sweet-little-dude · 1 year
hi taku i am brainrotting about fucking kitty cats again idfk my warrior cats hyperfixation is back chasing me with an axe 😭
but anyways. i am also once again thinking about takuya x akkun... well i am TRYING i am too distracted thinking about boxer!takuya with bloody knuckles it’s horrible. (it’s a giant asexual w tho bc one of my classmates boxes too n she keeps coming to school with bruised knuckles and somehow i have a fucking fixation on that (it’s just really pretty okay) and by god i don’t think i could survive being turned on every time i see her hands) but yeah. takkuya. slow dancing to songs that don’t match the rythm/speed of their dancing at all. they probably end up on the floor crying i feel like it’d make them sad so they’d just start venting to & comforting each other idk
ABSOLUTE W’S THINK ABT TAKUYA X AKKUN FR 💪💪🫵🫵 (OMG SAME IDK WHY BUT HANDSSSS >>>> cant blame u tho i would be on my knees everytime i see her hands like uhhhh stay sane yk!) help their shipname is so cute i love them T T stop that lil headcanon reminds me so much of 10 things i hate about you (rewatched it last night with my sister i love it dearly) like being at a party where a hype upbeat fast paced song is playing but they’re slow dancing to it shxbhdbehd :((
but sweaty hot boxer!takuya and photography student!akkun who has an assignment to take photos of the athletes at his college and so he meets takuya and hahxjshehe (im getting carried away sorry continue)
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #407: Mother's Day Celebration (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
It's a Lovely Late Morning in the Smash Mansion and the ladies, the Certified Moms, are all attending the Mother's Day Celebration Party at the Conference Room, organized and hosted by their babies.
They were all laughing, socializing with one another in their reserved seats while enjoying their meals cooked and prepare by the Waddle Dees and their skills of Culinary Arts. All things considered, the party was going pretty causal and normal for the most part, when suddenly.....
*Gentle Tapping Noise of a Wine Glass*
The Audience: (Stop What They Were Doing and Paid Their Attention Towards Sonic on the Stage)
Sonic: (Standing in front of the Podium with a Microphone in his hand) Good Morning, Ladies!
The Audience: Good Morning, Sweetie/Sonic!
Sonic: I take it you guys are enjoying the party so far, Ami I right?
The Audience: (Applaud Cheerfully in Complete Agreement)
Peach: Mommy Love You So Much, Sonic Sweetie!~
Sonic: (Blushing While Chuckling Awkwardly) Love you too, Mom..... A-Anyways, I just wanna thank you all today for attending this party today. (Chuckles Lightly) Well, I mean, first off, I wanna thank The Waddle Dees for.........(Continues Speaking on the Microphone)
Meanwhile Behind the Certains of the Stage.....
Yoshi; (Gives Pit a Light Shoulder Massage to Ease his Nerves) Alright, Pit, how are you feeling now?
Pit: (Taking Deep Breaths) A Bit Confident..... Nervous..... Trying not to go on the Terrified Scale.....
Dark Pit: Relax, Pit. It's like what we told you yesterday: The Audience are our moms. Not Critics.
Pit: ('Sigh Heavily') I know......Guess I'm still too afraid to mess up....
Zelda: (Smiles Softly) It's going to be okay, Pit. (Picks Kirby up and Point Him Towards the Angel) You wanna Kirby Hug for Best of Luck?
Kirby: (Smiles Cheerfully) Poyo!
Pit: I-
Sonic: (From Outside the Stage) Now, put your hands together for the one and only......Pit-Stai- Wait. Sorry. I mean....Pit!!!
Pit: (Already Hear the Audience's Applause) Welp. (Gently Pats on Kirby's Head) I'm finally up.....(Took One Final Deep Breath Before Nervously Walking Out of the Certains) Wish me luck.....
Kirby: (Wave at Pit for Good Luck) Poyo Poyo!
Pit: (Chuckles Awkwardly as he Waves at the Cheering Crowd while Nervously Making his way towards the Podium)
Palutena: (Rapidly Claps and Cheers Happily for Pit and his Arrival) Oh my Gosh, Samus!!~ That's my baby up there. I'm so happy!!~
Samus: (Chuckles Lightly) We can see that, Goddess. Don't worry.
Sonic: (Silently Gives Pit a Thumbs Up Once He Moved away from the Podium)
Pit: (Got Behind the Podium and Speak on it's Microphone) Uhh.....Morning, you guys!
The Audience: (Most Giggles Softly) Good Morning, Pit!
Pit: ('Sighs a bit Relaxingly') Okay. Let's get started. (Put his Hands on his Pockets.........And Begins to Mentally Panic once he Realize the Notes Are Nowhere Inside Either Side) (Oh No.....)
Dark Pit: He's panicking. Why is he panicking?
Toon: (Shrugged) Maybe he forgot his notes?
Dark Pit: How can he...........Shiiiiiiiiit. I know we forgot to bring something on the way here!...
Zelda: Hey! (Covers Kirby's Ears While Glaring at Dark Pit) Language.
Sonic: (Starts Getting Worried about his Angel Friend) Pit? You okay, man?
Pit: (Already Lost in Thought) (Great....This. is just...GREAT. As if having Stage Fright wasn't bad enough....Now I left my Notes at our room, I CAN'T BELIE-)
???: Pit!
Pit: (Immediately Stops Thinking and Panicking to himself and Looks Down at Palutena)
Palutena: Calm Down. It's gonna be okay. Cause no matter what happens .....(Smiles Brightly Towards Her Pit) I'll Always Believe in you.
Pit: (Eyes and Mouth Widened For a Few Seconds Before Smiling, Nodded, and Look Back Towards The Crowd Confidently) (Took One More Deep Breath) Okay....Soooo....I was supposed to have a written speech with me, buuuuuut I left it at my room.....(Chuckles Awkwardly) Not the Brightest Angel in Shed, am I right?
Most of the Audience starts Giggling Softy to Pit's Small Joke along with everyone else backstage. (Except for Dark Pit, who is Facepalming through the whole thing.)
Pit: But seriously though....You all are just....so amazing, you know? I mean....You take care and look after us the best way you know how, you accept us for who we are, teach us life lessons....You guys basically did everything any Mom would do for their kids, you know? And......I mean, sure, at first we thought it was strange, but now, as time goes on....(Starts Smiling Sincerely) We all started to appreciate everything you do us ever since we moved in here one by one. So just know that no what happens.... We will ALWAYS Love each and everyone of You in and out of this mansion because we're family. And Families stick together like Glue and sometimes Tree Sap... B-But definitely more like Glue! So we here on stage wanna wish you moms a Happy Mother's Day and that We LOVE YOU ALL TO PIECES!!..........Thank you.
*Completely and Utter Silence*
Pit: (Eyes Widened in Fear) Oh God...I think they hate it-
Pit: Huh? (Looks Down at Palutena once more, Who Looks Like She's About to Cry in a Matter of Seconds)
Palutena: P-P-Pit....I....I...('Sniff') I..........(Finally Bursts Out Crying, Got Up From her Seat, and Starts Clapping Rapidly along with Everyone Else Following Suit)
*Applauses and Cheers Around the Conference Room*
Pit: I-I did it....I did it....(Slowly Starts to Smile Brightly in Joy) I actually didn't mess up! The crowd loves me!!!
Sonic: (Grins at Pit While Patting Pit on the Back) Good on ya, my man. I knew you can do it.
Yoshi: We all did! (Sprint Towards Pit with a Smile While Everyone Else Follows Along)
Zelda: (Smiles Brightly) You were so amazing out there!
Toon Link: (Chuckles Lightly While Giving Pit a Playful Smirk) And you said "You Didn't Have What it Takes"
Kirby: (Happily Cheers For Pit) Poyo! Poyo!~
Pikachu: (Cheers for Pit as well) Pika Pik!
Dark Pit: Not gonna lie, I honestly thought you would were about to mess up....(Starts Smiling A Little Towards his Original/Brother) But you actually pulled through to the end. You did good, Pit. You made me proud.
Pit: (Smiles While Tears Coming Up on his Eyes) Thanks, Bro! (Pulls Dark Pit into a Big Hug) You're the Best!
Dark Pit: (Starts Blushing While being Embarrassed) Yeah.....(Lightly Pats on Pit's Back) No problem....
Pit: That goes for each and everyone of you guys too. Bring it in!
Dark Pit: W-W-Wait! NO-
Almost Everyone on Stage joins the Angel Brothers' Brotherly Hug.
Dark Pit: (Groans A bit Loudly) God I hate you people....
Toon: Love ya too, man.
Sonic: Hey, Hey! You guys! Look!
The kids finally pulls away from their Group Hug and look down at their audience.....most if not all of which....are crying a lot more than they were applauding.
Yoshi: Wow.....(Turns to Pit) You were not kidding when you said you were going to make them cry today....
Pit: I was just saying all of this for Confidence Boost.....I don't even know if I should be happy or worried right now....
Peach: (Crying Her Eyes out that her Mascara is Starting Fall Down her Cheeks) Myyyyyyyy BABIEEEEES!!!!
Daisy: Hey.... C'mon, cuz... Don't cry...('Sniff') We have to.....('Sniff') Pull thr- AH SCREW IT! (Hugs Peach and Joining Her on a Cry Fest)
Rosalina: (Softly Cries) T-That was the most beautiful speech I have ever heard.....
Samus: That speech was something else alright.......(Tears Finally Starts Swelling Up in her Eyes) I can't believe it actually making me cry right now.....(Begins to Cover her Eyes and Starts Cry Softly)
Sonic: (Eyes Widened in Surprised) Sheesh....You even got Samus crying now.....
Pit: Guys, I'm starting to think my speech is a blessing and a curse right now....
Kirby: (Whispers Something into Pikachu's Ears Before Convinced to Follow Along With Him Out of the Stage)
Sonic: (Begins to Smile Softly once he sees Kirby and Pikachu comes to Samus' Table to Calm her Down with Hugs) Guys, I think it's time we help our moms out for once. (Jump Down from the Stage)
Yoshi: (Raised an Eyebrow) By calming them down?
Sonic: Yep. I mean, they were always there for us even now, so we might as well do the same, am I right?
Everyone starts to agree wholeheartedly as they got down off the stage themselves and follow suit....All except for Dark Pit who is still standing on stage.
Dark Pit: You guys go on ahead. (Pulls out his Phone) I'm gonna stay here and (Starts Texting)....watch the stage for a little-
Palutena: (In Tears) Pittooooo!....
Dark Pit: ('Sighs in Defeat') I'm coming! I swear....(Put his Phone Back into his Pocket and got off of the Stage) This party is already starting to turn into an emotional rollercoaster in here.....
And with that, The kids and teens went down and give each one of their mother figures the love and comfort they need right now from emotional speech.
It wasn't a easy task, but because of Pit, today happens to be the best Mother's Day this Smash Family has ever had in a long time.
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Act of Courage (Noah/MC, Lucas/MC)
Summary: It shouldn’t feel like this, after all this time. We won, didn’t we?
No, Josh realized. We didn’t.
In which a survivor contemplates what was, what is, and what could have been.
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24061654
@ladyseaheart1668, @marmolady, @it-lives-in-westchester
A/N: Between work, college, and my f*cked up head, finishing this up took a lot longer than it should have. I'm trying to make writing into my coping mechanism, so that I'll do it more, lol ;D
I have one more fic I promised on tumblr, an AME one I'm gonna work on. I'm also gonna try to go back to my ES novelization, so stay tuned for that for its continuation.
The two of them were at Josh’s place, waiting for Ava, Andy, Dan, and Lucas. Lily was sick in bed and Stacy was visiting her grandma out of town, leaving Noah and Josh waiting for the four others while they drew figures in the dirt in the yard with sticks and talking about anything their minds jumped to.
“Hey, Noah?”
The boy turned towards his friend.
For a moment, Josh, who was as lively as ever seconds ago, was being uncharacteristically quiet.
“Do you…like anyone?”
“‘Like’,” Noah repeated. “Like I like you and Jane and the others? Or you mean like-like?”
“Um, yeah” Josh nodded, blushing. “Like-like.”
“Then no,” the other boy shrugged. “Stacy, Lily, and Ava are fun to hang around, but I don’t like-like anyone.”
“What about,” Josh began hurriedly, but slowed down. “What about boys…?”
“Do you like-like any boys?”
Josh was beet red. Noah was just confused.
“No,” he shrugged. “I’m a boy. It’d be weird if I liked-liked a boy. That’s what my mom says though.”
“Right…” Josh looked hurt. “Right, forget it.”
Noah wanted to ask why his friend looked so sad.
He hated it when Josh got upset. Unlike Jane, who’d get mad, Josh would be quiet, pouty, and would go off by himself, refusing to ever acknowledge what made him upset in the first place.
But before Noah can say anything, the doorbell rang and their friends poured inside.
Noah forgot that Josh even asked him any question about who he liked.
It was something they’d both forget in the years to come, a memory of the conversation fading into a small feeling.
After reading Lucas’s texts, Josh shoved his phone into his pocket. His smile started to fade as he continued down the road, focusing on his surroundings.
It really is a beautiful day, Josh mused.
And he hated it.
The sun shone through the trees in a way that reminded him of an image you’d find on a tourist pamphlet.
It made Josh think about how the only thing this town is good for is being fake.
Like how the town somehow fooled themselves into thinking everything was just a freak animal attack.
But the more he thought about it, Josh guessed he couldn’t blame the town for that. Having to deal with the truth might actually be more of a clusterfuck than it all happening.
It was all a question of why.
Why did this all happen to them? Why was he the one who had to find Redfield’s shack?
All he had to do was keep his goddamn mouth shut about some stupid fucking rock floating all those years ago…
It’s my fault.
Josh scoffed.
Like that’s big news.
And when it was time to pay the piper, Josh was too much of a coward to do anything…
Shoving his hands into his pockets, Josh forced himself to think about something, anything else.
His mind wandered from the date Lucas promised they’d have before he went back to his university, to that new video game Lily’s been raving about, Stacy’s latest Pictagram post about celebrating another perfect score on an exam, Ava’s latest binge on occult books in the library, Andy whining about how he just wants to be free of high school already, Dan’s updates on his new art blog…
…Noah crying, apologizing…
Josh wiped tears from his eyes as he kept walking.
Noah always envied Josh.
He was a charismatic go-getter where Noah was shy and bookish. Josh always got stickers that came with having a perfect score on spelling tests, ones that Noah just passed by never more than five points. Josh was brave enough to make the first move in befriending him and Jane, and began their circle of friends the same way.
Noah not only hated how he was too wimpy to ever say any of this out loud, but also that he held this kind of resentment towards one of the best friends he’s ever had.
Noah hated how nervous he feels around Josh too. How he can’t help but constantly compare himself to him.
Josh was like the sun; radiant and bright and impossible to miss, and Noah had felt like the grimy earth beneath it.
But everything changed after Jane died.
Their whole group of friends changed. They started to see each other less and less, and eventually, they never saw each other outside of school.
Having different classes in middle school widened the gap between them, leaving silent nods as the last bit of interaction they had.
Soon, even those were gone.
Even after they all fell apart, Noah couldn’t help but notice Josh.
Before, Noah had always seen Josh happily chatting with at least one person.
Now, Noah never saw him hang out with anyone ever again. He was like the dusty remains of a star that went out.
There were times Noah wanted to reach out, to see if they could be friends again, to hang out, laugh together, be together-
-and Noah would stop himself when he came short of any reason Josh would want to talk to him.
“You look like shit.”
“Hello to you too, Ava.”
Josh was semi-thankful that his shift at one of the town’s few fast food places started early in the morning. Only a handful of people stepped in here for breakfast, and none of them were impossible to deal with. So, for a few hours, Josh could enjoy a bit of peace before the lunch rush.
And it was always good to see a friendly face.
“Alright, fuck the pleasantries then.”
Ava stretched her hand at Josh and waved it dramatically.
“In the name of the Dread Goddess Hekate, get me my usual.”
Josh punched in the register an order for an apple pie and a milkshake.
“That’ll be $2.78.”
Wordlessly, Ava hands him money and Josh went in the back to get her order.
“Talked to Tom today,” Ava said. “He looked really interested in the stuff I found in Cora’s shack. Maybe he can be my apprentice or some shit.”
“A witch’s apprentice?”
“Turned him down. Teaching is a rock bottom I’ll never hit.”
“Cuz the teacher’s at school we sooo great.”
“You get it.”
Josh finished up, pie in a paper bag and milk in hand.
“So, you talk to people,” she asked before he held out her order. “You’re social like that. Everyone’s gonna be at the memorial tonight, right?”
“Yup,” Josh nodded. “All seven of-”
Josh stops himself, remembering what happened to the seventh.
Ava’s face went steely, and for a moment it looked like she had a lot to say.
“Hand me my order,” she sighed. Josh obliged.
Before Ava walked out, she stopped and did a half turn. Josh sees several shifts to and from anger and sympathy.
“Tale care,” she said before leaving.
Noah couldn’t remember the last time he and Josh talked.
So, when Josh sat next to him at the pep rally, he hoped his quietness came off as indifference, and hid his anxiety about the whole situation.
Josh didn’t seem to mind, since he started talking semi-comfortably. He was mellower and less gloomy than he used to be, and Noah felt the familiar jealously that was always the third companion amongst the two.
The pep rally ended after the blackout, Josh called everyone to meet after school, and four of them were stocking up on makeshift weapons.
When Josh told Noah that he won’t leave him again, he let himself believe it.
Noah halfheartedly thanked Josh, and for a second was afraid his sort-of-friend would take offense.
But instead, Josh smiled at him, and Noah felt like he was looking at sunshine.
A warm feeling bloomed in Noah’s chest, and it stuck around even when they were done talking and gone back to looking for weapons.
Noah remembered the warm feeling later on, when he noticed how Josh’s face was red when he was close enough to Lucas, how he stammered a bit more when the two were talking.
Noah wasn’t as dumb as he was as a kid. He knew that Josh liked Lucas. He also didn’t want to believe he was feeling jealousy, because of what it implied.
It wasn’t until during Britney’s party that Noah started to ask himself where these feelings for Josh came from. Was it sometime after everyone drifted apart, and their absence leaving an ache in his heart? Or was it before, when they were younger, innocent, and still friends?
After the party and after Josh revived his hope for the future (something he’d been doing well the past few days), his own personal devil reared its shadowy head, and signaled the end.
In the near future, while they were all forced to play the game again, Noah would wonder if anything could have happened to keep this whole mess from happening.
If he just told Redfield to fuck off, or just ignored him (no, her).
“In school,” Andy said with a mouth full of pizza. “You froze up every time you had to present something. And up there, you didn’t break a sweat.”
Josh was taken by surprise when Stacy’s mom called him up to say a few words (he didn’t even think the town’s mayor even remembered his name). Surprisingly, where there was usually quick breath and sweating, there was just emptiness.
His mind flashed to Cora when he was up, about how she risked her life to help them and went to warn them while she was injured and dying.
And then it went to Noah.
He kept his part about Noah as brief as possible, and stepped down the second he gave his last “thank you”.
Josh would like to say that Lucas’s hug and quick kiss after the memorial made him feel better, but after talking about Noah, he couldn’t shake the feeling like he was betraying him.
“I get a lot of speech practice when dealing with customers from hell,” Josh finally answered, shrugging.
“You mean Ava?” Andy snarked.
“Andy, don’t be mean,” Lily scolded
“You think I take offense to that?” Ava grinned evilly. “I go there on the weekends.”
Josh finished his Graveyard, and turned to Lucas, right next to him.
“Bartender, one more.”
“One for me too,” Stacy smirked, wiggling her empty cup.
“I think you’ve both had enough,” Lucas said in mock seriousness.
“How can you stand to drink those?” Tom asked. “I almost hurled taking a sip!”
“That’s it, you’re dead to me,” Stacy pouted theatrically.
“Aw, come on,” Lily nudged Stacy with her shoulder. “We all just pledged our eternal devotion to each other five minutes ago!”
And just managed to avoid talking about Noah…
Noah could be here. Right now.
Maybe not here though. The others might still hate him, maybe not, but at least he’d be alive. Maybe everyone would even slowly come to stop hating him.
He could find a way to pay for culinary school. He could open up the diner he talked about…
And I wish I could just stop thinking about those last moments…
Josh has vague memories of blushing and being embarrassed around Noah when they were younger, but he didn’t think it had meant anything.
Every time Josh started thinking about his...crush, if he could call it that, he’d just start thinking of Lucas, and guilt of betrayal would stab at his gut.
Josh’s eyes drift over to Dan, who’s been silent the whole time, aside from giving halfhearted laughs and accepting Graveyard refills…
…along with bringing up the one who’s been on Josh’s mind for a while.
“Well…not the whole group.”
Josh remembered that this night would end, and that everyone would go back to dealing with their trauma.
Not alone. Please for the love of god not alone.
He felt like some kind of traitor again, for feeling this awful around people with whom he should be happy.
It shouldn’t feel like this, after all this time. We won, didn’t we?
He remembered the panic attack he talked Lily through by phone after Britney called him, begging for help. He remembered Ava’s blank face as the signs of a flashback started to show. He remembered the bags under Stacy’s eyes as she drank more coffee than was healthy. He remembered the late night texts from Andy faking small talk when he couldn’t sleep and needed some anchor to reality. He remembered the way Dan finally admitted with tears that he wasn’t fine, was anything but fine.
And he remembered seeing the thing that used to be Noah in the ruins, looking back at him with those white eyes before vanishing.
No, Josh realized. We didn’t.
Seconds ago, Josh had gotten Noah out of Redfield’s (no, Jane’s) control as he was seconds away from being stabbed.
He goaded and taunted the monster they all feared since childhood, and fended it off with a whistle.
So this should be easy, right?
Taking Jane’s place so she could finally be free of the hell she spent nearly a decade in.
“I’m sorry, Josh,” Noah sobbed. “Please…please tell my mom-”
“Wait!” Josh said shakily. “It doesn’t have to be you!”
“Josh, please, it had to be me,” Noah begged. “Let me do this. Let me fix my mistakes.”
“NO!” he screamed. “Don’t you dare! Let me do this! Let me take her place instead!”
Josh didn’t say any of that.
He wanted to stop Noah, he wanted to so much, but no matter what, his throat wouldn’t obey.
When it mattered the most, all he could give is silence.
If the two of them were any closer, their faces would touch. Unfallen tears pooled in Noah’s eyes, filled with regret
Josh didn’t know what to do. He wanted to scream at Noah. He wanted to hug him and never let go. He wanted to punch him.
But Noah acted before Josh could.
His lips weren’t soft, but warm and gentle, and soon turn salty when tears hit their lips. Neither of them knew whose.
“I’m sorry,” Josh lost count of the number of times Noah’s apologized today. “I just…I needed to do that. Just once…”
Those are the last words Noah ever said as a human.
The night ended with everyone promising to see each other tomorrow, and soon after that.
And so, here were Josh and Lucas, waiting together on a bench on the sidewalk for Josh’s mom to come pick them up and give Lucas a ride to his house.
Despite everyone parting with the unspoken promise of this goodbye isn’t for good, Josh couldn’t help that irrational fear that the opposite would be true, and they’d all fall apart over again.
“You good?” Lucas pulled Josh out of his thoughts.
“Huh?” he mumbled dumbly.
“You’re squeezing my hand pretty hard there,” Lucas shakes his hand holding Josh’s, and he finds out he’s right; Josh is squeezing Lucas’s hand like some kind of lifeline.
“Sorry,” Josh says sheepishly as he eases his grip, but Lucas gives a gentle squeeze, keeping him from pulling away.
“Hey, you’re alright,” Lucas says before Josh can apologize any more.
Josh smiled at him, not trusting himself to speak right now. Unfortunately, it just gave way to an awkward silence.
“You know you can tell me anything, right?” Lucas asks.
“What…” do you mean, Josh wanted to say, but he just didn’t have the heart to lie to his boyfriend’s face.
“I know,” Josh sighed.
And he did. But that was a different story than being able to do it.
“I’m here for you. So is everyone else. And if something’s been on your mind, we’d all listen if you wanted to talk.”
Josh wanted to.
He probably needed to.
Josh remembered Dan, how he desperately needed someone to talk to, how he needed help, and what happened after he didn’t get it (it wasn’t his fault, it was mine).
But what could he possibly say?
Is it okay for me to have lingering feelings for someone else? Someone who betrayed us and led us to a monster? Someone who’s a monster now himself? Someone almost all of you understandably hate?
There’s no way he can bring that up. Not to his friends, not to his boyfriend.
“I don’t wanna talk,” Josh sighs. “Could we just…be here…? If that makes any sense?”
“It doesn’t,” Lucas jokes. “But it’s a good thing I’m a mind reader.”
Lucas put an arm around Josh, pulling him closer.
Josh rested his head on Lucas’s shoulder and closed his eyes, enjoying his boyfriend’s presence.
In the future, when Josh finally found it in him to talk, he’d be able to go back to the cabin. Against all advice, he’d look for Noah in the shadowy figure that haunted the woods. And he’d find him. And soon after, Josh would be able to help more people who were forced into a world of monsters like he and his friends were.
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
X marks the spot
Part 1 - Mark POV
Before summer
I woke up with the worst headache of my life. I stretched out, trying to process what had happened last night. I didn’t see that coming, and The only thing good about it, is I’m alone in my bed.
Fuck. Sarah told me she loved me, and then I fucked her. Why am I such an idiot? I don’t fucking love her, I hardly like her for fucks sake!
Then I remembered the argument with my dad, and groaned. I gotta find a new place to live as well. I forced myself out of bed, and stumbled over to my dresser. I needed a shower to get Sarah off of me, and I needed to brush my teeth and —- oh my god. Sarah loves me.
“Do I hear movement in here?” Sarah called out from my living room.
Tumblr media
Fuck! Sarah is still here!
I bolt in my bathroom, and close the door, locking it and turn on the shower. I need to think.
Fuck my life.
I hear the door rattle as Sarah tries to open the door, “Baby! Why is this door locked? Don’t you want company?”
This bitch is psycho, and I fucked her. Amazing job Einstein.“I’m trying to shit, shower and shave.”
“Oh..... Ok, I’ll leave you to it. I cleaned up your house, and I went to the grocery store and bought stuff to make you dinner.” She sang through the door.
“I don’t like talking through the bathroom door. Not trying to be a dick, and all that sounds great, just...”
“Oh, I’m sorry baby! I’ll be out here waiting lover.”
Baby? Lover? Oh hell no, fucking psycho. No shit she’s out there waiting. Fucking stalker. I fucking knew better than to fuck with her, but she’s so persistent.
I hopped in the shower and scrubbed myself down. I needed to get dressed, get my shit and get out, without her seeing me somehow.
I didn’t wanna face her so I decided I’d climb out the bathroom window,and go look at some places, and just deal with her later. my wallet and phone are by the bed, I can sneak out and grab them.
I carefully opened the bathroom door and peeked out. Room was empty! I quietly crept across the room and grabbed all the things I needed, and bolted back in the bathroom.
It was hard not to bust out laughing as I crawled out my own bathroom window, and I prayed my parents weren’t out back for some reason. My truck was parked up front, and I didn’t see Sarah’s car. If she left again, and I snuck out the window for nothing, than that’s even funnier. I felt ridiculous running away from her, but Sarah and I had a complicated relationship, and I did not want to face that now. I mean she wasnt that bad, I’m just not interested. I’ve told her as much, but she thinks I’m playing hard to get or some bullshit. Better to avoid her since there’s no reasoning with her.
Fuck I’m an idiot.
I always knew Sarah was a bad idea but everyone else thought I was crazy. My Dad even loves Sarah, and I’m not sure he loves me!!! He Thought she was a “nice girl” which is only cuz she comes from money.
The only people with more money than our family, was her parents and Sarah is their only child. Both her parents died in a plane crash when she was about eleven, so she was left in Nance’s care, (Ems late Mother). She’d taken her in as her own, closing up Sarah’s mansion, and moving her into her home.
After Nance was killed, Em couldn’t stand her house anymore, so Sarah moved them into her family’s old mansion up the road. They threw large parties with drugs, and booze, and just absolute chaos. I figured all the DeGenerate behavior helped everyone forget.
I avoided them all like the plague, until I heard they were having a going away party for Lily. I couldn’t think of a better reason to have a party, than celebrating that bitch leaving. I rolled up in therewith my boys, honestly expecting drama, but surprisingly was welcomed with open arms.... and legs. Too open.
They were all fucked up, rolling, and Sarah, Em, and Lily decided we should all fuck. I made it clear I still had no interest in anything to do with Lily, and stormed out. I didn’t know where my boys were that I’d ridden there with, but I lived close enough to walk.
I know I look like a pussy, running away from a foursome with three hot girls, but the way Lily turned out to be, was painful. She’d been my first everything, and although I could of been a better boyfriend, I NEVER cheated on her.
When that leak happened of everyone’s phones, i wasn’t even interested. I thought it was fucked up, until my boys sent me the pictures that we all knew were Lily. Then I sat there reading through all their messages, and realized that a lot of them were sent, when she was with me. I’m sitting there thinking I have my dream girl, and she’s sneaking off to the bathroom, sending pictures of her finger banging herself and shit. And not only that, she let him watch us fuck through the window when we were at a party. I’m eating her fucking pussy, and she’s texting the 37 year old married guy, that she babysat for, and had dinner with his wife and kid.
It was so fucked. And then, she wouldn’t fucking give me the common courtesy to tell me the truth. We all knew it was her! Yet she was gonna lie to my face. I’m ashamed how I handled it tho. I just wanted to expose her for the homewrecking whore that she was. I felt like an idiot, for turning down pussy left and right for two fucking years, just to find out I wasn’t shit to her.
Fuck. I turned around, to find Sarah stumbling along in a bikini drinking from a bottle of Belvedere Vodka. “GO HOME SARAH!”
Fuckkng classy. I swear I attract the craziest women. I couldn’t help but laugh at her. I spun around and jogged up to her. I pointed in the direction she came, “go home Sarah. You’re drunk.”
“You jealous?” She asked playfully.
“Actually yes,” I said as I grabbed the bottle out of her hand, and took a giant swig. I turned around, and headed back home, downing the vodka as I went. I figured a half bottle of vodka, would help me pass right out, and forget this whole night. I turned to walk down my long ass driveway when I heard something behind me.
“Mark! I’m not giving up till I at least get to see it. WHIP IT OUT!”
I turned around and grabbed Sarah by her arm, “do you want to wake up my parents? Shut the fuck up.” I whispered harshly.
“Show me it. Let me see.” She whispered.
“Why? Where’s your homies? Why are you following me?” I was at my wits end with this shit.
“I don’t feel so good,” she started to wobble and almost fell.
I reached out and caught her just in time before she fell to the ground. She was out cold. I couldn’t leave her on the ground, and I wasn’t carrying her all the way home. I was too drunk to drive.
I carried her to the guest house I lived in behind our mansion, and deposited her on the couch. I got a drink and then passed out on my bed. I was woken up by her snuggling up to me, but I was too tired to care.
I told her nothing happened since we woke up still dressed, but she was determined to suck my dick, and a man can only resist a hot girl so long. And that’s how whatever it was we had, started.
She gave the most incredible fucking head I ever got too. It’s like she loved my dick. Swear to God. She’d fucking fall asleep nuzzled up to my dick, and wake up and suck it again. It was amazing, but I didn’t like her beyond a friend, that was fun to fuck around with. I thought we were on the same page...... until New Years.
Her parents died on their way to party in New York, on New Years, so it was understandably a rough time for Sarah. She called me hysterical, and I couldn’t understand her, so I went to her house. She was home alone, out of her mind, on god knows what. I asked her where her partner in crime was, and she told me that Em had ODed on some bad shit, and was going to be ok, but was in a facility. She didn’t want to be around any people except for me. I should have read between the lines there, but I didn’t, and we hung out playing video games all night, watching movies and it was actually a great night. She was really a cool girl, and we’d been homies since elementary, I just didn’t like like her.
The next morning, when we were both sober, she tried to fuck me with no condom, which is a big no from me. I always use a condom, and she knew that. She was extremely aggressive about it, and when I refused, she flipped out on me. We got in this huge argument, and both said horrible things, and I swore that was the end of Sarah and I.
She called and texted all the time, but I never responded. She even sent me flowers and balloons, as well as showed up places I was at. I would just leave. I promised myself, I’d stay away from that whole clique.
I’d kept my word too and stayed away from her till this morning. I got home, and she was waiting on me on our porch. It was pretty tense between my Dad and I, and I didn’t need more ammo for him. I didn’t want him to think something was going on between us, so I told her to go wait in my house, while I talked to my parents real quick.
Dad and I had a knock down, drag out screaming match, and I completely forgot about Sarah.
I needed to get my own place, out from under their thumb. I knew they’d be pissed, but they’d get over it. I jumped in my truck and headed to 711 for a Big Gulp. I knew the owner had a home for rent, that had a big yard, to hold all my equipment for my business. We chatted, and he was all for me moving in. He wanted to give me the tour in a few hours, so I decided to find something to do in the area.
I checked my phone, and there were like 40 messages from Sarah and another 29 from my mom. Well I wasn’t going to go home for sure now. Had that bitch actually told my mother?
There was another message from a new number, that was a woman that wanted to sell a house she’d inherited. She stated the yard needed to be fixed up, and the upstairs required attention.
I called her back, and she gave me the address which turned out to be really close. She said she’d be there all day, so I said I’d come right over and give her some estimates.
I almost threw up when I realized the house I was pulling up to. It was Nick Mathers house of horrors. Nick had killed his wife and child and then been murdered by someone himself. It had reportedly been a super gory, bloody scene that the news said was the worst thing the police ever saw.
I stopped in front, and tried to decide if I was going to help, or just go. I put my truck into drive, and nearly drove away, but then I saw her.
The most beautiful girl I’d ever seen, came bouncing down the porch steps, waving gleefully at me. She had a banging body, and gorgeous face, with really long hair. She was seriously the closest to love at first sight, I think is possible. Not love, but lust for sure.
I got out of my truck as she ran up to me and surprised me with a big hug. I awkwardly hugged her back, and hoped my face wasn’t as red as it felt. She hopped back happily and I just stared at her like an idiot.
“Hi! I’m Brooke! I called you about the yard. This was my sisters' house, and we wanna get rid of it so I was hoping you can jazz it up please?” She was more gorgeous close-up, and something about her was just so adorable. She looked like she was trying not to cry, even though she was smiling I realized.
“Are you ok?” I asked her with genuine concern.
She looked up at me with big tears in her eyes and shook her head and went in for another hug. I held her as she sobbed into my chest, petting her hair and telling her to get it all out.
She giggled the cutest giggle I’d ever heard and for the first time in years, I felt the butterflies in my stomach, and was determined to make her mine.
“I must seem crazy.” She said.
“No, not at all! I'm familiar with what happened here, and I’m sorry about what happened to your sister and her daughter. I’d love to help you get this house all ready to sell. I can do more than landscaping too. Any house stuff or paint or whatever, I’m pretty handy.” I reassured her. I didn’t even care if she paid me, I just wanted to get to know her. “My name is Mark and I’m at your service. You really shouldn’t be doing this alone. You’re not staying here are you?”
“No. I am starting school after the summer, so I got an apartment by the campus, and figured I’d sell the house before school begins. Hopefully.” She said looking up at me.
“Well considering the house was in the news a lot and is kinda famous, I suggest we paint it another color and change the landscaping completely, so it’s not that house.”
“Won’t that be expensive.”
“No it’s not too bad, I know a guy.” I winked.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” She asked suspiciously.
“Well it seems pretty fucked up you’re doing this alone, and I’m a gentleman.” I told her. I’d leave out the love at first sight stuff for now.
“That’s the truth? You’re not like a gorgeous, charming serial killer? No offense, but guys that look like you, are never nice.”
“I think you give me more credit than I deserve. You’re one of the most gorgeous girls I’ve ever seen.”
She blushed and smiled brightly. “Funny. I was just thinking the same about you.”
Now I was blushing. I could feel it. I tried to play it off with a joke, “I’m not a very pretty girl. I’m a bit on the big side.”
“Omg Mark, are you blushing?” She squealed, reaching up and placing her hand tenderly on my cheek. I wasn’t used to such affectionate familiarity, but it didn’t make me uncomfortable like it normally would.
She kept her hand on my face as she stared into my eyes and I couldn’t look away. We stood there, quite awhile, till I broke the silence. “Ok. Let’s not be awkward. I’m not used to people telling me I’m pretty. Sorry. Now, where do i start?”
“Well, how much do you cost and what do we need to get and...”
“I’m not gonna charge you labor. I wouldn’t feel right about that. You just buy materials and I’ll help you.” I interrupted her.
Her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open,”What? That’s crazy!”
“No, what’s crazy is what happened to your family here. The least I can do is help.” I insisted. It really was horrible.
“Wow, Mark. You’re my new favorite person.” She smiled up at me through her lashes.
It took all I had in me not to grab her and kiss her right there. I wasn’t going to fuck this up tho and scare her. I was going to help her, and get to know her, and wait for her to make a move. I liked her way too much already. I’d never felt this way about a girl right off the bat. Not even Lily. Definitely not Sarah.
Shit. Sarah.
I’ll deal with that later, that’s future me’s problem. Right now, all I cared about was right here in front of me.
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shslshortie · 7 years
Again, sorry for the text posts and emotional roller coasters
But I need a chronological list of all the shit that happened in the last 24 hours
So like last night both my Little and The Boy were drunk texting me compliments and loving nice things, and I was overwhelmingly happy cuz I felt wanted from people I cared about and it was great
But i was also so fucking mad at the Pokémon Go algorithms for taunting me with like 4 Pokémon that I had been wanting forever, only to have them eat all my balls and run away or run away after one try.
Then today, it was still good! My mom and I went to the beach! That was fun!
Until I almost had a panic attack in the Whole Foods parking lot cuz my apps wouldn’t log in and I had to deal with Duo Mobile being an absolute ass while I tried to log in to my school email. I didn’t have a full blown one, but it took every ounce of energy to not have one.
Then I bought a gift for my friend from color guard who’s brain cancer came back for a third time, and I was really emotional about it.
Then when I went to go try on some clothes, I realized that was a terrible idea since I’ve gained almost 20 pounds since I last went clothes shopping, and I almost cried when I things wouldn’t buckle or zip and I almost ripped something trying to get it off.
When I got home, I was texting with The Boy, and the gist of it is this: “Sorry I didn’t mean to say ‘Taking Dani’”. “Lol it’s fine, I wouldn’t know what that is even if you were”. “I dunno, taking you out?” And then I said “well you could” and he said “well where would you wanna go”
But I also said a garbage can cuz I’m trash, and I’m an awkward fuck who didn’t know how to respond without being like “date me plz”
And that was all fine and dandy, but then things get shitty outside of boyland
My mom and I are planning New Years Eve plans, and I realize how much I hate it here and how much I would give to be doing almost ANYTHING else.
Then I found out from my friend (who all my high school friends hated) that my high school friends and ex are having a NYE party that I wasn’t invited to, but she was, which made me feel like shit.
Then I see all of the snaps and posts from the guard and band in New Orleans and at Band Banquet… and like no matter how much I hated Guard, post season and the trips and away games are so much fun. And I wouldn’t have to be in Irvine feeling sorry for myself. And my best friend lives in NOLA and I could literally have just hung out with her instead whenever we had free time.
Then I had to deal with my crazy aunt and she wouldn’t even let me look at my phone for 20 seconds to check the time while I was with her, and I had to listen to her talk about interior design and her desk job for about 2 hours.
Then I got more pissed off at Pokémon Go (I still really like it cuz I’m getting all of my first Pokémon that I had growing up, but I’m still mad at Niantic for obviously wanting to make money by selling poke balls and making them harder to get and Pokémon easier to FIND but harder to CATCH.)
Then I get a text from my drunk Little (who if you’re keeping track is The Boy’s best friend, and they are both in town right now)
And he said that he got too drunk
So I asked him why and if he was okay
And he said “well The Boy and Summer were making out, so I chugged The Boy’s drink to get him to stop drinking but also cuz I had to be drunk to deal with it, but then I realized I was WAY too drunk”
For reference; that girl is the same girl that our mutual friend said “misunderstood The Boy’s personality and normal flirtiness as being into her” which is why I was cautious around him for a while. But now, 1) either he does like her, 2) he is leading her on, 3) she’s gonna get her feelings hurt and so am I and I’m gonna feel bad about pursuing him, or 4) he was just looking for someone to drunk make out with, BUT if he was… and if she ends up liking him again… like she’s my friend too…
She’s not /that/ much of a friend, like I was more friends with him and most of the other people in the friend group, but still… this could get messy if I even feel like still pursuing him.
Plus he also left me on read for a while; and my little left cuz he was too drunk and needed to get out of there. So I have no idea what happened after that. They could have slept together for all I know
(I doubt that happened. Our mutual friend said that he has a rule about sleeping with friends. But still)
Then like 10 minutes later he snap chatted me. Then he snapchatted me again after I uploaded something to my story. Then he replied to a text (and texted me again) after like 2 days (which I honestly forgot about. I thought I just stopped texting him cuz the convo didn’t have much substance over text).
I still haven’t opened them. I also turned off Snapchat notifications so I wouldn’t be tempted to open it. I’m going to when I wake up, but I can’t do that while I’m upset
I’m just like ???? Does he realize he fucked up???? Or is he trying to go on like nothing happened???????
Like I’m like 70% sure my Little doesn’t know that The Boy is /The Boy/ but like…
It’s not like we are dating. We are just heavy flirting that hasn’t even been sexual in the least. It’s all been nice stuff like compliments on hair and face and smile and personality. Or silly like with triple and quadruple chins. And stupid with Yuri on ice and fanfiction and video games and alcohol. Like I can’t be mad, but like I’m still hurt. I’m trying not to be. And I’m trying not to be petty.
Like by petty, I mean that after the sadness and anger, came me bargaining being like “oh well I’m cuter, so what could he be doing kissing her? Maybe he’s just sad that I’m not there” and like… that’s literally terrible of me to be thinking…
But also now I just realized that all of them are gonna be there for New Years Eve together and he’s probably gonna kiss her again at the ball drop :( and I’m sad again.
But Jesus Christ like I’m trying not to be so hung up over this, but like…. this was exactly the opposite of what I needed today with everything hitting the fan. Because for the majority of today I’ve felt unwanted, useless, fat and ugly, and now I’m not even worth a thought from the ONLY thing that has been good this break.
Like Jesus Christ I’ve never been cheated on, and this is not him cheating, but like… I’m still so upset because it feels like it. Cuz I got my hopes up. And like he probably thought I would never find out. Honestly I probably wish that my Little never told me, but it’s probably a good thing. But it’s also a terrible thing cuz now as I keep talking to him, it’s probably all I’m gonna be thinking about. And if by some wonder we still go on our kinda planned date, or still watch Yuri on Ice together, or even start dating… like I’m gonna keep thinking about that, or worrying if he still likes summer or summer still likes him.
and god I’m never gonna be able to sleep I hate this. I’m so upset. This shouldn’t keep making me cry but I keep crying. And like I know it’s not just about him but IT MADE EVERYTHING SO MUCH WORSE.
Ugh I’m sorry
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matney85-blog · 6 years
Real life stories
I’m writing a collection of short stories of my life these are 100 percent true. I’m rusty with writing stories and these are pretty much unedited. Enjoy [A trip....to Ross County Jail ] So I wake up to someone kicking me in the bottom of the foot. I peel my drunken eyes open enough to look around and recognize the concrete bench and cinder block walls. I look over my shoulder to see a correctional officer telling me to stand up I’ve been released..... Let’s go back a few days to see how I got in this situation. I had drug in a car and fixed it up, and sold it. I had a whole bunch of cash burning a hole in my pocket. I had been hanging out with this girl for a few weeks as friends on and off. We will call her Mary, well me and Mary had plans of attending the Easy Rider biker rodeo in Chillicothe Ohio. The plan we had was to meet up Saturday morning after she worked her all night shift at a local gas station and go up together. So it’s Friday evening and I’m chilling out at my moms having some beers anticipating the big weekend of partying. I eventually get half drunk and think I should head to town for a few. I take the car that I shared with my kinda girlfriend live in situation at the time and head to town. I go to a few of my same ol routine bar stops with not much action going on. I end up at the Wild Dog Saloon but for the life of me don’t actually know what it was called at the time. I walk in pretty well ripped outta my mind. After a few shots and few more beers I lock eyes with a beautiful blonde in a short skirt. This is where Mary lost all chances of heading to the Rodeo with me. My whole agenda had changed, I go over offer to buy the girl a drink and she accepts. I go right in for the kill trying to get in this girls pants, so what seemed like 3 minutes after I met her my hand was up her skirt as far as her hand was down my pants. Just two random drunks in the heat of the moment elbow deep down each other’s pants standing at a crowded bar. So next thing I know it’s last call you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here. Obviously I don’t wanna miss the chance to get some more action outta this girl. I go to exchange numbers and she invites me back to her place. I get in the truck with a few of her girlfriends and back to her house for more drinking and third rate romance. I call the live in girl tell her the car is in the parking garage cuz she needs it for work in the morning. I make up some lie about where I’m spending the night and the fun begins to unfold with drunk Barbie. What I remember of a blacked out night of drunken sex was great, freak is a understatement for this chick. I woke up to her shaking me saying “hey you have to leave my kids dads gonna be here in like ten minutes” She more or less gently pushing me out the door at this point. I still don’t know where I am, who she is, or how I got there. I knock back on the door after she shuts it and ask her “where’s my car”? She tells me the whole scoop. I realize I’m fucked once again but not in a good way. Good morning sunshine it’s 6 am! I’m now in the West End at apartments I didn’t know exist, my car is no where to be found and it’s pouring the rain. The young lady did me a solid and gave me 3 Budweiser cans I tucked in my hoody and took off walking. I’m just trucking along thinking that was a great time I’m the fucking man! I call my brother to ask him for a ride and he said he was busy but I could borrow his car. Wrong wrong wrong idea!! He meets up with me gives me his car says I reek of booze and for me to promise him I won’t wreck the car and I’ll have it back to him by noon. I go to a few little bars I know of that’s open early and drink with a few old timers I know. My Razor phone rings it’s my good buddy Dickie he’s drunker than me and expecting my arrival at the rodeo. I said I’ll be right there let me run home and get a gallon of shine and a cooler. I head over to moms grab the home brew and hit the road. I stop in New Boston grab a styrofoam cooler and case of beer I’m pretty well totally wrecked. I hit the shine a few times and take off driving again. I get about 10 miles before I need to puke but I get it all out and I’m ready to start the day. Keep in mind now I’ve got 37 missed/avoided calls from Mary and about 100 text messages. I fucking forgot my friend she had slipped my mind but she’ll understand. I drive all the way 2 1/2 hours in my brothers car that I’m supposed to be returning at the same time I’m pulling in the event. I stick the keys to the car in the gas cap for safety in case something odd happens. I pack the cooler in and the party begins. Now I don’t know if you have ever heard of this party but it’s wild I don’t have enough time to tell you all the crazy shit going on here. I walk around looking at hot naked girls, 70 year old women’s tits hanging out, motorcycle burnouts just a general good time for a hell raiser like myself. I continue to call Dickie and all my dads friends trying to locate them but no one there is coherent either. At this event there is thousands of campers and RVs they all look the same. My arms are getting tired from packing the case of beer in the cooler. I’m also just getting more and more hammered I’d walk around looking for them stop and drink with some crazy people and keep going. Finally I find the party, I’m there a short amount of time before I get in a argument with one of my dads long time friends. I wonder off aimlessly into the mass crowd. I wonder around with my moonshine just getting righteous. The next thing I know I’m sitting Indian style handcuffed to some chick to this day had the nicest huge tits I’ve ever seen. The police say if I can find someone to take responsibility for me they will let me go. They rode her and I around as she with one hand showed every passer by her jugs. It wasn’t a bad time at all, but we couldn’t find anyone we knew. Then again we couldn’t hardly talk from the drunken stooper we were in. We go back to this little make shift police station in the fair grounds and the cop says to me “I’ve seen 100 thousand people in 2 days here, I’ve seen naked women, people having sex, guys snorting Coke off girls asses, and 8 people went to jail congratulations son” In the van riding to the jail the chick stands up to show her hidden glory for just one more time to the other jail birds. When she stands up the jailers think we are trying to escape and slams on the brakes and rips off the highway to the break down lane. Well naturally she’s top heavy and still handcuffed to my skinny ass rips me off the bench on top of her laying on the floor. We get ourselves together I help cram those things back in her shirt for the 20th time today because the whole time we’ve known each other we only had one free hand from being cuffed together. I’m waiting my turn to be booked and I see about 5 CO’s jump on some other drunk guy and taze him and beat his ass. I end up in a small drunk tank, that smells like old bums piss and booze. It’s packed to like Texas road house on a Friday night. After awhile of drunken shit talking a fight breaks out because a guy said he was the baddest MF’er in here. I just sit on the bench minding my own business. The fight goes on a good 10-15 minutes, after everyone had enough one guy stands up and said see I told you guys I am the baddest man in here. I stood up and knocked out 3 of the teeth on the right side of his mouth and said I beg to differ. We fight for what seems to be a eternity but eventually enough is enough. Well here we are back to the CO kicking my foot. I stand up, my button up shirt has all the buttons ripped off and I’m covered in miscellaneous dried blood. The guy tells me he had money on me and he owes me big that I had won the fight, he tells me them little guys are the ones to worry about. As we are collecting my shoe laces, belt and stuff I’m being discharged. I ask where’s all my money and phone is they tell me they will send me a check and I didn’t have a phone. NO NO NO you’ll give me my damn cash I yelled at them, they say if I don’t leave now I can stay 30 days I said “fuck the money” I get outside notice when I was arrested I didn’t have my phone that’s weird I never loose it. Oh well I ask directions back to the fair grounds and off I walk. I’m so parched and hungover it’s unbelievable and I have to walk 12 miles in the 100 degree weather in pants and what’s left of a jail brawl nice button up shirt. I didn’t have one cent to my name and was dying of thirst. I get back to the car get the key out of the gas cap and off I drive. After driving a short while my brothers pride and joy mustang starts running low on gas. I go in a little gas station and beg them for a few bucks in gas but sounding like every other crack heads story they don’t believe me. I go back to the car take the radio out and sell it for $16 bucks to about the 20th passer by I could flag down going in the store. Finally I can buy something to drink and some gas. Naturally I buy a 99 cent 22 oz Budweiser and the rest in gas. I know until now Bub you thought someone broke in your car and stole the radio because that’s the story I stuck with. Just be thankful I didn’t cut the wires. I get back to Proctorville at moms house and give my irate pissed off brother his car back. I tell my mom I went to jail and she says I already know some guy called here last night saying you needed a ride from Chillicothe. I walk up to the local drinkin spot where I have to tell the same story about 10 times over and over to all my dads friends who was at the same rodeo. I get a few more beers in me and head out on the Ohio River boating with good ol Dickie. I see some of the girls I went to high school with and their parents boating. I really try to impress them with the jail story but in a pure look of disgust they putter off in their little skidoo boat. Mary hates me and never wants to talk to me again at this point, I’ve lost my phone so I don’t have that freaky blondes number now either. So a few days goes by my mom gets a call from a guy in Arizona he said he was at the rodeo and had found a cell phone stuck in the bug shield of his semi. He said he would mail it back but he thinks the guy that owns it is in jail. He said I pulled out a wad of cash asking for a ride and someone tried to take it and I started fighting them and was arrested. I’m glad someone knows the truth and where my money actually went because I received a check for $12.31 cents that I still have at moms. So that means 4,000 some odd dollars went somewhere. The mail comes and eventually I got the phone back, I’m somewhat sober and early when I said Mary would surely understand the mistake. The 100 or so text messages I read on my phone says other wise and we obviously have a falling out. Now for the freaky blonde she will be in more stories, me and Mary are friends again. My brother still won’t let me borrow a car that was one hell of a weekend!
0 notes
rudizzlefoshizzle · 8 years
1: My name? - Rudy Jay White
2: Do I have any nicknames? - At my old job they used to call me Rude Dog, Whitey, Rudy Rude
3: Zodiac sign? - Libra
4: Video game I play to chill, not to win? - I rarely play video games nowadays. The last game I played was Left 4 Dead 2, about three weeks ago. 
5: Book/series I reread? - I reread The Notebook recently. But I usually reread Jurassic Park and The Lost World every so often. 
6: Aliens or ghosts? - Ghosts? 
7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write? - Is this asking about an author? If so, then  Michael Crichton, or Jack London
8: Favourite radio station? - 101.5
9: Favourite flavour of anything? - I usually get strawberry flavored stuff.
10: The word that I use all the time to describe something great? - Awesome
11: Favourite song? - Master Of Puppets is my all time favorite.
12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better? - What do you do when you’re not working/in your free time
13: Favourite word? - Awesome, probably
14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them? - Yes.
15: Last song I listened to? - Beast and the Harlot. I finally downloaded Avenged Sevenfold on my phone and I forgot how awesome they are
16: TV show I always recommend? - Inuyasha
17: Pirates or ninjas? - Ninjas
18: Movie I watch when I'm feeling down? - Jurassic Park 
19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song? - Party Monster
20: Favourite video games? - CS:GO, MW2 when it first came out and I was in my gaming/tryhard years, Halo 2 and 3. 
21: What am I most afraid of? - Being single for the rest of my life, honestly. I see older guys with the same job as me, that are single, that just work and work and work. They try to get all the overtime they can. Sure, they have a shitload of money, but I don’t know how they do it, I don’t know what motivates them. Maybe it’s just because I just recently got out of a relationship, but I can’t imagine myself just working and going home to an empty house, with no one to come home to, talk to, and spend my life with. 
22: A good quality of mine? - I think before I talk/act. So I rarely do stupid shit.  
23: A bad quality of mine? - I’m too quiet. I’m awkward. My social skills are lacking.
24: Cats or dogs? - Dogs
25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they're in? - Emma Watson probably. Or Leo DiCaprio.
26: Favourite season? - Summer
27: Am I in a relationship? - Nope.
28: Something I miss? - Looking forward to seeing/spending time with someone, and using that as motivation to get through a shitty or hard day at work.
29: My best friend? - I don’t have a best friend anymore. Lol I only have friends and acquaintances. 
30: Eye colour? - Brown
31: Hair colour? - Black
32: Someone I love? - My nephew is one of the people I love.
33: Someone I trust? - My dad
34: Someone I always think about? - N/A. 
35: Am I excited about anything? - Having my own room again. Looool
36: My current obsession? - Doing everything I can to stay positive. 
37: Favourite TV shows as a child? - Inuyasha
38: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? - I used to.
39: Am I superstitious? - Yes. For example, in high school, for soccer games, I’d make sure to wear the shinguard sleeves and socks that I played well in, and if I didn’t have a red bull before a game, everything was ruined. Lol
40: What do I think about most? - Just staying positive. 
41: Do I have any strange phobias? - Nope
42: Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? - Behind it. 
43: Favourite hobbies? - Soccer
44: Last book I read? - The Notebook
45: Last film I watched? - Moana
46: Do I play any instruments? - Nope, but I wish I could play guitar
47: Favourite animal? - Bald Eagle cuz Murica
48: Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow? - sex, allxfoo, fusterclucked, fuckyeahmanchesterunited, kayytam
49: Superpower I wish I could have? - Teleportation? Or super speed or flying. Something that I can move from place to place very fast.
50: How do I destress? - For the past two months I’ve been writing everything down to vent and organize all my thoughts. I still am not sure if that helps me, since it makes me think about things I want to forget, but I still do it if the urge/anxiety is too much.
51: Do I like confrontation? - No. I hate that I don’t. My personality just doesn’t like it. I wish I could stand up to people. 
52: When do I feel most at peace? - If I had to answer this question five months ago, it would be a very different answer. But now, it’s when all my family is home, my parents, my sister and my nephews, and I know they’re all safe. 
53: What makes me smile? - Spending time with my nephew.
54: Do I sleep with the lights on or off? - Off
55: Play any sports? - Soccer
56: What is my song of the week? - Lol I was singing along to The Middle when it was playing on the radio on my way home from work on Thursday, and I actually listened to the lyrics and laughed my ass off. 
57: Favourite drink? - Alcoholic drink? STP
58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody? - Last handwritten one was 11/24/2016.  
59: Afraid of heights? - A bit.
60: Pet peeve? - Lack of communication.
61: What was the last concert I went to see? - Lol I guess it was Esta
62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian? - Nope.
63: What occupation did I want to do when I was younger? - Paleontologist
64: Have I ever had a friend turn enemy? - Yup
65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? - The wizarding world
66: Something I worry about? - Never moving on.
67: Scared of the dark? - I little bit.
68: Who are my best friends? - No more
69: What do I admire most about others? - Their ability to think quickly, and explain everything that is on their mind effectively.
70: Can I sing? - Noooooooo
71: Something I wish I could do? - Be charismatic. 
72: If I won the lottery, what would I do? - Get a GMC Canyon Denali Diesel. And lift it. Buy a house for my sister. Probably give the rest of it to my parents, since they’d probably have a better idea of what to do with all of it.  And I’d also pay for someones tuition. 
73: Have I ever skipped school? - Yes
74: Favourite place on the planet? - Again, very different answer if I was asked this five months ago. Lol. But probably in my bed now.
75: Where do I want to live? - Preferably here on Oahu. But if I gotta move then I would. 
76: Do I have any pets? - Two dogs, one bird.
77: What is my current desktop picture? - I have it cycle between a picture of Old Trafford, the Manchester United logo, and a picture of me kicking a ball.
78: Early bird or night owl? - Really depends. As long as my mind and body stay stimulated, I’ll wake up early or stay up for a very long time.
79: Sunsets or sunrise? - Sunsets
80: Can I drive? - Yes
81: Story behind my last kiss? - A kiss on a forehead to say goodbye.
82: Earphones or headphones? - Headphones. Earphones if I don’t have my headphones. 
83: Have I ever had braces? - Yes
84: Story behind one of my scars? - I slipped.
85: Favourite genre of music? - Heavy metal
86: Who is my hero? - My dad
87: Favourite comic book character? - Deadpool
88: What makes me really angry? - Me.
89: Kindle or real book? - Real book
90: Favourite sporty activity? - Idk soccer? Lifting?
91: What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be? - Idk. Teaching things that people will actually use in the real world.
92: What was my favourite subject at school? - English
93: Siblings? - Two older sisters
94: What was the last thing I bought? - I ordered a yeti roadie. Lol
95: How tall am I? - 5′7″
96: Can I cook? - Lol no. I can cook like three dishes.
97: Can I bake? - Nope
98: 3 things I love? - My family, soccer, Manchester United
99: 3 things I hate? - How slow time is, but at the same time how fast it is, how socially awkward I am, myself.
100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? - Dudes.
101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? - Idk I guess guys. I don’t talk to any girls. Lol
102: Where was I born? - Honolulu, Hawaii
103: Sexual orientation? - Straight.
104: Where do I currently live? - With my parents? Lol.  7EwaFKNBeach6
105: Last person I texted? - My mom
106: Last time I cried? - Last week Monday or Tuesday I forget.
107: Guilty pleasure? - CHEEZ IT
108: Favourite Youtuber? - G18
109: A photo of myself. - I’ll post it after if I remember.
110: Do I like selfies? - I don’t take much pictures of myself.
111: Favourite game app? - I used to play tsum tsum a lot.
112: My relationship with my parents? - Pretty good I guess? 
113: Favourite accents? - British
114: A place I have not been but wish to visit? - Old Trafford
115: Favourite number? - Either 2 or 7
116: Can I juggle? - Nope
117: Am I religious? - Nope
118: Do I like space? - I like looking at it.
119: Do I like the deep ocean? - Lol dark blue water is scary af
120: Am I much of a daredevil? - I would say that I’m a lot more cautious than most people, because I’ve been taught to see all the hazards and worst possible scenarios that can happen and that kinda stuff, but I can be very reckless with my own well being.
121: Am I allergic to anything? - I can’t wear metal necklaces or stuff like that. The back of my neck would breakout in a rash. Idk. 
122: Can I curl my tongue? - Sure
123: Can I wiggle my ears? - Nope
124: Do I like clowns? - Don’t really care for them
125: The Beatles or Elvis? - The Beatles
126: My current project? - Staying positive
127: Am I a bad loser? - Mmmmm depends. If I really worked and tried my best and wanted something then yeah, I’m salty af when I lose.
128: Do I admit when I’m wrong? - Yes. 
129: Forest or beach? - Beach
130: Favourite piece of advice? - Everything happens for a reason. Everything will work itself out in time. 
131: Am I a good liar? - No. Which is why I don’t really ever lie. Lol
132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? - I think I took that test online and I ended up in Slytherin?
133: Do I talk to myself? - A lot.
134: Am I very social? - Noooope.
135: Do I like gossip? - Lol nope.
136: Do I keep a journal/diary? - I was writing everyday for a month and a half. But I stopped that. I only write now if I cannot handle the anxiety. 
137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? - Lol when I took the test for the shipyard I was dying
138: Do I believe in second chances? - Yes. People change. People learn. 
139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? Probably turn it in. 
140: Do I believe people are capable of change? - Yes. If they really want to change, or things happen that causes them to change.
141: Have I ever been underweight? - Idk I’ve always been skinny
142: Am I ticklish? - A bit
143: Have I ever been in a submarine? - Yes
144: Have I ever been on a plane? - Yes
145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family? - This question is dumb. Lol. But I would be Jay Baruchel from She’s Out of my League
146: Have I ever been overweight? - Nope.
147: Do I have any piercings? - Nope
148: Which fictional character do I wish was real? - DOBBY
149: Do I have any tattoos? - Nope
150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far? - Mmm I would say just doing my best to not be a cunt. Lol. Not to burn bridges, not to ruin friendships or relationships with moments of stupidity or frustration.
151: Do I believe in Karma? - I do. Which is why I do what I said in the last question. 
152: Do I wear glasses or contacts? - Nope
153: What was my first car? - I guess the car I drive now, which is my moms car technically. 2005 Nissan Altima
154: Do I want children? - In like ten years.
155: Who is the most intelligent person I know? - My dad is really smart, and all his old coworkers, which are now my current coworkers, tell me that all the time.
156: My most embarrassing memory? - Not really but I still cringe, when I sang karaoke. Anyway you want it, that’s the way you need it! T_T Looool
157: What makes me nostalgic? - Living by my elementary school again. Living in the house I grew up in. Every time I walk by the school, all the memories come back, and I wonder where all the time went.
158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? - Many.
159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? - Brains
160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe? - Black or blue
161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience? - Nah not really
162: What do I hate most about myself? - Well shit. The fact that I lost the girl that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, because I treated her poorly, because I was getting used to my new schedule at work, so I had a short temper with her, and I took her for granted, always thinking I could spend time with her another day. It really was my fault that she decided to ask for a break. It really was my fault that she thought about a life where we weren’t together, a life with less stress and less bullshit.  
163: What do I love most about myself? - Lol fuck now I gotta think about this. I guess how I’m loyal. And how I don’t talk shit about people, or do anything behind people’s backs. 
164: Do I like adventure? - Sometimes. If I’m in the mood. Lol
165: Do I believe in fate? - Yes. Most definitely. 
166: Favourite animal? - See #47
167: Have I ever been on radio? - Nope
168: Have I ever been on TV? - Not that I know of
169: How old am I? - 22 years old
170: One of my favourite quotes? - “ The people who are meant to be in your life will always gravitate back towards you, no matter how far they wander”
171: Do I hold grudges? - Nooooo
172: Do I trust easily? - Mmm, no not really. I guess that’s why it takes forever for me to open up to people, or get comfortable with people
173: Have I learnt from my mistakes? - Yes. I have.
174: Best gift I’ve ever received? - I guess it would be the friendship and memories and lessons that I have learned in the past three years. 
175: Do I dream? - Every so often.
176: Have I ever had a night terror? - As in sleep paralysis? I haven’t had that in a very long time. 
177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? - Yes. A dream I don’t want to dream for awhile, since it only makes me hurt after. 
178: An experience that has made me stronger? - The last three years. The last two months. 
179: If I were immortal, what would I do? - Dumb shit. Lol. If I was gonna live forever, I probably would make an effort to make other peoples lives better, or their day brighter in some way. 
180: Do I like shopping? - I spend too much money on things I don’t need.
181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? - Something that I would acquire a lot of money.
182: What does “family” mean to me? - Being completely comfortable with them, being able to tell them anything, and going through shit with them and still being able to make things work afterward. You can trust them. It doesn’t have to be blood related. It could be friends that you just get super close with, and then you can say that they’re family. 
183: What is my spirit animal? - Sloth. Lol. Idk maybe a wolf. 
184: How do I want to be remembered? - That guy that kept his head down and did his job and didn’t do any dumb shit. Lol
185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose? - SOCIAL SKILLS
186: What is my greatest failure? - Probably not going to college and playing soccer in college. That’s what I wanted growing up, and that’s what my dad pushed me for, and sent me on all those trips and spent those thousands and thousands of dollars on me for. I think about that all the time. How it seems like a waste of money now. Idk. 
187: What is my greatest achievement? - Idk. Maybe getting this job.
188: Love or money? - Love.
189: Love or career? - These two questions are kind of the same. But I would pick career, for this one. I know that’s what I did four months ago. And I know that the way I went about it was wrong. I was focused too much on my job. I was so happy I had a job that I could be proud of. But I didn’t balance it out. I didn’t balance work and my girlfriend. I put all my energy into work, because of the hours, and the learning, so I didn’t have energy for her. In spite of all that, after losing her, I still pick career, because I’m still young, because I learned my lesson, because I still have time to make a relationship work. I still have time to make it all work. I don’t wanna end up old and alone. And also, because I lost her, I really really can’t lose this job. I really don’t know what I would do if I did. 
190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? - Three years ago, when I got home from the hospital after I had surgery on my arm. I would gladly start over from there. 
191: What makes me the happiest? - My nephew. He makes me happy.
192: What is “home” to me? - It used to be someplace else, but now, it’s the house that I live in with my family. 
193: What motivates me? - The fact that I’m still young, I have a good frickin job, and I’m decent looking. Lol. And that I wanna work to get better everyday, for myself, for my family, for her
194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be? - “lol fuk.” Nah umm probably still “Forever and Always.” Just cause
195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens? - If I don’t get abducted
196: A movie that scared me as a child? - Signs
197: Something I hated as a child that I like now? - Onions
198: Zombies or vampires? - Zombies are easier to kill I think
199: Live in the city or suburbs? - Suburbs
200: Dragons or wizards? - I like be one wizard
201: A nightmare that has stayed with me? - I used to have dreams where I’d be driving a car and I guess I’d go off a cliff or something and I’d be falling in the car. But the dream would always end before impact or whatever.
202: How do I define love? - This is gonna suck. Love is when you look forward to seeing them, every second of the day. When you already miss them, five seconds after walking out the door, after saying goodbye for ten minutes. When their voice, and their laugh, sounds so beautiful, like the sweetest and most uplifting song, and instantly brightens your day. When you memorize everything they talk about, what they like, dislike, and every comment and every random story they say that they think is irrelevant, but you still memorize and take to heart. When you memorize every little detail of their face. When you look into their eyes, and it entrances you. When you look into their eyes and you can’t imagine doing that with anyone else. When you look into their eyes and see everything you want and need. When you hold them, and they’re holding you, and you feel so happy, so content, that it feels like home. But love is also when you still want to do all that stuff, you still want to hold them, after they have been stressing you and frustrating you. After disagreements, after fights. Or after a long shitty day at work. Love is hard. It’s complicated. And it takes a lot of work and communication.
203: Do I judge a book by its cover? - When I was younger, yes. But I’ve learned a lot, and I’ve met  a lot of people that have changed my views
204: Have I ever had my heart broken? - Yes.
205: Do I like my handwriting? - Lol it’s ugly. I write really small.
206: Sweet or savoury? Savoury
207: Worst job I’ve had? - I guess that would be my first job. Hard labor, low pay. But I could call in sick like once a week at that job. Lol
208: Do I collect anything? - Naaah
209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? - I feel so naked without a watch on when I’m out of the house. 
210: What is on my bucket list? - Go to Old Trafford and watch Manchester United play
211: How do I handle anger? - I do my best to chill and think about why I’m getting angry.
212: Was I named after anyone? - Not that I know of.
213: Do I use sarcasm a lot? - Not as much now. I’m really boring now. Lol. I’m too serious now.
214: What TV character am I most like? - Either Ross Geller or Ted Mosby
215: What is the weirdest talent I have? - My ability to be so nonchalant about a lot of stuff, but super crazy serious about other stuff. Idk. Lol
216: Favourite fictional character? - Snape
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