zoo-the-saint · 2 months
Started to do some reference sheets for Mel and I wanna do her different looks throughout the series! (I'll do Zoo too i swear-)
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(Also I'll post all when I'm done in a sort of master post!!)
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Forest spirits and natives (1)
Maero – The Fierce Bigfoot in New Zealand folklore
Maero are creatures that appear only in Maori mythology. This mythical creature is sometimes described as a type of wild man, such as the Yeti of the Himalayas or the Sasquatch of Native American lore.
In Māori tradition, the Maero are an iwi-atua or supernatural people from New Zealand. They are sometimes described as giants or wild men of the woods, and inhabit mountains and forest, particularly in the South Island and Tararua Range. Maero are characterised as wild, malevolent and often violent, carrying stone clubs as weapons. They are covered in dark body hair and have long, bony fingers with sharp fingernails. They kill and eat humans and other animals.
The Maero are said to harbour anger towards the Māori, who arrived from Hawaiki, and are thought to have displaced them and ruined the tapu (sacredness) of their homes, forcing them to dwell in inhospitable alpine regions.
There are several Māori tales that tell of encounters between the Maero and the Māori. Still, the most bizarre tale regarding the Maero is that of Tukoio who succeeds in killing one of these creatures.
Tukoio cut of the Maero’s arms, legs and head. He took the head home, perhaps as a trophy. The head was still alive, however, and was calling for help. Tukoio, who did not wish to fight a whole group of Maero on his own, dropped the head, and went to get reinforcements. When he came back, the head was gone, and it is said that the Maero reassembled itself, and returned to the forest. In most stories, the Maero are not known to possess supernatural powers such as this.
Unlike the Yeti and the Sasquatch, however, there are no alleged sightings of this creature, the folklore of the severed head staying alive rings a bell. There was a tale of Bran the Blessed, a giant and king of Britain in Welsh mythology who ordered his fellows to cut off his head and bring it back to London. As I recall, the head survived for nearly 80 years.
If you follow myths and legends from around the world, both East and West, you will find many similar legends. Moreover, many have been rewritten by religion and power struggles. Above all, there is not a single person in the world who actually knows the past.
In fact, thousands or hundreds of millions of years ago on Earth (the Universe), there must have been unimaginable creatures and various phenomena taking place. George Lucas and Philip K. Dick may have communicated with beings from the past in their dreams.
Who knows?
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森の精霊たちと原住民 (1)
マエロ 〜ニュージーランドの伝説、怖いビッグフ���ト
マオリ族の伝統では、マエロはニュージーランドのイウィ・アトゥア (超自然的な人々) である。マエロは野性的で悪意があり、しばしば凶暴で、武器として石の棍棒を持っているとされる。彼らは黒い体毛に覆われ、骨ばった長い指と鋭い爪を持っている。人間や他の動物を殺し、食べる。
マエロは、ハワイキからやってきたマオリ族に怒りを抱いていると言われ、マオリ族を追い出し、彼らの家のタプ(神聖さ) を台無しにして、人を寄せ付けない高山地帯に住むことを強いたと考えられている。
実は、数千、数億年前の地球 (宇宙) では、わたしたちの想像を絶する生き物が存在し、色々な現象が起こっていたに違いない。ジョージ・ルーカスやフィリップ・K・ディックは、夢の中で過去の存在と交信していたのかも…。
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whoredmode · 1 year
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i’ve been replaying RE4 for like the millionth time and it reminded me of that zombie AU that i come back to every so often. wanted to do some more concepts for it.
the year is meant to be 2006, with the main gangs in stilwater still being the ones in sr1, but i still want characters from sr2 to make an appearance just to add more drama to the mix. so just imagine the time period is some combination of both those games. the plot is basically that during a gang fight, anteros gets shot critically and falls into a coma. he wakes up a few months later to the world having gone to shit. he initially meets with lin (who was undercover at the time and for now is just kinda stuck with the rollerz) and donnie who fill him in on what happened. after they get him situated, anteros ventures off on his own to find the saints. he heads to the police station first to see if there’s still weapons in the armory—where he encounters troy. after things went bad, troy was pulled out of his undercover case and forced back to the station, but things got so bad everyone else abandoned the place. troy’s just been holed up in there since. after some back and forth and some apologies from troy, the two head out to find others, eventually finding johnny and aisha. after some convincing, the four team up and continue on their quest to get the saints back. and just survive somehow.
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🪦 “that 𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝒥𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒾𝒸𝒶 got what 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒𝒹.” 🪦
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crimescrimson · 9 months
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The Brutal Rampage of The Boss in Saints Row 2: The Proportionate Response to Carlos' Death [The Brotherhood]
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nemobeatrice · 2 months
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I realized how weird it is for J Doe to be here because he looks goofy, so check under cut if you want to see him.
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kikidewynter · 1 year
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sr2 faction leaders chat
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classicsinga · 1 year
Johnny doesn’t take Maero’s disrespect.
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cuti3pie4u · 2 years
This has been on my mind while re-playing saints row 2.
1. How in the world did no one in the Saints recognize that there was a undercover cop in the gang?
2. Why did dex wait until you tried to go after him on saints row 2 to use the masako team on you ? Instead of sending them after you to take you out after you came back and started rebuilding?
3.Maero was a bit of a idiot to think the saints weren’t going to attack him for offering 20% to his 80%
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sidoyaboi · 5 months
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Wow maero good job, bros not that good with sheep istg smh…
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zoo-the-saint · 11 months
Drew an evil!Mel inspired by an rp I'm doing with @masschase 😊💙
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dxwnfxll · 7 months
HIII it me again(I’ve been really hyper fixated on saints row and them being dads😭)I was wondering if you could do a platonic relationship with Troy Shogo Maero Johnny with a child!reader that’s like a totally a daddy’s girl just looks up to them so much and and follow them everywhere and how would they feel about it 🥹🫶(you don’t have to get it done right way take your time and take care of you self❤️❤️and get more sleep!!)
Omgg super sorry I never got to this but yeah!!
These will all probably be that child!reader is related to them just fyi!
••Saints row dad's••
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It had always been just you and your dad since you could remember, he was a police officer and as you heard many of his colleagues say 'a damn good one'
You always looked up to him wanting to walk in his very footsteps, but..
Troy wasn't so keen on that idea, the cop had seen how evil Stillwater could be. He'd watch many of his own men die and even criminals he had gotten attached to.
He put his foot down a lot on you being a cop but you always persisted, he couldn't get mad at you wanting to be like him though.
You were his little girl always right at his hip and making a fuss when you couldn't be there.
He'd always read you to bed and ruffle your hair, he enjoyed taking you to school before he had to go back to the Saints.
He framed your drawings, let you do makeup on him and he cried once he finally saw you grew up
Once he sat in a crowd watching as you graduated police academy, even though you wore the uniform you always still looked like the little girl with messy pigtails and skinned knees to him.
He'll always be proud of you
You were conceived from one of his ex's, the only reason at the time he kept you was because of his father.
'Take some responsibility!' His father would yell while he bounced you, at that moment he thought he'd hate this and hate you eventually
But one day he saw you take your first steps towards him and he was so..proud.
Ever since then you were a spoiled princess, anything you wanted you got!
He has his own parental issues and tries his hardest to not be like his own father but sometimes it happens
Even then though you still love him and still looked up to him with those big [e/c] eyes of yours
He'd always be doing 'work' while you sat in the same room either playing with blocks or your other various toys
He couldn't ever go anywhere without you, not cause he couldn't stand it but because you'd attach yourself to his leg and beg to come with
You never did find out where he went
You were such a small thing compared to him, this tough ass dude was scared to hold you for the first time.
He had you with a ex he's still friends with, the two of them sharing custody. But you always seemed to like him more
Your first word was 'dada', your first steps were at his place and you always bugged him whenever you could
He was extremely protective of you, if someone even made you cry that person would never be seen again (unless you count the news)
He wasn't the best dad though, he did a lot of messed up shit and he didn't even try to hide it from you.
Always stating it was some 'family business' type thing, that one day you'd be just like him
Also y'know that meme with Peter holding a shot gun going 'i'm just gonna talk to him' yeah that's him if you ever even get a crush on another person
Yeah he's one of those dads def sorry LOL
He's almost always carrying you around too and if anyone looks at him funny he sends a nasty glare
He cares a lot about you, you were the last thought in his head after he died
Johnny is honestly probably the second best dad in the list (not including extra), he did his research before you came in the world
Obviously you're his and Aishas lil girl, and Aisha almost had to get up and fight him to finally hold you. He just didn't wanna let you go
It was sad that he got locked up soon after your third birthday, but he always wrote you letters and coloring pages he colored sometimes drawings
Once he got out you were the first person he hugged, you were playing in the yard when he pulled up
He calls you various nicknames Tater tot, Baby doll, trouble maker, thing one, and cheeseball
He takes you with him (much to Aisha's disapproval), don't worry though he only takes you on safe jobs
You'll be in your car seat as the boss jumps in 'hey johnny the fu-' instant head smack 'hey there's a damn kid in the back seat'
He's got the spirit at least
You follow him around everywhere even once you get older and your dad is famous
And of course Johnny would burn the world to protect you especially after what happened to Aisha
Of course once Carlos joined the Saints you also technically joined
He'd call you 'lil Duck' because you'd always be following him around like one
He'd mess your hair up or put his beenie on you, and laugh as the beenie was too big and would fall over your eyes
He was a great dad, he tried his best to shield you away from all the bad stuff but he was a single father and there was little he could do
He'd be one of those dads that would let you sleep in his bed if you had a nightmare
And he'd always hold your hand whenever y'all were in public
Of course you looked up to your dad while having little knowledge in what he actually did
You still wear his beenie even as an adult
Donnie was a scared for life dad, instant panic as soon as you were placed in his arms
He thought he'd be an awful dad and that you'd hate him but the complete opposite happened
Sure he made a few mistakes here and there but you never hated him, you always followed him around and stayed in his shop when you weren't at school
Hell you even tried to go against the damn boss of the saints themselves after they busted into his mechanic shop and started wailing on the poor guy
To which Donnie immediately spilled everything fearing they'd hurt you (they wouldn't)
You'd always beg him to play princess with you or to do his makeup
He isn't that terrifying or strong as Johnny or Maero but he'd do everything in his power to protect you
You're his only hope in life at the moment < 3
Sorry if these seemed rushed or not what you requested i'll be happy to redo them and i'll try to get any other requests done
Hope you enjoyed!
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whoredmode · 1 year
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maero and jessica lineups i did earlier bc i’m in the middle of replaying the brotherhood missions. i’ll probably share them again with a larger set of lineups later, but for now, here they are on their own
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guys-moments · 2 years
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crimescrimson · 9 months
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The Brutal Rampage of The Boss in Saints Row 2: Death Of Jessica | Mutilation of Matt | Stabbing of Maero | Death Of Maero | The Ronin Massacre on Misty Lane | Death Of Jyunichi | Death Of Mr Akuji | Death Of Dane Vogel | Death Of Julius Little
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vinkumakkara · 2 months
when you get to the sr2 epilogue there's something fun about how Boss is once again so completely clueless about the politics going on behind the curtains, just like back in 2006. head empty. dont give a shit
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