#Made it grey because I only had a blue pen. Wasn't feeling it
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Some heads of state out on a stately stroll!
Also please enjoy my Moomin mug. It's actually pink
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little-spoiled-brat · 3 years
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pairing: levi x reader
cw: fluff, just pure fluff
author's note: this was longer than i expected but hey i'm soft-
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- love and adoration -
despite dating for a few years, levi has never said the three words back to you. it wasn't like he doesn't love you, it was because he was so unfamiliar with the feeling of love before you. with all the cruel horrors he'd seen in this world, levi has never felt love until you came along.
so, saying 'i love you' was hard for him.
you didn't mind that he don't say the words back. you knew that he loved you through his own levi way, through his love language - the act of service. nevertheless, you still continued to tell him that you love him at every chance you get.
it was late at night and you were watching levi through the open door between his bedroom and office, adoration evident on your face as you watched him finish up his late night paperworks.
his eyebrows furrowing, bringing the paper closer to his face to read it better. grey-blue eyes narrowing at the strategy plan for the next expedition erwin gave him to analyze further. clicking his tongue and rolling his eyes at whatever experiment proposal hange left for him to sign.
"hey levi" you called out. levi hummed in reply, signing the paper on his desk and putting his pen down to look at you. "yeah, brat?"
"i love you" you said, smiling when a blush rapidly tinted his cheeks. he scoffed in reply but the smile creeping on his face gave him away, he looked away from you and proceeded to do his paperworks.
"tch. go to sleep, it's late" levi said, the blush on his cheeks getting a shade darker. you chuckled lightly to yourself, burying your face further in the blankets.
"don't stay up too late, you need to rest too. goodnight, levi. i love you" you said, closing your eyes. it didn't take you long until you slipped into a state of unconsciousness.
levi glanced at you from his desk, a small smile playing on his lips at the sight of you curled up under his blankets - a peaceful expression on your face. his mind took him to the three words you always say to him but he never said to you.
i love you.
even though he has never said it back, levi knew that he felt the same way you did - you were the one who made him feel what loving someone feels like, you were the one who made him feel loved again.
he found love to be a waste of time before he met you - while living in a cruel world where he had to constantly say goodbye to people, there was no point of getting close to someone only to have them be brutally ripped away from him the next time the scouts leave the walls.
but one thing was for certain, he was sure that you were the one he wants to spend his entire life with.
the smile on his face got bigger at the thought of that. he stood up from his seat, blowing out the candles on his desk and heading to the connected bedroom. levi took a seat on the edge of the bed, gently brushing away the strands of hair away from your face.
his heart overflowing with love and adoration for you and only you.
he changed into more comfy clothes, slipping next to you in the bed afterwards. you instinctively curled up in his side, levi chuckled quietly at you and pulled you closer to him.
"goodnight, brat" levi whispered, leaning down to kiss your forehead with gentleness near reverence. he held you tight, closing his eyes and slipping into a state of unconsciousness as well.
erwin gave everyone the day off the next day so the both of you slept in until nine in the morning rather than waking up at six in the morning like usual.
levi groaned, tightening his grip around your waist when you tried to get out of bed. you giggled and turned around to face him, you gently caressed his cheeks with your knuckles and brushed away the hair that stuck on his forehead.
"stay. eyebrows gave us the day off" levi mumbled tiredly, his voice gravelly with sleep. he pulled you closer, burying his face in the crook of your neck. you shook your head at him, a smile pulling at the corner of your lips and wrapped your arms around him to hold him tight.
not feeling sleepy anymore, you pressed gentle kisses on levi's forehead while he gets a few more minutes of sleep - it was rare for him to get more than his usual three hours of sleep so you let him sleep for as much as he wants.
"i love you" levi suddenly mumbled against the skin of your neck. you froze, eyes going slightly wide at the words you just heard. you pushed levi away from your neck to look at him.
"what did you just say?" you asked, levi furrowed his eyebrows at you and buried his face in the crook of your neck again to hide the smile that threatened to pull at the corner of his lips. "tch. i don't know what you're talking about, brat. you're hearing things"
you could've sworn that you heard him say the three words back. you shook your head, maybe you were hearing things like he said. wrapping your arms around levi again, the two of you laid in comforting silence for a few minutes.
"do you have anything to do today?" levi asked, pulling away from you to look at you. you went through your mental notes, remembering that you needed to go to town today to buy some things.
"i need to go to town to buy some tea and some other things, the kitchen is running out and we can't have a certain grumpy captain yelling at everyone just because he didn't get his morning tea" you said, levi rolled his eyes at you and chuckled lightly.
"i'll come with you just let me lay in bed for a few more minutes" levi said, untangling himself from you to let you start getting ready. you giggled, letting him sprawl himself on the bed. it was rare for levi to be like this so you let him be once again.
you got up from the bed, stretching your arms above your head to somewhat get rid of any remaining sleep in your body. you headed to your closet, grabbing a set of casual clothes for the day.
"hey brat" levi called out as you were reaching for the bathroom door, you stopped mid reach and turned to look at him. "yeah, levi?"
"i said, i love you" levi said, a smile on his face. you mirrored the smile on his face, putting down the clothes in your hands on a nearby table and rushing over to him on the bed.
you crashed your lips on his, cupping his face and pulling him close. levi wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer so you were almost laying on top of him.
"i love you. i love you so damn much" levi said breathlessly after the both of you pulled away from needing an intake of air. you smiled even wider, pressing another kiss on his lips.
"i love you too, levi. so damn much" you said, a blush tinted levi's cheeks - still getting flustered over the three words that he finally got to say back to you.
"tch. now go shower, you're filthy" levi said jokingly, pushing you away from him. you laughed, tightening your grip on him to prevent him from pushing you away.
"whatever levi. i love you" you said, getting off of him to really start getting ready for the day. levi smiled, watching you get in the shower as the door closed with the soft click.
"i love you too, y/n"
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buckybarnesdiaries · 4 years
otchet o missii
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© @wintersthighs
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
part one ⸺ part two ⸺ bonus
request made by anon: Hi Maria you beautiful person you please be my friend 🥺 I kinda have a request but if it doesn't speak to you then you don't have to write it, could you write something where reader is an enhanced/ mutant (kinda like Wanda or Jean Grey so like crazy powerful and dangerous) and Bucky just will not let the government get near her because he knows they'll probably experiment on her to make her a weapon cause they're sus like that? It can be romantic or platonic no preference, if ya want, please and thanks sorry this was so long
word count: 1.165 words.
warnings/tags: none. dad!bucky being overprotective with his baby soldier.
author notes: re-posted because tumblr deleted it for no reason. none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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“Soldat, stoy”.
(Soldier, stop).
Your eyes widened. Your heart raced. The time froze. That command clicked something in your brain, producing the spheres of flames concentrated on your palms to dwindle till disappearing. You had just one second to look around you, before turning at the firm tone of voice behind your back. You found yourself in the middle of Times Square, surrounded by different security forces, aiming at you with large-caliber weapons. Above your head, two helicopters were setting up a perimeter. The chaos spread around the long avenue. You didn't have an idea of how you ended up there, but you were scared like never before.
Turning slowly, your eyes landed on a pair of pale blue orbs. You didn’t notice the other people as a backup. A feeling of safety invaded you when he tilted his head confused, narrowing his eyes, trying to understand how it was possible that you were there. But before you could take a step closer to him, a twinge followed by an electric cramp shook your body. The last thing you heard before blacking out was an I got you, and a cold arm wrapping your abdomen.
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Avengers Compound
06:03 pm, New York
“How do you know it’s not a trap set by Hydra?” Steve asked, reclining himself on his seat at the meeting table next to the rest of the Avengers.
“Because I trust her”. Bucky didn’t doubt replying, although he couldn’t understand why, hearing Stark clicking his tongue as he rolled his eyes.
“James, you don’t know her”. Natasha sighed, referring to the fact that being assassins together years ago meant nothing.
“I trained her. She owes me loyalty”.
“What’s that? Some kind of Stockholm Syndrome patented by Hydra?” Clint scoffed incredulously.
“Tell us what you know about her, Bucky. What you remember”. The captain asked his long-life friend, leaning on the table with both forearms rested against the edge of it.
The soldier gulped, deeply breathing, nodding his chin with his eyes lost somewhere on the dark oak. He explained how Vasily Karpov knew about you. An orphan with no family, no history, and a power of telepathy that allowed you to control the four elements as you pleased. Water, fire, earth, and air. From nowhere, your body could produce flames and throw them anywhere. Exactly the same you could do with water and air. Earth was different. Only by using your hands you could wild it as you want; creating earthquakes or holes, move it. The heroes around Bucky were stupefied. You were a potential danger.
Then, he told them about your skills. Karpov made him stay awake after killing Tony’s parents to train her. You were just a kid. And soon, you were a soldier with an angelic face who could kill anyone just by blinking your eyes. To tell the truth, the Winter Soldier was everything you had in this life. You two worked together, hand-to-hand, for more than ten years until he disappeared. With him out of the game, Hydra continued experimenting with you to replace him. But they reached a point where you couldn't bear the pain, losing control completely.
“Let me talk with her, please”. Bucky begged, touring his eyes around the people there.
“It’s too dangerous”. Vision affirmed, taking a position close to Tony.
“She. Owes. Me. Loyalty”. He repeated almost hissing, pointing out every word with his silver forefinger poking the table.
“You have five minutes before the Government brings her to the Raft”. Rhodes sentenced, crossing his arms on his chest. “Five minutes”.
Escorted by Steve and Wanda, who was the only one there that could control you, Bucky went down to the third sublevel. When the soporific made its effect and knocked you out in the middle of Manhattan, the Avengers managed to take you to their compound.
You were still stoned, but conscious enough to know what was happening around you. Everything spun inside the bunker. Your head hurt like hell and you felt a knot within the pit of your stomach that made you want to puke your guts. As the heavy door proffered a loud noise being opened you retreated to the farthest corner, placing your knees to your chest and wrapping your legs with both arms. Again, you were shaking. Terrified. About to beg for your life.
“Soldat, otchet o missii”.
(Soldier, mission report).
Your breathing became erratic as if the air wasn't enough to fill your lungs. You were at the edge of your crying, raising your hidden face from the gap of your knees. The Winter Soldier was standing some feet away from you. No expression on his face, as always, but with the small difference of a slight inkling of concern. He also looked skinnier, shorter hair, a grown beard. He looked healthier, free.
“Net zadaniya”. You whispered with a broken tone.
(No assignment).
“Soldat, otchet o missii”. He repeated taking a step ahead, hardening his voice.
(Soldier, mission report).
The command made you gulp a sob. Wasn’t he believing you? How could you lie to him?
“Net zadaniya”. You replied with no hesitation, standing on your bare feet and sticking your back to the wall. “Missiya ne naznachena”.
(No assignment. No mission assigned).
You noticed he wanted to turn to his partners, but he didn't. The soldier kept eye contact, coming a little more closer, invading your personal space without caring. He tilted his head forward, trying to find the answers to his questions in your orbs. But they both were emptied with the sole exception of the horror invading your chest and reflected on them. You didn't want to come back. You wanted to be released from Hydra's chain. You weren't an assassin, nor a monster.
“I wa… I was looking for… you”. Babbling, you confessed, being the explanation for why your mind took you to that place in concrete.
“Because you are the only person I have”.
His eyelids narrowed for a second, scanning your intentions, feeling frustrated by not finding anything hidden beneath your words. “Otchet o missii, soldat”.
(Mission report, soldier).
“Net zadaniya, Sergeant Barnes”.
(No assignment).
It was the first time you pronounced part of his real name since you met him many years ago and you could listen to his heartbeat increasing. Before you blinked, his metallic hand grabbed your throat and pinned you against the wall, watching the fury and the rage taking control over his grimace. Glancing above his shoulder, a redhead woman stopped the blonde man known as Captain America. Your gaze focused again on the soldier, loosening slowly the grip on your skin.
“Why don't you remember me?”
The last thing you knew about him was that the man behind him brought back the memories of his past life. His real life. But he was still looking at you with hate and revulsion. Of course, the Winter Soldier was conscious of who you were. What he had forgotten was how he felt about you. He didn't reply to your question, walking backward to the exit, leaving you there. Alone. Again.
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it and/or reblog it.
author notes: what do you think about, after the two parts explaining the story, continuing it to explore the evolution of their relationship? do you like the idea? lemme know in a comment or send me an ask!
TAG LIST: @mystic-232 @homesicam @theresnoplatypus @i-love-scott-mccall @slutfornat @xx-marvelfanatic-xx @goldielocks2004 @whatrambles @the-mystery-spot @multiyfandomgirl40 @purrrrfect @spidergirla5 @wanniiieeee @fanofalltheficsx @spideysimpossiblegirl @nocturnalherb16 @jointhehunt67 @the-witty-pen-name @valenquei @golden-hoax @hunter-of-baker-street @missusstark @vhscherry @warm-sensations @edenxecho @addictedtofictionalcharacters @sarahsmcu @tinylumpiaa @amelia-song-pond @heartislubbingdubbing @stolenxkissess @clean-and-claire @winchestersgirl222 @mayans-sauce @peoniarose @petlaufeyson @-im-fantastic- @rocketqueen @rosieposie0624 @ellyseveronica @diaryofkali @starrynite7114 @sheeshgivemeabreak @jadesamhart @rawrlittlepanda-95 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @skits90s @greeneyedblondie44 @phoenixhalliwell
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softsebnbuckystan · 3 years
Soul ties - Part 4 (Bucky Barnes au)
“And if you're feeling lonely you should tell me
Before this ends up as another memory”
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A week. You'd met Bucky a week earlier and still hadn't forgotten the feeling of his arm on your back, the deepness of his voice and the blue of his eyes. How could you? You were trying to spend as much time with Darren as you could, but he was hardly ever home.  When he wasn't working, he was meeting one friend or another to watch a baseball game. You had been married for one week, and this was your seventh day alone in your apartment.
The place you and Darren lived in was small and you had given your best to make it feel like a welcoming home. From green plants to scented candles and beautiful artwork, everything was meant to make any visitor feel welcomed and cozy. Your favourite thing was obviously the couch and beanbag chairs : they were all dark grey and the fabric gave them the impression of a cloud. Not that it mattered to your husband, though... You sighed as you got up from your couch and put your coffee cup on the kitchen counter. Taking out your phone out of your back pocket, you stopped for a moment, biting your cheek. Should you...call him? No. It was too soon and you  hadn't  heard from him at all since the wedding. Maybe it wasn't a good idea. Scratch that: it was probably a terrible idea.  You decided to call Steve instead, hoping he would have some work for you at the compound. You  had already helped out a lot, especially in terms of scientific development. You and Bruce Banner were currently working on a tissue-repairing  technology. It was a work in progress and Banner didn't have much time for it, but you always tried to make yourself useful: there was always an agent who needed a wound to be stitched.
"Y/n? Hi! How's the married life going?" Your heart warmed up as soon as you heard Steve's voice on the phone.
"Hi, uh... Good, thanks. Do you need my help at the compound?" you asked.
"No, not really. I mean, you always find ways to help, of course, but we thought you'd like a week or two, you know." He paused. "Don't you have a honeymoon to go to?"
"Darren's too busy with work. He said we'd go when he gets a week off, which is...not right now. So do you need me there?"
Your friend took a moment to answer. "Yeah, we always need you. Do you want me to send a car?"
"Yeah, Darren took ours and I don't think a taxi can take me there. Thanks, Stevie! See you soon."
"Okay, the car will be at your place in an hour. See ya!"
Hanging up the phone, you already felt better than five minutes earlier. Going to the compound meant working, for sure, but it also meant you got to see and spend time with Wanda, joke around with Sam or just chit chat with Bruce. You could say the compound was like your second home, now.  After a quick shower and changing into some jeans and t-shirt, you deemed yourself ready to go and packed your backpack – no, a handbag was not enough to carry your multiple notebooks and pens.
You scrolled on your phone to make time pass faster and when the bell rang, you furrowed your brows. Drivers usually honked and didn't bother ringing the doorbell. You went to the interphone and pressed the speaker.
"Who's there?"
You heard what sounded like the end of a throat-clearing noise. "It's Bucky. Steve asked me to pick you up."
Your lips froze and your brain stopped functioning correctly for a second. Who? What? Why?
"I'll be down in a sec," you ended up saying, acting as composed as possible.
'Damn you, Steve.' You did want to see Bucky, but time to prepare for the occasion would've been better. Last time he saw you, you were wearing a pretty dress and your hair was done and...shit. You quickly ran your brush through your hair, hoping it would make it better, before thinking of how ridiculous you sounded: why would Bucky care about how you looked, and – more importantly – why would you ?
When you found yourself down in the entrance hall, you caught a glimpse of Bucky through the glazed door. He seemed to be carrying something. You opened the door and greeted him with  a smile.
"I didn't know you'd be the one coming,"  you noted, trying to figure out whether he enjoyed being here or not.
He shrugged and looked at the floor.  "Steve apparently had no one available so...he asked me. Ready?" He handed you what he'd be holding the whole time and...
"A helmet? Why would I- Oh. You don't have a car,  do you?"
Bucky let out a laugh. As brief as it was, you couldn't help but swoon. You looked up and smiled back. "What's so funny?"
"You don't like bikes?" he asked, raising a brow.
"No, I just... They're not as safe as a car. "
"It's safe with me, I promise. Come."
You followed him with a grin as he placed his helmet over his long hair and you tried to strap yours on, fiddling with your fingers.
"Let me help." You almost stopped breathing when his fingers brushed against your chin as he attached the helmet's straps. "Okay, we  should go now."
You nodded and sat behind him, unsure of where to place your arms. "Hum..."
Bucky gently seized your wrists and brought them on his stomach. "Just hold on here." You  felt his back tense as you joined your hands on his body. You hadn't been this close to him since you'd met. Your own body's reaction was to nestle against Bucky's. Whether you wanted to feel safe on this bike or you just needed him to be close, you had no clue. Bucky started the engine, made sure you were holding on tight and started driving through the streets. The wind on your exposed skin made you shiver and after ten minutes or so, you felt comfortable enough to rest your chin on Bucky's back, right behind his shoulder.
Something in the way Bucky drove and took his turns made you think he was  used to go faster. Was he slowing down for you?
"Are you going slower than usual?" you yelled behind him.
Turning his head around would've been too dangerous so he nodded.
"Don't hold yourself back for me then, I'm not a kid!"
His shoulders moving hinted at a laugh as the motorbike sped up. It only made you cling harder to him and when you arrived at the compound half an hour later, you realised  you were smiling too hard for your own good.
"You screamed", he said in a soft voice, a smile floating on his lips.
"No, I did not."
"Yeah, you did."
You  shook your head and tried putting on a serious face as you saw Wanda coming to you. You didn't want her to tease you about your – probably  – huge smile. By the look in her eyes, you could tell she'd obviously busted you. She hurried towards you and hugged you tight.
"I'm so happy to see you," she breathed. "Are you here to work with Bruce?"
"Yeah, or just help around." You lowered your voice. "I needed to get away from home for the day."
Your sister gave you a confused stare before she understood. "Oh. He's working too much again?"
"Yeah. I guess staying home with his now-wife is too much to ask." You looked away for a second. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be bitter."
Bucky got off of the bike as well and stopped next to you, as if waiting for something. He must've spotted the interrogation in your eyes because he gestured to your head.
"The helmet," he explained. "I don't think you wanna wear that all day."
You chuckled. "No, I don't." You struggled once again with the straps and when Bucky unstrapped them for you, the same shiver as earlier ran down your spine. "Thanks for the ride," you added as he walked away to the building. He waved at you and nodded, smiling a little less brightly than he did in front of your house.
"That was some tension I just saw there," Wanda remarked. "Were you even able to keep your hands off him on that bike?"
"What? I'm just asking. Isn't he your soulmate or something?"
You ran your hand through your ruffled hair and gave her a disapproving look.
"You"re the one who told me soulmates could very well be friends," you argued. "And you  shouldn't be encouraging me down that road. I'm married, in case you forgot."
"Yeah, to a man who didn't even booked a honeymoon."
"He's busy," you said, looking away from your sister. Finding excuses for Darren was easy. Selling them to your sister was a whole different ballgame.
"Not to me, y/n. You should tell him you want to go!"
"Yeah, maybe tonight." You started walking to the compound. "I need to talk to Bruce about our last meeting. I'll see you later."
Wanda shook her head before going the other way, towards the gardens. You loved your sister, obviously, and she meant the world to you. However, when she was seeing right through your lies and excuses like she'd just been, it always drove you mad at yourself. Sure, you were in love with Darren and he'd never been mean to you, but you knew perfectly you didn't have to take all of his shit. You could feel he was taking you for granted, and you decided that had to change. If you didn't start fighting for your own wellbeing, you knew Wanda would. You weren't eager to witness such events.
--- Just finished writing part 7, so here's part 4 for you! I hope you still like this story :) Your likes really make me smile throughout the day ehe
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@ginger-swag-rapunzel @joscelyn02
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zawasscarf · 4 years
Library dates- Student!Aizawa × Student!reader
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Warnings: none! aizawa and the reader are the same age and are both students of u.a!
Genre: fluff!
Syponsis: Doubting that you could go longer without blurting out your feelings to your bestfriend, Aizawa just takes a shortcut to cut to the chase.
Prespective: 2nd person! The reader is gender neutral
Additional note: Unedited//Requests are now open!
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The infamous U.A library was one of the most revered places in the highschool of rising pro heroes. It was eerily tranquil, calm. Being in its presence was almost unnatural, as a wash of warmth and stillness fell upon whoever entered. Some say that its inhabited by some friendly supernatural being, some say that it's the librarian's quirk that makes the library so serene.
"I just think it's like that because Yamada isn't allowed inside." Shota chuckled at your slightly-mean joke, his eyes twinkling. "What did he even do inside to get banned?" Shota looked up, looking surprised at your --honestly, foolish-- question. "You can't guess?" He asked, adjusting the bags on his shoulder so they don't slip off. You smooth down your shirt and smile, then shake your head to answer his question. "Nevermind. You're right." You spread your arms forward and opened the door for the both of you. "Oh. Thanks."
"You're very welcome, Sho."
"I told you to not call me that."
"Why? I used to call you that all the time when we were kids."
"Yes, were. Were kids. You wouldn't want to call me to—"
"Okay! Okay! Sorry!"
The truth about Shota and you, is that you go way back. When you moved to Musutafu, he was your first friend. You were not thrilled to be moving to another place again, but your parents assured you that it's the last time you move, and that there are alot of kids in the neighbourhood your age. So, you were looking up to befriend a few, but when you headed to the playground just a few blocks away from your house, they completely pretended that you are invisible. Trying to get their attention did nothing, they were purposefully singling you out. You sat on the swing, and experimented with your newly-manifested quirk. That's when a shabby, black haired boy in an ugly blue 'Genirou Neko' sweater approached you. He was watching you silently, his eyes fixed on the palm your hand, where tiny wind-whirles were rotating. "Cool quirk.." was the first thing Aizawa had said to you. It was the first thing anyone had ever said to you since you moved into this part of town. You could never forget that warmth you felt in your chest when he complimented you. That day on the playground, you had made your first friend.
"What are you smiling at?" His calm, tired voice popped your bubble and made you snap out of your daze. You could feel your cheeks reddening, and your smile disappearing. "Nothing."
Shota looked at you for a very long minute, that you almost felt that time had stopped. He hummed, and put both your bags on a table beside the window. A perfectly secluded place between two bookshelves, just wonderful for studying, the sun always shone through, illuminating the books for you. "If you say so.." He mumbled, now making his way to your side. You rummaged the bookshelf with your fingers, searching for a book that could help you with your 'Quirk's Ups and Downs' essay. Trying to distract yourself from how close he was to you. You had no idea why he came. Shota was already done with his draft, but he insisted he should come incase he finds something he wants to add. You told him he was welcome, you already vowed to yourself that you won't let him distract you.
Yet you couldn't concentrate on finding the book. Your eyes involuntarily snuck glimpses at him, as he looked up on the higher shelves. Shota wouldn't call himself the most charming, handsome person in your school. He wasn't as charismatic and casual as Oboro, wasn't as loud and eccentric as Yamada, so it was never on his mind that someone would have a crush on him. But thats because he can't see what you can right now. The sunrays reflected across his pale glistening skin. Across his black eyes, making it seem like there was an endless unieverse of stars and planets that you could only see if you looked. Those strands of raven hair that couldn't be tucked back in his pontail, that framed his face so well. His heavy lidded eyes that were similar to a feline's, that scanned the books with sharp concentration. Even if he thinks he looks worn out and everything for from perfect, Shota would always be that boy you can never get over. You tried, you did. You tried to bury the feelings away, suppress them, move on. Because you would never tell him. With him, you never knew. You never knew how he would react, how he would act, what he would say. You were terrified to your core of losing him, so it was better off like this. And for the most part, suppressing your feelings worked. But it was days like this, moments like this, that made you realise that you're only lying to yourself.
"Is this it?" Shota's voice, once again, pushed you away from your daze. His eyes were boring into yours, catching you off gaurd so you couldn't even look away. You felt held in place, that even if you wanted to move a muscle it wouldn't cooperate. His pupils dilated, and his pale cheeks turned a pale red. He looked away at once, then pushed the book onto your chest. You shook your head and cleared your throat. "Uh...yeah. Yeah it is! Thanks."
His voice far more queit, he managed to mumble out a "You're welcome.." before you made your way back to your table with him. Instantly, you unzipped your bag and started working. You could hear Shota unzipling his bag and rustling before taking out his notebook. 'Don't look at him' You told yourself, keeping your eyes glued to your books and pages and papers. 'He'll know. He always knows when something is up..and you can't-'
"Hey, do you have a spare pen?" You glanced up at him, he was rummaging through his bag, looking for a pen. "You know I do. Did you lose the pen I gave you this morning?" Shota smiled sheepishly, and nodded. "Yeah..I think gave to Hizashi. Sorry–" You giggled, already offering him another pen. "No need to apologise, Shota. I always carry spare pens for you anyway." He chuckled and took the pen from you, his slender fingers brushing lightly against your own hand. Falling into another frenzy, you -quickly- put your hand on your cheek and went back to scanning the worn-out, yellow pages. Shota cleared his throat and hummed a muffled 'thank you', and got to writing.
Silence filled the air around you. The occasional buzzing of the fan and the loud laughter and gibberish conversation in the halls made you lose focus a few times, but you tried your best to keep your concentration on the paper. Shota was queit too, you could feel his eyes on you every few minutes, but he didn't say anything. You knew that he felt like something was off, but why wasn't he saying anything about it? Did he know what you were hiding and did not want to mention it? Was he already thinking of a way to reject you gently?
You looked up, hoping that he wasn't looking, and the sight infront of you made your heart soften. Shota's head was resting on the table, using his arms as pillows by putting them across each other. His essay was under his arm, he was tracing the words already written with the pen you gave him, but he was only halfway through. His eyes were closed and his hair was out of the ponytail, covering his eyes. Steady breaths came out of his slightly open mouth, moving a strand of hair that fell onto his face. You could see the dust particles in the sunlight that shone on him, making his nose sniff uncomfortably. A part of you wanted to capture this moment, but you knew him well. He didn't like having his pictures taken. But you could swear that in these times where he couldn't see himself, he looked far more ethereal than anyone or anything on this earth.
You slowly wrote the last few words in your essay, then pulled his paper towards you to complete two paragraphs he had left for him. It wasn't the first time you ever finished his homework for him, but you owed him alot, so you truly didn't mind. A few minutes later you were done, and before you knew it you were making Aizawa's bag for him, making sure to take out his jacket first. After zipping the black backbag, you moved behind him, and draped the grey jacket around his shoulders. You feet didn't take you away too far, and you felt a hand hold your sleeve and tug at it. When you looked back, Shota was sleepily glacing at you, his eyes half open, covered with his black hair.
"What?" You asked, a chuckle escaping your lips, trying to lighten the mood. His eyes were pericing yours, you could see a glimmer of red in them. "Why.." He asked, his voice quieter, his hand holding onto your wrist. "Why what, Shota? God are you having that dream again? I promise you all the cats are fine–"
"Why do you do all these things for me?"
The question hit you hard in the face, as though someone had thrown a brick at a glass window. Before you could register the question, he was already talking again. "Always having spare pens for me, completing my essays and my homework, making my bag..looking out for me when I'm asleep.." His eyes glazed over from his bag, to the pens, then to you.
"It just makes me like you even more than I already do."
Your eyes widened, you could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks and ears. A stutter was all you uttered, you couldn't speak. He was still half asleep, he was still tired, but his words held so much genuinity. The words felt heavy with emotions, yet they were blunt and to the point.
"Shota, I–"
He straightened up against the chair and stretched, like what he just said wasn't everything you've ever wanted to hear from him. "I don't blame you if you don't share those feelings by the way. Don't feel inclined to say anything if you don't. It's just something I wanted to get out of my che–mmph!"
Your lips collided against his, making him almost lose balance and fall off his chair. He clung tightly onto the table, and when he felt stable, no longer surprised, he kissed back. You interlaced your fingers with his, and pulled away for breath. Both of you were heaving, chests puffing out then retracting back in. Shota still looked shocked, so shocked that he activated his quirk. His hair stood up and his eyes were bright red, so were his cheeks. You breath out a giggle, and flick his forehead with your free fingers. "Sorry. You were being blunt so I thought I should be too."
"Yeah..I..I see that." He touched his lips, then turned to look at you with a smile. Not one of his troll-like smiles, not a teasing smirk, not a menacing grin, but a sweet smile. One that you only saw when he was around you, or Oboro and Yamada.
A minute passed, maybe two, maybe three. You were not sure. Your eyes were still looking in his, his thumb drew circles on your hand, your goofy smiles unfading.
"Do you want to grab something on our way back home? You know, as a thank you..for doing my homework for me."
"Are you asking me out, Shota Aizawa?"
"Yeah, I am."
"No, Sho, you've got to be more slick about it."
"Why? That's confusing. Now give me your bag, and for the last time, don't call me Sho!"
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nightshadeshadow123 · 4 years
Teasing: Part 2 (Ratched)
Here is part two for those that wanted it. I hope ya'll enjoy. I'm gonna change the story line a bit as I see fit because I don't want to turn this into a whole unwanted story book if I fit the whole original story line in at a slow pace and time line. 
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Gwendolyn followed behind Mildred, easily catching up to her as Mildred spared her a side glance, eyes softening for a moment.
"Can I help you Ms Briggs?" She asked, trying to keep her tone of voice emotionless and authoritative as ever.
Gwendolyn shot her a warm smile stopping next to her as Mildred came to a stop at a door before turning to her.
"Maybe, yes. I just wanted to ask if you'd like to go out with me and (Y/N) to a restaurant tonight?" Gwendolyn asked, trying to play off her nerves and hoping for the best.
Mildred raised a dark eyebrow at the blonde. "Why would I do that?"
Gwendolyn rolled her blue eyes before giving her another smile. "Oh come on, it will be a adventure. Just for tonight after work." She urged.
She was really hoping that the red haired woman would say yes. She's just as interested in her as much as you are after meeting her for the first time. She was intrigued when you've started talking about the red haired nurse when the two of you were out somewhere or at home and she definitely knew why you were so intrigued by her after meeting her.
Mildred slug her shoulder for a moment, eyes focused on the older blonde woman.
"Okay fine, I'll go on that supposed adventure with the two of you." She agreed reluctantly, fighting of a blush trying to spread across her cheeks.
Gwendolyn gave her a closed eyed smile. "Wonderful, (Y/N) and I will pick you up later. Just tell me where."
"Sealight Inn." Mildred informed her before taking a hold of the cold door knob and unlocking it with the key she had in her other hand.
"Pick you up at 7." Gwendolyn confirmed with her before turning around and walking down the hallway.
Mildred listen to her footfalls until it's just distant before shaking her head and walking into the room.
-*Timeskip brought to ya by Ratched's juicy peaches.-*
"Hurry up back there love. It's almost time to go!" Gwendolyn said excitedly, popping her head around the corner into your room and seeing you messing around with a strap on your dark grey dress.
"Just a minute. This stupid strap won't cooperate with me tonight." You huffed out in annoyance. "I hate dresses."
Gwendolyn let out a laugh and strides over to you and assisting you with the dress strap and giving you a peck on the lips before pulling away, making you send her a pout.
Gwendolyn laughed again at you. "Oh hush, there will be plenty of kissing later. Now let's go pick up that nurse before she gives us a labotomy for being late." She pulled you out of your apartment, almost growing impatient as you locked the door first.
"Oh hell to the fuck naw woman don't even mention that. Doctor Hanover was a pain in the side with that whole thing. God his whole idea of turning people straight is ridiculous but yeah I have to refrain myself from knocking him into oblivion." You grumbled and got into the the passenger seat of Gwendolyn's car.
She got in as well and shot you smile before starting the car and reversing out of the parking. "Honey I know, he have a weird way but yeah that's just how some people are. But at least he haven't caught onto us yet."
You hummed in agreement and interlocked your fingere with her other one hands fingers that is not on the steering wheel as she drove down the mostly empty street.
Gwendolyn shot you another smile, blue eyes sparing you a loving brief look before focusing back on the road ahead again and tightening her hold on your hand comfortably.
After a few minutes of driving you decide to break the comfortable silence.
"I still can't believe you've managed to get Mildred to go out with us on one of your fun 'adventures'."
The blonde woman laughed under her breath at you, hold once again tightening on your hand as you used your other hands black painted finger nails to trail against her soft skin in a unknown pattern, goosebumps rising on her skin as you smirked to yourself.
"Hey my 'adventures' is always fun. You love it even if you try to hide it. And ofcourse she would, who can resist not to come on one of my adventures?"
"Apparently no one. You've nagged me day and night to go on one when we've first met and you wouldn't stop until I've finally agreed." You chuckled.
Gwendolyn snorted at this. "Hell, getting you to go out on a date with me was one heck of task, you and Mildred are both as stubborn as a mule."
"Pfft, I'm just hard to be impressed and my dad wasn't so amused at you turning up at random times and he threatened to blow your brains out and honestly that wasn't something I'd like to see happen to you. And Mildred be like that but it makes it all the more fun to tease her." You mused out, keeping up the pattern on her soft skin, taking joy in the way it makes goosebumps rise to her skin as she tries to keep her cool.
"Well, I gotta agree with you there on the last part. God that father of yours was a pain but it was so worth it in the end because now I have you and he's a whole lot nicer now."
You kept up your small talk for another half hour before Gwendolyn turned into the drive way of the Motel where Mildred is staying at.
Mildred stood with her gloved hands folded together as she watched Gwendolyn's car pull up next to her, a unreadable look on her fair face.
You eyed her head from toe from inside the car. She was wearing a red and black attire and black gloves and with her hair in its usual updo with a small black hat resting comfortably upon her red hair.
Mildred looked behind her at the motel for a brief few moments before focusing her dark eyes back on the car again and began to approach the vehicle.
She got in the back seat of the car and softly closed the door behind her before looking at you and Gwendolyn as you both turn to greet her.
"Hey Mildred." You greeted, a warm smile grazing your red painted lips as you eyed the red haired woman.
"Hello (Y/N) and Gwendolyn." She greeted back, a hint of a smile ghosting across her lips as she eyed you both, hands crossing together again in a way to steel herself from the bit of nervousness creeping up on her after seeing the two of you.
Gwendolyn shot her a friendly smile too and greeted her excitedly before starting the car up again and driving once again after getting on the road again.
-*Another Timeskip brought to you by ya less than impressed goth mother-*
It didn't take long for you to find a table after arriving at the restaurant, sitting down at a table near the windows that had a nice out view of the sea outside.
Mildred sat in front of you while Gwendolyn sat next to you, her soft hand subtly on your clothed thigh in a caring matter, occasionally rubbing it slightly as you flip through the menu while Mildred, as subtly as possible scanned the dark grey dress you are wearing that have a low neckline that just give enough tease of your breasts and a fang necklice that's dangling between your breasts, her dark eyes focused on the small glimpse of skin for a longer while until Gwendolyn playfully nudged her lower leg with her heeled foot, giving her a smirk and teasing wink.
Mildred could feel a blush creeping up at both being caught out and the teasing wink and quickly averted her eyes, gloved hand going to her red painted lips and pretending to cough into it.
"Can I get your lovely ladies orders?" A rather slim looking waiter asked after stopping at your table, a nervous smile on his face and pen and notebook in hand.
All three of your focus snapped to the blond waiter.
"One large platter of oysters and lemon please." Gwendolyn ordered before looking at you as you slid your menu away.
"I'll just have some cooked salom with a side of potato slices with creamy sauce please." You orered and gave the nervous waiter a polite smile.
He quickly jotted that down before looking up again. "Will that be all?"
"Yes, thank you." Gwendolyn dismissed him with a flick of her hand and watch as he speed walked away.
The blonde chuckled and put her hand on your upper leg again and gave you a warm smile as you looked at the older woman with adoration as you put your hand on top of hers, and using the other hand to swipe a lock of your hair behind your ear.
Mildred watched the two of you with a small smile, finding it cute at the way the two of you look at each other with adoration. This whole thing was new to her and made her a bit on edge but deep down she knew she was having fun and couldn't help herself from smiling and getting that strange flutter feeling in her stomach that made her feel tingles all over, wondering if that's how the two of you always feel when looking at each other.
The three of you chatter in small talk until the food arrived.
Mildred eyed the oysters nervously and you bite back a amused smile at the red haired woman, sifting in your seat until you are more comfortable before picking up your fork and knife.
"Uh...I've never eaten oysters before. I-I'm not sure how to...do this." Mildred sputtered out embarrassed, skeptically eyes the oysters.
Gwendolyn let out a laugh before giving her a reassuring smile.
"Oh, don't worry. (Y/N) over here didn't either until I taught her but then again she's not one for many type of seafood as you can see. She pretty much hate oysters and would only eat one every once in awhile if I beg her and feed her one." The older woman chuckled and nudged you with her side playfully as you gave her a playful death glare. (Sorry ya'll seafood lovers but damn that shit is enough to send me throwing tf up)
Mildred looked at you and let's out a soft laugh as you smile at her before cutting into your piece of salom.
Gwendolyn then proceeded to explain and ' demonstrate' how to eat it to red haired woman while you watched the older two women in both adoration and amusement.
As Gwendolyn leaned over the table slightly to feed a oyster to Mildred you sneaked your heel cladded foot out and ever so slowly brush it against Mildred's tight causing her to jump slightly and almost choke on the oyster.
Mildred looked at you in surprise, not having expected that but you only gave her a smug smirk, leg still brushing up against her smooth leg while you continued eating as Gwendolyn caught onto what happened and smile to herself.
The red haired woman fought back another blush, trying to ignore the goosebumps appearing on her skin as your soft leg brushed against hers in a sly way that have her getting wet.
"So?..."Mildred started, trying to keep her nervousness and arousal at bay.
"How and when did you two met?" She asked both genuinely curious but also to distract herself from the feeling of your leg against hers.
Gwendolyn looked at you and putted a hand on your upper leg again, squeezing it slightly, enjoying how you clearly enjoyed that and the way you are getting the nurse worked up with your other leg.
"We met at once at a bar, I tried getting to know her better but she wasn't too keen on that but I just knew I had to keep on trying. After she left I thought I never see her again but we did end up meeting again when her father had a business meeting with The Governor two months later, she was helping her father out as a assistant at the time." Gwendolyn began to explain excitedly while you continued to mess with the stoic nurse and getting amusement from her clear struggle to keep up her exterior.
"Her father didn't like me at first, he hated me in fact because as he like to put it, I was making googly heart eyes at his daughter and wanted to steal her and he was being protective." Gwendolyn chuckled um used lying at the memory of that day he said that.
You decided to join in on the conversation. "Yeah. He was ready to kill you after you've sneaked me out a few times and also get us in trouble or when you'd show up knocking at his door at two in the morning and your continued persistent urge to see me."
Mildred was listening with intrest now, a smile spread across her lips as she decide to be bold and sneaked her hand down and grabbed onto your lower leg that is brushing against hers causing you to pause as she eyed you, her fingers digging into your soft skin before tracing patterns on it as you gave her another teasing look, your hand dropping to Gwendolyn's hand on your tight.
"I know, but at least he likes me now. It took two years but I regret nothing and neither does he I think." Gwendolyn finished, looking at you again with a loving look you mirrored mixed with lust as she sneaked her hand to ghost dangerously close to your already throbbing center, the tips of her fingers skimming against it over your dress.
Mildred bite her lower lip subtly as she saw the look that the two in front of her is sharing, having a great idea at what they must silently convey with each other without uttering a word.
You slowly licked over your lower lip, (e/c) eyes darkening as Gwendolyn's blue lust filled eyes flicked down to your lips at the motion until she squeezed your thight again and your eyes met again until you gave a silent nod to the blonde.
Gwendolyn called the waiter over and told the nervous waiter to bring the bill and then focus to look at Mildred that is still watching you, her grip firm on your lower leg by now.
"Would you like to come back to our house?" The older woman dared to ask, having clearly noticed the way she have watched the two of you with her dark eyes, clearly aroused after the teasing you've done and they look the two of you had shared.
Mildred snapped her eyes back to Gwendolyn before clearing her throat, her tights rubbing together after she released your leg.
"Uh...Sure. I think so." She agreed reluctantly, not sure if she should.
Gwendolyn smiled at the waiter as he brought the bill and quickly paying for it and sending him off before grabbing her car keys and getting up with you.
You linked one arm with Gwendolyn and held a hand out to Mildred, waiting patiently for her to take it.
She looked down at your hand for a moment before taking it firmly and allow you to drag her along as Gwendolyn led you out of the restaurant and right towards her car, relishing your arm to open the passenger door for you and the back door for Mildred, not even bothering to hide her excitement as she watched the two of you get in.
"Thanks for this night out. It was fun." Mildred said in her raspy voice, one of her hands sneaking over the seat and resting on your shoulder and the other one on Gwendolyn's shoulder after Gwendolyn pulled out of the parking lot and started driving.
You both shot her a smile before Gwendolyn spoke up.
"It was a pleasure having you with us. Thank you for agreeing to come out."
Mildred smiled at this.
"But I bet we'll have even more fun at home." Gwendolyn eyed the red haired woman through the mirror of the car, smirking when seeying the other woman blush slightly and feeling the grip on her shoulder tightening.
"You don't say. Well then I can't wait."
You looked between them and put a hand on Gwendolyn's upper leg, notching how the older woman tense up for a moment as you sneaked your hand to her clothed center in a agonising slow pace.
Mildred smirked at this and as the two of you made eye contact you gave her a wink she just seemed to understand and decided to play along with your game by slipping her hand lower on Gwendolyn's shoulder slowly too, sneaking in beneath her light grey dress as the older woman tensed more at the unexpected moves from you both.
Mildred teasingly sneaked her fingers through the top of Gwendolyn's dark bra, her cold fingers groping her left breast  while your hand disappear between the blondes legs, cupping her aching center firmly as she try to hold back a tiny moan.
"Don't...distract me." The blonde tried to be stern but she only let out a broken moan as Mildred leaned more over the seat and began to kiss a trail up her shoulder up towards her neck while you decide to sneak your hands into her panties and rub at her now wet clit.
"Fuck!" Gwendolyn hissed out under her breath, her grip on the steering wheel tightening until her knuckles turned white when you slipped a finger between her slick folds.
A low register chuckle fell from Mildred's lips at this, taking great pleasure in hearing the blonde woman getting so worked up by the touch of you and her.
"What the matter? Can't handle a little teasing Gwen?" She husked into the older woman's ear, dark lust filled eyes trailing over the goosebumps appearing on the other woman's skin.
You chuckled too, sharing another look with the red haired nurse before you lower yourself and leaned over to Gwendolyn's lap, pulling her panties down her legs, forehead leaning against her upper leg as you inhaled and then exhaled a warm breath against her upper leg right where her center begin making the woman glare down at you.
"Don't you dare do that now while I'm driv-" the blonde tried to warn sternly but was cut of by whimpering when you licked her clit teasingly, a finger gingerly rubbing between her soaked folds as you looked up at her with a smug smirk.
"Holy shit. Just don't hunt me if we crash." Gwendolyn's glared daggers but couldn't help but take joy in your and Mildred's minestrations, leaning her head back against the Mildred's as the red haired woman kiss up against her neck once again while you slip a finger inside of her.
All she knew was that she can't wait to get back to your shared home and get the two of you back for this teasing.
-End or to be continued(if enough people desire a smutty threesome part)😏
Hey ya'll, I'm not making the readers father a homophobic in this part but my father and whole family is homophobic in real life so pretty much I just want to write one that Isn't. Sorry for this shitty part but honestly I'm not good at writing. Lol I didn't exactly plan on making this part as smut teasing as this but eh shit happens and I couldn't control myself. Eh and let's pretend reader and Gwendolyn owns a house where they go to.
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auroras-blend · 3 years
The Enemy of My Enemy
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Summary: Vittoria meets the one, the only, the woman who convicted her father, the ex-wife of her arch-nemesis, a dynamite lawyer: Marie Thibodeaux!
Notes: Told in Vittoria's POV. Marie is only a cameo 😢
A myriad of blue and purple puzzle pieces surrounded her skirt. Well, how am I supposed to do this in just an hour? Vittoria was more or less sour that her father left her with Sawyer in his office as he ran errands, because 1) she was with Sawyer and 2) she was bored out of her mind. When the door had shut, Sawyer had barked at her to be quiet and quite literally threw the puzzle box in her face and told her to play with it. It was brand new and she could only assume it was to go to one of the grandchildren he’d never seen. He barely has any photos of his family! There was a picture of him, his first wife, and two sons on his desk and another photo of his daughter to the side that both looked to be taken decades before she was born. I’d be sad if he were my father.
Sawyer was busy writing aggressively, his tone sharp and bitter as he was on the phone with someone. I should scream he’s killing me...that’d be funny. She giggled at the thought and earned herself a nasty scowl from the man himself. What was lovely about Sawyer was that he would swear around her because he knew damn well her mother did and he really seemed to be the only person who understood there was no more protecting her poor little ears, that he says stick out worse than Mickeys. They do not!
With a little huff, she began to assemble the puzzle of the sea, or at least that's what it said it’d be according to the box. And in her opinion, she was doing extremely well! “Look!” she pointed gleefully, “I’m almost done!”
“Wooooow,” Sawyer murmured, his eyes glued to his paper, “We should have you tested to see if you’re gifted…”
Vittoria pouted. “This is why you’re not married anymore.”
That little jab may have hit too close to home because he flung a paperweight at her that hit her in the face again. It wasn’t too heavy and it most certainly didn’t break anything, but the hate and suddenness of it made her start crying. “Keep your trap shut,” he growled.
It seemed he was even crueler today and of course she was his victim. Her little hands gripped the smooth glossy paperweight and threw it back, but it couldn’t go much farther than to bounce against the top of his desk. Her strength didn’t match his and she started bawling, “Pathetic weak little thing…”
“You’re so mean to me! I hate you and-,”
“WHERE IS THAT COCKSUCKING MORALLESS CLOWN-,” boomed a voice that made Sawyer go white as a sheet of paper.
The whites of his eyes were on display as he sprung out of his chair and shut the blinds. He ripped her off the ground and put a finger to her lips, “Shut up,” he whispered, “Shut up right now.”
Sobs still heaved from her body, the sounds being drowned out by the woman outside. “I-I can’t! You hurt me!”
“Fuck,” he cursed, “I’ll give you...two dollars! Two dollars if you’re quiet right now!”
Her cries quieted down, but not completely. Sawyer was close to trembling, his grip on her shoulders and the look in his eyes were pleading. Huh, he’s desperate… “Five,” she said.
Might as well...He grit his teeth and growled, “Fine. Now shut up.”
Vittoria nodded and retreated into the corner. “Ma’am, you can’t go in there-,” screamed the secretary.
Right as Sawyer was about to turn out the light, the door slammed open and smashed his hand against the wall. “Fuck!” he screamed in pain, pulling it close to him as he scrambled away.
The lighting fixtures flickered but remained on as who Vittoria imagined being the goddess Nemesis stood between the doorway to the firm and to Sawyer’s former safe haven. The woman was dressed in a dark navy blazer and skirt with a white undershirt. Circular glasses were falling down the bridge of her nose as her hateful gaze met Sawyer’s beady one. She had a straight-cut bob that fell beneath her chin, her hair grey in a way that demonstrated that too many people annoyed her in her lifetime. For a moment, her heart sank because that's what she could imagine her Mama to look like if she had lived that long. “You motherfucking son of a bitch!”
She even curses like Mama, well she has an accent. It sounded southern to her but with an air that she couldn't quite place. Despite being more or less terrified of everyone around her, she was unafraid of the woman. And she’s right. “Marie, you psychotic cunt, get the fuck out!”
The woman stormed right up to him and put her finger in her face. “HOW DARE YOU?! BRINGING HIM BACK!”
“It’s none of your business anymore, now get out! Call security!” he shouted at his poor shaking assistant.
“This entire case is my business! How much did it cost you to sell what you pass off as a soul?”
Vittoria giggled and right when she did, she clapped her hands to her mouth. The red-eyed gazes shifted to her, puffs of air coming out from their noses and mouths. “Oh...another one of your spawn’s spawn?” she sneered.
“No!” Vittoria protested, “I’m not related to him!”
The thought of being related to Sawyer revolted her to her core. “How fortunate for you.”
“I think so,” she smiled.
“Didn’t I tell you to be quiet? You lost that five bucks,” he seethed.
“Who’s the kid?”
“I’ve been kidnapped!” she cried dramatically, wiping the remaining wetness from her eyes, “He’s a predator!”
Sawyer jumped, “No, she’s not! I did not!”
Her words seemed to be more terrifying than what the woman, Marie, threw at him. “You sick son of a-are you prostituting kids now?”
“ENOUGH!” he shouted, “Where’s that damn security?!”
“Because that’s the only way you can get rid of me, huh? Not in court but by men bigger than you to do your dirty work. Hell, you’re not even the boss. You don’t call the shots! You worthless piece of shit! How can you stand to look at yourself?”
“I ask him the same thing every day,” Vittoria shook her head sorrowfully.
“I’m this close,” he pinched his fingers and left a barely visible space between them, “To cutting out your tongue.”
Vittoria stepped back in fear. “Threatening bodily harm to a six-year-old? You really are a jack shit lawyer-”
“I’m nine actually. I’m just small,” Vittoria added. That information wasn't relevant but Vittoria thought it was.
“He also threw a paperweight at me,” she said pointing to the ball that stood still on the floor, “It hurt.”
“Oh...and assault. You really can’t get any lower,” Marie hissed, “I hope you can afford a good lawyer. I’d offer, but I despise you and I hate to take lost causes.”
Shivers rolled down her spine as she heard Sawyer grind his teeth. “Go back to the pits of hell where you belong, or whatever they’re calling Chicago these days, and maybe I won’t charge you for trespassing,” he snapped at the woman.
Marie scoffed, “You were so close to being free of him. And you brought him back, you pathetic worm.”
She could tell that dug into Sawyer deep. “He’s been a-,” he began to defend before eyeing Vittoria, “No. Just get out. I’ve got work to do.”
He retreated back to his seat and stepped on the puzzle she had been working on. No… Marie scowled at him, “You’re gonna end up dead one day.”
“We all do,” Sawyer sighed.
Anger rolled off Marie before her eyes met Vittoria’s. “Are you really okay, kid? You need any help?”
“I’ll survive,” she said politely.
Marie nodded. “If you ever need a good lawyer, don’t call him. He’s terrible, I should know, I was married to him,” she smirked, her eyes glowing with vindication at Sawyer whose own hazel eyes were full of hostility, “And I also beat his ass in court.”
Vittoria gasped. She was starry-eyed and already adored her, unknowing that this was the woman who convicted her father. Sawyer was glowering at her over papers, “ I’m meeting one of his ex-wives! “You poor woman. I’m so sorry,” she said with true genuineness, before clarifying her statement, “For being married to him. Not for beating him.”
Vittoria giggled at the last part. I love her. She’s mean to Sawyer. I’d do anything for her. She reminds me so much of Mama. With a last smile, she pushed by the security guards who finally arrived. Ooooh, Sawyer’s gonna fire them. Part of her was sad to see her go, knowing that Sawyer would wring her neck soon. For a moment, she had been transported back to how it was with her mother. It was probably a good thing Marie didn’t stay, otherwise, Vittoria most certainly would’ve imprinted on her and followed her around like a little duckling. “Can I be her?” she asked dreamily.
“No,” Sawyer said in a cold tone, “Come sit here.”
Vittoria obeyed and climbed into the large leather seat across from him, letting her legs swing back and forth as they couldn’t touch the ground. Wow, I feel like a grown-up. Sawyer put down his pen and looked at her. He wasn’t angry, just thoughtful and that confused her. He sighed and got up to open a globe in the corner of the room, “Whoa!”
Inside was an assortment of drinks and liquors that were half-empty. Beautiful amber-brown liquids filled the crystal cruet set, and Sawyer took the liberty to pour himself a drink. Sawyer closed the globe and gripped his glass and another empty one. Sawyer paused in front of a cabinet before opening the bottom door that revealed a mini-fridge. The cold air whooshed out when he pulled the door open, featuring rows of sodas, sparkling in their cans. “Rootbeer, black cherry, or strawberry?”
“What?” she whispered.
“Which one?” he asked again, gesturing to the sodas.
“Papa...Papa won’t let me. He won’t even let me have juice,” she frowned.
Sawyer shrugged, “Fine then…”
“Wait!” she called out before he closed the door.
She bit her lip. This is wrong. Maybe he’s doing this as a trap...but I’ve never had soda before. What if we get in a car crash on our way home and I die never having a soda?! No...Papa won’t let me and I have to be good for him, so no...I can’t have soda. And that’s that. “I’ll have the strawberry one please,” she said aloud and watched him pour the brown fizzing drink into a glass and hand it to her.
I can hear the bubbles! Vittoria felt giddy, excited to have something forbidden and sweet. Something she’d always wanted to try! A smile spread across her face as she put it up to her mouth, the foam and bubbles tickling her nose and causing her to sneeze. “Achoo!”
She wrinkled her nose to get rid of the itch as she pressed the thick crystal rim to her lips and tilted the glass back, allowing the sweet bubbly drink to drip into her mouth and leave a burning sensation down her throat. Vittoria coughed, “It burns!”
“That’s the carbonation,” Sawyer said plainly as he sat down again, “Vittoria...you know how we hate each other?”
She blinked, surprised at how honest he was being. “Yes…”
“Hm, well you know how we both love your father very much? And want him to be happy and safe?”
“Yes,” she said again, her voice worried.
“That woman who came in, my ex-wife, she doesn’t want that. She doesn’t want your father to be happy and she’s one of the people who believe lies about him. In fact, Marie is one of the people who spread those lies,” he scowled.
It was the first time she ever believed something Sawyer said. It was said with such a raw intensity that he couldn’t be lying to her, or at least lying to her entirely. “What?” she whispered.
“Vittoria, she’s not our friend. You can’t trust her and the moment she finds out you’re his daughter, she’ll want to exploit that, you. Marie will stop at nothing and will use you to take him down, which is why you can never tell her anything. Please, never talk to her again,” he said seriously.
“But...but she was nice,” she mumbled, to me.
Sawyer rolled his eyes, “Well this isn’t about us. It’s about protecting your father. So can you put our differences aside and treat her as what she is? A threat to our family?”
An alliance with Sawyer? She never wanted to agree with him on anything, but the way he was speaking set her nerves on alert. He means it...he’s serious. “Yes,” she agreed, “Anything for Papa. I-I don’t want to see him get hurt…”
“Good,” Sawyer nodded, “Then it’s agreed. You won’t speak to Marie or about her, ever again.”
“You are a smart girl, then,” he grinned, “One more thing, let me tell your father everything.”
“I’ll let you if you give me back my five dollars.”
“Not a chance.”
“I’ll go home and say it anyway,” she reasoned.
“Two dollars.”
“Two and a strawberry tab.”
“Three,” she insisted.
He narrowed his eyes, “Fine.”
“Thank you, Mr. Sawyer,” she said pleasantly.
Sawyer smiled greasily and leaned forward against his desk, holding out his drink. Vittoria took her cue and tapped her glass against his, a sweet clink, sounding out as they toasted. As she took a sip of her soda, she couldn’t help feeling like she made a deal with the devil.
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lover-of-skellies · 4 years
Door 3
You swallowed back your feelings of uncertainty, carefully approaching the door that had gained your attention. You knocked, then waited for a response, only to receive none. As bad as you felt for invading the riders' privacy like this, your curiosity propelled you forward anyway, and soon enough, you found your hand grasping the knob. Giving a gentle twist and nudging the door open just enough to peek inside, you called out, announcing your presence and asking for permission to come in. Once again though, there was none.
Your shoulders sank a bit in defeat and you furrowed your brows; you'd come all this way, your curiosity and determination to get to know each of the riders driving you. Chewing on your bottom lip, you silently contemplated your options for a moment, deciding against simply walking away. You were going to enter anyway, and you were going to look around. As long as you weren't digging through the dresser or rifling through papers, you'd be forgiven... right?
[You selected: Door 3]
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Now entering: Pestilence's room
Carefully pushing the door open and inviting yourself inside, you paused to flick on the overhead light before nudging the door shut behind yourself again. Glancing around the room, you arched a brow, taking in your new surroundings; the bed, as you'd been expecting, wasn't made. The sheets and blankets were pushed down toward the end of the bed and bunched up, and the small stack of pillows even laid carelessly strewn about.
Approaching the bed, your eyes settled on a small picture frame that occupied the bedside table. Delicately picking the item up, you furrowed your brows and frowned; in the photo was a set of brothers. One was tall and lanky, sporting a brilliant crimson scarf and a bright smile, while the other was short and appeared to be a bit rounder. He was clad in a pair of untied tennis shoes, basketball shorts, and a baggy hoodie, all worn beneath a long, oversized lab coat. A pair of large and thin glasses with circular frames were taped onto his skull and his grin was more lazy, almost making him appear tired.
The top drawer of his bedside table was open the smallest bit, and gripped by curiosity, you set down the picture of the brothers in favor of tugging open the drawer. Neatly folded and tucked inside was a bundle of red fabric, which was nearly identical to the shade of the taller brother's scarf that you'd seen in the photo. Reaching out, you gently traced your fingers over it, taking in how soft it felt. As you pulled your hand away, however, you became aware of the dust that now clung to your skin. Knowing the significance of dust, your eyes widened and you hurriedly pushed the drawer shut, attempting to brush the dust off of your hand.
Feeling satisfied after a moment and taking a few seconds to calm yourself, you let out a deep breath, glancing around the room again. Clothes had been scattered across his floor, and you were unsure if they were supposed to be clean or dirty. Not wanting to touch the potentially dirty clothes, you stepped around them, crossing the room to look at some books that lined a shelf.
The books were sparse and some laid on their sides, but from the looks of it, they were mostly joke books, books on a variety of science stuff, and books filled with puzzles and word games. You didn't take Pestilence as the type who liked reading, so finding a collection of books in his room was a bit of a surprise.
On the floor next to the bookshelf was a chest, and you tilted your head, squatting and leaning closer to get a better look at it. There was a series of locks lining the front, meaning you wouldn't be able to see what it contained. Damnit. The curiosity would eat you alive, and you already knew it.
Standing again, you approached the rider's desk. A small lamp occupied the corner, and a decent amount of papers, pencils, and pens laid scattered across the surface. A ruler and eraser also laid atop the desk, over top the corners of what looked like a blueprint for some sort of device. Your eyebrows became knit in confusion; just what was the device? What was it supposed to do?
On an attached shelf was a thick, heavy looking book. Humming softly, you gingerly lifted it, lying it on the desk and flipping to a random page, finding numerous pictures filling plastic sleeves. The first one to catch your attention was of a skeleton in thick, bulky sunglasses. He wore a large, goofy grin, showing off a single gold tooth while his arm was around the shoulders of a rather... irritated water elemental. On the next page was a photo of a purple clad skeleton with heart shaped eye lights, his arms around another skeleton who was covered in errors and glitches, a scowl fixed on his face. You flipped several pages ahead, stopping as a picture of a pair of humans appeared.
There was a girl with medium length, bright blue hair. Her wide grey eyes were lined with dark makeup and her rather pale face was flushed pink as a boy standing beside her pressed a kiss to her cheek. The boy had a tanned complexion, his face also flushed. A pair of large, square glasses rested on the bridge of his nose, and his eyes were squeezed tightly shut, messy dark hair curling in every direction atop his head. They were cute together, but you weren't sure you knew who they were.
A rat scurried past you and squeaked, and you jumped, your entire body jolting in surprise. Processing that it was only a rat, you let out a deep sigh, trying to calm your racing your. It was just a rat. Nothing to be worried about. It's not like Pest was back already-
From behind you, someone cleared their throat, and you mentally cursed at yourself. Slowly withdrawing your hand from the photo album, you reluctantly turned to face its owner, who stared at you with a raised brow bone and a hand on his hip. He tilted his head, his tone completely even and calm, "So. Is there any particular reason why you're in my room, going through my old pictures?"
You began attempting to explain what was going on, telling the skeleton that you'd come here because you were curious about him and only wanted to learn about him more. That you'd come such a long way and didn't think you could simply leave when you found the room empty.
His gaze was locked on you as he slowly nodded, processing what he'd been told, "So let me get this straight... You let yourself in and started rifling through my stuff, because you wanted to get to know me better?" Fully aware of how bad that sounded, you made a sound of confirmation, practically radiating guilt as you admitted that you should've just gone away and come back some other time. He hummed in agreement, "Yeah, you should've. It's awfully rude of you to go invading people's privacy like this. Makes me almost kinda wanna go to your house and go through everything in your room, just so you can see how uncool it is."
You hung your head in shame, silent for a moment before you all but hurled yourself in his direction, wrapping your arms around him. Pulling him into a tight hug, you began to apologize profusely, and working past his momentary shock, he sighed, awkwardly returning the hug and patting your back, "Hey, hey, dude, cut it out. I don't appreciate the invasion of privacy, but I'm not gonna strike you dead or anything. Just... this is a warning, I guess. All I ask is that you don't do this again."
You agreed not to let yourself into his room again without permission and he pulled away from the hug, reaching up into his other sleeve to dig into a pouch, withdrawing a vial of the antidote to his touch. He offered it to you and you eagerly accepted it, quickly uncapping the vial and gulping down the bittersweet contents. Returning the empty vial, you thanked him, and then turned to begin walking toward the door.
You briefly paused, your hand curling around the knob as you turned to glance at him, saying your goodbyes. Having already removed his sash and belt, he tugged his hoodie off, a bulky, beaded necklace around his neck. In its design, you wondered if the necklace was made by a child. Pestilence made a soft sound of acknowledgement, returning the goodbyes.
Tugging the door open and exiting the room, you gently shut the door behind yourself. You hadn't expected him to show up so suddenly, and when he had, you thought he would've infected you on the spot as punishment of some sort. The fact that he kept his distance and then even gave you an antidote was mildly surprising, and you made a mental note to thank him again later.
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Day 18 of @defendingtheduchesses 's Meghan memories challenge.
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Meghan's writing has always been one of my favourite strengths of hers. And I thought I would share one for day 18, so I picked this important one.
'What are you?' A question I get asked every week of my life, often every day. 'Well,' I say, as I begin the verbal dance I know all too well. 'I'm an actress, a writer, the Editor-in-Chief of my lifestyle brand The Tig, a pretty good cook and a firm believer in handwritten notes.' A mouthful, yes, but one that I feel paints a pretty solid picture of who I am. But here's what happens: they smile and nod politely, maybe even chuckle, before getting to their point, 'Right, but what are you? Where are your parents from?' I knew it was coming, I always do. While I could say Pennsylvania and Ohio, and continue this proverbial two-step, I instead give them what they're after: 'My dad is Caucasian and my mom is African American. I'm half black and half white.
To describe something as being black and white means it is clearly defined. Yet when your ethnicity is black and white, the dichotomy is not that clear. In fact, it creates a grey area. Being biracial paints a blurred line that is equal parts staggering and illuminating. When I was asked by ELLE to share my story, I'll be honest, I was scared. It's easy to talk about which make-up I prefer, my favourite scene I've filmed, the rigmarole of 'a day in the life' and how much green juice I consume before a requisite Pilates class. And while I have dipped my toes into this on thetig.com, sharing small vignettes of my experiences as a biracial woman, today I am choosing to be braver, to go a bit deeper, and to share a much larger picture of that with you.
It was the late Seventies when my parents met, my dad was a lighting director for a soap opera and my mom was a temp at the studio. I like to think he was drawn to her sweet eyes and her Afro, plus their shared love of antiques. Whatever it was, they married and had me. They moved into a house in The Valley in LA, to a neighbourhood that was leafy and affordable. What it was not, however, was diverse. And there was my mom, caramel in complexion with her light-skinned baby in tow, being asked where my mother was since they assumed she was the nanny.
I was too young at the time to know what it was like for my parents, but I can tell you what it was like for me – how they crafted the world around me to make me feel like I wasn't different but special. When I was about seven, I had been fawning over a boxed set of Barbie dolls. It was called The Heart Family and included a mom doll, a dad doll, and two children. This perfect nuclear family was only sold in sets of white dolls or black dolls. I don't remember coveting one over the other, I just wanted one. On Christmas morning, swathed in glitter-flecked wrapping paper, there I found my Heart Family: a black mom doll, a white dad doll, and a child in each colour. My dad had taken the sets apart and customised my family.
Fast-forward to the seventh grade and my parents couldn't protect me as much as they could when I was younger. There was a mandatory census I had to complete in my English class – you had to check one of the boxes to indicate your ethnicity: white, black, Hispanic or Asian. There I was (my curly hair, my freckled face, my pale skin, my mixed race) looking down at these boxes, not wanting to mess up, but not knowing what to do. You could only choose one, but that would be to choose one parent over the other – and one half of myself over the other. My teacher told me to check the box for Caucasian. 'Because that's how you look, Meghan,' she said. I put down my pen. Not as an act of defiance, but rather a symptom of my confusion. I couldn't bring myself to do that, to picture the pit-in-her-belly sadness my mother would feel if she were to find out. So, I didn't tick a box. I left my identity blank – a question mark, an absolute incomplete – much like how I felt.
When I went home that night, I told my dad what had happened. He said the words that have always stayed with me: 'If that happens again, you draw your own box.'
I never saw my father angry, but in that moment I could see the blotchiness of his skin crawling from pink to red. It made the green of his eyes pop and his brow was weighted at the thought of his daughter being prey to ignorance. Growing up in a homogeneous community in Pennsylvania, the concept of marrying an African-American woman was not on the cards for my dad. But he saw beyond what was put in front of him in that small-sized (and, perhaps, small-minded) town, and he wanted me to see beyond that census placed in front of me. He wanted me to find my own truth.
And I tried. Navigating closed-mindedness to the tune of a dorm mate I met my first week at university who asked if my parents were still together. 'You said your mom is black and your dad is white, right?' she said. I smiled meekly, waiting for what could possibly come out of her pursed lips next. 'And they're divorced?' I nodded. 'Oh, well that makes sense.' To this day, I still don't fully understand what she meant by that, but I understood the implication. And I drew back: I was scared to open this Pandora's box of discrimination, so I sat stifled, swallowing my voice.
I was home in LA on a college break when my mom was called the 'N' word. We were leaving a concert and she wasn't pulling out of a parking space quickly enough for another driver. My skin rushed with heat as I looked to my mom. Her eyes welling with hateful tears, I could only breathe out a whisper of words, so hushed they were barely audible: 'It's OK, Mommy.' I was trying to temper the rage-filled air permeating our small silver Volvo. Los Angeles had been plagued with the racially charged Rodney King and Reginald Denny cases just years before, when riots had flooded our streets, filling the sky with ash that flaked down like apocalyptic snow; I shared my mom's heartache, but I wanted us to be safe. We drove home in deafening silence, her chocolate knuckles pale from gripping the wheel so tightly.
It's either ironic or apropos that in this world of not fitting in, and of harbouring my emotions so tightly under my ethnically nondescript (and not so thick) skin, that I would decide to become an actress. There couldn't possibly be a more label-driven industry than acting, seeing as every audition comes with a character breakdown: 'Beautiful, sassy, Latina, 20s'; 'African American, urban, pretty, early 30s'; 'Caucasian, blonde, modern girl next door'. Every role has a label; every casting is for something specific. But perhaps it is through this craft that I found my voice.
Being 'ethnically ambiguous', as I was pegged in the industry, meant I could audition for virtually any role. Morphing from Latina when I was dressed in red, to African American when in mustard yellow; my closet filled with fashionable frocks to make me look as racially varied as an Eighties Benetton poster. Sadly, it didn't matter: I wasn't black enough for the black roles and I wasn't white enough for the white ones, leaving me somewhere in the middle as the ethnic chameleon who couldn't book a job.
This is precisely why Suits stole my heart. It's the Goldilocks of my acting career – where finally I was just right. The series was initially conceived as a dramedy about a NY law firm flanked by two partners, one of whom navigates this glitzy world with his fraudulent degree. Enter Rachel Zane, one of the female leads and the dream girl – beautiful and confident with an encyclopedic knowledge of the law. 'Dream girl' in Hollywood terms had always been that quintessential blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty – that was the face that launched a thousand ships, not the mixed one. But the show's producers weren't looking for someone mixed, nor someone white or black for that matter. They were simply looking for Rachel. In making a choice like that, the Suits producers helped shift the way pop culture defines beauty. The choices made in these rooms trickle into how viewers see the world, whether they're aware of it or not. Some households may never have had a black person in their house as a guest, or someone biracial. Well, now there are a lot of us on your TV and in your home with you. And with Suits, specifically, you have Rachel Zane. I couldn't be prouder of that.
At the end of season two, the producers went a step further and cast the role of Rachel's father as a dark-skinned African-American man, played by the brilliant Wendell Pierce. I remember the tweets when that first episode of the Zane family aired, they ran the gamut from: 'Why would they make her dad black? She's not black' to 'Ew, she's black? I used to think she was hot.' The latter was blocked and reported. The reaction was unexpected, but speaks of the undercurrent of racism that is so prevalent, especially within America. On the heels of the racial unrest in Ferguson and Baltimore, the tensions that have long been percolating under the surface in the US have boiled over in the most deeply saddening way. And as a biracial woman, I watch in horror as both sides of a culture I define as my own become victims of spin in the media, perpetuating stereotypes and reminding us that the States has perhaps only placed bandages over the problems that have never healed at the root.
I, on the other hand, have healed from the base. While my mixed heritage may have created a grey area surrounding my self-identification, keeping me with a foot on both sides of the fence, I have come to embrace that. To say who I am, to share where I'm from, to voice my pride in being a strong, confident mixed-race woman. That when asked to choose my ethnicity in a questionnaire as in my seventh grade class, or these days to check 'Other', I simply say: 'Sorry, world, this is not Lost and I am not one of The Others. I am enough exactly as I am.'
Just as black and white, when mixed, make grey, in many ways that's what it did to my self-identity: it created a murky area of who I was, a haze around howpeople connected with me. I was grey. And who wants to be this indifferent colour, devoid of depth and stuck in the middle? I certainly didn't. So you make a choice: continue living your life feeling muddled in this abyss of self-misunderstanding, or you find your identity independent of it. You push for colour-blind casting, you draw your own box. You introduce yourself as who you are, not what colour your parents happen to be. You cultivate your life with people who don't lead with ethnic descriptions such as, 'that black guy Tom', but rather friends who say: 'You know? Tom, who works at [blah blah] and dates [fill in the blank] girl.' You create the identity you want for yourself, just as my ancestors did when they were given their freedom. Because in 1865 (which is so shatteringly recent), when slavery was abolished in the United States, former slaves had to choose a name. A surname, to be exact.
Perhaps the closest thing to connecting me to my ever-complex family tree, my longing to know where I come from, and the commonality that links me to my bloodline, is the choice that my great-great-great grandfather made to start anew. He chose the last name Wisdom. He drew his own box.
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static-fanatic-1 · 4 years
Before We Begin
-| Stuck at a StandStill |-
StandStill: Prologue
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Mentions of blood and broken bones, Bullying, Anxiety attacks, Creepy behavior.
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A girl covered in blood and dirt howled, scrapping at the concrete slab that had fallen on her leg with cracked nails. Fat tears streamed down her rosy cheeks when it seemed as if no one was coming for her, her once silvery eyes now blood shot from crying. "Papa!" The little girl hyperventilated when she was given no reply, hand shaking as blood pooled underneath the fallen debris, is this how she dies? Barely even ten and crushed by debris caused by a villain? "Momma! Daddy!"
Thousands of questions ran inside her head, shaking her body to the core with the unrelenting fear of death. The small girl croaked out a long cry, tears and snot making her look all the more pathetic as she flutily clawed at the concrete. "Papa! Papa-!" Loud shifting resonated from above, the fallen walls of the large building she was in moving aside to make way for a hulking figure. Whoever it was was framed in an ethereal, golden glow from the setting sun, like an angel sent from heaven to save the ten-year-old.
The bulky figure swiftly tossed away the fallen wall and jumped down into the cavern, flinging the concrete slab like it was a leaf and wrapping the child in his large arms. His muscles tensed at the loud booms above, the villain clearly ruining more of the city, but that did nothing to deter the figure's bright smile when he looked down. "What's your name, kid?" His voice will be forever engrained in her memory as an enthusiastic theatrical of hope.
"Aiko." The little girl meekly replied, curling into his muscular arms for some form of comfort.
"Well Aiko Shonen, everything will be fine. Why? Because I am here, All Might!" The bunny like hairs on his head waved as his smile only grew. Aiko only ever felt so safe around her papa, and this All Might figure made her feel just as safe as she would feel in her papa's arms.
A deep rumble echoed through the cavern, the hero's smile faltering the slightest bit, but quickly returned when he crouched down and jumped out of the cavern. Wind rushed through her long white drapes, her doe like eyes glowing from the immense strength the blond possessed. An old man dressed in hero's wear sped past All Might, the little girl following the yellow blur to what was happening behind her.
That was a mistake.
A deep feeling of dread washed over the entirety of Aiko small frame and made her feel utterly sick. A man clad in a crisp black suit loomed above all else. Red lightning like sparks shooting through the sky as his bulky frame floated above the toppled buildings and skyscrapers. Just how many bodies were under those buildings? And that mask, that terrifying, black, skull-like mask would forever be burned into her memory like a horribly large scar. Under his pristine black shoes were villains and heroes alike, bloodied and broken and dying.
A large hand turned her facing the sunset, a beautiful display of deep purples and bloody reds littered with fluffy stained clouds. "Don't worry, Aiko Shonen... you are safe now." All Might's bright, toothy grin brought her only more discomfort, it felt strained and off, as if he didn't believe his own words.
A certain yellow blur knocked Aiko and All Might out of the sky and into the debris of a near by building, a loud boom and an intense vacuum of air brushing past. The larger than life blond shielded her from the fall, sliding down and holding her close to his heaving chest. "Toshinori, watch out! Don't look away for one second or you'll give him the advantage!" Scolded the older man, not realizing All Might was carrying a small child in his arms.
"Perfect timing Gran Torino, take Aiko Shonen and get her out of here!" He handed her off to the elder, leaving nothing but dust in his wake as he jumped back into the fight. "Have Nighteye take her somewhere safer!"
Gran Torino swiftly pulled her into his arms and dashed away from the villain. The two made it safely out of the danger zone, a new, slim figure running to Torino. "Take her, T-All Might needs my help against All For One." His gruff voice reverberated off the fallen walls of what used to be a wealthy district. Once again, she was thrust into the hold of another hero, wincing at her broken leg.
Sir. Nighteye dashed across the debris ridden streets, blood and bodies littering them like trash. Aiko whimpered and curled in on herself, each and every detail of the villain attack being engraved into her brain. Not even a moment later she was given to a random citizen, probably a nurse or doctor from a nearby hospital. The citizen took her somewhere safer, away from the villains and heroes.
Aiko looked back one more time, All For One and All Might clashing against each other like titans or gods fighting for the mortal realm. Maybe that's what the fight is about, two titans fighting for power over the weak. That's what it looked like at least, wind pressure from their attacks brought more walls toppling down. She bit her bottom lip, being carried away from the carnage of the clashing gods.
White hair rushed through the small bedroom, scrambling to find her favorite pencil she must have dropped last night. She ducked under her bedframe, no not there, what about under her desk? Not there either. "Come on!" She whined, shuffling through sketchbooks and notebooks for the fifth time just to find her favorite mechanical pencil. "Oh, thank god!" She exclaimed, grabbing the old pencil, and stuffing it into her bag.
Quickly she collected the rest of her things and rushers out of her room. "Aiko! Hurry up you're going to be late!" Yelled her mother, a woman with a thin yet pear shaped frame and deep bags under her dull violet eyes. A messy bun made of curly turquoise hair rest upon her head. Her shrill voice echoed through the halls and into her room, drenching the little girl with a new sense of urgency.
"I'm leaving!" She reaffirmed. She dashed through the house to the front door. Slipping off her house shoes she quickly put on her outside shoes before opening the door.
"Oi! Aiko, where's my goodbye kiss?" Snarled a new figure, large and muscular with deep brown hair and yellow eyes. He tapped a thick finger against his cheek as he leaned closer to his adopted daughter's form.
Quickly she slipped off her outside shoes, she had quickly learned to never wear them on the floor, and leaned to kiss the man on the cheek. She returned to the front and waved a goodbye as she scurried out of the small house.
The young girl brushed her white hair out of her face, her roller blades now clipped onto the bottom of her shoes. Slinging her backpack securely on her back, she dipped out of the front yard and skated her way to public school.
Wind rushed through long locks of hair, her curly bangs framing her face as she sped through the busy sidewalks. Wide, hopeful, doe-like eyes watched the trees blur past. People and faces smudged by her speed, a grumpy pedestrian yelling at her to slow down. "Sorry sir!" She yelled back.
Aiko sighed at the sight of pink Sakura trees in the distance, indicating how close she was to her school. Skating past the iron gates and into the school, she threw her shoes into her locker and rushed into her homeroom class with only a few seconds to spare.
The skinny teacher glared at her. "You were almost late, again." His hands fell to his hips in a relaxed pose, eyes boring into the much smaller figure. If you moved his impossibly long blond bangs you would be able to see the orange, slitted eyes he had.
"Sorry Hagake Sensei, I woke up late again." She scratched the back of her neck and waved an apology.
"You can't be late if you want to be a hero, Aiko." He scolded, the thin tail and small cat ears waving disapprovingly. "Anyway, everyone here wants to be a hero so I'll go ahead and give you all the course selections." The cat-quirk teacher stalked through the desks, handing out papers that would change everyone's lives.
"Komori, you were going for UA right? Aiko, you too?" She sheepishly nodded when the orange eyes glanced into her own, taking thick strands of her hair and covering her mouth and cheeks with it. A habit she had developed after the incident. Her ice blue eyes looked over to the other name called, a young yet surprisingly fit boy with an impressive quirk.
Komori, a young man with a bat quirk and the physic to make it powerful. He was tall for his age, with a slim yet strong build, the only thing that wasn't conventionally attractive were the thick glasses on his button nose. But even then he made them look good. He had large ears, long fangs, a thin tail and huge wings draped behind his back. Pale, almost grey skin, with sharp purplish-red eyes complimented his short, yet messy, black hair.
Name: Komori Suzuki
Quirk: Bat Mix
Quirk Details: Komori's quirk is pretty self-explanatory, he is a bat. Wings, tail, ears and fangs, he has both White-Winged Flying Fox (Mother—Kistune Suzuki) and Common Vampire Bat (Father—Kyūkestuki Suzuki). He has the best of both bats at his disposal.
He cackled. "Ha! Really? That coward can't become a hero! Look at her, and her quirk is useless for hero work. The only thing she's good at is being a housewife!" Waving his leathery wings and kicking his feet up on the desk he continued to laugh at her flustered expression.
Komori could only be described as a misogynistic bastard. Aiko and him used to be friends, but when he was young he started all misogynistic towards her, typically using the housewife card against her. Still, throughout the years the two of them stuck around each other. Maybe it was a sense of familiarity between the two of them?
The girl shrunk into her chair, pulling her hair closer to her face. "I can be a hero...." Her soft tone drifted off until nothing but a pen dropping could be heard.
"Eh? What was that? You want to be a hero to avenge your old man?" He jumped on the desk and leaned down, the pearly fangs flashing dangerously. "There's no way you'd be able to do that, you can't to anything for yourself! You're just a damn damsel in distress, so give up."
The teacher glared at him and smacked a clawed hand on the back of his neck. "Shut it Komori! You'll never be a hero with that attitude!" Sensei growled and handed the both of you your papers. "It won't hurt to try, Aiko." He reassured with a pat on the girl's shoulder.
"R-right." Komori got up from the floor and glared at the teacher comforting the smaller girl. He scoffed and returned to his desk, there was no reason for him to be so mean to her, but he did anyway. Maybe he took a sadistic pleasure in messing with her.
"Anyway, this is due tomorrow," waved the teacher as he sauntered back up to the front of the rowdy class. "I forgot to give it to you guys on Monday so don't forget. If you guys don't turn it in tomorrow you won't be going to a hero school." He waited for an answer, his eye twitching when he didn't get one. "Am I clear?"
"Yes sir!" Yelled the class.
Aiko leaned on her tippy toes to grab her outside shoes and clip-on roller blades, jumping when a clawed hand slammed beside her locker. She squealed and whipped around, coming face to face with collared shirt. "Wh-What do you want, Komori?"
Glazed over plum eyes glared through thick lenses. "Why do you even want to be a hero? It's not like you'll be able to fix what the villain did so you should just give up." His throat rumbled a growl. "Seriously, you should just leave it to me, I'll get the job done unlike you." The violent eyes hardened slightly at her scared expression. "Seriously, Sweetheart, you'll get your weak-ass self hurt."
The white haired girl glanced up and shriveled into the locker. "I-I'm still going to try... Sensei said I should."
Komori opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but was interrupted by a few other delinquents. He scoffed when she dipped past his arms and wings and ran out of the school, struggling to run and clip on her skates. "When are you gonna kiss her Komori? Seriously you've been closing in on her from the beginning." Chattered one friend.
"Oh fuck off, she's just going to get herself killed." The aspiring bat hero puffed his chest and flared his wings. "And what type of hero would I be if I didn't try to save a lady-in-waiting, huh?"
Aiko stumbled past the school gates, recommendation paper in hand. Once she made it far enough she dipped into a dark alleyway and curled onto the ground. Fat yet silent tears streamed down her cheeks as she did her best to calm her anxiety. The girl tightly gripped her hair and shoved it in her face trying to calm herself. "Breathe... breathe... breathe...." She chanted.
Slowly but surely her anxiety levels died down with her calming strategy. She wiped away her tears and sipped on the last of her left over water. "Brrreeeeaaaaatttthhhhheeee...." She tensed at the buzz in her pocket, pulling out her small flip phone to see who texted her.
[Mr. Takahashi] 'Get some Tokoyaki on the way home.'
[Aiko] 'Yes Sir.'
She bit her bottom lip and furrowed her brows, waiting for a reply, luckily there was none so she relaxed. Taking her leave out of the alleyway, the small girl made her way over to the best Tokoyaki shop nearby.
A loud boom erupted out of the same street the shop was on, Aiko worriedly rushing over to the sound. Smoke covered the skies as more explosions went off. A chattery crowd formed at the street entrance, but Aiko wasn't worried about what was happening. She quickly pulled out her phone and started texting.
[Aiko] 'I'm sorry, I'm going to be late. The shopping district is under attack by a villain.'
She worriedly waited for a reply, doing her best to shuffle through the crowd to get a good look at the commotion. A blond, skeleton of a man coughed his way next to you, leaning on a lamppost and looking above the crowd. "Sir? What-what is going on?"
The blond slightly jumped in surprise at the delicate voice, looking down and taking in the little girl standing before him. Something about her seemed familiar, though he couldn't exactly place it. "A villain, nothing to worry about the heroes will take care of it." In all honesty, he couldn't exactly see everything that was going on. Between the explosions and smoke, all he could see was the sludge villain he failed to detain.
His deep, sultry voice calmed her, but the intense expression he wore had the opposite effect. Biting her bottom lip, she shuffled her way to the front of the crowd. Pedestrians around her worriedly talking to themselves, every time another explosion went off they would flinch. She would too.
Finally squeezing to the front of the crowd she saw what was happening. An ash-blond, about her age, writhed inside the sludge monster, gasping every time he could get some air. He screamed when his mouth was free, a violent cry for help that no hero seemed to be answering.
Aiko took a step closer, the water hero yelling at her to stay back. "He-He needs help! He'll die if no one helps him!" She screamed back, staring at the hero with a pleading expression. "You guys need to save him!"
"We can't, no one here can stop that villain. We are holding off until someone more prepared saves him!"
'He can't wait that long', she thought, looking at the frustrated features of the blond middle schooler. But she waited, too afraid to mess up and make things worse. Her quirk would only make things worse.
Anxiously she held her hair to her face, waiting for someone more adapt to the villain to save whoever was trapped. People happily cheered a new hero, Mt. Lady running to the scene. She stopped however, obviously she wouldn't be able to help with her quirk.
The small female was pushed to the side, another middle schooler, this time with fluffy dark green hair, stared at the scene in front of him. His freckles face contorted to a look of pure horror, a strained voice quietly calling out a name. "Kacchan!"
She watched as his feet controlled his body, taking him into the smoke ridden streets to the sludge monster. She gasped and lunged forward to grab him but missed, the small boy slipping through her fingers.
"Kacchan!" He yelled, tossing his backpack into the villain's face.
Aiko watched with admiration for the obviously weaker boy who ran in like a true hero. The ash blond also thrashing with strength and aggression she would never have. Unlike Aiko, they looked like they would be fine heroes.
She is a coward, too afraid to even try in fear of ruining everything. It reminded her of what happened six years ago, how helpless she was when all hell broke loose, how she was saved by All Might before loosing everything. She was frustrated, small tears dripping down her face at her pathetic display of bravery.
Wind smacked her long hair in her face, bringing her back to the present. It was him, All Might! The best hero to ever exist rushing to stop the bad guy and save the kids.
With a single punch, her hero saved the day. The once blue skies turning a dark grey and drenching the debris covered streets. Her tears replaced by cold rain as the crowd waited for All Might to make a move.
He raised his fist high, stumbling only Aiko seemed to notice, but remained victorious none the less. The once silent crowd burst into cheers, praises and hallelujahs for the savior of the two middle schoolers.
A ping from her pocket took her away from the heroic sight. With a heavy hand the little girl looked at the messages flooding her texts.
[Mr. Takahashi] 'Hurry up.'
Quickly she replied back.
[Aiko] 'Yes Sir.'
She would have to appreciate All Might and the middle schoolers online once she got back home. Swiftly Aiko squeezed past the crowd and skated over to the nearest Tokoyaki stall.
Unlocking the front door and balancing the packaged Tokoyaki drained the last of Aiko's energy. She took off her shoes and plopped the food onto the kitchen counter.
Mrs. Takahashi undid the wrapping, disregarding the younger girl and the paper in her hands. "Go do your homework, Aiko."
"You have to sign this. It's for the hero courses I want to sign up for." A small hand calmly pushed the paper in front of her adopted mother, a delicate smile upon her features.
"Fine, here." The azure haired woman signed the paper, the man of the household walking up behind the two.
"Hero courses huh? You better sign up for UA and get in, you'd be able to pay for our retirement!" The brown haired man bellowed, taking some of the food Aiko brought home and stuffing it into his mouth. "Seriously, you better get into UA." He scolded through chewing.
"Yes sir, I was planning on doing that." Thinking about All Might, the middle schoolers and all the reasons she want to be a hero to begin with, if she had the opportunity she would take it. This was her opportunity and no one would change her mind.
She took her food and went to her room, finishing up her homework and taking a shower. Now with her sleepwear on, all her homework finished, she plopped into her bed.
Aiko's light blue eyes glanced over to a treasured photo, the moonlight seeping from the closed blinds providing just enough light to illuminate the three of the six figures. She was very young when her family took the picture, her host mother and host father's smiles bringing a pang of joy through her heart. Her host mother had long, pink hair and a curvaceous body, while her host father was a muscular lean figure with pitch black skin and sharp teeth.
The fifteen year old decided to wear a yellow sundress that day, a big smile knowing her family was standing behind her. She wished they were still here and she wasn't with Mr. and Mrs. Takahashi... but that was too much to wish for.
She curled in on herself under the thick covers, letting the sweet memories of her past lull her into a dreamless slumber.
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cuzloki · 4 years
I wanted to write something different. So this is kinda different from my other stuff. If you guys like it let,e know and I’ll right more. If you have critiques let me know. Also I know spelling and grammar is not my strong suit so don’t be to hard on me haha. I hope you enjoy reading. ❤️
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Everyone has their horror stories about their time in jail.....I mean school, but mine is a bit different. It's not about what was said to me it was about what wasn't said. I was ignored. Cast out by the popular crew and when I was talked to I was treated like a gazelle that had been accidentally put in the lion pen. But what people didn't know was that I have a secret. I'm a werewolf, an alpha werewolf. My best friend Ashton and my boyfriend Robbie are as well. I was born an alpha werewolf. Ashton and I have been friends since we were 2 and let's just say I went through a biting faze at around 4 that turned him into my omega. Then when I was 16, I met Robbie. I was with him for 2 years before I told him about me being a werewolf. Let's just say the idea of being just like me was everything to him. So now there is my little mini pack of 3, including me.
I am a tall blonde with hazel eyes. I'm not the skinniest thing but more muscular. I'm very shy but once you get to know me I can be quite the spit fire. Ashton is tall and muscular with the brightest smile you’ll ever see. He has the deepest green eyes that turn hazel in the right light. His hair is naturally brown but it's dyed black and brushed to the side currently. Robbie is a tall British boy with greenish-blue eyes that you could get lost in. He has brown hair that most of the time is just brushed and left to do its own thing.
My wolf is a jet black wolf with red eyes signifying the alpha gene. There is a little white patch on my wolfs chest that is white as snow. Ash’s wolf is white with glowing green eyes, which signifies his ability of telekinesis. He can control people and link people together so they can communicate through their minds. Robbie's wolf is jet black like mine with bright blue eyes, signifying his ability to do magic. He has a gene that was unknown to him from a warlock way back in his family tree. So technically he's a hybrid werewolf and warlock.
I get out of my car with a bag of groceries and start walking up the path to my house. It had a farmers porch around the front and is painted egg shell blue. The shingles on the roof are grey with specks of black freckled through them. The two story house stood at the edge of the forest on a dead end street where it is the only house. As my boots clicked on the stone walkway, the door to my house flew open " Hello love., let me grab that for you!" Robbie smiled at me fro. The door and put his hand into the air as a blue glow enveloped my grocery bag and floated towards Robbie. The bag landed I. His arms and he smiled at me as I continued walking up the path with a smirk on my face. "Well, wasn't that just magical." I say sarcastically as Robbie and I walk into the house, him still gripping the bag tightly and let out a little laugh .
We walk into the kitchen after walking through the hall entry way. The grey wash wood floor shined and the grey granite cabin area and stainless steel appliances sparkled as I walked in. "Surprise! I cleaned!" Robbie exclaimed as he set the grocery bag down on the counter and starting taking the various food items out. " You cleaned or you "cleaned" I said with air quotes and he looks over at me biting his lip. "Can't I just get credit for cleaning the place" he laughs as he walks over to me and loops his arms around my waist. "Hmm. Using your magic to get brownie points. I don't know if that's quite fair, Mr.Kay." I giggle as I wrap my arms around his neck. "Oh, you want to talk about fair! How about you making me do the dishes and the laundry?" He smirked as I started to laugh "That wasn't a werewolf thing that was a "I'm your girlfriend so do it" it. There is a difference!" Robbie threw his hands up in surrender and they landed on my hips. He brushed his lips against mine briefly and I pulled him in again to deepen the kiss. Let's just say the kiss was turning more into a make out session when there was a very loud knock on the door and yelling "Can you guys stop and just let me in!" Ashton. "He chooses now to show up on time." Robbie groans as I kiss Robbie one more time and walk to the door. I opened the door and there was look his brown eyes and newly dyed black hair. "Times like these I really hate my werewolf hearing." He mumbled as he walked past me into the house and I closed the door.
The three of us went into the living room and started talking about wolf stuff when I brought up the topic on everyone's mind. The pack. "So I found some more people for our pack boys." I looked at them both. "They are all the big show offs of high school. No one tells them what to do. Until now." I smirk and grab a chip from a nearby bag. "Why do you have to turn out of vengeance? Isn't that gonna backfire?" Ashton says and leans forward in his seat. "No it's gonna make a good pack. Strong obedient wolves that were never told what to do now have a purpose." I say as I look at Robbie "I say alpha picks her omegas. If she wants them, Ash, let her." Robbie stood up for me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Ok fine, not like it's my choice.When is this happening?" Ashton asks with his head in his hands. "Tonight’s football practice ends in 20 minutes." I smile as I stand up and grab the bag of chips, heading towards the kitchen. I rolled up the chip bag and placed them in the cabinet when I reached the kitchen. "Let's go boys!" I call as I head outside soon to be joined by my pack of two, soon to be more.
"GO BULLFROGS!" The team shouts as the huddle breaks signaling the end of practice. Robbie, Ash and I sit in the woods watching in wolf form. Robbie and is black fur hiding us from view and Ashton’s white fur blended with the green leaves, no one saw us. A group of 6 boys broke of from the rest of the football team and starting walking along side the woods. I looked at Ashton signaling him to use his powers to bring them into the woods. All the boys were pretty tall except 2 that were rather short. I see the piercing eyes of the boys that made my school life hell not because of what they said but the looks I was given and the lack of things they said. They come into the clearing we were sitting in and I had Robbie to my left and Ashton to my right. The boys froze unable to move or talk thanks to Ashton. All us wolves were mind-linked together so I introduced the great 6. First was Matt. The star of the football team and liked by everyone. A massive jerk but he has puppy dog brown eyes that make every girl weak in the knees. Next is Jack with his blue eyes. He was my crush back years ago and he broke my heart by simply saying no thank you when I said I liked him. Then there was Mike,Jacks best friend, he was nice but he always had that attitude like he was better than everyone else. Finally there was Dylan my first Love, even if he didn't know it. Then Nick who was a crush and I best friend to me at some point. Lastly there was John. He had been my crush in 4th grade and we haven't really talked since. I walked towards the boys , fear clear in their eyes. I shifted back into my human form, my red eyes still glowing. "Hello Boys. Long time no see" I say as I walk towards them. Still under Ashton’s control, they stood in shock and just stared at me. "I know you must be so confused right now. Thinking why us what did we do to deserve this!" I dramatically throw my arms in the air. I laughed as I looked over at one boy in particular. Jack. I walk up to Jack and grabbed his arm. "Interesting what you get yourself into, isn't it?" My eyes started to glow red as I open my mouth and bite down hard on Jack's arm. More than necessary I might add. I feel a hand on my shoulder pulling me back. It was Robbie. "Enough." I let go of Jack’s arm and blood dripped down my face. I use my werewolf speed to run down the line and bite the rest of the boys on the arm then take off, leaving the boys.
After about 20 minutes, Robbie and Ashton returned to my house to find me curled up in a ball on the couch. "I got a little carried away. " I say as I look at Robbie and Ashton. "He hurt you, I get it." Robbie said and Ashton nodded. "Let's call these boys shall we." I say as I got up and went out onto my deck. I howled ,loud ,turning my eyes red. I heard howls in return and knew they were on their way. Within 20 minutes 6 huge wolves stood in front of me. 4 grey and 2 tan. "Let's not be animals, boys" I say as I look at each one of them. Screams filled the air along with cracks and cries as they all turned human again. My howl triggered their first transformation and it hurts bad for the first month or so. The boys were in heaps on the ground. "Why" I knew that cocky voice. Matt. "Why?! Because I could, because I can. Because all the shit you guys put me through I thought I'd repay the favor. Plus I needed more wolves. Let me introduce my beta, Robbie" I pointed to Robbie "and my newly ranked up delta, Ashton"
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joneshartright-blog · 6 years
The Other Side (Part 3)
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Summary: a story about reincarnation, past lives.
Warnings: swearing, bad grammar, insults,
»Let me know if anyone wants to be tagged!«
The warmth was something new to him, London was grey for the most part of time, the sun appearing rarely.It was like he was lost, everything green around him, the wind touching his hair and right in front of him the ocean.It took him, some minutes to realize he was holding a old notebook and dressed with victorian clothes.He touched his chest feeling the texture of the blue wool coat trought his fingers, trying to understand what was going on.
That's when he realized, he only could be dreaming.He moved his hand to his hair examaning the ambient, confused and frustrated.He opened the notebook running trought the pages, searching for something that could give him a hint about what was happening.
“1st, July, 1809
Her hands were in the piano, playing slowly, Beethoven echoing trought the house, making it way outside into my ears, blessing them as I keep writing about her”
He looked at the sea, for a moment, licking his lips.
“This is not right" he looked down, the page of the notebook displayed in front of his eyes.
“For the moment I could swear I saw an angel in form of a woman.In form of you, my love."
He closed the notebook, sighing nervously, his toughts being disturbed by a voice.
He could feel his head geting heavy as he tried to look in the right direction.
Sir.Sir.The words kept playing continuosly in his mind, and the notebook touched the ground as his hands started sweating.
06:00 a.m.
The alarm, brought Ben back to reality, making him shiver, hands in his eyes covered by sweat.
He murmured, feeling how lucid his dream was.
“All that I'm asking for, is to look at some registers, of 1800”
“I'm sorry, sir, but you don't have the permission to see these documents"
He shifted his weight, feeling irritated by the way the woman was being, calling him, 'sir', pushed him almost over the edge.It was the seventh time he asked.
“Bloody hell, why can't you give me the fucking papers!”
“Watch the way you're talking to me, or I will have to call the security"
“It's not necessary, someone just wake up in the wrong side of the bed today."
Ben recognized the voice of his friend, as a hand tapped on his shoulder.
“Thanks for your attention, Mrs?"
He smiled blinking at the middle aged lady, returning to his friend, slamming his back.
“What's wrong with you today?Hangover?Bad hook up?”
“As if I have time for that, would be more easy if I even had a hook up"
“In which you didn't have, because your great study about woman or your twisted dreams?”
“I'm not a manwhore.”
“Of course 'Mr, Woman Only Find Me To Have Sex, Nothing Serious'.”
Ben laughed, shaking his head.
“I'm serious, everytime I ask their phone, they tell me 'they'll find me around here', or leave before I wake up"
He was right.It wasn't like he didn't tried to start a relationship with someone before - which he did a lot - but woman, always seemed to look at him just as a handsome guy, with a hot body, something that made him wait patiently for a girl who would really aprecciate him, by who he was, and not what he looked like.Well, until there at least there will be some companies, he thought.
“Oh right, oh right, but that doesn't explain why you're being so eager with the poor lady today”
“Poor?She denied me the fucking papers, even I saying it was for the journal"
He picked a cigarette, nervousily, trying to light it up.
“And it was really, for it?I don't remember having a new story"
Benjamin looked at him, cigarette in his lips shaking, eyes rolling.His friend worked with him, he would knew if it had something new to write about.
“You can't smoke here, Sir."
“Could you stop, calling me Sir?” his veins were appearent trought his neck, and he putted the cigarette back in his pocket.
“I'm sorry but no, Sir"
The lady smiled cynically, vitorious by seeing anger in his face.
He looked at his friend, sighing.
“No, it wasn't"
“It was for personal studies"
“What kind of studies?”
He frowned, squeezing his lips.
“Are you really on this again?"
The brunette tall man stood hands in his pockets.
“Gwilym, this gonna sound crazy, but I was there, and in, in someway it wasn't me?...The notebook.It had a notebook with an old letter, telling a story, almost like a poetry, about a woman...And I think it has something to do with the woman I dreamed about"
“You mean the dead one?Mate, look I know you find out these story about Walter Hartright, intriguing, and I admit it is, but ... You're being so obsessed with that, that maybe those dreams are nothing”
He shaked his head.
“I had those dreams before I even found about that story, and someway know it looks clear, it-"
“Mate, you need to take a break.Look at you, your face looks like a wet weekend.”
Ben sighed looking at the clock.
“I need to go back to work.”
He made his way outside denying the company of his friend, saying that he needed time to think about.
Lighting a cigarette, he took a deep inhale feeling overwhelmed by the sensation of the smoke in his nostrils and lips.
“Hey excuse me?”
He looked up at the direction of a woman.
“You're Benjamin Jones, right?"
He nodded holding the cigarette at the opposite side.
“Could you give me an autograph?I'm your big fan"
She handed him a paper and a pen, smiling wide, he in the other way looking unfriendly.
“You know I read your articles almost every morning and I think it's really amazing the way you tell stories and news"
“Yeah" he looks at her checking, seeing expressions that he already saw before in the girls at the bar: lip bitting, cheeky smiles, sexy glances. “What's your name?"
He threw away his cigarette, turning around catching a quick look at the lady in the other side of the street.
“Could you write a dedicatory?"
He stopped imediatally his actions, a little frozen at the sight.It couldn't be.
“Sorry" he mumbles under his breath running, horns echoing as he tried to surf the traffic.
Not figuring out what to do, he decided to yell at the woman who was now, walking in the opposite way.
All the attentions were on him, he looked like a creep stalker, but couldn't care less.Running he was stopped by the amount of people who was walking, pushing all of them, or trying.
The woman in the green olive jacket was nowhere to be seen, swallowed by the wave of people.He tug his hair tightly.
He was positive sure, he wasn't dreaming this time.
He really saw her.
@destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen @jdroman5432 @strangemaximoff @parkersroses @benshardy @alosthufflepuff @kurt-nightcrawler @lizgarxo @wint-er-voices @imaginesbyme @eyeballchambersgirl @imamazzellhoe
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xhannahbananax03 · 4 years
The Boyfriend Diaries- Chapter 2
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Words: 1.2k
Chapter Warnings: Talk of murder, talk of suicide, lying about identity 
Pulling her diary out of her bag, she leaned her head against the window, her oily red hair scrunching up on the side of her head.
She began writing in a pretty, "girly" handwriting with a black pen.
Dear diary, It's November 12th. On November 10th Benjamin Dowle died. He was from Tulsa Oklahoma. He had a girlfriend, Susie Paddock. Susie was 16, she had two scholarships, perfect grades, two life long friends, and a wonderful family. Yes, I did my research.
Benjamin killed her on August 4th, he and his father then proceeded to hide the body near a small Creek on the edge of Tulsa.
After the incident, Ben and his Family moved to Kansas and changed their names from Dowle to Williams.
When he died, he had 250$ cash in his wallet, that's enough money to buy a bus ticket to New Orleans, Louisiana and still have some money left over.
She suddenly felt as though she was being watched, so she shut her diary and pushed the lock closed before slipping it into her bag.
She turned around and couldn't see anyone there, at least no one that seemed to notice her. When she turned back around there was a boy about her age, maybe a little older staring her down.
He was far enough away to were he wouldn't have been able to see her diary, but his Crystal blue eyes made it seem as though he could see right through her, and for a moment she thought maybe he could, because even though she made it clear she saw him, he didn't look away.
He continued to stare directly into her bright green eyes, it was obvious he wasn't going to look away, so she casted her eyes down for a second before she pulled them back up to meet his piercing orbs again that had not yet looked away.
He gave her a small and slightly wicked smile before turning back around and sitting straight in his seat, unlike her who sunk deeply into hers trying to hide away from the boy.
About two hours had passed and the boy was still on the bus, she began to wonder if maybe he'd be getting off at the same stop as her.
Finally, they reached the last station where she'd be switching buses for the last bit of the ride to Kansas, the boy had long since got off the bus and once he did, she felt as though she was in the clear.
Now to get down to business, she'd be pursuing an older boy, 18 to be exact. He had bullied a girl to suicide. Riley's first stop would be the girls home.
Rapping her knuckles against the white door, she stood waiting in a summer dress that reached just above her knees, not her usual outfit but it would have to do. A blonde wig with bright pink highlights was cut to a pixie and placed upon her fiery red locks that had been intricately pinned to her head.
Her makeup had been done dramatically, but bright. A popping shade of blue covered her eyelids while a light pink lipstick was applied perfectly to her pouty lips. She wasn't used to so much product being smeared on her face, so as the wind blew her eyes watered up ever so slightly, perfect for what she was about to do.
A woman answered the door, her hair a mess, the dark circles under her eyes indicated she hadn't been sleeping much if at all, "Hello." She said almost surprised, "Who are you?"
Riley slouched over and sniffled, "I-I was one of Madison's friends..." She played off perfectly, reciting exactly what she had written in her head, "I heard about what happened last week through the paper." She cried out softly, wiping the fake tears away.
"Oh... Oh, please come in." The woman said, opening the door wider and allowing Riley access to her home. Riley walked inside and slipped her shoes off, "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch your name?"
"Oh, it's Phoebe." Riley rattled off like it was second nature, "I was new to school this year, Maddie was my first and only friend." Riley smiled up at her before following her into the living room.
"She never mentioned you..." Madison's mother said blatantly, "Can I get you something to drink, maybe a snack?" She sniffled, changing the subject away from her recently departed daughter.
Riley stood and shook her head, "Oh uh, no thank you... I was actually wondering if I could go see her room?" Riley motioned towards the stairs, when the woman looked at her suspiciously, "I made her a friendship bracelet awhile back, just thought I'd leave it there..." Riley said timidly, covering herself up.
The woman nodded her head, "Oh, of course. Just up the stairs, first door on the left..." Her eyes seemingly teared up at the thought. Riley did feel bad for the woman, but she had a job to do, and number one on the list was find undeniable prove that it was that boys fault for young Madison's death.
Riley opened the door to Madison's room, before walking in and shutting the door silently behind her. The first thing she noticed was the cleaner on the floor, next to a large stain. Blood. The next thing she saw was the bullet hole in the ceiling.
Shaking her head, she diverted her eyes to the dresser, the whole room was a soft grey, this dresser was no exception. Except, there were a few children's stickers placed at random areas.
Walking over to the dresser, Riley opened the first drawer. Nothing but clothes, the last three drawers were the same. So she moved on to the small bedside table and opened the drawer.
Bingo, exactly what she had been looking for, a note. Sitting on the bed, she carefully unfolded the lined paper, not wanting to damage anything. She read over the lines swiftly, looking for any names. She was about ready to give up before she read the last line.
This is all your fault Drew.                      - Madison Sticher
So the suicide was one the boy, at least in Madison's eyes. Before Riley had a chance to put the note back, the door opened and in walked Mrs. Sticher.
"What are you doing with that?" She asked angrily, Riley quickly placed the note back into the drawer and stood up, but the woman's glare was hard on the petite girl.
"Mrs. Sticher, I'm so sorry. I was just looking around and-" Riley was quick to defend herself, but her words were cut short by Mrs. Sticher pointing out of the bedroom door.
"I think you should leave." She said sounding upset and mad all at the same time. Riley walked closer with her hands out and her mouth open ready to plea her case when Mrs. Sticher's voice rose, "Now!" She shouted at the girl who stepped back and who's eyes widened in fear. "Please just get out..." She spoke quietly looking down, sadness consuming her posture.
Riley's mouth snapped shut as she stood straighter and silently walked out of the room and left the home, clicking the front door behind herself.
Time to plan a murder.
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