#Madrid player losing her mind
wososhine · 1 year
ooh I wouldn’t want to mess with ale 👀
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barcaatthemoon · 1 month
stargirl || bruna vilamala x reader ||
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bruna is always the first person to rush to your corner when someone else doubts or challenges you.
"what the hell are you talking about? this is a huge deal, (y/n) is one of the best midfielders in the game. one way or another, she was coming to spain to play. it's better that she's on our team than someone else's. do you know how screwed we'd be if she played for madrid?" bruna waved her arms around wildly as she explained to some of the b-team girls how important it was that you had just signed with barcelona.
it was no secret to the world that bruna was a fan of yours. what they didn't know was the fact that you'd begun dating after facing off against each other in the champion's league. bruna had been benched that game, but she had been able to watch in awe as you nearly secured your former team the victory. it was after that game that barcelona management began to speak with you about a transfer.
"you'd think (y/n) put the stars in the sky from the way everyone constantly fawns over her." bruna's fists clenched at the other girl's words. it was hard keeping your relationship a secret, but you had insisted that you wanted to make a name for yourself at practice first. you didn't want to be seen as just 'bruna's girlfriend' even if bruna insisted that nobody would see you that way. in her eyes, she'd suddenly just become '(y/n)'s girlfriend' a title that she was more than happy to wear like a badge of honor.
"whatever, let's just focus on practicing," patri said as she guided bruna away. "you need to relax, (y/n) can defend herself. she's a big girl bruna. if she feels the need to prove herself, she will."
"right, right," bruna agreed. it was hard, but bruna kept her mouth shut whenever she heard anybody mention you. at first, the comments had all been skeptical, but you were quickly proving your new teammates wrong. you were an absolute workhorse in the midfield, able to go forward or pull back on a dime.
the comments began to die down in the weeks of your preseason practices, only to be replaced with glares. you had only just arrived at barcelona, and you were already headed straight for the starting xi. some of them had come up with the feeling that they would finally get their a-team starts, but you had quickly squashed those dreams. and once the projected roster for the season was released, bruna stopped trying to pretend that she wasn't madly in love with you.
every minute she was on the bench was spent staring at you. some of the girls tried teasing her about the way that she was sickening in love with you, but bruna couldn't argue with them. you were her girlfriend, and she loved you more than she loved anybody. that also meant that she was incredibly protective over you, and was absolutely losing her mind over this game.
el classico matches were already intense, but it was like these players were personally offended that you rejected their team's offer to play there. everybody on the benched winced as you were trucked through by a player. the ref had been looking away for quite a few of these hits, but this time, you didn't even have the ball so there was no excuse not to issue a card.
"(y/n) is coming off," ingrid said as she nudged bruna. the young spaniard had been trying to calm herself down, but it wasn't until ingrid's words that she was able to breathe calmly. you were limping, but it wasn't anything that the trainers had to be called in for.
"are you okay?" bruna asked as she stood to help you over. you nodded as you grabbed what was definitely her water bottle for a drink. you handed it back to her and started to walk over to the empty seat on the other side of the bench. "wait!"
"bruna, there's no room over here," you told her. bruna huffed as she looked to see both seats next to her full.
"um, it's fine, you can sit on my lap," bruna offered. you normally would have just sat by the other girls, but bruna seemed tense. you knew that it was hard for her to watch you get pushed around in any capacity, so you settled down on her lap.
bruna's arms wrapped around your waist to hold you securely in place as her forehead pressed against your shoulder. she didn't say anything to you as she just drank in the comfort of having you so close. you weren't hurt or upset about the game, and that was what mattered to bruna. you were the light of her life, and she wanted you to shine brightly at all times.
"were we ever this bad?" mapi asked as she leaned in towards ingrid.
"you still are," alexia answered. "they're cute though, really cute. it's also much more innocent than you have the capacity to be with them, puppy love."
"ingrid and i had a puppy love phase," mapi tried to argue. "you're just old and bitter."
you smiled as you listened to mapi try to argue with alexia. ingrid stayed out of it, instead choosing to focus on the game. bruna was finally starting to lift her head to watch the ending of the game. barcelona was up by quite a few points, and it would have taken a miracle for real madrid to tie it up. however, the universe seemed to be in your favor, and barcelona won the game by a landslide. you were already pretty happy with the day when it was announced on the bus that you were deemed woman of the match for your efforts.
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Love and War (Lucy Bronze x Ona Battle x Reader)
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Warning: Swearing, Angst, Fluff and Smut
Request: "PLEASE can we have a threesome with one batlle and lucy MF BRONZE. please omg I'm so done bad. Like poly relationship and shit "
Your heart was racing, you were running to the craized cheers of the Madrid faithful and jumped into the crowd. You let emotion take over you and celebrate. Kids, Men and Women all hearing your name as your found yourself being carried out and dog piddled by your teammates. Them praising you
"Unbelievable scenes here. 2-0 to Barcelona at halftime only for the super sub F/N L/N to score the Hat Trick and snap the unbeaten streak of Barcelona Femeni. The Barcelona players cleary upset with the loss but we can't underrate the fire that L/N and the Madrid gave in the second half.
As you stood up alongside Oroz who gave you a peck in the top of your head as you went to shake hands with your rivals, you saw Alexia walk up to you "Good game, we will make you pay next time" She ruffled your hair. She clearly was upset with the lost but you two had a good friendship going since you got together with Ona and Lucy. Speaking of which you see Lucy sitting on the ball as Ona talked to her clearly mad about the defeat. You approached the duo, you loved them but come on. You were gonna rub this in thier face later. You squat down next to them "Hey good game girls, you were tough as always" you say trying to lighten the mood. Ona looked at you with a concerned smile as Lucy kept her head down. "See you at home L/N" that's not good. She got up and walked off. "Get home safe amor" Ona said quietly before chasing Lucy.
You knew Lucy hated losing. The fact she called you by your last name hurt and pissed you off. She has beaten you before and you never reacted like that even if you mad as hell. You shook you head before walking towards Mapi Leon and embraced your long time frienemy.
Lucy was fuming, She lost, She was the last line of defence and still let the ball passed her. Lost at the Camp nou, Lost to Real Fucking Madrid. Of the teams that could of beat them it was them!. They Lost because of you!. The image if your face flashed in her mind as she made her way back to the locker room. Your beautiful face. She loved waking up to it in the morning and falling a sleeping staring into your eyes. But she can't help but want to punch you right now. She wouldn't but it was how she felt.
Ona was worried. Lucy was silent with a noticeable scowl on her face. The last time Lucy lost a game was the World Cup final and she didn't treat Ona like this. In fact the roles of you and Ona were swapped, Yours and Lucy's team lost and you didn't treat Ona like this, well she thought. She didnt know why this lost hurt lucy more then the finals. Sure Ona was fustrated but thats the game and all three of you were in a relationship you would think Lucy wouldnt be mad that her partner won a match. She'walked besides her as they entered the locker room hoping she cooled down.....
Much later that night back at Lucy's house, Lucy was still in the same mood. Ona had watched her pace back and forth. Ona was waiting for you to arrive as you promised the girls you have one or two drinks to celebrate. "Lucy, my love but please sit down, it's annoying when you pacing back and forth" Lucy with her hand on her hips sighed before sitting down on the couch. "Where are they?" Lucy said cleary irritated. "They should be-"
*Door key noises*
The duo turned to the door to see the handle pushed down and open to reveal you still in your Madrid top and for you to see them still in thiers. "Hola my lovlies" you say before shutting the door and making your way to Lucy and got ready to sit next to her. You though wrong as you went to sit down "Don't touch me" She got up with a annoyed face, as you stopped on the couch with one knee on it and standing with the other leg "Excuse me?"
"You heard me L/N" She said crossing her arms at you. You gave her a suprised lock before glaring. Again with the last name "What is your problem Bronze" Her annoyed face shifted as you said her last name. "You are my problem, you don't talk to us for 3 days and then come up to us and act like nothing is wrong?" You gave her a raised eyebrow "You do realise we are involved in the of the biggest rivalries in history right? We did the same thing last time aswell. We cut contact so we could focus. So I will ask again" You step infront of Lucy. You staring into her soul "What. Is. Your. Problem........Bronze" You said in a tone neither of the girls have heard before. Lucy kept a straight face but didnt want to admit her bitterness. Ona would stand in between as soon as you mention her last name again and feeling the tension "Ok OK that's enough. We all had a tiring day. Let's relax and getting some rest" She said trying to defuse the situation. You backed up as Ona turned to Lucy "Calm down ok?" She would ask the Lioness.
"Oh of course you would bloody check on her first" You threw you hands in the air as you turned and walked to the kitchen. This time it was Ona and Lucy's turned to have confused faces. The duo followed you "What do you mean by that?" Ona would say. "Oh come on, anytime something happens that involves me and Lucy, you go to her first and treat me like an after thought." Ona looked at Lucy before back at you. Lucy was trying to recount these supposed events you mentioned. "I love both of you Y/N, equally. I always try to get to both of you when some-"
You lifted a middle finger that caught both of them off, even Lucy eyebrows raised "One. When yours truly was kicked in the by Caldentey and was semi conscious, you two were two busy protesting rather to check on me." The duo looked down, that was at the start of the relationship and it was something they regretted and hoped that it didn't hurt you but you broke that hope. "Nope you were too busy trying to convince the ref it wasn't a foul"
You held up your index finger giving them the classic two fingers. "Two. Last week when you beat my team, did either of you come up to me and say anything or shake my hand" Ona sighed and Lucy was uncomfortable "Nope, you both celebrate shook a few hands and went out to celebrate. Ignoring my texts and calls and left me alone outside until I had to walk home an sleep worrying that you two didn't get home safe" Ona was now scratching her arm, she knew that the action of that would send you paranoid and she didn't want you to think like that. It was for that reason she gave you keys to her and Lucy's house. Lucy had her hands in her pockets, she felt horrible because she would always insist that you call or text her if you needed anything and the one time you did, she wasn't there. Feeling the remorse she approached you"F/N. I'm so so-"
"Three" you cut her off as you held up a third finger and taking a swig of the beer you had opened when you entered the kitchen. Your attention fully on Ona"Back in Australia. When we lost. When me and Lucy were down. Who did you go to?"
"Lucy" She said quietly, you nodded "of course I'm not saying Lucy didn't need the comfort but when did you come to me?" You said in a innocent voice. Guilt and a sick feeling built up in her gut.
"I didn't" You smiled " Thank you." You then looked at Lucy before taking a swig if beer "And you, you said you would be there for me" You slowly step towards her "I can forgive being excited about a win and getting caught up in the fun or getting caught up in the heat of the game." You said your voice now in a tone that could be described as you are regretting your actions and even though I am pissed, I'm loving it. You stepped again "When my world was shattered and I felt like shit feeling the world watch me cry. And countless teammates and Spaniards were trying to comfort me and I saw my two girlfriends smiling at each other." You stood nose to nose with Lucy. Who calm demeanor showed signs of breaking "When we stood shoulder to shoulder and watch Ona lift the cup. What did you say" Lucy felt nauseous, one of the biggest regres in her life was what she said to you. Ona was uncomfortable and scared at the thought of whag Lucy did "What"
Lucy breathed in "I said"
"We would of won if Keira was on the pitch instead of you"
Ona jaw hung low at the confession. Lucy's tried to remain calm shook her head cleary disgusted with letting her anger get the best of you. You put your drink down.
"And you are telling me, That even though I can handle all that shit that has happened. That you can't handle one fucking loss to me?" Lucy looked ashamed before you looked towards Ona who looked at Lucy with shook before locking eyes with you. "Do you think I'm in the wrong for being pissed off" She looked down and shook her head.
You walked past the duo and headed out of the Kitchen but stopped "Anyone else would leave you two if they were me you know" the two looked at you with worry "But I love you two so much that, that if I did leave. It would hurt more then the 3 reasons I just stated, combined.
You headed to the bedroom Leaving the duo, you felt light headed. Was that the right thing to say. You let months of anger out on them even if you felt justified you still didn't like to see them hurt, you took off your trousers and threw them across the room then proceeded to look for a pair of shirts to put so you could sleep. You found a old pair of England shorts and put them on before going to bed, hoping the next day wouldn't be as bad. You layed battling the emotions that were making you tired, You expressed your feelings but it left a worrying thought that you may have hurt your partners deeply with you words and attitude.
Lucy felt Ona's eyes burning into her head. Not only did Ona have to listen to someone she loves became angry and hurt, a side of you she or Lucy have never seen before but she finds out what Lucy said to you. Lucy felt sick ever since she said that, as soon as those words left her mouth she wanted to apologise and hold you close but was Stubborn. In her anger and looking for someone to blame, you were the closest and the reason at the time. She knew that you were scared of replacing Keira not on the pitch as a partner. You worried about living up to Lucy's standards after she been in a long relationship with your teammate. Her knowing this she decided to use it as ammo in the moment and hit the target. She felt a growing sense of regret for her words and actions. She knew she had taken her anger out on you unfairly then and now. Her stubbornness in the heat of the moment had caused unnecessary pain. The thought of you leaving them had struck her hard and it was a wake up call to revaluate her behaviour.
Ona, who was caught in the middle of the fight, couldn't ignore the rift that had developed between you and Lucy. She loved both of you deeply and wanted nothing more than to see harmony in your relationship. The fact that you had revealed your hurt and frustration was both eye opening and heart breaking for her. She realized that she needed to step up her game in terms of being there for you. She loved you deeply and she couldn't bear to see you hurt, especially when it was because of her negligence. She knew she had to make an effort to be more attentive and supportive in the future.
Lucy sat down in the living room couch, leaning forward with her hands together. Ona was sat next to her resting her head on Lucy shoulder. "I'm such a fucking idiot" Lucy said in a broken voice "Out of all the things I should have said. I said that." Lucy spoke with great disappointment in herself, She felt Ona rub her arm "And tonight i hurt them again" She buried face in her hands. "You are right, we should of been there more. We should of been celebrating now, but we ruin F/N's moment with this Lucia" Ona said in a ashamed voice as Lucy began fight back emotions. "What if they want to leave? I don't know how i can fix this." Ona now sat up and hugged the Lionesses side.
"Listen to me, Y/N loves us deeply. They have shown that countless times. I don't think they want to leave. Like they said leaving us would hurt them more then anything." Ona cupped Lucy cheeks "Lucia, F/N is strong, but they are a human and humans can only take so much before snapping. We just need to be there for F/N when they are ready" Lucy looked into the women's eyes "Maybe its because there are three of us in a relationship, It means more commitment and love from each other. We expect more from each other. We should be supportive, especially when one of us succeeds, just as we comfort each other in defeat." Lucy held back her tears hearing Ona speak like this made her captivated before closing the distance and kissing Ona, who responded back before pulling apart and resting each others head against each other.
Lucy sighed "You're right, Ona. I need to apologize to Y/N and make things right." Ona smiled "We, We need to apologise" Lucy gave a sad smile. "We need to let Y/N know that we love them and we're here to support and understand each other, no matter what Lucia."
You open your eyes slowly feeling something run through your hair and something playing with your hand. As the blurring vision cleared you saw Ona laying next to you playing with you hand "Morning amor" You looked up to see Lucy playing with your hair "Hey sleepyhead" You felt so happy that your girls were still there but still felt sad you may have hurt them "How was your sleep?" Ona asked kissing your hand, you glance at the window. Still dark must be early in the morning"Honestly, Nice" You gave a blunt response making the duo know you were still hurt. You felt Lucy move beside you and cupped your cheeks "Y/N," she said, her voice filled with sincerity and remorse, "I'm so sorry for what I said and how I acted last night. It was unfair, and it was a terrible way to treat you after winning the game. And for what i said at the World Cup that was sick of me to say. Please forgive me. I love you, and I never want to hurt you like that again." For the first time you saw Lucy looking like a lost puppy. She looked distraught after speaking and was waiting for a reply from you.
You felt a hand on your shoulder "Y/N," Ona began, "I apologize as well for not being there when you needed me. You're right, I should have checked on you during the World Cup. I promise to be more attentive in the future." You heard the honesty in her voice. She said it with clear passion in her voice. You looked back at Lucy who looked like she was going to cry a storm. It was clear the aftermath of last night was a wake up call to the girls. Your heart ached with a mix of emotions as you couldn't bear it anymore. You one arm each of Lucy and Ona pulling them into embrace, Ona gladly accepting, Lucy accepting and holding you in a tight grip. "I love you two." You felt Lucy soften" And I forgive you" Lucy started to slowly cry into you shoulder as Ona rubbed her back and you place a hand on the back of your head. It felt like hours you guys sat there just holding one another.
As the embrace broke. Lucy wiped her eyes as you pushed the strands of her hair out of her face, You loved it when her hair was down. Ona rested her head on your shoulder. You noticed both still had there Barca shirts on. They clearly didn't change. "Y/N, you were absolutely incredible last night," Lucy beamed, her eyes filled with admiration. "I've never seen someone turn a game around like that. You're amazing." You smiled sheepishly as Ona chimed in "Yes, you were the hero of El Classico. You made us so proud amor. You couldn't help but blush at their compliments, feeling their love and support wash over you. It was moments like these that reminded you why you cherished your relationship with them so much.
You felt Lucy's fingers graze your your thigh, giving you slight shivers. Her eyes turned evil. "But i must say" She leaned in pecking you jaw line before whispering "You may be wearing a Madrid top but you are Barca property" She said as she started to peck you neck. You felt a shiver shoot up your spine. Lucy knew how to make you submit to her advances. You tried to respond but her pecks made you stammer Ona couldn't help but chuckle at the exchange. She knew how much Lucy's teasing affected you, and she enjoyed the playful banter between the two of you. She leaned in and whispered, "Lucy's right, you did look stunning in that jersey. But don't forget who owns you. okay?" Ona then decided you attack the over side of your neck sending you into euphoria. You breath was caught in your throat as the two made break as you gave a audible moan. Lucy smirked but notice Ona.
The Lionesses grip the back of Ona hair and pulled her away from you "Did i say to do that?" You bit your lip as your favourite side of Lucy came up. Ona whilst Lucy was holding her hair gave Lucy a smirk that screamed brat. You then felt Lucy grip your jaw and aggressively kiss you and you responded lucy didn't even have to try you let her tongue overpower you within seconds. You faintly hear Ona chuckle before Lucy stopped and let go of Ona and pushed you onto bed like a Lion finding its prey and used her teeth to mark you. The intensity made you gasp with pleasure as a wetness form between your legs. As you let Lucy clam your neck Ona layed next to you, She loved to Lucy make you hers. She was like a hyena, she would try and try to have a bite of Lucy's food and pick off the left overs.
"Papi" You moaned as Lucy responded by licking your neck and gripping you jaw making her stare at you "Say it pup" she growled you as you feel her hand roam under your shirt
"Say it"
*Smut Incoming*
"Fuck me Papi" you said in a submissive voice as Lucy's smirked with fire in her eyes.. She lifted your Madrid top over you head and held it against you wrists and held your wrists with one hand above your head. You couldn't see clearly through the sheet and excitement ran throughout your body. You loved being Lucy's plaything. You heard lips smacking, knowing Lucy she is marking Ona's neck. "Do it brat" You heard Lucy say calling Ona a brat. But all of a sudden you feel a wet sensation on your left nipple making you gasp and arch up. you legs rubbing against each other as you moaned. "Good Girl" you hear Lucy say through your moans. You couldn't concentrate feeling Ona tongue flick and make circle around your nipple as you felt her leg wrap around one of yours and feeling another body most likely Lucy layed on your right side holding you down copying Ona. You then screamed with pleasure feeling Lucy's mouth on your right nipple, licking and sucking like an animal.
These girls were sending you into a moaning mess, you were tortured by your girlfriends for what felt like hours. To be honest you didn't care you loved this feeling of being controlled by two Barcelona girls. You felt Lucy leave your nipple as you felt Ona roughly pulled off you. You shirt was pulled down you see Lucy smirking holding Ona by the back of her head, holding her head between your legs. "Time to eat brat" Lucy said to Ona before pushing her head down on you. Making you moan, feeling Ona's mouth, her licks, her kisses, treating you like a meal that has even kept from her all month. Lucy laugh would send electricity through you. Lucy push Ona harder and Ona pulled your legs towards her, showing she needed your taste on her tongue. You felt the texture of her tongue run up and down you as she chuckle. Starting to feel you body. "Papi" you said looking at Lucy, She smirked at you knowing you were close. "Yes Pup?" You shiver as she traces her fingers down your waist. "I i I go- ugh gonna cum" She smiled devious "Not yet pup, not till Papi says. You start to squirm with pleasure and excitement, hearing the slurps and licks from Ona makes you feel more alive.
"Say the magic word puppy" You bit your tongue and shook your head "N-no never" She gripped your jaw making you more close "Say it now" she growled. You couldn't, you can't break your loyalty. "If you don't say it" She gripped harder. But you felt it coming in the moment you said the words that Lucy didn't want you to say. As you the orgasm take over you arched up and during released said
Dazed from the amazing orgasm, you couldn't see Lucy's furious face. How dare you say that in her house. Ona's was chuckling as she licked up every essence of yours. "You fucking pathetic bitch" you knew you fucked up but you didn't care you would never pledge love towards Barcelona. "BRAT!" Ona looked up deeply breathing "Hold them" Lucy said in a tone you both understood well. You gulped as Ona pounced on you, pulling you on her and wrapping her arms and around you. "You shouldn't have said that my pet" She said before placing her lips on yours and staring to make out with you. You both battle trying to over come.
"Fucking dumb bitch" You hear before a overwhelming force entered you, you eyes bulging and you screamed into Ona's mouth. You felt you hair pulled as Lucy made you look up into her eyes "You are going to pay for saying that word in my house, you pathetic galáctico" She said before thrusting again. Making you shake on her strap. You couldn't help but love when Lucy brought your team rivalry in it, it made things spicier.
You couldn't to jolt everytime you felt Lucy pound into you, the sounds of slapping skin, Ona licking your nipples in a teasing matter. You hear Lucy groan and grunt as she found a rhythm. You knew she had a vibrator behind her strap. You feel her push your head down and without hesitation you start to make out with Ona. You moan and scream as you are being pounded into a weakened state. You feel Lucy body weight onto you making you stop kissing and gasp more as she picks speed "Who do you belong to" Lucy said as you feel her hot breathe on the back of your neck. "Who do you belong Pet" Ona said in a seductive tone. "Y-ah ah uh Y-"
"Wrong answer pet" You feel Ona bite the right side of your neck and start to mark. Lucy now growling in you ear as she thrusted harder and place her hand of the back of Ona's head and pulled her into your neck"Who do you belong too puppy" she slowly liked your ear before biting town on your left side neck and Ona holding Lucy's head
"AHHH MY OWN-ERS I BELONG TO YOU, I BELONG TO YOU" You repeat and repeat you couldn't take it, you squirmed as you release at the same time as does, making her bite down enough to draw blood. You collapsed as Ona and Lucy continue to mark your neck for another minute. You don't move you just let it happen. The two girls making sure you and others who see your neck, that you are property of Lucia Roberta Tough Bronze and Ona Batlle Pascual.
Lucy sighs and falls off you as you then fall off Ona. As you lay there mind broken, you glanced to the side, seeing Ona wasting no time as she climbed on a spent Lucy and began to ride her. You stared at the two girls you loved, you couldn't imagine not having them in your life. It was heaven. Lucy now regaining her composure started to move ger hands up and down Ona and thrusting upwards. You slowly scooted towards Lucy and draped your arm across her chest. She looked at you. "You did good puppy, stay by my side and rest" She pecked your head as you slowly fell into slumber letting the two others finish.
*Smut End*
You woke up groggily. You felt arms around you, you opened your eyes to see Lucy sleeping in front of you. you felt arms behind you, you knowing it was Ona spooning you. Thought still all naked, the covers were dropped over all three of you. This is what you needed, what you always looked forward too. Being sandwiched by the two most important and beautiful beings in the universe.
You feel back asleep, knowing you were protected in the arms of Ona Batlle and Lucy Bronze
The end
Holy shit, my first smut. I hoped it worked if not I apologise. I don't write smut so let me know how I did,it would REALLY help me knownif I did a good one or not .
How was the story too? What about Keira insult from bronze? Bringing the team rivalry into the dynamic.
Let me knownif you guys want more Ona and Lucy
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pdriesta · 3 days
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“i want something that i know is real”
pairings — judexblack!girl
genres — fluff, slow burn, workplace romance (she’s a pt)
warnings — sexual themes (minors dni)
word count — 6.3k
summary — y/n, a rising physiotherapist, has just been promoted to work with real madrid's men's team. after a difficult breakup, she's determined to keep things professional. but when jude bellingham, the club's charming new star, sets his sights on her, maintaining boundaries becomes harder than ever. can she resist the pull, or will she risk everything for a love she swore she’d never fall for again?
an — the last chapter 🥲 i can’t even put into words how much i appreciate the love and support even after deleting my blog seeing the same accounts comment and like these chapters has never failed to make me happy! i am beyond grateful. if you’re still interested this couple, i’ll be releasing blurb series. the first one is posted and requests are open <3
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the room was a blur of activity, voices overlapping as the medical team worked efficiently around jude. he sat there, trying to focus on the steady stream of questions and instructions being thrown his way, but his mind kept drifting back to the moment it all went wrong.
the match had been intense, emotions running high, and jude had let his temper get the best of him. he remembered the argument with the opposing player, the heated words exchanged, the rush of adrenaline that followed. it was all so vivid in his mind—how he’d felt the anger simmering beneath his skin, how he’d wanted to prove himself in that split second, to win the ball, to show he wasn’t one to back down.
but then it happened. they both went up for the header, and time seemed to stretch out in front of him. the roar of the crowd faded into the background as he focused on the ball, his body moving instinctively. he remembered the sensation of losing his balance, the way the ground seemed to rise up to meet him, the sickening thud as his head hit the turf. the world tilted, the lights above blurring into a dizzying swirl, and for a moment, everything went black.
now, back in the medical room, jude felt the residual throbbing in his head, a dull ache that pulsed with every beat of his heart. his family was there—his mom, denise, hovering close by with worry etched into her features; his dad, mark, standing stoically but with an unmistakable tension in his posture; and his younger brother, jobe, sitting quietly in the corner, his wide eyes filled with concern.
y/n was there too, but she kept her distance, her eyes avoiding his. jude could tell she was upset—really upset—by the way she kept herself apart from the others, by the tightness in her expression that she couldn’t quite hide. she only stepped forward when one of the other medics called for her, her movements precise and professional, but there was an underlying tension in everything she did.
jude couldn’t shake the feeling that she was mad at him, though he wasn’t entirely sure why. maybe it was because he’d been reckless, because he’d let his emotions get the better of him on the pitch. maybe it was because she’d seen the whole thing happen, the way he went down, the way he didn’t get back up right away. the thought of her worrying, of her being scared for him, gnawed at him.
they ran through the tests—checking his reflexes, his coordination, asking him questions to assess his memory and cognition. jude answered as best he could, but his focus kept drifting back to y/n. he hated that she was so distant, that she wouldn’t even look at him. it hurt more than the injury itself.
“he’s going to be okay, right?” denise asked one of the medics, her voice trembling slightly.
“we’re running all the necessary tests, mrs. bellingham,” the medic replied calmly, “but so far, everything looks stable. we’ll have a better idea once we review the scans.”
jude’s parents exchanged a worried glance, but denise nodded, trying to stay strong. jobe looked over at jude, his young face pale with concern.
“you’ll be fine, jude,” jobe said softly, trying to sound confident, though his voice wavered just a bit.
jude managed a small smile, wanting to reassure his brother, but the heaviness in his chest remained. when the tests were finally over, his mom asked if he needed help getting home, and mark added, “we can get you settled in, jude. don’t worry about anything.”
“actually,” denise said, glancing over at y/n, “maybe y/n could take you home? you two spend a lot of time together, and she knows how to take care of you.”
the room seemed to freeze at that suggestion, the tension thickening. jude saw the way y/n stiffened at his mom’s words, how she hesitated before nodding, still refusing to meet his eyes.
“yeah… sure. i’ll take him home,” y/n said quietly, her voice tinged with something jude couldn’t quite place.
jude watched as y/n carefully checked his vitals, her fingers deftly adjusting the blood pressure cuff around his arm. even in her quiet, focused state, she was breathtaking. he couldn’t help but study her—how the light caught in her braids, the way her brows furrowed in concentration, and how every now and then, her lips would press into a thin line, as if she was holding something back. he knew she was upset with him, and it pained him more than the throbbing in his head.
he thought back to earlier, to how her distance had been like a wall between them, and how badly he wanted to break through it. it wasn’t just that she was pulling back; it was the way she did it, so carefully and deliberately, as if she was trying to protect herself from him. it killed him to think that his actions had made her feel this way, that he’d been the cause of her worry, of her pain. he’d been reckless, and now she was paying the price for it.
“baby,” he whispered, the word slipping out before he could stop it.
y/n froze at the sound of his voice, her hand stilling on his arm. for a moment, she didn’t move, and jude’s heart sank, fearing that he’d overstepped, that he’d made things worse. but then she looked up at him, her eyes filled with unshed tears, and jude felt his heart crack open.
“why are you crying?” he asked gently, reaching out to cup her cheek, his thumb brushing away a tear that had escaped.
y/n shook her head, her breath hitching as she tried to find the right words. “i’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “i’m sorry for being so distant… it’s just—” she paused, taking a shaky breath, her eyes glistening as she continued, “the replay looked so bad, jude. i thought you had a brain injury, or worse… and i couldn’t stop thinking about what could’ve happened to you.”
jude’s heart ached at her words, at the raw emotion in her voice. he could see how much she was struggling, how much this had affected her, and it made him feel even worse for having been the cause of it. he shushed her gently, his hand moving to cradle her face, trying to offer her some comfort.
“hey, i’m okay,” he murmured, guiding her hand to his cheek so she could feel the warmth of him, the steady beat of his pulse beneath her fingers. “i’m right here, love. i’m okay.”
y/n let out a shaky breath, leaning into his touch as she continued, her voice barely above a whisper. “it’s just… i feel it every time you go out there, every time you risk your body like that. and today, seeing you go down like that… it scared me so much. i couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.”
her voice cracked, and jude could see how much she was holding back, how hard she was trying to keep it together. he wanted to pull her into his arms, to tell her everything was going to be okay, but he knew she needed to get this out, to say what was on her heart.
“it’s not just today, jude,” she went on, her voice trembling with emotion. “i think… i think i’ve always felt this way, even before i realized it. it’s like, every time i see you, my heart just… it does this thing where it skips a beat, and i can hardly breath. i try to ignore it, but i can’t.”
she paused, her breath hitching as she tried to gather her courage. jude held his breath, sensing that she was about to say something that would change everything between them.
“i love you,” she finally confessed, the words spilling out in a rush of emotion. “i’m in love with you, jude. i’ve probably always loved you… from the moment i laid eyes on you, you just… you never left me alone. no matter how much i tried to keep things professional, to keep my distance, you kept finding ways to break through. and i’m scared, jude. i’m so scared of what this means, of what could happen… but i can’t ignore it anymore. i love you, jude.”
the weight of her words hung in the air between them, heavy and full of meaning. jude felt his heart swell with emotion, a rush of warmth flooding through him at her confession. she loved him. she loved him. it was everything he’d ever wanted to hear, everything he’d been hoping for since the moment he first saw her.
he pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tight, as if he could protect her from all the fears and uncertainties that were swirling around them. “i love you too,” he whispered into her hair, his voice thick with emotion. “i’ve loved you since that day you took care of me when i was sick… maybe even before that. you’re everything to me, y/n. everything.”
she clung to him, her breath hitching as she tried to process the magnitude of what they’d just shared. jude pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes closing as he breathed her in, the scent of her hair, the warmth of her skin. he’d been so scared of losing her, so afraid that he’d pushed her too far, but now… now everything felt right.
“i’m sorry i scared you,” he murmured, his voice low and sincere. “i never want to make you worry like that again. but i promise you, y/n, i’ll always do my best to come back to you. always.”
y/n nodded, her tears slipping down her cheeks as she held onto him, her heart finally at peace. “i know,” she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. “i know, jude. and i’ll always be here for you. no matter what.”
they stayed like that for a long moment, wrapped up in each other, the world outside fading away until it was just the two of them in that room, together. for the first time in what felt like forever, everything was exactly as it should be. they had each other, and that was all that mattered.
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the morning light streamed through the curtains of y/n’s bedroom, casting a warm glow on the space as jude slowly blinked awake. the memories of last night still lingered in the air between them—soft confessions of love that had left them both feeling light and warm, a tenderness that neither of them could shake off.
jude turned his head, eyes landing on y/n, who was already up and dressed, fussing with something at her bedside table. he couldn’t help but smile as he watched her, still wrapped up in her oversized t-shirt that he had insisted she wear—one of his favorites that practically swallowed her whole, the hem brushing the tops of her thighs. she was gorgeous, and he felt a twinge of guilt for making her worry so much yesterday, the fear in her eyes when he’d gotten hurt replaying in his mind.
“good morning, mi amor,” she said softly, noticing he was awake. the endearment slipped easily from her lips, a habit she hadn’t quite realized she’d picked up. she leaned over, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead, mindful of his injury. “how are you feeling?”
“better,” jude replied, his voice still thick with sleep. “could get used to waking up like this.”
y/n smiled, brushing a hand through his curls, and for a moment, they both just enjoyed the quiet intimacy of the morning.
but jude, ever the tease, wasn’t content with just that. he slid his hand to the back of her knee, tugging her gently closer. “you know, you could make me feel even better if you come back to bed…”
she rolled her eyes playfully, swatting his hand away. “nice try, bellingham. doctor’s orders—no physical activity that could aggravate your head, and that includes whatever you’re trying to start.”
jude groaned dramatically, flopping back against the pillows. “stop teasing me, baby. you can’t just look all sexy in my shirt and then not let me touch you.”
“i’m not teasing you,” y/n shot back, trying to hide her smile. “i’m just trying to keep you safe, you big baby. besides, i’m not the one who decided to start a fight on the pitch.”
“i wasn’t fighting,” jude mumbled, though he knew it was a weak defense. “just... heated discussions.”
“uh-huh,” she said, not buying it for a second. “well, heated discussions or not, you’re under my care now, so no funny business. doctor’s orders.”
jude pouted, but he knew she was right. still, it didn’t stop him from reaching out to grab her wrist, pulling her down onto the bed beside him. “just five more minutes, please?” he pleaded, his voice low and sweet, the kind of tone that made it hard for her to resist.
“five minutes,” y/n relented, settling beside him and letting him pull her close. she felt his warmth seep into her, and despite her better judgment, she let herself relax into him, her head resting on his chest. “but no funny business.”
“promise,” jude murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. he felt her sigh against him, her breath warm against his skin, and for a moment, everything felt right in the world.
as they lay there, the lightness of their confession still hanging between them, jude couldn’t help but think about how much he adored her, how every little thing she did seemed to make him fall even harder. the way she fussed over him, how she was constantly updating his family on his condition, how she’d made sure he was as comfortable as possible—he loved every bit of it.
he especially loved how close she was with his mum. every time y/n picked up her phone to send another update, jude couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips. knowing that his family trusted her, that his mum was reassured by her care, made his heart swell.
“i like that you and my mum are close,” jude admitted quietly, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on her arm. “makes me so happy.”
“she’s wonderful,” y/n said, tilting her head to look up at him. “and she cares about you so much. i’m just glad i can help ease her worries a bit.”
“she likes you, you know,” jude said, his voice teasing. “she keeps asking me when i’m gonna make an honest woman out of you.”
y/n laughed softly, but she couldn’t help the flutter in her chest at his words. “oh, is that so? and what did you tell her?”
“told her that you’re mine, and that’s all that matters,” he replied with a grin, pulling her closer. “but don’t worry, baby. i’ll work on the ‘honest woman’ part.”
she blushed, the implications of his words making her heart race. “you better, my mom and aunties have the wedding already planned. you can’t put a price on me, mr. bellingham. do you think you deserve me?”
“i know i do because you love me. no other man could take care of you like i can,” jude shot back, a playful glint in his eyes.
y/n rolled her eyes again, but she couldn’t hide her smile. “yeah, yeah. now, let me check your head before you get any more ideas.”
“always so bossy,” jude teased, though there was no bite to his words. “turns me on.”
y/n huffed a laugh, gently moving his face away with a light shove. “don’t even start,” she said, though she couldn’t help the fondness in her voice. “you’re supposed to be resting.”
“i am resting,” he protested, catching her hand in his. “just resting better now that you’re here.”
y/n shook her head, a soft smile playing on her lips. “you’re lucky you’re cute,” she muttered, leaning down to brush her lips against his once more. “now behave, or i’ll have to call your mum and tell her you’re being difficult.”
“you wouldn’t dare,” jude gasped, feigning shock.
“try me,” she shot back, smirking as she sat up to check his bandage. “now, sit still, or i’ll add ‘uncooperative patient’ to my report.”
jude couldn’t help but laugh, loving how easily they fell into this playful banter. the way she cared for him, how she balanced between strict and loving—it made him fall even more for her. and as they spent the day together, with her tending to his every need and him trying to push her buttons just enough to get a reaction, jude couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, he could get used to this—a life where they shared these little moments, where she was always there to look after him, to keep him in line, to love him the way she did.
and as the day drew on, with the light fading and the warmth of their shared confessions still lingering, jude found himself feeling more content than he ever had. because in her, he had found everything he’d ever wanted—someone who challenged him, cared for him, and loved him with a heart so pure and true that he couldn’t help but love her back just as fiercely.
and for jude, that was more than enough.
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the next day, y/n’s place was a full house. jude had a bit of time off to recover, and it seemed like everyone wanted to pitch in, making sure he got better. the sun streamed through the windows, filling the space with warmth as laughter echoed off the walls. y/n’s mom had arrived early, her arms full of groceries and herbal remedies she swore would have jude back on his feet in no time.
denise, jude’s mom, wasn’t far behind, bringing homemade soup that she claimed was a family secret for healing. it didn’t take long for y/n’s mom and denise to strike up a conversation, the two women instantly connecting as they compared notes on how to best take care of their kids. y/n watched them from the kitchen, her heart swelling with affection at how easily they got along. it felt right, having both families together like this.
jude, seated on the couch, couldn’t help but smile as he observed the scene. the sight of y/n moving around her home, effortlessly playing hostess, made him feel a sense of contentment he hadn’t known he needed. he loved seeing her like this, surrounded by the people she loved, comfortable in her own space. and it didn’t hurt that she kept sneaking glances his way, her eyes soft with affection every time they met his.
“hey auntie,” jude called out with a grin when y/n’s mom entered the living room, holding up a jar of some mystery concoction. “what’s that you’ve got there?”
y/n’s mom shot him a mock-serious look, her lips twitching with amusement. “this, my child, is going to help you heal faster than anything those doctors can give you.”
jude chuckled, holding up his hands in surrender. “i believe you, auntie. if it means getting better faster, i’m all for it.”
she finally cracked a smile, her eyes warm as she looked at him. “that’s what i like to hear. now, i know denise here has her soup, but you’re going to take this too. we’ve got to get you back on that pitch, don’t we?”
“yes, ma’am,” jude replied, his tone respectful, but there was a playful glint in his eyes. “you’re the boss.”
“good boy,” she said, patting his shoulder affectionately before turning to y/n. “and you, my beautiful daughter, make sure he takes this every morning. no slacking, got it?”
y/n nodded, trying to suppress her grin. “yes, mama. i’ll make sure of it.”
meanwhile, jobe and y/n’s brother, mateo, were deep in conversation on the other side of the room. they’d hit it off immediately, both sharing a love for football and an endless supply of banter.
“so, how’s it feel to be the little brother of a superstar?” mateo teased, nudging jobe with his elbow.
jobe rolled his eyes, but there was a fond smile on his face. “it’s not too bad, i guess. but don’t tell jude i said that. his ego’s big enough as it is.”
mateo laughed, clapping jobe on the back. “don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. besides, i’m pretty sure he knows it already.”
“oh, he definitely does,” jobe said, glancing over at his brother. “but you know what? he deserves it. he’s worked hard to get where he is.”
“true,” mateo agreed, his tone more serious now. “and from what i’ve seen, he’s a good guy too. you’re lucky to have him as a brother.”
jobe nodded, a small smile on his lips. “yeah, i am. and it’s nice to see him happy, you know? especially with y/n. she’s good for him.”
mateo glanced over at his sister, who was now standing with jude, both of them laughing at something y/n’s mom had said. “yeah, she is,” he said softly, his voice filled with affection. “they’re good for each other.”
as the day went on, the house was filled with warmth and laughter. y/n’s mom continued to fuss over jude, making sure he was comfortable and well-fed. denise joined in, the two women bonding over their shared love for their children and their determination to see jude back to full health.
“you know, jude,” y/n’s mom said at one point, sitting beside him on the couch, “you’re like a son to me now. you take care of my daughter, and we’ll take care of you.”
jude felt a lump form in his throat at her words, the sincerity in her tone hitting him right in the chest. “thank you, auntie,” he said quietly, his voice thick with emotion. “that means a lot to me.”
she reached out, patting his cheek with a motherly affection that made him feel warm all over. “you’re a good boy, jude. we’re lucky to have you in our family.”
he smiled at that, his heart swelling with gratitude. “i’m the lucky one,” he murmured, his eyes meeting y/n’s across the room. she smiled back at him, her eyes filled with so much love it made his chest tighten.
“he really is,” denise chimed in, her voice light and full of pride. “and we’re so grateful to have y/n in his life. she’s been nothing but a blessing.”
“oh, don’t get me started on how much i love that girl,” y/n’s mom said with a laugh. “she’s always been the best of us.”
jude listened to them talk, his heart so full it felt like it might burst. he loved that their families were coming together like this, that the people he cared about most were finding comfort and companionship in each other. it made everything feel more real, more solid. like they were building something that would last.
as the afternoon wore on, the atmosphere remained light and filled with love. y/n’s mom kept him supplied with tea and herbal remedies, while denise made sure he had everything else he needed. jobe and mateo continued their banter, occasionally roping jude in when they needed a third opinion on whatever argument they were having.
the warm hum of conversation filled y/n's living room as their families mingled effortlessly, laughter spilling into the air. y/n sat nestled comfortably beside jude, his arm slung lazily over her shoulders as they watched their families interact like they’d known each other for years. her mom and denise were in the kitchen, bonding over cooking tips, while her brothers hovered around the snack table, throwing sly glances her way every now and then.
carlos, always the one to start trouble, leaned back with a mischievous smirk. “so jude, be honest,” he called out, loud enough to grab everyone’s attention. “are you tired of how bossy y/n is? how many times has she told you what to do?”
mateo snickered beside him, chiming in. “yeah, man, because we know y/n—she’s always telling us off.”
without missing a beat, jude grinned, a cheeky glint in his eye. “oh, trust me,” he said, voice dropping suggestively, “i don’t mind her bossing me around… especially when—”
y/n’s eyes widened in horror as she shot up from the couch, grabbing at jude’s arm. “don't you dare finish that sentence,” she groaned, trying to pull away, but he only laughed, dragging her back down to his side with ease, planting a soft kiss on her cheek, to which y/n met with a playful sideways glance.
“what? i was just being honest,” he teased, his voice low but full of amusement.
her brothers looked visibly disgusted. alejandro covered his face with his hand. "we don’t need to know what happens behind closed doors, man.”
mateo pointed at them both, face scrunched in mock disgust. “yeah, no one wants to hear about our baby sister doing… whatever that is.”
“seriously, pack it up,” carlos added, shaking his head. “this is a family gathering, not… whatever this is.”
y/n groaned, burying her face in her hands. “you’re all so dramatic.”
“seriously,” jude added with a smirk, pulling her closer. “it’s just because i’m the only one here who knows how to keep a woman like y/n happy.”
y/n's eyes widened as she pinched his side, hissing under her breath. “jude, shut up or i'll kill you!”
“what?” jude laughed, leaning down to kiss her cheek. “it’s the truth.”
“god, jude,” mateo groaned, dramatically covering his face. “that’s so corny. i think i just threw up in my mouth a little.”
alejandro waved a hand in front of his face. “someone send this boy back to england. we get it, you’re obsessed with my sister.”
jude only laughed harder, leaning into the joke. “what can i say? i’m a man in love.”
carlos pretended to gag. “pack it up, hermano. we don’t need to see all that.”
alejandro shook his head, feigning disgust. “we’ll be fine without my baby sister getting mounted by her boyfriend infront of us, thanks. but really, y/n—how did you manage to do this to a man. he's too soft. it's disgusting.”
“right?” mateo agreed. “this dude was supposed to be cool. now he’s all… whipped.”
jude just laughed, squeezing her affectionately. “hey, i was always a charmer. i won you guys over, didn’t i?”
“please. just stop speaking,” mateo groaned again, holding up his hands as if to ward off more cheesiness. “i beg of you.”
y/n rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the small smile on her lips. despite the relentless teasing, she knew how much her brothers cared about her, and seeing how easily jude fit into their dynamic made her heart swell.
their banter continued, the playful teasing bouncing back and forth, but through it all, y/n couldn’t help but feel a warmth settle in her chest. despite the jokes and teasing, it was clear how much her brothers cared—not just for her, but for jude too. and seeing their two families blend so seamlessly made her heart swell with happiness.
as the day drew to a close, y/n found herself sitting beside jude on the couch, his arm draped casually over her shoulders. she leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder as they watched jobe and mateo argue about something trivial. her mom and denise were in the kitchen, chatting and laughing like they’d known each other for years.
“if we get more days like this. i’ll die a happy man,” jude murmured, his voice soft in her ear.
“today was a good day,” y/n agreed, her voice just as quiet. “i’m glad everyone came together like this.”
“me too,” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “i love you, y/n.”
she smiled, turning her head to look up at him. “i love you too, jude.”
and in that moment, with their families around them and the love they shared filling the room, everything felt perfect. they were building something real, something lasting. and y/n knew, without a doubt, that they were exactly where they were meant to be.
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the next morning, jude woke up with an idea. it was simple, but it felt like the right thing to do. after the whirlwind of the past few days—the stolen kisses, the moments they shared, and y/n taking care of him when he was sick—he knew she deserved something special. something that would show her just how much she meant to him without overwhelming her with words.
his plan came together quickly, thanks to her brothers and jobe, who were more than willing to help out. while y/n was busy at the training facility, working her usual long hours, they got to work.
later that evening, when y/n came home, jude was already waiting for her at the door, his eyes twinkling with a mischievous smile.
“what’s with that look?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at him, already suspicious but curious.
he chuckled, reaching for her hand. “come with me. i’ve got a surprise for you.”
“another one? you’ve been full of surprises lately,” she teased, letting him gently pull her toward the car, her heart already racing a little with excitement. there was something about the way he held her hand, firm but soft, that made her feel like whatever he had planned would be unforgettable.
they drove through the city, the setting sun casting a soft golden glow over madrid’s streets. slowly, the cityscape gave way to quieter roads, the urban sprawl replaced by the peaceful, open stretch toward the coast. y/n glanced at jude, who was focused on the road but never let go of her hand. her mind was buzzing, trying to piece together what he was planning, but her heart told her to simply trust him. whatever it was, it was going to be special.
after a while, jude pulled up to a secluded beach just outside the city. the gentle sound of waves greeted them as they stepped out of the car, the salty air filling their lungs. the beach was completely empty except for one beautiful setup by the shore—a large canopy draped in soft white fabric, twinkling fairy lights strung across the top, with a low table set for two underneath. candles flickered gently in the evening breeze, and a cozy arrangement of blankets and cushions were scattered across the sand.
y/n’s jaw dropped. “jude… what is this?”
“i wanted to do something for you,” he said softly, stepping closer to her. “you’ve done so much for me. taking care of me, introducing me to your family… i wanted to make tonight about you. no distractions, just us. and your brothers—alejandro, matteo, and carlos and jobe helped me out.”
her heart melted at the thought. she looked around the beach, overwhelmed by how thoughtful it all was. “this is… this is incredible,” she whispered.
“you deserve it,” he said, his voice gentle as he took her hand again, leading her down toward the canopy. “come on, let’s eat.”
as they sat under the glow of the fairy lights, the waves lapping quietly at the shore, jude couldn’t stop watching her. the way her eyes sparkled as she took everything in, the soft smile that never left her lips—it made his heart swell. this was it. this was where he wanted to be, with her, always.
“you really went all out for this,” y/n murmured, brushing her hand across the soft blanket beneath her.
“well, i had some help,” jude chuckled. “alejandro’s got a real eye for this kind of thing. matteo and carlos handled the heavy lifting, and jobe… well, he mostly just took notes for when it’s his turn.”
y/n laughed, the sound like music to jude’s ears. “i can’t believe you got them to do all this without me noticing.”
jude shrugged, grinning. “they love you. and i may have told them it was payback for you taking care of me when i was sick.”
her smile widened, her heart swelling even more at the thought of her brothers working with jude to make this night so special for her. “they’re going to lord this over me forever, you know. especially alejandro.”
jude leaned back, a teasing glint in his eyes. “oh, he did say something about being ‘the best brother ever,’ but honestly? i think he’s just happy to see you happy.”
y/n’s chest tightened with emotion. her brothers and jude—these were the people who mattered most to her. to see them come together like this, to make her feel so loved, so cherished, it was overwhelming in the best way possible.
they ate, laughed, and talked for hours, their conversation flowing easily as the stars twinkled overhead. the world around them grew quieter, as if the night itself was making room for just the two of them. at one point, jude reached across the table, taking her hand, his thumb gently tracing circles over her knuckles.
“i’ve never had anything like this before,” he said quietly, his voice thoughtful.
y/n looked up from her plate, her brow furrowing slightly. “like what?”
“this,” jude said, gesturing vaguely at the beach setup, but meaning so much more. “family. love. everything coming together the way it has. it’s like… everything’s falling into place.”
y/n’s heart skipped a beat, her throat suddenly tight with emotion. she could see it in his eyes—the vulnerability, the sincerity behind his words. he wasn’t just talking about the night. he was talking about her, about them. about everything they’d been building together. and in that moment, it felt like the last piece of her heart finally clicked into place.
“me too,” she whispered, her voice catching slightly. “after everything with javier… i never thought i’d feel safe again. but with you, i do.”
jude’s hand tightened around hers, his eyes never leaving hers as he moved closer, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “you are safe with me,” he murmured against her temple. “always.”
y/n closed her eyes, sinking into the warmth of him, the steady beat of his heart against her cheek. this was it. this was everything. and when jude leaned down to press a soft kiss to her lips, it felt like the most natural thing in the world.
when they pulled away, her eyes met his, and for a second, everything else fell away. it was just them, under the stars, with the sound of the ocean in the background.
“i love you,” she whispered, her voice soft but steady.
jude’s eyes lit up, his smile spreading slowly across his face. “i love you too, baby. you’re my everything.”
y/n’s heart swelled with a deep, unspoken gratitude. her brothers were her world, and jude, knowing how much they meant to her, had woven them into this moment effortlessly. it was more than she could ever ask for, more than she could ever express. how does he do it? how does he always make everything feel so right?
as a comfortable silence settled between them, the waves crashing softly against the shore, a playful thought popped into y/n’s mind. she glanced at jude, her lips curving into a mischievous smile as she stood, slowly stepping towards him with an unmistakable intent in her eyes.
jude’s brow quirked up, a smirk tugging at his lips. “and what do you think you’re doing?” he teased, already sensing where this was going.
y/n settled onto his lap, her legs on either side of his hips, hands lightly resting on his chest. she leaned in, her lips just inches from his. “we’re alone,” she whispered coyly, her breath warm against his skin. “and as your team doctor... i think you’re officially cleared for physical activity.”
jude's eyes darkened with playful intent, his hands instinctively finding her hips, thumbs grazing her skin in soft, deliberate circles. “yeah? what’d you have in mind?” his voice was low, dripping with that teasing challenge that always made her heart race.
without another word, she closed the distance between them, her lips capturing his in a slow, deep kiss that left no room for questions. her fingers trailed up to cup his jaw, pulling him closer as if the entire world had fallen away, leaving just the two of them beneath the starlit sky.
jude responded immediately, his hands tightening their grip, pulling her impossibly closer until there was nothing between them but the warmth of their bodies and the shared rhythm of their heartbeats. time felt like it stood still, the only thing that mattered was the way she made him feel—like he was exactly where he was supposed to be.
when they finally broke apart, breathless and flushed, jude's lips quirked into a crooked grin. “you'll have to clear me like that everytime, baby,” he teased, his voice a husky rumble that sent a shiver down her spine.
y/n bit her lip, her gaze still playful as her fingers traced the line of his jaw. “well, i take my job very seriously.”
he let out a soft laugh, his hand moving up to gently tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “you make me crazy, you know that?” his tone was teasing, but there was a depth behind it, a weight to the words that made her heart squeeze with affection.
she stared into his eyes, her heart swelling with a sudden rush of emotion she couldn’t hold back any longer. “i love you, jude,” she whispered softly, her voice barely above a breath but carrying all the weight of her feelings.
his teasing smile softened into something tender as he leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “i love you too, y/n,” he whispered back, his arms wrapping tighter around her as though he never wanted to let her go. “more than anything.”
they sat there, wrapped up in each other, the sound of the ocean serenading their quiet moment, and for y/n, there was no doubt in her mind—this, right here, was exactly where she was meant to be.
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taglist — @sinners-98-world @stephiii29 @kcharlyy @landosgirlxoxo @judesthighveins @ilovelifes-world @cinderellawithashoe @imnyt @miniemonie2001 @lunamelona @treble-snot
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barcaracing · 2 years
Can i request a one shot about fem!reader attending the “supercopa española final” and celebrating with pedri and his family after the big win please? ❤️💙
mi campeón | pg8
pairing: pedri gonzález x reader
warning: just a few sexual innuendos bc pedri is being a little shit
a/n: my first request aah thank u for this lovely idea :,)!! this is my first pedri and fcb fic so yea. a lot of wild stuff happening today
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The score was 2:0 and you were close to tears. This was the club you'd loved and supported your entire life and after all these seasons of endless pain, it was finally happening—FC Barcelona was getting back to where it belonged.
You hadn't seen the team play like this in a very long time, but it was beautiful to witness. The line-up came as a bit of a surprise, but all doubts quickly dissipated once the game began. The players were dynamic, fast, and skilful. You were on the brink of giving yourself whiplash from all the head-turning you did, trying to keep up with everything while not daring to lose sight of your boyfriend on the pitch.
Even from all the way up in the stands, you could see the gears turning inside Pedri's head. It wasn't like you were trying to stare at him, but nothing drew you in like that look of unwavering focus and determination on your boyfriend's face. And when he broke into a sprint, you knew to your core where this was going.
"He's scoring," you said giddily, addressing no one in particular. To your left, his brother Fernando mindlessly threw the Barca scarf he was holding at your face and leaned forward, nodding eagerly.
"Come on, Pedrito."
You laughed and wrapped the blue and red scarf around your shoulders. Not even a minute later, it all played out.
Lewandowski passed the ball to Gavi who had been on his A-game the entire match. The Madrid defenders shifted their focus from Lewy to Gavi, but Pedri came running from behind, pointing quickly in front of him. Gavi kicked the ball across and Pedri shot it into the net. The stadium exploded in cheers. Fernando and you punched your fists in the air, shouting along. You felt Pedri's mother grab your arm and pull you into a tight hug. Rosy was sobbing when she pulled back.
"He did it! My Pedri scored a goal," she said, eyes glimmering with tears, and you were sure neither of your smiles could have been any brighter at that moment. Pedri's dad reached over and gave you and his son a hug as well, shouting a string of joyful words you could barely decipher through all the cheers. You just grinned back madly, seeing how you were at a loss for words anyway.
You had only let go when Fernando swiftly pulled you back to his side with one arm on your shoulder and the other pointing down to the pitch. Your gaze swept over the grass, searching amongst the celebrating Barca players the one with a number 8 on his back.
You found him. Pedri was strolling on the field with his hands cupped around his eyes, grinning up broadly at you and his family. You didn't think it was possible, but your heart pounded faster. You loved Pedri's celebration. No matter how much rubbish you and the other players liked to give him for it, you couldn't get enough of it. You threw both of your arms up and gave him your best smile.
“Vamos!” You cheered and blew him a kiss. Without missing a beat, Pedri used both hands to send you one back.
"Hermanito!" Fernando cheered along, his fist waving at his little brother. “You little romantic bastard,” he said at a volume only you could hear and chuckled. A few heads in front of you did turn, but neither of you paid them any mind. The game quickly resumed and before you knew it, the match ended with a beautiful score of 3:1. And with that, FC Barcelona had won the Supercopa de España.
You watched the celebration ceremony with shiny eyes and a smile that was probably etched into your face for eternity, but you didn't mind. Maria was alternating between you and her husband, squeezing your arms tightly whilst saying every once in a while, "I can't believe this. Finally!"
The fireworks eventually came to an end. People around you started filing out of the stands, but you were still giddy with excitement. You were quick to follow the González family down to the front row of the stands, waiting eagerly for those warm brown eyes to meet yours.
Pedri came jogging toward you all, embracing his mother first in a big hug. You were happy to stand back, watching him hug his brother and father next. When Pedri pulled back, you heard him ask, "Where's Y/N?" But before anyone could give him an answer, his eyes fell on you and your heart started pounding once more.
Grinning, Pedri stepped around his father and swept you off your feet with his arms tightly around your body. You laughed and crossed your arms behind his neck when he let you back down. Pedri's cheeks were still flushed from the game, and you couldn't help but press a kiss to his cheek.
"Hola," he said breathlessly, eyes gleaming while his hands settled on your waist. You needed a second to take in Pedri's post-game look. His hair fell messily to his forehead, sticking out this way and that. You couldn't even begin to describe how much of a sucker you were for it. Something warm fluttered in your tummy, and you told yourself to get it together.
"Hola," you finally replied, a shy smile blooming on your lips. "Mi campeón."
"Mi campeón, eh?" said Pedri, pulling you closer to him. "I like the sound of that. Might just have to stop calling me by my name."
You laughed and took off your scarf to wrap it behind his neck, gently pulling him closer to your face until your mouth was next to the shell of his ear. Softly, you let his name roll off your tongue and Pedri's grip on you tightened.
You hummed in question, pulling back to smile at him innocently. "I like saying your name." Pedri's face was unreadable to you, but before you could add anything else, he dipped his head and kissed you. His lips moved against yours, the familiar soft press made you lean in for more, but Pedri pulled back with a wink.
"Sorry, Y/N. This campeón has to go celebrate."
You gaped at him, then loosened a mock sigh. "I see the glory has already gotten to your head."
Pedri gave a shrug, smiling lazily. "I have been told that I'm a champion."
"Football players and their huge egos," you tutted, shaking your head gravely. "Too big for their own good."
Pedri smirked. "I don't think I've ever heard you complain about size."
"Okay, hermanito," Fernando swooped in, slinging an arm around his brother and putting some distance between you two. "Gross. Let's not ruin this moment by making me want to cut off my ears."
"Yeah, I don't think you could pull it off like Van Gogh," you said sceptically. Pedri laughed. He patted his brother's arm with a cheeky smile and stepped to your side, holding your hand.
"He's right. We need to celebrate this. We won the Supercopa. We're champions!"
You wholeheartedly agreed. The team had worked hard for this and deserved a proper celebration. But you enjoyed teasing Pedri just a little too much. Squeezing his hand, you turned to Fernando with a pointed look.
"See?" You nodded at your boyfriend, barely able to conceal your smile. "Huge ego."
Pedri cocked a brow, smirking. "You know what else is huge?”
"Pedri.” His brother cut him off, heaving a long-suffering sigh. “Please shut up.”
let me know what you think :) stay hydrated pals
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ts1m1kas · 11 months
Original Ask: here's one for jude 😁 they're childhood friends, have known one another for so long, everyone says they are a perfect fit but jude brushes off the idea because deep down he doesn't want to admit he's in love with her, she on the other hand doesn't have time for relationships cause of her career as a ballerina. they stop talking for about three years until they meet again in madrid, she's dragged by her girlfriends to see real madrid play, that's when she sees jude, they reconnect with jude finally ready to confess his feelings, however one of his teammates tries to jump in the way. (@findingnemosworld)
Word Count: 761 words
(author's note: everyone thank @findingnemosworld for her amazing requests !! i did change the ending a little so i hope thats okay 🫶)
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Jude always thought that Y/N was the most beautiful girl in the world. Her smile could light up a room, and her laugh was like music to his ears. They had been friends since he could remember, spending most of their childhood years as an inseparable pair.
What Jude didn’t realise is that Y/N felt exactly the same about him. His happy-go-lucky personality made her enjoy being around him, and the side of him that was ever-so caring made her fall head over heels for the boy.
But through Jude’s move to Real Madrid and Y/N’s gruelling career as a ballerina, the pair had fallen apart. This shocked everyone around them, as anyone who looked their way would assume they were a couple. There was no one else in the world who would've been more of a perfect fit together than Jude and Y/N.
Jude Bellingham wasn’t scared of most things. He’d played professional football for years. Suffered online abuse and gone through many hardships throughout his life. But the idea of telling Y/N how he felt about her had him shaking with fear. He valued her friendship more than anything else, so when he had to let his best friend know he was moving away, it broke his heart.
Y/N was devastated. Jude’s departure had made her lose her drive and motivation and her ballet career was suffering because of it. Her coach was pushing her to her limits to distract her from the gaping hole that Jude had left behind in her life with his departure.
Time passed, and the pair hadn’t spoken in months. But that didn’t mean that they didn’t think of one another every passing minute, of every passing day.  
Y/N had a break in ballet performances, and it just so happened that her dance group’s next show was in Madrid. Her friends had been given tickets to a football game, and she blindly agreed to go. Her friend, who had been given the tickets, was married to a player from one of the teams playing, and Y/N desperately needed a chance to relax.
Jude was sat in the changing rooms. He was listening to Vinicius Jr. give them a pep talk before their game against Sevilla. He had a strange feeling his his stomach but he couldn’t place it. 
"Jude, are you okay?" Luka asked him, noticing the look on his Jude's face.
“Yeah man, I’m fine”, Jude responded, brushing off his friend’s concerns.
And so the game began. Y/N and her friends sat, immersed in the game. She always used to watch Jude play, and the interest in football had stuck, even after he moved away. However, when the line-ups were announced and the players walked out, Y/N felt sick. She hadn’t seen Jude in three years since his move to Madrid, and the painful memories rocketed to the forefront of her mind.
Jude ran onto the pitch. As he stood through the pre-game formalities, his eyes wandered over the masses of spectators that had turned up to watch their teams play. However, his eyes widened when they connected with those belonging to a familiar face.
Y/N’s mouth dropped open. The look she shared with Jude was one full of shock and pain. Jude mouthed ‘meet me after the game’ and she understood immediately.
It was an interesting game that resulted in a draw. Each side fought hard, but neither of them could grasp the winning goal. Jude had never been so eager to leave the pitch as he rushed over to where Y/N was waiting for him.
As he stood in front of the girl he had loved his whole life, he faltered. Jude knew he couldn’t hold his feelings back any longer.
“Y/N, I love you. I have for so many years and I-”
“Jude, I love you too.”
Jude stopped talking. He had been waiting to hear those three words come out of her mouth since he had learned what they meant. He couldn’t stop himself anymore. He stepped forward, cupped her face with his hand, and kissed her. 
Jude poured every ounce of love he had for Y/N into that kiss. The fondness he felt for her was unbeaten, the years he spent hiding it, filled with regret.
Once they broke away, the looked at eachother. The look was not filled with pain this time, it had been replaced with love and tenderness.
The pair left the stadium, reunited and ready to spend their days together.
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damiansgoodgirll · 1 year
Kylian x lawyer reader where he hires a lawyer to help him sign for Real Madrid please🫶🏼
kylian in madrid i don’t know how it makes me feel haha, i wish him the best btw (my heart is in paris with him tho…), honestly i’m manifesting that he joins juventus LOL i’m delusional
also i’m a bit ignorant on how football contract deals work so don’t mind if this is not 100% accurate to reality!
kylian mbappe x lawyer reader
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real madrid?
you were shocked when you found out that you and your colleague got selected for helping a certain football player with his new contract deal. you thought that maybe it was his first time signing so probably he wasn’t an expert - not that you were too - but you were quite amused and shocked when you’ve been told that the football player that needed your help was the kylian mbappè.
his previous lawyer couldn’t help him because he had a very important case to take care of so he suggested your firm.
you were working for a very important firm in paris, so it was easy when people needed help because everyone knew you in paris. and everyone means everyone because that’s how kylian mbappè found you.
you’ve never worked on any football deal, nor your colleague did, so you were both a little nervous but you’ve been told about that the only thing you needed to do was reading and explaining the contract to kylian in case he couldn’t understand certain terms or words.
it sounded pretty easy.
expect no one told you that you had to be flying to madrid. your colleague couldn’t go as it was last minute and she had no idea how to manage her child if she was in madrid so she let you go all by yourself. saying that you were terrified was almost like a completely, no, you were shitting in your pants.
once you arrived in madrid you saw a private car waiting for you. that car got you to the hotel that kylian’s manager booked for you and the driver told you that he would be back in two hours to get you and to bring you to the offices where you would be meeting kylian.
you were not gonna lie, you were nervous to meet him. you always admired him, maybe you weren’t a football fan but you knew who he was, everyone knew who he was and you always had a soft spot for him. he always looked so nice and kind with the fans that made him seems like a completely normal person and not the famous football player the whole world knows.
you showered and got ready. opting for a very professional but at the same time very comfortable green dress, you finished to get ready and headed out where you saw the car waiting for you once again.
when you arrived to the structure you saw some people from kylian’s crew waiting for you. they all introduced himself and led you to the room where kylian was waiting his father and his procurator. you honestly had no idea who other else was in the room, you thought managers from real madrid since it was the team kylian was going to sign to but you had no idea and you didn’t ask.
the moment you entered the room and introduced yourself kylian’s eyes lightened up. he was waiting for the usual old and boring lawyer so he was surprised when he saw someone pretty and young as you.
“hello…” he waved at you, almost looking too shy.
“hi, i’m y/n, i’ll be the lawyer who will follow your deal today” you introduced yourself with a very bright smile.
kylian swore he fell in love. he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you and you felt his look on you.
when kylian’s procurator was reading the contract he pretended to not know some words - some very basic words - only because he wanted to hear your voice. even his father knew he was doing it on purpose just to have your attention.
“kylian, you know this word…” his father remarked.
“well i forgot” he said, looking back at his dad.
the man simply nodded, losing all the patience he had. you knew kylian was doing it on purpose and honestly you found it funny. usually this things are boring, long contracts only for a two second signs at the end.
when everything was done, kylian took al the pictures he had too but rushed away when he saw you were going back to the car. that was your job for the day and the next morning you would be flying back in paris when kylian was going to stay in madrid, so why did you feel nostalgic for a person you met a few hours ago?
“hey!” you heard his voice calling you.
“oh hi, is everything okay?” you asked him.
“yes, yes everything okay, i was wondering if you…well, if you aren’t busy if you would like to have lunch with me?” he asked a little embarrassed and that made you smile.
“sure, why not!”
he brought you to this little cute bar in madrid where you had probably one of the best dish you’ve ever eaten in your life. you began chatting about your lives, your hobbies, what you liked and what you didn’t and in reality you had a lot of things in common.
who would have thought that from a simple causal job you had took it could have started this amazing friendship between the two of you? or maybe something more than friendship…
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highdreaming · 2 years
This is a blog dedicated for imagines, drabbles and headcanons for football players that I like.
This is a fanfiction blog so please, only read if you truly want to. This is only for entertainment and fun so keep that in mind.
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💕 - Fluff
💥- Angst
🚩 - NSFW
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✔ Confessing to you (Pedri + Gavi + João Félix)
✔ You being involved in a cheating scandal (Pedri + Gavi + João Félix)
✔ You send a nude before a game (Pedri + Gavi + João Félix) 🚩
✔ You like their sibling (Pedri + Gavi + João Félix) 💥
✔ Protective things he does (Pedri + Gavi + João Félix)
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João Félix
➡ So Happy Together (💕)
➡ Dating Headcanons
➡ Needy Boyfriend - You have a girl’s night out and your boyfriend can’t stop being needy over you (💕)
➡ Red Card (💕)
➡ Only yours - João’s ex-girlfriend constant calls make you afraid, but João shows you that he’s only yours (💕)
➡ Greedy Girl (🚩)
➡ Messed Up - João is ready to meet your parents but you’re hesitant in doing so.  (💥)
➡ Nothing that Can't be Solved - After you and your boyfriend have your first real fight, he apologizes in the most romantic way. (💕)
➡ Someone else flirts with you HC
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Erling Haaland
➡ Height Difference (short!reader)
➡ Abuse - Your abusive ex is back but Erling is there to protect you
➡ Jealous Sex HC (🚩)
➡ Big Enough (🚩)
➡ Baby's here - Short pregnancy fluff drabble (💕)
➡ Kinks (🚩)
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Jude Bellingham
➡ Toxic Jealousy - Jude is always too jealous and you get tired of it.(💥; 💕)
➡ Side Lover -  Jude gets tired of being your side man and gives you an ultimatum (💥)
➡ Handjob (🚩)
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Rúben Dias
➡ Breeding NSFW (🚩)
➡ Giving Head (🚩)
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➡ Asking you out
➡ Love Trio (+Pedri) (💥)
➡ You're insecure about Gavi and Princess Leonor rumors (💕)
➡ You're pregnant and scared of holding back his career
➡ Eyes off her - Your boyfriend gets jealous when someone flirts with you and a fight follows (💥; 💕)
➡ Threesome (with Pedri) (🚩)
➡ Never Again - He hurts you during an argument. 
➡ RM's Biggest Fan - You’re a Real Madrid fan. Your boyfriend plays for Barcelona. His team loses and now you’re the one that has to make up for it. (🚩)
Fake Chats:
➡ He gets worried when you don't answer his messages and calls
➡ Being friends with both Pedri and Gavi
➡ Hanging out (+Pedri)
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➡ Love Trio (+Gavi)
➡ Goal of the Year (💕)
➡ Dating Headcanons
➡ Fluffy Cat
➡ Burning Jealousy
➡ Cuddling Headcanons (💕)
➡ Scare - He gets hurt during a game, scaring the life out of you.
➡ Teaching Spanish
➡ Teaching how to drive
➡ He returns from the World Cup (💕)
➡ Meeting your parents
➡ Becoming a parent (💕)
➡ Goodbye - Your time as an exchange program student in Barcelona comes to an end. Unfortunately, that means saying goodbye to your boyfriend (💥)
➡ Threesome (with Gavi) (🚩)
➡ Enemies to Lovers (🚩)
➡ Bratty Girl (🚩)
➡ Being friends with both Pedri and Gavi
➡ Hanging out (+Gavi)
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Eric García
➡ He asks you out
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neyslover · 2 years
Can you write something about Neymar’s wife also being a footballer and him coming to her match with some friends? Xx
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people usually forget womens football matches exist, unless neymar publicly announces he’s going to a match of mine, then the stadium is fully booked.
it was a barca vs real madrid, i play for barca.
during halftime, the score was 2-0 in favor of real madrid.
before the second half of the game started, i went over to neymar who was attending his match with his friends. 
“you got this, princesa.” he kissed me, “the beginning doesn’t matter, it how you end things. and even if you do lose, it’s just a match. it’s fine. i’ll love you no matter what.”
“thank you, ney.” i hugged him, breathing in his scent.
“anytime, meu amor.” he kissed my head, “now, go, the second half is starting soon.”
we began the game once more.
sanchez, a girl on my team, passed the ball to me.
players from the other team were standing in front of me and next to me, so i couldn’t pass the ball to anyone.
in the end, i kicked the ball to the back, ran to it, and kicked it.
i was a bit far from the goal, so i wasn’t sure if it would score.
when i saw that it did, i started running with no destination in mind, just really happy.
i pointed at where neymar was sitting and i blew him a kiss.
“GO Y/N!” he cheered, smiling proudly.
the second goal was scored by my best friend, georgina.
georgina was about to score the third goal, but got blocked, so she passed it to me.
i was really close to the goal, but i was surrounded by players from the other team again, so i pushed it towards the goal and i scored.
i ran away from the players and did a cartwheel and ended it with a flip.
my teammates ran up to me and hugged me.
i looked up at the sky, thanking god.
“THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND!” he yelled, turning to his friends who were recording him and laughing at him.
real madrid tried to score, but our amazing goalkeeper blocked them every single time.
ney and i met in the tunnels where he told me how proud he was of me.
soon enough, his friends came down to congratulate me too.
“congrats, y/n!” jota congratulated me.
“knew you could do it.” gio hugged me
“none of us ever doubted you.” carlos hugged me too.
“thank you, guys! you don’t know how much this means to me.” i smiled brightly.
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La Reina scored, and her kids followed ❤️ I hope we get 5 more goals in the 2nd half 🥹🥹🥹
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things i love to see:
fantastic alexia performance and fantastic team performance! well-deserved potm/mvp honours. alexia with the first goal to kick things off and then 3 beautiful assists, including a *chef's kiss* back heel pass is exactly the type of match we love to see.
what's even more impressive is that this isn't the regular line-up but a combination of alexia, mariona, patri, and the b team babies are running riot on madrid cff. barça really has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to its roster.
you have to love the connection between alexia and one of the og children, pina.
mariona with a goal and 2 assists on the day. after what's been an up and down last set of matches for her, she's back, friends!
marta torrejón's beautiful head. enough said.
visca el barça i visca catalunya!
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things i don't love to see:
the state of things in liga f. this was a shocking performance from madrid cff. mind you this was the team that beat barça 2-1 last season and keeps squandering its potential. they are currently sitting in 5th place but have had a very up and down season losing to lower ranked teams like eibar and granada.
with so many levante and atletí players leaving for other teams next season, and now natalia arroyo saying she's leaving her manager spot at real sociedad, i worry about the growth of the league.
and liga f president beatriz álvarez had the audacity to give an interview that came out today basically undermining aitana by saying “it cannot be said that liga f has not done anything. that's a lie. or that everything remains the same. it's a lie". girl bye!
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pavardscherie · 1 year
Can you write for Jules kounde where y/n is on the girls Real Madrid team and they get into a argument because he wants to support barca female team since it’s his team as well so she tells him just to not go at all and he ends up going and he’s wearing her jersey and she dedicates a goal to him? (This is weirdly specific💀)
Anyways stay safe <3
switching jersey, jules kounde
⤷ pairing: jules kounde x female reader ⤷ summary: you have an important match against the female barca team, and jules is completely on the wrong side. after an argument, you don't expect him to even come to your match and support you, but things change quickly.
⤷ izzy's talk: come in and be as specific as possible haha. it only takes longer for me to write because i try to make it as close as possible so it's not the open-minded writing haha. hope you like it!
⤷ requests are open.
hate was such a strong word, and it combined the entirety of bad feelings for someone. but you didn't hate jules for the decision and statements he made. you just could not understand how easy it was to decline you the support you needed. barcelona was his team, no matter if female or male. and it was somewhere understandable that he chose them over your team if he would not be in a relationship with you.
you went to his games, wearing his jersey, and letting the fans in the stands see to whom you belonged. yet, he refused to do the exact same thing for you. it made you furious, the anger bubbled in the pit of your stomach. for merely a second, you even regretted how often you bought a ticket to a game, and surprised him. hidden between the fans, wearing his jersey and waving wildly when he came close enough.
but there was no time left to think about what happened, the referee already walked onto the pitch, accompanied by his three assistants for the important match. it pained you deeply, the misunderstanding between jules and you, and the lack of support, you were allowed to feel. but as the most important striker on the team, you couldn't lose your head. you had to focus on the enemy team, on scoring a goal, and winning the fifth game in a row.
the private life, your relationship, it had to vanish for at least ninety minutes. unnecessary problems had to disappear to assure your excellence was on the pitch. but the first half passed way too quickly. mostly tackled by the enemies, the last chance to keep you away from scoring a goal.
barcelona was the greatest enemy of real madrid. they occupied the first place in the chart currently, and you desperately wanted to change the spots with them. second was good, but not the perfect place. the team you were surrounded with found a better way into the second half. as soon as the referee blew the whistle, the midfielders captured the ball and pushed the barcelona females back into the defense line. to win the game ultimately, you needed at least one goal. two would make it a clear statement. anything above that would be hilarious but also, closed the gap between the first and second place quicker.
twenty minutes into the second half, the right defense players kicked the ball across the midfield, and it fell perfectly into your run. outplaying one, and then a second defensive player, it was you against the goalkeeper. close to the right post, you decided to try for the far post and kicked the ball with the inner surface of your shoe.
the ball flew through the air, bouncing once before the goalline, and jumping straight into the net. the lead goal was scored in the seventy-first minute by you, closing the gap between the two spots in the chart and only being one point behind Barcelona. running towards the corner where the fans already waved their flags, jumped up and down and shouted your name, you raised your arms in the air.
with a wide smile spread across your face, your eyes still skimmed the stands filled with fans in real madrid jersey's for the one familiar face. the features, you could remember with your eyes closed, and the curve of the lips, you loved so dearly.
disappointed filled your empty stomach, the familiar face didn't appear in the crowds. you knew, jules said he wouldn't attend the game because it would be against part of his. it felt like a betrayal to him, but in the end, he chose to betray you. letting your arms fall to the sides, your teammates reached your spot in the corners and jumped on your back. engulfed in a tight hug, you forced yourself to keep the smile on your lips while your squinted gaze hasn't given up on jules yet.
and how lucky you were that your orbs decided against the sadness, and never stop searching. a plastic cup in one of his hands, jules jogged down the stairs in a hurry. the goal happened exactly in the moment when he decided to get a drink. the tightened throat felt dry after shouting your name multiple times, and singing the songs with the real madrid fans. the circle around you dissolved, the team scattered across the field and onto their positions once again to play out the rest of the second half.
yet, you stay for a couple of seconds longer, the corners of your mouth curled further upwards. a smile that glistened with satisfaction and happiness at the sight of him, wearing the all-too-familiar colors of real madrid. turning on the staircase, your name was written in capital letters on his back, and you couldn't help yourself but giggle about it.
slowly talking backward after the barcelona fans already started shouting for you to stop wasting time, you raised your arms and created a heart with your hands towards jules. the goal, you scored a minute ago, was for him. it has always been for him, even if he would have decided against coming to the match.
fortunately, jules changed his mind. decided against being for Barcelona because he played at the same club. nothing mattered more than the kind of bond, he shared with you. and his attendance increased your will to reach the top of the table, just like he and his teammates currently did.
the eagerness of your movements, the gestures of your arms and hands, infected your teammates and the ball came flying forward much more often than attempting to dribble against one of the barcelona females. the clock hit the eighty-eight minute, almost reaching the final whistle of the game, when another perfect ball was played towards you.
running with the ball attached to your foot, you dribbled against the same two defensive players, you outplayed for the first goal. and it happened for a second time. they could not stop you, and neither could the goalkeeper when the ball hit the bar on the inside and flew into the goal. a second time.
immediately, you ran towards the corners, searching for the familiar face of jules, and finding him within seconds. he fought his way towards the front of the crowd, the plastic cup still in his hand but other liquids poured across the jersey from the celebrating people behind him. leaving the pitch, which would result in a booking, you jumped to at least give your boyfriend a successful high-five for the perfect goal scored.
"this one was for you, only you!" you shouted over the loud music, and the screams of the fans. pointing the fingers of your left hand at him, you used your other to send a kiss straight his way. jules watched it in the middle of the air, holding his hand close to his heart. the little gesture meant more than the loud shouts of the fans, celebrating their striker and the win of their team against such a strong enemy.
when you returned to the pitch, you received the booking for leaving the pitch without allowance but shrugged off the yellow card. glancing over your shoulder towards the crowd, jules had the plastic cup between his lips, holding it tightly with his teeth and using his hands to show you a heart. just like you did, when the first goal was scored and his attendance caught you by surprise.
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findingnemosworld · 1 year
𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 - 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐬
・𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬
( 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐚 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐑𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐚 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐜̧𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐨 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐮𝐩𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭? )
[ 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 ]
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Losing the ElClasico hurts as player, yet losing it as a fan was more than hurtful; she was a loyal culer, no scratch that she was a die hard culer - she'd grown up in Catalonia and moved to Madrid to pursue a career in modeling which while difficult was somewhat moderately well and through modeling she met the man of her dreams, Sergio Ramos thanks to being a part of a campaign for a brand.
To say she was terrified would be an understatement, she was a culer who was about to be within the same space of the man that terrorized La Liga with his defense skills, and yet; he couldn't have been more sweet and gentle, he engaged in conversation with her and attentively listened to each thing she said in between takes, and what started as a friendship, had quickly blossomed into a relationship.
And while they tried not to let football be the focal point of their lives, the media thought otherwise; Sergio Ramos dating a Catalonian model who is a full fledged Barca supporter, and what a sensational headline that was - she'd received all kinds of hate from anonymous fools claiming she was using Sergio for his money and fame despite her income being more than well enough for her, some would go as far as to send hateful words yet she knew well enough not to let those words affect her.
She believed she was thick skinned enough to handle anything that comes in her way, except for one thing; Madrid winning the ElClasico.
The silence was rather deafening as both She and Sergio drove back to their shared home, he knew very well that she wasn't happy; sure she'd shown up wearing his jersey and cheered him on to make him happy, he was fully aware where her heart truly lied, " Amor " he said.
" Hm " She hums, finding it hard to even speak.
" What do you say we go and get some ice cream from that shop you love so much? " Sergio asks, in hopes of cheering her up at least.
" I don't mind " She murmurs, she knew he was sad for her yet she had no energy to blame him or the players; Barcelona weren't playing to their best potential as she knew they would.
Sergio uses his free hand to grab hers, and planted a kiss on her knuckles which prompted a faint smile on her lips to which he smiled back. " Te quiero " he smiles.
" Yo también te quiero " She smiles back.
Sergio drives up to the ice cream shop, he purchases two cones of mint chocolate chip ice cream with an extra vanilla scoop, he steps back out of the shop and hands her a cone as they enter his car, he then drives to the beach and they decide to sit down and watch the sunset.
After a comfortable silence, Sergio asks her. " Are you mad at me? " he asks with a small voice.
She looks at him with a soft smile, " No "
" Are you mad at the team? " Sergio asks once again.
She shakes her head.
Sergio decides to tease her, " then who are you mad at? "
" The other side " She murmurs, " They played like shit, so that's why I am mad "
Sergio grows silent before grinning and pulling her to his embrace, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. " If you want, I'll purposefully make mistakes in the next ElClasico " he said with a teasing tone.
She swats his chest, " No, I want to brag about my boyfriend being a damn good defender, even if it's at the expense of my team "
He hooks one finger under her chin to lift her face up and press a soft kiss to her lips, " I love you baby "
She smiles into the kiss, " I love you too "
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quincyhorst · 2 months
Misc Trivia: Julio Del Bosque
(Original info post here)
When it comes to family, he has a younger sister, named Mirta, which has followed him into Liocott. She often comes to visit, but she isn't interested on the team her brother coaches. At least she'll gladly offer to be an entretainer at any party RM might plan together.
As Julio is very openly proud of Spanish traditions, he'll gladly support anything related to them that his boys partake in.
He's quite extravagant when it comes to trainings, every choice of him bringing a side of controversy yet with the excuse of all being "for a greater good".
Para cualquier hispanohablante leyendo esto, básicamente es el Mark/Endou de Rangugamer pero cuarentón, alcohólico y en vez de camiones usa toros (?)
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His most known one is the use of animals, unfortunately :( Using a bull(fighting bull) to train had been one of his plans for a long time, but given the circumstances (And the actual age of his boys) he had to be conformed with a younger calf. Nonetheless the animal became key to train, both on the home matches in the Euro League and also during the qualifiers. Well, sort of. With the presence of the Toro Blanco, Julio had to rely on the poor animal less and less. And qualifying to Liocott pretty much forced him to toss the idea away. The spanish press might be willing to defend his ass, but not the international one...
A replacement he found was on the spanish area itself at least, in the form of a robo-bull used on the tiny bullring. His original (german) owner seemed surprisingly eager to lend it, however...
Regarding other Euro B coaches: With zero experience on previous german coaches and barely any info about the current Gretchen, for a long time Julio relied on what came on his mind when reading her title "The Witch of Walpurgis". But when getting to see her appearance on TV and realize how beautiful she was... Yeah, a new reason to qualify for Liocott. Unfortunately for him once they actually met he was found with the reality that it wasn't meant to be. He was pretty stubborn, he did all he could to impress her, but... By the time her team had defeated his, he knew it was all over. A shame...
That being said, he IS familiar with François, the french coach, given he enjoys watching the french adult league every so often. When they first met on the Euroleague Julio was slightly nervous, but he still tried to appear cool and make a first impression. "Hey, Mr. Fransuá, a please to meet ya! I'm a big fan!" Though, the french man replied to him with the driest "Thanks" ever, at least on his POV.
Overall their relationship is also a formal rivarly, although Julio does deep down see François as nothing more than a "soccer nerd". "He might know all about the ball, but he'd NEVER know the field as close as I! ~"
For the most part, he's chill. Very chill. At least until someone mentions the name Pepe. That one thing alone is able to make his own blood boil and lose his temper. His resentment towards Banderas is enough to have followed him into adulthood, it seems... Alcohol is the only thing that can help him calm down.
Yes, he's the one that designed the emblem AND who chose the name of 'Red Matador'. And he's NOT changing anything, no matter how annoying both the animalists and the Toro Blanco act.
Btw, I'd like to develop a bit more Julio and Davi(d)'s relationship. Back on his club days he was pretty chill, but the whole Aliea deal and the Community Cup saw a huge change on him, making Davi more exigent and demanding of his teammates' skills; sometimes even more than the laid-back Julio. This led to many fights that only the old man was able to stop.
When choosing RM's lineup, Julio put more emphasis on being diverse with his selection than depending too much on the winning teams of Navarre and Madrid. This is why he went too straightforward, choosing the best of both (Querardo, Samuel, and Davi respectively) and focusing on the best player of the other teams, even those who didn't go too far on the cup. Other times he chose based on their potential alone, such as Federico or Donato (OC, the original 12 of RM). Sometimes it worked (former), but at times his judgement became incorrent (latter, poor Dona).
If Davi struggled a lot to understand Julio's choices, then the rest of Gran Madrid were infiurated, not being able to understand why he would reduce the Madrid pool to just one player. In Julio's argument, he admits that despite the winning capacities of Madrid locally, having won for so long had gotten the player's skills too comfortable, which led to their defeat at the hands of fresh talent (Navarre). Although truth be told... The less Madrid players on the team, the less fights there would be; that was also his mindset when choosing.
Julio's original plan on the FFI was to experiment a bit with his picks, and if things failed, he was willing to kick anyone and bring the Navarre/Madrid players in (Something that almost happened after the USA defeat). However, by the time Julio was willing to start off clean for the FFI, his attachment to the RM players had gotten so big, he decided to give them one last chance.
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peaky-shelby · 2 years
Despair in the Departure Lounge
He's pining for her
In a people carrier
There might be buildings and pretty things to see like that
But architecture won't do
Although it might say a lot about the city or town
I don't care what they've got, keep on turning 'em down
It don't say the funny things she does
Don't even try and cheer him up, because
It just won't happen
He's got the feeling again
This time on the aeroplane
There might be tellys in the back of the seats in front
But Rodney and Del won't do
Although it might take your mind off the aches and the pains
Laugh when he falls through the bar
But you're feeling the same
'Cause she isn't there to hold your hand
She won't be waiting for you when you land
It feels like she's just nowhere near
You could well be out on your ear
This thought comes closely followed by the fear
And the thought of it makes you feel a bit ill
Yesterday, I saw a girl who looked like someone you might knock about with
And almost shouted
And then reality kicked in within us
It seems as we become the winners
You lose a bit of summat
And half wonder if you won it at all
And don't say 'owt 'cause you've got no idea
And she's still nowhere near
And the thought comes closely followed by the fear
And the thought of it
Makes you feel a bit ill
Despair in the departure lounge
Is one and they'll still be around at three
No signal and low battery
What's happened to me?
Well that shit’s depressing. Literally Kylian’s POV. Especially the part where he sings about how being successful means giving up/losing something important that you cant replace which makes him wonder if he has truly won after all. That shit is heavy.
This is not Kylian’s song when Taylor goes back to England. Taylor is not going back to England. This is Kylian’s song when he leaves PSG and Taylor for Real Madrid to achieve his dreams. It’s literally perfect. This is the song when he’s on his private plane to Madrid and they are over the city and his agent is telling him about the architectures and how beautiful the city looks below them. And kylian mind is somewhere else. He is not thinking of the city below him. He is thinking of Paris and how beautiful his city looks like from above. Especially at night. He is thinking of Taylor and how beautiful she looks like. Especially at night. And he knows that when he lands, Taylor is not waiting for him. And and and oh my goddd he has this sinking feeling that he is losing her. That he has lost her. And it’s that sinking feeling that makes you panic a bit, that makes you want to throw up. But he is Kylian Mbappe. He is the best player in the world. He has a destiny to fulfill, a legacy to make and therefore he must play in the biggest club in the world. And he is heartbroken but also this is the very thing he has been working on since he started playing football as a child. This is his dream. Or is it? Is it really?Or is the girl he left in Paris his new dream? When did his dream change? When did his dream became more than football? Oh my godjsjsjsjdjd im crying? He’s supposed to be happy and he is but also he is so fucking sad. So fucking lonely and heartbroken and scared. Scared that he is going to regret this. Scared that he does not know what he is doing. Scared to find out what’s out there. He tries to keep a brave face. A smile. His family watches him. His mom notices something is off. She reaches for his hand to ask and Kylian squeezes it as if to say “Dont worry mom. I’m fine. I got this. I wont let you down.” He needs to fulfill his destiny here. This is what he is supposed to do. This is what is expected of him. So he gathers himself together. Take a deep breath gets himself ready for the cameras and people waiting for him as soon as he lands.
Fuuuuvkkkkkkk uuuu anon. This got me fcked up!!!!! Stop ruining my week! PSG has done enough damage already! 😫😫😫😩🥺😢😭😩😤🥺😢😫😫😫😫😢😭😭😢😫😫😩😫😫😩😫😫😫😭😭😭😖😣😖😟😔😣😔😞😭🥺😩😫😭😢😩😫
You wanna write the sequel to New Romantics bc damn this shit fucked me up too 😭😭😭 good job anon 😭😭
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cant-get-no-worse · 1 year
The situation with Gavi and Spain fans has really rattled me and got me thinking. It is shameful that they are treating this 18 year old boy who is the same age as me the way they are. He deserves respect for the way he gives his all for his club and his country and to see his efforts be rewarded in such ways is just sad. For me, those “fans” who are treating him the way they are aren’t really fans at all and I have no respect for them. This situation also got me thinking about what football, both club and country, mean to me because I simply cannot comprehend hating on your own player who won a trophy for you so enjoy this brain vomit of mine.
How do I perceive football and what does it mean to me?
Football is the whole country holding its breath during the penalty shootout. It’s the sweet taste of victory and the disappointment of defeat. It’s celebrating every medal like it’s gold because our players have given their all and deserve to feel how proud they made us. It’s watching football in school because of the winter World Cup. It’s driving towards my grandparents house during Brazil-Croatia game and not being able to sit still while listening to live commentary. It’s my mum agreeing to let me put on a football match(even though she would like to watch something else)because she knows how much I want to watch it. It’s Croatian football songs playing at 9am the day of the match. It’s believing we play better in white and red checkered kits. It’s Luka Modrić 10 and Leo Messi 10 at the same time. It’s me(who is a Barca fan through and through) and my friend(who bleeds Madrid white) sitting side by side on the bus while coming home from swim competition and watching El Classico at one shared phone. It’s the bragging rights each of us gets for a day when our team wins. It’s me losing my mind at stunts Gavi pulls and her laughing her head off at my reaction. It’s her congratulating me on Barca winning La Liga and me congratulating her on Madrid’s UCL run this year. It’s her hoping we sign Messi(when it still seemed like it would happen) and me hoping that Madrid manage to sign Bellingham (because she was really excited about the idea of it even before it was a reality ). It’s me and my other friend (who is City fan) shit talking one another’s club just to rile each other up but agreeing that Pep is the best. It her already planning to visit me in London so we can watch some City away game even tho I still have to get the grades for my offer to even be sure I’m going to be studying there next year. It’s me rattling out stats for any player my guy friend ask me about and getting their respect. It’s me checking the scores of the games while preparing for my exams and having a silly victory dance when we score. It’s the beginning in love with Barca’s defense and midfield and attack and defending them even when they suck. It’s the pain of saying goodbye to Camp Nou and the happiness of having had the chance to see it as it was. It’s the brightness of the future that lies ahead of this Barca team and the happiness that I will be there to witness it. Its every Visca Barca and Visca Catalunya. It’s the pride and the joy and the love. It’s the beautiful game. 
Sorry for sending in such a long ask which isn't even an ask but I wanted to share my thoughts with someone and you have such a beautiful paragraphs about Messi and Barca that I thought you might appreciate it🥲
I've kept that ask a few days in my inbox just to re-read it; it makes me proud and joyful to have created such space were you feel you can write this. Thank you for sharing this beautiful bits of your life, these bridges thrown, connections created, memories formed at such odd little corner stones of our lives that make futbol, ultimately, more than just shouting at some 22 players on a field. Also serves to remind us, although the institution is ugly to look at, although these players often disappoint us, that ultimately it's not about them, but above the sport itself. 💕
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luselih · 5 months
Hii im not sure if you write about him but could you write a fic with fem reader and leonardo from blue lock where she loses her virginity to him and could you make him an ass man if you can theres so little writing of him? Thank you so much if you do❤️❤️
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heartless || leonardo luna
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summary/ask: Your new boyfriend take your virginity, it couldn’t end badly, right?
content warnings | smut so minors don’t interact!, age gap (he’s 27, reader is around 20), virgin reader, chubby reader (hinted/written in mind for!), he is a major asshole, a bit (probably lot) dubious/non consensual in a lot of parts so that a warning, innocence kink?, mentions of jerking off, breast play, pussy inspection 😢, fingering, without protection, missionary and cowgirl assisted (he’s dom), filthy and mean, he is NOT gentle 😬, creamie, clit play, overstimulation, angst on end! (spoiler-he leaves you) + more…
a/n - #1 i kinda tried a different method of writing but it ended up being almost as same as oliver’s one 😭
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Leonadro Luna. Name that a lot fans of football world know, a handsome player from Spain who is playing for Real Madrid is very valuable for that club. You yourself can’t even wrap your mind around the fact that he is indeed your boyfriend of 2 months. Basically every single woman wants him in their bedsheets every night but they don’t have that privilege like you do. I mean you don’t really even use it yourself because you couldn’t bring yourself to lose it. Your virginity.
Leonardo Luna knew that you were virgin the moment he laid his eyes upon you that day at his football match. When his team won against FC Barcha for 4th time that season but fans cheered for them like lunatics, he could see you with your friends cheering for him, wearing a jersey with his name and number on it at shinny stadium and since it was hotter than a devil’s lava bath you tie your jersey on your stomach so it obviously becomes visible to everyone, but he caught it as his club celebrated and started leaving field to shower and to continue to celebrate all night long.
When he passed around tribune and entrance for the interview line he saw you and that shy and excited smile on your lips as you and friend stood there waiting for him to speak to you maybe, you two just wanted autographs from him on your world cup cards of him you pulled out after countless tries to get him.
You thought that your biggest dream was being archived, he really did came to you two and greeted as he take a marker he said thank you for as he autographed your cards.
“I didn’t know that i got two pretty girls like you two as fans and i can’t say that i am mad at it. A little autograph would make you happy? Such nice and humble girls i see in front of me…”
You sweared that your knees almost gave up on you as he flirted with you two, as he was writing his name on your card, security guards came to take you away since he was running late for his interview, as your friend passed with her card to exit, you felt something you didn’t expected. His arm on your shoulder. He gave you a flirtatious smile and whispered to you.
“I like your style quite well, so i guess a little date wouldn’t hurt too much, would it? Here this is my number, text me when you get time”
You sweared that your cheeks got warm as he slipped a tiny paper with his number on it in your pocket and had to let you go. You just got…??? Your first ever date??? and with LEONARDO LUNA??? THE Leonardo Luna? You sweared you almost become crazy as everything settled down in your mind as you got to your place.
Since then, every text, call and date was almost too good to be true. He can be a real gentleman with you, take you out and make you feel like only girl in the entire world. Every praise and complaint got you to fall for him even more and more everyday. If only you knew what is behind those beautiful green eyes and perfect smile.
Poor you, if you only knew how many times he jerked himself off at the thought of your body, he could feel every single twitch of your body at first. Gosh he almost got addicted to your innocence, your inexperience was…almost too much for him. He swerved he got a biggest bonner when you hesitantly said you don’t have that experience yet, you want to lose it with him. He got a grip on himself as he praised you for being true to yourself and himself, while letting you know that he is here for you whenever you feel like you are feeling ready for it.
That day has finally arrived.
As usual for the last month, every weekend you were watching a movie with him at your place. His arm wrapped around your shoulders as his other held tv remote as you two watched anything that was interesting for both of you. You slowly started to think it was time to do it. Empty house, lights lidded and moment was perfect. So you take a deep breath and turned your head to your boyfriend and bring your face closer to his face, giving him a couple soft experimental kisses on his cheek and jaw, his arm slide from your shoulder to your waist as he softly chuckled and whispered as you feel a singular kiss on neck.
“getting touchy all of sudden, hmm…?”
“i just wanted to say that…i think i am ready for…y’know what...”
You really thought that it was going like it should be going on, talk about it, conformation and giving consent, going slowly as you guys make love all night long with a lot of kissing and comforting words being said to each other as your bodies melt together. Oh my my-how wrong you really was you just realized.
After not even a second, your body was forced into submission as you yelped at the sudden movement, his hands holding your hands on your sides as you looked up at him shocked.
“Well finally i can get some of it, don’t make it latter like you didn’t want this too pretty thing”
You sweared that you didn’t wanted everything that happened after that moment, but gosh it made your body feel heavenly. Every mean and harsh thing he did to you was overwhelming to your inexperienced pussy.
The way he practically smacked your lips together in kiss as his hand put your arms over your head as other went underneath your shirt on your boob and give it firm squeeze, you moaned into his lips as it caught you off guard.
Even if you wanted to say anything, his lips chased yours like it’s a need, flipping your shirt up and revealing your pretty bra that he pulled down harshly, your pretty breast and soft nipples to cold air of a room making them instantly harden. After pulling out kiss that left you hazy and breathless his mouth immediately went after those perky little things. His tongue immediately licked it over slightly, your body jerked in response of new sensation. His mouth sucked deliriously on your nipple as other played with other, pulling and pinching your nipple between his fingers. After your boobs were covered in pretty bite marks he finally pulled his face and admired his artwork, your body already twitching from stimulation, so close to climax.
His hand immediately slipped between your legs and toyed with your clit over your pants with his thumb, you immediately starting to grind against his hand, trying your chase that finish that was so fucking close. With no surprise when your body twitched so deliciously, back arching as you got to climax, your breath rigged and your eyes teary.
“Is baby already feeling tired, well to bad~”
He pulled his clothes off, his broad shoulders and 6 pack shining in dim light as his sweatpants showed off brand of his high branded underwear, slowly pulling down your pants off your hips as he only left you in your panties, your mouth suddenly getting dry as you can’t even say a well formulated sentence, your arms not even daring to move from above your head clinging into fabric of the couch like a life line.
His long fingers passed from middle of your chest to side of your panties, tip of fingers hooking into a thin material and pulling it to the side, revealing the prettiest scene he saw since lord knows when. Your tight cunny glistening with your own cum as you hole twitched, crying for dick like it’s a need, gosh he wants to ruin you for any other man ever. His finger, gently yet firmly stared moving over her staring from your tiny bud of clitoris, teasing it lightly and drink in your whiny reactions then spreading your inner and outer lips of vagina as he looks at your hole inspecting your private part barely any centimeters away from it, it is so humiliating you can barely keep your eyes open.
After confirming your claim he slipped his ring finger into your awaiting hole suddenly, making you yelp at the stretch and uncomfortable feeling, he didn’t waited a second, putting a hand over your mouth and adding another finger it, exploring and memorizing your insides like a map to a secret treasure. Tears brimming again on your eyes as you climaxed again on his 4 fingers on end, pulling out his hand he smiled so sweetly at the visible stretch between your legs. “At least you won’t cry like past girl” he thought quickly.
Pulling his pants off he slide his underwear off and his 7 inch long cook dripped with pre cum, light hair barely visible as he pulled your legs to the side of his body and leaned down closer to your face as he lined it with your entrance, making you automatically letting out a chocked gasp as you knew and hold onto his shoulders as he bullied his head into a tightest hole he was ever been in, your cries of a stretch almost completely ignored as he just kissed your bottom lip as he continued. Pink cook head aligning with your cervix very quickly but he continued anyway till his heavy balls slapped against your ass checks and you practically feel him in your throat.
His thrust hard, fast and mean after he let you get comfortable for barely a minute before he rammed into your pussy like a mad man. His body pressing your into a couch as your shared kisses and skin slapping against each other filled the room quickly. You holding into his shoulders for any support and sanity in that moment as you let him shape your insides to his likings.
From the pit inside your stomach you felt that you are so close to climax again, your toes curling as you creamed around his dick while he continued to fuck you senseless. Every push you tried to make because of overstimulation was unsuccessful to say the least. He didn’t even pull out when he felt he was getting close, he just pulled you by your forearm up and flipped you two. Your boobs bouncing as his hands keep your pace, his hands harshly pulling your ass checks apart as he bullied his dick so deep within you that you almost pass out from everything.
With final snap of your hips he stuffed your hole full, his white cum escaping as he pulled out and watched in satisfaction as it poured on a fabric of your couch so quickly and sexy. Settling you back on a couch your lifeless body was a mush, your eyes barely open as you were about to pass out any moment. He kissed your cheek slightly as he looked at you and your poor body for the last time before he went to shower in your bathroom and left you.
Next day you were greeted by his profiles and numbers not being available to you and your trust towards love now broken, you really though it can’t get any worse, you did?
well…let’s see what that pink stick with 2 bold red lines have to say about it now ;)
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