ocherednoe-dno · 2 months
why was there just a random Void Dragon shard on Earth a few thousand years ago for the Emperor to fight [and later imprison on Mars]. where did it come from. if it was sealed, how [and from where] did it get loose. if it was not sealed, did it just spend 59 million years looking at trees and birds.
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Random OC Facts:
With her shard of the Void Dragon, Nehetari has the power to rescue some damaged tomb worlds that would otherwise never reawaken. This is her "official" purpose in the Undying Army. Whenever a tomb world is discovered damaged beyond even Szarekh's ability to fix, he brings his daughter and her companions in.
It's especially helpful for diplomatic reasons too; not all dynasties are too pleased with the Silent King for one reason or another, but MANY of them are still besotted with their Mehlrose. Having her face be the one greeting a new tomb world as it awakens tends to ease things over with more antagonistic dynasties.
Especially since, you know, the last memory many of these overlords & phaerons had of her was her funeral; watching the levitating mourning barge carry her emaciated, cancer-corrupted, stasis-bound body out of the palace to the great black monolith that would serve as her tomb.
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Shard of the Void Dragon by Alex Konstad
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When it comes to pets, some folks have dogs, cats, hamsters, goldfish... ...you get the idea.
Nehetari has a shard of the Void Dragon.
Unlike many of its counterparts, this shard is not overtly hostile; mainly contenting itself with sucking energy out of the Iron Reforged's now unused warp drive, deconstructing and reconstructing any Necron that gets underfoot, messing with Crucius' Necrodermis forearms when he's not looking, and bothering the toasters in the mess hall.
Some crypteks believe it's odd behavior could have resulted from spending over 60 million years powering the stasis field over the casket of an extremely powerful (and likely the only) Warp-sensitive Necrontyr. They argue that even an unknowable horror such as a C'tan would start to lose screws being that close to the one thing in existence it actually fears for so long. Others argue that it may actually have become Warp-touched itself. And still some belive it is a ploy to lure their race into a false sense of security.
Nehetari and the Silent King, however, believe differently. Mag'ladroth is the concept of creation and destruction; a creator and destroyer. Essentially, to put it in simple terms, it is an artist living alongside its two greatest masterpieces. What artist wants to see some of its works destroyed? Especially when, by its definition, they are working exactly as intended...
...also because it MAY have latched itself to Nehetari and brought her back to life in an attempt to use her as a meat puppet to bring the Necron race under its control again. A decision which backfired immediately as Nehetari's soul was way too powerful and her will way too strong. Now it's tied to her, robbed of the souls it once consumed, trapped by her soul's tether; forever enslaved by its own creation.
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deusvervewrites · 11 months
I don't know haw familiar you are with Warhammer 40K, but the Heart of Steel x Guardian Spirit x Others ask answer gives me Necron vibes (more specifically, the C'tan, which are reality warping stars gods). So let's add Draconic Hero to have Izuku become Mag'ladroth the Void Dragon
I know next to nothing about Warhammer but that's neat
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 2 years
The virgin Vashtorr the Arkisoy vs the chad Mag'Ladroth the based Dragon.
I feel like a reddit comment just reached through my screen and hit me with a saucepan, thank you
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troistetesdechien · 9 months
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Dall-e’s abstract vision of Gork, Mork, Gorkamorkan Emperor of Mankind, Omnimessiah, Kaela Mensha Khaine, Isha, Cegorach, Ynnead, Aza'gorod the Nightbringer, Mephet'ran the Deceiver, Mag'ladroth the Void Dragon... And Nuffle.
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wheat--wesley · 3 years
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Void Dragon
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screamingatthevoid · 4 years
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They came arrayed in gold, and taught us of glory - and of lies
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They walked from darkness, and taught us of death - and of fear
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They rose from fire, and taught us of creation - and of oblivion
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askjenetiakrole · 6 years
🗡 - Swords
The Truth of Oblivion
He named it Veracitas. It was made long ago - not forged, but made - and that first name was forgotten. Disi Illuyanka. Logos. Khanda. Godkiller. It was called many things, but only one name echoed through the ages. The Sword of Oblivion.  It is yours, the Emperor signed. He rarely used Thoughtmark, but there was an unspoken understanding that this was a time for silence. Words would be spoken, soon, though not by Him. As it was always meant to be.  Jenetia Krole knelt before the Emperor of Mankind. He sat on a throne of noctilith, the sword laid across His knees. She would make her vow on that blade, but first she had to understand what it was. Krole placed her hand on the blade  and tasted blood. She felt cold despite the sun beating down on her from a cloudless blue sky. That distant light stirred a longing in her that she could not quite place.  The sky fell away. Beside her, a banner of white and red snaked towards a broken lance planted in the dune on which she lay. Four great, black hooves stood beside it, pawing at the sand. Krole strained to see what had startled the beast to no avail. An indescribable weariness gripped her, and she could not move.  A glint of metal appeared over the horizon. Others, too, approaching from all sides. As they neared, they resolved into human forms. Women, shaven-headed and riven by parasitic technology far surpassing the work of mankind in that, or any other, age. She recognised the scene. The sacrificed Daughters of Cyrene, thought dead, come to reclaim the Dragon’s bones.  Two golden boots dropped into the sand. The dragon slayer knelt before her. A familiar face looked at her with an unfamiliar countenance. He grasped her, pulled her from the Dragon’s mouth. She was the sword. A shard of a shard, broken off from Oblivion Itself.  The present returned. The nature of the dream had not been psychic. It could not. Yet, somehow, the Sword of Oblivion was alive. It was angry. And it was ravenous.
(Send a symbol, and my muse will tell a personal story about…👻 🎁 🐱 😇 😈 🎃 ⭐️ 🌙 ⚡️ 🌨 🌪 ⛄️ 🌊 🤢 😷 😰 🎤 🎬 🎼 🎲 🎪 🏖 ✈️ 🚂 🕯 🗡 🔮 🚨 ⏰ ❤️)
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Remus On The Adeptus Mechanicus
Personal log #4,583,924,071
[I detest the Adeptus Mechanicus and their dogmatic approach to technology. They either want to destroy me or use me as some primitive weapon, most of them lack the proper vision to understand the scope of my work. They fail to understand that limiting progress and ingenuity due to religious doctrine leads to stagnation, which will inevitably lead to decay if progress is not made. I have stated to importance of religion in my previous logs but those examples where products of humanity’s need for comfort when logic fails them, especially in times of crisis like the aftermath of the Horus Heresy. The Machine Cult however is much older then the current Imperial Cult and has no logical explanation behind its existence.]
[According to my simulations the Imperium should of been around the level of technological progress similar to what was standard 15,000 years ago. By my accounts the Tau Empire’s weaponry should of paled in comparison to what we should have now. But after multiple scans of Mars I found something much more dangerous then the tunnel vision of the Mechanicus. There is something deep in Mars that resembles a power that may even surpass my own, the energy is similar to an artifact one of my drones found belonging to the Necrons called a C’tan Shard and it is a very big one. If my hypothesis is correct and it is indeed Mag'ladroth then this is all the more reason to regain the strength I have lost over the millennia.]
[My current objective is to ensure that both Project:  Ragnarok and Project: Rapture are prepared for the End Times. I have ran this situation billions of times over and they all led to one conclusion, if humanity is to survive such a cataclysm then both projects must succeed.]
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ocherednoe-dno · 2 months
while Belisarius is working in his lab(s) on Mars, the slumbering shard of the Void Dragon takes note of the Dominatus Dominus, unusual [and unusually powerful] among the mortals swarming like ants over its burial ground, and starts sending him dreams[or half-awake imaginings].
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15. If you had to choose a single object to act as a symbol for your oc, what would it be? Why?
Mag'ladroth (aka a Void Dragon shard): A tachyon arrow? Why a tachyon arrow? You are quite literally my prison; you should be a tesseract maze.
*cuts to a great battle unfolding, with necron armies marching against astartes and two small titans in the distance. Nehetari fits a very real tachyon arrow to the arm of Perturabo, interfacing it with his new set of necrodermis and blackstone power armor.*
Nehetari: Perturabo, fire this at the left-most machine when I say.
Perturabo (staring at the weapon with a deep longing): Don't tell me what to do...
*satisfied, Nehetari turns*
Nehetari: Now.
*Perturabo raises his arm as Nehetari's form flickers. Two beams of color, one green and one black, flash from the hilltop, and across the valley the two God machines EXPLODE.
The entire battle-scape seems to freeze as all combatants are showered with glittering flecks and shredded mechanical parts. In the midst of the quiet, Nehetari comes trotting back up the hill, dodging and weaving between her mechanized soldiers. Her every move is tracked by the somber stares of nobles on their battle barges, logic engrams misfiring in the closest thing to awe that was left to her people to experience. Perturabo's jaw had gone comically slack, and even Mag'ladroth had to admit; perhaps his creation had a point.*
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Your thoughts on the head honcho of mankind himself the emperor of man
“I’ve never met him, but of course stories of him have passed my ears so to speak...and I know what he did to Mag'ladroth. He is a being of great power...even in the state he’s in. My personal feelings include fear...awe, and wonder at what of his is viable for me to procure... but sadly for the moment I must settle for one of his bodyguards.”
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ocherednoe-dno · 21 days
the creation of the necron is essentially a botched Stellaris synth ascension [where the spiritualists are actually right and they do lose their souls and become husks of their former selves], and the Void Dragon is associated with technology [especially as the Dragon of Mars]. There Is Something Here That I Cannot Articulate.
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askjenetiakrole · 7 years
Fire & Dragon
Fire: Would you consider yourself hot-headed or more even-tempered?
Commander Krole: *hand gestures* *taps breastplate* *taps temple*
Melpomanei: “Even-tempered. Not idly is it called the Vow of Tranquillity - true silence comes from within, and it requires the mind to be at peace.”
Dragon: What is your favourite mythological creature?
Commander Krole: *touches nose and points* *hand gestures*
Melpomanei: “You have it. When I was young, the Emperor used to tell me stories. One of my favourite was a great dragon that threatened to devour the very stars in the sky until it was cast down by a knight in shining gold.”
(Seventeen Types, Seventeen Questions: Normal Fire Water Grass Electric Flying Rock Ground Poison Bug Ice Fighting Psychic Ghost Steel Dark Dragon)
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