tequiilasunriise · 2 years
Shoutout to all the blogs that, during the 2 year RWBY hiatus, gained followers from posting about other fandoms and are now charging up all the stored rwbyrot theyre about to nuke down like an eldritch blast once volume 9 drops
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No seriously, I gained quite a few followers during my Wenclair Era, and don’t get me wrong I still adore Wenclair to absolute pieces, but RWBY has been a special hyperfixation of mine fer YEARS. It’s been an interest that hibernates on and off during hiatuses but nothing has ever latched onto my psyche so deeply as RWBY has with all of its faults and good parts alike. Once Feb 18 drops, I swear to you I will be the most obnoxious person e v e r like I will be rwbyrotting so hard I will SCREAM and CRY and HOLLER about Bumbleby and Whiterose and my babygirl Ruby finally finally finally getting some fresh hot juicy character development but I’ve missed all of the girls in general and!!! Just about everything about V9 so like. Prepare yourself fer my true form.
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tootiecakes234 · 8 months
“Hey Katsuki”, you scream from the your bedroom.
“What” he yells back at you from somewhere else in the house.
“Where ya at?”
“In the game room.”
So you get up and head that way. When you enter he’s sat in his gaming chair with his headset on.
“Hey bub…. Hey guys” you say loud enough to be heard through his headset.
“Yea yea. They all said hey.” You knew Kirishima and Kaminari were on the other end. Maybe even Mina too cuz she wasn’t texting you back.
“Kit-Kat, I’m getting hungry. Do you know what sounds really good for dinner?”
“What?” he questions without taking his eyes off the screen.
You walk behind him and slide your arms around his neck and nuzzle into the back of his head. You’re trying to butter him up because you know he’s not gonna wanna make what you’re craving.
“You remember those dumplings you made from scratch a while ago?” You ask with your voice dripping in as much sweetness you can muster.
“No you don’t remember or no you’re-“
And he interrupt you before you can even finish. “No im not cooking that. There are frozen dumplings in the fridge.”
“But Sukiiiiii, those aren’t as good as the ones you make. The flavors aren’t the same and yours are so crispy and doughy. Pleaaasseee.”
“Hey you assholes shut the hell up. No ones talking to you.” He responds to his friends in the headset. “You want her to have ‘em, bring your ass over and make ‘em”
“I’m not doing this. You idiots hold on.” And he pauses the game and turns around to face you and removes his head set.
“Look we can order takeout if you want, but I’m not about to make freakin dumplings from scratch cuz you have a craving. I’d have to go to the store and get ingredients and taking the time to make the wrappings. ‘S too much.” He tries to explain to you in a rational way .
“I knooowww…. I’d go to the store with you though and I’ll help you make them…. Pretty please” you whine and stick you lowere lip out just a little with your eyes as pleading as you can make them.
Katsuki rolls his eyes and throws his head back.
“You don’t get whatever you want just because you pout at me. Spoiled ass. Not today. Maybe sometime later this week.”
You didn’t actually think he’d tell you no. He usually never does. Maybe you are spoiled. Still makes you sad though.
So you put on your big girl pants, tuck your lip back in and give him a soft “ok” before you lean down and press a soft kiss to his lips so he knows you’re not upset with him.
He is allowed to say no.
“Is Mina on the game with you guys?” You ask him when you pull back.
“Yeah she is.”
“When you get back on can you tell her to stop being a bitch and answer my phone call. I have tea to spill.”
“I’ll tell her.”
And with that you head toward the door and leave.
Once you’re back in your room it takes Mina about 3 minutes to call you and you start catching her up on everything.
You guys stay on the phone for about 30 minutes before she has to go.
After that, you bury yourself in the blankets and start reading the manga you had lying on your nightstand.
Before you can really get into it, Katsuki is walking into your room and going into the closet.
“Get your ass outta bed and get dressed before I change my goddamn mind.”
“What?” You ask because now you’re confused.
“You said you were gonna go to the store with me to buy all this shit so get your ass up and let’s go.”
“Kats you don’t have to, it’s fine.”
“Look ya spoiled brat, if I gotta tell you to get up one more time we are gonna be in here fightin.”
And the smile that breaks out on your face. You hurry and get outta bed and rush him. “Awwwww my sweet boy”
“I swear to god, I’m this close to letting your ass starve.”
And you wrap your arms around him and start kissing everywhere on his face. When you pulled away he has a deep frown on his face but you can see the sparkle in his eyes that he gets when you’re super happy.
You pull away and scurry off to get dressed.
He really needs to start saying no to you and meaning it before you really lose the understanding of the word.
Katsuki Masterlist
Tags: @dreamcastgirl99
*if you want to be added to the tag list, let me know💕
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my next therapy session is still a week away, how do I move time so I can hurry up and start learning to love my horrifying perception of my self image
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dreamescapeswriting · 17 days
Worth The Wait ~ MYG
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GENRE: established relationships, old friends to lovers, soft, sweet, cute, yoongi having a crush, dancer reader, reunited, kiss, soft, sweet
PAIRING: Yoongi x Fem!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - September 2024
a/n: i hope i did this right for you? I lost the original screenshot and im so scared this is all wrong <3 I did try my hardest with it so I hope it comes across that way. This was for the "american" yoongi song request.
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You were a talented dancer on BTS's American tour, every time they came to the US you were on the team first of who they wanted on stage. It was something that made you tingle every time you got the call that you were asked to come back for them. After working with them for the first year you'd gotten pretty close with Jimin and Hoseok. You figured it was because the three of you were naturally born dancers but there was nothing more there than friendship between you.
However, what you didn't realize was that over the years of working closely with each of the boys, Yoongi was harbouring a crush on you and it was getting closer and closer to the end of the tour and he could feel his chance with you slipping away before his very eyes.
Yoongi had sat quietly in the back of the rehearsal studio, watching as you and Jimin executed your routine with synchronized grace. The two of you had been working on the routine for filter which only made Yoongi feel a little more jealous at the thought of Jimin having his hands all over you.
You were dazzling under the dim lights, every move captivating him in ways he couldn’t explain, his heart raced with every move of your body, his palms sweaty as he imagined himself being the one to dance with you instead of Jimin. He sighed deeply, realizing he had it bad and that there was no way out of this for him, not without confessing at least. But how could he even do that?
There was the chance you'd shoot him down or even laugh in his face and then you'd never want to work with them again. He wasn't going to risk you losing the gig you loved because he found himself falling for you.
"You should say something," Hoseok whispered as he dropped down beside Yoongi, Yoongi quickly tore his gaze away from you and acted as though he had no idea what Hoseok was talking about.
"We all see it, Hyung," Hoseok smirked, Yoongi narrowed his eyes at the younger man and shook his head trying to play dumb.
"See what?" He mumbled a little as you finished your routine with Jimin and he cursed himself for not watching you smile at the end. Your smile at the end of every dance was the largest and he'd give anything to see it every single second of the day if he could. There was something about it that just made his heart race and his skin clammy.
"The way You watch her," Hoseok was at least trying to keep his voice down since there was a chance you'd be able to hear him if you were close enough.
"You make me sound like a freak," Yoongi grumbles, running his hands through his hair. Did he really watch you that much? Did you even notice him the way that he noticed you?
God, he couldn't remember the last time he'd ever gotten like this over a girl but it must have been when he was in school.
"No, but we all notice the way you watch her. How you're always there in case she's coming to practice. You didn't even have to be here today," Hoseok chuckled softly and Yoongi felt his skin heating up. It was true, he didn't need to be here for today's practice but he'd thrown in the excuse that he wanted to come for one practice before tomorrow.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow for stage practice," You called out, throwing the boys a giant smile, you glanced in Yoongi's direction and waved. Your smile shifted from the bright one you'd given the rest of the boys to a small shy one for Yoongi and he felt his skin heating up more as he waved goodbye.
Jimin, ever perceptive, noticed and rushed straight over to Yoongi and smirked at him.
"You’ve been staring at Y/N a lot lately, hyung," Jimin said as he looked at him, Yoongi's cheeks were now a bright red colour as he shook his head,
"I was just telling him this," Hoseok laughs softly, earning a glare from Yoongi,
"What? No, I was just… watching the choreography." Jimin laughed, taking a seat beside him as he wrapped his arm around his shoulder and shook his head.
"You’ve been watching her more than the choreography." Yoongi paused, knowing Jimin wasn’t wrong and that he'd been caught by not just Hoseok but by Jimin as well. He had developed feelings for you over the past few months, and it had become harder to keep them to himself. Harder to stop himself from watching you or being near you when his body cried out to be close to you every single second of the day,
"Okay, maybe I have a bit of a crush," Yoongi muttered to them both before they exchanged grins,
"A bit? Hyung, you barely even watch our rehearsals anymore unless she's involved." Jimin laughed softly at him, earning an eye roll from Yoongi but a small smile tugged on his lips.
"I don’t know what to do about it though. She’s close to you and Hoseok, and I don’t want to mess anything up. What if I ask her out and she never works with us again? I don't want to take her dream away from her..." He trailed off as the boys looked at him.
Jimin looks at him. It was something that he worried about as well knowing his friend had a crush on someone they worked so closely with but if he didn't try he wouldn't know.
"You like her a lot, right?" He asked as Yoongi nodded his head. He might even love you but he wasn't going to say that to anybody else just yet.
"Y/N’s great, and honestly, I think you should just go for it. Why don’t you invite her to be part of the team permanently? Keep her on tour...See where things could go from there." Jimin shrugged. It wasn't completely unheard of, people had been asked to follow them on tour before.
"As a dancer, you mean?" Yoongi looked at him and Jimin smirked,
"Well, maybe more than just that." Jimin nudged him a little.
"But invite her...See what she says and see what happens along the way?" Hoseok told him this time making Yoongi bite his lip as he considered it.
He knew that being with you would require more than just asking you to stay and go on another tour with them. The two of you came from different worlds—different cultures, and he wasn’t sure if you would even be interested in being with someone like him in the long run but it was always worth a shot. Right?
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After the show the next night Yoongi ran over to you, he was already high from his adrenaline rush from the stage and he didn't want to lose the courage he found himself swimming in right now.
"Y/N, can we talk for a minute?" You looked up, surprised but curious, it wasn't like Yoongi to seek you out on his own after a show. Usually, he would drag one of the others along with him, or so you'd noticed. You nodded at him as you drank from your water bottle trying to catch your breath from the dance you'd just finished.
"Sure, what’s up?" Yoongi hesitated for a moment, feeling uncharacteristically nervous. The adrenaline he'd just had was now gone as he stared at you, he swallowed the lump in his throat. He wasn't used to being so vulnerable, but something about you made him want to take the leap.
"I was wondering… once this leg of the tour is over, would you consider staying on with us? I mean, joining us for the rest of the tour? I-In Korea and everywhere...else" You blinked, clearly surprised by the offer. You'd always loved the idea of travelling the world and getting to do what you loved while you did it,
"You mean as a dancer? Wow, I’d love that. But… why are you asking me personally? I thought Jimin or the managers would handle that kind of thing." Yoongi cleared his throat as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, suddenly feeling more anxious than he was before.
"It’s not just about dance. I want you to stay… because I like you. More than just as part of the team." The silence that followed made his heart race, did he freak you out? What if you just started to laugh in his face? You were quiet, processing his words as you stared at him.
The truth was, you'd had a crush on Yoongi for the longest time as well but you'd seen first-hand what this life did to people and how people in your position handled relationships. It wasn't something that could easily happen.
"Yoongi… I didn’t see this coming, honestly. You’ve always been so quiet around me. But there’s something you should know." You didn't want him to feel alone in the way he felt but you also didn't want him to think you were just going to rush into something with him. Things like these take time. He looked at you, his brow furrowed with concern.
"I like you too, but I’ve been thinking about this a lot. We’re from such different cultures, and that could be tricky. I’ve seen what being in the spotlight does to relationships, and with you going to the military soon…" You trailed off a little. You knew as soon as this tour was finished he was going to be gone for two years. Yoongi’s heart sank at the mention of his upcoming enlistment, but he nodded, understanding your hesitation.
"I get it. You’re right. But I still want to try...If you're willing to..." You felt your heart melt at how unsure he seemed and you smiled softly, your expression full of warmth. You stepped closer to him, your hand brushing his.
"How about this—we give it time? I join you guys on tour...We hang out more, get to know each other and Once you finish your military service, we can see where we’re both at. I don’t want to rush anything and risk hurting you or myself." Yoongi felt a weight lift off his shoulders. It wasn’t a rejection, but rather a promise of something more when the time was right.
"That sounds… fair. But I’ll hold you to that, Y/N." You smirk at him as you nod your head.
"Have management talk with my manager and I'll join you on tour...But I mean it, it's just hanging out...just friends for now. Okay?" You gave Yoongi a pointed look as he blushed a little more, nodding his head before practically racing to tell the boys the good news.
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The rest of the tour continued smoothly, and your connection to one another only grew stronger. The two of you found each other spending almost every single night together, even on the nights Yoongi was working you'd found yourself in his hotel room while he worked on his laptop and you relaxed on the sofa. Talking all night long. Going out to dinner every now and again.
The two of you claimed it was hanging out as friends but anyone could see it was much more than that. The closeness you shared was hard to deny. he laughed at all your jokes, you laughed at all of his. He made you feel as though you were the only woman in the whole world and you were pretty sure if he kept it up you were going to fall more in love with him than you already were.
Because you knew that's what you were. In love. But you weren't ready to admit it to him just yet, not when you knew he was going to be leaving for two years with hardly any contact with you. Though, he had promised you he was going to be writing you letters once a month so he could keep you up to date on everything he was going to be doing.
"I’m going to miss this—the adrenaline, the excitement of the stage. But I think I’ll miss you more." You admitted on the last night. The two of you were sitting in his hotel room having the biggest burger you could order off of the room service menu. In Yoongi's words, he told you to "go big or go home" deciding he wanted to spend his last night having trashy food, trashy movies and being close to you,
"I’ll miss you too. But knowing you’ll be here when I get back… it makes it easier." His hand reached out to touch yours and you felt your heart racing at the same time as it breaking.
You hadn't expected to fall so hard and so quickly for him and yet now you found yourself wanting to keep him close to you.
"You promise you'll write?" You hated that you sounded so vulnerable as you asked him this. He didn't owe you anything, hell, he could just forget all about you while he was away if he wanted to but you craved his connection with you.
"I promise, Yn." He whispered, hearing how unsure you sounded. His fingers ran along your knuckles softly as the soft tapping on the door let you know your ride was there.
"I have to go," You look at him as you bite your lip a little. All day you'd been debating with yourself about if you should kiss him or not but you were through waiting.
You leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips, your heart practically leaping into his hands and waiting for him to accept it. It was sweet, tender, and full of promise.
"I’ll be waiting for you, Min Yoongi. And when you come back, I expect another one of these." You whispered against his lips, your foreheads resting against one another as the tapping on the door grew louder, signalling the other person's impatience for you. Yoongi chuckled softly, his heart full despite the bittersweet goodbye looming over them.
"Deal." He whispers as you slowly get up, dragging your bags to the door and giving him a sad wave goodbye.
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It had been 21 months. Almost 639 days since Yoongi had been in service and as promised he had written you a letter once a month and had sent you a package on your birthday. Though you had done the same for him, sending him his favourite snacks from your village so he could get a taste of you while he was away. But today was the day.
You were finally going to see each other after being away and you couldn't decide if you were anxious about seeing him again or if you were so excited your body took it as a sign of anxiety.
The air was chilly despite the warmth of the early spring afternoon. The crowd outside the base was thick with families, friends, and loved ones, all eagerly awaiting the return of their soldiers. You stood among them, your heart pounding in your chest, your breath coming in shallow bursts as your eyes scanned the sea of faces.
The anticipation was almost unbearable—two long years had passed since you had seen Yoongi in person, and now, in this very moment, he was somewhere among the crowd.
But you couldn’t find him.
You moved through the crowd, your chest constricting with every second that passed. What if you missed him? What if he had left before you could even catch a glimpse? Anxiety crept in, and you felt the weight of the past two years settle heavily on your shoulders. You'd promised yourself that you were going to be patient, that this moment would be worth the wait, but the fear of not seeing him right away gnawed at you.
You pushed your way through more people, your hands trembling slightly as you clutched the edges of your jacket, well, his jacket. He'd sent you one so you could wear it and smell him, be close to him kind of. You could feel tears threatening to spill over as you continued to look through the crowd unable to find the man you loved.
Just when you were about to give up hope, you heard a familiar voice—low, smooth, and full of warmth.
"Looking for someone?" You whipped around, your breath catching in your throat. There he was. Standing just a few feet away, dressed in his military uniform, looking a little older, a little sharper, but still unmistakably him. You drank in his appearance, unable to get enough of him as you whimpered a little.
Yoongi’s eyes softened when they met yours, and in that moment, the world around them seemed to blur into nothing. This was everything he'd been dreaming about for the last few months of his service, and nothing could have prepared him for it. You felt the tears welling up again, but this time they weren’t from anxiety—they were from sheer relief and joy.
"You… I couldn’t find you. I thought—" You choked out a laugh but before you could finish your sentence, Yoongi closed the distance between them in just a few steps. Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you off the ground, pulling you into a tight embrace. You let out a small gasp as he spun you around, your arms instinctively wrapping around his neck. All you could focus on was the feeling of Yoongi’s arms around your body, solid and real. When he set you down gently, he didn’t let you go. Instead, he tilted his head down, his eyes gleaming with the warmth you had missed so much.
"I told you I’d return that kiss." But before you could respond, he kissed you deeply, his lips soft but firm against yours. The kiss was nothing like the sweet, tentative one you had shared before he left. This one was filled with the weight of two years’ worth of longing, of promises kept and the joy of being together again.
You melted into him, your hands tangling in his hair as he held you close, the kiss lasting long enough to make you dizzy but in the best possible way. When you finally pulled apart, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting against each other as you tried to catch your breath.
"You did. And it was worth the wait." You giggled a little as he linked his hand with yours, refusing to let you go for even a second, the two of you had been apart for two years, there was no way he was letting you go anytime soon.
"Would it make you feel better if I told you I got a visa for six months," You smirked at him and Yoongi's eyes practically bulged out of his head at you.
"Six months?" He was already trying to think of everything he could fit into those six months with you. He had some time off now he was out of his service but he wasn't exactly sure how long that was going to be. Almost as if you could see the clogs turning in his mind you smirk at him,
"It gives me time with you, I do have a job to do while I'm here though, I'm hoping my contract will be renewed at the end of the six months though." You smirk at him as he looked at you,
"Oh?" A giant grin began to form on his face at the thought of keeping you longer than he had planned.
"I'm dancing with le Sserafim," By now his heart was racing as he realised just how close the two of you were going to be working together and he kissed you deeply, groaning against you as you giggled against his lips.
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@chiisaiblog@sw33tnight@kaitieskidmore97@laylasbunbunny@tinyoonsblog@whitefoxgirl@katnisspeetaprim@acciocriativity@choisoorin@heyjiminnie@btsiguess-kpop@halesandy@gothic4under4lord@soulphoenix1618@aerastus@jin-from-the-block@lenfilms@elizaschuyler18@piratequeen-impact @Namgiswifey@delulu18@xyahrinx@katsukis1wife@anthropologymajorkpopmultistan@blairscott@4-chan-inpadella@swga-ficrecs@niktwazny303@armystay89@myyouthdonut@xakx@kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy@kpopmenace143@loveforred@b1nn1e-1s-cut3@elissasimp @royallyjjk @parkjennykim @piercedddriver
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popquizhot-shot · 21 days
White Lily-Umemiya Hajime
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a/n:This is actually so shit im so sorry, it was supposed to be something else but it became this. please comment and reblog if you like it i love feedback :3
Fluffity Fluff, ume being clueless and whipped, tsubaki and hiragi are besties i love them sm
It was cold, when you'd first met him. He must've been around fifteen, flung to the ground after a brawl. He had seen you in his peripheral, his vision was blurry.
Like a movie scene, you had entered his line of view, the sun shining behind you as you knelt down beside him, holding his head up and saying something he couldn't hear.
He woke up in his bed later. Sensei was sitting on a chair to his right, and to his left, you. The both of you were chatting animatedly and Sensei was soothing your worry, In fact, it was quite normal for Umemiya to come back to the institution beaten up and bloody.
He coughed and your gaze fell on him, your eyes widening, "You're alright!" you exclaimed.
'You have a goal', his mind provided, he couldn't be distracted by frivolous things like partners and love.
But gosh, you were so pretty. You were the prettiest girl he'd ever seen.
Your wide eyes sparkled when he smiled, "I am, aren't I. Thanks to you."
Sensei huffed, "Damn right, Ume. She shouted for help until one of the girls ran back here to get me. She was about to carry you on her shoulders."
Now his eyes widened, and he looked at you in surprise.
"Please, as if I would be able to carry him. He's really strong." you scoffed.
Ume had been called strong by many people, and it was a fact that he had accepted. He needed to be strong to change Furin.
So why in hell was he feeling so warm, all of a sudden?
He looked down, focusing on the pattern of his blanket. Bruised knuckles brushing against the soft wool.
"I am glad you're okay." you smile, "And thank you for having me, sir." you nod at the smiling scruffy-haired blonde opposite you, "I'll take my leave."
"Wait!" the words fall out of his mouth before he knows what he's going to say next.
You turn around and he freezes. He freezes like a little rabbit.
"Uhm." he looks away, a deep flush on his cheeks. He doesn't see Sensei trying not to laugh, "I don't even know your name! How will I see you again?"
You laugh, and it's like wind chimes. You give him your name and it sounds like it belongs in his lips.
'That is so cheesy', his fifteen year old brain mocks, 'What is wrong with you?'
"I'll see you in town, Umemiya-kun."
The next day, the boy looks for you like a panting deer in search for water.
When he finds you and you smile at him, he realizes two things.
He likes you :D
Shit. He likes you.
He kisses you on his sixteenth birthday a day after you hand him a potted flower and a handwritten letter.
"Take care of it, Ume!" you had said on the messy, dirty rooftop of Furin, "It holds my feelings for you." The flower is a white-lily to match his hair and the letter smells of your perfume that he has grown to love.
He races to you after he reads the letter, a letter that says nothing about your feelings for him, but contains all the hopes you have for him.
'I hope you achieve everything you desire' He runs down the steps, two at a time, his hand burning as he scraps it on the rusty railing.
'I hope you never lose the fight in you. The resolve I admire so much.' his lungs burn, he's always hated running, but he presses on.
'I hope that you know that you are loved by so many.' he can see you from one of the windows, waving goodbye to Hiragi at the gate.
'I will never forget you as long as I live.'
"Wait!" he shouts again, like the younger boy on the bed, desperate to know you.
You turn again, your eyebrows raised at his panting form.
"Wait, " he groans, god he hates running, "Give me a second." he coughs and you giggle.
Hiragi slowly backs away with an eyeroll, he doesn't hide the small smirk on his face.
A moment later, Umemiya takes your hand in his, "I, uh. Your letter."
"Yes? Did you read it?"
He nods frantically, "Thank you. For everything."
You tilt your head, "Do you know what White Lilies stand for?"
He clears his throat, "Um, not really?" he winces.
"THEY STAND FOR LOVE, YOU IDIOT!" Tsubaki shouts, Hiragi standing next to him, covering his face in embarrasment.
He looks to you, his eyes a little wide.
You smile at Tsubaki and he winks at you.
"You love me?"
You look away, "I have, for a while. And-"
Whatever words you're about to say never come to light because Umemiya holds your face in his hands and brings your lips to his. Goal be damned, he was a fool for ever thinking that love was frivolous. Fool, his mind cackles, how could this ever be stupid? How can your hands in his hair be stupid? how can your smile when he pulls away be stupid?
It is love that makes him live, he realizes, Love for the town, for the people, for you. It makes every punch worth it.
Umemiya plants the white-lily you gave him. There are still white lilies, two years later, along with your favorite flower, planted side by side in the garden he grew on Furin's rooftop.
He tends to them in the mornings along with Sugishita and he takes a picture and sends it to you.
"I can't wait! Sugishita!" he exclaims as the younger boy nods, his eyes sparkling. He looks up to you as well, you are always so kind to him.
"It's our two-year anniversary!"
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luvyeni · 1 year
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pairings. bestfriendsbrother!jake x fem!reader
🔖: 18+ , make-outs, marking, unprotected sex (he pulls out) , dirty talk
authors note ! this is for the 6k drabble special , you can read all of them here !
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it was your bestfriend birthday , you shouldn't be up here while she was downstairs at her party , you definitely shouldn't be laid underneath her brother , grinding against his clothed cock , while he marked up your neck. "ja-jake no marks -fuck- don't want her to find out."
he wasn't listening though , instead he sat you up , pulling your shirt over your head , marking up your ollarbones , and your chest. "fu-fuck ,princess i don't really care if she finds out , i gotta have a reminder of this." he sounded so hot , his voice airy , soaking your panties.
"jesus princess , you're soaked." he rubbed your clit through your panties. "need me to fuck you that bad?" he smirked , watching how your legs twitched. "pl-please jake , i need you so fucking bad."
he kissed you , climbing off the bed , taking his clothes off , his cock strained against his boxers. "you're drooling princess , but as much i would love to stuff your little mouth with my cock , but we need to hurry before my sister comes looking." he said , spreading your legs , his cock kissing your hole.
he grabbed the base of his cock rubbing it up and down your folds , "jake plea— oh fuck!" he pushed into you. "god damn princess , your pussy is choking my cock." he groaned , slowly starting to move his hips. "so b-big." you gripped his bicep.
"your cunt feels too good -fuck- don't think i can let you go." he grunted , hitting your g-spot over and over. "jake , jake you feel so good!" you screamed , the music hopefully drowing out your noises.
"jake?" shit , it was your friend. "sh-shit , be quiet." he hushed. "what do you want." he yelled. "have you seen y/n , she went missing?" he smirked , looking down at your form struggling to keep quiet. "i don't know." he gave you a deep thrust , that made your eyes widened , pushing at his hips. "have you checked the bathrooms?" he started to move again.
your cunt tighten around him , making him hiss. "fu-fuck , stop tightening around me before i make you scream , i don't fucking care if she's out there." he growled in your ear. "where the fuck did she go?" your friend stood outside.
"i'm kinda fucking busy , go look for her somewhere else." he was losing all self control. "fucking fine , im gonna kill her , whenever your done fucking whoever , please come join my party." he scoffed , not even bothering to wait , speeding his hips up. "we gotta hurry princess."
he rubbed your clit , you were a moaning mess. "fu-fuck jake , im gonna cum!" he grunted , his orgasm approaching also. "fuck!" you screamed , warmness spreading all throughout your body as you came.
"fu-fuck princess , im cumming -ngh- shit." he grunted , he pulled out cumming all over your tummy. "fuck , i came so much , your pussy is magic." you rolled your eyes. "how , romantic jake."
"if you're a good girl for the rest of the night and don't dance with other guys and i'll take you a date tomorrow."
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catfern · 1 year
nsfw alphabet w ellie
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pairing: ellie williams x reader
music: me and your mama - childish gambino
word count: 3.1k (whoops)
warnings: strap usage, masturbation, A VIBRATOR?? (briefly), possessiveness, slightly pervy!ellie, worship / praise kink mentioned, predator / prey kink mentioned, this is just porn.
an: the nsfw alphabet is all i know. i see it in my sleep. seriously i planned on doing this for ellie but i didn't expect i'd go this quickly. at least now i know the alphabet off by heart (i didn't know it before im dumb dumb stupid)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
ellie is all. for. it. she goes all out even. she knows she can be rough, she has self awareness, and she is hyper aware of just how fragile you can be. she needs to take care of you. she’ll run a bath, light some candles, or let you slip your full body weight on her as you doze in and out, sleeping through your orgasm(s). it doesn’t matter, anything that brings you from that fuzzy, pussydrunk slut that she loves to torment back to her kind, loving girl is anything worth doing.
she’ll sit on the side of the cold porcelain bath, stroking the muscle aches out of your legs and taking the care to run the warm water along your lower belly. she’ll watch as your breathing slows, your head sinking slowly. and then she’ll carry you to bed, hide you away under the blankets to recover from the reckoning that is her.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
ellie is in love with your hips. it’s a perfect anchor point for her hands when she’s holding you, obsessing over you. she feels along the sculpt of them with her finger tips, memorising the bone structure, the softness of the skin. she’ll sketch them in her journal, rough and undefined, obsessive and raspy. She is obsessed! She’ll hold onto them as she moves her way up and down your body, pressing wet kisses from chest to navel. she'll press small bruises into the sides as she loses herself in your cunt, trying desperately to hold onto to the tangible reality of you.
honestly? ellie really likes her arms. she was always seen as this scrawny little snot-nosed kid, so growing up and growing into her stocky frame, broad shoulders and toned arms, it’s something she’s proud of. and of course, her arms lift you up against the wall, her arms drive the power as she stretches her fingers in your walls. so of course, her arms are a fan-favourite as well.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
god, ellie is savage.
your cum is sweet, a nectar on her lips worth tasting. she’ll lick her way up your inner thigh, tasting you like wine. she’ll bring her fingers to her lips, sucking the white lace with a fervour, your smell all over her, in all of her senses. there’s no escaping you, your taste. it’s almost unnatural, otherworldly, the hold you have on her when her head is between your legs. she is both briefly and forever yours, bound to you through the sickening sweetness of your slick.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
i mean… ellie is a switch.
she tries her HARDEST to never let it show. she is, after all, the protector, the big tough fighter who swings unrestrained at anyone who looks at you with malice. but.
she just loves you so so much. and you’re so.. so.. beautiful.
it’s really mean of ANYONE to assume she wouldn’t swallow her pride and fall on her knees for you, with soft hands and pleas to let her in and let her taste you. she actually really really loves when you’re a tease, and you’re a little confident. she loves it because she can find her place so easily in your shadow, following you like a lovesick puppy, ready to do anything you want her to. hold her hand and take her anywhere, she’d follow willingly and with a little grin.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
she’s definitely on the more experienced side of things. she’s a slut what who said that?! nah, she fucks around, she likes to try things out! so when she finally finally lands you, she knows her way around. she likes to brag about how little time it took for her to figure you out, but honestly, it’s not like you were hiding anything. she definitely shows off her experience in how confidently she fucks you, in how relentlessly she ignores your pleas to stop because she knows you’re just sensitive and she knows you can go another round.
Shh, babe, you can take it. I know you can.
Just shut up and let me make you feel good. You know I can, stop fucking around.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
ellie is all about having you in her lap. your legs spread, wrapped around her torso as she holds you, buries herself in your neck as her fingers dive inside you. feeling the way your ass grinds against her thighs as you beg for release, for friction against your puffy clit. fuck, and the access (!!) it gives her to your tits, to palm them, grab at the fat and grip them, pulling at your nipples roughly to send soft stings down your spine. holding onto the small of your back as you throw your head back, anchoring you to her as if there were no real separation.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
ellie is a class-A shithead, and it’s really no different during sex. she’s a tease, she likes to poke fun at you, especially if you’re laying, dazed and fucked out.
Aw, look at you. Jeez, you really can’t take much, can you? 
She’s really just an asker of questions, especially when she knows you don’t really have the words to string an answer together. This can be serious or teasing, but either way, it’s ellie reminding you just exactly why you put up with her ratbag attitude. 
What did you say, babe? Speak up, I can’t hear you.
Tell me how you like it or we won’t keep going.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
ellie does not give one single, flying fuck what she looks like downstairs. as long as it’s not unruly, and doesn’t get in the way, she’s fine with it. in fact, does she even understand the concept of being completely bare? absolutely not. it’s ridiculous in her mind. a waste of time. she trims back only the necessary, to look and keep relatively clean.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
she’s never read any romance, or watched any romance. she’s not a consumer of romantic media but god, does she hit every fucking mark when she wants to. the soft, tender kisses, the slow hands, the praise. she can be very romantic when she wants to be, when the pendulum of her personality is sitting perfectly between her two extremes; her warm infatuation and her cold command.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
ellie got off to you way before anything romantic happened, shamefully. Just ask her journal. She’d hunch over it at night, in such unnatural and possessive form, obsessing over the peek of your stomach she saw that day, or the curve of your waist as you walked. Or more often than not, she’d piece together how you looked under all those layers, drawn in harsh charcoal lines. daydreaming about what it would feel like to have your hands on her legs, ghosting their way into her thighs. how it would be to have you under her, those perfect tits bouncing at her command as she thrusts her fingers, slick with your imagined cum, inside you.
after you two got together though, she’d snapshot every piece of you in surprising detail, shoving her hand in her pants at the memory of you. at everything she got to do to you, to do to the body she daydreamed about.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
ellie is the duality of man. she most definitely has a worship and praise kink, it goes with her obsessive side. she has painted you in every crevice of her being, and sees you in her peripheral vision by design. you’re everywhere she is, so naturally, she worships you. you, a deity, her, a disciple, she’ll kiss you tenderly, on her knees as she sings praise in your ear. and the moment you return it, with kind words and you’re so good, baby, thank you. FUCK. she’s all over you, gently, but passionately, worshipping every part of you like you were pieced together solely to be god’s divine on earth.
when she’s less obsessive, she’s possessive. hers, hers, hers. she would keep you all to herself if she could, it’s all she really thinks about. i feel like ellie would definitely develop a bit of a predator / prey kink (@bambiesfics her fic is the direct inspo) because of her primal need to have you, to cage you. you belong to no one else, and you’re hers to do with what she pleases, which is always making sure you feel perfect.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
gonna repeat myself AGAIN! when you get involved with ellie williams, you are all hers. there’s absolutely no sharing, no showing, no knowing. she’ll fuck you in the house, all doors locked, all curtains closed. one hand over your mouth, the other stretching your walls viciously, there’s absolutely no aspect of you that she’s willing to escape to the eyes and ears of others.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
a dress. any dress. going commando, having no bra, bending over, grinding on her, dancing on her, the list goes on, but we’d be here all night if i were to do that. seriously, just you, but especially you in a sluttier form. keeping certain parts of yourself uninhibited, all for her, or at least she likes to think that. god. one time you wore nothing but an apron LORD. that really was all for her. any time you’re willing do anything just for her and no one else, the knot ever so tightens in her stomach.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
ellie would never hurt you. there’s a little leeway, with a light slap to keep you focused, or the absolute abuse she hurls at your ass and cunt when she has the opportunity, but really, truly, properly hurting you. she knows that some people really like it! but she could never. you’re too precious to her, it hurts her soft side too much to let it slide. she is that big strong man, after all. she’s gotta protect what’s hers.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
ellie is all about the giving (service sub much!!). she loves the sounds you make, the feeling of your legs clamping around her head like a gilded cage she begged to be in. and god, is she good at her job. she’s gentle most of the time , takes her time, listens to the softest of moans that slip through your lips, feels for your heartbeat on her tongue to know exactly when to dive her tongue inside you like she’s starved.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
it rlly does depend. like i’ve said, she loves to take her time with you, unravel you slowly like a ribbon in a knot, working her fingers into your gaps to pull you apart with precision.
sometimes though, it’s just not enough. she gets jealous easy, and her jealousy isn’t pretty or whiney or healthy. her jealousy leaves bruises, and bites. her jealousy drives your head into the headboard relentlessly, beating you down into the rhythm in her head. mine, mine, mine. she’s fast, she’s uneven, for once, it’s not about you. it’s not even about her. her ruts and growls are primal, something completely untouched, the energy is raw, unforgiving, toxic as she rams into you at top speed, little regard for your choked moans or pleas to slow. you deserve this, she deserves this.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
quickie? don’t know her. as desperate as ellie is for your touch, your taste, she thinks its only deserving that she devotes her time to you, to show you how much she cares for you, wants to make you feel good. plus, there’s a million things she wants to do to you while fucking you, so pulling you aside for a minute isn’t really gonna cut it. 
and of course, it comes with the added bonus of making you wait. she loves a needy girl. so desperate and whiney, pleading with her for just 5 minutes of her valuable time. and she’ll turn to you, with a wild smirk, and tell you to wait. she’s busy, she can’t deal with you right now. god, your disappointment is tempting, but it’s even better to come home to you waiting for her, yearning, wet and pliant like a good girl.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
i mean, she’s an adrenaline junkie, so definitely. if you have an idea in mind, she’s happy to try it. as long as it sounds fun, and includes her getting to smack your ass once in a while, she’s game.
taking risks during sex, however, isn’t reallyellie’s thing, unless you ask of course. She’s mean, she’s unhinged and a little bit pervy, but consent is her top priority! she never, ever wants to make you uncomfortable, or hurt being around her, so she’s not risking doing anything you wouldn’t like.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
ellie is surprisingly steadfast. she doesn’t tire quick, she doesn’t let herself falter. sometimes, sometimes, she slows. gets too caught in the thick haze, the dull noise of your moans underneath her, the buzzing pleasure in her cunt. but she picks herself up quick. most of the time, your needs come first, and she keeps a personal best, in her journal, of how many times she’s made you come back to back, so she likes to push her limits.
usually, when the tables are turned, she can only last one round though. poor, sensitive girl. she can't take much, handle her with care.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
ellie has a strap, sure. but c’mon, she’s a bit more creative than that. she enjoys the roughness that using a strap brings, but feeling you, actually feeling you. that’s different. stretching her fingers inside your puffy walls like she’s never known the feeling of anything else, manoeuvring with the precision that only a guitarist’s fingers could have, that a strap could never offer.
she does, however, like the jaunt of your hips when she has a vibrator on your clit. it’s big, it’s loud, it’s purple, it tells everyone exactly what you’re up to, but she doesn’t care. she watches how your eyes screw shut, how your legs move to close but she stops them, pinning one knee down on the bed with a harsh push. and she’s gotta admit, the feeling of the slight vibrations in one hand, as the other pushes inside of you, strong, slow. okay, okay, maybe she does like some toys.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
ellie is brooding, and grumpy, yeah, but she’s also fun. she loves to tease, to remind you of all the little sounds you make, all the things you blurt out during sex that you probably wouldn’t have said otherwise. 
Don’t worry, darling. mommy will get that for you.
Come on! I wanna hear you say it again, it just sounded so good rolling off those pretty lips.
when she’s really horny which is all the time, she’ll tease you in public spaces. out in the club? she’ll brush a hand over your clothed clit while dancing. what? she didn’t do anything, ‘don’t look at me like that’. out to dinner? she’ll whisper all the things she’d really like to be doing with you on top of that table. Don’t act shocked.
Then, when the night is over, she’ll run a finger along your wet slit, and smile, like it’s a prize. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
ellie is LOUD. she’s all in for the effort, the strain. she grunts as she pounds into you, like an animal. crazed and low. she’ll moan into your pussy like a bitch in heat, sending the vibrations running up your spine. she loses herself in you, loses all inhibition. there’s no secrets with ellie. you’ll know exactly how good you make her feel.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
ellie really enjoys girls with long nails! i can hear the masses coming for me now with pitchforks and torches, but hear me out!!
listen, longer nails, ACRYLICS?, stroking down the back of her neck as you hold her, digging into her shoulder blades as she slams into you.. i mean. she’s all about leaving marks, both on you and herself. she enjoys showing off the vicious red streaks you leave on her back when she’s inside you, and on her shoulders as she’s eating you out. it’s a reminder to everyone who she belongs to.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
ellie is toned. she’s not rlly a gym rat, so her muscle sits where she uses it most. she has incredibly strong legs, surprise surprise, from casual jogs and full-on, run-for-your-life sprints. she has sleek, muscular arms from carrying heavy duty weapons, and her back muscles are insane, you’d think she does laps and laps around a pool every day. she’s scrawnier around her shoulders, but it weighs even with her frame. and nothing gets in the way of her holding your body weight on her forearms as she dives into your throbbing cunt.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
oh, she yearns. fuck, just about anything you wear, or anything you do, gets her even  slightly buzzing. she loves her soft moments with you, where she just holds you, dances with you, jokes with you, but you can count the days that didn’t end with sex on one hand. she needs you badly. and yeah, she has, and will continue to, beg for it, just in case you were wondering.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
ellie doesn’t like, leave planet earth right after finishing. she’s tired, but she knows you’re so much worse for wear than she is. so she’ll take the time to care for you, hold you close and whisper sweet things, and then, as your breathing slows, and your body slumps, she passes out. like you could not get a hold of her if you were blasting an emergency siren in her ear canal. she doesn’t wake up until she’s scheduled to, until the shrill, familiar tones of her alarm clock jolt her awake (which, lets be honest, she sleeps until like, 1pm). if you need her before that time, go ask someone else. she will not help you.
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letsmyy · 5 months
i have a request!!! you should write a daughter of apollo x leo valdez fic but based on espresso by sabrina carpenter (idk i feel like that song gives children of apollo vibes!) it'd be leo obsessed with the apollo girl (like him being absolutely obsessed with her, having the biggest crush on her possible, he constantly thinks about her, him being an absolute loser bf) and finally getting the courage to ask her out on a date or something like that.
“she’s like a shot of espresso…”
leo valdez x duaghter of apollo!reader
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warnings: use of yn! english isn’t my first language so it might be some errors!!
thank you so much for your request, it made me so happy!! idk if what i wrote it’s exactly what you want but i hope you like it 🤕 this is my first timing writing a real fic and I think it really shows lol, but i promise I’ll try to improve in the next one, I’m so sorry if it’s that bad, and this is really short too? omg im really bad at this lol, but anyways, ly anon tell me your opinions (honestly) abt this later, kisses to uuu!! 🫶💗 (btw anon, please request other things I feel like I didn’t did you justice with this one)
words: 850
“is it that sweet? I guess so…..”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ - ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Leo was sure he was going crazy.
He always had a pretty big amount of silly crushes on girls, but with you? It was getting way too serious. Of course, you're beautiful, incredibly kind, and too generous for your own good, and you treated him well, but that isn't enough reason to make him lose sleep; at least that's what he thought.
And he was extremely wrong. Being in your presence was the equivalent of being bathed in the sunlight, and gods, he felt like a prisoner who hadn't seen the sun in years.
He's completely obsessed with you; he just needs the courage to verbalize that, but being honest, Leo felt like a coward at the moment.
While being lost in his thoughts (the thoughts being the pretty daughter of Apollo that never leaves his mind), the boy finally falls asleep.
Leo doesn't mind waking up if that means spending the day with the people he loves, so after getting ready for the day, he searches for you.
And he found you, talking with a much younger camper, helping him. You're smiling like it's the best day of your life, and Leo could swear that you're almost glowing.
The boy makes its way to you the same moment you finish talking to the kid, now having your full attention on Hephaestus' son.
"Leo! Good morning!" Your voice to him had the same effect as listening to his favorite music, it made him happy in ways he couldn't explain, even if his life depended on it. 
"Yn! Good morning!" He mimics you, not in a bad way, just a teasing one. You roll your eyes in fake annoyance.
"Sooo, did you sleep well, Valdez?" You ask, seeming really interested in the answer, but he knows that you're like that for everything, being extremely kind.
"Not really, would be better if I dreamed about you," you laugh amusingly.
"You say that every day, y'know?"
"I know, I say because it's true. " You can't help but blush a little. You're used to Leo flirting with you, but it never gets past that, so you just learned to joke back.
"Hilarious, Valdez... fortunately, I slept very well today, and I'm more excited than normal! I think it's because it's so sunny today, that's awesome, was thinking about going to the lake later. I can't waste such a pretty day like this one painting inside my cabin..."
"Unfortunately, I'll be in the bunker today, I have lots of things to do."
"What? No! You're coming with me, you can't waste this wonderful day either!" You grab his hands, walking toward the lake.
Leo could swear he would pass out at that moment. He couldn't even think about denying your offer, he would prefer dying to doing that.
After a few seconds, you guys get to the lake.
"Look how pretty it is! You have to go swimming with me, it’s a need.”
"Look, sunshine, water and fire don't get along so well, so I might skip that one" he says, apologetic. You frown, thinking.
"We don't need to go swimming, we can just talk, i really don't care." You smile lovingly at him.
"I don't want to ruin your day! There are many people that can go with you, you'll find someone better to do that." He's so oblivious that it's getting concerning.
"I want to spend time with you, Valdez. I don't mind if it's swimming or just talking, I want to, you know..be with you."
"Oh." He's acting like a loser, he can't think straight anymore and is blushing like crazy, but who cares?
"Oh?" You tease him, smiling.
"Yeah, we can. Just talk, I'm happy with that. " His smile was so genuine that made your heart melt.
That's when you realize you're still holding his hand, and you don't want to change that. You can feel he notices too.
Something just snapped in his head, now it’s the time, now or never, right?
"Yn? Can I tell you something?" He says it in a quiet tone, and you just nod.
"When I'm around you, it's like constantly drinking a shot of espresso, it's like being bathed in sunlight, you're incredibly energetic and enthusiastic, and i just can't get enough of you, you're my sunrise and daylight....all I'm saying is, gods, I very much love you more than just friends" You're surprised, really surprised, so surprised that you can't even speak for a moment, which just makes Leo even more nervous.
"Please say something...like, anything, a no it's better than silence because it’s less-“ Before he yaps again, you interrupt him:
"I like you too." The boy almost squeals of pure excitement.
"Seriously? Oh gods, oh gods. What?" He's so happy, it's so sincere, so soft, it's amazing, you can feel your heart beating so fast, and you don't even care; seeing him like this because of you is the best feeling you ever felt.
Then you see that one look, meant just for you, it's like time has frozen, and you're both thinking the same thing. Then, like all the stars aligned, you kissed him
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kenzisthings · 2 years
𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 (𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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it’s hard to be in a relationship when your siblings don’t like your boyfriend. especially your older sister mindy. being the youngest meeks-martin had its ups and down. and one of the downs is trying to get your sister to like ethan, your boyfriend.
“i don’t get it chad, she acts like ethan is going to slice me up and kill me.” chad hits you with a “really” look, making you sigh. “ok bad wording, but you know him! he’s your roommate. the dorky roommate who couldn’t even talk to me.” you flop down next to your brother on sam and tara’s couch. chad nudges you and grabs your hand. “look y/n, you have too understand why mindy feels this way. you’re our little sister. we can’t lose you.” you were just about to respond until your phone goes off. you pull it out you pocket and smile when you see ethan’s name and a picture of him anf you on your first date.
“answer loverboy, i’m going to go see if they need any help in the kitchen.” chad gets up and walks towards the kitchen where the rest of the gang was. you slide accept on the phone. “hey e, i was just about to call you. are you close?” you ask, you can hear the busy streets of new york in the background. “yeah i’m like five minutes away, uh i just called to make sure it’s okay im still coming over.” you giggle at your boyfriend. “of course it is why wouldn’t you think so?” you hear ethan sigh and take a breath, “well y/n it’s no secret that mindy doesn’t like me, and quite frankly i’m scared of her.” that makes you laugh. “hey it’s not funny. she can be mean.” you can hear the pout through the phone. “it’s going to be all good, i promise.” ethan reluctantly sighs, “ ok, i’ll see you soon.” you smile even if he can’t see it. “ok bye sweets.”
you hang up the phone and walk towards to kitchen, to see the sam, mindy, chad and tara looking at you in silence. “god who died in here.” you joke which receives a smack on the arm from chad. “oh nothing just talking about you and your romantic lover.” tara says in a sing songish way, making you giggle. you sit down and look at your sister who just glares at you. “oh come on mindy you still can’t be mad i invited ethan.” she scoffs and rolls her eyes. “y/n what have i told you. never trust the love interest!” you shake your head especially because she being hypocritical about this. “oh yeah how about you and your girlfriend, huh?” you retaliate. “ hey my girlfriend isn’t a werid, antisocial, nerdy boy who could be a killer.”
“who’s a killer?” you all turn around to see your boyfriend standing there awkwardly. “nobody’s a killer ethan, although i’d kill for this conversation to be over.” sam jokes but nobody laughs. you look at mindy who’s just staring at ethan and it makes you angry. angry that your own sister can’t trust your boyfriend or you. standing up put the attention on you, “hey tara can me and ethan talk in your room?” tara smiles at you and shakes her head yes. you start walking towards ethan and towards tara’s room. “make sure you keep the door open i don’t want any funny business!” mindy tells you making you give her the middle finger in return. “you don’t think there fucking do you?” mindy asks the group but their silent. “oh they are definitely sleeping together.” chad whispers underneath his breath shuddering as he remembers what he walked into last week going back to his dorm.
you lead ethan through tara’s and go to the door and lock it. you then go and sit on her bed and pat the spot next to you offering it too ethan. which he accepts and sits next to you. “how much did you hear.” ethan shrugs, “oh you know that i’m a werid, antisocial freak who’s also a killer. the usual from mindy.” you sigh and lean your head on his shoulder, to which he puts his arms around your waist. “i’m sorry e, i really am.” he kisses the crown of your head. “it’s ok y/n. she’s just trying to keep you safe.” you laugh how could he be so understanding and sticking up for a women who hates him.
you lay your head on his chest and listen to his heart beat for a few moments. “i know it’s hard for her to accept that i’m an adult now but it’s hard when your sister doesn’t like the boy you love.” you can feel ethan’s heart start to pick up as you said that, making you wonder if you said something wrong. you raise up from his chest to see him looking at you with those brown puppy dog eyes you love so much. “you love me?” you giggle and lean into his face to where your just mere centimeter from his lips. “of course i love you. i love the way you stutter when your flustered or the way you can go on about your favorite tv show. how i can be stuck on any subject and you always help me. i love the way you look at me like i’m the only person in the world, like it’s only us.”
ethan leans in closing the small gap in between you and kisses you. it’s a soft reassuring kiss. a kiss you want to last for ever but sadly it can’t. you pull away and rest your head against ethan’s. “i love you too and i would never hurt you.” he whisperes. you find it weird that he would say he wouldn’t hurt you but you brush it aside not to ruin the moment.
because of course he would never hurt you.
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shotmrmiller · 8 months
Capt’ Mactavish’s wife *running* out the house for her girls night with ‘09 reader because Johnny can’t keep his hands to himself when she’s dressed up.
She’s taken to a squirt bottle. He was kissing on her neck from behind the couch. Mauling her when she whipped it out the first time. He fell back with an ‘ACK!’ and a loud thud and she’s just like ‘that’s what you get for acting like a horny teen!’
“You were tryin’ for a bairne yea? I’ve been reading up on positions! Lemme show you!” And she’s just like- I’m not going to survive this, am I? “I can pick up where we left off hen! Trust!”
I imagine Captain Mactavish went for a woman who is *younger* than himself. She’s a few years older than Soap, but she grew used to her grizzled ol’ guy and his routine! She’s old at heart now! He couldn’t immediately get it up every 3 minutes. But! He would take longer to cum, so the sessions were more intimate.
Soap? God, she’s not used to this! She needs water! They’re going into 5, 6 rounds and she’s blacking out! But, she doesn’t want to because she’s ‘scared’ he’ll keep going!!! She enjoys his enthusiasm, it’s sweet to see this part of her Johnny that she didn’t get to experience much! but, GOD DAMN *sprays squirt bottle*
…”this a subliminal message lass? This your mind trick to tell me you can squirt? Shit lass! Let’s get on that! Lemme figure it out myself!” Just talking you through the entire thing….
He’s totally asking what the baby names you were looking at were, while balls deep. what your registry looked like as he prods your cervix. Do ya’ have a Pinterest board for what ya’ want the nursery to look like? Add him, please? As he shoots his load deep. “You want a girl, or boy lass? What’re we havin’? Tell me what to give ya.” He cooed as he holds your legs up, elevated so it TAKES.
“I can pick up where we left off hen! Trust!” <- foul. foul foul foul i need him.
Captain MacTavish would totally be the sly type. Oh, the words he whispers into the ears of the ladies should be illegal. I believe he had his fun in his youth and was definitely a little older, but then he saw his wife and said, "Gunnae marry that, I am."
Wife doesn't see the similarities in their pursuit of her because one was suave about it. the other just doesn't care about what he looks like in the eyes of others, and she highkey loves that— just won't admit it.
I love love love that Capt. Soap is passionate when they have sex, but reg Soap is like im gonna get you pregnant, money back guarantee.
"Whadye mean tha' ye need a break? We've jus' begun, bonnie..." he says that 5 rounds in. Pussy is swollen, hole is abused, and she's been stuffed with so much cum it's no longer staying inside even at the angle he has her in to keep it in. She makes a mental note to (ask jeeves) if shooting blanks after finishing multiple times back-to-back is a thing.
She finds squirting embarrassing, as does when her cunt gets air inside but Soap??? Living his best life with it.
"Dinnae be embarrassed, hen, i love it when yer pussy talks back to me." <- this is so embarrassing my face is on fire
He definitely tries to get her to squirt, but he loses all patience because 'Ye just feel so good around my fingers, I cannae wait any longer.'
Soap tells her that his family has twins as he pumps her full of cum, and that he already has a list with names if she wants to go over it sometime later today.
He tells her that he's quit drinking, he's always hydrating, and that he takes his daily vitamins just to give his seed a better chance.
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microtyalm13 · 6 months
How would your ocs react to a partner whos very vocal and loud in bed, like every moment they can't go without spouting some type of praise. . . ask, totally not based on a chat im having - 🐠🎩
mmmhehehhe... < З I LIKE THIS QUESTION DEAR FISH ANON. okaaaayyy lessgooo.... also feel free to send me more questions like this one, it was fun to write for everyone <3 deity, naga, monster under the bed, kikimora, fallen god, mothman x reader. derzena x fem!reader, the rest is gender-neutral. there could be mistakes and im npt s orrty
gavriil. — the louder you are the better, honestly. gavriil here is a provider, he cares about your pleasure more than his own, so there's nothing more rewarding than to hear your voice break so deliciously. sex with him is a praising galore... loves receiving it too! he's very talkative and mostly breathes heavily or hums in amusement/delight. if you don't want to make noise on principle, that's a whole different story. will take it as a challenge. will fuck the noises out of you. breaking your indifferent facade until you're nothing but a drooling, whining mess always makes him so smug and proud.
xiaolong. — prefers it if you're at least somewhat vocal because he want to hear how good he makes you feel, so you being so unashamed is perfect for him. loves cutting off your never-ending stream of sweet words and whimpers by kissing you. will remind you to keep it down sometimes though, because "you don't want the whole inn to hear your pretty moans now, do you? they're reserved for my ears only, isn't that right, dear? mmhm, that's it". can't get enough of how lovely your voice sounds when you call out his name. will probably tease you about that later...
taisya\tasechka. — when he's balls deep inside of you, he would absolutely not care. he won't even hear you probably, driven blindly by his instincts and desires. that's why when you want him to stop or give you a second for whatever reason, you need to show it with your body language. give him a pat, a punch (he won't mind), a squeeze. he pays much more attention to how your body moves and shudders underneath him, how your breathing patterns change. values your physical participation more than anything else. this guy is also pretty loud himself, though his noises are not very... pleasant on the ears and sometimes his voice morphs in funny ways, giving that uncanny edge to his low whines and growls.
derzena. — she will be... a bit surprised. she didn't have many lovers, and most of them were pretty quiet and/or shy in her presence (no wonder, bc she has a very... intimidating stare). at first she will think she did something wrong, or, heavens forbid, hurt you. derzena is a very careful woman, mainly because she's very aware of her sizes and strength. but once you reassure her and tell her that you're just very vocal in bed, she'll except it and will move on. she'll learn to love it very quickly, silently relishing in your gasps and loud pleas. she might lose herself for a good while between your legs, eating you out for hours and pushing her thick, smooth tongue deeper into your pussy to see if she can make you even louder.
veniamin. — oh he is so mean. likes it when you're loud just because he gets to shut you up. a hand clasped tightly over your mouth or pushing your face into the pillow, he doesn't care as long as you're keeping up the volume and writhing under him. when he's feeling gracious enough he'll let you ride him and babble all you want. until then, he'll keep calling you a desperate little thing, mocking the noises you make <З despite that, he also loves it when you talk back or insult him in return. it's the "missionary, so we can keep arguing" for him. smug fucker wants nothing more than to rile you up and then make you whine in disappointment by ruining your orgasm... for the fourth time in a row.
livy. — he hasn't had much experience with humans before, so he thinks it's perfectly normal for you to express yourself the way that you do. livy thinks it's very pretty actually, and won't stop you, because no one will hear you in the middle of the forest, where his cave resides. except for him, of course <з lets out happy chirps and clicks in return, or hisses sweetly when your little hole squeezes him so tightly. will ask how you feel very frequently, seeking your approval. might get too excited and get a bit rough, fucking you into the ground, trying to stuff you full of his cock despite you being so much smaller in comparison to him.
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boydepartment · 8 months
process- idol!park sunghoon x surgeon!reader
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a/n: HIIIIII this was requested by @isawritesss i hope you like it <3
request: can i please ask for a very angsty idol!sunghoon x surgeon gf!reader where they get into a very big argument and she was already having a bad day at the ICU cause she had to perform a surgery on this lil kid and her mind wasn't in the right place and just needed him :( with comfort in the end like idk why but imma obsessed with angst and hurt comfort.
warnings: I AM NOT A DOCTOR but i tried my best into focusing more on the emotions side. i am not a stem student either SO I REALLY TRIED MY BEST i have no connection to work or training in this field!!! angst to comfort obviously. the reader and sunghoon use strong language but it’s all okay in the end
wc- 250-300 words
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your day was rough to say the least. work was stressful and even if you helped save people’s lives you can also lose a couple in the process.
sometimes it’s too much and it hurts your mental even if you loved your job. it’s a lot a pressure.
today was exactly like that.
when you got home you saw that sunghoon was already home, smiling now because you barely get to see him home you wanted to talk to him.
“hey i didn’t know you were getting home early today?” you went to the fridge, turning around to see the back of his head unmoving.
you took out a water bottle and opened it, “rough day?”
you walked over to the couch and sat next to him, “i’m sorry, my love.” you went to put your hand over his and he moved his hand.
sunghoon got like this sometimes but would normally just say he needed a breather and walk to your shared room for a bit.
he was usually good at talking to you.
“do you want a breather?” your voice was quiet.
sunghoon looked at you, “fucking obviously y/n. have i tried making any conversation with you since you got home?”
you looked at him, eyes narrowing, you were not going to take this after today, “maybe say that then! don’t act like it’s my fault! god forbid i talk to my boyfriend who’s barely fucking home!” you stood up and went to your shared bedroom slamming the door.
the stress from the day crashed with you when your knees and fits hit the floor. you started to weep quietly. not taking in the footsteps approaching the door.
“y/n?” sunghoon’s voice called out through the door, followed by soft knocks.
you stood up and wiped your face, “i don’t want to talk to you right now. you wanted to be left alone didn’t you?” you were hurt and your voice was evident in that fact. your feet carried you to the bathroom and you got changed as well as showered and washed up.
when you walked back into the shared bedroom you saw sunghoon sitting on your bed, you didn’t lock the door as that was a rule in your household. communication always came first.
he sat there looking defeating at his feet, “i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to snap at you and it was my bad.”
you were about to speak but he spoke first
“i should’ve asked about your day and told you that i needed a bit.” he looked at you, “i disrespected you and im sorry.”
you walked over to him and sat down next to him, leaning your head on his shoulder and snaking your hand in his, “i accept your apology.”
“was your day okay?” sunghoon whispered, playing with your hands.
you shook your head no, “it… was really bad…” your voice broke again, sunghoon almost immediately pulled you down further into the bed and held you against him.
“i’m sorry… do you want to talk about it?”
you shook your head no, “maybe after i process it more…”
sunghoon nodded, “take as much time as you need okay?”
you nodded and kissed his jawline leaning into him more, his grip on your waist tightening, “tell me about yours i need a distraction.”
sunghoon sucked in a breath, “it was just a lot of work, we made progress though, um an engene broke into the company building, we went out to-“
“WHAT?” you sat up and looked at him. he started laughing and pulled you down to him.
“i’m lying. did it make you laugh though?”
you smacked his chest, “you’re horrible! i actually believed you!” your lips curled up and he took the opportunity to kiss you.
“i love you so much, i promise what happened earlier won’t happen again.” he whispered, “my job as your boyfriend is to keep you smiling.”
you nodded and kissed him again, “you can always talk to me too… i love you too…”
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wambsgansshoelaces · 7 months
hi, i think u did a similar one already but could i get a hc on how succession characters react to their s/o crying? about feeling sad , or stressed , or losing a loved one , idk , just something mildly serious. i wasn't feeling great today and i started crying and my sister told me to stop crying and was like mean af to me and i could use some gentleness and affection :|
aw anon im so sorry :( I know I’m really late with this but I hope you’re doing much better <3 I’m always here for you in my ask box or pms!! your sister is an asshole you can cry whenever you want all of your emotions are valid and I love u u are so worthy
I hope these make you feel happy <3 enjoy x
serious issues (succession main cast)
ᝰ when he notices your mood is off, he immediately goes solemn
ᝰ while if it were something smaller, he’d leave it and let you come up and talk to him on your own
ᝰ but he can tell it’s bad
ᝰ and he’s not going to let you stew in this by yourself
ᝰ he will help you
ᝰ whether you want him to or not
ᝰ he gets you a glass of water
ᝰ and forces you to drink
ᝰ then sits you down and makes you tell him what’s wrong
ᝰ when you do
ᝰ rather, when you burst into tears in his arms
ᝰ he can’t help but feel horrible
ᝰ he cradles your face in his hands and kisses away your tears
ᝰ he apologizes over and over
ᝰ he’s rubbing your back the entire time you tell him what’s going on
ᝰ “cry it all out. i’m right here.”
ᝰ he talks you through it
ᝰ he’s cosplaying his therapist
ᝰ if it was a death, he gets the name of where the service will be held and pays for it in secret
ᝰ over the next few weeks, you can just show up in his office and cry on his shoulder
ᝰ and he won’t ask any questions
ᝰ he always lets you
ᝰ the night you tell him, he keeps an arm hooked around you, keeping your head to his chest
ᝰ he plays with your hair and strokes soothing patterns into your skin for the rest of the night
ᝰ as you recover emotionally, he makes sure to check in on you
ᝰ even long after the incident, you both make sure that you have no bullshit check ins with each other
ᝰ “how are you really”s
ᝰ he makes it clear to you that he will always support you
ᝰ and you’re glad
ᝰ not really the best with words
ᝰ or emotions
ᝰ or being serious
ᝰ however
ᝰ the only time(s) he is 100% serious is when you’re severely upset
ᝰ the first time it happens, it’s like he stops breathing
ᝰ “hey, come here. something’s wrong. i need to know what.”
ᝰ you tell him
ᝰ it’s the hardest you’ve ever cried
ᝰ the entire time, he grips your hand, gently stroking the back of it with his fingers
ᝰ he’s never been more focused on anything in his life
ᝰ he wishes he could help talk you through it, but he’s physically incapable
ᝰ so what he does is murmur a few comforting words then take you out on a boat ride
ᝰ because of course he has a miniature yacht on call
ᝰ “you can relax, take your mind off everything. i’ll take care of things, don’t worry.”
ᝰ the rest of the day is spent the two of you cuddled together, looking out over the water
ᝰ he doesn’t say anything
ᝰ he feels bad because he doesn’t know how to help you sort through your emotions
ᝰ because god knows he can’t
ᝰ so instead, he spends every waking moment with you, at your beck and call
ᝰ regardless, he’d do anything for you
ᝰ incident or not
ᝰ he listens to you when you talk, of course
ᝰ he just can’t give you any sound advice
ᝰ the nights on the boat, when you’re at your most vulnerable, he makes sure you fall asleep before he does
ᝰ so that he can kiss you to sleep
ᝰ and make sure you fall asleep soundly, feeling safe
ᝰ he’ll never be happy unless you’re happy
ᝰ she notices something’s wrong, but doesn’t say anything at first
ᝰ when you don’t come to her at all and instead stay holed up in your room, that’s when she knows something is really wrong
ᝰ she crawls up onto the bed with you, and you feel her hands smooth up your back
ᝰ “what’s wrong? tell me.”
ᝰ does not leave you alone until you do
ᝰ listens intently
ᝰ literally memorizes what you’re saying so that she can help fix things
ᝰ the entire time you’re speaking, she massages at your skin to soothe you
ᝰ and it works
ᝰ thumbs away your tears when they fall
ᝰ she refuses to let you go through this alone
ᝰ she helps talk through your issues
ᝰ nonstop reassuring you that everything you’re feeling is perfectly valid
ᝰ and telling you that if you’re upset, she’s upset
ᝰ and that she’ll stop at nothing to make you happy again
ᝰ in all honesty, she’s extremely inexperienced with cooking and baking
ᝰ but she figures it out just for you
ᝰ she makes you a fudge with strawberries and raspberries frozen into it
ᝰ and it’s surprisingly really good
ᝰ your tears ease as the two of you eat together in bed
ᝰ you’re still sniffling when she gently urges you to lay your head in her lap
ᝰ even when you’re this upset, she’s utterly mesmerized by you
ᝰ your lips when you chew, your cheeks, the plush of your thighs as your pajama shorts hike up your legs
ᝰ “i know it’s hard, babe. i’m here. i’m not leaving.”
ᝰ and she doesn’t
ᝰ she’s at your side for the rest of both your lives
ᝰ she holds your hand through all of your difficulties
ᝰ she always listens, always helps you with your issues
ᝰ she’ll never, ever, let you suffer on your own
ᝰ she wishes she could take your pain from you
ᝰ you’re her sun and moon
ᝰ the personification of a massive teddy bear
ᝰ when you’re upset, he’s in SHAMBLES
ᝰ he swears he can feel your pain
ᝰ he soothes you every way he knows how
ᝰ he keeps you close, rubbing his hands up and down your sides
ᝰ he makes you your favorite meals
ᝰ refuses to let you do any chores
ᝰif it was a death, he organizes these massive baskets to be delivered to everyone affected
ᝰ and the biggest one goes to you
ᝰ it has all of your favorite sweets, a bouquet of beautiful flowers, a blanket
ᝰ and a love letter detailing how you’re the strongest person he knows
ᝰ and that he loves you more than anything
ᝰ of course, he gives you space if you ask for it
ᝰ but he’s always concerned for you anyway
ᝰ he gives you your time to recover while slowly helping you along
ᝰ after a couple weeks of leaving you be and taking care of you at home, he starts making you go out with him
ᝰ “we’re getting you used to things again.”
ᝰ he stays at your side through all of it
ᝰ will always let you vent to him
ᝰ and always does his best to give you advice and help you through your issues
ᝰ every night is spent the two of you chatting about your days
ᝰ making sure the other is really okay
ᝰ his arms are always warm
ᝰ your bed even more so
ᝰ he always makes sure you’re feeling warm and fuzzy
ᝰ he just loves you so much
ᝰ he’ll never let you go cold
ᝰ when you start freaking out, he also starts freaking out
ᝰ but he gets himself together
ᝰ because you’re a big deal to him
ᝰ and he loves you
ᝰ so he’ll do everything he can to help you
ᝰ in his own way, of course
ᝰ he honestly sucks at talking you through things
ᝰ but he listens to you
ᝰ he loves listening to you
ᝰ after you tell him what’s going on, he pulls you into his arms
ᝰ he just hugs you for a while
ᝰ he doesn’t let go until you do
ᝰ and you only do that to go to the bathroom
ᝰ when you come back, he has a favorite movie of yours pulled up on the tv
ᝰ “why don’t we watch? I think you could use the brain break. relaxing is good for you.”
ᝰ he keeps you pulled tight against him
ᝰ softly stroking your hair, your neck, your shoulder
ᝰ he’s just hoping your mood is shifting
ᝰ which it is
ᝰ he’s not the best with words
ᝰ and he’s not exactly sure if what he’s doing is helping
ᝰ but bottom line, you know he cares
ᝰ and he wants to help, needs to help you
ᝰ he spends the next few days doing his best to make you feel loved
ᝰ he makes you lunch to take with you to work
ᝰ he makes sure your favorite snacks are always stocked in the pantry
ᝰ always asks things along the lines of “do you want coffee? iced tea? I’ll make anything for you” even though he doesn’t know how to cook or bake anything
ᝰ but he figures it out
ᝰ because the only thing that makes him happy is you
ᝰ and he’ll fucking die if he sees you crying again and he can’t help you
ᝰ his world revolves around you
ᝰ and he loves it that way
ᝰ honestly, you being so viscerally upset puts him off
ᝰ his world falls off balance
ᝰ demands you tell him everything
ᝰ keeps your face sandwiched between his hands as you talk
ᝰ his eyes never leave yours
ᝰ he nods, makes soothing noises
ᝰ “okay, here’s what we’ll do. we’re going to go have fun tonight.”
ᝰ he takes you out for dinner
ᝰ the entire night he’s just like eyeing you trying to see if you’re still upset
ᝰ in reality, he’s just a smooth talker
ᝰ he has no idea how to actually get serious
ᝰ so now his efforts are put into making you feel better
ᝰ when you pick at your food, he takes your hand
ᝰ and tries to be profound
ᝰ “I know I kind of suck at this whole handling things seriously thing, but I want you to know I’ll listen to anything- everything you have to say. I don’t… you’re not going through this alone, is what I’m trying to tell you.”
ᝰ it comes out really messy
ᝰ but it’s obvious he cares
ᝰ it’s obvious he loves you
ᝰ and that in of itself makes you feel leagues better
ᝰ you decide to walk off your dinner
ᝰ you both take a stroll, hand in hand, through the streets
ᝰ the night chill is strangely calming
ᝰ but you know that’s just stewy, not actually the chill that’s making you feel at ease
ᝰ “we can try stargazing tonight.”
ᝰ “stew, all I can see when I look up is smoke.”
ᝰ because you literally live in new york
ᝰ where rats live everywhere rent free
ᝰ “we’ll just have to drive out somewhere, then.”
ᝰ he actually does
ᝰ the two of you end up in a bit of a rural area sitting in the trunk of his car
ᝰ he spread out blankets and brought pillows and everything
ᝰ he even stopped at a gas station to get you both slushees
ᝰ in the gas station you both mixed flavors
ᝰ and he keeps stealing from you
ᝰ but it’s okay
ᝰ you’re leaning against him, his fingers are in your hair
ᝰ “I’m sorry I couldn’t help more.”
ᝰ “you’re helping me lots.”
ᝰ you give him a kiss
ᝰ “your lips are all blue, stewy.”
ᝰ “the blue raspberry is just really good…”
ᝰ you turn back to the stars
ᝰ but his eyes aren’t even on the stars anymore
ᝰ they’re on you
ᝰ and if he had it his way, they’d never leave you again
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jqmalikhsgib · 8 months
warning: mentions of sexual relationships
when you parked your car at the coffee shop emily told you to meet aaron your heart pounded. you had no idea what was coming. all you knew was he was upset.
he had every right to be. you kept his kids from him. you didn’t even let him explain what emily saw. come to think of it, you didn’t even let emily explain.
as soon as you heard her utter the words ‘i saw hotch and haley in his office’ you ended the call. you couldn’t hear anymore. but knowing what you do now, you felt you deserved everything coming to you.
spotting aaron sitting at a table you take a deep breath and head inside. you sit right across from him and give him a small smile.
aaron hands you a cup. “decaf still, right?”
you hum as you take a sip. “thank you.”
the two of you sat in silence for a minute. it felt longer though. you missed him. everything about aaron you missed. you missed the way he smelled, his beautiful smile, the way he made you laugh, the way he listened. you missed his touch.
his touch,
god did you miss the way aaron touched you. rather it would be as simple as holding your hand or the way he would hold you when you fucked.
aaron could be a gentle lover. he would whisper sweet nothings in your ear as he made love to you. tell you how beautiful you were and how good you were to him.
but he was also rough! if he got a little jealous or you two argued about something so minor, he’d fuck you like you meant absolutely nothing to him! and you loved it.
you tried not to think too much about it, but you noticed he has been working out. his muscles were bulging more than before.
you also noticed he still wore his wedding band. something you felt a sense of pride in. despite being divorced he still showed everyone he was taken. even if it weren’t true.
you did the same. you loved aaron. knowing you could never move on from the man that gave you the best years of your life and the three, four babies you adored! nothing would ever change that. if wearing the ring meant you would never be with anyone else again, you were okay with that.
“should we start?”
you didn’t know what to say. just humming as he cleared his throat.
“i made a promise to you i would love you unconditionally. i married you because i meant every single word. and i would never intentionally hurt the woman i love. i broke that vow by having an emotional affair with my ex wife. i hugged her for too long, held her hand, kissed her cheek, even cuddled her from time to time. but i never went as far as sleeping with her. and i wouldn’t have blamed you if you wanted to divorce me after knowing the truth. instead you left. part of me kinda happy you did. foyet was after me and my family. it’s one of the reasons why haley and i reconnected. i needed him to see he could never break this family up. fortunately he didn’t know about you,”
“what do you mean?”
“i made sure the team kept you hidden from the moment we met. i didn’t need anyone to know i had remarried. if i could go back i would have done the same with haley.”
you wanted to hold his hand. you knew he was still grieving. haley was his first everything. completely losing her destroyed him. on top of losing you all in the span of a few months apart. he went through hell for the longest.
“after foyet died i tried finding you. i even tried to get penelope to trace you. she declined. i was very pissed i almost fired her. but she wanted to protect you. i couldn’t be mad at that,”
“aaron, im sorry. i—i thought with me out of the picture you’d be better off. i wanted you to be happy. i knew it would have been a hard decision if i stayed. i didn’t want you to choose me because i was pregnant. i wanted you to choose me because you loved me.”
“they’re my kids too yn! mine! you left knowing this. knowing that you were carrying our babies. i didn’t get to be there for them. i didn’t get to hold you hand while you gave birth, wake up all hours of the morning to feed them or change them, watch them start to crawl, watch them walk for the first time, i miss two birthdays yn!! two. you made that decision for me. you made the decision to leave and take our children with you. i—knowing this, finding this out from jj, i didn’t know how to feel.”
you turned your head guilty. you couldn’t look him in the eyes. you knew as soon as you did the tears would just come pouring out.
the two of you stayed silent for awhile. aaron clears his throat before speaking.
“i promised jack i would bring you home. please don’t break his heart again.” aaron states. he leaves money on the table before leaving you alone with your thoughts.
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when you arrived at your sister house you sigh. all you wanted to do was hug your babies. you missed them and needed a little comfort right now.
the moment you saw them playing with their cousins you smiled. they were the cutest. you always wanted them to know their older cousins.
“mamma!” izzy was the first to spot you. she waddles her way towards you.
“izzy!” you copied her.
“miss mamma.” she smiles at you.
“miss you too baby. you and your siblings.”
“up, mummy!” aurora raises her arms.
you gently pick her up. you missed when you use to be able to carry all three of them at the same time. now they were bigger and a lot heavier. you could only pick them up in twos.
you kiss aurora’s cheek as you son walks over to you. he pulls on your shirt. you bend down to his level and set your other two babies down.
“hows my shy boy?”
he shrugs his shoulders. you frown. you really wished he was a little more outgoing. but you couldn’t blame him. you were just as shy growing up. you still are.
you kiss theo’s cheek gently. “mama missed all three of her babies.” you hug your kids tightly. not too tight. but enough.
“mama! you being silly.” isabella laughs.
“oh, am i?!” you start to tickle them. she giggles uncontrollably. you laugh before kissing them on the forehead.
“why don’t you go play with your cousins while i talk to your aunt, okay?”
your three mini me’s walk over to their cousins as you walk towards your sister.
“so, how’d it go?”
you sigh. “as good as it could. he wants me to move back home.”
“you have a life here though. he can’t expect you to pack your bags and move three two year olds!”
“i don’t know abby. i did take two years away from him and the triplets. plus i have a son back home who misses me.”
“well are you two gonna at least work your shit out? because if not then what?”
you shrug. “i gotta at least try, yeah? you didn’t see abby! we both still have our wedding bands on. legally we’re divorced but mentally and emotionally we’re still married. i have to fight for my marriage.”
“i understand little sister. i just worry. with everything that just happened i don’t want you to spiral. plus, i just got you back. i don’t want you to leave.” abigale pouts.
“i know. but ill be back to visit!”
“swear it.”
you two continue to talk. catching up on everything you missed before you headed out to figure out your move.
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aaron had came by the next morning to help you pack and to meet the kids for the first time. he was nervous and excited all in one.
he knew what it was like to raise one child for nine years. now he was transitioning from one to four. he still couldn’t believe it.
he was a father of four. four beautiful kids who he adored. he already loved his babies. he couldn’t wait to raise them with you. and hopefully work your shit out to have more in the future.
when he arrived you weren’t shocked at all he had went shopping. he spoiled jack so much you just knew he’d spoil your other three.
“hey. come in! the kids are in their pen.” you opened the door wider to allow him inside. aaron smiles as he walks to the living room.
he got a bit of a glimpse of them the other day. seeing them face to face like this made him gasped. all three, beautiful as ever. you two made the cutest little babies.
“izzy, theo, roe! id like you to meet someone.” the three of them look up at their mom and sees a tall man. they had no idea who he was but he looked friendly.
“who’s that mamma?” izzy was the first to ask.
“remember how i told you daddy was off being a super hero and catching the bad guys? how he’d be back to take us home? well, he’s back. and he’s right there.”
“papa?” theo questioned.
aaron bends down. “that’s right! im your dad little buddy.”
“daddy!” izzy walked over to aaron and hugs him. aaron chuckled as he holds his daughter.
“love daddy.” aurora states.
aaron wanted to shed tears in that moment. but he held himself together and hugged all three of his kids as they walk over to him.
“goin home to brudder?” theodore asked.
“yeah. going home to brother.”
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slow burn but not too slow because i don’t have the time for the shit! i want them together!!!!!
but how did you guys like this part? i think it’s cute! had to put the babies in there. they’re adorable
peep aaron already planning to have more kids with the reader!!
if you wanna be added or unadded to the taglist please let me know
@ivebeenthearchersstuff @shergoretzxx @slut4ethan @rosiehale23 @madesavage05 @whotfskai
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cordeliawhohung · 2 months
alr alr I will be sending all the p links that remind me of them! u don’t have to post this im just…idk showing them off in the palm of my hand like little treasures
- https://x.com/softintimacy/status/1812019662999228644?s=46&t=Z5vzD1xgw3Rer9-Uz3965A THE MAN IS JUST SOOO SIMON CODED WITH CHIP!!
- https://x.com/lanadelgothx/status/1784665341181723016?s=46&t=Z5vzD1xgw3Rer9-Uz3965A just like this being so…sentual?? it seems like Simon again idk
- https://x.com/akiraevii/status/1802399778883387783?s=46&t=Z5vzD1xgw3Rer9-Uz3965A Simon knows a little too much abt bondage I js know it
- https://x.com/daddyyrough/status/1791610150832247205?s=46&t=Z5vzD1xgw3Rer9-Uz3965A convincing chip to ride him once she’s comfortable enough!! And him just holding her heels. Idk that just turns me on😄😄 hehe
- https://x.com/lanadelgothx/status/1788670746526437754?s=46&t=Z5vzD1xgw3Rer9-Uz3965A the position oh my goddddd even tho that guy is literally a price doppelgänger
- https://x.com/lanadelgothx/status/1740403612768199011?s=46&t=Z5vzD1xgw3Rer9-Uz3965A again a price doppelgänger but STILL
- https://x.com/heliishporn/status/1763706839886119257?s=46&t=Z5vzD1xgw3Rer9-Uz3965A this is just so them (I always say them because I never actually imagine y/n as myself LMAO)
ok that’s it. Sorry that was more than just one link, I just had to share. Hopefully those links work AND idc if u see the weird thing that’s like “this account sent it to u!” bc it’s literally just my random ass Twitter acc LMAO. ALSO SIDE NOTE; I firmly believe that Simon would NOT be a rough sex person, and under any circumstance he was, it could have to be AFTER chip convinces him to be. Probably something like “I’m not made out of glass Simon…you can rough me up a little.” Idk I’m rambling but GOODNIGHT AND I WILL BE SUBMITTING MYSELF TO CHIP NEOW
hello?? a full meal?? i will be responding to each of these like a degen. warning p.links ahead, if that wasn't obvious lmao
1: i'm sorry i'm staring at the wedding ring. and the watch. this is them in like 5 years when they eventually stop beating around the bush and just love each other and build a life mmmmm
2: i watched these without audio so i'm not sure if they're talking to each other at all or not lmfao but this screams first time together chip/simon. just how soft he is, the kisses (imagining since she's a virgin and if this was their first time having to finger her to help her relax after he's misjudged just how much of him you can take which is... not very much lmao) ugh. i love them.
3: man has a dick piercing he DEF is into bondage and other shit. i could see him wanting to do this to you and then asking to make it his background on his phone. consider it a confidence building exercise.
4: the holding the heels is so cute?? oh my god? probably wouldn't spank as much (and would only do it to tease her lmao) but i love it. also, i did write a little one shot a bit before in limbo about simon wanting reader to ride him if anyone wants that lmao
5: ugh the hand holdingggggg. and just like, lazily on your side, i eat that shit up. manuel ferrara the man that you are....
6: FUCKING SHOOT ME HELLO???? the forehead kiss? the way he holds her? just laying together? this is so sososososo simon/chip coded i need to be sedated i need to be put down like a bad dog.
7: the way she just. holds on. for dear life. and he just lets her, stays close to her, doesn't move away or anything. I love it. i love them.
okay now everyone say thank you anon for these lovely videos. i'm going to be thinking about #6 all night actually i think.
(chip feeling bad because she feels like simon is holding back because he's worried about her but she doesn't want him to worry so much about her so she tells him he can stop holding back, that she'll be okay, and he's not mean type of rough it's just intense type of rough and she literally loses the ability to speak i'm losing my goddamn mind.)
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strniohoeee · 10 months
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Matt and Y/N had that cute innocent teenage love, but what happens when Y/N’s life is flipped upside down; and he’s the one that got away?🫂
Warnings⚠️: None….hope you enjoy this one tho…she cute or whateva🤭
Song for the imagine: The One That Got Away-Katy Perry
Never planned that one day
I’d be losing you
In another life
I would be your girl
“Is that the last box?” My mom asked me as I walked into the front door
“Yes finally, never realized how much stuff I had” I said walking up the stairs to my bedroom
“Well you were away for a good 5 years” she said laughing
“True, didn’t feel like I had so much stuff though” I said laughing
“I’ll let you unpack, and I’ll start some dinner” she said walking away
“Okay! I’ll be down in a few” I said walking up to my room
I stepped into my room placing the last box down….god this room needed some major upgrades. Can’t believe this is what my room looked like when I was 16…who did I think I was
I started to unpack some things, mainly my clothes and some trinkets.
“This room is such a disaster” I said looking around and laughing to myself. I can’t believe my mom left my room the same since I was 16….shes so weird.
I headed down to eat and chat with my mom after I cleaned up some more.
“Mom why’d you leave my room the same” I said laughing
“Well with your father getting full custody, and me knowing your father, and him not wanting you to come here, or me to go there I wanted to keep the memory of you from the last time I would see you” she said smiling
“Yeah dads a dick….Im so glad to be back home. I just missed Boston so much, Arizona is utter crap” I said laughing and drinking some water
“The east coast is better” she said laughing with me
“We have so much stuff to catch up on, and so many things to do” I said getting emotional
“I know. I can’t believe my babies 21 I can not drink with you” she said taking a sip of her wine
“Can’t wait for our drunk nights laughing and crying about random shit” I said
“Those are the best times” she said nodding her head
I had finished eating, and helped my mom clean up the kitchen
“Alright I’m going to head upstairs, and clean up some more, and unpack” I said kissing her on the cheek
“Okay baby, and if you need help let me know” she said drying her hands
“Will do” I said smiling at her before heading back upstairs
I got upstairs and started throwing all my stuff I didn’t want in trash bags for donation, putting more of my clothes away, and putting my new stuff out where my old things were.
I was pretty much done, and I decided to put my shoe container under my bed, I lifted up the skirt of the bed
“Oh god so much dust” I said making a grossed out face
I decided to get the broom and sweep underneath, I was sweeping when all of a sudden two Polaroids flew out from under my bed
“The fuck?” I said leaning down and picking them up, wiping the dust off of them
It was two Polaroids of Matt and I from when we were 16…. Holy shit…
My brows furrowed. When I moved to Arizona I swore I packed these, but I couldn’t find them after days of tearing my room apart
My dad never liked me talking about or speaking to boys, so I assumed he found them and threw them away. I held so much anger towards him for that….and the whole time they’ve been here.
I flipped them over and on the back of the left one it said
“Don’t forget about me I love you-Matt”, and on the right Polaroid it said “be us against the world, in another life I would make you stay”
All my memories started flooding back of Matt and I
I was neighbors with the Sturniolos my whole life, but never spoke to the boys. I was always so scared, but one day when I was 13 my mom threw a party and invited them, the triplets and I immediately became friends.
We went to the same high school, and had most of the same classes together. They were the best things to have happened to me. By the time we were 16 I started to realize that I may have liked Matt, but was always so scared to tell him
One night I was just so fed up of never saying anything to him, so I got up and walked over to their house, texting Matt to meet me outside
“Hey Y/N are you alright?” He asked shutting the door behind him
“Yeah I’m good, I’ve just been thinking about some things” I said smiling at him
“Oh? Tell me” he said walking down the steps
“Walk with me?” I asked
“Yeah let’s go” he said following me
“So uh I’m not sure how to put this, and I’m not sure that you’ll feel the same way, but Matt I really like you” I said looking over at him
“Like, like me like me, or like me as a friend?” He said confused
“No Matt, like I like you. I have a huge crush on you” I said getting shy
“You do?” He said looking at me
“Matt YES” I said looking at him
“Y/N….I have the biggest crush on you too” he said smiling
“You do?” I asked confused
“Yes! Hasn't it been obvious?” He said
“No not really” I said laughing
“Well I do” he said pulling me in for a hug
From that moment Matt and I started dating, spending every second together. There was nothing but laughs, long conversations and overall innocent love you see in the movies.
“Hey Y/N, could I kiss you?” Matt asked me one night while we were watching a movie in my living room
“Yeah….ive never kissed anyone before though” I said getting nervous
“Me neither” he said also getting nervous
“Okay, so this could be a learning curve for us” I said laughing to break the awkwardness
“Uh yeah” he said getting shy
Matt had turned towards me, and leaned in kissing me first. It took me a few seconds to register what happened, and then finally I kissed back.
My stomach exploding with butterflies and fireworks…I never wanted to leave this moment. Matt had pulled away, and from that day on he couldn’t keep his lips off of me, but then again neither could I.
Everything was going good for 6 months, before my mom came home one day stressed and crying
“Mom? What’s going on” I said looking at her
“Baby….im so sorry” she said looking over at me and crying
“Mom what’s going on you’re scaring me” I said getting worried
“Y/N your dad won custody of you” she said looking down
“What? I’m 16. How does he magically get custody of me now?” I said getting upset
“I know baby trust me I tried to fight it, but he’s got a better rep than me” she said shaking her head
“What that’s not true! You’ve been here for me and where has he been? Gone nowhere to be seen…..I can’t believe this” I said shaking my head and letting out a sigh
“Trust me I know. I tried, but they don’t care they just look at his perfect record” she said wiping her eyes
“So what now?” I said scared of what she has to say next
“You have to go move with him” she said avoiding eye contact
“IN ARIZONA?? NO” I said raising my voice
“You don’t understand. We have no choice” she said
“This is so unfair. I don’t want to go. I don’t want to leave you, and my friends and I don’t want to leave Matt” I said starting to cry
“I know you don’t, and I’m so sorry that you have to do this, but there’s no other choice” she said shaking her head
“When do I leave?” I asked
“Two weeks” she said looking down
“TWO WEEKS! I don’t even get to finish the school year, or properly say bye to my friends and boyfriend” I said shrieking
“Y/N…..this hurts me too okay” she said
“I can’t believe dad…” I said rolling my eyes
I waited till the very last day to tell Matt and his brothers. I couldn’t spend two weeks with them knowing that we’re all hurting while we’re hanging out. So I much rather just tell them the night before I’m leaving. I can’t be here to see their pain
The night before I was leaving I texted Matt asking if I could come over, and he said yes. I walked over, and he let me in
“What’s going on?” He said noticing my demeanor
“I have to tell you and your brothers something” I said sniffling
“Okay yeah we’re in Chris room” he said
We went up to Chris room, and they all looked concerned
“What’s going on? You’re freaking us out” Chris said
“I’m moving…..to Arizona….with my dad” I said avoiding eye contact
“WHAT?” They all screamed
“Yeah I know, he won custody, and now I have no choice” I said crying
“This is bullshit” Matt said
“Trust me Matt I know” I said shaking my head
“When do you leave?” Nick asked
“Tomorrow morning…my flights at 5AM” i said
“What? And you didn’t bother to tell us sooner” Matt said
“I know okay. I just couldn’t sit here and see us all hurting, so I rather rip the bandaid off now, and not have to see the hurt in your eyes” I said wiping my tears
“I can’t believe this” Matt said
“Will you visit?” Nick asked
“I have no clue, my dads like a drill sergeant….he hates my mom, and he will probably hate me too. I’d be lucky if he lets me visit for the holidays” I said
“This is fucked” Chris said
“Very….” I said
“Well instead of being sad let’s try to make these next few hours memorable for you” Nick said smiling
That night we watched movies, and shows and laughed and ate snacks and took pictures and videos to always have one another
“Y/N let’s take Polaroids, so you’ll never forget me in Arizona” Matt said
“I could never forget you” I said looking at him
He pulled me in and snapped two Polaroids of us, writing on the back, and handing it to me
“I love you so much” he said pulling me in for a hug and kiss
“I love you too Matt” I said smiling at him
Later on that night I went back home and packed up the last of my things that I would be carrying with me. I thought I put the Polaroids in my bookbag, but what actually happened was I didn’t close the pocket, and they fell out when I put my bag on causing them to fall under my bed…..
It was 3:00am and my mom was in the car waiting for me. I looked at my room one last time
“I guess I’ll be back one day” I said shutting the light off and closing my door
I walked outside to see Matt and his family talking to my mom
“We’re going to miss you so much” Mary Lou said pulling me in for a hug
“I’m going to miss you guys too” I said sniffling
I hugged all of them, and waited to hug Matt last
“Matt I love you so much, and never forget about me” I said letting a tear slip
“I could never” he said letting a tear slip as well
I pulled him in for a hug, and kissed him
“I guess I’ll see you when I see you” I said to them
“Bye Y/N” they said
As I got in the front seat I waved
“Love yall” I said before getting in
My mom started to drive off as I stared into the side view mirror…..my whole life just gone down the drain….and now I have to start a new life in Arizona with my dad
We had gotten to the airport, and this was my first time flying alone, so I was nervous
“You’re going to be okay baby, I love you and let me know when you landed okay? Call me every single day please” She said letting tears fall
“Don’t cry mom” I said pulling her in for a hug
“How can I not? You’re leaving me” she said
“I’ll be okay, I’ll call you everyday and I love you too” I said before getting out the car
“Love you baby” she said and I shut the door walking to my new life
My dad was an absolute asshole. All we did was fight and yell and bicker. He never let me see my mom. I never went back to Boston, and at 17 when I graduated he put me in a private college. I could’ve left, but by that point I had so much fear in my heart because of him.
I had gotten two jobs so I could save and move out, and go back to Boston. I only did three years of college before dropping out. My dad was fuming, but I was 21, and I was ready to see my mother again
I hadn’t really kept up with the triplets because I didn’t want to endure that pain, but about a year ago I saw they were really famous on youtube. My tik tok page has become full of videos of these people I used to be so close with, and my ex Matt.
It was so crazy to see, but yet again we never spoke to each other for these 5 years.
Flashback Over
“God this is crazy” I said examining these Polaroids of us
I went downstairs to my mom
“Hey mom look what i found” I said shaking her the Polaroids
“Holy shit, you and Matt” she said looking at the pictures
“So crazy how fast 5 years can change everything” I said
“Man yall had such cute innocent love” she said smiling at the pictures
“Yeah I never talked to them again after i left” I said
“Yeah I know they’re mom always asked about you, you know they're super famous on social media now. They were just on tour last I spoke to their mom” my mom said
“Yeah I’ve seen it on my social media pages….its so crazy” I said
“You know Matt’s super cute now” she said winking at me
“Mommmm stop” I said laughing
“I’m just saying, you know You should see if they’re home I know that they live half in LA and half here because of their job” she said
“Mom I doubt they’d remember me or care because it’s been so long” I said rolling my eyes
“You act like you’ve been gone for 20 years, they will remember you” she said laughing
“I don’t know. I feel like we grew apart at this point, so would they really care to see me?” I said
“I’m sure Mary Lou always said they asked about you! Go on” she said shooing me
“Okay” I said giving up
I decided to walk over to the Sturniolos house, knocking and getting super nervous about who would open the door.
I heard walking, and suddenly the door was opening up
“Hi” I heard Mary Lou say as she opened the door
“Hi Mary” I said smiling at her, she looked at me a little confused before suddenly her eyes got wide
“Y/N??” She said shocked
“Yes!” I said smiling at her
“Oh my god! Look at you! You’re all grown up. My god it’s been so long” she said pulling me in for a hug
“I know…. 5 years and 6 days to be exact” I said pulling away from the hug
“Please come in” she said waving me in
We walked to the kitchen where I sat at the island
“Jimmy! Come look who’s here” she yelled
Suddenly Jimmy came in from upstairs
“Holy shit!” He said smiling at me and pulling me in for a hug
“When did you get back?” He asked
“About a few hours ago actually” I said
“Man the boys prayed every day you’d come and visit” he said
“Yeah I know….my dads not the nicest” I said shaking my head
“I figured it was him” Mary Lou said
“Are you back for good?” Jimmy asked
“Yes! I’m back for good” I said smiling
“Oh wait till the boys hear about this” she said
“It’s so insane how fast 5 years go by” Jimmy said
“I know I was saying the same thing earlier….i'm just so glad to be back home” I said
“We are too! Man this is amazing” Jimmy said
“I should call the boys” Mary said, I assumed she meant FaceTime, and that they were back in LA
“They’ll be so happy to see you” she said
I smiled at her, and right before she went to call one of them, the front door opened
I heard three deeps voices laughing and talking
“Oh well never mind they’re home” she said
“We’re in the kitchen” Jimmy yelled out
Chris walked in first with Nick behind him, and then Matt behind Nick
“What the fuck” Chris said looking at me as he stopped in his tracks
“Is this real life?” Nick said looking at me
“Y/N?” Matt said looking at me with a shocked expression
“Yeah” I said smiling at them
The End
Alright guys I hope you liked this one, and lmk your opinions and if I should make a part 2 TEHEHE🤭🤭 love yall so very much, and always thank you for the support and love 🥹🖤🖤
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