.
Now, let's delve into the specifics of Point Level Indication and why it's a fundamental technology in achieving these objectives.
Understanding Point Level Indication
Point Level Indication is a level measurement technique that provides binary output signals, typically indicating when a material level reaches a predefined point. This "point" is often referred to as the critical level or switch point. Point Level Indication systems are designed to trigger alarms, activate control actions, or simply indicate when a specific level has been reached.
Point Level Indication devices are used to monitor materials in various containers, such as tanks, silos, hoppers, and pipelines. These devices are installed at specific points within the vessel, usually at the desired high or low level to act as a level switch. There are different types of Point Level Indication technologies, each suited to specific applications and industries.
The Technology Behind Point Level Indication
Point Level Indication relies on various technologies to achieve accurate and reliable level measurements. The choice of technology depends on factors like the type of material being measured, the environmental conditions, and the industry requirements. Here are some common technologies used in Point Level Indication:
Float Switches: Float switches consist of a float and a magnetic switch. As the liquid level rises or falls, the float moves with it. When the float reaches a preset level, it triggers the magnetic switch, generating a signal. These switches are simple, cost-effective, and suitable for a wide range of applications.
Capacitance Sensors: Capacitance sensors measure the dielectric constant of the material to determine its level. When the level reaches a specific point, the capacitance changes, triggering the sensor to activate an output signal. These sensors are widely used for both liquid and solid level detection.
Ultrasonic Sensors: Ultrasonic level sensors use sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and the material's surface. When the distance matches the predefined level, the sensor sends an output signal. Ultrasonic sensors are effective for non-contact level measurement and are ideal for materials with irregular surfaces.
Vibrating Fork Sensors: Vibrating fork sensors work by vibrating a fork-shaped probe. When the probe comes into contact with the material, its vibration frequency changes. This change in frequency triggers a signal when the material level reaches the sensor's set point. These sensors are reliable for detecting both liquids and solids.
Rotary Paddle Switches: Rotary paddle switches employ a rotating blade that extends into the material. When the material level reaches the blade, it impedes the rotation, activating the switch. These switches are commonly used in applications where materials may form bridges or develop irregular surfaces.
Applications of Point Level Indication
Point Level Indication finds applications in a wide range of industries, serving as an essential tool for level control and monitoring. Let's explore some of the primary industries where Point Level Indication is indispensable:
Food and Beverage: In the food industry, precise level measurement is crucial for ingredient handling, filling processes, and quality control. Point Level Indication ensures that ingredients are added in the right amounts and that production processes run smoothly.
Chemical Processing: Chemical plants require accurate level measurement to prevent spills, overflows, and safety hazards. Point Level Indication is used to monitor the levels of various chemicals in storage tanks and reactors.
Oil and Gas: In the oil and gas industry, the storage and transport of hazardous materials demand precise level measurement. Point Level Indication devices are used in tanks, pipelines, and offshore platforms to prevent accidents and ensure efficient operations.
Pharmaceuticals: In pharmaceutical manufacturing, consistent product quality is vital. Point Level Indication plays a crucial role in ensuring that ingredients are mixed in the right proportions and that the production process meets strict quality standards.
Agriculture: Farmers and agricultural businesses use Point Level Indication to monitor grain levels in silos and tanks. This helps prevent overfills, maintain proper inventory management, and ensure the timely delivery of crops.
Wastewater Treatment: Municipal wastewater treatment plants rely on Point Level Indication to monitor and control liquid levels in various treatment tanks. This helps maintain the efficiency of the treatment process and prevent overflows.
Mining and Minerals: Point Level Indication is used in the mining industry to monitor the levels of raw materials in hoppers, chutes, and storage containers. This helps optimize material handling and prevent blockages.
The Benefits of Point Level Indication
The adoption of Point Level Indication offers numerous benefits to industries that rely on accurate level measurement. Here are some of the key advantages:
Safety Enhancement: The foremost benefit of Point Level Indication is its contribution to safety. By providing real-time alerts when material levels approach critical points, these systems help prevent overflows, spills, and safety hazards.
Cost Savings: Accurate level measurement reduces material wastage, leading to cost savings. Industries can optimize their material usage, minimize overfills, and reduce production downtime caused by material shortages.
Process Optimization: Point Level Indication enables efficient process control by ensuring that materials are added or removed at the right time. This, in turn, enhances production efficiency and consistency.
Environmental Responsibility: With precise level measurement, industries can reduce their environmental footprint by minimizing material waste and preventing spills that could harm the environment.
Compliance with Regulations: Many industries are subject to stringent regulations regarding material handling. Point Level Indication helps them meet compliance standards, avoiding
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abillflowswitch · 1 year
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electronalytics · 1 year
Magnetic Float Level Sensors Market Development and Growth Opportunities by Forecast 2032
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Magnetic float level sensors are used to measure liquid levels in various industries, including oil and gas, chemical, and water treatment. These sensors use a magnetic float that rises or falls with the liquid level and is detected by a sensor to provide an output signal.
The global magnetic float level sensors market is expected to grow in the coming years due to increasing demand for automation in various industries, as well as the need for accurate and reliable liquid level measurement. The market is also driven by the growing demand for process automation and control in industries such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and power generation.
Factors such as the high cost of installation and maintenance and the availability of alternative level sensing technologies could restrain the growth of the market. However, technological advancements and increasing adoption of wireless magnetic float level sensors could provide growth opportunities in the future. The Global Magnetic Float Level Sensors Market size is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 13.5% during the forecast period (2021-2030)
Overall, the global magnetic float level sensors market is expected to grow in the coming years, driven by increasing demand for automation and reliable liquid level measurement in various industries.
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Market Segmentations:
Global Magnetic Float Level Sensors Market: By Company • WIKA • Valcom • Gems Sensors & Controls • Gentech International • FAFNIR • ABB Measurement • Barksdale • AMETEK Drexelbrook • FineTek • Dandong Top Global Magnetic Float Level Sensors Market: By Type • Continuous Type • Liquid Level Switch Type Global Magnetic Float Level Sensors Market: By Application • Petroleum Industry • Chemical Industry • Food Industry • Others Global Magnetic Float Level Sensors Market: Regional Analysis All the regional segmentation has been studied based on recent and future trends, and the market is forecasted throughout the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Global Magnetic Float Level Sensors market report are U.S., Canada, and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe in Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America as part of South America.
Visit Report Page for More Details :  https://stringentdatalytics.com/reports/magnetic-float-level-sensors-market/677/   
Reasons to Purchase Magnetic Float Level Sensors Market Report: • To obtain insights into industry trends and dynamics, including market size, growth rates, and important factors and difficulties. This study offers insightful information on these topics.
• To identify important participants and rivals: This research studies can assist companies in identifying key participants and rivals in their sector, along with their market share, business plans, and strengths and weaknesses.
• To comprehend consumer behavior: these research studies can offer insightful information about customer behavior, including preferences, spending patterns, and demographics.
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In general, market research studies offer companies and organization’s useful data that can aid in making decisions and maintaining competitiveness in their industry. They can offer a strong basis for decision-making, strategy development, and business planning.
Click Here.To Buy Premium Report: https://stringentdatalytics.com/purchase/magnetic-float-level-sensors-market/677/?license=single
Questions answered in Global Magnetic Float Level Sensors Market report
What is the current size and projected growth of the global magnetic float level sensors market?
What are the key drivers and challenges in the market?
What are the different types of magnetic float level sensors available in the market?
What are the applications of magnetic float level sensors in different industries?
What are the key geographical regions for the magnetic float level sensors market, and what are the growth opportunities in these regions?
Who are the key players in the market, and what are their market shares?
What are the recent developments and innovations in the magnetic float level sensors market?
What is the competitive landscape of the market, and how are the players differentiating themselves?
What are the pricing trends in the market, and what factors are affecting the pricing?
What are the regulatory frameworks governing the magnetic float level sensors market in different regions?
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Stringent Datalytics offers both custom and syndicated market research reports. Custom market research reports are tailored to a specific client's needs and requirements. These reports provide unique insights into a particular industry or market segment and can help businesses make informed decisions about their strategies and operations.
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