doewoe · 11 months
'oh Punchlines fear is just stupid internet hate!' NO!
Her fear is losing control! This concept of control can be seen in SO many of her solo runs!
(Spoilers for The Trial of Alexis Kaye, Punchline: The Gotham Game, and Knight Terrors: Punchline)
In The Trial of Alexis Kaye: She literally sets up control of Blackgate. She disposes of Kelly Ness and Orca; The explanation for her disposal of Orca is that Orca helps Kelly get away, Punchline is unable to control Orca; Kelly gets disposed of, again, because she can't be controlled. Both are able to (or have) betrayed Alexis, she lost control of them so they both had to go. She controls the narrative of herself on the internet as well, and weaponizes it to gain even more, giving her masses of young people that she can throw around and control for her own personal gain.
In Punchline: The Gotham Game: Again she sets up control of the Royal Flush Gang and control of the current drug trends in Gotham. One of the main goals Punchline has is taking control of an Ace Processing Centre. She says that she wants Jokers clout and shes trying to take it for herself; Joker (unfortunately) has a layer of control over Gotham, hes literally the Joker, people fear him and he uses it to control. She passively threatens Bluff with a knife when she finds out he hasn't told her where Cullen lives, Punchline threatens Bluff because she currently doesn't have control over him. She uses her control of the current drug trends to have hoards of people under control willing to do what she wants them to; One of these people literally says "I don't want to do this! But I have to!" she literally has control of these people. She gets upset at The Queen and King of Hearts, who she sees a betrayers, because she sees that she doesn't have complete control of them. They literally kill Bluff, because hes a bitch because he can't be controlled by Alexis.
Finally in Knight Terrors: Punchline: Punchline uses an analogy of wearing noise isolation/noise cancelling headphones; the way I connect this is: (using the analogy) you wear the headphones everything is muffled but its in your control, you are wearing the headphones. When you take them off and realize that its quiet you realize that what is around you is not muffled, its not in your control. The headphones are a method of control. Also, throughout Knight Terrors Punchline repeatedly says that what is happening cant be real, she tries to control her dream. Now the 'internet hate' which is shown is internet hate, but it means something more. Remember when I said Punchline controlled the media and internet in The Trial of Alexis Kaye? These hate comments are literal examples and a manifest of Alexis's fear of losing control, in this case losing her control of the internet and the control of her 'fans'. This fear is also seen when she shuts up gets muted, she loses control and the "infinite-scrolling comments" gain control. Getting stuck just endlessly on the internet is a common lack of control, when you get stuck you are not the one doing the sticking, the internet is the one who has control at that point. This fear is also shown when Punchline talks about how when she wakes up she doesn't let her dreams or nightmares control her, she shakes them off, she needs this control.
So its not just a fear of 'internet hate,' its losing her grip on what has given her power, what has given her the opportunities that she has made for herself; its Punchline losing her control.
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#Holding Hands Over The Counter Like
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blamemma · 11 months
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Daniel Ricciardo ahead of his Enchanté Pop-Up After Party in Austin, Texas | via
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jessmalia · 8 months
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Mal's Gilmore Girls rewatch: Lorelai's Graduation Day 2.21
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escapedaudios · 1 month
Yapping about Ash and Lexi
Did you notice! In Ashley's depression playlist, every song relates to his relationship with Lexi in some way and his stages of letting her go. When he's speaking to Denny's, the last song that plays before Risk by Metric is A Pearl by Mitski and the order was very intentional. Listen to them side by side and pay attention to the lyrics! You'll see both Ash and Lexi's mental progression play out between the songs.
The previous two songs that play before that (while Denny's is listening to Ash and Lexi through the door) represent Lexi's point of view. They are Don't Speak by No Doubt and Baby Teeth by Flower Face. You can see her perspective through there, and you're meant to empathize with her. It's the first scene where you see that under all her malice and her seemingly unbreakable confidence she is human and vulnerable and filled with regret. You start to understand why Ash had such a hard time letting her go when you see that there's more to her than the antagonistic and manipulative side of her that you've been exposed to. There are layers of unseen complexity to their relationship.
She really was a bad person, but she also really loved him. I might do a flashback sometime depicting them pre-breakup to examine her more. Her downfall came from getting a taste of the feeling that she possessed and controlled him, and enjoying the feeling of pushing the edges of what he would tolerate a little too much. When she loses Ash, she pretends not to care to uphold her image of control, but in private she grieves. When she greets Ash with a smile at the audition, she feels actual pain when he groans at seeing her, but she hides it to keep appearing confident and in control. She's terrified by the idea of someone taking her place by simply deserving what she wants more than she does. She cries in secret to the exact same songs Ash does and checks her phone waiting for a missed call or message from him that never comes. After their breakup, she grows and changes for the better, but it's too late and she still has to suffer the consequences and regret of loss.
Anyway I love Lexi. Partly because I have a soft spot for humanizing the glittery mean girl stereotype, but also because she's so ripe for character work involving becoming a better person just for the sake of it and not because you have anything to gain. She will be back in Thad's series playing a very different part in the story, but still being her iconic self.
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darling-solaire · 2 months
Alexis after finding out Vincent is leaving the clan and she can finally stop having awkward family meals together with that loser:
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uhhrellys · 11 months
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alexis castle in every episode
↳ flowers for your grave ✧ 1x01
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mozzzz05 · 11 days
I was thinking recently about Lane Kim (my beloved) and how I’ve always kind of hated her arc (bcos ASP is obsessed with getting people pregnant) and I think her own story line would have been so much more interesting if she did become a rockstar.
I just love the idea of Rory, who had everything handed to her to her on a silver plate -an encouraging, happy home life, an expensive education, contacts with people in the industry she wanted to be in, being accepted to every college she applied for, going to a fucking Ivy League college - failing. (As we know she does) just becoming this absolute mess of a journalist. I love the idea of her throwing it all away because she took it for granted.
But her friend, the one who’s family never supported her - not in the way that mattered - who didn’t have industry contacts or the musical education or experience, who didn’t have a leg up, who had to sneak about in order to practice, to perform gigs, to improve at all in her field of interest. I would love to see her succeed, the girl who no one thought was going anywhere - the girl that didn’t even think she was going anywhere. The girl who for so long had to live vicariously through Rory.
I would love for Mrs Kim to come around eventually and be proud of her daughter because even though it’s not what she wanted for her, it’s what her daughter wanted for herself and she got it. I want her to be proud that her daughter is this headstrong woman that fights so hard for what she wants and doesn’t let anything get in the way of that.
It would make me enjoy Rory’s arc a lot more too, for once she’s in Lane’s shadow & Lane finally gets what she’s always wanted. I just love that juxtaposition. And I hate that Lane never got what she wanted, I hate that her life feels entirely overshadowed by men and babies.
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top-of-nines · 4 months
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A) Alexis Christian
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emorere · 12 days
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show is real good watched it atleast a mil times
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doewoe · 11 months
anyways heres my Punchline spotify playlist
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#Staring At The Love Of Your life At Town Meetings Like
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I always find it so wonderfully interesting when people prefer IWTV S1 to S2 but, tbh, they're both great seasons of television.
When I saw S1 as it premiered, I consistently struggled with it. There were (and to this day are) parts of it that severely pissed me off. "A Vile Hunger..." (1x5) is still the episode I like to rewatch the least, for example. It took me watching S1 twice to totally love the show. And it's because, when I saw S1, I was holding onto the source material while I watched.
This was fucking stupid on my part, especially given I took a class on adaptation while at Uni and got the academic tools to discern what makes for a good adaptation in film terms (I've talked about other adaptations with people who are book readers first and they tend to view it way differently). Hell, I wrote a thesis on why Clueless is a great adaptation of Jane Austen's Emma regardless of the change of setting in both time and place.
But IWTV was way too personal to me, it went back to my childhood, so it was hard to let go. I did instantly love a lot of the changes. I love the time change and the change to Louis' race and background. I love that we saw more of Louis pre-vampirism and that show Louis has more complex reasons for his long term struggles whereas book Louis just seemed so whiny to me for no reason. On the other hand, I struggled with: why is it a second interview, why was Claudia SA-ed, why the DV, why is fucking Antoinette a canker sore that never leaves, why the fuck is Armand in Dubai, what the fuck is happening with this timeline? I couldn't let go and my viewing experience suffered for it.
When I sat down to watch a second time, I said, "Ok, do what you were taught and let the source go. Adaptations cannot be 1:1 due to the change in medium". And that's when things started clicking. I stopped viewing S1, and the show as a whole, as needing to use the books as a plot bible and viewed it as using them as a guidebook to function on TV terms and tell its own version of the story. It allowed me to appreciate the things I loved much more and to understand the ones I hadn't been so sure about and, even, love some of those things.
For S2, I went into it with that mentality already so I solely judged it on film/TV terms even though, having read books 1-4 and 6 and reading about the rest, I saw subtle things people with no knowledge of the source canon did not. Like when YT reactors consistently worried about Daniel being killed and I'm just filing my nails because, to those in the know, Daniel has massive plot armour. Or people being confused about Raglan James and I'm sat there like wtf does this trifling ass want? Nevertheless, I enjoyed the tale as it was told and what it was on solely TV terms.
Both season are great television but, to me, S2 just took it up a notch. Daniel Hart popped off extra hard. Carol Cutshall popped off extra hard in costuming (stg she played faves because why did Armand get more fashion slays than anyone else? ^_^). The sets went extra hard. The acting, which was already superb in S1 because this is a fucking excellent cast (Jacob, Sam, Eric, Bailey, and Delainey 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼), went harder as well because we have more players such as Ben Daniels doing the absolute MOST with Santiago, Roxane Duran being absolutely OUTSTANDING as the formidable Madeleine, and Assad Zaman stepping out from the background and giving a STUNNING performance as, to me, what's clearly the definitive Armand. To my taste, S2 is a lot less slow and I felt the pot boiling tension to the explosive ending build more keenly than in S1. And, again to my taste, the ending of S2 felt more satisfying because we have a sense of completion in Louis' journey rather than a, admittedly dope, cliffhanger. S2 has, arguably, the 3 best episodes of the show so far in "Don't Be Afraid..." (2x5) "I Could Not Prevent It" (2x7), and "And That's The End of It..." (2x8). For me, there's just no contest.
And yeah S2 isn't perfect either. The abrupt episode endings, for example, are a bit annoying---especially the end of 2x4. Yes, there's bits I would've changed a bit. (Though I will say, some book readers apparently wanted the show to include book Armand's Franken-experiments and I could very much do without it ever being included because it serves no narrative purpose other than to prolong Claudia's suffering. The show already goes hard to show Armand is a fucking asshole in other ways and it's gonna add to that in S3. We don't need that detail.) But, as a season of television, it just went the extra mile.
Still, I love that some people prefer S1. I love that they prefer S1 because it's more intimate or because it's more of a family season or because of the good Louis and Lestat moments or the good vampire family moments. Or maybe they love it for other reasons, it's all very personal.
I still think "In Throes of Increasing Wonder" is an outstanding pilot and it's one of my favourite episodes. Louis' confessional scene/the church scene is definitely one of the top moments of the show. Claudia's monologue at the end of "The Ruthless Pursuit of Blood..." still gives me goosebumps. Claudia stomping on Antoinette's fucking face and Daniel reading Louis to absolute FILTH at the end of "The Thing Lay Still" both make me clap and stomp like I'm at a concert or a sporting event.
Either way, S1 or S2, it's great TV and it deserves more love and recognition. I hope it gets it because it's truly deserving. Maybe we just need to hear our Brat Prince have his say for the uninitiated to awaken to it. S3 I have been seated since they made the call to release that teaser.
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hippolotamus · 4 months
last line tag
thanks for the tags @tizniz @shipperqueen6 @dangerpronebuddie @spotsandsocks @daffi-990 💞
from a Thing that is fighting me like crazy 🤨
A few pink and gold accessories, a new desert daisy to replace the one that was crushed during the move, and, like, some scented candles will help pull everything together.
np tagging @loveyouanyway @a-noble-dragon @fortheloveofbuddie @weewootruck @saybiwithme mi amor @bidisasterevankinard @theotherbuckley @stereopticons @diazsdimples @your-catfish-friend @thekristen999 @filet-o-feelings @wikiangela @steadfastsaturnsrings @jesuisici33 @elvensorceress @bucksbiawakening @hoodie-buck @indestructibleheart @monsterrae1 @lemonzestywrites @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @the-likesofus @thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @wildlife4life @bi-buckrights LOML @lizzie-bennetdarcy @rmd-writes @welcometololaland and anyone else who wants to 😘
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mynonclicheblog · 3 months
This is my magnum opus. Enjoy the trip to 2004 💜
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phant0m-ch3rry · 2 months
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from a few ch ago but idk i love ness n reo so reoness <3
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