#Madeyed King
fanficwriter284 · 2 years
More on the Kingdom AU….hehehe
Only a select few if people are allowed to call the Madeyed King, by his nickname. Only Tiffany is allowed to call him Chucky, along with his brothers.
Only when it’s just the family, when they are in public, it’s either The Queen, My Queen, My Love, The King , My King, My Love, stuff like that.
People are down right terrified of Tiffany. She’s the most fairest of the land, and the most ruthless. And if The King here’s someone insult his Queen….well…they won’t be able to live long enough to regret it.
Chucky, does his best to keep a level head, and does try to maintain a civilized land and actually does stay out of war, because he was a family to return to. However if one of his children or wife, we’re to get kidnapped, he will rain absolute hellfire on those who taken what’s dear to him.
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gamekyu880302 · 7 years
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Tenimyu Photoset Sale
every set is 10€ unless it’s stated otherwise
More Than Limits: - Yanagizawa Shinya/Shinoda Mitsuyoshi - 6€ Advancement Match Rokkaku - Tezuka/Minami Keisuke - Saeki/ Irei Kanata - Kisarazu Ryo/ Kato Ryosuke Absolute King Rikkai I - Tezuka/ Minami Keisuke Absolute King Rikkai II - Tezuka/ Minami Keisuke - Fuji/Aiba Hiroki - 12€ - Oishi/ Takiguchi Yukihiro - Kikumaru/Seto Koji - Inui/ Nakayama Madei - Kawamura/ Watanabe Kouji - Ichinen Trio 6€ - Kurobane/Gaku Shindou - Aoi/Kawahara Kazuma - Kisarazu Ryo/ Kato Ryosuke Progressive Match Higa - Fuji/Furukawa Yuuta - 12€ - Saeki/ Irei Kanata Hyotei - Kabaji/Washimi Ryoh - 6€ Treasure Match Shitenhouji - Tezuka/ Watanabe Daisuke -12€ DL6th - Fuji/Furukawa Yuuta - 12€ - Yuushi/Akiyama Shintaro
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todayclassical · 8 years
February 13 in Music History
1669 FP of Lully's Ballet de Flore at the Teatre of the Tuileries Palace in Paris
1693 Death of German organist, composer and choral director Johann Kaspar von Kerill in Munich.
1700 Birth of mezzo-soprano Vittoria Tesi-Tramontini in Florence.  
1713 Birth of Spanish composer Domingo Terradellas in Barcelona. 
1725 FP of Handel's Rodelinda with soprano Cuzzoni at the King's Theater in London.
1727 Handel applies for British citizenship.
1740 Birth of soprano Sophie Arnould in Paris. 
1741 Death of Austrian composer Johan Josef Fux aka Fuchs, in Vienna. 
1746 Birth of Italian composer Giovanni Cambini. 
1820 Birth of Hungarian conductor, composer, and violinist Bela Keler.
1859 Birth of Finnish composer Ida Georgina Moberg.
1862 Birth of Czech composer Karel Weis, in Prague. 
1862 Birth of tenor Hans Buff-Giessen in Giesen. 
1870 Birth of Polish pianist Leopold Godowsky in Vilna.
1873 Birth of Russian bass Fiódor Chaliapin in Kazan. 
1874 Death of French composer Johann Franz Burgmuller in Beaulieu. 
1882 Birth of Polish composer Ignaz Friedman in Podgorze near Cracow, Poland.
1883 Birth of composer Bainbridge Crist. 
1883 Death of German composer Richard Wagner in Bayreuth. 
1888 Gustav Mahler takes musical director position at the Budapest Opera.
1891 Birth of Russian-born American bass Alexander Kipnis in Zhitomir. 
1892 Birth of soprano Mariya Lytvynenko-Volhemut in Kiev. 
1908 Birth of composer Gerald Strang. 
1910 Birth of French composer Jaqueline Else Barraine in Paris. 
1913 Birth of bass-baritone Otto Wiener in Vienna.  
1914 Birth of composer George Kleinsinger in California. 
1914 Founding of American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. About ASCAP.
1931 FP of Honegger's Symphony for/by Boston Sym, Koussevitzky cond.
1920 Birth of American soprano Eileen Farrel in Willimantic, CT. 
1921 Birth of soprano Renee Doria in Perpignan.
1923 Birth of Lebanese violinist Yfrah Neaman in Sidon.
1926 Birth of composer Barney Childs in Spokane, WA. 
1926 FP of Artur Honegger's opera Judith revised, at the Monte Carlo Opéra.1928 Birth of composer Gerald Fried.
1929 Birth of tenor Anton De Ridder in Amsterdam. 
1937 Birth of mezzo-soprano Anna Malewicz-Madey in Pinsk, Poland. 
1938 Birth of soprano Johanna Meier in Chicago. 
1944 FP of George Antheil's Symphony No. 4. NBC Symphony, Leopold Stokowski conducting.1945 Death of tenor Romeo Boscacci.
1946 Birth of English composer Colin Matthews in London. 
1947 Birth of soprano Susan Kessler in Sydney.
1948 Birth of Japanese composer Junko Mori in Niigata-ken.
1952 Death of tenor Max Altglass. 
1954 Birth of composer Orlando Jacinto García.
1955 Death of baritone Waclaw Brzezinski. 
1956 FP of Ernst Toch's Peter Pan Symphonic Fairy Tale for orchestra, in Seattle.
1957 Birth of Polish-American composer Raymond Wojcik.
1959 FP of B. Martinu's The Parables for orchestra. Boston Symphony, Charles Munch conducting.
1960 Birth of composer Daniel Burwasser.
1960 Birth of mezzo-soprano Anna Steiger in Los Angeles. 
1961 FP of Leonard Bernstein's Symphonic Dances from West Side Story. New York Philharmonic conducted by Lukas Foss.
1964 Death of soprano Louise Kartousch. 
1968 Death of Italian composer Ildebrando Pizzetti, at age 87, in Rome. 
1969 Death of tenor Georges J
1978 Death of baritone Willi Domgraf-Fassbaender. 
1978 FP of Roger Reynolds's Fiery Winds for orchestra, in NYC.
1991 Death of tenor Flaviano Labo. 
2000 Death of bass-baritone Rudolf Asmus. 
2005 Death of Swedish conductor Sixten Ehrling in Stockholm. 
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kerahlekung · 5 years
Sesudah rumah siap pahat pun berbunyi...
Sesudah rumah siap pahat pun berbunyi....
Pahat terus berbunyi mengetuk mana-mana tempat dan ruang yang mungkin tidak sekata dalam rumah (kabinet) Udin anak Yassin. Pahat-pahat itu mengkritik dan menegur pembinaan kabinet itu dengan berbagai pandangan dan rasa tidak puas hati. Pahat-pahat yang berkokok itu bukan saja dari luar tetapi dari dalam sendiri. Ini yang tidak berapa menyenangkan Udin anak Yassin. Antara yang menegur Azalina Othman Said, beliau pertikai kabinet itu tidak sepatutnya mendominasi sebuah parti saja tetapi perlu seimbang mengikut kekanan parti dan jumlah kerusi. Katanya Umno sepatutnya layak diberikan kementerian yang lebih significant seperti Kementerian Wanita, Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Kementerian Luar Bandar, Kementerian Kewangan dan Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani. Namun semua kementerian kanan itu dibolot oleh PPBM. Shahrir Samad pula kata kabinet itu seolah-olah menunjukkan kerajaan baru PN bukannya dipimpin oleh UBN dan Muafakat Nasional, tetapi diketuai oleh Bersatu dengan geng Azmin Ali dari PKR. Shahrir juga persoal kenapa pemimpin Umno Sabah ditinggalkan oleh Udin anak Yassin daripada menyertai senarai kabinet berkenaan. “Kalau (Ketua Umno Sabah) Bung (Moktar Radin) tidak boleh dilantik oleh kerana sedang menghadapi perbicaraan di mahkamah, Mohamed (Alamin) yang baru menang di PRK Kimanis layak untuk jadi seorang timbalan menteri,” katanya. Selain itu ahli Parlimen Cameron Highlands Ramli Mohd Noor juga mempersoalkan kabinet itu melupai Orang Asal. Beliau tanya apakah tunggu 60 tahun lagi untuk Orang Asal berada dalam kabinet. Nada Ramli jelas hampa. Mendengar pahat-pahat itu berbunyi menggambarkan Umno tidak senang dengan cara Udin anak Yassin menyusun kabinet. Apakah rasa-rasa dan kritikan itu merupakan bunga perbalahan di antara Umno dengan PBBM yang jelas telah memperalatkan Umno dan Pas untuk kepuasan segelintir manusia daripada parti itu. - MSO
Ramai MP Penyamun Nasional 
lepas geram kat Din...
‪🔴 Ramli Mohd Noor, MP Umno-Cameron Highlands (Pahang): ‬ ‪“Kerajaan Perikatan Nasional ketepikan kepentingan Orang Asli apabila gagal melantik sebarang wakil masyarakat itu dalam barisan jemaah Menteri. Yang amat jelas, Orang Asli diketepikan langsung.”‬ ‪🔴 Azalina Othman Said, MP Umno-Pengerang (Johor):‬ “Gabungan kerajaan harus berdasarkan perwakilan yang seimbang dan bukannya didominasi oleh satu parti.”‬ ‪🔴 Bung Moktar Radin, MP Umno-Kinabatangan (Sabah):‬ ‪ “Menteri Kewangan baru dilantik dalam ucap tamanya menyatakan 'no political interference in his ministry', dia tak sedar pelantikannya atas move politik, kalau inilah pendiriannya lebih baik dia buka kementeriannya sendiri.”‬ ‪🔴 Tiong King Sing, MP SPDP-Bintulu (Sarawak):‬ ‪ Setiausaha Agung SPDP berkata, “Tiong King Sing menolak pelantikan sebagai Timbalan Menteri Perpaduan Negara. Jawatan ini tidak sesuai dengan kedudukannya sebagai Presiden parti.”‬ ‪🔴 Seorang MP Umno Perak [namanya dirahsiakan dahulu] begitu geram dengan kegagalan PM Muhyiddin melantik Presiden Umno atau Timbalan Presiden Umno untuk menjadi Menteri Kabinet.‬ 🔴 Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Abang Johari Openg (GPS): Sama ada satu daripada dua artikel perlembagaan harus dipinda untuk menggambarkan status Sabah dan Sarawak sama dengan Tanah Melayu, jika Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) menyokong kerajaan Perikatan Nasional dengan majoriti dua pertiga di Dewan Rakyat. Jika dibentang Usul Percaya atau Tidak Percaya terhadap Perdana Menteri Penyamun Muhyiddin Yassin hari ini, Kerajaan Penyamun Nasional (PN) tumbang sekali pun dalam undian belah-bahagi dalam Dewan Rakyat.‬ - f/bk
Kalu Anwar ditolak oleh orang Melayu,
orang mana pula yang sokong Mahathir...
Saya asalnya malas mahu ambil tahu tentang Mahathir, orang tua yang semakin merapu cakapnya. Namun, apabila beliau terus berleter bukan-bukan semenjak hilang kuasa angkara perbuatan khianat presiden partinya sendiri dan dibantu pula oleh Si Kitol dan juak-juaknya, maka saya terpaksa mengulasnya bagi menenangkan fikirannya yang meroyan bagai kematian bini. Kita faham, Mahathir sukar untuk mempercayai beliau hilang kuasa yang beliau cuba pertahankan sehingga mati itu, tetapi kita lebih tidak faham mengapa begitu cepat mantan PM ke 7 ini nyanyuk. Sepatutnya kita yang menyalahkannya awal lagi apabila beliau gagal menunaikan banyak janji di dalam manifesto PH termasuk janjinya untuk menyerahkan jawatan PM apabila Anwar dibebaskan dari penjara.  Namun kita bertahan untuk tidak menghentam beliau demi untuk menjaga perpaduan di dalam PH. Malangnya, selepas hilang kuasa, beliau tidak pernah mahu mengaku kesilapannya tetapi berterusan menyalahkan Anwar yang terlalu banyak mengalah untuk memuaskan nafsu tamak dan rakus beliau itu
Hari ini di dalam Sinar, beliau menyatakan Anwar tidak mendapat sokongan orang-orang Melayu. Seterusnya beliau menuduh Anwar itu berfahaman liberal seolah-olah beliau seorang yang Islamik.  Tidak perlu pergi jauh, lihat latar belakang dan cara hidup keluarga Anwar dan dibandingkan dengan keluarga Mahathir, di situ kita boleh tahu jawapan siapa yang Islamik dan siapa yang liberal sebenarnya. Hidup penuh mewah dan jutawan, adakah keluarga Anwar atau keluarga Mahathir?
Semua tahu, di dalam undian MP-MP di Istana baru-baru ini, Anwar jauh mengatasi Mahathir. Anwar dikenali sebagai pemimpin semua kaum bukannya hanya untuk orang-orang Melayu meskipun Anwar paling tegas mempertahankan hak-hak orang Melayu dan Islam yang termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan. 
Yang di kata "Liberal" tulah yg hang terketaq2 pergi mengadap  di mahkamah, di hospital, menumpang bertenggek dlm PH.- f/bk
Jika Anwar seorang liberal, mana mungkin Anwar dikenali dan begitu rapat dengan negara-negara Islam di merata dunia? Turki sebuah negara yang amat tidak disukai oleh barat, tetapi Erdogan adalah sahabat Anwar paling dekat. Hakikatnya, Mahathir yang bukan sahaja ditolak oleh orang-orang Melayu tetapi turut ditolak oleh kaum Cina, India, Iban, Kadazan bahkan ditolak oleh kaum orang Asli. Jika ada pun yang menyokong beliau mungkin dari keturunan mamak tebar roti canai.  Buktinya, di dalam PRU14 yang lalu, parti Bersatu di bawah pimpinannya diberi kerusi bertanding di 52 kawasan Parlimen majoriti Melayu, namun partinya hanya dapat 13 Kerusi sahaja. Separuh pun tidak dapat. Melayu tolak Mahathir. Itu fakta. Partinya dikatakakan mahu menggantikan Umno sebagai sebuah parti mewakili kaum Melayu, namun berapa jumlah keahlian Bersatu sekarang?
Anwar pernah bertanding di kawasan majoriti Melayu di Permatang Pauh dan beliau tidak pernah kalah. Anwar bertanding di kawasan campuran iaitu di Port Dickson, dan Anwar menang. Ertinya, Anwar diterima semua. Untuk menjadi pemimpin negara ini mestilah seorang yang diterima oleh semua kaum. Muhyidin sekarang pun tidak dapat dibuktikan dapat sokongan semua kaum untuk menjadi PM kerana beliau menjadi PM ikut pintu belakang. Cukup-cukuplah Mahathir mencari salah orang lain. Sudah sampai masanya Mahathir bersara dari politik sebelum namanya menjadi terlalu busuk dan menjadi kutukan seperti di era Mahafiraun dahulu. - Wfauzdin Ns
Mahathir manusia tak kenang budi...
Story kat SINI dan SINI
Aku pelik dengan madey....kona pi, kona mai.. semua dia salahkan Anwar...Dia letak jawatan, dia akibatkan kerajaan terbubar, dia salahkan Anwar.. dia sat kata Muhyiddin pengkhianat, kejap dak.. dia punca PH jadi caca marba.. semua dia hala kata salah Anwar.. parti dia kalah dlm 3-4 PRK pun salah Anwar...
Rakyat tak buta..tak pekak..tak hilang ingatan lagi.. 1998 Hang aib kan Anwar, hang tuduh..hang jaja satu dunia konon Anwar buat benda tak masuk akal.. Hang sumbat kawan tu dlm lokap, dalam penjara gara2 hang angkuh dgn kuasa.. seolah org lain tak layak jadi perdana menteri.. hang sorang saja bagiuh....
Selepas 18 tahun Dr Mahathir jumpa dan 
bersalam dengan Anwar di mahkamah
Hang jangan buat2 lupa.. 2016 , hang dengan muka berdaki tebal 3 inci..terhegeh2 join dgn pembangkang yg arusnya bergerak hebat gara2 reformasi Anwar..
2017 hang dgn si Khairuddin pondan terhegeh2 pi IDCC Shah Alam sewaktu Konvensyen Reformis.. buat muka sekupang depan reformis.. nak mintak restu.. konon nak bersama2 lawan dan jatuhkan Najib.. hang jgn dok buat lupa...
Hang terketaq2 pi jumpa Anwar di mahkamah..nak bagi sokongan konon.. walhal nak mintak simpati Anwar..restu dari Anwar utk hang dgn barua2 hang dpt join dgn PH. Tu belum kira lagi sampaikan hang utus si Daim utk jumpa Anwar di penjara.
Sampaikan nak umumkan calon PM masa pru14 .. restu Anwar dari penjara lah..hang dicalonkan sbg calon PM jika PH menang.. walhal masa tu hang SAMPAH ja..sampah yg dikutip lepas kena campak dgn Umno. Hang ingat kami boleh lupa? - Aman Shah 
Nak bubar parlimen?...Nak buat PRU perlukan sekurang2 nya RM800 juta ...Di saat org2 politik , sibuk membuncitkan perut masing2..Di pihak rakyat, kini sdg bergelut, bagaimana utk bagi makan anak bini, bila 'dipaksa' bercuti tanpa gaji selama 3 bulan. Bukan 1000, bukan 2000, tapi 13,000!Apa2 pun... Politikus2 ni, mereka tidak pernah memandang isu2 rakyat ini sebagai isu besar... Depa sibuk berperang merebut kuasa itu lebih penting! - f/bk
UMNO Warlords Upset They Have Been Unfairly  Short-changed And Given Junk Ministries...
The new cabinet was designed in such a way to ensure the survivability of not only Prime Minister Muhyiddin, but crucially the continuous existence of Bersatu (if they failed to take over UMNO) “after” the next 15th General Election. And if you look at the position of the chess pieces, some hidden hands had helped Muhyiddin in the entire architecture. If Muhyiddin was such a genius strategist, he wouldn’t have had been sacked by former PM Najib Razak in the first place. Similarly, if Azmin Ali was such a brilliant tactician, he wouldn’t have had been caught engaging in gay sex video to begin with. Mahathir together with Daim Zainuddin plus some advisors were behind the whole drama in dislodging Pakatan Harapan and installed puppet Muhyiddin. Mahathir initially called Muhyiddin a traitor. Muhyiddin denied and quickly sent a letter begging for forgiveness. Mahathir then said the much anticipated vote of confidence will most likely fail and Muhyiddin will survive until the 15th General Election, as if was giving his seal of approval for the prime minister. Thereafter, Muhyiddin publicly asked Mahathir for endorsement. Both Mahathir and Muhyiddin appeared to be winking at each other. Now Mahathir claims he did not actually mean to say Muhyiddin betrayed him personally. It was referring to his actions in betraying the party’s struggle, says Mahathir. In other words, it meant while Mahathir condemns a man for his actions of raping a girl, he did not actually mean to call the man a rapist (*grin*). There was no bad blood between them. There never was. It has been just a blockbuster movie to hoodwink the voters, whether they were Chinese, Malay or Indians, to a grand scheme to install the desired dynasty on the throne. And based on the chess pieces on the table, Anwar Ibrahim, Najib Razak, Hishammuddin Hussein, Tengku Razaleigh and Khairy Jamaluddin are out of the game. Of all the UMNO talents and warlords, “turtle egg” Ismail Sabri Yaakob was deliberately chosen as the captain for one of four Senior Ministers. It’s not an exaggeration to say that among the 3 vice presidents of UMNO (Ismail Sabri, Mahdzir Khalid and Khaled Nordin); Ismail Sabri is the least intelligent. But that was the plan – putting a stumbling block so that others cannot challenge Muhyiddin.
Ahmad Zahid Hamidi - Dejected
Hishammuddin Hussein, arguably one of the smartest UMNO warlords, was appointed as Foreign Minister. That is as good as sending him to overseas to prevent him from plotting against the premier. Mr Hishammuddin, hails from a political blue-blood family by virtue of him being the son of Malaysia’s third prime minister, is considered a direct threat to the Muhyiddin leadership (or Mahathir for that matter). Khairy Jamaluddin, the son-in-law of former Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi, has been appointed as Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, clearly an irrelevant and useless ministry. The fact that Khairy managed to grab 61 votes out of 191 divisional votes in the UMNO presidency post for the 2018-2021 term speaks volumes about his strength in the party. In the 32-member Cabinet unleashed by Muhyiddin, UMNO only gets 9 ministers, despite the party being the largest in the newly formed backdoor government. UMNO secretary-general Annuar Musa was appointed the Federal Territories Minister. Other portfolios allocated to UMNO include the Higher Education Ministry, Energy and Natural Resources, Health, National Unity and Youth and Sports. Besides Senior Minister Ismail Sabri’s portfolio of Defence Ministry, you don’t need a rocket scientist to see how UMNO was given mostly junk ministries. Hence, the displeasure expressed by senior warlords Azalina Othman and Bung Moktar. Upset, Azalina argued that the coalition government should be based on proportionate representations and not dominated by any one party. If you wish to know which ministries are the most lucrative, Azalina had accidentally spilled the beans. She said UMNO should be given more significant ministries like the Women’s Ministry, Home Ministry, Finance Ministry, Rural Development and Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Ministry. Either in quality or quantity of ministries allocation, UMNO has been short-changed. Even after Azmin Ali and his gang of traitors (11 MPs) joined Bersatu, Muhyiddin’s party has only 30 MPs. In comparison UMNO-led Barisan Nasional contributed 42 MPs (UMNO’s 39, MCA’s 2 and MIC’s 1). Other component parties of the Perikatan Nasional coalition consist of Islamist party PAS (18 MPs) and Sarawak-based GPS (18 MPs). So UMNO has 30% more MPs than Bersatu.
Azalina Othman...
Yet, Muhyiddin’s Bersatu has 11 ministers, 20% more than UMNO. To add insult to the injury, Bersatu snatched two of the four Senior Ministers, despite UMNO possessed the “golden chair”. Azmin Ali, who betrayed his former party PKR, was given International Trade and Industry Ministry while Mohd Radzi Md Jidin (Bersatu supreme council member) was allocated the Education Ministry. The other 7 portfolios held by Muhyiddin’s party include the Economy and Special Functions portfolios in the PM’s Department, Women and Family, Home, Agriculture and Food Industry, Rural Development, Communications and Multimedia, as well as Housing and Local Government – all of which are either strategic or important ministries with huge annual budget allocation. Heck, even the powerful new Finance Minister Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz, former chief executive of banking group CIMB, is linked to PM Muhyiddin Yassin’s family. Zafrul’s younger brother, Tengku Zuhri Tengku Abdul Aziz, apparently is married to Fara Nadia Abd Rahim, whose elder sister Fara Ikma Abd Rahim is married to Muhyiddin’s eldest son Fakhri Yassin. Even at the very top level, bad blood has already begun among the three Malay political parties. The leadership of Bersatu was pressured not to appoint any tainted and corrupt leaders from the previous Barisan Nasional regime as the deputy prime minister, obviously referring to UMNO President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who has been slapped with record 87 criminal charges. However, UMNO supreme council member Puad Zarkashi argued that if his boss Zahid cannot be appointed due to his corruption and money laundering charges, Azmin Ali too should be excluded in the Cabinet because of his leaked gay sex video performance at Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Sandakan, Sabah. After all, Zahid has not been convicted yet. But not only Bersatu greedily gobbled 2 of 4 Senior Minister posts, PM Muhyiddin has announced that while the four senior ministers he appointed are all “equal”, Azmin Ali will chair Cabinet meetings whenever he is absent. That message was as good as telling UMNO and PAS that the de-facto Deputy PM is Azmin, the gay whom the police hilariously claimed cannot be identified in the sex video scandal.
Semburit's sex video
At the same time, PAS grassroots believed it was only fair for their president Hadi Awang to be given the deputy prime minister post. When asked about the possibility of him appointed as the deputy prime minister, Hadi said – “I am open … I do not say I have to be selected (as Cabinet member). If I do not get selected, I don’t mind going back to be a fisherman. No problem. I want to work for the country.” If you’re serious about not wanting any position or power, you don’t open up your options. To say so means you’re playing psychological games to hide your greed and lust and pretends to be “holier-than-thou”. In reality, both Zahid and Hadi were looking forward to be appointed as deputy prime minister, despite them putting up a drama saying they won’t mind if they didn’t get it. Amusingly, Annuar Musa, who had called for a snap election prior to his appointment as Federal Territories Minister in the backdoor government, has made a U-turn now and denied asking for the Parliament to be dissolved. Similarly, Noraini, the Wanita Umno chief, had screamed her lungs out that in the name of UMNO dignity, Zahid must be appointed to the Cabinet. But after she was appointed as the Minister of Higher Education, Noraini quickly resigned as the Public Accounts Committee chairman to take up the post and never spoke about UMNO dignity again. All the UMNO MPs who have been appointed to the Cabinet are as quiet as a church mouse. That doesn’t mean the discontent and unhappiness within the UMNO leadership can be ignored. The racist party UMNO, unfortunately, is trapped the moment it joins the backdoor government of Muhyiddin. It’s now too late to cry over spilt milk. The party has now been further divided. Hishammuddin’s camp and Khairy’s supporters happily lick the bones thrown to them. Zahid and Najib’s camp, on the other hand, can only watch helplessly. UMNO President Zahid Hamidi and PAS President Hadi Awang should have ignored the temptations of joining Muhyiddin, who essentially is Mahathir’s proxy, and pushed for a snap election instead. The sentiment against now-collapsed Pakatan Harapan was extremely high thanks to racial and religious cards well played by UMNO Malay nationalist and PAS Islamist party. Had a snap election been called, UMNO and PAS will definitely win the lion’s share of the Malay-majority seats and would form a new government. Zahid would become the prime minister while Hadi clearly would be the deputy. UMNO and PAS would be left to share the spoils of war. Muhyiddin has admitted yesterday that he did not want a snap election. A snap election will send Bersatu to oblivion. - FT
Dulu istihar harta idea komunis,sekarang tak lagi,haram dah halal. Dalil boleh berubah hanya dgn sekeping slip gaji.Tunggang selagi boleh...- f/bk
Sumber asal: Sesudah rumah siap pahat pun berbunyi... Baca selebihnya di Sesudah rumah siap pahat pun berbunyi...
0 notes
jc · 5 years
Die 2010-er Jahre
Es ist ein Jahr­zehnt vor­bei. Jaja, nicht das Jahr­zehnt, son­dern die zehn Jah­re mit der 1 vor­ne dran. Es waren fast genau die zehn Jah­re zwi­schen mei­nem 30. und mei­nem 40. Geburts­tag. Ein Alter, das gemein­hin ja als „Rush­hour des Lebens“ bezeich­net wird. Sehen wir uns das mal genau­er an.
2010. Bei der Land­tags­wahl wäh­le ich die Pira­ten­par­tei – das ers­te und ein­zi­ge Mal. Ein Vul­kan legt halb Euro­pa lahm und beschert mir einen guten Blog­ein­trag. Der Arbeit­ge­ber ver­ord­net Kurz­ar­beit. Ich zie­he von Köln nach Bonn. Ich flie­ge nach Chi­ca­go.
2011. Ich wechs­le den Arbeits­platz. Ich über­neh­me die Fahr­rad­staf­fel bei einem Tri­ath­lon und – erst im Rück­blick erkenn­bar – been­de damit mei­ne kur­ze Rad­sport­kar­rie­re.
2012. Ich wer­de Jung­ge­sel­le Bache­lor. Und ich bin zum ers­ten Mal auf der Repu­bli­ca. Und dann auf Kor­fu. Ich klet­te­re und auch sonst ist nicht mehr viel los. Das heißt, doch: Ich kün­di­ge schon wie­der.
2013. Ich las­se mir – lang­fris­tig erfolg­los – die Nasen­schei­de­wand kor­ri­gie­ren. Ich fan­ge den neu­en Job an und wer­de gleich mal krank. Ich bin stolz auf die klei­ne Doktor-Schwester. Ich star­te die Ironblogger-Gruppe Bonn, sozu­sa­gen die Urzel­le der spä­te­ren Fir­ma. Ich hal­te mei­nen ers­ten Vor­trag, der nichts mit Markt­for­schung zu tun hat. Ich bin auf mei­nem ers­ten Bar­camp. Der Urlaub ist ein wahn­wit­zi­ger Road­trip. Ich gril­le in Sascha Lobos Gar­ten. Ich ver­lo­be mich. Es ist auch mein zehn­tes Jahr im Rhein­land. Bun​des​stadt​.com geht live und es gibt zum ers­ten Mal die MiMiMiMi!-Bloglesung. Was für ein Jahr.
2014. Ich wer­de Teil des Tech­nik­ta­ge­buchs. Wir wer­den Welt­meis­ter. Wir hei­ra­ten. Die Hoch­zeits­rei­se geht für drei­ein­halb Wochen an die USA-Westküste. Ich schlie­ße mein Stu­di­um mit dem Mas­ter ab. Ich wer­de Dozent.
2015. Mein ers­tes Fern­seh­in­ter­view. Das ers­te Bar­Camp Bonn. Urlaub in den Alpen. Urlaub in New York. Zum ers­ten Mal auf einer Republica-Bühne. Woh­nung gekauft. Auto gekauft. Schon wie­der gekün­digt, die­ses Mal aber rich­tig, also mit Grün­dung von Bonn​.digi​tal.
2016. Das Jahr des Band­schei­ben­vor­falls. Urlaub auf Kre­ta. Tod von Marie und von Onkel Roman, der mir das Com­pu­tern bei­gebracht und damit mei­nen gan­zen Lebens­weg beein­flusst hat. Ansons­ten Arbeit, Arbeit, Arbeit.
2017. Bis­her ein­zi­ger Magen-Darm-Infekt mei­nes Lebens. Den bes­ten Schlaf des Jahr­zehnts in Wies­ba­den gehabt. Ers­te Fuck­Up Night Bonn. Umzug vom Cowor­king in das ers­te eige­ne Büro. Urlaub auf Mal­ta. Ansons­ten Arbeit, Arbeit, Arbeit. Davon zwei Mona­te kom­plett allein wegen Saschas Eltern­zeit.
2018. Zwei Mit­ar­bei­te­rin­nen ein­ge­stellt. Ver­gleichs­wei­se gro­ßes Medi­en­in­ter­es­se, weil ich den Spie­gel kri­ti­sie­re. Mein Club steigt auf. Es ist ein lan­ger, hei­ßer Som­mer. Bei Holi Colors hole ich mir einen län­ger andau­ern­den Hör­scha­den. Über­haupt: Noch nie auf so vie­len Kon­zer­ten gewe­sen, Kun­de Kunst­ra­sen sei Dank. Die letz­te Flug­rei­se der 10-er Jah­re geht auf Madei­ra. Ich lege mir einen 3D-Drucker zu. Ansons­ten Arbeit, Arbeit, Arbeit. Kurz vor Jah­res­schluss erfah­re ich, dass ich Vater wer­de.
2019. Einen Kar­ne­vals­or­den bekom­men. Letz­ter Fern­seh­auf­tritt der 10-er Jah­re wegen Gum­mi­bär­chen. Auch ich wer­de mal abge­mahnt. Als Spät­zün­der dem Minecraft-Fieber ver­fal­len. Fri­days for Future: Ich bin nicht nur Fan, ich lau­fe auch mal ein Stück mit. Als Teil des Tech­nik­ta­ge­buchs bin ich Grimme-Online-Award-Preisträger. Letz­ter Urlaub der 10-er Jah­re: Rügen. Der Som­mer ist nicht so lan­ge heiß, dafür mit Tem­pe­ra­tu­ren an die 40 Grad. Ich wer­de der stol­zes­te Vater der Welt. Dass ich kurz dar­auf einen run­den Geburts­tag feie­re, geht (zum Glück) ein wenig unter. So stolz! Ansons­ten Arbeit, Arbeit, Arbeit.
Ja, doch, da war eini­ges los. Ich bin gespannt, was die nächs­ten zehn Jah­re brin­gen.
* * *
Ende des Tex­tes. Bit­te wer­fen Sie eine Mün­ze ein!
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2020/01/die-2010-er-jahre/)
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larryland · 6 years
by Barbara Waldinger
How is it possible for a local theatre, performing in a school with a cast of seventeen, including a small group of experienced actors working alongside a number of young students, to mount a credible, fully-staged and costumed production of Shakespeare’s Richard II, a play written entirely in verse?
That is what Walking the dog Theater, celebrating its twenty-first anniversary this year, has happily achieved at Hawthorne Valley School Hall, under the direction of Melania Levitsky, with yeoman assistance from composer/music director Gotthard Killian, set designer Serena Hoffman and costumer Elizabeth Frishkoff (and assistants).
Written in 1595, the play takes place during the reign of  Richard II (1377-99), an incompetent, self-centered, corrupt king, eventually deposed by his cousin, Henry Bolingbroke, whose property Richard seized after banishing  him.  Wallowing in self-pity as Bolingbroke amasses forces against him, Richard willingly hands over his crown.  Why should we be interested in this weak king?  Because, as Shakespeare scholar Harold Bloom suggests, Richard is a remarkable poet–a “master of metaphor”–whose lyrical passages become more eloquent as his position as God’s anointed ruler slips away.  Upon learning that Bolingbroke has been murdering the king’s supporters, Richard speaks these famous lines:
“For God’s sake, let us sit upon the ground
And tell sad stories of the death of kings.”  (III.ii. 155-6)
Fortunately, David Anderson, Executive Artistic Director and a founder of Walking the dog Theater, plays the title character.  His portrayal goes a long way towards explaining why Bloom thinks Richard would have been better off as an actor than a king.  Anderson masterfully captures Richard’s many moods:  his cruelty, insecurity and the manic-depression that propels him from wanting to defend his title, which he has held since childhood, to the realization that he is nothing.
John-Scott Legg as Henry Bolingbroke is a worthy opponent.  As a man of action he presents a strong contrast to Richard, who is all talk.  Though he claims to have returned from banishment only to retrieve his stolen property, it is clear that Bolingbroke won’t stop until he is seated on the throne.  Six years after the play was first performed at the Globe Theatre, it was revived by followers of the Earl of Essex on the eve of his 1601 rebellion against Queen Elizabeth I, who, realizing their intention,  retorted:  “I am Richard II, know ye not that?”
Two other professionals in the WTD cast offering powerful performances are TAMIR as the Duke of York, uncle to the king (the casting throughout is gender-fluid), and Carla Lewis, doubling as the Duchess of Gloucester and Earl of Northumberland.  Anderson, Legg, TAMIR and Lewis are the anchors of this production.
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Levitsky’s direction is superb.  Her large cast is well-rehearsed and choreographed, as they perform on a series of platforms in the center of a long, narrow room with the audience on two sides.  Every scene contains courtiers, soldiers and/or members of the king’s retinue, populating the stage as if it were truly a royal court. Even Levitsky can be seen onstage in a cameo appearance.
Hoffman’s set serves both the room and the production well.  Two smaller platforms on either end of the room, accessible by steps, are connected by a lower, longer platform in the middle.  The platform farthest from the audience contains a structure that houses musicians, with a gauzy curtain in front, above which is a balcony from which the king can look down on his subjects.
Killian, the composer and music director, is a wonderful cellist, providing music between scenes and during the dance that concludes the performance.  He plays several instruments in the course of the evening, including the recorder, chimes, drums and a cymbal.  When a horn was called for, heralding a momentous occasion, an enthusiastic cast member stepped in.  Unfortunately he was not up to the task, resulting in repeatedly jarring interruptions.
Frishkoff’s Elizabethan costumes are sumptuous, plentiful, and colorful while Sean Madey’s lighting design adds to the formal style of the production.
Given the different levels of the performers, Levitsky faced huge challenges in staging Richard II.  Would it have been more effective if the cast were all accomplished actors?  Undoubtedly.  But these hard-working players rose to the occasion and successfully brought home this rarely-performed play with its glorious language and intriguing political theme.
RICHARD II runs at the Hawthorne Valley School Hall on July 19-21, 25-28 at 7:30 pm, and July 22 and 29 at 2:00 pm.  Tickets may be purchased online at www.wtdtheater.org or call 518-392-3399.
Walking the dog Theater presents RICHARD II by William Shakespeare.  Directed by Melania Levitsky.   Cast:  David Anderson (Richard II), James Luse (John of Gaunt, Bishop of Carlisle), John-Scott Legg (Henry Bolingbroke), Scott Mendelsohn (Mowbray, Glendower, Exton), Carla Lewis (Duchess of Gloucester, Northumberland), James Kuhn (Duke of Aumerle), William Sanderson (Lord Marshall), Savannah Shulkin/Solomon Bergquist (Lord Bagot, others), Sam Ferrone (Lord Bushy, others), TAMIR (Duke of York), Eliaz Hassel (York’s Attendant), Yuan-rong Liao Anderson (Queen), Hsiu Hsin Chuang (Lady in Waiting), Simon Frishkoff (Lord Ross, Gardener), Sean Madey (Connie Chatwell), Norm Peebles (Albie Short).  Musicians:  Gotthard Killian, Simon Frishkoff, James Kuhn; Music Composer/Director:  Gotthard Killian; Costumes:  Elizabeth Frishkoff and others; Set Design:  Serena Hoffman; Lighting:  Sean Madey; Stage Manager:  Serena Hoffman.
Running Time:  2 hours 15 minutes, including intermission.  Hawthorne Valley School Hall, 330 County Route 21 C, Ghent, NY., from July 19; closing July 29.
REVIEW: “Richard II” at Walking the dog Theater by Barbara Waldinger How is it possible for a local theatre, performing in a school with a cast of seventeen, including a small group of experienced actors working alongside a number of young students, to mount a credible, fully-staged and costumed production of Shakespeare’s…
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
When Lands Collide
Am I insane.....yes....yes I am......am I doing this Cross Over Au....yes.......yes I am......this Cross Over AU is going to center around my Kingdom AU and the lovely @twyz Vampire AU....shall we begin? Yes....yes we shall......HAHAHAHAHAHA
The night restless, upon the Kingdom of Rein, the trees rustling, with the frostbite wind sweeping through the land, carrying along the dead withered leaves that had fallen from the great oaks. The moon illuminated, the signal for the wolves to begin their songs and cries, for the owls to hoot, and begin their nightly hunts, and for the bats to take flight. The land believed to have dragons and other wonderous beasts roaming through the terrain.
That night the King had rested in his bed, sleeping with his Queen. He snickered feeling her tenderly trace the battle scars along his sides.
"You're awake I see"
The blonde, merely responded with a groan, holding him closer. Her hands slowly came across his worn face, caressing it. He rested his head on the feathered pillow and pulled the covers over him and his wife, so as to not catch a cold from the breeze.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
The couple laid back resting their head; falling asleep in the cover of darkness, allowing it to take them into the realm of slumber and dreams.
In the distant land in the south, we're a mighty castle stood, home to Madam Valentine. Her eyes glimmered in the moonlight, feeling the bone-chilling breeze graze upon her, flowing her long curled blonde locks. She was the head Vampire in her domain, looking down upon her territory. Her pointed ears perked catching the familiar scent of her Human, now drudge. The mistress flashed her fangs, grinning, she leaped off the balcony morphing into a brown colored bat, with hints of blonde through the fur.
She landed behind him morphing back, and studied him.
"What are you doing Human?"
"Oh! H-Hello Tiffany....I'm gathering firewood"
"So I don't freeze to death"
"Oh that's right you're mortal, apologies...I forgot how feeble you humans can be"
"Says the one who burns to death in sunlight"
She perked her ears and assisted him with the lumber carrying it into the castle. After letting the dry wood into the fireplace, he ignited it feeling the warmth heat his hands. Tiffany had spent the night feeding on townies, and some troops that had entered her lands. The fire crackles had invaded their ears, they had been sitting together, enjoying each other's company.
"Yes Human?"
"....if you had the chance to become human.....would you?"
".....I've seen empire rise and fall, time pass, seasons change, families being survived by their children and their children after.....I wouldn't be able to adapt to that human....so no.....I wouldn't"
"I just curious...."
"But there are some things I envy of your species.....the ability to walk in the sun.....and being able to have children...."
Charles only side and scooted next to her, placing his hand on hers. He was exhausted....living with a vampire, and going days without sleep had taken its toll on him.
"You need rest Human"
When she turned, she caught him sleeping soundly. She sighed, before Charles, she neverminded remaining solitary, but now she enjoyed his company. Tiffany gently tucked his hair behind his ear and kissed him on the cheek.
Back in the Kingdom of Rein, the Madeyed King rested on his throne right beside his queen. Waiting for the morning report. His chest, semi bare, revealing his various battle scars, claw wounds, and bites. One primarily on his left shoulder, due to his encounter with a bear-like creature...he now wears it as a cape-like robe draping down to his feet. A bit of his ear cut off, and his face drowned in scars, one distinct on his eye, hence his name. His body in the muscular region, due to his various battles. His arms are the strongest and covered with leather straps, and blades along them for easy access. His sword at his side, and his fang necklace across his neck.
"Everything in the land, is going as per usual, however, the troops expected to return from the south still haven't returned"
"Perhaps they are late"
"My King, it's been 5 days"
"...hm...where was this troop sent?"
"The Southern Lands"
"Have any troops prior returned?"
"....no....only one man.....he claimed a monster attacked....however he assumed the man was crazed"
"What should we do My King"
"Send a bird, the king of those lands....is not to be trusted"
The knight kneeled and waited for the Madeyed King to write a note, and exited the castle, marching out in proper form.
"Do you really believe our troops we're executed by King Barclay?"
"No, he wouldn't slaughter troops....he'd never do such...."
"Then what is it my love?"
".....My Adoptive Mother told me stories about those lands....what lived there....or who lived there....I just assumed they were merely stories"
"What is it?"
"That land is home to vampires....from what I've heard.....with a head vampire...."
"What did you put in that letter"
" A vile of blood, and a location......If I'm correct....we do not sleep tonight. Understood"
He sighed and walked over to his wife and felt the side of her face lightly, looking into her emerald eyes.
The bird was sent off soaring through the sky, flying about the land. The night had rolled around once again, and the bird used the moonlight to light its way. Until it was snagged from the air. The bat took the note and vile and returned back to her castle. When she re-enter her home we was greeted by Charles.
"I'll never get used to that....what's that?"
She didn't respond and read the note and saw the vile of crimson that attracted her.
"What is it?"
"Come.....we're heading to the Kingdom of Rein"
"Wait that? Where?"
He didn't receive a response and quickly followed after her. She was about to once against morph into a bat but realized the sun would be rising...and her Human wouldn't be able to follow.
"Wait here"
Charles obeyed and just stood by the door, he jumped a bit seeing a carriage at the front.
"Get it, and you're driving"
Tiffany had worn a long rob covering her skin and shut all the windows preventing the light from entering in, Charles was out making sure the two of them didn't crash and followed a trail to the Kingdom of Reinhardt.
The Madeyed king was strapped on his battle armor, not of metal or iron, but of tuff hide, nearly impenetrable, his bear skinned rob along his back, and his boots accompanied with chains. His blades are on him at all times.......waiting......
"I think we're ok my love"
"A carriage has entered the kingdom"
"...Where is it heading"
"To your castle"
".....Guards at the windows...if I raise my hand....pull the curtains down"
"I'm not repeating myself.....Do It"
"Very well Sir"
The Vampire and Drudge entered the castle with ease. Tiffany gave a few compliments on the castle, looking at the statues and carvings.
Tiffany wore a long black robe covering every inch of her skin, making sure no sun rays touched her. They entered and walked to the throne room, and stared at the King and Queen....his Madeye catching their attention.
The Madeyed king raised a brow, taking notice of how identical they looked with his Queen and him.
He and his Queen stood and approached.
"Perhaps they are doppelgangers?"
"How is this possible?"
"...he's rather lean....and a tad bit on the thin side....handsome fellow though....no muscle"
The King had a sharpened wooden sake hidden behind his bear-skinned cape.
"Who are you"
"Madam Tiffany"
The King and Queen remained silent giving weary glances at each other.
"Now tell me, Madam Tiffany.....did you kill my troops"
"That's simply ridiculous."
The Madeyed king squinted his eyes, and slit the palm of his hand drawing blood. His face remained still watching the Mistress's eyes dilate and fangs begin to emerge.
She quickly turned away and composed herself.
"So Madam Tiffany....you're the monster who slaughtered my troops"
"They shouldn't have been in my territory"
"I understand one man maybe two.....but a whole troop of 15 men....now that is ridiculous"
He reached for the stake behind him not yet drawing it, seeing how she would respond to his remark.
However, Tiffany's Drudge took notice and stood in front of her.
"Whatcha got there?"
The King sighed, shaking his head, raising his hand. All his men tore down the curtains trapping the Vamp, creating a sunlight box around her.
"A precaution....now....I just want to talk......"
"What do you want"
"What do I want? No...it's not what I was.....it's simple instructions....she will no longer feed on my men when they venture into the Southern lands....no exceptions.....and if not I'll reveal your her to the public and remove that rob leaving her in the sun.....OR we can create a friendly alliance.......if you leave my Kingdom alone, I'll send a few men your way that will be intended to satisfy your hunger...do not attack my troops......and in return.....you send a bird, reporting about the Kingdom of Clay.......sound fair?"
The two visitors silently agreed, shaking the hands of the King and Queen.
"Now.....MEN send them on their way....in a proper carriage......and Tiffany.....here's a longer robe.....and a glass of scarlet.....safe travels"
"......what is the purpose of your generosity?"
"We're allies, aren't we? Simply enjoy the hospitality."
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
A Kingdom AU Quick Fic…..hehe
The Madeyed king strolled fiercely down his castle, his fist clenched, causing the leather to make a faint noise. The fanged leather necklace, hanging down his neck, moving side to side, and his battle boots with the chains clanking and his sword at his side. Along with daggers.
Today at dawn was when he watched invaders be beheaded, at the ask of his Queen.
He sat in his throne and watched, aside his wife and children, even the royal dog Beau, sat at his masters side. The executioner, Eddie Caputo, waiting for his king to give the order.
The King struggled to keep a calm and composed face, trying not to burst out into maniacal cackles. He raised his hands and once he brought it down the blade of the guillotine would soon follow in suite. He waited for the tension in the air to rise and brought his hand down with great might watching the blade decapitate the invaders with satisfaction.
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
Some Wholesome Kingdom AU....because I NEED IT
Charles had been training, taking on various men, all at once defecting them all at once, with his mighty sword. His bear-skinned robe like a cape is at his back, and his fanged leather necklace full of the various teeth of the beasts he's slaying through the years, worn across his neck. He sensed his two youngest children staring at him in awe, watching him deflect his opponents with ease. The Madeyed king raised his great hand, concluding the battle.
"Enough training for today men, Dismissed"
The king put away his sword at his side, and smiled approaching his heirs, his pride and joys. Those two children had his heart and he'd gladly put his entire throne and kingdom on the line for their sake.
"Hello you two"
"Hi, Dad! That was absolutely AMAZING! When can I get my own sword!!!"
"That was absolutely magnificent!!! When can you teach us!!!"
The king lifted his children in his arms, chuckling to himself.
"When you two are able to properly mount a horse all on your own"
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
hehehe.....some more on the kingdom AU Cuzzzzzzzzzz why not... and I'm kinda getting addicted to it.
The two thieves settled in the little humble home, temporarily given to them by no other than the king himself.
The two set their sights on the castle, making their way toward the drawbridge. Until they noticed the guards, waiting by the entrance.
"Why have you two returned, the king already granted you passage and a home"
"We need to inform your king of news."
"News? What news?"
"That information is strictly for the king to hear."
".......hm..........Very well"
The two were granted access and strolled into the home of the royal family.
They lurked in the darkness, listening, waiting to enact their heist. They strolled past various paintings of the kingdom, and it's rulers, and a large painting of Charles with his family, and beside it another with the Madeyed king, and three other men.
"This way"
The two stumbled their way, shuttering at the various skulls that stared down at them. They found a large door, which they assumed would be where the King would leave his most prized and treasured items, they we're gravely mistaken when they entered the room, with the whole Royale Family staring back at them, and those three men from the painting.
"Brother who are these men?"
"Father...who are they"
"Who are these men"
"My love who are they"
"Who are you"
"State your names, and purpose for disturbing...Now"
"They are men who requested safe passage through my kingdom...however, I have no clue as to why they are in our home....why are you here"
The two trespassers simply stared. They took a moment to identify, and they recognized the queen. She was known throughout for her beauty and seemingly gothic taste. Her blonde locks trailed down her maroon and midnight gown. It seemed to shimmer with a design of cobwebs laced it, contrasting her emerald orbs. Their vision moved to the two youngest at the table Glen and Glenda. Glen wore a more fitted outfit, it leaning toward the royal purple shade, with a Heliotrope colored ascot. Accompanied by closed-toed shoes similar to Madeyes, and leather gloves. Glenda had been the polar opposite, with a pink dress, steaming down the legs, slowly going into a deep shade of crimson. A small golden headpiece that resembled vines with thorns, and a set of leather gloves as well, along with leather straps like the king's long arms, that looked to hold small blades within them.
Now they stared at the three men. The one who addressed Charles as brother had been glaring at them, a slit in his brow, almost identical to Charles only on the opposite side, neon green eyes, even brighter than the queen, battle armor his hints of the color orange, contrasting with the black and brown leather. He too had a robe that trailed along his back, but it seemed to be the fur of a great wolf, with shades of grey, and white intertwining. He too had scars not as much as Madeye but enough to be seen from a distance, with some on his chest and face. Unlike his brother he had sleeves, opposing the leather straps that Charles had. He too wore black boots which glimmered against the light of the open flames. They noticed he was reaching for the bullwhip that was at his side.
The thieves gulped seeing one of the men, with an overly calm. expression, and his red eyes, seemed to glow. They didn't know it was possible for a man to possess such bloodshot eyes. The iris bright vermillion, and the pupil dark. He wore a less intimidating outfit, only in black and white, however. Sleeves down his arms, with the texture of leather and spines. He wore a long coat, then went down to his feet, and at the top had animal fur, that fur seeming from an arctic fox. His boot's big, with chains. Along his outfit chains, metals, and even feathers could be spotted. With a bear trap hanging at her side.
Lastly, the one with seafoam-shaded eyes seems to be the youngest. He just looked at them curiously, gently stroking his grey feline. He too wore light armor, not as fierce as the oldest two, he too had a robe but didn't seem to have any animal fur. He had a sword, with an emerald in the center of the handle. Had sleeves with leather straps on the outside, and his collar popped up a bit. He had some sort of bracelet that was of leather, with a coin attached.
"I ask again, why are you here....don't make me repeat myself a third time."
His brother stood, now agitated, pulling out his whip, that had a blade at the end of it.
"My brother asked you a question.....answer it"
"Samuel, restrain yourself....now why are you here"
The two froze staring. Charles now was on edge drawing his sword. This started the thieves, causing them to run off.
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