#Mafiaswap Mettablook
randomfandomasks · 4 years
Mafiaswap General Headcanons
I headcanon that Mafiaswap and Mafiafell are actually clones that were created by a Mafia Group. This Mafia group wanted to use the clones to defeat the Mafiatale Family, but instead they create the most friendly Mafia group, and the most dangerous Mafia group. The Mafiafell clones killed them.
This Mafia family is the friendliest Mafia Group that you'll ever meet.
While they are still a criminal Organization, and they do commit crimes.
They are the only Mafia Group that works very close together with the Police.
The Mafiaswap Family gives them information  about the other Mafia Groups, and the police close their eyes at their crimes.
This Mafia Family protects their protecting areas, even heavier than the Mafiatale Family. They are willing to give  a bodyguard to everyone who lives or works in those areas.
They are stealing from the rich, and give to the people in need. But they only steal from people that are greedy with their money. They steal their money and donate it for charitable foundations.
They also hack the charitable foundations to check if the donations get where they should go. If they do then they protect those foundations, and even donate themselves. But if they don´t, then they steal the money, and make sure that it does arrive where it should arrive. And they also make sure that the public knows that.
They do deal with Monster food, medicine, chemicals, and Monster drugs, but only weed, and only to those that really need them because of their medical conditions. ( Monster drugs, alcohol and Cigarettes work different than human drugs does. They are less harmful for their health.) But they do not deal with weapons or ammo since they do not really need them. No one in the family uses guns, most of them either use magic or knives. 
While they are very friendly, and do not like violence at all. Do not underestimate them if you hurt their family members you are going down. But it is rare for them to use violence usually their only threaten (or warn) someone. Killing or hurting others is their last option.
Lady Toriel is the boss of this Family. She and Asogre are not divorced here. They live happily together with their four children. (Asriel, Frisk, Chara and Monster Kid). While Lady Toriel is a very gentle and kind soul, she takes her job very serious, and she is very stern if someone is unnecessarily violent. She is also very hardworking, and she often overworks herself. Since she is so busy she often doesn´t have time to hang out with her family or friends, but once in a while she gives herself a few free days when she takes her time to hang out with her family, her friends and to bake a Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie. Usually she wears a black dress, she only wears her black, white suit at formal meetings with other Mafia Gangs/Families.
Asgore loves gardening he grows flowers, vegetables, herbs and weed...but he doesn´t smoke. He also helps Toriel with her paperwork and finances, so that she doesn´t overwork herself. Besides that he mostly takes care of his garden and the house. He hangs out with their children, he cooks, he cleans the house (sometimes together with one of his kids). His cooking is not as good as Toriels, but it is still good. But his tea, and his coffee are fantastic. He often brings Toriel lunch when she´s really busy. He is a great dad and husband.
Asriel is a real gentleman...gentlegoat...gentlemangoat. He is charming, friendly and very sweet. He is this kind of person that is too late for school or work, but he would still help an old grandma to cross the street or save a kitten from the tree. Every time he brings food, clothes, medicine and so on to the Orphanage, retirement home, hospitals and so on (together with either his siblings or Papyrus), every single time people are happy to see him. Especially the old people like him. He also helps his dad a lot.
Chara prefers to work in the back scene. They are helping with the food, and since they love drawing themselves they buy and donate pens, paper and so on. They are the one that help their dad the most, they help him with the garden (sometimes they steal some weed), cooking and cleaning the house. Sometimes they go together with Frisk or Papyrus to pick some supplies from Muffet or Grillby.
Frisk on the other is also more or less at the front line when it comes to help people. They are also the one that goes to a meeting together with Toriel. They are very diplomatic, and very strong with words. Since they are also slightly intimidating they often threaten people when it is needed. Also, they and MK are the ones that love training with Alphys. They also quicker to use violence than the others...especially if someone talks dirt about her adoptive family or her friends they do not hesitate to use violence, which is why they are not allowed to go anywhere alone. It is not because the family is worried about them, the family is actually more worried about the other Mafia families or other thugs. While they are very friendly they are also very protective of the people they love and care about. And they are very stoic which does makes a lot of people feel uneasy.They are also one of the reason why the other Mafia Groups are actually afraid of them, otherwise there would be probably a lot more random fights/wars between them and the other Mafias. 
MK (Monster Kid) is the youngest of them all. They are still a teenager and haven´t finished school yet. Toriel usually does not allow them to help the family in any way, but recently she let them go together with Asriel and Frisk. They are trying their best at school, and they actually want to go study chemistry or science because they are a big fan of Undyne.  Besides that they also enjoy training with Alphys, and playing with the kids at the Orphanage. 
Undyne is the scientist, and she makes the medicine and the chemicals. She also works together with Napstaton, they are the hackers that to a lot of work. Undyne loves her job, and she works a lot. She still takes a few breaks to watch Anime. 
Alphys works together with Papyrus, Napstaton, Sans and sometimes Asriel and/or Grillby joins them as bodyguards and the fighters. Technically they are more of the squad that intimidates other thugs. But they are also the ones that are protecting the ones that are getting threaten by other Mafia groups. But Alphys herself also trains new recruits (And Frisk and MK too). She also is often the that has to keep an eye on Frisk, and the one that protects Lady Toriel (and Frisk) at the meetings. She is very observant, and has quick reflexes. But she is also surprisingly kind, and she sometimes also helps Asriel to bring stuff to orphanages, the kids also love her. Although she is more of an Animal magnet.
Napstaton helps Undyne with the hacking jobs, is a bodyguard, a fighter, and he intimidates thugs. He does a lot of work, but he enjoys it. He also loves music, and makes his own. His music is very loved, and he also sells them. He has his own clubs where he plays his music, and sells it. He also organizes a lot of events like parties. Napstaton lives together with Mettablook.
Mettablook is a singer, and he sings at every club that belongs to Napstaton (and him). But he also collects information it is much easier for him being a ghost and a celebrity at once. 
Sans is the one that works together with the police. He is their working partner. He and his brother are the robbers, but they are very wholesome robbers. When they steal from the rich they only steal money, maybe some earrings or necklaces. It often depends on the person that they steal from, and how greedy this person is. Sans is very fast and not only in a fight.
Papyrus is very hardworking. He basically double-checks any information that they get from Mettablook, Napstaton and Undyne. Sometimes he doesn´t sleep for a few days. He and Sans also have to pick up a lot of things from Grillby and Muffet. He is also somewhat of a babysitter for the kids. Sometimes he makes sure that MK arrives safely at their school and back home, he often works together with Asriel and sometimes Frisk, and if he also is Chara bodyguard.
Gaster is not a scientist here. He is a driver (he basically switches with River person). But he is a damn good driver. Every time they either have to flew from their enemies or the police he is the strongest. He is more of an engineer and car mechanics. And the best thing is that he actually has the time now to hang out with his sons more.
Grillby and Muffet don´t really change much. Grillby does join them in a fight, and he goes on a few jobs with Sans and Papyrus. And Muffet does not poison people. 
And also the clothes change a bit more. I´d say that this family is way more casual they usually only wear their beautiful black, white suits at formal meetings.
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bigoltrashpile · 4 years
No, no, I like that song! And it fits MafiaSwap Napstablook (i think he's called Napstaton in swap versions). I'm highkey a total simp for him lmao [--Frost]
Yay, I’m glad you like it! :) And yeah, I know that they usually call him Napstaton, but I like keeping it as Napstablook just to keep things more clear, like how I still refer to swap Mettaton as Mettaton instead of Mettablook
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randomfandomasks · 4 years
Undertale Character list & AUS (Update)
I'll try to keep you guys update every time I add (or plan to add) a new AU or a new Character. And I'll also give nicknames to a few of them. A lot of the Characters do not have a nickname yet.
Here are the Characters & AUs that I write:
(Aged up) Frisk (Classic Frisk) 
Toriel (Classic Toriel, Classic Tori, goat mom)
Napstablook (Classic Napstablook)
Sans (Classic Sans or just Classic)
Papyrus  (Classic Papyrus)
Undyne (Classic Undyne)
Alphys (Classic Alphys)
Mettaton (Classic Mettaton, Metta)
Asgore (Classic Asgore)
Grillby  (Classic Grillby)
Muffet  (Classic Muffet)
(Aged up) Asriel (Classic Asriel) 
(Aged up) Chara (Classic Chara)
W.D Gaster  (Classic W.D Gaster)
(Aged up) Frisk 
Toriel (edgy goat mom, “evil” stepmother)
Napstablook (Dark ghosty)
Sans (Red)
Papyrus (Edge)
Undyne (Violence, Spear of torture)
Alphys (Mad doc)
Mettaton (killer robot)
Asgore (BlackTea)
Grillby  (flame)
Muffet (back widow)
(Aged up) Asriel 
(Ages up) Chara
W.D Gaster (Doctor Frankenstein)
(Aged up) Chara (swappy)
Asgore (goat dad)
Mettablook ( Happstablook)
Papyrus (stretch, carrot, orange, honey)
Sans (blue, blueberry, sonic)
Alphys (axe of justice)
Undyne (FishScience)
Napstaton (Napton)
Toriel (Queen)
(Aged up) Frisk 
(Aged up) Monster Kid  (God of hyperfun)
River Gaster (new added)
(Aged up) Chara 
Asgore (”evil” stepdad)
Mettablook (killer ghost)
Papyrus (smoker, smokey)
Sans (blackberry, raspberry)
Alphys (axe of death)
Undyne (evil sushi)
Toriel (”evil” queen)
(Aged up) Frisk 
(Aged up) Monster Kid 
Sans (Horror, Axe, Slasher)
Papyrus (Sugar, Willow )
(aged up) Frisk (shifty, pretty mirror)
Papyrus (prince Papyrus)
(aged up) Chara (Chocolate simp, the cool sibling)
(aged up) Asriel (the cute sibling, Rei)
Toriel (Mothers instincts)
Asgore (sciencegoat)
Undyne (artificial fishsticks)
Sans (King Sans, BONEsty (Majesty + Bone))
Fellswap Gold: 
Sans (Wine)
Papyrus (Coffee)
(Other Characters will be included soon)
Asgore (Don Asgore, Boss)
Toriel (Lady Toriel)
(aged up) Asriel (Snipergoat)
(aged up) Chara (hitman)
(aged up) Frisk 
Napstablook (Gambling snail, Spy)
Mettaton (MettalIic Charm)
Sans (gunslinger)
Papyrus (laughing gun)
Muffet (Tarantula)
Toriel (Lady Boss, Boss Toriel, Boss Lady)
Asgore (mafiadad)
(aged up) Asriel (gentlegoat)
(aged up) Chara 
(aged up) Frisk 
(aged up) Monster Kid (MK)
Sans (sonic gun)
Papyrus (bodyguard)
Mafiafell (new added):
Asgore (Godfather)
Toriel (Donna)
Asriel (Shotgun)
Chara (exterminator? cold eyes?) (I don´t really know, but I´m happy to hear your suggestions)
Frisk (little boss)
Sans (bruiser)
Papyrus (assault rifle or just rifle)
Undyne (due process)
Napstablook (acid, acid spitter)
Mettaton (lasergun)
Alphys (doc. poison)
Gaster (sulfur)
Grillby (pyre)
Muffet (genderbent) (Webber)
Burgerpants (Whiskers)
Shiftfell/Storyfell (new added)
Asriel (Black Star)
Chara (Cherry) (she/her)
Outertale:(new added)
Sans (comet)
Papyrus (pluto)
Gaster (lost star)
Grillby (Rainbow flame)
mics AUS (Aus that I only use a few Characters):
Storyswap (Chara, Asriel, Toriel, Asgore, Papyrus) 
Altertale (Sans, Toriel, Asgore,) 
Altered Destiny (Sans, Toriel, Asgore) 
Swapshift/History recast (Frisk, Monster Kid) 
X-tale: Sans (Cross), Chara (XChara) (new added)
ErrorSans (new added)
NightmareSans (new added)
AUs that will be added soon:
AUs/Characters that I'm currently interested in but haven't decided  if I want to add them yet: 
(maybe) Arsonfell (Frisk, and Sans only)
AUs that I won't include:
FreshSans (or Underfresh in general)
Ships that I do headcannons for:
Frisk x Chara. 
Frisk x Asriel, 
Frisk x Chara x Asriel (Poly) (they all are aged up)
Sans x Toriel, 
Sans x Grillby,
 Sans x Asgore 
Toriel x Asgore, (only in Undertale and Mafiaswap)
Papyrus x Mettaton 
Asgore x Gaster (only in Undertale)
Gaster x Grillby 
Grillby x Muffet
Undyne x Alphys
 Chara + Asriel 
(All of those Ships also work with x reader/ S/O)
Ships that I won't write for:
I don´t write for incest Ships so, no Sancest, Fontcest, Goatcest and so on
Any Ships with Monster Kid or Flowey
Frans  because I often see Sans as a father figure or big brother figure or as a dunkle.
Papara same reason as with Sans. I kinda see Papyrus (especially Underswap Papyrus) as father figure/brother figure.
Papyrus x Frisk
Sans x Chara
Altertale Toriel and Asgore because in this AU they are siblings.
Mafiaswap Sans and Mafiaswap Toriel because in this AU Toriel and Asgore are still married
Mafiaswap Papyrus and Mafiaswap Asgore the same reason as with Mafiaswap Soriel
Mafiaswap Charisk, Mafiaswap Frisk x Asriel, Mafiaswap Chara x Asriel, Mafiaswap Frisk x Asriel x Chara because they all grow up from a very young age together. (and because Mafiaswap is more of a platonic AU, which means that the only romantic ship between those Characters will be Mafiaswap Asgore x Mafiaswap Toriel)
Any Underfell,Fellswap Gold, Swapfell  and Horrortale ships because I think its unhealthy.
Storyshift Asriel x Chara because Chara looks a  lot older than Asriel.
If there’s an AU that you like that is not mentioned feel free to suggest it.
Also, before I forget I do not really have a limit, but keep in mind that the more Characters the longer I'll probably need for the ask (depends on the ask of course)
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