#Macho Iberico
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viejospellejos · 10 months ago
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yuli-ban · 3 years ago
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Drawn by Ishida1694 A poster done in the style of 1960s/70s Euro Horror exploitation films This is part of a planned time-travel plotline to Little Miss Savage where she visits the mid-20th century (specifically 1964-1969 and 1983-1987). Sol Yulaan is El Bruja, a witch who haunts an abandoned Spanish church in the Tabernas desert in the summer of 1969. She practices martial arts and searches for the paranormal, and winds up the central obstacle in an honor dispute between three characters: a rugged outlaw/anarcho-syndicalist, an amateur witchfinder and full-time law enforcement officer, and a macho ibérico accusing the syndicalist of cuckolding him, disrespecting El Caudillo, and spreading communism. She gets involved in the matter after the witchfinder cop targets her and assumes she's caused the bloody dispute. The witchfinder, who professes to be a deeply devout Catholic and whom Yulaan believes really believes what he says to boot, doesn't know what to make of this Eastern mystical nonsense that Yulaan uses. Yulaan: El Bruja, a masculine-feminine witch. "El" being a masculine article, but "Bruja" being the feminine version of "witch" (if used correctly, it'd be La Bruja; if Yulaan were male, El Brujo). It's supposed to be El Bruja, as coined by Chale Sr., because she's a bolloi, this androgynous cross section of visual femininity (for the most part) and behavioral hypermasculinity. Yulaan is a fish out of water, a xianxia warrioress who through circumstance bumbled into a pseudo-Spaghetti Western horror. Yulaan being a Yaban, a Vroda, and a vitakoze ("Deathkommando") by trade, she is well versed and immersed in the art of war, and her lust for conflict leads her to exploit her feminine appearance as a means of riling the macho and virulently misogynistic world of the mid-20th century to fight her, an easy thing to do. She isn't asking for respect or to be taken seriously— just the opposite. The less respect and more overt hostility she receives, the greater that itch of war is scratched, and what better place to visit to tear this itch bloody than Francoist Spain? The Syndicalist: a cowboy-like vagabond, a bandit who disregards polite society to such an extent that he's dropped out of life to sail the open roads. The only part of his name we may know is van Zandt, which fits his Dutch appearance. However, this is very likely a false name. Very likely to have once been a disgruntled college student who lost his chance at fortune, and he speaks of seeing combat in the Rhodesian Bush War, possibly as a mercenary. The Syndicalist doesn't much like fighting and obviously has a cause for which he stands, as presented in his name, and tends to hold in contempt those who think he's a rebel without a cause. As the Syndicalist notes, people are so drunk on the current system's propaganda that they'll look at paradise and see nothing. However, he is also an antisocial road pirate, not exactly a good person. And it's this that got him in hot water with the Macho Ibérico, though it's his beliefs that make him an enemy outright. He quite adores Yulaan's free spirit and independence, but hates her horrific aggression and warlike views. The Witchfinder: A Catholic cop suffering from Protagonist Syndrome as a result of a lifetime of consuming cheap media, religious fanatical writings, and conspiracy theories, he fashions himself as a modern day Witchfinder General, hunting wicked females in league with Satan, seeing them as the portal to modern degeneracy. As a result, he tends to use his position to arrest and harass women of varying and often questionable ages, as well as "sexual deviants." Though socially and politically aligned with the Macho Ibérico, the two actually despise each other. However, both agree that the Syndicalist is a bigger threat. The Witchfinder sees himself as on a modern crusade against the degenerates, pedophiles, Satanists, homosexuals, communists, and above all: the women responsible, the ladies of God led astray by carnal desires. It's for this reason he's obsessive about Yulaan, an androgynous-looking witch who's appeared in his jurisdiction. The Macho Ibérico: A violent and virulently rightist man who believes himself to be a modern Casanova and beds many women. Essentially a mixture between Glenn Quagmire, Archie Bunker, and a wannabe Charles Bronson. He believes that society has deteriorated ever since Generalissimo Franco started liberalizing the economy. He believes that might makes right, anger is as far as he'll go with being "emotional," and women are made for lovin' all night. His conservative ideas on gender roles are what drives him to action against Yulaan, as he just wants to fuck her. He's like Sabatini in that he has no clue what a bolloi is or why they don't swing and bounce. And though he's for authority and might, he counterintuitively dislikes the police, feeling matters of law and order should be done by people's militias instead.
The funniest part about this whole plotline is that the Syndicalist, the Witchfinder, and the Macho Ibérico could thwart Yulaan if they could only understand that she wants violent delights not unlike them, but they’re caught in a matrix. They’re stuck looking at her feminine face and body and thus stuck trying to figuring her out through the lens of womanhood in the already extremely patriarchal society of Francoist Spain, utterly failing to realize she isn’t a woman but rather a bolloi. The Syndicalist sees her as a spunky potential girlfriend of the road; the Macho Ibérico sees her as an easy jailbait lay; the Witchfinder sees her as a Satanic seductress. Women are not so simple, but the funny thing is that bollois are. “Female demon monkey that makes war, not love” is pretty much going to describe 98% of bollois. But because these three can’t possibly imagine a female like a bolloi, they can’t understand Yulaan and are constantly flummoxed by her. El Bruja, indeed.
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azurghost · 7 years ago
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Miracles Variants
Ok so my favourite thing is imagineing wtf an old sprite is supposed to look like and purposefully make different versions.
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The other day I looked at the sprite and was like 'what if what we think are eyes are actually teeth. and the lower head painted eyelash is a mustache. And then I made a this scribble a few days ago.
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...that was actually part of a WIP for something really different. I still think of this one as the proper version for me when I think of 7SU.
want art? commissions are open
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ultra-montse-gb123 · 5 years ago
Animales en peligro de extinción
Para que una especie sea catalogada como especie en peligro de extinción, independientemente de si es vegetal o animal, es necesario que todos los miembros vivos de dicha especie se encuentren en peligro de desaparecer. 
Las causas por las que puede darse esta situación son muy variadas, pero podemos resumirlas principalmente en dos motivos: que la especie en cuestión haya sido objeto directo de la depredación o bien, que se haya agotado un recurso necesario para la supervivencia del mismo, bien sea por la acción del hombre o por los cambios en el hábitat o clima en el que se encontraba.
En esta pequeña lista te damos lo detalles sobre algunas especies en peligro:
1-Gorilla de Montaña 
Es una de las dos subespecies de gorila oriental. Sólo quedan dos poblaciones en libertad, una se encuentra en las montañas Virunga, en África Central, concentrada en tres parques nacionales arborícolas. 
Su población no es abundante, quedan menos de 900 individuos en estado salvaje. Un censo de 2003 confirmó que desde 1989 se había incrementado la población de esta subespecie de gorilas en un 17%, observándose un total de 380 gorilas en 30 grupos sociales. Este gorila está abocado a la extinción en estado salvaje debido a su pérdida de hábitat, a la caza ilegal, los contagios de enfermedades humanas y la guerra.
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2-Lince Iberico 
Es una especie de mamífero carnívoro de la familia Felidae, endémico de la península ibérica.
En 2013 se calculaba que solo quedaban dos poblaciones en Andalucía aisladas entre sí con un total de algo más de trescientos individuos en aumento, más otra en los Montes de Toledo de unos quince individuos y por ello escasamente viable, lo que lo convierte en la especie de felinos más amenazada del mundo.
En 2013 se calculaba que solo quedaban dos poblaciones en Andalucía aisladas entre sí con un total de algo más de trescientos individuos en aumento, más otra en los Montes de Toledo de unos quince individuos y por ello escasamente viable, lo que lo convierte en la especie de felinos más amenazada del mundo.
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3- Tigre de Sumatra
 Es una subespecie de tigre que se encuentra únicamente en la isla indonesia de Sumatra. La población salvaje se estima entre los 400 y 500 animales, que se agrupan en su mayoría en los cinco parques nacionales de la isla. 
La mayor amenaza que se cierne sobre ellos es la destrucción de su hábitat (constante incluso en los a priori protegidos parques nacionales); además, 66 tigres murieron por disparos entre 1998 y 2000, lo que constituye aproximadamente el 20 % de la población total.
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4- Tiburón Blanco
Es una especie de pez cartilaginoso lamniforme de la familia Lamnidae (escualo). Vive en las aguas cálidas y templadas de casi todos los océanos.
Esta especie es la única del género Carcharodon que sobrevive en la actualidad. A nivel mundial se considera Vulnerable y en México se considera Amenazada.
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5- Rinoceronte Blanco
Es una especie de mamífero perisodáctilo de la familia Rhinocerotidae. Es la mayor de las cinco especies de rinocerontes que existen, el cuarto animal terrestre más grande y el cuarto mamífero terrestre más pesado después de las tres especies de elefantes.
Es una de las dos especies de rinocerontes que viven en la sabana africana (la otra es el rinoceronte negro); ambas tienen dos cuernos y esta se encuentra casi amenazada, el rinoceronte negro está amenazado por culpa de la caza furtiva.
El 20 de marzo de 2018 muere Sudán, el último ejemplar macho de la subespecie del norte (Ceratotherium simum cottoni), en la reserva en la que vivía en Kenia, al ser sacrificado tras varias semanas de enfermedad.
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machoi-berico · 2 years ago
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Only at Macho Iberico can you choose from a large selection of branded Underwear For Men. Men's underwear may be found in a thoughtfully designed range at Marks & Spencer USA. Men's performance boxers are fantastic for sports since they keep you comfortable and wick away sweat so you can play for longer. For more information visit our website: https://machoiberico.com/collections/mens-underwear
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blue-neptuneeee · 6 years ago
via Veopornogratis.xxx
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monmundialdecatalunya · 7 years ago
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ofertasjamones · 7 years ago
Me hace mucha gracia los que se denominan a si mismos “macho iberico" me entran ganas de cortarles las piernas y hacer jamón.
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eisenblau · 8 years ago
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melirod13 · 8 years ago
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melirodriguezart · 11 years ago
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melirod13 · 8 years ago
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