#Mag 98
curious-gnostic · 5 months
the fact that when melanie got the poisoned coffee she assumed elias likes it the same way as jon… his little AMUSED confirmation that she was right before he goes “ik youre attempting murder but nice try”
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MAG 98
I love how Melanie’s plan to assassinate Elias was so basic. Like girl, if he was able to counter god knows how many malevolent entities that probably are after him, did you really think one ibuprofen spiked coffee was going to do it ???
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foxdrawdoodles · 5 months
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More TMA season 3 doodles <3
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I'm relistening to MAG 98, and this guy 100% was racist towards Maxwell Rayner, and that's where his curse came from
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ethan-elliott · 1 month
(talking about Elias) “and I suggest that he not be a scary magic psychopath”
god I love you Tim
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lurkingindoorways · 7 months
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This is how that interaction went, right?
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
"I wish John kept better organised notes because I know he’s mentioned someone called Maxwell Rayner, but I cannot find much in the way of any info-"
I love that S1 starts us right off the bat with Jon criticizing Martin's work and then as soon as Martin starts recording statements in S3 he turns it right back around and accuses Jon of being disorganized. It doesn't even seem like intentional payback on Martin's part, they just have very different working styles and butt heads over it whenever they have to reference each other's research.
And I think that's absolutely delightful of them ♡
They are so different from each other to the point of even being at odds no small amount of the time and yet somehow they make it work and I love that for them
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itchyeye · 2 years
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Round One Part Seven - Match 59
"Tim worries that the Archives are evil" so true king. I worry about that every day. However, I am an Anatomy Students Truther through and through. Congrats on your medical degree and also transition Dr. Doe.
MAG 098 - Lights Out | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Doctor Algernon Moss regarding The Sandman.
MAG 182 - Wellbeing | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Notes on healing. Audio recorded by the Archivist, in situ.
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roguecanoe · 11 months
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Mag 98: Lights Out
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tiffanyachings · 1 year
e.t.a. hoffmann’s der sandmann??? in my magnus archives????
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portuguesedisaster · 2 years
Ei, fear of darkness. How are u?
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oaxleaf · 2 years
mag 98 - lights out
i will say i have very little patience for victorian old man bullshit. look, i appreciate all tma episodes, but it's quite late here and i could not care less about this guy's personal fueds. i actually really like the concept of the episode, but his is not a voice i particularly enjoy hearing it told through. i can do with flowery or formal or old-timey language, but these letter can just never quite captivate me in the same way some other episodes can
beyond that, i don't think i've got much else to say? like i said, it's pretty late here. we get martin interacting with both tim and melanie, which is nice. as always, him and melanie are a great duo. tim, meanwhile, also doesn't seem too antagonistic here, though i suppose that's mostly because he is in the throws of a deep depression here
elias is, as always, a smug, manipulative piece of shit
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chaoticpinetree · 2 years
Oh boy so I listened to a bunch of episodes today and OH GOD SO MUCH STUFF IS HAPPENINGGGG
Elias's whole thing that he did when Jon, Basira and Daisy were going to him and he knew Daisy wanted to kill him? Brilliant. Elias is such a bastard I cannot. He's just. He's an asshole, but one that's enjoyable to listen to, I might've said that already. But noooo Basira is trapped too now :C This was so dramatic though because like, I heard the others react and they all knew it was a bad idea, Jon's 'oh no' and Tim's 'don't do this' especially, just akjhgfdh *screams*
Anyway so apparently reading statements is affecting others too which is... Well. Worrying, but not surprising maybe? I kinda liked the scene when the tape recorder turned itself on and Martin berated The Eye for doing it, the whole 'not everything's for you!' thing except the tone of voice you'd use for a dog that keeps trying to eat things that it cannot eat lmao
The statements in episode 100 were just painful to listen to. One thing is that they might not be real, another is that even if they are, it just... Does not work. Jon's away, taken by The Stranger, and it does not work. At least I'm assuming that's what could've happened?
SPEAKING OF SO JON GOT HIMSELF KIDNAPPED HUH. THAT IS LESS THAN IDEAL. And. Uh. So. Oh god the skinning thing. But I mean I guess at least he wasn't tortured so that's something, but what's more important is that Michael? Helen is now Michael? The Spiral? The Distortion? Sucks to be Michael now, good for Jon tho because his 'queue of eldritch beings that want him dead' just got shorter and the one who was just about to kill him was the one who got swapped for someone who rescued him instead. So that's interesting. Anyway A MONTH. A fucking. Month. And Elias told NOBODY and then Jon's back and all Elias says is like 'oh! you know things out of nowhere, that's such a good sign! btw pls talk Melanie down from trying to kill me again, this time she's coming with a knife' like dude.
SO HUH JON UNDERSTOOD FRENCH OUT OF NOWHERE. Me: *sells myself to The Eye immediately because LANGUAGES* Listen guys sacrifices have to be made for Linguistics.
Anyway I am. Heh. Still enjoying everything of course.
WAIT ONE MORE THING ACTUALLy. *screams* Jon's "Am I still human?" there in 92 was just so... Gosh I cannot even. It was just so everything. Like a mixture of resigned and scared and for a damn good reason.
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
The tale of the Sandman described in this episode reminds me of the rather creepy 1991 animated film 'Sandman' by Paul Berry, presumably Jonny based it on the same/similar version as Berry did. I used to be told a nicer version of the story to put me to sleep when I was very young, so this statement has always stood out when listening as one of the creepiest.
Also Elias is so smug and patronising in the end of the episode, but the casual way he treats Melanie outright trying to murder him is sort of hilarious.
His whole "you drink it" bit sure was something
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itchyeye · 2 years
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god i love this. I LOVE THIS. obviously we know gertrude kept the archive in disarray on purpose, but i'm also sure that a good chunk of that was just that like. the archivist has no drive to catalog. the archivist needs to know, not to record or to sort or to label. jonah of course keeps his mementos, his trinkets, his tokens, and talismans. jonah hoards the letters sent to him by long dead paramours. jonah collects objects of power. jonah logs and records and researches. but the archivist just. feeds.
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