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ikrutt · 7 months ago
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The Incident, 2024
Adreas and Ma-Vireva go on a date.
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daobssesed · 5 years ago
Nombres Élficos
Una lista de nombres élficos encontrados en el juego, en las novelas y el lore. 
Prefijos comunes: El- Ari- Mar- Nes-
Sufijos comunes: -wen -riel -ora -anni -aya -rian -el
ELFOS DE CIUDAD Si bien hay algunos elfos de la ciudad a los que hemos visto tener nombres élficos, la mayoría no. Los nombres de los elfos de la ciudad son comúnmente hebreos, con un número decente de gaélico, galés e inglés antiguo.
Otra idea es que los elfos de la ciudad suelen tener aún menos conocimiento de su propia cultura que los dalishanos, y probablemente solo conocen fragmentos del idioma. Creo que sería realista suponer que hay muchos elfos que tienen nombres compuestos de palabras / partes élficas y afijos de la "Lengua del Rey” / Orlesiano / etc.
ELFOS DALISHANOS / ELVHEN Aunque existen algunos dalishanos que usas nombres “regulares” (como de origen hebreo, por ejemplo), la mayoría tienen nombres élficos. 
Palabras que se pueden usar a modo de nombres. 
Adahlen – Bosque
Aravas – Viaje
Assan – Flecha
Atisha – Tranquilidad
Bellanaris – Eternidad
Elgara – Sol, también puede referirse a Elgar’nan
Enansal – Regalo, Bendición
Enasalin – Victoria
Glandival – Deseo
Hanin – Gloria
Mahvir – Mañana
Melana – Tiempo
Mirthadra – Honrado
Revas – Libertad
Theneras – Sueños
Vunin – Día
Nombres compuestos - Misceláneo
Amatisha – Mantener / proteger la paz. De las palabras ama (mantener, proteger) y atisha (paz)
Ashiral – El viaje de una mujer. De las palabras Asha (mujer) y Shiral (viaje)
Assana – Tu flecha. De las palabras Assan (flecha) y Na (tu)
Athima – Mi humildad. De las palabras Athim (humildad) y Ma (mi, nuestro)
Belnehn – Mucha alegría. De las palabras Bel (muchas, muchas) y Nehn (alegría, felicidad)
Belath – Mucho amor. De las palabra Bel (mucha, muchas) y Lath (amor)
Darvas – Estar en un viaje. De las palabras Dar (ser) y Aravas (viaje)
Darevas – Ser libre. De las palabras Dar (ser) y Revas (libertad)
Elethara/Eletharavas – Nuestro viaje seguro. De las palabras El (nuestro) Eth (seguro) y Aravas (viaje)
Elgaris – Pequeño espíritu. De las palabras Elgar (espíritu) y Ris (pequeño)
Enansalin – En bendición. De las palabras Enansal (bendición) e In (en)
Enasalas – Otorga alegría en el triunfo sobre la pérdida. De las palabras Enasal (alegría en triunfo sobre pérdida / arrepentimiento alegre) y Las (concesión / entrega)
Ethena – Para aparecer / emerger con seguridad. De las palabras Eth (seguro) y Ena (aparecer, emerger)
Ethlam – Fin seguro. De las palabras Eth (seguro) y Halam (final, terminado)
Felasalin – Victoria lenta. De las palabras Felas (lento) y Enasalin (victoria)
Ghilasara/Ghilasaravas – Para emprender un viaje. De las palabras Ghilis (ir) y Aravas (viaje)
Ghilassan – Flecha guía. De las palabras Ghilan (guía) y Assan (flecha)
Ghilina – Tu guía interior. De las palabras Ghilan (guía) en (interior) y Na (tu)
Ghilissal – Para ir a donde sea. De las palabras Ghilis (ir) e Irassal (donde sea)
Hanina – Tu gloria. De las palabras Hanin (Gloria) y Na (tu)
Harena – Para parecer temeroso. De las palabras Hara (temer) y Ena (aparecer, emerger, venir)
Haranal – Sin miedo, a no temer a nada. De las palabras Hara (para temer) y Banal (nada, no)
Himanaris – Para ser eterno. De las palabras Hima (convertirse) y Bellanaris (Eternidad)
Innan – En venganza; En venganza. De las palabras In (en) y Nan (venganza)
Lanalath – Para permitir el amor. De las palabras Lana (para permitir) y Lath (amor)
Malanan – Tu venganza / venganza. De las palabras Mala (tu) y Nan (venganza)
Mansalin – Mi / nuestro triunfo interior. De las palabras Ma (mi, nuestro) In (dentro, interior) y Enansal (triunfo)
Mina – Tu espada. De las palabras Mi (hoja, cuchillo) y Na (tu)
Mirassan  – Mi flecha. De las palabras Mir (mi) y Assan (flecha)
Mirisa – Mi pequeño. De las palabras Mir (mi), Ris (pequeño/a) y Sa (uno)
Mirnan – Mi venganza; mi venganza De las palabras Mir (mi) y Nan (venganza)
Mirevas – Mi libertad. De las palabras Mir (mi) y Revas (libertad)
Nadasa –  Inevitable De las palabras Nadas (inevitable, debe ser) y Sa (uno)
Nehna – Tu alegría. De las palabras Nehn (alegría) y na (tu)
Renehn – Voz alegre. De las palabras Renan (voz) y Nehn (alegría)
Revassan – Flecha libre. De las palabras Revas (libertad) y Assan (flecha)
Savhen – Unidad; Encendió una persona / sociedad. De las palabras Sa (una) y Vhen (La gente, como en “todos los elfos”)
Sharla – Para proteger el hogar. De las palabras Shala (para proteger) y Arla (hogar)
Tarenan – Honesto; iluminado para decir lo que piensas. De las palabras Taren (mente) y Renan (voz)
Tulin – Para sacar sangre. De las palabras Tu (hacer / causar) y Lin (sangre)
Varisa – Nuestro pequeño. De las palabras Var (nuestro), Ris (Pequeño) y Sa (Uno)
Venatisha – Para encontrar la paz. De las palabras Vena (para encontrar) y Atisha (pacífica)
Venalin – Para encontrar sangre. De las palabras Vena (para encontrar) y Lin (sangre)
Venarla – Para encontrar casa. De las palabras Vena (para encontrar) y Arla (hogar)
Venehn – Para encontrar la alegría. De las palabras Vena (para encontrar) y Nehn (alegría)
Venaste – Para tener aprobación. De las palabras Vena (para encontrar) y Enaste (favor, aprobación)
Viera – Camino de los sueños. De las palabras Vir (camino) y era (historia, cuento, sueño)
Virevas – Camino de la libertad. De las palabras Vir (camino) y Revas (libertad)
Varevas – Nuestra libertad De las palabras Var (nuestro) y Revas (libertad)
Nombres compuestos - “Hijo/a de-” Usando el sufijo len se pueden crear muchas posibilidades, aquí solo unos ejemplos.
Abelen – Hijo de la tristeza. De las palabras Abelas (tristeza) y Len (niño)
Tarelen – Hijo del saber. De las palabras Taren (mente) y Len (niño)
Eralen – Hijo de los sueños. De las palabras Era (cuento, historia, sueño) y Len (niño)
Fuente: {Making up Elven Names}
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dalishious · 8 years ago
Making Up Elven Names
This is a compilation of some Dragon Age elven names I’ve been adding to sporadically. I was hoping to have a longer list before sharing it, but hey, I can always update and probably will.
Sources include the DA Wiki, Katie’s Best Guess at Elvhen, and this thread.
Regarding pronunciation: According to David Gaider, elven names tend to avoid hard consonants. (Ex. C as in ‘car’ is hard, C as in ‘cell’ is soft.) Take or leave this, lol.
Gender: I suppose I could use (F) (M) (N) based on what I think sounds that way, but really, who am I to decide that? So I will leave that up to the reader.
Common prefixes, found in-game, lore, and novels: El- Ari- Mar- Nes-
Common suffixes, found in-game, lore, and novels: -wen -riel -ora -anni -aya -rian -el
You can mess around with the above parts however you feel like, if you so choose.
You might also consider naming your character after a past elven hero.
City Elves
While there are a few city elves who we’ve seen having elvhen names, most do not. City elf names are most commonly Hebrew, with a decent number of Gaelic, Welsh, and Old English. You can use many different baby name websites to find them, but be careful; when you find one you like, it’s probably best to check a few different sources via Google to be sure about the origin/meaning, if you care about that.
Another idea, maybe: City elves typically have even less knowledge of their own culture than the Dalish, and probably only know bits and pieces of the language. I think it’d be realistic to assume there are many elves who have names composed of elvhen words/parts and “King’s Tongue/Orlesian/etc” affixes. This list does not include these options, but the reason I’m bringing this up as something to think about? IDK.
Dalish Elves and Elvhen
There are a number of Dalish elves who have “regular” names from for example, Hebrew origins as well. But a lot of them have “elfy” names. 
Words that can be directly used as names (A – Z)
In English people name their children things like Melody, Forrest, Destiny, etc. This is no different, and canonically a thing. (I.e. Solas, Abelas…)
Adahlen – Forrest
Aravas – Journey
Assan – Arrow
Atisha – Peaceful
Bellanaris – Eternity, forever
Elgara – Sun, could also be respect to Elgar’nan
Enansal – Gift, blessing
Enasalin – Victory
Glandival – Wish
Hanin – Glory
Mahvir – Tomorrow
Melana – Time
Mirthadra – Honoured
Revas – Freedom
Theneras – Dream
Vunin – Day
Composing Names – Misc. (A – Z)
This is a thing too. (I.e. Felassan)
*Note: None of these names have apostrophes. Feel free to add them?
Amatisha – To keep/protect the peace. From the words ama (to keep, to protect) and atisha (peace, peaceful)
Ashiral – Woman’s journey. From the words Asha (woman) and Shiral (journey)
Assana – Your arrow. From the words Assan (arrow) and Na (your)
Athima – My humility. From the words Athim (humility) and Ma (my, our)
Belnehn – Many/much joy. From the words Bel (many, much) and Nehn (joy, happiness)
Belath – Much love. Form the words Bel (many, much) and Lath (love)
Darvas – To be on a journey. From the words Dar (to be) and Aravas (journey)
Darevas – To be free. From the words Dar (to be) and Revas (freedom)
Elethara/Eletharavas – Our safe journey. From the words El (our) Eth (safe) and Aravas (journey)
Elgaris – Little spirit. From the words Elgar (spirit) and Ris (little)
Enansalin – In blessing. From the words Enansal (blessing) and In (in)
Enasalas – Grant joy in triumph over loss. From the words Enasal (joy in triumph over loss/joyful regret) and Las (grant/give)
Ethena – To appear/emerge safely. From the words Eth (safe) and Ena (to appear, emerge)
Ethlam – Safe end. From the words Eth (safe) and Halam (end, finished)
Felasalin – Slow victory. From the words Felas (slow) and Enasalin (victory)
Ghilasara/Ghilasaravas – To go on a journey. From the words Ghilis (to go) and Aravas (journey)
Ghilassan – Guiding arrow. From the words Ghilan (guide) and Assan (arrow)
Ghilina – Your inner guide. From the words Ghilan (guide) In (inner) and Na (your)
Ghilissal – To go wherever. From the words Ghilis (to go) and Irassal (wherever)
Hanina – Your glory. From the words Hanin (Glory) and Na (your)
Harena – To appear fearful. From the words Hara (to fear) and Ena (to appear, emerge, come)
Haranal – Fearless, to fear nothing. From the words Hara (to fear) and Banal (nothing, not)
Himanaris – To become eternal. From the words Hima (to become) and Bellanaris (Eternity)
Innan – In vengeance; in revenge. From the words In (in) and Nan (vengeance/revenge)
Lanalath – To allow love. From the words Lana (to allow) and Lath (love)
Malanan – Your revenge/vengeance. From the words Mala (your) and Nan (revenge, vengeance)
Mansalin – My/our inner triumph. From the words Ma (my, our) In (within, inside) and Enansal (triumph)
Mina – Your blade. From the words Mi (blade, knife) and Na (your)
Mirassan  – My arrow. From the words Mir (my) and Assan (arrow)
Mirisa – My little one. From the words Mir (my), Ris (little) and Sa (one)
Mirnan – My revenge; my vengeance. From the words Mir (mi) and Nan (revenge/vengeance)
Mirevas – My freedom. From the words Mir (my) and Revas (freedom)
Nadasa – Inevitable one. From the words Nadas (inevitable, must) and Sa (one)
Nehna – Your joy. From the words Nehn (joy) and na (your)
Renehn – Joyful voice. From the words Renan (voice) and Nehn (joy)
Revassan – Free arrow. From the words Revas (freedom) and Assan (arrow)
Savhen –Unity; lit one people/society. From the words Sa (one) and Vhen (The people, as in all elves)
Sharla – To protect home. From the words Shala (to protect) and Arla (home)
Tarenan – Honest; lit to speak your mind. From the words Taren (mind) and Renan (voice)
Tulin – To draw blood. From the words Tu (To make/cause) and Lin (blood)
Varisa – Our little one. From the words Var (our), Ris (Little) and Sa (One)
Venatisha – To find peace. From the words Vena (to find) and Atisha (peaceful)
Venalin – To find blood. From the words Vena (to find) and Lin (blood)
Venarla – To find home. From the words Vena (to find) and Arla (home)
Venehn – To find joy. From the words Vena (to find) and Nehn (joy)
Venaste – To find favour. From the words Vena (to find) and Enaste (favour, approval)
Viera – Path of dreams. From the words Vir (way, path) and era (story, tale, dream)
Virevas – Way of freedom. From the words Vir (way, path) and Revas (freedom)
Varevas – Our freedom. From the words Var (our) and Revas (freedom)
Composing Names – “Child of”
Using len, one can create a long list of possibilities. Here are just a few simple ones as examples.
Abelen – Child of sorrow. From the words Abelas (sorrow) and Len (child)
Tarelen – Child of the mind. From the words Taren (mind) and Len (child)
Eralen – Child of dreams. From the words Era (story, tale, dream) and Len (child)
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ikrutt · 10 months ago
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Historians, 2024
Ma-Vireva and a slightly more grown up Virak hang out and get excited over a book or something. Nerds!
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ikrutt · 5 months ago
Do you have any cultural/historical influences you draw on when worldbuilding?
This is a great question, and I'm afraid I can't point towards anything too specific. There are two main reasons for this:
The worldbuilding for Kalandakar exist mainly so I can do humorous drawings that reflect my own experiences with, for example, academia. Albeit in a roundabout and cartoony manner.
I wish for the concepts to be broad strokes and not inspired too closely by any one historical epoch or event. Mostly because I don't trust myself to write historical analogues with the nuance and sensetivity this deserves.
The backdrop of the Jar-Lorego storyline deals with topics such as classism, social inequality, colonialism and the clash of cultures at different levels of technological advancement. I haven't touched too closely upon this, but one of my goals is to write the meeting between stand-ins for indeginous cultures and colonial powers that doesn't result in assimilation or genocide.
My main goal, however, is still to develop these characters and their world, and just... see what happens.
Fadesi science and technology in the region is approximately at the level of Medieval Islam. I.e. Ma-Vireva would have access to steel, hydraulics and indoor plumbing, paper and bookbinding, sophisticated mathematics, navigation and astronomy, as well as a fledgling medical field with herbal drugs and rudimentary surgery. As of yet, there is no germ theory, steam power, electricity or firearms.
To kick of the storyline (Adreas being dumped in the desert), I have drawn inspiration from African trypanosomiasis throughout history. As well as the "white spot" phenomenon on 19th century maps.
See, unbeknownst to Adreas, there is a mysterious disease preventing the Fadesi from advancing into the Jar-Lorego, one which doesn't seem to affect the other two sophonts. After several research missions fail horribly (i.e. everyone dies), they send a Tenel and a Moskuan as a last ditch effort and/or for shits and giggles.
Regardless of the outcome, the university considers this a a win-win; either they'll be rid of the thorn in their side that is Adreas, or they'll have more information on the vast and unexplored desert. That is until Adreas starts putting together the pieces of the greater circumstances, and realize he can utilize this against the Fadesi to benefit Tenel and Moskuan society.
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ikrutt · 2 years ago
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Dance your worries away!
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ikrutt · 5 months ago
Ma-Vireva and Adreas dated comfortably for several months during uni. At least until Adreas’ temper got the better of him on the night of The Incident.
Adreas' grew up in a mixed-species community and never really consider the state of the world until his late teens. Certain events led him to start questioning the powers that be, and after a stint of fruitless rebellion, he learned to shut his yap and bottle it up.
University was a blessing in disguise as it offered him a way to channel his anger into academic discourse. For as long as he stayed on topic, the worst retribution he could expect was being known as a curmudgeon. His temper grew increasingly volatile, and eventually he'd erupt at even minor slights. In once such instance, his disproportionate reaction resulted in a casualty.
Fortunately, it was Ma-Vireva. And fortunately she din't lose an eye.
In the fraught couple of weeks that followed, she made a case for Adreas not getting expelled, or having his quills pulled. Quill-pulling is a common punishment in mixed-species societies for Tenel who “step out of line”. And is in some instances even an entry requirement for certain positions. To Adreas, quill-pulling is the very symbol of the Fadesi subjugation of his people.
In the end, Adreas had to bind his tail for the rest of the semester. Humiliating, but not nearly as bad. Ma-Vireva also realized she was in over her head with the scope of Adreas’ feelings and broke things off. Things were awkward between them for a time. But eventually they gravitated towards each other again and struck up a platonic friendship. Theirs remains one of the few stable relationships in Adreas' life at the start of the Jar-Lorego mission.
To this day, Adreas and Ma-Vireva still meet up to dance and gossip about university staff.
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The Incident, 2024
Adreas and Ma-Vireva go on a date.
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