#Magic Mushroom
elixir · 3 months
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Psilocybe Cubensis(magic mushrooms) entangled in an embrace. Photo by u/saturnboiiii
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darkurgetrash · 6 days
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I love my dnd boyfriend, but the fact that, canonically, she is as tall as his thigh is… 😆 (we pretend we do not see)
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one-fish-a-day · 7 months
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day 60 | Funguary Day 29: Magic Mushroom
Funguary Chart | Funguary Week Four Chart
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mycochaotix · 10 months
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thebrickdwarf · 1 year
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Dr. Kilroy have found a humongous magic mushroom
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jokeanddaggerdept · 1 year
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gingermarshmallow · 2 months
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Made a magic mushroom!
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naowominutella · 16 hours
Decided to make a mushroom oasis oc
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Shes mychaels sister (adopted or not)
I drew her a year ago
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The game is called Mushroom oasis by @deerspherestudios
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Source: Poison Ivy: Unethical Consumption
Harley is tripping balls on Ivys lamia spores. She just wants to see the world the way Ivy does.
I call it Harleyspace, the hyperspace of Harley's mind. What if we could all tap into our own Harleyspace? Where everyday worries are taken in stride with breakfast sandwiches - a dash of hot sauce, spicy mongolian beef - extra chilis, a dash of madness, and a baseball bat. Maybe a mallot and an exploding pie.
This panel makes me think of Taylor Swift's "Snow on the Beach":
"And it's like snow on the beach
Weird but fuckin' beautiful
Flying in a dream, stars by the pocketful
You wanting me tonight feels impossible
But it's comin' down, no sound, it's all around"
"This scene feels like what I once saw on a screen
I searched aurora borealis green
I've never seen someone lit from within
Blurring out my periphery"
Reminds me of the first time I took acid. The world really does glow and dance.
Speaking of hallucinogens, "Was it the Acid?" by Direct Hit! takes us down another mind warp:
we were lost on a blackened ocean
on a boat made out of sticks
we were tossed in the frost
and attacked emotion caught in throat
weighed down by bricks made of gold
which we sold and removed with powers
we could not quite understand
sang a tune to the groove of the birds
and flowers they were all under our command
so we sailed on
I just love how Ivy is just admiring Harley as she's tripping.
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bihunimeksik · 3 months
Toplanın size bir “magic mushroom” vakası anlatacağım. Daha önce anlatmış mıydım bilmiyorum ama neyse anlattıysam da tekrarı olsun. Bugün İstanbul’daki yakın akrabalar ile aile pikniği yaptık. Olayın kahramanı olan kuzenim, eşi ve çocukları da dahil. Hikayeyi bir de birinci ağızdan dinleyelim dedik.
Neyse bunlar geçen yaz ben İstanbul’a döndükten sonra memlekette mantar topluyorlar. Mantarı güzelce biberle vs bol tereyağında soteleyip afiyetle yiyorlar (yaklaşık 2 kilo kadar) ekmek bana bana. Aradan biraz vakit geçtikten sonra kuzenin kızı uyumaya gidiyor diğerleri sürekli gülmeye başlıyorlar. Birisi de midem bulanıyor demeye başlıyor. Ambulansı arayalım diyorlar, ambulans gelmiyor. Diğer kuzenimi arıyorlar biz kötüyüz sanırım zehirlendik diye. Kuzenim arabayla gidiyor hemen kapıyı açan yok. Kapıyı kırıyor birşey oldu diyerek. Sonrasını kuzenden dinliyoruz. Manzara şu. Kuzenimin kızlarından biri salonun ortasında gülerek göbek atıyor ortada müzik yok, diğer kızı koltuğun üstünde kürek çekiyor arada timsah vuruyor. Kuzenin oğlu kendini bağlamış çantaya sıkı sıkı. Diğer kızlar vs ayakta duramıyorlar, ayağa kalkan ya çok dalga var deyip düşüyor ya da ayağı kuma takılıyor. Ortam bu :)
Neyse kuzenler hemen arabaya atıp hastaneye götürüyorlar. Yol boyunca ordan oraya savrulanlar, aracı kullanan kuzene şapka diye poşet geçirmeler vs derken hastaneye ulaşabiliyorlar. Doktorlar hemen ilk teşhis bunlar ne kullandılar, hangi otu ilacı içtiler derken mantar yüzünden denilince mideleri yıkanıyor. Hastanede yürüyen, dans eden, gülen 8 kişi 😀
Ortalık karışık anlayacağınız. Kuzenin oğullarından çantaya sarılanı bir türlü çantasından ayıramamışlar. Uçak düşüyor paraşütsüz mü kalayım diye bağırmış 6 saat boyunca (en çok yiyen oymuş)
Kızlardan biri de doktora gıcık olmuş başlamış böyle doktor mu olur, çok çirkin, tipe bak filan derken doktor yalnız mantarın etkisi geçti deyince nasıl kaçacağını şaşırmış :)))
O günden sonra köyün gençleri sürekli kuzenimi darlamışlar abi mantarı nerden topladın vs diye. Ertesi gün bir de jandarmaya ifade verip mantarların yerini göstermişler (mal bunlar)
Neyse haftaya köye gidiyorum. Kuzeni ikna edebilirsem mantar toplamaya gideceğiz 😈
Gençler olarak yerini merak ediyoruz. Konum isteyen olursa da vereyim Ordu / Aybastı / Pelitözü Köyü
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the-cricket-chirps · 11 months
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Geraldo Bezerra
The Allman Brothers Band, Fillmore East Poster
ca. 1971
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naturalist-journal · 7 months
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mycochaotix · 10 months
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ContamFam asks: how to identify mushroom smells vs contam smells
MCX Answers: Hey mycopal! Budding community-mycologist you! 🍄❤️💅🏻
I often can smell mushrooms in the woods when I forage because of mycelium smell being so strong!
my most helpful tip for this question is: go to the grocery store as soon as you can, and smell every mushroom they have in the veggie section that has holes for passive fae. Mycelium, of at least fungus that produce fruit bodies (but potentially mycelium of other non fruiting fungi) has the same smell. The mushrooms in the wild you see, pick on and smell it. It should smell like the fresh grocery mushrooms you smelled.
Anything that smells described like: apples, alcohol, vinegar, rot, fetid, beer, ear wax, or ginger are all smells that are major indicators in my experience of contaminants both visible to your eye and not :)
Hope this helps!🍄❤️🍻
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darkurgetrash · 4 months
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punkedsolar · 7 months
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Funguary Feb 29 - Cryptic Magic Mushroom - Psilocybin
I finished! And I actually managed to do a mushroom per day. This one was for some reason the absolute hardest, and I'm not happy with how it turned out, but there you go. Sometimes the muse just doesn't want to provide you with anything at all.
I interpret the magic mushrooms as being related to fairy gates. So here's a satyr arriving, ready to...do perfectly innocent things. As satyrs do, of course. I gave him a softer dadbod because honestly, same.
It's been a long time since I've done art in a disciplined way, trying to do some every day. I've got a lot going on - a job, a kid, a chronic spinal disability, a mini farm, major depression and anxiety, animals to care for, all the rest. So getting here at all was a miracle. And I recorded how I did it, I might post it later.
Thankyou to @feefal for setting this up.
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tripppydaze · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day 💌 🍄
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